EZPRO GST Program Upgrade Manual - Delloydsharepoint.erp.delloyd.com/public/SiteAssets/ITD FAQ...

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GST Program Upgrade Manual

Prepared by: Ezpro Solutions Sdn. Bhd. Page 1 of 31


1 GAF File Structure changes and Additional GST Codes ......................................................................... 3

1.1 GAF File Structure changes ........................................................................................................... 3

1.1.1 P-Section ............................................................................................................................... 3

1.1.2 S-Section................................................................................................................................ 5

1.1.3 L-Section ................................................................................................................................ 6

1.2 Additional Tax Code ...................................................................................................................... 7

1.2.1 List of recommended GST Tax for Purchase ......................................................................... 7

1.2.2 List of recommended GST Tax for Supply ............................................................................. 9

1.3 Mapping of GST Tax Codes with GST-03 Return ......................................................................... 11

1.3.1 Mapping of GST Tax Code for Purchase .............................................................................. 11

1.3.2 Mapping of GST Tax Code for Supply .................................................................................. 12

2 Changes in GST Program ..................................................................................................................... 13

2.1 “GST-03 Taxable” and “GST-03 Tax” column field in Tax Code setup ........................................ 13

2.2 “K1 Form Number” field in AP Invoice Posting ........................................................................... 14

2.3 “BRN” & “GST NO” custom form field in GL Journal Entry ......................................................... 15

2.4 “Retained Earning” field in Ledger code setup ........................................................................... 16

2.5 Add “GST No” custom form field and GAF shows Cash book Narration from SYSPRO Standard

Field 18

2.6 K2 Form for Exportation and area in Malaysia with 0 rate ......................................................... 20

3 GST Report .......................................................................................................................................... 23

3.1 Additional GST reports ................................................................................................................ 23

3.1.1 GST GL Journal Report ........................................................................................................ 23

3.1.2 GST AP Tax Invoice Listing-Capital Asset ............................................................................. 24

3.1.3 “GST Tap Return 03 New” & “Tap Return Yearly Summary New” report .......................... 24

3.2 Modification on existing GST report ........................................................................................... 24

3.2.1 GST AP Bad Debt Report ..................................................................................................... 24

3.2.2 GST AR Bad Debt Report ..................................................................................................... 25

3.2.3 GST Tap Return 03 .............................................................................................................. 26

3.2.4 GST Checklist report ............................................................................................................ 26

3.2.5 GST K1 Custom report ......................................................................................................... 27

4 GST Upgrade Guideline ....................................................................................................................... 27

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4.1 Create additional Custom form field and GST field and View .................................................... 27

4.2 GST Custom Field UI Layout Design ............................................................................................ 30

4.3 Import GST Report ...................................................................................................................... 30

4.4 Update VbScript .......................................................................................................................... 30

4.5 Import GST Program ................................................................................................................... 30

4.5.1 Import new GST Extraction custom pane ........................................................................... 30

4.5.2 Import GST K2 Form Number custom pane ........................................................................ 31

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1 GAF File Structure changes and Additional GST Codes

1.1 GAF File Structure changes There are changes in GAF file structure in P-Section, S-Section and L-Section.

1.1.1 P-Section

2 additional fields are added into GAF P-Section: Supplier GST Number and Posting Date.

Supplier GST Number

User requires entering Supplier GST Number in Supplier maintenance VAT registration number


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Posting Date

GL Posting Date is Date posting to General Ledger according to the reference guide. Hence all

Purchase tax code transaction GL Posting Date will be SYSPRO Transaction (Journal) Date.

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1.1.2 S-Section

2 additional fields are added into GAF S-Section: Customer GST No and Export Declaration Number.

Customer GST No

User requires entering Customer GST No in Customer maintenance Company tax registration

number field.

Export Declaration Number

All export invoices (ZRE) or supply of goods from Malaysia to Designated Area which are subjected

to 0 rated (ZDA) require to fill in this K2 Form number and appear in GAF.

