Extinct and protected species of animals and plants in Poland

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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  • 1. Mammal species of the weasel family, formerly found in Europe. It hunts small mammals, amphibians, invertebrates and birds. European mink was eradicated in most parts of Europe, even before the introduction of the U.S., more and more efficient relatives. In Poland, the Polish Red Book of Animals (2001) has the status of a species to extinction in Polish.

2. Small rodent of squirrel living in areas of Central and Eastern Europe. In Poland, the gopher moregowanego considered a species of "disappeared or probably disappeared" and included strict species protection. Since 2005, in the Opole province, and since 2008 also in the Lower Silesia conducted reintroduction of the species. 3. A species of bird in the family bustards (Otididae), which is the only representative of the genus Otis. Male much larger and heavier than the female in breeding plumage has a top with a cross body rust, black striations. Head and neck gray, neck and volumes rust band. Bottom and sides are white. On the sides of the beak light gray tufts of feathers form a distinctive "mustache". Male wearing a robe resting and female does not have a "mustache", and only a light gray patch on the throat. There is also no rust color on the crop. The male is the ultimate garment for 3-4 years of age. Juvenile similar to female, but more grayish. 4. Land mammal species of predatory felines, the largest of the lynx (Lynx). It occurs in Europe and Asia. Besides domestic cat, lynx and wildcat are the only ones present in Poland, representatives of felines. Lynx is also one of the largest predators in Europe. He was described scientifically by Carolus Linnaeus in 1758 under the name Felis lynx. In Poland it is a rare and protected species. The study population of lynx in Poland is the Mammal Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Nature Conservation. 5. Genre medium-sized bird of the family Phasianidae. Roosters distinguishes the larger red skin growths on the eye, so-called. Rose - a piece of bare skin of red color covered with warts. They have a strong beak, small wings and short legs. Grouse moss associations are similar to grouse mountain, but some of the larger. 6. Species of lizard of the family of lizards appropriate (Lacertidae). The largest living lizard endowed limbs in Central Europe. The most common color of the male is green and richly speckled with black spots. Typical females are graygreen covered with irregular dark spots with bright lines along the back. Abdomen uniformly yellow or yellowgreen. 7. Species of migratory, anadromous fish of the sturgeon family (Acipenseridae). Spine is blue-gray or gray-green, covered with a row of 1013 clear charts bone, which in young individuals often narrow spikes. On the silver side is from 24 to 40 charts, over white belly 10-13. The snout is pointed, elongated. The mouth opening almost square, occupies almost two thirds the width of the mouth. Whiskers are devoid of appendages and circular in cross section. The first ray of chest fins is very thick. Sturgeon typically reaches a length of 1.5-2.5 m, record up to 4 m 300 kg weight. 8. Here are some examples of plants under protection in Poland 9. Species perennial plant belonging to the family Caryophyllaceae. It occurs only in the mountains - the Tatras and Babiej Mount. Plant rare. 10. Species of plants belonging to the family jaskrowatych. Is native to most of the Europe and Asia (Caucasus, Transcaucasia and eastern Siberia). In Poland, in the Lublin Upland and Malopolska, locally Lakeland Krajeski. 11. Also called swamp common, bagniakiem, wild rosemary, rosemary forest - species of plant in the heath family. According to more recent shots of taxonomic species was included in the genus Rhododendron. 12. Shrub species belonging to the family (Rosaceae Juss.). It occurs in the southern, eastern and central Europe and in Turkey and the Caucasus. Once common in Polish, now rare in the wild. It occurs in southern Poland, mainly on the Silesian Lowland, waist high places in the mountains in the floor of the foothills. Was grown in Europe already before the year 1500. 13. Thank you Thank you for for watching! watching!