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- . HA~B GRAm;;, NEWFOUJil?¥.N':J?, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1883.

~ . \ . . . . • ,. I • . ~ Adverttsem~ts.


. ldScellaneous.


r:..tlf1ball- th ~n4iq SceD.M-Origill of \he FUo-The P%0-p.rieto.r Becomu a Ravizla lltaniaa..


bodie. found h&Yo been idro t:fied, i11clud , iug tbd of T. E•aulooa, a retirod captt.a.litt, of Albaa7, N. Y.

Tlll! SUllen.


eplen.\id lptciiDen or 101"1 alii, bout al Mr. ~mea A.oge1'1 eatablialuoent, aad ia one e beat e•er ooaatnacted hi thla towa.. e plate. are of doable.,_ &af.

En~liah T..alce Scenery, illaatnted with a CAriTAL-£2,00~060 Sterling. oorica o!Golored Plate& rrom 4rawiDp- 8 • .., Stock f uy .\. F. l.yd~o. • . QUEEN INSURANCE BUILJ:·ING, JW1t recei.Yed I the pr1D&a o

l'IItLWAUlCl!f!, J aa . 10.-Tba Kenes at tbo morgoe wbore th•ro are aow thirty-t wo bodiea Iring in a beep on the lloor or the 110all room, are b01artreodiug. • A atroug police force ia neceaaary to keep tho aoxioua enqulrerw iu lint . Nineteen b)(iiea ban beta ldutifiod. Ei&b~bodiea are beyond ident fie&Uoo. Mra. J obn Wlbert'a body baa been poaiti•ely ldeotl­td, \hough it waa bad IT charred end brui.led, aad aoguiab waa depicted ou Lhe reature• It ia Aid •he wu Mt. t;utt.oo, of Chicago, preyioua to marrylog Gilbert, who Ia mad­dened beyoud control. The Fire Depar~· meot called ror aaailtauce from the Soldlera' Howe, but Gen. Sharp rcfoaed to aeod the tteamtr, at which indignation ia great. Chicago aod lt&cioe relief ·~amera are oow ou tbo way, but t.he fire under coot.MI. Tbe Bremen mado auper umao elforta. ~lnen waiter iirla were brought aafely acrou tho rrail laddere atretcbcd o ... r tho alr~y from tbe aixth atory or the hotel to tho ro..•f or t bt adjoining bAnk building. 'rhe jumping cloth did little aer-rice. About a douo unfortunates attempted to jump but rebounded from tho telegrspb wire•, a per · !oct maa of which surrounded tbe t wo froota of tho bui ldiulf. 'fbe appeal& for aid were piteouw, but JltUo could be done. Shortly' before tho Now Hall tlooae alarul, pan of the Department were CAlled to a atDall fire three miles diaU\nt, and before tho Uepa.rtwcut waa in working order thu ho~l wall ooo blAting pilo. 'foro Thumb got tut at the froo' C!ntraoco. lli• wife was taken d own b.)' R fire eacapo. Sym· pathy And u sistatlco b.l.~ been teuderoJ by tbe Uoard of Tnde of ChiCAJ(O.

'l'bil nllu are eo~nu.tha~ it will be lm­polllible t.o begin tile eearob Cor UYeral days. Tho telegraph wires bl\ving proYCd a · acriona obalrncti.on t.o tho llrewoo, tho citiLena have pelitiooed tho 1\Uthoriliea to compel tbe compsniea to pu~ them uoder srouad.

Tll.ll PnoPRIETOR 00£$ :IIAO.

all tho t tme on tbe adYaal!e, hia -ming retreat lasr Jann:lry rrom omce only the flratatop in a DCW Cl\mpaigo ror noaetlling tb11 ~oo of all ~nropo. 'l'be Cb&q:~ber of Voputtea might rrowo at him, but onlr deatb could ltop hla brilliant aod won resouotliog career. \V e applaud hia elo· quonce, hi1 COUr&jle, hia patrioliamf' bit friondabip for America, hi.l aympathy with tnto principles all oYer the world. But Gombeti.J\ wM An When Premier he appolotod as Miui3~r or .W orahip l'aul Bert, aoot.hor a~holat, t.o look a!~r the aiTI\irl of tho Chorch of CbriaL. ooa who b.llie•ed in oeiLher Chri.t nor Chun:b nor JJible uor an~hlng elan aacred. GambettA'a patrioti•m t.oward Fr~nco cannot atone for hia a.thciam toward God. He noYer utt.ured mora thrilling worda than io hia lut mo­ment. Ilia dying worda roll liko a wintry aea over olnle.tiona-• I am I oat!' I t~ll you atbeiam i.a a bard thing t.o liYo by. All boo or for GawbcttA•a patriotiam and all bon or for hi• eloqueuce ; but alas for bw a tbciam! Poor e.xample both for Freocb ­mon ·and Atooricaoa I"

fcrdablre iron. aod I~ embodi• all tbe !Dod -t 1~11; lllld, -the ...,.. ... what aro known u GalloW&f ~ · "l11e bolle~ wolgha 16 loDI. aad llaa heeD &eeted np to " preaaare of 180 poc.oda per aquare loeb, but worlceaL60 poancJa. GN&tprei.le Ia due to Hr. Aog~l for hi.l worti'O&Dabip and akill in each a !toller.

The ne:n place Yialtod waa the Spinning Shed. It ia impoalhle t.o lrive the reader any al!equate Idea or the l ogeoio11.1 aud compliCAted machinery, which, moYiD.Jt· grut rapidity. counrta the hemp from a tan clod mus, just oat of batt , into ;. neat yuu, tben iaw a 1trand and fiually a rope. lt Ia a bewildering combination of lptodlca, abafbl, wbeola. bolta aad baada, ret'OIYiog, twi.lting an'd mo't'iug Ia tYeey po$.'0ible w-ay, wi&b the operatiyee, each baailytoodiog on aomo apeclal machine or part of a machine, and as you wallt aloDJf 1011 lee the rope in nri.oua atap of Ita 1rowth u it were.

[o •lisb PiclUreS, drawn wttb peu aad peu· 1 tiVERPOOL 1

NEW GOODS I ci1-Uy Rev. S. )lauiog, L.L.U., aad Huv. :). li. Greco. D.U. .

r icturca of Engliah L&Ddaca{l!-by BtrteU F<Mter, ~ngraved ~y fbe .Bro~here J)&IJ.iel, with picllllU Ul WOrd&, by fom



raylor. • "' U L on·T S.:ottiah Ll\ko ~nery. illuatn.ted ~itb a TWEnY-F~T ~,N A. REP " ..:rtca of Colored Plate. from drawtup- l'be Reporta anol Accounts tor t.lae uy A. F. Lyden, with deacripth-e no~ year 1878, preeented to the Shareholder~~ l>y T· A. C~O&I. • a~ Annual Meeting, on Tueec1Ay,~7th

l'i~turesque !'eotltu1d, 10 Lay ud £4eod, :->uug "'"' Story-by F . Watt, .M.A .• ~J May, 1879, d wh.i.:h Bemard HalliFAq., l{r,v A. l', M.A .• embelhehed wtth preeided, lhoweJ, in the Dividet>d and t' hron"tic Plata, and with Bonus at the rate qeLbor of 16 per <"cr HIU cn.:r:\•iup. cent. wall declared, £U,036 being car-

l'••turu,;quo ~:uropc. The British lele. ri&J. forward. ,. Jlb illuetn\tiooa on atecl and wood, by the mo~t cwioeot Artiat.e. FIRE BRANCH,

::;.4 t•1cturl.'4. dn\wu with pen l'nrl pencil- That Premiuru.~ Cor 1878, af\or lly J•m~s ~l..caulay, M. A .• !>1.0. d educting Re·in~~urance., amoun&etl tu

:;,. ,:._. l':ctu re&, drawn wi~b pen and pen- C-i5G,2H, being an increaao oi £5,391 cd - by lt~· · l. S. ~Ianning. LL.D., ill~- over the remium Income ur 1877; anJ t r...tct.l by ~l r. Whymper~od othora. £'>61 661 be' 55 16

.:;; ,, '" L- llcr< and Alpioo Poems-by the the Loaoe to ~ • • tng · per ~~ ~~ f r . .,r ea lttdely Hucrgal, with cent. on Prowlums ot Lbe Y ear. ' ~•"·~ l 'ot..1red llluatrAtio"" of Alpine IN THS LIFE DEPA.RTMKNT. .l-' tll• , v ~~~J tlowera, by tb• Haroueas .J d~ •·: \ 'om (;ramm. . . •

!'II< ;\la;:.UIIIU or Art, elegaotly l11uel.l"ateJ. \' •II. fur I ~ ~:!.

lla li · II OUI"'II with the Kinlt" and Quoenl or Ea.:l.u .. l, with l'"rtraita by W. li. H. 1\.illS.::tt o o .

lJou l.;!u•sote - byCenantu ; the tutorlittJ lov .J W . Clark, M. A., illuatrAteJ by l; ~,14 ,.< I) ore.

\' .. f~.:e •u th~ Suobesm-hy :\lr& Bnu.sey, ~ a ro .;~ ilh\atratiooa, chieBy after draw-'"~K, l>y Hoo. A. 1:. Uiog!>IW1. .

Suual11n~ )Dd 'Storm 10 the };.,ut, or C rtiiiCI to Cyprea and Couatantinople-by lllra. llr:u.&dy, with upw~rda or 100 illnatra­ti ooa. ~oiefty (rom dn.wingtl by lion. A . Y. lliu~~:ham.

)l ot tou·s l'ar..d* £A-t.. i1ltutrat.ed by Goa­L.W < !lore; edited with a Life a.od Netee, lof ll vbo,rt \' aughan , U 0 ~ .. :t , LAdy of t.he l..ake, with 1 !1'1 iliultta­

" ""' eugraved unoler t.he aupcrtu~od · enc~ of A V. S. Aotbony.

I be \.:bao.cing Year, l'oeml and l'icturcA u! l..ife anJ !llature. ,ltuotrat.ed by A. ll~• raud ; W. II . . r. Hoot : II. Ciiacomelli; 1'. ~ac.tuoid; W. S•UAII , &c. . &r.

.\ •••l<ur t\" urk , with'hic Supple­•o•n,.. J"nn\aiotng JleJJia:na. Skctchca, W orltio!l Urawioga aod ~ Wood eo­~r.uiogt in th~ text.

·t ,.c lnt.croat.iol'lal l'ortrait Gallery, ele·

Tha t l::i ow P olicies bad been isaued for £2:!::!,485 ; and tha t. tho Lifo Fund, l.ty tho .. d JiLions ml\do to iL WI tho rCA.ull ol tho y01.u·'s uperat iona now reproscoll! 67.!1 per cont. of tho entiro not Premiums racei \'00 uu u\'cry policy in force.

T ho surplus balance in the Fire Ac­count wall shown t.o be .£107.1i99, out ol which £:10,000 Wll.l "Prropril'.Wld to Susponae \ coount., raising that Account t.o .£ U O,OOO and making with tho .Re· serve Fund aull .S.l&noo carried forwanl .£:H. 000.

FUNDS. ...... £180,0.'16

110,(1()() l .fO,OCJ(J

14,036 300,819


Capital Paid op ... . .. . .. <ieoeral lleaervo Fund . .. l''ire ~ uoJ for uncaroed Premiume U.'\laueu earned forwuJ . . . . . . . .. l.tfe Accumull\tion Fuud .. . .\uouity 1-'unJ .............. .


S1MO-:-l DONOVAN , Genoral A¥eut for Nftd

S u B- A Ot:!ITS · A. T. DltYS llALF.

IIMborGI""&Cf" R. O'SllEEUA~ & Co.,

St. Pierre.

!.. f ilii( l'agea 10 many Aces. • Dec. 27, 1879. lfMltly i liU;~' ..,ted,

I uu l' •ctonr.l lit aeum of Sport anlt Ad\'en· - ------- --- - ---tm~. fonnioa Compe~tlium of ~at~ral Northern {botory witb a Jeacn puoo or t.h.e ~ano•~• CIOuntriu of the world and thelr tnhabl · Olyl&, over 100 Wood enprioga and a aenea ol Golored Platq.

T hAI New illuatrated Nat.oral lliat.ory by lte•. J . G. Wood. F . L. S., with deaigne by Wolf anrl F Speebt.


Assurance Company. FOR

FXR.El d3 ~:J:FEl

CA.PtTAir--£3,000,000 'stg. --

fi/JrAlwaya on band-a full •npply of MEDIClN.I!<S, DRUGS, TOILET ARTICLES, &c.

WPutioular att.tontion paid to PRE.. SORIPTIONS •

Wholeaale agent for J ohn~ton's Fluid beet

The (ollo•in~ are eome of t.ho principal items -

Eno'e Fruit Salt, Quinine Wino K:catin~• Ioeeot Powders TboiiiU'a ElecLtic Oil Bay Rum, Benzine,RiaingSun Blacklcad Nisey's Blacklcad, Chamuia Skins Bronze, Gold Leaf1 Brunswick Black Lear'• ~lutio lnd~& Rubber V .rniah fur Hurn~, BraSil P olish Clothes Brushes, Ifand Brushes ;s' ail do. Tooth do. Sbuing d o. BrciUit RclieveMI Cast.or pil por gallon, do. inoottlcs Court PlMtor, Cold Cream rMt Li \'Or Oil per pllon do. in b :>tt-lcs DrOSS: Combs, Fine Com he, Cannry Seed Concentrated Lye, Bottle Corks Cream ofTa rtar, Enetuoa GIJ corino ~'nrniturePolish,G inP,Gumarallic, H oney fnfanl.ll Fcoding llottlea, Bt'tlust Ghu1~C.!I Bonnet G lue, Kay's Coag ulino, Lum. Pt.'Cl Limo J uiee, Liqnoric<', Ahehino Oil MoeilagP, Nip11lef for F eeding &~t.-lee ~oatefoot Oil, Ued a nd Yelluw Ochres Dry Painl.ll-all abatlea, P ipe Clay Pull Boxea and Puffs , Pink R oot Pumice Stone, Sal. P tunella ialad Oil per rJloo, do. in oottletl i>tltao(Lemon,Sallpotre,Soi•Jiitz; Powder J nm Shellac, Snuff Bean•, Castile Soap rhompaon'a Mullow Soap . Brown \Vindaor do. Glycormo do. C.. rbonat.o or Sodll, w llS~iog Cryllt.ul 5pirita of Turpentine, S vsltlings Glue iponS""JI• Table Suit, Madtur·s Plllltt.ora \ lcock'a P orous Plaator, 'l'!trturic A cid Faenooo£ Lemon, Tooth Powder& Pusto Co piLl V arniah, Vinegar, Cope NUl ~~ract of T .ogwood, G t-ound do. ~dams' Indian&l vc, W at.aon'a Scboletlioo ~Int. Allon'a Hair .Reatoror :\yer'• C herTy Pectoral, Aycr's Saru~m.r· R&d -vay'a B e&Olvcnt, Britiab Oil l iUa

do. Ready Belief. C&cb oua Grown 'sDronchi.l.ITroches, Florida W Ille r Brown'• Ohlorodine, Ayer'l4 Hair Vigor, Children'aTeet.hing Ringt~,EIPeppcrwint Henry11 r,,Jcine-l M.agnOBia , . Ht.lloway'a Ointment., Holloway a Pill, Cockle'L Pilla, Hont'a do( Norton'• clo. Parson'11 do

ill uatra&ed. E ,.oetLI auJ Epi.aodea of Riat.ory, a book of daya and notable n eola, pro-F-IR~P RiThfiUMS. ... .............. !403,< 00 Ll Fi1 do ... . .. ... ...... . .. 167 .~ 00

~yer'a do M orrison'• do Radway'a do 'VilaJn'll do Jobnaon'• Anodyne Liim(Jlt do

flltely Uh1.U..ttd. , . (;urioaitiee or Literatore-br hue U~naeh :

t.uew Edil.ioa with Port.raite, Vieft ud _, 01-btr illuamt.iona.

Llft.J of wellington-by w. n. Maxwell. new edil.ioa, retiaed, ooodeaaed, a.od co~npleted with 11 Ulaatn.tiooe In per· maoea' p>-..ot.o~y, oameroaa wood .. priap ucf l1lu of tbe Ba~ of Waterloo.

Life of NapoleoD Boaaparte- by J. G. J...ock bart., DeW ecli tioL w1 &b 9 ill u.etnJ;iona i.D pe.nD&Deo.L pbolog"r&phy, aad nDmOf• ou wood ecp't'iDCL

C&.etl'a Ulaatftted Uoinrul m.tory-by Ell Oilier.

C-.l.l'alllO.U.ted ll'llltory of tbe Ra..o­T~iah War-by Ed Oilier. f

Cu¥U'e Ill~ Hi8tory o0i1' War be­:t: FnDD~ aod GeraW!f. 1See a 'a Eocyclopa!dia of Uoi•uallofor-

. a. S Yola. new edidoo, rel'iaed to &be ~ da&o, w:ltb Dtl!MTOU illQ.Itra.. tiOnaud ~· .

Beetoo'a DlctioD&rJ of Geoppby, a Una­•enal G~ar. Ultlldla&.d by mape. AaaieDt &Del Mod_. &Del Biblical, w:l&b $00 eap'liop ud ~tau, of oil.iee to.-ca &o., edit.ed b7B. O. Beet.ob, F.llO.S.

lNTEH.b.ST .... J' .................... lOl,OOC

D OFFICES: Lox 1 MOQTi&t.e Streot Aa M-3 Kjng Street.


(41111ranee\ffee~don Property to New. tou~t~Jland--at OurentKate• or Prv. oi11m. j

ProapeelueM.-Form• of Application (or Fire aud LiCe Innranee and alJ ot.her Infilrmallon can bo obtained at

the Office of ~ RD A. O. RA1nA

8~. J obe'l, .Apa~ f« Nld

Guardian FIRE & LIFE

.Assura.nce Comp'ny OF LONDON.

.EST ABLIS~D 1821.

