Extraction of Essential Oil - Low Pressure

Post on 14-Apr-2018

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  • 7/27/2019 Extraction of Essential Oil - Low Pressure


    Best tool for the extraction of essential oil and hydrolat


    The electrical low-pressuresteam stillstill

    consumes 220V (options of 3000W, 5000W

    and 8000W) electricity to generate steam

    with heated pressure, and the steam is

    conveyed to the bottom of distillation still.

    The distillation stillstill adopts twolayers of steam for re-use and extraction

    of approximately 1.2 L per degree of

    electricity consumption.

    The coolant is made with 304# softsteel with the density absolutely free from

    the erosion of essential oil.

    This product has been insured against Product Liability at NTD 10 millions.


  • 7/27/2019 Extraction of Essential Oil - Low Pressure


    Cooling bucket

    Extraction outlet

    Energy conservation cover

    Level needle

    Pressure gauge

    Temperature meter

    Water inlet



    Pre-set sieve rack

    Steam inlet






    The coolant is in W shape embedded

    with 0.1 m/m resilient steel. The coolingspeed is similar to steel and aluminum.

    Illustration of cooling:

    1. Steam indicates

    insucient cooling.

    2.White smoke indicates

    burnt material.3. Normal air intake

    The coolant and stillrequire no clip andrubber, yet permanentseal withoutmalfuctioning isensured.

    Gas release valve(Water addition valve)

    Product bucket

    (Not provided)

    Soft water only

    Best tool for the extraction of essential oil and hydrolat


    Example 1 Dry Lemongrass32 kg of fresh Lemongrass (approximately 160 L

    in volume) under the sun over mid-day Weightreduced to 16 kg after exposure to sunlight (

    approximately 80 L in volume)

    Time ElectricalpowerElectricity

    consumption Remark

    150minutes 8000 w 17

    Extractant starts to fow

    Essential oil Hydrolat

    82 cc 20 L

    An average of 2.5 cc (essential oil) extracted per 1

    kg of raw material.

    Example 3 Fresh Tea tree14.5 kg of fresh branches and leaves from the

    Australian Lemongrass tea tree

    Time ElectricalpowerElectricity

    consumption Remark

    150minutes 8000 w 17

    Extractant starts to fow

    Essential oil Hydrolat

    160 cc 20 L

    An average of 11.1 cc (essential oil) extracted per 1

    kg of raw material.

    Example 2 Fresh Lemongrass16 kg of fresh Lemongrass (approximately 80 L in


    Time ElectricalpowerElectricity

    consumption Remark

    150minutes 8000 w 17

    Extractant starts to fow

    Essential oil Hydrolat

    71 cc 20 L

    An average of 4.4 cc (essential oil) extracted per 1

    kg of raw material.