Please refer to K2 Form for Exportation and area in Malaysia with 0 rate for details.

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1.1.3 L-Section

Additional field Account type is added into L-Section.

A flag “Y/N” need to set in Ledger Code maintenance to indicate which ledger code is Retained

Earning (RE) account.

Set to “Y” to indicate this specifically Ledger code is Retained Earning account type.

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1.2 Additional Tax Code

1.2.1 List of recommended GST Tax for Purchase

Note: Additional Tax Codes are highlighted in Red Box.

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Explanation on the Tax Code

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1.2.2 List of recommended GST Tax for Supply

Note: Additional Tax Codes are highlighted in Red Box.

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Explanation on the Tax Code

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1.3 Mapping of GST Tax Codes with GST-03 Return

1.3.1 Mapping of GST Tax Code for Purchase

Tax code’s Taxable Column and Tax column setting in SYSPRO:

No Tax Code GST-03 Taxable Column GST-03 Tax Column

1 TX 6a 6b

2 TX-CG 6a,16 6b

3 TX-ES 6a 6b

4 TX-IES 6a 6b

5 TX-RE 6a 6b

6 IM 6a 6b

7 IS 14

8 AJP 17 6b,17

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1.3.2 Mapping of GST Tax Code for Supply

Tax code’s Taxable Column and Tax column setting in SYSPRO:

No Tax Code GST-03 Taxable Column GST-03 Tax Column

1 SR 5a 5b

2 ZRL 10

3 ZDA/ZRE 11

4 DS 5a 5b

5 ES/IES 12

6 RS 13

7 AJS 18 5b,18

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2 Changes in GST Program

2.1 “GST-03 Taxable” and “GST-03 Tax” column field in Tax Code setup

Admin Tax Master

Caption Field Name Column Name Type Length


ZZZ004 Gst03TaxableColumn Alpha 20


ZZZ005 Gst03TaxColumn Alpha 20

Added 2 new Custom form fields with the above criteria.

Now user needs to define for existing Tax code, the column for Taxable and Tax amount that will

appear in NEW GST Tap Return 03 Report.

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GST-03 Taxable Column: User defines which column (of NEW GST Tap Return 03 Report) that the

Taxable amount (for the Tax code) will appear.

GST-03 Tax Column: User defines which column (of NEW GST Tap Return 03 Report) that the Tax

amount (for the Tax code) will appear.

For instance, Tax code “TX” GST-03 Taxable Column – when key in as 6a (please use comma “,” to

separate it if the Tax code will appear in multiple column), Taxable amount for TX tax code will

populate in Column 6a.

Same rule applies to GST-03 Tax Column.

Note: Please leave GST-03 Taxable and Tax Column field blank if the GST tax code is not required to

appear in GST Tap Return 03 report.

2.2 “K1 Form Number” field in AP Invoice Posting

AP Transactions

Caption Field Name Column Name Type Length


ZZZ005 K1FormNumber Alpha 50

Added K1 FORM NUMBER custom form field with the above criteria.

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Previously "Transaction reference (K1)” is SYSPRO standard field and use for input K1 number for

Import Purchase purpose. Now a custom form field “K1 FORM NUMBER” is created for user to enter

and separate from SYSPRO Transaction Reference standard field.

2.3 “BRN” & “GST NO” custom form field in GL Journal Entry

GL Journal

Caption Field Name Column Name Type Length

BRN ZZZ005 Brn Alpha 20

GST NO ZZZ006 GstNo Alpha 20

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Added “BRN” and “GST NO” custom form field in GL journal entry and will appear in GAF file.

2.4 “Retained Earning” field in Ledger code setup

Ledger Code

Caption Field Name Column Name Type Length Default Validation

RETAINED EARNING ZZZ002 RetainedEarning Alpha 1 N List

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Define which ledger code is “RETAINED EARNING” by set to “Y”.