SuascntnD CAI'ITAL ........ . £2,000,000 5\i. TOTAL l !IYUTl:D FUNDS UP-

Kcatings Cough Lozenges do Worm Tableta, Mo.1hng Liniment

Woodill's W orm L<nengee . McLean's Vermifuge-, 'Modicumentum Morehead's liagnot ic Plaster .... Poor man'• Frie nd, Both'11 Rat Poiaon Rollllia Salve, Spiri.t..,la.aka Sheritl&n'e Condition "Powder B..immel'a Llme Jolee and Glycerine A large ..orLment of Ri~mel 'e perfume Singletons Golden Eye Omtment wu.ona Gben:y Baleam, Violet Powder,

do Soothing Syrup Winalcnn do. Smoltin~~t T obacco, Pipe., P onlrnivcs P a (l8r EnvelopM Pens, "Pencils Writing and M.arking Inks Tobacco P o\tche.. Camel lhir Poncila Sealing Wax, Cigan .Lnillu D1ee In 6cl. paekapa

t4ROCERIES : Green Peas (canned), Sweet Com, O liv68 (bottled}, Cigars. Oisarettea Oorned Bee£-2 a.nd •lb. Beat Oround Cotr~, Sago

Johu Ant.iadel, proprietor of the Now l:lall BoiUC, ia a nntng maniac, runoio~r 1.1p and down tbt atreot crytllg. u Oh, my God, who sot tha t tiro !' '


William Cramer, of tbo Ew:ning Wiscon­rin waa aved by tba heroic olforta of Charlie Greasing, a &ntin.d p rinter. · Clerk Tice, wb'o b.&d a uar.-ow e-pe, &&)'I llO bo&rd­erl aad 90 employoea wore iu the hotel. So far b6 are u oaccouoteJ for. Hall, a fi reman, waa cruahed under a lareo hca•1 coruico, but waa quicklr got ten ollt trom tbo red bot plate of iron. aeriou.aly, though not fatally, hnrt. Tbo Morgue wu a bido­ou• eight. The two a10all biora were aoou filled witb bodie,, tightly packod, and tkoo the bodiea or girla, woweo aud men were laid promi.cuoualy ou tht atone flaga. Allen J obn.aon and wife were forced t.o ju~np from t b11 third Boor. ·roe l>laoket held to c.\tcb them was too we&k, 11od their backs wore injured t.erribly; botb died. Edward Pollock on being awakened, r."'thered hia clothe.\, awun~r f rom tbo balcony on &.Ito fourth floor to tbat benentb, and, with a dqt eo othera. by means of koottod bed. clothes, rc~Sebed tbo ground.

OllOEm :.P DACK.

CIIICAGO, Jan. 10.- Tho firo eos:inos aent from Chicago to a id tbo Milwaukee firo wbeu :t5 wil e<~ out were ordurod back,

TI1o hotel w-.3 built in 18:,7. The coat, ioclud.iug furuiabiog, being $27i ,­OOO.

0 AllttBBTT A..

A. P on P ortmit.

WBEHI: Till fill£ DEOAN. MtLWAUII:E&, Jau. 10.-Tbe fire atarted

apparently ou tho t hird floor of the doom­eJ bu.ildio.g, ou r tho aide en'tr~ooe on Miobipu auoet, eod befort tbo department got the ·atearue.r (airly iu poaitioo, th~ llamea eo .. toped Lbe whole aouth-eaat corner of tho buildiag, aad with light.oiog r1pidity wore carried t.o tbo nonher.o 11 in g. So mo blundering iodiYidual , aeeing the refloctiou on the aky, turned an alarm from box 81, corner J·::.St WAter and Di~iaioo streeta, cauaiog the loa or tho work of one steamer for teo minutu , ju5t when tbo t.lro w&S M it.e worat aod e• err wiodow io the hugo building lined wi~ abriek or uum~uity. A yut crowd bad s-thered, but few hmrl aolf­poaeeseioo and r eaoluboo enough to lend ~' holpinJ. band. Many li•et mi~;h t hue beoo 111\Yed it immedi11lo attemP.t.e at ay•terutic reacuo bad been made. fbe b11lla of the hotel were a aeone of tho wildes t confusion, aod moo, women and children rushed np and down through t.ho deoao auiiOC3tiog amoke, a•oldiua tho blinding llawea aud roarjog blue, and in their freotic efforts, rushing b7 the atAirwsya and wiodowa leadinr to Lbe fira e.c:apts and etombling borli .. Iring uocooaeioo.a. A ~~~~n atood oo the cornice or tbe fifth atory twt a'f miuoto• oo•darill~ t.o leap. Fiolll­ly, be ~o bewmtu:ed by tbe amolco ud tlld olr hla perch td Lbe caofus below The few who held it co.lld no' gi•e it the neceaaary reaiatauce, and tho body wu bet ­tered to alireleaa mus. All Lbo while hun­dreda of people were looktng oo 1 aud no ; body re-pooded t.o Lbe den a od.s or the offieera. Enrybodyaeemed apellbound by tbo terrible apcct.acle. Abo•e .. t a 111110 crouched upon a window lill, guing like ooo ableut - minded 10 tbe 'Jtry abyu, motion!-, but from timt t.o Lime aoodiog up a heartrending ahrielt. The llamu e n ­croached npao biro, tinged hil bair and llckad hi.l oigbt clothca. With a de1pair . lug look be tumbled baclt toto the fire. A'!,out 1\ doz;en tumped from the Micl ~·o atroet front. Each L .. p meant d eAtb or ahattered limbl, ud not 1- than four uu­fortoo.ate. at ooe limo lay upon tbe ioy &idewallt clad 'nlr lo their ui~b' clothes, tbo blood -and ltraiDI Olniug from their wouode, throogb which the boou protrud· ed. The ecence in the alley we.e' or tbt burolnr building were aiekooiog. Karly u 6 o'clock the bodiee of eeven unfortunate 11irla were atretched upon tbo ano•• wilb broken limbe, 1frlthiog w'llb agony, until duth ooded their eulreri1ga. Seven 1 bodica were cuL deep ia t.o by the tel~gl'l\l)b wirca. h ie feared tbe eetitnate or. lltty li•ea lott ia rar t.oo low, aod tbat fully doable tbaL a umber were barood or ~moth ·

The llon. George ~J. Towel, of Uo1tou, ruroiehea tbe rollowiug intercaling pen­portrait of Garobetta, whom bo know well aud gro1tly admirod. Mr. Towel. who hu beard all tho'great orawra or n1odero timoa, aucb as Henry C lay, Ruffi5 Choate, DMiel Webs ter, W. E. Gladuone, Wendelll'bil­lipa, R. C. Winthrop, and many otbera or Europ • aud elsowboro, prooooocee Gam· bct tn's orai.Ory tho most m&Roetie aud over ­wbolmiog which ho e,.or lilt~oed to. llo tbua deecribcs biw, u be knew him :-

Iu au editorial article entiJed. • Cbau~y aud Gambetta, • tho Jlerald uya :-• Few atnlo2er cltaucca bavo beoo eoen in modern politics w au that wbich couplet tho deal of General Cham:y with that or M. Gam­bot!&. For maoryeare oach. wu resrarded u the aupplemont nf the o ther. United in war, they wero t.o work harmoniously to­gotber io peace. They wero to co01tito~ the reacrvo or tho &public, each readr to iotorveno when t~e momeuL came. Gam·· belta with hit latell~ct., Cban&y wiLb bw aword. Within a woek tbey boLh llo dead. Thnt tho abadow of Cmarilm u lif~d from tbo ropublicaa parLy. lleneefortb it can pu1"111lo ita way uudiamaytd by vague feara of a dict.atorabip. I ta cbief coocero will be to obl3in ll atrong majority. N osrl)' all tbal Gambctt.a hat done '1\'ill ban to bo undone. llo aaMiltd t.ho coostitntiou acd tb ' Senate ; the or.o ruuat bo lltr"ftogthcn~d. tho otbor reiL~urcd. Ho waged bitter war on tho c!crjly ; t hey muat now be conciliat.­ed. llo 'li!'Ud to bay up tbo rnihYRJtl and •nako thetr ~en·aot.e public ollici&l& ; the ache :no moat bo 1\bandonod be foro tho fin­ancu are l•opcleaslr disordered. Ile broke up tho (;hl\mber loi.O ianumer!!.blo rrag­mon\8 ; they must be le.borioaely pieced to­cether. ll 0 led a following devoted' to hi., poreon ; thoy mWIL henceforth be de•oted to. tho &public. lf the Mioi.l~y of M. Vuclore and those which aucceod it c:aooot ropair the reate io their party, l''rauce will asaurcdly n:lapee iolo tho banda of a Kiug.

The machinery for manufaotaring rope~ is ao evidence of tbe wonderful ln•enti ... faon hlea of man ; aad though tbo prlnciplet 'pr•rope-makiog bao·e lo~ bleD ltno'lf!l, ye~ 1mpronmenta io \he detail.l of machinca are fcont.inllally belog made. The maohlDory in aae hero it of tbe moat .-ntud appro•ed type, and waa suppliad by Combe, Barber & Combe, of Beirut.

Ia order to form tho ltrongeet rope oat of a gino qoaotitr of matorlal, whether hemp or wire, the "fibres ebonld be laid parallel aloogaide ooe another and IIOCQred at we enda, eo that tbty may take any ton­aile atrain put upon tbem in tbe .d.irectlo11 of t beir length. 'fbe etreog Lb of aucb a ropt will be equal to the 1troogth of each fibre multiplied by the number ol fibrea iD the section. Now. as hemp 6brea aro acldom longer thAn four feet, the abo•o metbod of making a rope more tban four feoL io length i.s not applicable. In order to conoeaL the Bbrtll together aeourely and coutiuuoualr, tbey aho.tld be placed p11mllal t.o one &II•

o ther, with tho ood of one fibre OYflrl"pping tho end of t be next fibre, and friction by twisting ls produoed t.o prevont tbem slipping from ooo another. AI tho atreugtll of the llbrea is impaired wbon they uo twi1tod oat ef the direction of tho tonaile atralo, the amount of twiat fino e.bould be uo more tbaa Ia aumcieut "to proYent them alippinr and partin~t endnya. Ia twiatiug a bundle or parall~l flbree, thou 011 \he outer part are strained aod auatobed more than tho contra I ooea; aad the moro remote from tbo centro the groater the atraio. Therefore, In forming rope aod cordage it ia ueceuary to build it up gradoallr from aoull buodlca. When 6br01 are laid paral­lel alongside of oaoh otber they rorm a aliYer, aud a alinr when twi.lted ia callad a yarn. Yarua again when twla~d are cal led a atraod, aod atraod.a again are twill· ed into a rope, tho qo.alily of rope, of co•1rae, dopeodtng on the number or 1tta11da aad their arrtiDfOIOCDt. Ju tbe ptOCHS Of manufacture tht yaru ia t~Wod by amotion from right t.o lert, wbilo the t'lriat of a atrand ia in tho opposi~ dirootioo from tho 7aro1 oo!dpoeiog it, aod the twitt of a rope again is oppo5i~ to that of the atraod.a, aud tho aame u tbo yarns.

ered to death iD tbe bluing pJH. Had h

" I mllgioe a figure of ml'diuro height, but u n(!""inly, 1\Wkw~rd, heavy, eo me what obeae and looae-joig.ted ; tho limba ebort, lar.go aud far from firmly·koi t ; and bead joined to rounded ahou.ldera by a abort, thick neck. auggcative of a tendency to apoplexy ; tbo ahouldera not only round, but high and hea'y; the heAd lerger below tban abo•o, broad neAr tllo neck ~ad at tbo jawe, oar· row and ratbor ll~t at tbe t.ll{' ; in • eoeral.ioo, u tho phronologlata would toll aa, but areal 111 paMion, in oombativooc• ind ill laogoago i a floe, wtll-aet fortbud, bowenr, wido JUIL abo•e the eyes, and elightly a loping t.o tho bair ; a etill finer in· tellectual brow, the beat feature ooe of tb_$) cooott naoc.-thaL o~o being au ex·

_ceQSlia'gly well-cu~ 41preutn han~me, 1ii11-lippod mouth, bot half coacealed !le· oeath mouetacbo Rnd beard ; one eye ap· pareutly pcnnaneotly cloaed, tho otber amall, bleok, at uruu piercing aod wide­or.n, but uau~ly haU- cl01111d, Liko eye o a acar·aigflted 1oat• who brio~ hi• lida J.Ogethor better t.o tliacern aome object, or like 11 ahrewd penon who would lot you know, • by tho oxpreuion or hla ere.' tbat bo knows moro than be Lellt ; a latto• th iok,uo~neitive noae,bold and Jewi3h,wtth amllll ooetrila ; the a t tracti'e mouth ebadod by 11 heayy, jet black mouatache, which joioe oa eitb&r aide • beard alao moatly jet black, with a eligbt l ingo of irllY : lbe bair fi ne, atn.ight., once bl110k, but marly gray now juat wbere it ie amoothly brushed back rrom the templ011 over tho largo eare aad ralliug io e oune behind over we neolt ; the com­plexion af an unhealthy. billio11s buc or pale yellow; tho face iodol1ot in general ex­pruai.on, girinj: acarcolr the eligbte•t. hint of unusual at:iht7 of auyeort., and Lbe moYO· meut •louchy and carol eat, a ouchalant ud ofton heuy, u if tbe mau w~r• weary of oarryiog bia auperaboudanae or Oeab. Tbia mao, too, i• tYidcutlr uneaay a& being well­dr-d. lie is maoifeatly uncomforlablo io t he broad cloth and white nf'Cktie which tho etiquette of his high Offi! t baa fONCd upoa hhn. The broadcloth <loee not fit., t.he white neckUe ia clumail)' tied an 1 11 uaoally awry. lie eaonoL help an old .Bo·


(From IM E ocning !tftrtury.)

A fu daya ago I bad the opportunity of ptifyiog my curioaity llr a Yi.lit to tbe aceot~ of a newly created induatry whicb hu de•eloped in oar eommauity, namely tho St. Jobo"a Rope Worka. Walk­ing over tbe bill known by tho cb.aaic name of Dank, I reached Monday's Pond, aud then tnrniag t.o the norLb from the road aoon arri•od at mr dcatinattoo. Tile ex­terior • iew Of tho \V,orb ia quite aD im­posio~ one. Tb• "W1lk" Ia a loug low buildmg aboot 1230 feet iu length, ud SO in breadth. At ita euteru end are tbe apiooiog ebed, the eugioo bouae, the ojllce aud the store, &c. The apinniog abed it fino etructure, 200 fl'et by a 100, well lighted aod finiabed in tbe mott ap· proved maouor. Aa I approached, tbe noiao of tbo whirring maobiuery end tbe tall cbimoey •omltiog forth a thick black cloud of amoke, told me that t bo operetivea were busily ODfii~Od in 'heir occapatiooe, aud made mB ~htnk of the coatrut which tho ecene preaeoted at tho eamo dato last year. Tbeo ~~ "aa a dreary waato or aoow-drifta, while now an impnaiog array or subetaotial, neatly p:ato~tl buildiogs guo eYidooee of t bo 11lll$rl0 touob or mlln'e i,udoatry and akill, wbiah bad connrt.od a cheerltas pic · tore ioto a m iling ontJoj labour and coniOII· mDtl , ! 'be builders aud cootraotora wtro Mea"- Herder and Uallorao, and tbo work certainly does tbem .ary grea~ credit, tho whole beiag done in a mo5t subltaolial and workmauliko romnner ; and it alao 1pealta bighly for tlloir aktll and management tbat tltese hnmenso a~ructurea wore floiahed throughout in tho abort ~pate or B•o mootha. Some idea of the od ent of tbo baildioga and the labonr in•ol,.ed 1n erocLiog them, may be rormorl from tha faot that ooarly oae million root of lumber WOI'Il aaed in tbeir cooatractioo.

( T.., be Contitmtd.)

(From c.W 1ofm:ury.)


Central Diatrict.

From tbe Returns of tbe Police Coart, for tbe yCM 1&82, "o ban compiled the following summary of ot)r criminal alalia­tics:-

'fbe totAl number of prtaooerl confined io tho Lookup, lut year, was 952. or tbeae, 405 were impritooed ror being drunk, aod 197 for beinc drunk aod diaor­derly j SO that ciOS& 00 tW~·thirdJ Of tbo wboltl wero broU8ht to the Lockup throogl1 tbe exetaive uao of intoxicating drink. The number of peraon•lmpri&oned thepoli~o was 4.6-ac that the offence or in­terfering with tbe police in the diacharge o( their d uty Ia unfortunately Ycry coJUmou, IID<l calb forao•·ere measures of repr~ion, other­wile the guardians of tba peace would fluct themttelves aeriously oblltrqcted In tho exer­cise of tboir function&. A1111u1Laod iojnry to the peraoo are alao too prevalout, u 13 per­aoat were conBood for this claaa or olfeocee • Of tho 95~ olfentle~, 641 wel'il retldeou In St. J ohn's, l20 bolooged t.o outporu,.aud 191 were for4ilcnera of nriot.w uatlonalitles, 6-l being Eu~i&b, 31 IriJb, :28 Canadiaaa and 13 AmericatUI. Only I-I of t bose ooufioad were ju.-enilea under 16 ycara or~·

lt ia o11riollll to notice bow nea a iko Beet.oa'e DioU.oury of Natural ~~.

illaatratecl by apnrda of .00 eap-anaga rroiD drawi.ap bf,Welr, Wood, &o., &o,

LorD& J)OQD, ltO&b edl&Joo, a romaaoo . of .Ea:.llloor-by K. D. Blackmore, w1th illntl'&&iou bJ :y. Ataatl'ooc, W, Small W. ll. J . Uoot.. t • J

WAnDS 01'· ................... 2,760,000 " A!niU..U. lNCOlll'. UPWARDS Of 350,000 "

Arrowtoo\, Pearl Barley OmcUecH~konPeel,

oot been ror the thick cod of aoo• on. tbe roofa. maoy boildinga north of ~ho ~otel wo.P.Id b.ue been a maaa o( IIDOttldering ruina, aa the cloud of borniaa- aparlte • u carried io 'bat direction. In tbree-qu•n· era of ao lloar after the dileo.ary of the llre Ole building ., ... a total loea. Beoj. Va:a ~ll&tt· a 6remao, cratbed b7 a !:..llinat wall, il dead •. 'fhere Ia loud ,

bemiao habit of bla of hllngieg hlafat banda luii,J Ia bia trouaera• pockew, whither thor ar(<randorinJr, eYeD the moment re­qutrea an~titade of dignity."

TilE RIQ.,:T A!fD Till DARIC $101:.

