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Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 272 Date 1/7/2014Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSDLast/Next port Taboneo / Kelanis Quantity (ltr) 74,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 10:00 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 10:05 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 10:15 Barges Flowmeter - - 74,000 Start pumping in 10:25 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 13:30Pipeline disconnected 13:40 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 19,879.4670 TonCast off from the bunker terminal 13:50 Final Mass Inventory 19,942.1990 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 62.7320 TonFull away Density 0.8465 gr/cm3

Volume Received 74.1075 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.0912 KLNet Volume Received 74.0163 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.3 3.6 0.3Final (m) 3.2 4 0.8Engine Running Hours

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk 8 153 74 1,824 1,671

# 1 Port Tk 76 1,896 110 3,305 1,409 # 2 Stb Tk 79 2,303 234 21,593 19,291 # 2 Port Tk 117 5,983 222 20,221 14,238

Bunker Officer PT. MDM # 2 Ctr Tk 2 28 270 31,364 31,336 Daily tank Stb 83 3,780 83 3,780 - Daily tank Port 84 3,828 84 3,828 -

Catatan: Kapal tidak di lengkapi koreksi trim Total supplied due to ship 67,945 ROB FOC passing Trisakti Discrepancy ( % ) -8.18%24.970 + 74.000 = 98.970 Liter ROB Sounding Initial 17,971

ROB Sounding After Supply 85,915 nding Departure Bunker Station 85,915

Name : Bas Desi Irawanto

Name : Jeki Setiyo

Tugboat / Voy TB.MANDIRI BORNEO / 77 Date 1/23/2011

Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port PAITON / KELANIS Quantity (ltr) 38,000


TIME Name of Supplier / Barge PT.GLOBAL ARTA BORNEO

Drop anchor & stretcher line disc-ted 21:30 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609

TB in position to bunker terminal 21:35 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 21:40 Barges Flowmeter 82300291 82338371 38,080

Start pumping in 21:45 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 23:30

Pipeline disconnected 23:35 B. TUG BOAT

Draught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Cast off from the bunker terminal Initial (m) 3.3 3.7 0.4

Stretcherline connected and departure Final (m) 3.1 3.9 0.8

Full away Engine Running Hours Port = 1064,6 Stb = 3847,8

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)

Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk 7 68 7 68 -

# 1 Port Tk -

# 2 Stb Tk 125 6,988 137 8,625 1,637

Name : # 2 Port Tk 149 10,382 165 12,854 2,472

Bunker Supervisor PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 42 1,228 295 34,984 33,756

Daily tank Stb 47 2,063 47 2,063 -

Daily tank Port 50 2,205 53 2,347 -

Name : Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 37,865

Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) -0.35%

Quantity after supply ROB Initial 22,934

= 22934 + 38.000 = 60.934 Liters ROB After Supply 60,799

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 60,941

Tugboat / Voy TB.MANDIRI BORNEO / 78 Date 1/31/2011

Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port KELANIS/PAITON / KELANIS Quantity (ltr) 46,000


TIME Name of Supplier / Barge PT.GLOBAL ARTA BORNEO

Drop anchor & stretcher line disc-ted 20:30 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609

TB in position to bunker terminal 20:45 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 20:50 Barges Flowmeter 84095334 84141414 46,080

Start pumping in 21:00 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 23:35

Pipeline disconnected 23:40 B. TUG BOAT

Draught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Cast off from the bunker terminal Initial (m) 3.3 3.7 0.4

Stretcherline connected and departure Final (m) 3.2 3.8 0.6

Full away Engine Running Hours Port = 1064,6 Stb = 3933,7

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)

Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk -

# 2 Stb Tk 40 431 148 10,232 9,801

Name :SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 119 6,227 152 10,837 4,610

Bunker Supervisor PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 39 1,069 283 33,247 32,178

Daily tank Stb 71 3,205 71 3,205 -

Daily tank Port 79 3,588 79 3,588 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 46,589

Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 1.28%

Quantity after supply ROB Initial 14,520

= 14.520 + 46.000 = 60.520 Liters ROB After Supply 61,109

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 61,109

Tugboat / Voy TB.MANDIRI BORNEO / 79 Date 2/11/2011

Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port KELANIS/PAITON / KELANIS Quantity (ltr) 50,000


TIME Name of Supplier / Barge PT.GLOBAL ARTA BORNEO

Drop anchor & stretcher line disc-ted 22:30 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609