Under GAF L section need to define PL, BS and RE account type. In SYSPRO Retained Earnings ledger

code is defined as “Capital” account type. Hence an additional flag is created to determine which

ledger code is “Retained Earning”.

You may refer to Ribbon bar Setup General Setup GL Integration General Ledger tab

GL control accounts section (as picture above) for Retained earning ledger code.

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2.5 Add “GST No” custom form field and GAF shows Cash book Narration from

SYSPRO Standard Field

Cash Book Add Transaction

Caption Field Name Column Name Type Length

GST NO ZZZ006 GstNo Alpha 20

GST No Custom form field

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GAF File Format


The Product Description in GAF (highlight in Red Box) by default shows “Cash Book Withdrawal” or

“Cash Book Deposit” depending on the Cash book Transaction Type.

This is due to SYSPRO tables (CshJnl and CshTaxDistrDet) in SYSPRO 7 was unable to perfectly link


In SYSPRO 7 Update 1 GAF

Now SYSPRO 7 Update 1 has enhanced the table linkage for CshJnl and CshTaxDistrDet . Hence

Product Description in GAF (highlight in Red Box) is able to display Narration of SYSPRO standard


Hence it is required to determine current SYSPRO version in GST configuration.

By default SYSPRO Version will default to “After SYSPRO 7 Update 1” option.

Hence if current SYSPRO version is SYSPRO 7(before Update 1), please set it to “Before SYSPRO 7

Update 1” option.

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2.6 K2 Form for Exportation and area in Malaysia with 0 rate

Go to Ribbon bar Administration Application Builder GST K2 Form.

Under GAF S section, Export invoice and supply goods from Malaysia to designated area (Pulau

Langkawi, Labuan & Pulau Tioman) which are subject to 0% rate, requires K2 Form Number to

appear in GAF.

A new screen is created to input Custom Form number for Export:

Period/Year by default is based on AR Period/Year.

Select ZDA or ZRE tax code and the Invoice summary for the Tax code will appear in the list view.

Key in K2 Form number in the K2 Form field (highlight in Red color) for the respective invoice.

Note: Please hit keyboard “Enter” or “Tab” once finish key in K2 form number to save it.

Export and Import function

Use this function for K2 form number batch update.

1) Select Period and Year, then Tax Code. A list of invoice corresponding to the Tax code will show.

2) Hit “Export” to export out the list of invoice.

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3) Save it to a location drive.

4) Open the excel file and update the K2 Form column (Column M).

Note: Please don’t remove or add any column among Red color columns.

5) Hit “Import” and select import file.

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6) Hit “Yes” to proceed.

7) Select Period/Year and Tax code “ZDA” to view the result.

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3 GST Report

3.1 Additional GST reports

3.1.1 GST GL Journal Report

User can print this report to see any GST transactions enter in GL Journal entry.

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3.1.2 GST AP Tax Invoice Listing-Capital Asset

AP transaction with Capital Asset “Y” or Tax Code TX-CG will show in this report. It can be local or

import purchase.

3.1.3 “GST Tap Return 03 New” & “Tap Return Yearly Summary New” report

There is no change in report format. However due to changing the way to define Taxable and Tax

amount to appear in Tap return 03 and Tap return summary report, we create a new SQL View to

generate these 2 reports.

New View for these 2 reports is C_View_GafTapReturnTransactionNew.

3.2 Modification on existing GST report

3.2.1 GST AP Bad Debt Report

In previous version, this table is redundant and not usable in report, hence it has been removed.

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Current table linkage after removed ApTaxCodeDistSum table and solved duplicate transaction

record showing in report.

Rewrite @Age formula field and get the correct Invoice age.

3.2.2 GST AR Bad Debt Report

Rewrote @Age formula field and get the correct Invoice age.

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3.2.3 GST Tap Return 03

Changed report orientation from Landscape to Portrait.