Tbe Worka are CJ)ooecte.J with Ule Rail· way br a aidinsr from a point near tbe Pennywell Road croeaio(· Materiala and euppUea ~o thua be eaat ly bro:Jgbt to the ... ry door, and maoufacturc-d good• ouily con•eyed to the harbor ror abipment En­tering the Omce I found tbero Lhe courte· ous meoagiog di~tor, Mr. Jamee Monroe, who welcomod mo oordiallr. and when [ explrunod tho objeot of my vieit. be kindly accompanied me and ehowed uery del:llil of the mAataracture of ropoa wbich 1 aca abon~ t.o deecribe. • ~

hue bcon lhe onmbere con8ned .. yur, darinll tbl' last ten rea~ u the followioa: table showa :-

:r 0:\ta. No. or prio10Dei'L

The Hi.ltory of P.rotaatanttam-bylte't'. • A. Wylie, ltf.A., wjth uumerout llllla&n· tiona, oo..,~~t.e io S Vola.

Bible Aui • deecription of neTJ ~ t.ore menuo-l to tbe Serlpt,orea, rrom tbe Ape to tbe Coral-bf' RoY. J . G. Wood, M-~~ F.L.S.M, , with ~ neE• ~br w . F. lteJIJ.T. W. "Oocl • A. SGaiU.. .. p...s bJ u. Pe&IIOD. •

Parabt,,l of Oar Lord u4 S.rioar JIIGI Cbdet. wi1b p{cL6,.-b) JoiiD &. Jla1lia. B.A., .......,.. bJ 'tM ~ Dabiel

Tbe C...'lailcl'• Lll• of. Cbrlat, wi&b oriJiM1 • l~~J!!!.! JPL!"!~'"' OF ORlUST.

::::~·~~~r.;~AMD WOkDS OF

Tbe "00 ARDlA.N" belDif a firtwl .. Eogli.ah l.DallfiUiee Cnmpuy ·~en alhboee ad.Y&Dt&fel moat dealrable u lo•orera, m ., undoab..&ed 1t&bility, fa'fo~ble terms and promp'Paettlementa or alaima ror toea. .

·The aodenrirrued hariag bce.n apJ19iDted Ageat for Newfowullaod is prepared to • ~ aae PoUciu apiaw\ 10.. br Fire. .._ft

J£E81L WI.NT~ SL .Jobn'a.

JOSBPII QIJJ;)DBN, Bcb-A,.a& llr• Griae,

do. !_1mon do. do.: 0~ do; BotLled FroiLa • eW.."Marmali e,Oanncd>Oy•tera

· Cond..-l.llilk. Pte~erved ·Bed Pae~~~JYecl Mutt.oo, aoop and Bouilli PoUied Tonpe,~ott~clHamLPotted Beer Com 1\'lou, Pappec. -~ Cinnamon OaiTO'Iray Bead,· Olnea, Pioklee, &uoea Corrie Powder, Tbyme, Sese. &riiiiJ Majoram, Kaoe, Tabl• Vioepr,Nutmep <laJeoDe :fepper, ~No Katchee .N..._., Qelatine _aDd hiD&Ia• W~lallakiftiPo~,Prepared IJope aow .... •-...Pawu BuieJ. Bppe 0oooa I do. t• .io, Q w ..... ·Yoctc~'* )(ulari f;D Illicit*'


• TAU Olt DICKJlDI.t.Jt.Wr. i4 whioh tbe "Chier o( tbe Firo Oep:lrtmont cooeu~ aa ai Lbt police wbo were Breton the NQ tangi6lo ~uud,

ter1 for eoeh beh!lf. Mr. lilabt watChman .. w tbe e lit coald d o auythin' ~· elnator, banlllli oo

auiDber ot t.lie .~.~...- la &he bue~~

... ~tairot~P U.e elenlor &o all ~· .cftld n ta

J n bia w elt{,. tallt'at the UrooktJn:L'aber­oaele lut oirht Dr. Talmage de.-ot..d blm­aelf t.o aa appreciat.lon of the cba~"&Ctor or Oambetta. •Tbo llpe or 6re,• eaid be, • have aooled olf aud the e)'e of ftame ia alt.ingulabed, and Lbe aro1 oi eloqaenoe ·=b . ewayecl &bo repobllcau mu&el of F It l'ld aoroaa tle atllled b~art.. Gs Ua ia dead. Mooarebl'll! 11U oyer the world are d electat!ld aod ·freemen ate depruMd. Saddec euoriH anti audtloo c9llapM! W)at a re~olr to the eeatltnen~ thjtt America Ia the only country in '1\•nlob Lhoae or lowl.r blnb ma1 come to the top I There ie no obltaole lo early poverty or political hlndenntD' thAt cu hep tuch a oae u O..bctua blek pa wlllcluer &Ide of &be H& he ma7 bt.ppltl to ~ bora. Ooo •ao'iD &he fii!IC Ia mJabtertbaa fifty Ia the Wf'O.,. n woa,cltake a lo~ while to pro­._., tlle ~~bt ~ta aalf dMp 1badowt of llala man whO aow tlea lo at&~ waiting ror ~~DPeata, hallll W•IIIOITOW. Hie ·~ ODe. of\lla10oas wondetfal of all .,..ra-IIMa oii...-JM'"itt~ ID Praaoe • .rehubioa 4! .. r ap to lila Pl'tflli4rtblp. wblle P~ocb­._ of loa~ IIH of aiiGIItl')" .wod euto~ ucl ~- FI'Qti the banatatr ot a low eafa to the fl't...USea&ora&Orof &bena&loo, w}laa llluctD' I All lbe 'flf/ o~ ye.

The Office Ia in !be aeolh od or the eutern part or the Worka, a ia a apaci· oWl. comfortable aud well li~htod apar t­ment. l'roceedln.~r from iL we pauad through a large etore, in whieh wore a l:ltllO namblr of balea or nw bomp, aiul, &a. Tbie atore i.lto be u.aod for maoufliCtureJ ~ooda, while the raw m11lerlAI will bestow­ed away in' the baaemeut.. From tbit atore w-• iJ!)me ll>\tely p:u~M:J tbrpUJb .ll•• 111in· n~:r"shed to t he en~no room. lfllre I tAw a •cry fi nely bullla•ul p:.werfa l eng-in~, nne or tboae wbieb Hll witb d~li~h~ tbe aouJ of 11n eownetr, II., ba refi<!CU Wl t.lJ pri.l.i' on lhC hij¢h tltiree of perfectlou ~>•biab hit profts· aion bu now roaohttJ . .-'i'bill onvino waa built by c.,mbe, .O.rboor and Combe or Belfaa" and 11 a fine moo le i of a etetlonary eogice of th11 modern aud moet appmw~t~l ty~. Tb~ e)'linder is 'w.enty-two inahu lu diaiDttfr, and the etroh Ia lbree reet aix 1011bee. •th eo~lne II a eoadtsaalllf oao aad il capable of dueloplacr 180 horae .,Ower. 'the fly Wbeel il l6 fee& 8 laehea ala•etet, and rna• ali &.be nue of uatr re· •ol11tiOIU per tninatct, b11t l!lll' rna op aa bltb atlllghtriper miouto. The Vain Geat ilo( the wei -ltoown Corll• type. aacl worb ~atUelly, IDaltll'lf tha\ ollekiOJ aolee wb~b h p_,.diar &o Ia. 'l'be BOiler il a

187:1 .......................... 979 • 18i 4 ........ .... . .. . .. . ..... . .. 1(ij8 18711 ...... ..... ............... 068 • 1Ri6 . ......................... 871l 1877 ...... ............ .. ... . 998 11178 .............. - ........... 9&8 l iHll ........................... 1178 1880 .................. ......... 798 t 8fW ... ... ··~ ..... , ....... ... 91)! 188~ ............... ............ !>611

Ye~r& Cotomltttd to PenhenUary. J ... , .............. · ~- If>:? 11<7 1 ........................... 160 1 7~• ....... ..' ................. - 136 1 iu .... ..... ,. ............... 1:19 J ?7 ...... :.-: ................. l i),t J id ........................... 16 l lil7!1 ............................ I Gil lS.'iO ........... . ............. 1~5 Hl~l ....................... ..... !76 1118:.! ......................... 179

The nnrnber of <:uat.miuncnta pra.eout..d by I he (.;onala.bul .. ry fo r br~Rcb~~ ol tb~: LiN.·nae Act in 1~. ""' ~3; aud of theae ~ were ooao111ittet! t.o tho l'enitcntiary.

Tho totAl uawber of prollecntiona by the l'olice for·breachot~ 'or tho tuunidpal law&, wn :1{. or lbue 19 were for driving bo-· CArelrMly; 6 under tJao iuflaounnblo oila Ac t ; 2 for cruelly 10 anhnalaand ~for bu· in~t Ill''"~ d<>~a unlieeuacd.

Of thii7!J p~noua committed to the l'enitontiary their lt!lllencea vAried from 7 daya to S UIOOibl. accoroin~t. tO tho UlltUru o f the ol{omclrt N bile ,tbo )ll~Jority wera iu j"l bnt ou<'r, cher" Arc lt{11umber o f old a nd incorrl~ihle ,.tf,•ncl~ra .JJ~aro rt'I:UIIIr

. • j~• l birtl.. aud.Appnr to pA good. p r of cl••it tlcue ;, vritou. We ae~t a fow of thfl reoonla of tbi• olua of bo en~ at

Ooa oontemPQrary, tho T~a,­wllo baa won 11nch. uncu "ioua dist inc-­tion by his alertneM in fabricating OJ>JlOrtunilioa of throwin~t di.acredit on ovory ono who ho auppo!~, dot-~ not aillo with him in politiao--o..,lla on ua w ,·indicat~ tho action of the esteeau'd Judgo ot tho D illtric t Co•rt hero lor 8011t.oncing " load t.o a weok'a imprison· m11nt amJ.•iJt.-kukca of Lho l:ircb.roo for luH•ing ~tolco a piece o f pork from ono of tbo stores cf Me&sra. John Muon .It Co. Our cont.oonpor.1ry inai nutlt.el that " if that pit'tt of pork had been atoltm '' fron1 C~tpt.. John Strapp or aome other "worthy trador,'' tho punial.mon~ "'ould hnvo bean ligl.tcr. Such n cou~mptiblo inainuatia is '"orthy ol tho journal that l.Rs perdi(eolly attacked and t riod to cover with obloquy almost evory offici .. ! of 11ny 11oto in the country, from llis H on.>r tho Ad1uinutrnt.or downward ... Our contempol'ary furuishoa us with m" " Y illustrntionr (that no ouo can almt his IIJ'CII to) of tho woll·known truth that nooo aro 10 really to clmrge othol'll \fith iwprorer motivca u those w bo them~l1'08 cnnuot r ise au porior t.o


Wll l.,;uloui.\1 llottll : No. o timu , I jAil.

Antlrow Kutury ...... .... , ... u l\lu., .. ret C.:ulleo .......... ':-; . .lQ R o bert u .. ,~r ....... .. ....... :SO J ohn F10rrcll ................. 1-' Patrick Hurley ................ . K~tc K .. Ynuab ... ............... :'IG .P .. crirk T obin ............... ... IIi 111My Ann ~l ~tol'llh all .......... l~ :'IIAr!lal"llt '-'"!: ................ 6 J obu P ower ... ......... ....... tJ

The Bavft.!-tan B~r CA••.. tiJo liko. ErcryLody who knows J ndge - ~ -u Buni)Ctt ' will nckuowlodgo tbut the

P oLICE ('oc.;tJT, TueA<Iay, J an. S". question ns lo whom the article wu Sa:r.o£.0:sr 61. K'-.\ ltSLY 11cr.,u Jou • ._ Llso- stolen from did no~ enter into his calcu-

DIIIO. lutiona at 1111. U.,fo re tbeir,Won~hips J udgo rrowa~ aod Aa 'to tho punishment bl'ing severo or

J udll" Conroy. not, we way 11.11 that it ia nil very nico Tb$ d•fcndaot ia ch,.rged btro witb hRY· and line fo r our cunt.omrK>I'ftry to make

iug cowruittod a br6aeh of the :lad S<!cuon another biJ for chO;&)l popula r ity ami t o of the Licoo&e Act, t.y a•lliug Ua•ariao 1 a· b JJeer without a liconao. aavo n ~~~~ Ill t OliO ho di~lilces.. But

Uo tbe caao beio~r calltd thii'Vloroio~r, if ho would taku rains to 6nd out tile :'llr. llc~elly. Q_ C .• for the Jdc n<lant, aaid extent to wluch petty pilfering prenlils t h .. t hi• ll"::<< ohould not b,o bonrJ before in tins community, in . 't. .J'Ohn's , ""'' lila W or•hip .JuJ~tc l'ro;..Au. fo this tbo iu thll couutry geuomlly; if he would .lud11e "'Plied that be wwndod to bc11r it. aiJo,., hi~ tuinJ w riio .. hoi'O tho ,·itiatoJ tn cot'ljuuctio .. w1tb hia coll•a.;uo JuJ~:e ntmOIIpiJoro of potty apito, Conroy.

~lr. Mc:~eiiJ then rcaJ no affiJuit m~Jo ambition, and ~Urty apl~n, so n.s to fool by himlklf 111 which it was atnte<l amolll(lt nn interest in ~nd 11 conC1lrn for tho othrr th iu~a that lUi• procoodoul( waa IAkcu l;n'nt m nlt<'r, wht•thcr our youth, the IH ~he iu1tnuce o r l>.>n•d W. l', E~'h hope of the fu tnre of oar country, n•'U m· J . l' .. before wbum Jll r. l.iu<lberg is uow ~trC not to uc honest. nt.d GO<I fearing ; eumn~ooerl fur t he purpoto of t~liDI! tbo bo wouiJ use ltis pctl nn,) influcncu for qur• Uou u to wb.,tb.,r Uaurt.'\n llu.:r II au tbe umo J:OO.l ctul lUI 1\ cooRcicntinllll into.ucatilljf liquor wllltln the pro•unon• of . the J.icen•o Act.. Tloat thu •tuluncl"nt hM uu•sl.~tnlte llo~'ll tho powurs of ro.ltion, for mauy yuro beuu ''"l:~~:cJ 111 tbu • obllll t'l'll'tion, t•x pet·ioncc, ·liscrolion, anJ facture ao.l &a Ill of u~\'1\ruln lluor lfllltout C•l t r ecti on " 'ith Wlllc h N ut uro ;.nd his licente. l'tllltricll<lO or tntOrfc'renc ll rrom ~uuntn· ctui OI\' h int. \Ve hl\\' 0 often OX· Gncrnmcnt.. tl•e CuJOto•no. tho 1\.licll o r prcll3cJ the opinion, prii'Bt<'ly and othe r· olber con•tiLuted au1bonuca. a f;tct '"" will(', that 1.1 good dct~l of eo,·crity ~nowu to U. \V. l'rowa.,, Eaq Thai early 0 11 tbo purl o f those entrust.od wit!< 10 tbe yenr I I, cleponent ""-• cmvlo) ~J "" , c:oun1el for :L• dofcud""'· ,.1,11 h<ul hu~~rd tbo O\'OI'Stght of tbe n~orul wo:fllrt! ol tho that Juch:• l'row•e bA•I. frolln hll pfAc• ou ~'l''". 'md tl(' executiOn .:>f lt<w ?nd or· t hll llench, ~.tttr•·••.,•l au 0 1, 10iun thl\l lla· <lcr wtll pron• to l>o the t rnC!Il kmdi!UI!II :oar"o lleor wa•an antoxtc&tau~: lar1nor walla · ! w the community tuui oven to the otT,n· Ill tbo term• of th .. :ilmtutt. Tbl• ... ..., 31 a J c no t h01118cl\ ('~. t.imo) whcm thu dcfend•nl oon tcmpl:u u.l a 'N., do nut iutcuJ tn m~ke nny rofl\.'C• J3 rrer e XI.eti&IOII Ill hao MIJ bUilD~"-\ J'h"t l tiun O il the JO!II ~IIts. of the o fl'couJinP JaJ Joponeut.. on behalf or thu •ld~od3nt "P· '" phtJ by Iotter fC'}UOattu~ t~at R IUIII~Iuo• I - many gooJ. honesl I"'"'"'" II.&YO lua~ ani~tbt be taken "'(&tn•t the Jd~uJAut fo r •iaahoucst clnltlrcn ; but well wonlJ It tba pt:rJM>'IO of tt!lluog 1be q~ou•llou. auJ bu· I he fo r our cu•tntr! if uvo;ry ftHber woalll foro he wouiJ <'lull;arlt h,. C&Jolt:>t tu t he I ft>l' l lho SU('rt 'I'C imJIOi lRnco of boueaty COIIICmpiAt.eJ CXlcU•Iun , l'o thu IJa.n tel in his ChtiJrun ftS o)id thA~ o)t( yicmJ nf W ' Prow•" r~Jllae.t • urbally. t lu1t t hey 1 tlllnt who tau.,;ht a les..,on in duty to his :would con•~<lur tbo uultwr ; auJ on h• ll•l( ~on ( who ha,l t.ukc u Lotuo aOrnl' 1icce:., of tufor~ned lsk:r ou tlu>t tbu d,·fa:u.IAnt 1111oud. 1 1 1 1 d ,I f eJ to coullouuc:u lu~ o , ... r,.taoua of Oll<ln · WO<)I rum t to. "lnt r~ l'l'lllulltS o . o ~"'" · th" """' ll. W . l:'ruaw ob.~<~rvc<l, " "''"") bJ lmper,lllvcly onler tng .. , )h we wall ' "" al>out 11," an.J furlb.,r, h1111 to rctutn w ith it ituUmler,unJ \\110 "Itt b11o ICO on. llnu t lot 1bou • top l11m ." enforc..U hill order by fullowin;; him wtth fro1o whieb d•fonJcnt cooclud~d 1b!\t there :lmntltlting louuvicr thnn a birch. All "':"* no 1o1co t•u o ou tb~ p.ut uf the &utJ,,rl. p:u-entll mi,ght well imill\te if no~ l hll tuc · u.c• to1ut.ert.:ro wltb htm """ h11 bu8•nca•. tholll,yPt\he 8piritol thutdll'rnhut utltc LtJOn tina &llllr&OOO o.u.J bul tu( 1\ll outlay o r . ' a bout twelve cbou-.,nJ doll ., wa.c to l""nc pron•J, truly km<l o~d flltl:<'r. If t he ~llendion' or tho -..1,! b 11•incu. Tb"t j thuy tlul, tiJo 1101tcc ~o"t,'lt ti'I\IO s offico an ~•equ~nJ.l)' ~b• utd U . W. l'row..,, ,.11h. l wu~lal u£' ahuos~ " ~tnecure, aoJ the o"t boarto~:~Y uuleooo~ or coutL'lcl itl tJ•e b u"IIICBS of tho Country, both ~ nfrcct· mAtter. uaJ r~ok . t.o J~c1Je :li'at llavanan in.; .. upplillr aod ""I'JIIi,•d, wouiJ be u.,cr .,..,.. 1u1 XIO&Uol( ""d n'ttlun tho term" (ltltuhlubod on a moro emlut ing biLlli~ of tho :iLAtute . . 'l'he da:fcudo•!t '" prcpR~o<l And the morn! ancl IUAtcria.l pro!1pe 1·it~ tu cuntnJtc: t 1h1s po111Uoo. fhat tbe Ill· { . • • tereata of tbe JefeoJaot, iDYolved tn tho o tho people wouhl bu tu!inttcly cnbtiUC· ctlrcc•iou of thia cua. IU'C eo IAtl(e, tltAI it od. -would t.o impouiblo, io judtico to lum. to

· have thia C1of0 diapoard o l IYilbuut a chuaniQ al aoal1aia"iod without the collection of aacb teatimouy M lbo defendAnt can obtAin.

