EXPRESSIONS AND ASSIGNMENT CITS1001. Scope of this lecture Assignment statements Expressions 2.

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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Scope of this lecture• Assignment statements

• Expressions


Assignment Statements• Values are stored into fields (and other variables) using

assignment statements

price = cost * 1.1;

• The expression on the RHS is evaluated, and the result is stored in the variable on the LHS

• A variable stores a single value at a time• Any previous value is lost

• Statements in a sequence are performed one after another• Each statement uses the context provided by previous statements


Sequence and Assignment

int x, y, z;x = 10;y = 4;z = x + 2;x = y;z = x + 2;

x y z






time (execution order)

x y z

4 4 6final state

computer memory


• An expression is Java code that is evaluated to yield a value• Every expression has a type and a value

total = price + 10;

• Whenever a statement is executed, each expression is evaluated and replaced with its value

• The process of evaluating expressions and doing something with the resulting values is the fundamental process of computing



Evaluation of Expressions• A simple example

int x;x = 10 + 15;

• The first line creates a variable called x of type int• The second line evaluates the expression 10+15,

replaces it with its value (25), and assigns this value to x• Evaluation of an expression may take several steps and

require the cooperation of several objects

double y;y = b1.getBalance() * 0.01 + b2.getBalance() * 0.05;


Types of Expression• There are several types of expressions

• Literals and names• Method invocations • Object creations• Compound expressions built up with operators

• Arithmetic operators• Relational operators• Logical operators


Literals• Literals are values that are “hard wired” into the code23, 10009, ‘a’, -23.456, 10e-5, 100e2, true

• In Java, the types int and double are dominant• Any literal that does not use a decimal point is assumed

to be of type int, and any literal that uses a decimal point (or scientific notation) is assumed to be a double

• The Java compiler will complain if you try to assign a value to a “smaller” type

float f;

f = 23.5;


Casting (an aside)• If the programmer really wants to assign a double value to

a float variable, then the compiler can be prevented from complaining by using a cast

• The number is simply truncated to fit the new type

float f;f = (float) 23.5;

This says to the compiler “I know this looks dumb, but I know what I want; just treat this number as a float rather than a double”


Names• Names are the declared variables that are in scope;

the expression has the value and the type currently associated with that variable• the value in the shoebox, if it is a primitive type• the reference in the shoebox, if it is a reference type

• For example,

circle, price, total, mark, studentName, i


Method Invocations• The calling of a non-void method of some object

• The value of the expression is the returned value• The type of the expression is the return type of the method

• This method call is an expression (here b1 is an object in BankAccount)• b1.getBalance()• Its type is int, because the return type of the method is int• Its value is the current value of b1’s balance

• You can use such an expression anywhere that an int is allowed• But the compiler will complain if you violate this• Type checking is a valuable aid to debugging!


Object Creations• The construction of an object with new returns a reference

to the newly-created object, so this is also an expression

• The expression

new SimpleCanvas()

returns a reference to a SimpleCanvas object, so it can be used anywhere that such a reference is valid


Compound Expressions• A compound expression is obtained by combining one or

more simple expressions with an operator5 + 3

is a compound expression, obtained by combining the literals 5 and 3 with the operator +• The value of this expression is 8• The type of this expression is int


Classes of Operators• Java has a large number of operators• Arithmetic Operators

• Take numeric values and perform arithmetic on them, producing numeric answers

• Relational Operators• Take numeric (or other) values and make logical tests of equality,

inequality, etc, producing boolean answers• Logical Operators

• Take boolean values and combine them using the rules of logic, producing boolean answers

• Miscellaneous Operators • Other operators, acting on Strings, bit patterns, etc.


Arithmetic Operators• We will concentrate on the arithmetic operators first

Precedence Operator Operation Association


Unary plusUnary minus










Association• The association rules explain how to combine a sequence

of operators of the same precedence• Consider the expression

100 / 10 / 5

• The / operator associates left-to-right, so the value is the same as

(100 / 10) / 5

• If it associated right-to-left, it would be 100 / (10 / 5)• The association rules just follow normal mathematical

usage, so there are no surprises


• These behave (almost) as you would expect

• But what is 5 * 6 + 3 * 2 - 4 + 6 * 11 ?

Expression Value

23 + 53 76

13 * 5 65

30 / 5 6

2.37 * 2 4.74

12 - 15 -3

Arithmetic Operators


Precedence• The compiler uses the precedence and association rules

to determine the order of evaluation5 * 6 + 3 * 2 - 4 + 6 * 11

becomes(5 * 6) + (3 * 2) - 4 + (6 * 11)

because * has a higher precedence than + or -• The resulting expression is calculated left to right

(((30 + 6) - 4) + 66)

• The programmer can use parentheses if a different order is required


Watch your types!• Every expression has a type, which depends on the

operators involved and the types of the operands• In particular, the division operator / returns an int

if both of its operands are ints• So

• 7/5 yields 1• 12/4 yields 3, as do 13/4 and 14/4• 7.0/5 yields 1.4, as do 7/5.0 and 7.0/5.0, because the

expression is a floating point number• The integer is obtained by truncation

• 100/51 yields 1


Integer Division• Java’s integer division is always a fertile source of

difficult-to-trace bugsdouble d = 8 / 5;

• After this statement, the value of d is 1.0 and not 1.6!• Why?

• First the expression 8 / 5 is evaluated, and as both arguments are ints, the answer is truncated to an int

• Then the value 1 is assigned to the double variable, and hence d has the value 1.0

• This leads to some potentially confusing situations

2.0 / 3 * 6 is not equal to 2 / 3 * 6.0


The Remainder Operator• The operator % returns the remainder in a division with

two integer arguments

• An important Java idiom is the use of / and % together • If someone is 7000 days old, then how old are they?• 7000/365 years, plus 7000%365 days

Expression Value

10 % 3 1

12 % 4 0

13 % 7 % 4 2

13 % (7 % 4) 1

• Turn on the Code Pad by using the View menu and selecting Show Code Pad

The Code Pad

This is the Code Pad, which allows you to enter either expressions or statements and have them performed immediately


• Enter any expression in order to have it immediately evaluated

• Here we discover that 15 % 11 has the value 4 and the type int

• Notice that the Code Pad knows you want to evaluate an expression because it has no semicolon

Evaluate an Expression


Relational Operators• The six relational operators compare numeric values

and return a boolean

Operator Operation

a == b Is a equal to b?

a != b Is a different to b?

a > b Is a greater than b?

a < b Is a less than b?

a >= b Is a greater than or equal to b?

a <= b Is a less than or equal to b?


Use of the Relational Operators• Relational operators are crucial in allowing a program to

choose among different courses of action depending on the results of calculations

• They are often used to determine a program’s flow of control, using if statements (and others)• “if the balance is less than zero, then print out an overdraft


if (balance < 0) { // print out the overdraft statement}


• Boolean expressions can be combined into compound expressions using operators for NOT, AND, and OR

Operator Operation

a && b Are a and b both true?

a || b Is at least one of a and b true?

!a Is a false?

Logical Operators


Shortcut Evaluation• Java uses shortcut evaluation of the logical operators

• As soon as it knows the final answer it stops calculating

if (balance > 2000000 || accountName.equals(“Kerry Packer”)) {// send grovelling letter


• There are two relational tests, one on balance and the other on accountName, combined with an OR• If the first test returns true, then the entire expression will be true regardless of the second test

• Thus Java saves time by not even bothering to do the second test

• Similarly for b1 && b2• If b1 is false, no need to evaluate b2