Extending sentences with new technology vocab

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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ppt on new technology & extending sentences


Starter (use the infinitives from last lesson – complete on mini whiteboards)

1.I like to send emails. it’s cool.

2.I don’t like to participate on forums. it’s stupid.

3.Write a similar sentence for your partner, this time using I love or I hate. Swap books then mark each others.

Le présent, le passé composé et les opinions

LO: to be able to use our new infinitives from last lesson with

different tenses

Starter (use the infinitives from last lesson)

1.I like to send emails. it’s cool.

2.I don’t like to participate on forums. it’s stupid.

3.Write a similar sentence for your partner, this time using I love or I hate. Swap books then mark each others.

Rate yourself on your whiteboard with ATL 1-6

Revise and extend!!!

Show what we know!

Revise those infinitives and extend them with likes/ dislikes & opinions

To play games on line

I play games on line.

I like to play games on line

Je joue à des jeux en ligne

J’aime jouer à des jeux en ligne,

Jouer à des jeux en ligne

Because it’s great.parce que c’est génial.

To do some shopping

Because it’s interesting

I like to do some shopping

I do some shopping.

Faire des achats

J’aime faire des achats.

Je fais des achats

Parce que c’est intéressant

Because it’s rubbish

I don’t like to do research,

I do some research.

To do some research

Je n’aime pas faire des recherches,

Je fais des recherches.

Parce que c’est nul

Faire des recherches.

To watch videos.

Because it is funny.

I watch videos

I like to watch videos

Regarder des vidéos.

Je regarde des vidéos.

J’aime regarder des vidéos

Parce que c’est amusant

To download music

Télécharger la musique

Because it’s boring

I hate to download music

Also I cycledJe télécharge la musique

Je déteste télécharger la musique

Parce que c’est ennuyeux

Because it’s great (word starting with ch)

I like to send a text

I send a text

To send a text.Envoyer un texto.

J’envoie un texto

J’aime envoyer un texto

Parce que c’est chouette.

I go on Facebook.

To go on.

Because it’s really cool.

I love to go on Facebook

Parce que c’est hypercool

J’adore aller sur Facebook,

Je vais sur Facebook

Aller sur

To surf on the internet.

Because it’s fantastic

I surf on the Internet

I love to surf on the internet.

Surfer sur l’Internet

Je surfe sur l’Internet.

J’adore surfer sur l’Internet

Parce que c’est fantastique

YES! By including the past tense too

Here we have just been using the present tense, how can we improve this? (ref to your homework)

Mark the 3rd column of your partner’s homework using the following examples as guidance

I played games on line.J’ai joué à des jeux en ligne

I did some shopping.J’ai fait des achats

I did some researchJ’ai fait des recherches

I watched videosJ’ai regardé des vidéos.

I downloaded musicJ’ai téléchargé la musique

I sent a text messageJ’ai envoyé un texto.

I went on FacebookJe suis allé(e) sur Facebook)

I surfed on the InternetJ’ai surfé sur l’internet

YES! By talking about other people too (e.g. he /she)

Is it enough in our work just to use ‘je’ all the time? How can we improve this?

Let’s look at the past tense verbs sheet to see how this is done.

Il a joué à des jeux en ligne

Elle a fait des achats

Il a fait des recherches

Elle a regardé des vidéos.

Il a téléchargé la musique

Elle a envoyé un texto.

Il est allé(e) sur Facebook)

Elle a surfé sur l’internet

Time to practise! Show what we have learnt

Use your techno past tense sheet for support if needed

Travaillez avec un partenaire

1.Practise just with the past ‘il a/ il est’ sentence eg il a surfé sur l’internet

2.Extend it with ‘et c’était + opinion’ Eg il a surfé sur l’internet et c’était cool

3.Tough challenge: can you combine this with the present like this? E.g. il a surfé sur l’internet et c’était cool. Il aime surfer sur l’internet parce que c’est intéressant.

C’était + opinion = it was

1. Yesterday he surfed on the net and he went on Facebook. It was great because he loves going on FB.

2. Last week he sent a text message and then he downloaded (some) music. It was quite boring because he hates sending text messages.

3. 2 hours ago, she chatted with some friends and after, she did some shopping. It was very funny and she likes to do some shopping.

Useful time expressions:

hier (yesterday) puis (then) après ça (after that)

la semaine dernière (last week) Il y a deux heures (2 hours ago)

Can you write more past tense sentences, using nous and/ or ils? Perhaps use a different time expression too?

ALL of you can do this, with the aid of the past tense sheet.

MOST of you could attempt at least 1 sentence, with only a quick glance at the verb sheet.

SOME of you can do this without referring to the past tense sheet! Challenge yourself! Go for the super challenge at the end.

What I have learnt:

a. that we need to extend sentences with opinions to improve our mark

b. that we need to use more than just ‘je’ to improve our mark

c. that we need to use more than a single tense to improve our mark

d. that we can use ‘nous’ or ‘ils’ to further improve our mark

What I have learnt:

Rate your understanding of how to improve your work/ performance in lesson with ATL 1-6