A poatpoooruent for a week , to euAblu the delooJaot 10 eotwr 1'!'00 hia ddoaco. wu theu ult:ed fo r.

1 Judl(o t'ro wac oba.:r•ed that tbero were

IU~ral atatoweuta iu tbll 11ffillult wh1ch ere oo1rue and tha~ be conaidt'rcd t\ lr ~ rily had (ort;otteo bia ~·itiun, by atat·

11 t.hat tb la wu a cue wb1cb aoouiJ not bo tri.d before bim. .

+Mr. Me~eily-( know my poait.ion juat •ell all you, if not bctoer. Jo~l' Prowae~it down air. Mr. Mc~oily-!'lo, I will ootait down. .Jodsro Prowae- lf r ou don'& »i t dowu [ ' II ord11r you OlU of t:ourt. Mr. McSelly- 1 1111 prepared to tato tbt

• e n~nt'oce of oppoaiusc r our order. J ud;;o t'ro•ae- J)o yo a reftUO t.o a it

d • u? r. McNeily- ~oar Worahlp may com­

wa d me to ailent uatyon ~noot order mo•i.... 1 am bere ~the Coun,.1 fp r lho defeodao' aoJ lla....,.oot yot tialibed Ulf1Uoo fUr ~tponomen~.

J u "'" Pro•••- [ ad rille rou to II• down ood a Wlltter ol eourte•y you otf1fht •" ' cotopl'y with tbe M'quen of tho lJeocb, partlcul"ri1 aa 1 hafo aomt reraarka to make.

Mr. Y o:-leily-Do I uader1taod c.bat my mvhou ia to liu nuheanl .

Jud~ta Pro•-So. we ate dMiroua of hearfnt &be ~~ opoo ita meriUI and of cl•· inlf tho d!lf.,oU.nt an cpportnuity of enter­lui( fullf upon bl• dafe ace.

Mr. Hc~eUy-Well tb~a oodor lbeee coot~de~-aullaa a IWiltor of polltene• 1'11 refilM. &o olltyanr coon· lbaotl ororllerfrota &be JJeueb In tha~ to·

·~ l . Wbeo.lfl. MoYtllyAt dowo, tlle Jodp ot.r-.d lhuhe-ld D?tall"" the allueioua whiola·bW bMo made t.ow•nk Ilia rl11iu to tr1 'tQ -· ,to 10 noootlced. That ao

laiDk cowd b. of•red t.o a Maata-& IMa to teU bile whhon' anl!ldtnt

"'-' .-.... ooe -a'bloh ho ouah' ..,.. t;uab obeenlllioolfrom a IDCU\·

4lt profteaioa """ "''7 oocalled for, • lie aot tolerate. It wu

wu pecuoiarlyln­tlf' p«nM>ttatly !tlth a

,. •• ctlllllllll& deprira ltlm of ' be

Our Cour::so of Loctvos. '

lv we ove r bad auy occnwion lo finn faul~ with tho Litcnarv ln.stitnt.o of lotto-which, by tho wr~y, we ue ploea­ed to obscn·~ is in a very flourishing condition Rqfrcscut- it wu •.hat duting l11to ycarsApocially it hod kept ifa good thing. y.t> much l O it.aclf, aud did not attempi 1111 it perb11ps ought to c~nto o. ll\lt.o f~ fiter~turo awl ,other cognate 1uh~eota jn tbe t'oromunity g6llerally. We are grad t o observe, howet-er, tba~ thill eeMOnl it bns projected a com110 of lt.-cturoe, and we t.ccd only direct lltten­tiou to tho ad ''flrtillowent in anotbor column to convin~ lho reader that a numb« of agree~blo and '-inalruoliYe i~ms huo thua been adJed to thl\ 01'\linary programme of a H arbor Oruee 11ntortalnmonl aeasoo. We trnal tlutt tbo lccturea, which we not ice aro wi&b one exception to oo ac· com..-nied wi~b aongs, readings, &oil eo forth, will be 110 well patrouiaod by tho t~ublio that a roliah fot practical, ulie· ful, and llllnd-elentinlJ knowledge wjll h6 more widely diffll*!li, and that Iuatiluto .,ill be furniabed with ' I'De11nll ~ ricufer it.:I 'RoOma wore attt'tlctivo to tho ci~iaeM. · Tho 6rn leotu~. it "ill be obaerved, ia by Ria Loroahip tho Biahop of Harbor Ora.oe, to whom we It no w the• Inat ilute and its nmuerous fdoods in tho commu~ nity reel d<!eply obligucl for ltia rearlineee in )lioueoting tbia Utlw de)llrt11ro of the Aaociation. --

• Tho Bu bo: Ch&ollJoot u4 Shoe ,....,._ \'{'aba~apn~ foreome time Jl&.IL

undertaking to gi•e tbe publio a ahoh •ltecripliOft ol \btl Boot and 8laoe .,ao~ tory which, uader thf' akilful maaap­'llt'Ut of tllf &II'Oflrietor, Jlr. J'rulr H. Atn~ld. hal for &Jr• 1M& foar 7ean ~ ,U..•oriltc "'~ 'eQOOQrqiq -~ - to ..arpl1,. tile loeal -~ IN ..... of &be .ur.r.& IWMie oi~Mt.Mr­....... .._

- .. -.., ... ~ol~

~HE . i




FKO)I me \\' tslii'An D -An l'IIHml'd f ri••nd at ll ur~:~o. writ inz nnrler date of Fri t.h y, futni~hc1 , tho following important i :~lll~ ()( Dtii'A :-

"The schoone r boa~ A. CJacrp man, Capt. EMou. of (;!ou~•·•ter :'11"4-'l. 11rn•cd here oo t h~ lith mot .. from llur.:e~ R11nk, with Ul&lUbOOUl urok~ll :lDJ m~io., ~dly lorn. :-.he 11 uu a h•liiJut trip ; bu t founrl none ou

·the la:tnkL l lcr eaptaan. bowenr. rcporl3 pi••UtJ of codfiob. No ""-Y• ho coulol have la.Je,l in" week with propu cwti.b t;CAr, n• he ne•er ""'"fish eo (>lenty . 'll•o bonk 11<1 t OO (~r ulf fur our IJo"lli :tt thlo ICUOD

uf t he Y<'llr . T he ec:buooer It ilfll iu port., the ~cl\ther beiug too rou;;h , t o attempt 1;uin~ ou t.

.. <'•tit., in Hichard T obin ' put In hl' ro tbia t\aOmllt%!1 tJtor t,a'f'\OJ: bceu d rl\·uo aaroa: t ho ( iu lf. Tlu· name of bu e.:huooor I bavo ou t hl'c u ahlc 10 ruoc~rtaou ; but she bdouga t t> llr .. lJ\>r J.,ku>J. Capt TuLiu reporta Lu ioz p:t. aeol throu;~h footy mold of ict", ""'I o111y j(O I in he~<' t.y the ·· ak in of his tu·t!• .. \\' ~•tla•r •·cry St'fcro; cold io-h •u ... ~:·-Tri':JtOitt, •

Tho A tb~n:t:nou 1.~.-t ore Sca""n wu " J••ocol 11\>Jt e • emn~ hy tl.e I lou. ~l r. ,I us· t ~.... Pm .. '"u\ w a~h 3 L ttrt ar., on ·· l"he ..,, .. . th ,.( I he F.ono•ire .. T he n KtDr'-• or t ac ,. ,t•)• ··t 1 n ·..,t•a tot c J n l!i .tu ra..Jie cbt:firul~ t lt!l iu tit"!\ltn ~ \\ ttb •t aufnn *thc or,ltuAr) .. h uut-. of " lt.>C't·at \.': t,u t t u··~ .. w · r•• "'~nally ov("rr,lnw ln• tbv lt.~Hih.'' i h·<"h otc.·r ~ •k•ltu"l nrno~\'O!f'U.t l 11 n. ''''.~ ~lbh· !'\It l cotnpre· h .·n .. ,,·r h ,,.,, '''n•'\" 'w t•· •r trAytu.l •• tht ;.:rHwt h (I( t t1 n t-.ntplrc • CrtHI\ &\-'\ tu fant"'y IU th ~~ r ..-n. •h' tttnt• .. • hun•l :,,.,\or but \.II IU ·

h · .. , •'11 1n t fa 41 (\\lh ;.,:ht 0 1 f &-•h', thr lut..,: h 111~ ' ''\fiOI\" , •ha.UU~I\ 1\lhl ( 11,.1V III't -.>I I H Cf"l'lll." I\"Q

C'IJIII ( l~'"' ' " in• n t~ unr •) ~ 11 d ft.J . rt· ft•rnn).: Lru•d)' n11J n '(';' ;, '" \ h.., h:tidln.; ~·l.;uat·tc"' l'fl•l tJ\'t•u t~ t" " lH•:- •• tb~ )•rt•n•ut.. i lA:.,:c of r-t ' lftt"lldtJtl" ,I,,,,.,,_HtiUC1.t of t' 111JlH"\! iR to bt" u ....... , .... ,1 'II,,· l"rtJ".:h .'""' o f conlnn~rcc, of nr · ... ~ 'h"lt f't• la h·lft'" suol th.• oth er etc . uH•nU nl rt•tfv~c t'lu W.t\A ~ • u.",.~,f c hrou~h ~

uut ~ ro <'n h~<~ L tbtt f" ' ' ' r tuor&a~tUii: iutort•8t. u f a ' •·n • h. r_., "\U•l' ""' llt:d, """ h • Int.•! •t ll h:u·e ••• ne I ~llh<• r tl"t tho..,· b , j ~:·uncI '"''"" tnotlr 1 ll •n, ,,r l, .td lrl\•i ~ hear lllcoli1•H .. •8 r f' ·

f h·,.l. ... I '" ': hr _ IHL't;••t l Ill t tH~ \( :t)' thur l ,!..r·! L•,•t T l r r ,. "'- r•· .... , r ' l rofcr~·~c~"

t 1 .:'\. \: -.\f•J'\0 !hut \\hh•fl t•lt l '-' oCh rn'' "'t>•l t•1fr•rt. J•t r1 H' II• ~rly tlt 't in w hi•·h l '".e .l •a•tco ,.1uJ "···•I Un ' ."""' ~u. l r• · ..: i,,. "',, t ~.!' cuJ .. VI y r .• r he I" IO.lfl~!~l •• I . ..... u ••'l l'!.t let·· t un: o ("•tp lt·· l llf',U l;t :LU hour :to. I :l J.At l.­

-"JI·I; J<foo, ~!l ----AI>ciTm K T"u 'lrrt •f :\ H t\'1: !'J.:IL I •. -

\r" h n··· 1u '• .: .. !\•·"~ ,, r· ·..,nls r...: nn· o tLvr Wn1 n.h1 u of t.hfs l•r•)l:;f• ,._., :u~J " pu~n ... w!.: h an~. ~ t •' ~.h)n iu t ,,£ ,l. • I :nJ,:Jtw~riug l>u c~tnc"" 1 tb • oooull y I I )H I :unr<l Du·

<" .. ~~'"'-'": ry t r• l'tt•'· .e l(• t•, •r l -310 unpor\a u t ro. pat,., to tho oy laoo1o·r of the •l <•llm~r ll'oif. 'rh~ "'U~t~TIIIt\'U 1 :11t :.! J-:h~ lt••~r Of .\J,, nt . \\' . t>llc•~ & ( . .'•1., ~l r . . lolou l.c:ohn~barn,

,doJ ' '"' hc•itnte to r~conomcn,J it>t hein~ . O•>ue 1....... Th~ ....... r&<' L t !IC wurk Wl\11

11,<:: ore4 ly ~l r. J~ •nes .\ut.:c:l . at the \ '1c· t oroa •:n;:ono & )I..,. Jcr work~. 11od he lou !lOW CCllll plrlc•l t: .. .! re• boron,.: ll( tho (, ,. p,~unru ~ I~ iachc• in diamctct) thr wr>rk b:w iug l.rtu u ecut ucl i.n " moll dllcoenl aut.l expeJ ioiona Lnllnner . A nc., P i.ton an•l lt<ld eomplt•tu for the Mrno C) hoder arc Qn" in pr<~cllll of >com1•lttooo. T bc on3Cbmo u~d iu boring "aa made by Mr. Aouel ami, we under~~taud, i t ia cnp:aiJlo o r bormz cJiin•t~"' of much lall!ur •ize. It

- o!Jorda 11.1 l be grea.tea~ pleut!ro to ootir e the a bo•·o &(bievt\'lent ~creditAble t.o ·Mr. Au~:el'e sk ill and rcaourco; aool CIO full of b opo for tbe pufonu.ueo in fnture o f ma­chine ••orlt involYiD~ elaborate details, in onr n~lil'e workahopc. In thia i~>atanco c~mplece eonlidtll!Cf'OOP be repo~ed in tho tl'uat.wonh1 o=tioo or IUCh j obcl j and we neeuaity of tenc{io~ t hem ou~ or the 04ootry t.o bo with ia ~omiog •ll'U and le11 e•ery day. l n tbe e ngioeering de · p&rUuoot Ttns Non ia we ll "op" 1.o ~bo noede o( dmea.-Jf~rcury.

.m•-.w··~i~~~~·~· :IN I , ,

l's1Stfi~rc~~: ·: TH£ t.die. or si "Pr.q_l~ Chll1'ft ioMI14 Vto bOld ~ Daaar U~ ~0 ·~1!Jt .tiM r tmrVot the portload or>· llqQ I ltlit 11 aobt on, tbe ChurCh Or;&~~. · f l,

OootTibudoni iri tbOOC! ·.or . rl'n•r ~· l lelis ~I ~thaniiCui iT recoiftd b7 IW

tfollowinr ladih :- .. 1 '• • ·• j • , • •

Mrt. T, R, ijenn~lt lira A'. cmt. I '

Mrs. 0, \y. !lOa ' MI-t A. Rll(liorford, ' Mrs. Mporo ~'"! SH~IInt, M"'- Bod#,k, Sr."' Mrs· tn Marthi, 1.1 .Mrs. Dadcoclor, Jr. ~rrs II. Cortia, . lf'\T I c . !\1 ..... n ('ndcraon. :\tra lla11!C, Sr. ,.. • ·ICJN v·~ - ' E. MJ: I~~· fiuqorala Mia Cblpll!&D,'

~f,i ~ r, • ...........-1

Mrs John lligttbl, Mn M. Alcock', dla4£b1J, Soburib'or ia tnow• tcllinr 1 • Mrt A. ticym" ur llia.oa Allao1

wcb 't~- 1 l'Oltlt ' Mrs. J.M. Noul . *sJ.'~ Ja11 20. • I ~ , - e. . . . . . , . .

hu~.t·£& per b~el. , ·p ··t·om . N: t' ,,, :0 . U : R : ~~ .. • ·.• .~~e ,o IC.e I • • , . .... c l

Jat· 27~ ·e«L ;~. 1: . I TUF. ~tAILS (or'thd nndenhealloocid Head. Oftlce - ' M~n~eal, Oan~q.a ... ·~~~:1

·D -' • € A < r'\ til !ofJj~·:,\~ ~o do~e~ at lhi4 o!fioc QO· Its t• C d A ill d '") t D ... .,.. • '~ (~f1o lil ,00: ' -~ ~: .· - : 1!;.1 . ForSL.John'A,


Bnyltobcrt .. and Tlrlgu•· ' ' ~l~ ~ an ' CCl en . ep~~·~9.;~, • 'ct•w..r.•~e ~.t..IM {,_ol'erland), 8.-&u1 ALUJ.-NO~DA~"S &Dd ; ., ,.~., 22S .. . ~ Qag. li J.{IDAYS. • • t • ·~ ," d ,;.,_ ' •

f·n • .,, W · BUTT For St. J ohn'• nod n .rigtu, per Lady Authorized Cnpitnl; .-:-.... . ........ ...... .......... $"1DO. ,v\40 • ·.,<1 n · Jad~li 1 ' • • Glo~ via Covn, at 8.4~ a,w. a u W£ 1J. 'Dc1posit<!dj'),!ilH .Rccci\·cr ~cnnJ'tll nt Ottawn... _ 11.2,0,.0.0 •. ,. ·~uit~~~r.~ ~~.!lll.~raco .,, >m ~ r IS' ESD~ YS. L 'T\ t , " . .t\\m.... I ~I [I . For ('~~rlJoncar, .North ShoM Qonccplioo Special D?poslt fqt• ife v cpnrtmcnt.... :'·c.,,. . u . .56~00 ,.. .

g nl'anilll I )fAll:i"-.~llt!ln.,Nl.... .r.ll~ll~ qrated Cha. ir Seats. 81\)' and South Shf rp jfrinily Uay-~ION- f ) ltlliiOOIIJIIh&WIN'l w_.,'tfl&•,ll'MHt • . , ~ D.\Y ' , WlW~t::::;D~YSIUid FlWJAYS, SIR H UGH ALLAX, PruiJrrat. .-it-:1\HY LYMAN, ~q·.; Y..X-Prdlclutt. "

A. ss\~~- ~ n~. ON. s ·buing Caoc·•••t Chain~ that nt3 p.m. • . GJ::U.\LU E. IIAHT, l::sCjl., G'clltral J1a'Nogcr .•

' 11 ~ .1-tr" ~J\tirc rc~eatiog can bne thom ro- Fclr Northll'ard ·-24th Jnnul\ry, 7tli Feb~ '-., • ., ··"xx ~o ~J ··' , ronry, and :!Ia~ F ebruary, 7Lh , t\lld !!lat ' B ono,.,..,. Doa.rd or Di'tecto~ !o r St. J olm'e, N .P . :

:....1• 1..:t ~"'* a.. ;,lk. ~ bo1to with o Pcrforat...,. :Seats in tbo ·-.r • '""' 'l • .. - ~ "'..... d ' od ... lllac:ch \:L.ncl ·lth anu l\hh April, IlL 3 r·m. II AaiOitOSJ' S l l "'. ~lll • • I J. UL·.., · .. IRO E ' -l":iii.~D~tt ·~.; .. ~· • ._~..,! .. _ ,-4lfi,. M

1 ~~ ~t;,;"... ,"ff, at m en,te e .... rger. For \\\ ••t wtm l r ia Sl. JolJu'aJ· cr <Aiu lnl OS. ~ ""'• ·' · " · """'""' u .\ ' ·r " UDRSn 1~ •• -,..,v-" ·~ '• A!)L.Wanl.illf'({ ~tcau""• St. Jo~,.·~. :O.'.F. Guaat ,.\lffdw•t • .