Enhanced the formula to return Start/End date accurately based on the GL period date.

3.2.4 GST Checklist report

Removed Group By and GST Code parameter filtering.

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3.2.5 GST K1 Custom report

K1 Form Number report field now is referring to “K1 Form Number” custom form field. Refer to “K1

Form Number” field in AP Invoice Posting for details.

4 GST Upgrade Guideline

4.1 Create additional Custom form field and GST field and View

1) Edit BCP Command

Before run this batch file, you need to edit the command.

File Location: 2-Create Table-View-Custom Field folder

i) Database – You need to modify to Live database

ii) Custom field text file location – Change the directory where the AdmFormControl.txt,

AdmFormList.txt and AdmFormValidation.txt files located.

iii) SQL Credential – sa and windows authentication

sa – Change the SQL name right after the Character S and Password right after Character P



You need to change all 3 lines for AdmFormControl, AdmFormList and AdmFormValidation.

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AdmFormControl.txt File

Base on above picture, 2 variables you need to know about it are Form Type and Sequence Number.

Query AdmFormControl table and you will see some records in database if there is any custom field in

your business environment.

Due to FormType and SequenceNumber are composite primary key, hence you need to amend the

sequence no from AdmFormControl.txt continue the sequence no in existing custom field.


Existing record in AdmFormControl table for existing custom field

FormType SequenceNumber FieldName



Modify AdmFormControl.txt sequence number start from 3 and continue.

FormType SequenceNumber FieldName






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2) Steps to create SYSPRO custom form field, GST Custom table, custom fields and View

Step 1

Run the 2.0_CreateGSTFields.sql under SQL Management Studio.

Go to SQL Management studio and click on New Query. After that, immediately change to the

respective Database from drop down box (referring to SysproCompanyS). Drag 2.0_CreateGSTFields.sql

SQL query on the blank area and SQL query will populate. Lastly, hit the SQL query by click on the

Execute button.

Step 2

Run the 1_AdmFormDataIn.bat file. Double click on this file and it will start execute it by inserting the

records from AdmFormControl.txt and AdmFormList.txt files into database. Once finish, press enter to

exit the dos screen.


If you have more than 1 companies/database, you need to repeat the step from Edit BCP Command to

Step 2 run the 1_AdmFormDataIn.bat file for the rest of companies/database.

Drag SQL at here.

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4.2 GST Custom Field UI Layout Design Additional custom form fields in Tax Code Maintenance, AP Invoice Posting and Ledger Code

Maintenance need to pull out.

Please refer to “GST-03 Taxable” and “GST-03 Tax” column field in Tax Code setup, “K1 Form Number”

field in AP Invoice Posting, “BRN” custom form field in GL Journal Entry and “Retained Earning” field in

Ledger code setup for screen layout.

4.3 Import GST Report Please import Additional GST reports and Modification on existing GST report into SYSPRO reporting


4.4 Update VbScript Update vbscript from GST Upgrade 5-Vbscript folder to respective folder. This is to fix Line right click

function and remain line tax code if it is different from Customer setup tax code. For details please refer

to GST Program Installation Manual 5) VBScript.

4.5 Import GST Program

4.5.1 Import new GST Extraction custom pane

There is latest GST Extraction custom pane that needs to be imported.

Delete the existing custom pane under UI Layout Design mode.

Logout and login to SYSPRO.

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Import latest GST Extraction custom pane from 3-GST Program folder.

4.5.2 Import GST K2 Form Number custom pane

Import GST K2 Form Number custom pane from 3-GST Program folder.

Hit “Import” to complete it.

Important Note:

Please ONLY COPY C_GstBadDebtControl.exe, C_GstBadDebtRecovery.exe and C_SysConfiguration.exe

into Sample folder.

GST Extraction program WILL ONLY COPY into Sample folder after User has completed latest GST

submission. For instance: Customer has been submitted MARCH GST submission during April month.