.:. ' } ~·utw~L~ . ,. '1'1 -ALSO ON UAlll>- Stt.'Qilltr - :!6tb J !louary, !hb :to :!Srd Fe b· t'UO~.CLLr'l', l:::sQ. (of Clift. Wood & (;o) I EDWIN niJof; Jt, ' ~:SQ. I

• ... ,....,...j .-~..;~· ''· I •A LAttG~ STOCK 01:' rut~ry, !hh 11nd :!Srd ~l:arcb, l.ilh April a t S.o!~ (J(Jicrnl .\lcrchantc. Gttttrnl .1/rrchant ·{r Slolp-Ot.rttn-, FeW.Jlla CU.Io .:Tul f'O[Jll(l .Ul Y:i UJot ,_""'""'1'oul4inr RusticFrlUnOs TI1o ~\a i l s from ·Europo aod Ame rica per )1~'11.:!. Glt r:F.~E & Jli,;:\TI :\1: , Snlidtoo. '

1 . .a:u ::moM lU ~~~~ ' ,.., •• ' N"tji.>llwllm;d t1111)' be upectcd to nr.ri1·u at TUOliAS 110\\'LE Y, Lllt..:.~ .• !relllnd, LK.Q.C.I'. Ireland, Jltdicul Ez~incr, -'!-l:.J J6 :s;~moov ..A ,; · ~ A. & E. f An.;,O:\:>. 11111 o ffice c. !tout t bo :lrd 11nd 17th 1-'c brunry. ·-------:------

.l...lJtellars"•".lnStrtU.W tb .. SrJ. li'rh onJ !Hel ~lnrch, aud will Le The cr·tr"zens ,. n· surance Co. - ·- -

1 • ~ tlc~pntchc• l inliDIO to r;o by htt return to I .. _ ~.T..J I ~ • lblif.-.x. l ' nrt icul.m of ... IJich willlJOjjiveu

ll.IJ~(Jft\SOm · ( IJ!J arJ<r,) bna by far tloc strons.:cat and most inOuenti~l Stock List in the D omioioo o r Can11tl..: ae A. T. DllY. 0 .\I. E, s..en by Wu (.;omrl:luy·~ l'roapoclu.t Sheet in the b. ud• of ita h eal agtol. '11Je Ufe De·-

~ • 1. ~ · l 'mt-.Vu•ttr. l p:\rlmcnl id lpccl~lly protcct.ld byiU'I-.\ct o f t bo Uomiuiou l'arliamcot, (Stc 3!), l ie., ft .. l.Q' 'I<t.£.>J{/IIIJ. ~~~irk_·u~Ai~. . ~A . . • • .... ~ • Harbor G m cc, Jan. 1!1, 1 '1. o ... p .• [>!); I 7G.) .vhcr~by tho entire <.:ilpitlllanu Aascl3 or d•o (;ompauy. arll ruapouai-"' T• ..... ' - - ul.: for cl:lim• (l~;liuu tbo Life Bmnch, tfiou.~;h l hu funda o r t ho Lifo UcpartmCill

T• ~~l£1'~: TY) )lij~~I$."~!\1. In J""" rf'

1-, ~QRrruQ~OE NOTICE. Bp.:d,.lly pro t.•c:t<:d nod cxcn•JIIcd ng11in~t nny othe r loucs or tho Coonpau~.

he Tot..J, sttn.:.noe a ~ t" t'u · ·~ " "l • '•Ve s:ret1Q ne Lifu l'oltcy lloldcra ca.tonot but s(c in Ibis n Sou reo of l ' udoubtcd t>tro~tgtb. ·at IJU D • l'roli\a nro d ivided every five y~1n

! ~ - I • M. A ·I L s I • ----- • Thir ty daye' smce ' nru allowed for tho P'ymcnL of.prcmiUJill., - •

S. Alle r 'l'tlrco .louual ,l't~.)'tllcnta hBt'<l bet:u made, l'olicics bc~'O&:QD.ADSOL'UTELY

tLL BE UF.SPA'l'CDEU TllEl W iulcr FEMALE ·WEAKNESSE 1:\DI!:.Pi.:TAOf.E · ' ·· • ' •• • ' · • :\~lht aa follow• :- · ' LOJ.NS Ul"l: be cfTcctcd· on' 'f.I.OLICI.~ nftcr three nnnlllll· prenrilllll. .

ro ll11;bor :\l~o Oiatriec., Dri<>os, P or t-de · " l\o hotter rcmd~)' iu Lhtl wholo m11tcr ia- .A. ;-..C:J:D"C''""'-TII!Y'I :J:NS'1r~ 4 '""'TO~ · G111V4, - Bli.Y Hobert.. Spaniards lh y, m~dic.1 lw yut bucn componn~cd for the "'!--' ~"h' ,.... '-" .... ......,.,....._.,. . . • ~· •

~0:\ lJA , lhrch 12-Tbo Reoi.n J .r· ~1. llarbo l\(ir..oe. and l>iauic:t o f Cuhopcar rolid,nod curo o r F uonalc Cotnpltlot~. or the 1\ccid~n~ l nsnnmce may aU.O Ito effeolcd iu t bc ClTI:lE~S l.NS!:JP.A:N~ ·u ' \M. · 2Qftrd.P.::AJ~~ frt~ 111111 .8&J·do·VPrda, ce,ch ~looday a od ordiu:uvkintl,tlollll \'Y.GE'ri!i: E. Il11ee~s P.\.'iY, on. 111,>plieatlon ~ tb. e Low Ag•nt. · · "' •· "

~lO~ DA1'7 Slarcfll!'G:..'tlle'1lh1:''C:.\'!rortr.' .1. ~Fri~y, ~~crlA1?d.:_ •• Tl bo G " to net !u ·theMJ c.~&ca "lth unwonted ct!r- '· '·

'Snbj~et -:' 1 ~··· ' • " f oqu~. uay ' 0 '11'' ""· •• r !"'~0 "0 t~oly and a .:\\lr fai ls t.o ~;lvll a u.: w nod Th'e Dlri'<'tl'lrt. th~r,-fore. lhrouc:h ita t; .. ucrlll M11na~r, h~by·.talc'o.. t iu'L oppor-

!otO~DA"Y . ~priHii..'lbe Kh .. N. IAli.DI!\L . dE~r 00 WediiH-o:hfS. 1l0~ &;, l~·bJ bcaltbful tone to till> luonnle Ngtoe, to rl'· t unity or 1ottlu:: fo rth \lou ela.im1 of U!o .. Cmze n Ju~urnucc C>mrarry'' 'to tbe J>e!>ple · ' 1 Subjfct J UW.....W...• '• · · , Glo~fr ••~.POrllllf.\l Co• c ( IJonld •co ouovu reiiiXccl d.:boli ty and uohc:lllt~y scc ro· of llar hor OrAee, wilho••l Rl\onlnJIIIdV1.'rtiacmcnt• o r other aupcrfiuo~ llllt!Jtl:qul'utly de -

. • .--.~. , 1 '' br1alft-ut'/.dl{lf Gklwr cro in~ Wodoel- 1 I I '~< ., 1 1 • 1 It 1 c • 1 c ·11 1 · If · · · l>oo,rs opon, a~J··I~·~&al 7. 1,nafr t6 b • I ifa.•r'a :\tall trill be fonrllrdtd ocotrlo\Od ) • l iODI, :aud resto re n oct\ lay \' lt;\)f lu C lUI· O'llfC llledq, llOif lit: lnn. lliJ on<p:m y 1'11 C:ulllltll'lll lt 'k· U~lOI_! j Ut ~netlt>l to AD IDtel ·

.1. l ll • 1 "i- ·• , • •· 1 l , , , ' r . u cuy. Out: o r 111.: wost com o6oo or these lij:eut )1\lblie; t he ohnr:\~tcr' lUid iutogrily of tuBn)' of t tl)'rolil'etfnHJ-..fnlf'~'Pl kuowu to t'"f"\c~ II; · t~ P.&•~ .1., •• 1 t•. • ld lleart'a Cooleot, eacb Monda)' 11DJ cumul"iutJa j,s LullcorTiore.l o r \\'hilcs,wbocb tb •o.: u~ltl olthialoNiity -

. o on oMonft - 10 C onta. ' · '1 'Wednisday ,. u 4 • , • Ti."A ~ ~ 1 • ..-'i~ li-01)..11".4r'f!qrf Fcb!11ary~!JSSln~ng, •l'o 'llntil!j tu~llna, Bonuis~aud King·a nro brou,~ht on either by tho prcacncc of ' . . A. T. DRYSM~ •. I l!oloc. pr ltead'"i! 'tf II t!~ lllf'row,thtrit · r,e,· ''<:!of.l.~ ' c~ery I Wetlneaday, pur Packet Scroluln iu tho •l'•t~m or by IIO IUC 1\!Jcction· Agt' l lf fi~, .. r ra,·'·or : .~•ce,~ AT •• F. flOU.-to :>D~ !f1li)t$!PM1<{~~' J ; :1 IJ "'!}~&~. Yla New l'erliean. (Sho uld icc ~-~~~~·l ';~~~·0~~01)•;:~1~~ n~~n~~~ndd~~~~~ Od.!?S.Sm. .a • -~' , ~ . , ~:; - " '

- I • ~ .;fJ · ~·;fl rzq A ·"· " [M'+'e!lt' 'the BOl\t oroealng. oorrtRpond- I hf • J . ;I . ... 'n .~..._ !·' p ,~ .. ·r-~ ·;, ,., 1 &,crrta


1·, o~o 'wifl ho forwarded wit.h ot..bor :\ortb- IJ~ina to thrcatco " ownu 11llh~ tum o 1 ~·

·00 ~1 • •. rr ·,. Q ! i! W 2 Lh J . \ cgctioc on bo cornro~nded \rJlbooL q tnh-• ~· .. ~ Jl.C:lr .. ,,..;' ·~' II til .., ,; ,., r ;. • 0"' • " 1• 00 ednt:eday, ~ anwvy, fic:~t.iou. 'l no sr~:>t pro.,.loocc of " tllhe ' ' ., • '·'

_ _____ ..;_c.._::...;c...;;.;.~ . .. ~...;-~~ 1t1lt{ '{la 2h February, 7'1 ·&11d :lhL d isorJcrsnou tht ir CllrO by v·~~etlulf,"iiiiA SIGN OF THE ltEDCCTION.I R~.QW .. IO.N''

···'A'c· il" '0\fff't•d,a;~· fU . . t ~It! 4th and 18 th April. I I ·'- l l II II II ...... ( • .1. . ·~ ·ra:'l"'f~f"R"Tbor, Bay Uulls. ·F erryland, • wp y ""own 1 oalt •e ~tr..l 11 Cl' lll t>g ..., .. _. .. __ 1...,.,, • • ., . .. J r

f. "n~li~·V'' and C3po !lAce, Friday l!od •nd r.:wnin• not yet to be dlacd':e~&U;·t>IIC•it,.l-~ t:">Q'lD EN LJ QN · For C!Jne MOII.~'k ~t~nly ' ' • .u- • 1 · -\ 7. .I < ~Ui 2n· lS :\1 cb re3dy known, nnd iii a fl\\'ontC'~'\th •AmeTl- U . • _ ~ ..

.•. I") t';. J.....h.....,uha, II •i. I • l t l'o'brnary, nd, 16th aud Oth • ar CAll ladie•. T oo Jon~ bas it b(ioo''t lib · c~~· " ' -1

'f,IIE UO~t:RtnEil h"s the f1111qwia.. ci d Ot!i' April . · L. 1 d til Tho 8 ulJ&Oribora iu waahin~r 1111 t boir J'ill· T ilE G£t'U1NE ' • ..•• ., ~ "0 " lktnti4 ani St. :M•rv'•, :16th Jannaroo, I om to prucnuu nn•asc~t ~~~ lin \ tuccr an $ J N G E R • A""'Otnn: • .., u•s ... ~Aiqck, Pi:- , .,_ ·-· d 2-l'b remedies in place of what 111 plciUUnt, afli- roos nt~d t'uoto.'oen~ wou.ld bu11 to cAll · ' •, ' ' t

'tdbl i6t'lf' '1..0tl~tttid B~• lldl~ n~~J~tl~ ~~~a.ry, lOth an . \ cru:iOUII\UU clotnp. Try Vc,;ctin~. oodf ~o thetr attcu~t:~&~oV~Aeu-RaeJ l[ccTtcdJ[S: §EWING. '' ~'' r"',' ~~~~ from ono quire t~y,n quir~1. id be ma.dc op !o r tranemi ion uo~ doubt ita PQ~<Gr to enrry you sa t 1 ..LI&.A\'C .1!i btndioga• anifi't o \'8f'l'll1Y·aad oo 61h Aod lOth 1'~1Jruary, through al.'IDgur and. di!IC:Iie. GRQCERJES wfl ~b'dn!J. c ·~s"'litMJ. ... ".... I 6... ·1 I'ott~ng ~ .. d ~tfJt ~ono~bijl:r,· hroYlll- 'Mnreh, 2nd nnu l "" Apn. A Splondid Mcdiclne. -Hon...~ ond Kid- Lockmnn Hlllld Mac:hine• : r

• n'o 1 -:m· ~ ......... 1·n ':t.: f . ,, 1 • .• a nd F erryland a lterane<ly, n· F -'- W-'--cu New Jlai.Uos off1talk, ~ew CurTIIIlt.a , ltickf-:>rd Knlnhr~ ltltil:~b.!D-ee t ou nu ~ ~~~~~·Placentia ltDd Sl. j\t w-·o al- ney J.aelliiO, em...., .,....... • " ~ 'I tl' 'F ' · d R ~ '""" ~r .., · ""'8. !>tow Ornn"ea, ~elY Al>plca E u rekn Olotb~ -~· , ~ e I 10 ~ to·ao 0 rOHo;v .... ...,.... Ban·o , S• '-wr.:oo• , St. GI~OO.>I'IU.t>, IL', J ol)' :.!;i, l o • " ... , _ "

d., n .._ •·IJit.V. r I I ~ ...,. v ... :Sew Omooe - Canadian A nntA u.rai.._...~ ,.. f./1. •..c rs. ' • • ' ·• '1' l-1•l:p;~"'o~~ll0\'1lm • aud St. J aoquoa, niter· II. ll. S t:n:u, llostou- Dear Sir : l "M ..._. S ub d 1- b b --,0 ·.l_!-".::', ..1.. ; .,_ • ... ~.!.•-

Po~\,, ·c. e·'P<Mf, .wa v· ...... U!:Arl~ 0 au '8 ~ rotm I octo ....... r ·-~·t &W~U.Ue! . Bbdldi','I'U nately; Harbor Oritain, Gaultoia and a.lllic ted " 111·1 lleart IUid Kid ooy •~eu~. Now l'ratoo~Yety ~ood. N~w :(;ltecso Best l\f:~chinc Oil, ~eedle1 nod Atll\c:h

Oreav.M"oi1. Uurgeo, La- and othe r l:'couale Wr~oeasca, 110'1 dooto r- :Stw Citron and Lemon J'ce la · rue uta for all S "iWJtlG ~OHINI!.~. nl , .l~~I.J1,~':!i.-.._, , . 1fl.,.·•_l,___ ~c,rreoil•tJtl8oiao JJianc ho, Cbanc•l. · .ed m1b ~~ev .. rnl pby~ci11n1 a.ol\ rucei"cd 0 0 . 1 • r e•luccd to bottom pn'Ot!ll! for ane -nlo utl r ""' ........ v ·t"'!!• 0 "'xmo- fit.b March au'-' l!od Ap- bene6~. until l triQd your Y"egctiue. aud ' only , • 1 1

·:~v~ .. ~~~k~~!,~ .... , .. ll George, l:ifty of hb.odl after l.,k:ing IWO llol\lu I Wal complc lcly New Bacon and Ha~s, .'J'k Surge; ,Marl T'act:m~·· ·. ct/rrl']xi#y, ~{~ola(d~~ --4dl Nolo F or N. W. Coast 10 and ba•e ~n n be:.lth)~WoiJV\n.uvcr · M: 1-'. SAil'!' :·J.or.:.-+,

tboq,co eo • Pietole t U:~y , ~iocc 1\llltougb ll\ln iu IJl)' ili\)'-~i;ctbyel\r. N t•r <.:nnnc!d Meats, Frnit.a In gresl nri~~ l(:! Water ' t-. ' t. J obo'o le aou q rar Sout h u St. Anthony. 1 do 't1eartily rccomroo~y i~ aa n 5plco111id l\ow l'lalll :~n'c! FI\DCf Ulsootit. · . • 1-; WIN(} MAOliL~ &S Rt::i'AlRtlB.

rrODI E'lowtr'll <AI• c; n~dicine to :.n afilu:wd as r bi\\'C lk·~n . And A l~r'gc n~orltnl.'ht of I ' :\o\·. G • • I • ,..... • ... . r d ·_~th March. ' _ _ rbleL'I the--dtly-tb"t";~fell iu~ny h:wdll. New Splc<~: Clo,·~ft, Cinnaroort, llbc:e, Nut- ,

~~~~~~i;.c:u~~!:~c;;~;!~ur-!:1 r1~~ M •tS_._) t_A_H IA uous~~- · · mcg'll, Pimento, ~~~o~ . ~c: ' ' · CARRJ~ES' •! For Gll Lndlos W ho Are Sufrcrora. ;£'Sr~"9'V' O.e>p~a~~:

~cr:.'NATt, 0 ., ~lnreb,2~~ 18?1. TaJlor'a, ~·ry), Epp'1, l!octoevptrthlo ADd WARREU- ..0 Wtfj:I'AIA...U Mn. Srt:vo.s.,-Dear ~ir: 1 hnN tntcn , &lnb1a. • • .11. 0 ,. GC rUfJllllto

IIV~'I'.l.l bou lu of :ro ur Y••11etluc !o r Fctonld • , , • • - t ~t. a.l wcakoeu. and In j u.stice to the mcdiclul', ~ow CofTceJ--gtccn and ar"O•\o~l. . , . All ki~Ad•ttY,~" r ~dto "IJ

0!:.d iu" wL<J aruJeuffcre"' f~o,m •ucb :"cw Cr~al.'r~!ll'• .• l~apa, ~qd ·~t'h~s 1n ooo _... ...._ .,....... ~ul.rr",~g;;·· . l.a.6... ..:=:

ooroplaiot~~. 1 !\"ill rcooononen«J tloo \ eg-'Unl}. nud l .. o lb. h~ ntl~ Uo~ks;. • • -..~ ~-=== 1 mua~ 80lY iL lll\.1 bclp~u mu ve ry ruucll; W i th a larr• a.aorlmnl,o£1 • . mlldc -tcH:tnie..._- _,..Med;-llld~edilo~iuvalunola (or ~ueh c<lmplalnta. G , IG ,, .1\ , ,,~ . . .... ,

I lU.I't~ J:; •• )lJWr:OrrU,l~ P.~~rn 1\VU. r enera. roc·e.rJ es tt i.e Whnlia Ncodcd- F eiUAlo Wcaknou · ~ ., . 1 ·r

nt5 Mot:;t.'>, Ja., &pt. G. 18 78. ~u4lly ktpt by Ull tuul ~ahrll:y$ in atock. ll · !{. Sn.v&~>'ll, llcuton-U• ar . ' ir:, F'ot" \vo would call e•pecial ~UenhJn '.lo our

ltmg tune I ha,·e be on trou~l e? wuh f ~UJnlo Slock o( \\'eal:.ntu a.ud • woak , 11nkonu r,,.hn" at the :>toon~ch, aod tbrouJo:h tho adJiee of 1 fritod { tried 'l'Oilr \' Cjlotlnc. anu find it jo181 What i& needed. J a.\ II ~OOIDIUOUd i\ to 111! aufferlnl! Croon U!uo 04mple.iot.t.

Your~~. ret~pccuully. Mcs. ANN.\H£ Ll,A J l.\ll \\' OOD,

51~ · Fovnh il. "bioh lll'O UOUaUftlly !l'Ood ~his 80&1100 l\Ud lit • nry lo•• p rice&

l,)ur bpxcs of T en 11ro juat tbo tbiug· for fao.piliv"

GOO;D "t:;.J pH~AP.

OD _ .._,.._ -Second-HaM Carriages

\ I "





W • dare nc>t wlall U... I ,,,.. 1ber. II ._,, &D4 boh a w•rrln~t roua<l 0t boY•r-oD<Ii~IJ cao:eo tlul b OW UU bu1U1d,

U..t U... "" lboir llacL

N...! •• eo .. la.h -"'· Thai • • o•wl.t ata...J t-IJe tbt opeo I""' ()I e 1.&r "'*' h·1•n•la In ~\ll ••..,.P• aln1 cnYe

Tu wako "'•"' lrvUl lbelr J.r...,. 1

Ia liro 110 ••r:r J•r, Sn ricu11JIII.."wl whb a r,olden """""• 'J' ha& ••• •~hJ luoging l _upr un •b• IICODI,

A"d w&ob it oV.r .... r 1 I

.Jo tb...., lor bumaa era 1 Nu lail'<r l..nd lbao tlua Jomai~ of oara, Nv ........ r '"'11lc: or UM\re f~r~uwere, ~ .. l&.ud ut l~ar.Jiee l ...

I a myol•r1 •• hofoe : ""~• ~~~~ h•' '"' 11J• lull,...+. M .t.rt, Vur \J.vul(ltiA aro U.t CV~U•Icu • bu.b"'

~ loart · • 11o bUuJird"-«"'f"· \ -·· ••d 110 •• !ln.1J clup __ 'J•bo 1111 .. <r ... ...,. wo 11 ... leora .. f"to.Jowo, Ro•h•r llu o It Ill> llut wo koow u.x ul,

lit! lar boJ.-1 0\W .TMf'•

0 .,,,,er1 ootol•ed -Sl..,th-•or bu.,,.u , .. ..n.nce rtoch a b~i¥bt 'J'o •IOU"Iy •oe l•y •h•&. d.crH ut tl&;ht

(.iU(f a ifrul,•• ar• •-,ol•.J 1

Don't Crowd.

1\nn"t f'f'f\"'tl ! ltti • worltl It IJroaJ eoougb F or yuu u w,.u •• m • ,

Tt•• dt;..rtll of a rt • re •'tK'n wiolc ­'J'Lo n ahu .,r 11tn u.,; kt i" t•-

Of all i!'llt1lt'"• .. a-a yuu " r'"' 1 tgL.t To <'b._ .. .,... th .. l .... t ~ uu r ... ,

} 1ru• ided th.t t'••U .1,, nu l t n •

'J'v ct"t• d ~cu. u thr r IU~h.

~·hat nuUer. lhou~h 1 •·11 lf",urt~ np--cvuot \"our J••lea •"'' .::uhl .. u " 'f"

\\"1,11• ho cau b.. nil,. • trh·,.. h1 L,, • .,.p ( taunt f'atuihn tn) Ul 1,,. J, ... , 1

I of ebildru whose f- betrayed Ule fear ol u loevi&able dip; gTODpl ol boye witb ~w­elt fluor round their abowden, all wer. biUJ OD IU&Dd. I 'The prloctpalttreet., !Oidiof ~ Ule '-ell wu lib•* ali" ~ tho bllJio- of boor, ud wu 611od with nrlon1 groupe pu~lnr ~ &nd from tho eu, ali!D hirb apirlt.l, u became tb.em of tucll a moralor aud In aaeb a place. Some of tho bathiog. wom11n, dripptniC all our wi\b aah tpray­amphibioue cru.tu~1. that rewlnded one of "ICIJ menDalde-had nntured tbut far frorn what aeemed lheir natural element~ eo licit cottoru ( !arU, lo"'lod with barrel• of aea-wator, (N route for ttiro"o .. Batl11, went by, apluhiug their briny cooteota u they ~d ; young ladiet iu 'lltgli!lf coa­tumea, wtth etilf dripping locke ou their aboulderw. huteued horne to perform toilota .,htch it wu foadly hoped would make aad huoc an malo bearta oro the day wu dooe; a knot of eccluiMtical atudenta (a eectiou of huntlluity with wbict. the place abounde), in eloucbed bata aod ettita of ebioiag 111-8tling black clot.b, eaua~rod with lounclnlr gait to"! t he •· Swrm Wall ;" half a oloteo d ey•, roatly aarldlc<l, wl\itc<l for hire, to ure<f m<r1\nwhile by l'lfi\TIOI Of llica, which All the elforta of tbcir ttil• ""' ' oar• were unable to keep at bay ; a few 1ne<.lltd 1tudcu111, rather aeody of u­pect, et.uo•l at the door or Fry• llol<ll ; a .,oruan with a bukct of l;inacr-beer, akea oUJd AI'IJIII. which, by tb• way of imparting an appearance o f freabne11 to, tbo occaaion· ally rublled io tho coroer of ber aproa, that h:ld prc•inualy wiped her face. iovited the oubuc to t.>lte tbe ,,..eeiA 1b,., u tbtmodium of thO ~da On tho pnJl!CDL occuioo, bad oro•Wtd fo r them ; Aud a Bg!(ed mcndi· caot sang a popular oooiC iu "Toi.:e crack ed A& hia owu brain to a maddeuiug accow-1'-'lllnlent.Of a ouc-etringcd 6ddlo.

wb- jok• ft~ uully of the etaJ-. bat, u U to compellliilo for \heir wan' of frwb­n-. ho ala,alaachtd ac them illlaaodel'­ataly.

• 1 .... arfDr 7on oooeiciered Magie &o elepo' pla.Jer,' aaid Aln. Cuo71 't.Dd l.boujtb 't1a 1 thU uylt thet ehouldn't m&.J· be, t.bat ehe'a a match for any mu.'

'So abe Ia,' be roepoudod ctuiokly, taldaf hie place between tho ladiee, and walklDR wltb them toward tbo atrw.ud. 'Sbo ia botb ooe Md t.ho other.'

The laU~r part of bla aeotonco wu ut­tered in a tooe that infitad Mra. Cucf• ooofidenoo, for be fdt t hOro waa moro to be eddu•l on tbo eubjcc~ of her dau~rbter.

• Sbe'• young ·yet., but you don't know wbat a comfort abe i11 to mo. So now I couldo't tblok or partilli with ber, ' twould brellk toe beart ;'

• No doubt, no tloubt 'twould be a trial,' aaid Father O'Keetre aolemnly.

'S!lure.' 11aid tho accond ntlllron, 'ebo may uot le&fO you for yoare yet; 'tia young eaougb tbo Ia to bo married tbllt couple of yeart to come.'

' 'l'rue, quite true,' aueoted the pricat ' ebe II malto 10 excell ent wife, whouver t be bappy ruao may be wbo will got ber.'

"!be proud mother rueUed bcr purple plumage, an.J tbo ilit~riog chain roee up aod down witb a quicker bene at tbeao words, 'For ell tba~.' ebo ~:~id, ' I wouldn't <let the •~lfiah rr~ if 'twu for her good to leue mo ; aa' wouh!o't bo agaio eeeiog the child I Cttlod WCII to OnO Of ber OWQ liltin~: ; I'll oe\·er go al!:"in her there, nor ber f&ther a.ither; for, GoJ bo praieed, ono never ltaowe what way bappeo to aoy of ue any day wo J!Ct up. and l"d liko to aeo ber seuled afore I go.'

• Ooo"t talk in thAt way, Cathcli•e.' Mid bHr •i•tcr" little croaaly. • ·fboro·, uo eiga o' you guinrc. t haok God : a!l' our family ia a long- l i ··~J be tho an<>thor s aide an' t ho 1:\lber"s too. an· yon "re lik o to are you r ~:raudchildreu r •· t ; au· I hopo to .to the u 1oo rue&cll, loefo!t;tn): hi• rnercnc~·· vutlou for uying aucll a thin): in hl8 pro•~n~e:

F .. thcr o·t..: .,.a .. ·s ol11rk cyu lo•>le·l out nt the l "tUI CXf'IUIBC Of l>luu cleallll'-'1! IU go ld, bnl tn:\Je 110 auswcr.

• Yo u "lwaya tAIIC so quare, ~I Rry." ~lr.

4laalolaDoe, and wbot.b« I may upoot ~­&o lolpa~ lD me totDO&biDI of tba& for wlw. be w d"tlo~~:ulahtd. • ,

Mra. Oroud7, nola ... ny diiiCompoeod b71111 1lDeJ:pected lUll to abe COnYortodea, looad ooofuaed, ba& Mld prueolly, •Witt7, rou l wUJ diAo wit.b lbt llldaaot ud &IIIII Plntuot.'

' Bol &hoy are toerel7 Ulo am• ...... • eald :ho COIIDopolllaa,_ prl7. • Yon how &be ~orr : llr. ud .,.._ MaoS.Jooplaeot, &li.u AlacSJoopbut, ~ llia Imoaeo Mac­Sycopbatlt., Mr. Plutacenet MacS-.eo,..Ut, &Uu Boadicea !tlaos~pbaot-nd more of tbe ume. Ooo MaeSyoopbu~ i1 u pod u twenty, Mre. Oruody, anll u I kdow tho Miduea already, aod llod them amoebtfiJ dati, why abould I bow the Plutu.e.., wbo are probably ono duller?'

Probably a groat many people bolide Mn. Gruod7 would be truallud with amuemeo' at tb- •ie••· But wby do wa with to know a DiaD or woman? l>o.. &lao duirabilily lncnuo witb lhe aise of !til maoeioo aod tho dealgna of W. furaiwre? Mr. well contiouu:

Groa• ricbu are like u oleclrio l~t, like a aooodayauo ; tb17 re'l'tal neryl.bhac. U a mt.n al&ode in a JidiculollJ atl.itude, or it clad ecaotily, lho iotaoeo liJbt o.liepleJI biru to enry beholder. GlOM ricbee do tbo aame. I aw JDD at aM Miduea, dear Mn. Gnwdy. Did tot onr aeo a more •;r_::oa eatar'..aloaaol or a more 1pleodid ? What pieltu-ee 1\nd atatuea and 'I'UUI wb.ot nqu!lito aad coatly decoration I wbat ~~:old an• atua I what ~~vr~• and Druden I But &lae aon 1 admired tbe beautiful worlr.a of an, lhe 1oore 1 tbougbt of tho eotbueiuna aod dt· votloo or tbe artiat, tbe 111ore I waa touch· ed by tho graco aod delicacy or color and form around me ; a ad t.he 1uoro 1 hard ~lidu talk, tbo moro cl.,arly 1 aaw t.bat be d1d uot 101, or feel, or u.odontaod, any­thing of tho real value nnd eignificanco of "'" own <11tourag1. Tt.o more bea utiful it "M, t he aooro plait.ty it dieplnyed bia total ... ~ .. ~ ul p~rcertiou or bel\uty.

Advertlaement&. Advertisements. Advertisements.

1882 VOLUMES .HOUSEHOLD WORDS 1 Of dlo followlDr Ben.. ue reoeieod, 't'ia :­'lllo BoJO' Owu Paper, 'llta • Glrle' Owu Papor'yTbo Qaifu, Tho Da!a7, the UDioD Jeck, OCUli Eot~I&Dd, UU!e i'olu, CJW.. terbox, Uttlo Wtd• Aweh, YamUy Friend, 1 .. o Prbo, Cblld'e Companion, Child­JeD'• Frlud, CbUd'1 Owu M.laaUoe,Snoday fl Ho-e, Baltith Workaaaa, baod of Hope B.riow, Cou.,r.rand Artino, &c. ·

J . F. CHISHOLM, Sl. J•IID'o. lCcw. 26.


CO'rrON TWINES "{UE ARE PREPARING beet qoaliyt ff Wbiw Bartted Cotton Seioo aod

Trap Twioe, wiUI all utber kinde for tbe Newfonndlaod tlabermen,proeured \!~rough \be morchu l import lift. GU. correepooda to Bridport 12 lb. Hemp 9th .. " 15 & 18 .. 121b II 11 2• Jb, 1501 .. " so lb. .. 18&11 SG ItS.

E1cept for Salmon Gill Nele, oot a ain­"'' lb. of hemp ie uaed b7 tbe Amuric.-.n 6abormeo. h ia clurly utabliebed that Cotton i.e the moet durable. eeaieet to hue ud handle, and ia being uteD!iYelJ used by Bah log oation11 of the world


No'l'. 4,2m

ALLAN Ll N E. TllE followini will be the Sailioge o f tho

Alla11 :itca.m~ra to tbo r od of the aeuoo :-

Fnox LtnaPooL TO ST. Jom~·~. Dec. 1--Ctupian. 1 Oec. ~I-San11alian,

Pills & Ointment. -;---<)--

'lturity of Blood EaaenUal to Jlealt.b, ) st.reneU~, and Loo~t Li!o.

r THE PILL~ •urpaaa all other Modicin• fo r Purifr ing the Blood ; tboy uo aVIIilable fo r all WI a. dorue11tic and household ~!WWf for all oiMrtlera o r th" ST O.liA.CH, LIVF.R, KrD!'li\YS nne' BOWELS. In Congo>stinta a nd Obll~rut:tiotU ol every k'i nu theyquicklJrewo,·e the cauae, ant! in cont>tipaLion ami rltaorderod condition o r the l:lowels, lbcy act all a cleanaing ltJ>"rienL

F ur D CoMt.ilutioM and all Fo~mnle Co1oploint.H theee Pills MO nn­aur1m&~cJ-tltey corro.:l alll1 rt•guluritie~~ uml \V ~llkne11J!e~ fi"OW 'VUUI.cYt:r CRUSe n~lling.

IOI#I·li~UM¥t~i~ Of w iiJI&otc Lauda aeul ltow .. • t tJ .. ,.I t1

.-\ lna•e .. lt4-uld m-"u IH" JI'·•U•I , TIH~D JCU'r h llu all th.- n "'.w lnt , ... ..,J,,

.. "'-a.d ue"•' tty tJ• ~ru"" J.

Wh1le tbt"l«l nrloaa l!guroa filled lho •Ired, two ladies •• 111ight bav~ beco eteu tO iuue fr-JIII tho pOrto>Jt"" Of OnO of tho tlc n•cly · pnpubtc•l lo<lgllll(·hou..cs ou t be terrace. l ltcy were both t he wi~u ol ·· etrong .. fmrmc ,... 111 the Co u11ty Tipperary; anatroM• Amj•l<t o f form. Ronol of lace, an•l wuh all that ..,l f ·•·•"•fl~J bc:>nu~r th:>t con> · fo rl:lblu ci rc:u mtt.a•W•'1 w:..rruuL to tleu fo r · t nu'\t4.: 1ndl\ hluAIA Ul\'Y •urroun~l. ' l'bey t.=--.ol l1"td A 'l ,~~r1y Jill "t. ~~Yen 111 the m o rn · ms:. had takcu " I·~ If · I•IUl of sell "at.·r cllrh to t:"i" Rn "l•t•clltc :>11•1 proruot.. •l•l{cilt.:>u . had breakf:.atu.! comf.•rttloly. • n•l we re uow rulltly lo •ni•'Y thcuudvcs fur t~u rewaiudur uf 1h• day.

CuayMiJ . apo logatic.•lly ; t hcu Mlr!cd in 1\

ddl•rcut touu. • I'm uo\ ovcr·Mrou~: b ttcr­ly. fto" ehurc no ono koo• .. w!wo thc{ll b~ c:~.llrd away,'

\\" l,en altllll we lellrD to feel that ricbee are the D:ls tnra:ll out of which. if one Ia t.beir fortuuato poucuor. tbe po111ibilitiea ol all rcficomont aud cultul'\l may bo ovoiYed ; but thnt re1l cst., to andtnt-rolla are pu u crudo mntter. f boy 1 well form t.lle pcdeotal o f tbe atatuo ; bay aro no t 114tUO itaclf. The genuioo fri oodabipa or aocial lifo ahould bo carefully guarded and c ulti•ated. Tho treuore ia too great to ba held li¥btly. "A now frie ud,"' aye I::IDC'I'· aoo, •· ie an oveot, &Ad bicidert me froG elocp."

Harbor Grace Stove Depot Faov Sr. J onN"s TO l..tvtttPOOt. Doc. -4-'i<maatiot~

1~1 I Dec. 18--Sardiloialt. 1883

si.Amls nnrivalletl fot the facility it d is plays in relie viug, hrnlin~. nntl thllr• Ollllhly curit•g thl' 111011t invl"l.("rHt~ Sore • a.nd vl.:t>ra, .. nd iu c:a.ow~ nf UA D LI::GSs D.\ 0 BHEAS~, OLD WOUN D~. G uu t, Ruoumatillm, 11tnl ull :::ikin Ji~-0-Lilt"ll, it act.H a & a. c ll:um.


D f\u'l cru• •l ltroud n1ba 1 Yo\l r J••utr a1lk \\' Ill sh•&. ... o nlmtt ah.- leti

• l".t take " loMe on your lifo,' a.•id t 11o p rieot politically. ·, Tin & Hardware JJ:at.ablllbm.&AL

Jl~u•e U. WlUf'a IU t'\JIIIACI \• Hh A kc-l(•r• \alL.ured d r 4!U •

1~Lah lu"f'h' worht wae ncner ua J e .. or yo•; • utl m• aktue ;

~Ire l "ury. tho elder o f the nll\trona by a couple of yea rs, wao c l~trl in all tho hr:avery of a l'urple ••lk rlrt>M, remarkably •olumin· oua and much gi•eo to ruaLiio~~:. tbu prirlo llod beauty .,f ber wardrobe. llur coano ~:ood- natuNd - look;ng r..,.,· wM crowotd with. an- arrangement thst looked like a bouquet of wuel in roaea, tbe p redominating color of wlucb wu acarlct. A t.biclt gold cb,.in buug o~er tbe w1de exteot of ber boaom. aotl eoding in t ... o lltttlo ebiny rh•u­lell a\ tbat part of her dreu e:\lled by eourleey tbe waiet. :She c lutcbod her para· 10l with a I>"P that b..tok eoed ltrca~:tb. if oot ~~~ Tbo lady wbo bore btr company Wt\.1 ber, Mre. KenueJy, IWd waa not leu I:D'l(e<IUAiy attired.

• 1"11 tell you wh:\l it Lt," :ll ro. Keno& ly rrm~trked coafi<lentially, • it'• Father Pat O "IJrioo\t'a putting it iuto your bead to lano M&g~:ie married, ao' oo tnitttke.'

(fo \be eaat of MeaRL JoKN MoHll Ia Co'e Mercu~Uie Premi.aa)

De roTerent io your fri1ndablpo; Gat.hor a cboson few C. L. KENNEDY J. p.uptor h.u a tt.:;ht IU E.-cu.J

•rt.. P"U.war w • tcro ....

Doo"t c:rnwd lb• i«><wl !rem out rour bra.rt By loolorin~ all llutl"t bod,

But Ji•• 10 ••err Y\rtue room-"l"be bot.< 11ut1 - 1 be baJ •

D. ll!kb d• r• r -.eonl a ur-b a one

• II a., ba., ba !' laughed Fa~bcr O"KeeUe ; • ho"e anxioua to fiogor t.he oo~e, that" a bo w it i.s. '

'\Veil, bo WNI alwayt the fine mlllch­maker, anyho., ," ~trw. Kenoedy. • llo"• ebure to 6ud out wbcro thore·a auy mouey. ao' t.heo be"• oo•er aiey until ho bu bia percentage on the brido's fortuoc i hc'a tbo mao for tbe money. oo doubt!'

:Abou~ the apirit'a portal, Wl.t~re (aile tbo bencoly dow.

Let them be rich in witdo111, Let them be gwea~ aod true,-

01 a ltrong l\nd ooblo pUf1>0M, Who tako the (eaet wllh yoa.

tbanlr.fal for put faYowtl, wiabu to ioform the inbabilantl of thia town aad tbe on t­

·portagenerally that be ba receotly rooeivetl and bu DOW ready ror Wpe<tiOD a large nriety of

T hat you 11\&1 •all be proutt ; (.;h e t:ar-b bta r i1Jbt. ci.-. N cb hl.i room,

A Ad DITtr lrJ till CI'VIIcl.

Oec&r' a LAman~.

Ia tbe lti1lro -Lbotlc lloa J oo loo~r ... m t.o ab.aoe.

A• nf 1 o re : l ha"•lrowh quile oonJmonpla.ce, .A.od ~ .. ,. wr .... , h.oe

Ia o wro.

A o<l my lillie I!OdHra tb•l Scxn_, oo• dab u • un · dat

A ad mttre ,,..,.b Thy b.&•e r-.d it luntc & J.,."ll.

.A.ud U..7 call II., _..,,. . • yuu koo,., A rohub.

Now 1>0 koogor •I tb~ pl•y 1• aU•olkHl turu .. t ru1 .,.,1

AI al ant ; A od fo r doubtintc thrreoa no roorn TMt aJT &.n.llNllaatV bvuc•

Uu aow bunL

ln O<'Cioty rb•y .. ,. 1 a.m ••••Y• .o. o, •• .,.1 •

A oft I he •··UDf'l.

N o t a.t all t h• eof'l of f"hap wa. .... wtltlup t bould go te.-.l•p

lat.o l$e.

Tho lad I~ • olloocer ••,..r Br "'' •b•lto« L1 m1

Doo·t(you ..... 8o my l!owhfg lucka 1·•• c-u t .&cel l • II d rnp aU but."

Woeu .... :

• Tb""J now \wrar thAt oonuan D ••caa kte tl • noct-•a .. ~led,.._

l.y "tt<tr ; So llblok 1•11 Ia\ h t llp. Draw "" poi&lt..l ab- aod aklp

Tbe r>tur.

L lh tbe .....,.laUoa ,,..u Of Droed•n1 er old Pollllall

t. "• 4a. To bold ,.uy ODd pab .A. ad eaUaetJ<i""' Ill IIIIa

8~ Ia Ia !

An Irish Romance PART J,

• ~larry ." AAJJ ~lra. <.:uey. • iaJoontr Far­rell arnong them genii at Fry'• oor ?'

M ra. Kennedy balaocud her paruol care­lully betwoeo l::er ey•·• anJ tho auo. aud took & glaoC<l ill tho dirrttiou mentioned Iter •••ter at.u~d etraight before her. M il bcr di~nity lorbatlo her to lor bor· """ tho aoforruallc.n 1ho de•ired.

• :-oo t a b1t ol ham." replied Mn1. Keooedy. in a mol low Tirperary brogue. • 'l·horo'a two nf tlt~w Dul>lin ch•lll and young Frnony lron1 Krlll<!&u tlan. that thuy eay ia gnin~: to tho bad· 1ucb a de ­cent motb"r M o,..n• him ; au· J ohn J o..,ph llurko a u· ~lt<:hl\el FM\oda IJIMey ; a n· ahuro it·a •. uly lor Litem ~ ho •tanding round tbc bowl door lhto moru103 " oro tho peof'le.·

• lbo Olanryt mi~:lat ker>p their aon at hom~. l\n· 1.-t h1m alt. nol t.o hia fathers bu•ane.e . "et•&ol u· tryau!! to make a doct.or ol hom; , oot e •oo " prre1t attell would oattafy tlaem,but Llaey rnuALJIIta k" a doc:t.or of bam. if you pl....,," eaid Mre. l::uoy, w1tb a hut~ aapor~ty.

' W ull, Father l'at will havo bit fi fty pounds Jo.,n tbe moroiug be m&rri~a ~11\1( · g ie,' llllid Mra. Cli8C!y aomowh.-t grandly. • :-lor I dou't begrudg" it to bim oaither.'

• It'• euily airnod,' Mid tbe lri11r a little cn•ioualy, for eucb wioJiall• uu•or came iu bi1 way.

• Woll, ehe"a in no burry berte lf,' aaid ~Ira. Keoocdy.

• I don "t know t hat, now,' reepooded Father O"Ket~tfe in a jcating way ; • I ~~aw 10m11 one talkiug to her t he other uil(ht and I ball auapect Ulere"e aomeLI•ioc bot"eeu tbetn.' . Mno. Cuey amiled myate rioualy, but ~:ra·

CIOUIIy, sho t.oaaed bcr belld loftily, alldthcu turned bor eyu oo the priest..

'Uut it"e yourself i1 the knowing ml\n.' 1he aaid goorl-humorodlyAnd in ber richeat hro'lue. • Well, if you mu•t kaow it. tbeo. I thank abe hu her heart aet oo young Far­noll. your couoio. ao' r don't docy lu:"s a fino yo11ng mao.'

• J th ous:bt ;u much,' Mid tbe priest, who wery well knew ~ln1. Ca•ey, more t ha n bcr daughter, deaired the alliance at .rb icb 1bo hinted. aod WNI anxious fo r bla a..uiat.">nce to brmg it about. • W ell, l "tl nnor r a ro to .11eo him with" better wife than Mag&ie' bo aahi. lor ~lary hlld 1\ large fo rtuoo. '

~Ira. <.:~~.SCy fluog a grateful glneo at bim, wbicb be wu quick t.> interpret.

• Nor Dded you, oeither, Father O"Keeao ' aaid ~trw. Kconedy, witb wbat abe co wade;. ed eowo ahow of apiriL

{To ~ co~tuull(l.)

· Small bl$mo to them for that Ullle. ' ro­pl iod thu utber fatly ; · au" u it it for prioot•. aharc it"• too anaoy ol "om there are ; an· there·a not ball u mach t~ouabt about Ianing ooe of 'em io tbe fa LDiiJ u there uood. T berc"o tbo ~lcCrou. to me own certain knowledge. a n· beeauao ~beir 100 J obnay wu mado a doctor tho pt.ber 4ay \bey woo"t apeak to tbeir noijlbbo,. the !.\lurphya, whoeo IOU WIUI ordalaco.l eix The BclocUo Synem or Society. months a;:o ; aD· ooo lamily1 u good aa t.he other any day.' The ttupidity of IOCiety ia the innitAbli

• \fell. anyhow a doctor is alwaye a gen- retult of " lOti" and circlea; of tbat ayotem tlemao. a.o' go~ in to good eocioty,' u 1d of cutee t.bat are lsrgely obecr'l'od, and Mre. t.:aaey. gi• \111: the alightut perceptible wbiob 1\re ju1t lUI largely. a clog to aoeial tou to her b~d. anrl clu tebiog ber paruol life aa in hut.bea lodi.a a aimilar eystem ia with a new ~r of dignitr. to the de•etop1oent of tbo poople lu iodu,.

• Ab, th/n, Catherine. hue n:&ore aenae,' triu, profeuion1 •od all tba\ gooa toward replied Mb. Keuac<ly. 00 wbnm tbeao aub· the advaocemeot of oatiooal proj!roa. ' • 1 tie aigna ol t.he epirit o f pride were by on WMt to •eo you ao ocle~tic woman of .,. 11uu toat. • Iltoow you are t.hinkioi of eiety,' wrote a lady emiueot u a 10chl l'at Fb-rell wit eo you uy tbat; but bo'e 001 laader to a younger frieod rec:eotly, and t be a 111ember of your family yet, and mAybe remark ia auggutive of a more relined and ne¥or will be, though your dausht..r Maggie harmooioue •Y•tom or aaloctiou t ban tbllt is a match for 'im any day, ao· eood enoul(b implied in merely au:ceptlog or cultivat ing

MIDD.U. for tbe hku of htm. alter he r eleaaot edu- tba pe11ona wbo compo~e a ··let."' wbo111 h wu joet midday, aod the Ao~et 1uo. e.\lioo in the conv~ot (or three ye~.' ioaultynau:1lly m!lk.e iudr fe lt in ti1011 u t1

Concerning th• .LiCe We Do Not u._· 1bat " ooo' a real lifo il eo of too the life

ooe doca not lead•• it a allltemea' wblch Ia diYincly true a ud ooe, too, that may well iueito inquiry of a moro tAngible nature than a were polite and poetic regret. U may not.. "iodced, traoteeod logilimate IU.­ita woro wo to cooaider our ~al life-the life to wbich we aro attuned by &ompera· mcot.-in lbc li~,tbt of a cc boritace of reeponaibility, CUD, aod froW tloU aaalo Of wiaton uk our~tlfu, eerloculy, why we do oot lud thia lifo ; why we do D~ make &be 1ucccu o r our upiratioua, the retlit&Uoo of our owu ideal our c:eatral aim, ra&her tba.o to lot mattert of traoeiout i111pottalloe o.o­nopolitu our t1me. absorb oar thollfbla aod •troogth, aud luwo us at beat oolya ~op­tive inclination towtlld tho iutereatll lhat belong to ua by nlltorlll aolcotion of 6hl­aotl endo•men~? When we talk of llllC· resa in life, the aocopted me2-aunr ia apt to b~ purely commorcial. lt iwpli• rent­roll• and bank accouota. W o talk of wbat ono makoa, what he bM, oot what be ia. We dewaad that he 1ball mllke mo~•Y ra· thor titan make bimaolf. We do DOl C3H tb1\t be ahall ban ---" Sucll qui~k. poetic eeoeea Ae hill• han language for, aod atanbarlllo·

oiotU ioO uuacea. •'

We ba\·e aot tbe courage o f our oou'riotiooe regarding the geauine .,aluea of life. Wby, indeed, do we not realito in <outward de· tail lhe lifo or ideal dream•? h ia an e.-er-preaellt moral rupooaibility of lifo to realiu in actual ~pa~·eoco our Ideal &lid~ realise it rapidly. We recall &he bero ol Looafollolf • " Ka.,ao Ia," wbo, d11riDJ bi• eotire lifelime bad io mind a l"!t work and wbo d ied before bo bepo it. 1\rouab hie entire experience tbo loa crowded oat tbo greater. Tho expericuee it oot limited to tbe poet'a Ideal creatioo, but ropeatl it­aelf io daily lifo. lo tbe diacourw ol l::picte tua tbo pbiloaopber eaya :

Uoldly mllke a duporate plllh, u the eaying ia, for prosperity, for freedom, for maguaoimity. Lilt up your bud && last u belug frr!e from elncry ...•.. . _Jr Herculoa bad eat loitcrioi at bo111o wbat woold be h">'I'O been"/ 11 you would be a reader. read; if a writer, write ..•..••.. Upoo wbole, t hon, wltl\tever you would make habitoal, p rt>Ctico it ; And if you ...-ould oot tllake a thiog bllbitnal, alo aot pnt.etioe it. '!lao comb.u i1 area~. ' be acblcnmeot dirine.

midway io the c locdl- aky. aent dowo 1\n · You may well M'Jlhat." e:uJ M re. Cuey; diaintegn1tmg power. Society. in ita true almoet t.ropical boa&. Tbe 11A 6 traan fro111 • an' the IOOilt)' it con me •• beyoad me 1160 .. • is a lluo &rt ; yet in nothing ia tbo \Vaterford bad fa.\ crawled ioto t ho little reckoning. " ith o.ll them · elltM" that ber ataudard of perfcctioo more uguely uudor· termiuoa d Trao•ore, aod edlptieal ita fR tbor llO 'I'Or kne w of, and wbloh mother :iL a~od. or more generally I'Dituod~ratood. freiat:& ttl all kiode and coodjrioaa o r an"n J obn put in a acparate bill ; abure no ooe Society maoaer ia by aowe pereon8 wboee and womeo -a motley aroi!p tbat quickly would boliue it only moaelf. But u t he hfc ao<l . pureuita bue not given tbem a mioal.d lt.eelf with. aod wu loet io,anotbor ~lotbor Mye, 'twu not thrown away on ber, vantAge grounrl oo which to atand, auppoa­motley gTOUp tba\ b.&d come to meet it..botb for 1ho play• the ptaua ..., well u aoy lAdy ed to be aometbiog extoroal, aometbiog to of wbieb uohed tbelr eiJorta to make u In tbe la.od, an· father O"Keetro b1maolf be learnod-~lr taught.. Ooe will bur 111nela d lo aod coafwlion u poatible. Out eaye be oover beard a finer oxecutor-tbat "e •ucb pereoo1 talk of going to tbe tbetltre to t.brooah the door of the atoffylittle · te rmi- bit ury word-though be beard tbem tee aome aoc:iety actreuoo tho etago fo r tho nu.a, wbOH atmoepbe11 wu loreigo playera tbat are aatrl to mako tho purpoeo ol catchiog ber "manoer." Now tal.ot.ed with~ miorted odore of amoke, piaoa epeak, out a& Rome, an' ahure tbe t.ruth ia time ia rapit.lly comina-, if lt Gil, oo.d-do.A a~~d llale from tlte prieat woulrl n't aio hie aoul with a lie.' bu not already come, wbeo lho bead bolda aoicbborioc refreabmeot bar, the t.broa8 ' Nenr a bit of him ; but talk of any ooe a aapre.D&ey-o'I'Oo in aociety-oYer tbe ftubed Ita ,.., aDd, quietly aeparatinr. -here bo comee hi1111elf.' beela, and wbeo one migbt perbtpe do woot ita nriolll ooureea; put of it op 'So it le, &ll' l"ro alad to tee bim , for he'll more toward aecoriog a" .oclety meaner' bill, eteep aDd raged u the road to beano hue all tbe oewa of the towo for ue l' iD \he tweet aeclueioa of ber etudy or 11-(l.boop ltadirac ~ d- orer-erowded Father O'KMffe wu a dark-eyed, dark- brary, t.hao by watcbin~r eome traloed lodci..- ra1ber thaa ~ aucb an abode of compleaiooed friar, wbo epent t.he rroater beauty of atage. ~adere wbo hau eo­bit.); nile~ pa~ fr.otd for the pert of the anmtnermoothaio Tramore, aod joyed the lloo ideale of aociety u part.rayed brnitd .u.ac1 ucl' \be opeo ...., oow blink- wboee aodety wu macb in requoat by tho from time to time by Oeorgo William Cur­lor. fliUeriDf, aad ..-Iocty tootioole. wi•ee and daugbtart of the ehopketpert IU lo nriolll booU., will nota wit.b reU.h tudor the yello•' raye o1 tile eots.. aud fa,anen wb'J ri.!t.ed tho place. He bad the Euy Cbair'a talk thit mootb, wbeo

'TN IMM Md _.,.. ap enrythioJt alwaJI"UUe freabMt toaip oa tbe tip of ble MI-L Gruody pro~• to Introduce tbe ~. ODt of d--. The roa•la were tongue, 10metimee ftuored wil.b tbo falotott cheerful Co<ltoopolltao to a "a YOrJ ricb &!tick widl dU41t, 1M llolllttl bad a t.aked, • f!ice of -.udal, wbil'b reodered bie coa- man," Tbe cbeerfw 001mopolitao waa not ..... , ·- &lat awala- t.bat hen veraatlooal powen additiooally -'etable iroprtMtd to deJTM tbat A1ra. Grundy

A large prO(>Ortioo of tbe d ltiiUefaclioDI of life ruulta from tbie p<~rpetual oooeciOD.I· oesa. t hat wo nro oot li\·log o p to oar ideal expreuione. Uut tbe tbioge tbat biDder Dl are, In t heir nature t.raoeitory. Tbe a&I'CIIIi will i• a aol•eot In wblcb mioor obatac;lu melt away. And tbe dlteon"81og fact that our real lifo ia eo ol~o tbo tile we do not lead ie d ue more to a defec:tifo will power, to the lack of atrenetb aod pu~ wblcb mi<hL ba cnltiYated thao to any ol.bor na· eon. Tbere arel.blnp wblcb are wiUUD ODt power and tbtop wblcb .,. beyood ou power. Let Dl diatiogula.\ tho ooe from tho otber aad eel tbo key ot dtelre aooord­iogly. ia oo need ot belDfi.tDpecled from lhe maio parpoee, the abaorbioawork ooo would do, byenry trill• of laclloetim 'fbe IUCCCII O( llfe, tho realiaatlOD of {Ia higbee& ideal Ill, u nprCIIOCliD 111001. lio11 of Sobiller, ·• Keep ttae to ~ O( l.bJyOn&IJ."



~ -....---• .... t-- Ol"""toa Sbe had fuciod ho wo··'d bo ud t.....,. t. .. c - Mlclp wiodowa ball ble patruoe--. lle wu alwa11 ready to r~ "' Joaa qo ,I e .. op all ,...._ to oolor,aod breekfut.. ptc:oio, dlaeo, or 1op with eocb OYOrwbelmed ........... t.ta...IHII to &laeir baoiKe fate ; boeta and hoetu&H u Prorideuoe eu' Ia 1Vitk tbe burdeo of u hoool' ... ol~1 SooUd drab, ud &laoalopla:: llehle bie way, ~ more retpec:tablo, or, io other Uo~ which bo .... DOl bora, ....._._ w ,.Sod to die faiAt.toc poe· worda, &he ricber, the beuer; and io nturo Ioetead, llrw. Grandy.,.. amued to lee •tiW. -.a, o1 ~ be acted u ehaperoo to their daajJbtere, what a 'l'ery cboerful coemopolitao thla l Yet~ •• liP oa4 ao~-.. and, to walked with Dooerallo, ebeerfol OOIGIOpolltaa OODid be, wbeo lie all J>MIVY2 1 Miar "r'f well ltldeed. played oa.rde with dteir hoabande, and dit- lio.ularly 10 bor O'l'ertnroe. •'J11o 9W1on ..w.1a W poeM. io fro18 the tribut.ed u UDIH.I&od euppl7 of tmU.. to all • y 011 •Y he 1e .,, .. ricb ?' bo uked. ~ __.M_ .............., _ _j • •-....L.&. "I" """ with whom l:t aa1110 Ia oon•-- o . , --.~·---uo·~· •1rr· r · - • c.normoaeiJ-faboloualy,• replied Mn. _,, \\".,doni ud 1Uilella7 &o IIIIo fuorit.o . lie c-aurht li,tlt ohbe two matrne u be Groody, u 11 crouiDf b-11. wDieri.. ,._, ... aa..-1; and, all Mnuoed, ucl bit llpo partad Ia a laeppy • WUI b.e Jlyt me aay of bla 180007 ?• aa-a ... o1 ... IICIIIIAifta, o1 MIMt.roh aaan .. , wlrilo •1e •Y• ....u..d oold and Hra. <lruo•7 ,..... blaaUJ· a& qaee-

• ._ Ia ......... f!lt\.a •jortHe• to be de- wDiebfollo ·~· u-. • Glee JOD 0117 • of !til aaoa.,? f.- • ..... Ia tile- . • Well, ,....r, an' lt'e yoaiWU rat &lad WW do Joe&lllkll?' ·

..._. ......... w..-, Ia ._.. to - &!all monaloa.' laid Ura. Cue7, oa:- • Meao1' aoewertd the ohllrfal oo•o---. .......... ~· w-

8; =MI~rloc:'!~ &aAdlllfalaaod &o hi•, wblob, ool7 for the polltu; •• , ,.....lqllplelu. HI am lll-

- • _ _. .....,.. .taut; eolcw o1 tile kid lti wblcb It wu In· trodnotd to a 110bolar, be «f•• 1110 10111e. ..... 1 ......_ _ _..... r.llowa.. a.eed, ml&'ll bt•• beto mlftakeo for a b<la:- tblot of hie eebolareblp; a ttnellor .1 , 01 ,.._ _.__ _ _. ..LI- a-.., - I pld luf· .. lo.,e. · o• 1 _._ -- ,.. .... 111 : ur . ,. me 11perieoeo; a ~totiftc mao, ioforrua-~..._tMtl!lllod oae lol!lielthtb-. • We"'" jol&lalklor of yoo,' •ld ~lrt. tJon; a moeleian, playa or ainp for me;

lllftll _. o1 ...._ ol .. .!r brocat, for Kenoody, llktwlet uteadina Iter band to end I( you iotrodu me to a m&a wboee .... ...-. ; .....,. ol .... wa:ee.ln bl•. * dlatindion if hie rlcb~a, ( wi•h to lroow ...... fll._ ud ... ,.. ! llocu • Spe of u •orel-' .-ld frlu, •b•~ adnota"• ! ant to m.iu frow bit ·ac-

Ottomau ribbone of all w1d&lat .,. molt in laeor for mUUoary p1Up01111.

. Dre- &hU ue trimmacl wi.. nleet hue 'l'eln~ bella wil.b allnr oiMtL

W id• oollare of pla.ah lila& .,. odiOd wi_. laoo or plailod ribbooe ue worn bJ lhU. ,Ut.:

Lara• bock lea of g{lt, llflnr, J•'- enamel, and broDH are placed on oew boooet.a. .

PompoM of el1k .,. 111on popular l.bu Ult7 baee eYtr ben, &lid .,. utd oa bat&, III&Dllolaad~ •

Fochla Net "'"' II DIW_. 1hade for dlaoer dfOI!IlM. A abon lllllltle wit~! Ori ... tat eloeeee laea.U, beadocl. II prmdod to woar wll.b ~ dreei a ~oe ud l.bere le a amall capo'- of -• ~•I•"· 1

Stoves! Stoves! Stoves ! wl\11 all the lateat impro•omeotl-cOm['rie • ing Cookiog, Fancy, Fraokliu and lla I :itovea, to~:ether witb GRATES and tTf-l'I~GS of all aiuL .'_

Alao, a 6o1 uaorlmen& of the newell etylea lo GOTIIlC GRATES (Britieb &DJ American.)

'fhe Subacnber bu likewiao largely added to bia former atock .:>f E ocliab HARlHV ARb;, GLASS\V AltE, etc., e tc. American Cut, Wrourbt aod J:o"ioieb1oa N AI~ of all eilea., alwaya kept oo band topt.ber with IIi Diet aod Screw a, Vooraod CIOM&Loekt.

Ia addi&.ioo to the abou, be baa jullt re­oeieod a aupply of PAINT~ of all colun WN:iEEV OIL and TUKI'E:-l fiNE u well u Wiodow GLAt>:i (all aiua) aod PUTrY.

Tbe followior articlea, aod olben too Duwerolll to apocify are alao alway• kopt io etook : .r Americao Adua nd Hatcbeta, Sheetb Kni•ee ud Delta, Carriaae Yar11iab llaroe• Ria~ ao~ Uueklea, Truok Furoitore Vanaiali, Wubboartla, Broomt Uruebee- Pai'•t, Sen! bbin111, Stowe, Clother Wool Cude, Coal S.uttlea, Sbofela, Coif• llille. t:lo1bea Liaea, \Vater PaiiL Keroeeae Oil, lAcpa, Buroera aotl Cbim-

DIJL GROC.I::RIES.-Colfoe, Soapa, Matcb~

etc., eto. ~o allot wbieb ioepectloo ie initAd.

C. L. KENNEDY. Noe.f.

larpiaL Baraaina· -AT-

Parsons's Furnitur., Store TbeSubecribcn thankful for put fuoun

beg to intimate to tbe publlogeDeraJiy that tht)' oow olfer for aale-108 BEDSTEADS at U/ •nd upward&.

S den. LOUNGES a\ i7f6 and upwardea • d o&. Toilet TABLE.Sat 7/alld upwartt • doa W ASUSTANVS at 7/ and upward

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Oral, Round and Kitcbeo TABW. Cbt.~~~ber :iuita, Wbatoow. WiDdow Potu and Coruic:ee.

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A. & E. PARSONS. No~. SO.

$200.00 Reward 1 Will be paid for tbo detoctloa ud cooYic­tioo of any pereoo eellinr or deaiiDg io any borua. oo011torfel& or illlitatioo llol' Btl' TUI, oepeciall1 BiUert or preparaiiou wllh &he word HOI' or Bol'l i• lbelr name or coo­Jlteted therewith, that le lo'-odod to ml•· lee4and ell oat &he pubUo, 0t- fo~ uy propar­at.Uft pa' ill &raJ form, ~odla,. to be tbt 1&1110 u tiJIP Bnn:a. T'he ieoDioe u" ol-..r of~•IIPI Uors (ootice \hie) prilated oo abe wlln..wlbol, and are tbe puree& and bee& aedieiae oa oartla1 eapooially for Kid­oeye., u.,.,. &Del Nonou 0'-- Beware o1 all ...... ucl of all prete!ldacl formulas .., reoelpee of HOP Ba-rna publialaed In papert « fo~ eale, u U.e7 are fnocle • .,. lwiad111. Wbot'l'tr deale ID 0117 ~D' Ulo poliiaa wiU be prooec:ated.

"'- Bor .Brnua Mro. Co., Roelaeot.or, N. Y.


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Jolua Edw..-d Ho•UI,I:Aq 01 Ho b<lr! . 'F".1 TRUSTEES A DlltEO~Rli..

Ded••• flerlaol, t:oq. tt.IT.od o,t""J. lol1o., Tbe Uoo JaaM Brag. l!lr J . L bock, Don.• .lobo Olullot>, Eeq. li.P .• t'.ll8. 0. B. Coope. fAct., Y. l•. Ohaa. Tboto. l.oe&~~, E.q. Job CoopeD..-{,. Etq. Joo. D. ll"ft''••· t:"l: Oeo. A. f'ull.r , Eoq. Ste ... rt O• lt y.t;aq 0. E. Oon.Jhart. Haq~ Charlot !Un&, ~· Daclley ll. 15mlth.. J:Aq W J. Tboa~vaou,~o~q.

AUDITORS : Waltarlllrd,l"..eq. I Lontw .... nroolt rhlt•P•

-'. J'*'J)b rruc • Ltteb~r. Ellt.

JOfiW J . ll&.ooMrt.IU>, &cnt4ry. ~01.1 D.llcDolf.u.o, ..4•1 Sccrti#Ul·

Illltlrucee ap{ut Lqu b7 Fire are ef-feclod ~l tlle

PHffiNIX COMPANY npo._ eeerydoeerlptloo or Propertl.iD8'1'ery pan world; oo moot aeorable tu1lll.

1M pr0111ptibld.o aad llberallt,. with which Ita ..,,....oenlt' are alllt&JO met OD ..le C0111paa7 ue well kllow;a1 ud the im­pon.oe oll" "latlooo """ public ..., be t~li..tod from &he fec4 Ulat lliooo It• eetabllabmoot, ll bat paJd more th&o TWELVE MILLIONS S'l'ERLING io dllcla.rp of olal- fer Loeeet b7 ftro.

Jla&M rp..-la• &Del all other laforaa.­bt.alned OD ~loatloo to w,•

~ :u.uf~tctun·d onh· 1\~ l'ror~~~ H o Lt.O• \ 1 A \""s 1-:~Lnl,lt~lnu .-nt,

!i:l:l, OX F01: n sTB 1-:ET, L0:'\ Ou ::-1, nn.t ,olol 11l h . 1.\d , 2~. !l.t. , 4,.. ti, 11~ .. ~!!•, 1111d :13•, r .• -;;h Bnx nntl P(lt. nut! in v .... ,..t .. at :IG Ct:lltb. !lO c.·n t~. RnJ ;: : .. -.\) .:e.• h iH, u11d Llu- ltuge 1 :eiz<...'i in 111·opvr1 iura.

17CAUTION - I hnvo oo A gent in lho Un 1t.c<l SLntce, nor aromy Medicines •old there. P urchl\lore snould tbarcroro look to tho Label on tho Pot.a nnd.Doxoe If tbo nddrcsa •• uot 633. Oxford S~reot, L ondon, thoy nro apurioua.

The T 111Jt: .\1 ;•1 k11 uf n•v saiJ )I t <li­ci ncs a1-e ro·t!iMtc~t•d 111 Ott;•wu, ~tutl 1tl~o nt \\"abhnag:o11.

Sigut./ T t O )IAS II O J.LO WAY :iJ3, Oxfo•·.t Str·eet , LuuJou. 1

D ec. 18, l l:!SO. f


lltl\ring. anol how to keep it; by Ch11rlee II . Uurncu . ~I U.

Lon~ Life, a nd how 10 reach it ; by 0 . C. Hichllrd!t'n. ~l.ll.

The Snmtnor """ ill! Oieclll!tA; by Jllmee C. W iiiOO, ~1.1> .

~:ye•i$:ht. a nrl how to cure it : by Gcoro,eJ. lloriM, ~I.D.

l11e Throat and \"oicc ; by S. Solia Col eo ~l . ll

T ho W inter t1od its Dnt•gera; by Uamiltoo O•::ood, M. l>.

The ~Iouth nnrl tlau Teeth; by J . \\".\\"bite, l\1 .1')., I>.II.S.

lJr01iuwork 1\Ud 0\•crwork ; by 11. B. Wood, :\l. ll. •

Our llomea; by ll~ury llart.llhom e, 111. V. SeA Air "'"' Sell llnthing ; by J ohn Jl.

l'"ckanl. :\1 .1>. · :ict.ool aoJ iudoatrial lly~;coe; by D. F.

Lincoln .. \1 0 . lotlis:cetion-W hAt it is. 1\llrl wbtlt it lellda

to. and "new meth?d of tr~:uio.: it; by J ohn llcadnell li>ll. ~l.l>., ~len1ber ltoypl College Pby•iciaue, !Wiobnrsb

HISTORY: Seleclil'nll from English lhstory; aeleoled

aud edited by J obu Jtict.ard Greene, M.A., I.L. IJ.

II iatu ry o f En~tland io tbe Eighteenth Ceo . t,ury; b)·.\\'illinm lleory llutpole Lecky; :.nd "' ht:on. .

lliatory o l Napoleon DonApart.e, reprint~d from the t",mily Libn1ry, illllJt.ratod by (ieo Cr uiksbRok.

Gibbo11"1 Home: edit~d by Millml\n. l'ictU...,AQIIC l::urope; ~ JtoyAJ Quarto \ " ols.

El~rantly illustrAted. No:wlouudlaud to lllaoitobll; by W . 1-'r:uor

llne. TboD\1\11 Cnrlyle : 1\ lliatory of t ho lin1'

forty )'lll\1'11 or bia lifc:, 1796-ls:J~ ; by Ju Antho uy Froud, lll.A., 2 • ol-. iu ooe vol. Cloth ; cbu p editioo.

The Prince 1\0d the Plluper ; by Mllrk Twaio. Cbe"p editlona, h ., Sr. llnd 61,

J . F. CHISHOLM St. Jobo'a, Juno 12.


TRE Diagram of a Cod-Trllp in the STANDARD. 17lb ia Ye ry almilar

to tbe kind moet approvect of by oa:peri­enced trap pert in tlaiacountry. F iabermeo, by applying to t heir home mcrohanta, "can proeuro from us diagratoe or varioua kinde of TRAP .

AMERICAN 2\ I::J & TWLNE Co. Boetoo.

Sept. 28.

~~t 'kr~ar ~rau lttmbarb - .ucn-


I s prlotllld anti pobli.bed '"'r'f SATURDAY morolnf on behAlf or t.ho Eatat~ of the

late AIICIIIBALD I'll ON I'/ by J . F. M OHM all be "StandArd" Office , Water Stroo"t., r ear o f Mta~r~. Quiotio"e ebop. Uarbor Greco, Nowfouodlapd. T~IUIS-Twtoly abillinga per aunom-pay­

t.ble half-yearly. Tbil pa~ or ia an' l110od to uy aubecrlber

for a 1- term &ban alx mootbe. TIJUtS roa ADvtRTJSrNo-Firtt insertion­

for tbree linea (l)rerier 'YJle) l L, for O'I'Or'f additional floe 3d. l'or each COD· tiDuaLioo ooo-tblrd or tho 6rtt cbarge. •

• . .,. • &-


P)Okltlaaudk..-Jolo oi~Mtr !iDeo lewD areoolortd ltp&blae, aaa7 blu,- dark red or oiiYo, to -tell the dreot wll.b whlcll tbe7 are worn, aotl but an ombroltlered wblto tlally icbiD oear thtlr ecallopod edp

ET OIIIC'I, N,f.....,_

GrAdnrtitemeota neoleed a~ the otlloe ~ \hie paper willloD& written ioalnle&looo limitloa the DDmMT of ioeertioll'l, Aoe­tloae, sat-, end Notice• which c:!.ttemtlQo tberaMI'I'OI neepted) will 156tepU&ed uLU ordered kl writioa to bo wlth­m•a,