TB in position to bunker terminal 22:35 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 22:40 Barges Flowmeter 84846149 84896229 50,080

Start pumping in 22:45 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 1:10

Pipeline disconnected 1:15 B. TUG BOAT

Draught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Cast off from the bunker terminal Initial (m) 3.3 3.5 0.2

Stretcherline connected and departure Final (m) 3.2 3.8 0.6

Full away Engine Running Hours Port = 1064,6 Stb = 4031,8

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)

Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk 17 288 17 288 -

# 1 Port Tk 10 179 10 179 -

# 2 Stb Tk 83 2,603 176 14,599 11,996

Name :SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 56 968 139 8,910 7,942

Bunker Supervisor PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 10 111 266 30,785 30,674

Daily tank Stb 60 2,681 60 2,681 -

Daily tank Port 59 2,633 59 2,633 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 50,612

Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 1.22%

Quantity after supply ROB Initial 9,463

= 9.463 + 50.000 = 59.463 Liters ROB After Supply 60,075

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 60,075

Tugboat / Voy TB.MANDIRI BORNEO / 81 Date 2/16/2011

Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port KELANIS/PAITON Quantity (ltr) 26,000


TIME Name of Supplier / Barge PT.GLOBAL ARTA BORNEO

Drop anchor & stretcher line disc-ted 13:00 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609

TB in position to bunker terminal 14:15 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 14:25 Barges Flowmeter 85063474 85089553 26,079

Start pumping in 14:30 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 16:05

Pipeline disconnected 15:10 B. TUG BOAT

Draught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Cast off from the bunker terminal Initial (m) 3.3 3.7 0.4

Stretcherline connected and departure Final (m) 0

Full away Engine Running Hours Port = 1064,6 Stb = 4082,9

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)

Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk 28 498 28 498 -

# 2 Stb Tk 95 3,629 192 16,811 13,182

Name :SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 77 2,160 183 15,687 13,527

Bunker Supervisor PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 204 21,807 204 21,807 -

Daily tank Stb 76 3,444 76 3,444 -

Daily tank Port 66 2,966 66 2,966 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 26,709

Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 2.72%

Quantity after supply ROB Initial 34,504

= 34504 + 26.000 = 60.504 Liters ROB After Supply 61,213

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 61,213

Tugboat / Voy TB.MANDIRI BORNEO / 82 Date 2/16/2011

Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port PAITON /KELANIS Quantity (ltr) 38,000


TIME Name of Supplier / Barge PT.GLOBAL ARTA BORNEO

Drop anchor & stretcher line disc-ted 2:30 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609

TB in position to bunker terminal 2:40 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 3:30 Barges Flowmeter 85490635 85528715 38,080

Start pumping in 3:40 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 6:05

Pipeline disconnected 6:10 B. TUG BOAT

Draught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Cast off from the bunker terminal Initial (m) 3.5 3.4 -0.1

Stretcherline connected and departure Final (m) 3.4 3.9 0.5

Full away Engine Running Hours Port = 1064,6 Stb = 4151,3

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)

Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk 36 678 (678)

# 2 Stb Tk 109 5,056 168 13,329 8,273

Name :SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 152 10,837 172 13,963 3,126

Bunker Supervisor PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 10 111 229 25,427 25,316

Daily tank Stb 76 3,444 122 5,343 1,899

Daily tank Port 70 3,157 70 3,157 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 37,936

Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) -0.17%

Quantity after supply ROB Initial 23,283

= 23.283 + 37.936 = 61.219 Liters ROB After Supply 61,219

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 61,219

Tugboat / Voy TB.MANDIRI BORNEO / 84 Date 3/3/2011

Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port KELANIS/TABONEO /KELANIS Quantity (ltr) 32,000


TIME Name of Supplier / Barge PT.GLOBAL ARTA BORNEO

Drop anchor & stretcher line disc-ted 20:45 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609

TB in position to bunker terminal 21:10 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 21:40 Barges Flowmeter 86536644 86568694 32,050

Start pumping in 21:45 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 23:25

Pipeline disconnected 21:40 B. TUG BOAT

Draught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Cast off from the bunker terminal Initial (m) 3.2 3.6 0.4

Stretcherline connected and departure Final (m) 3 4 1

Full away Engine Running Hours Port = Stb =

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)

Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk 33 608 (608)

# 2 Stb Tk 58 1,057 160 12,071 11,014

Name :SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 106 4,729 160 12,071 7,342

Bunker Supervisor PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 152 14,278 250 28,468 14,190

Daily tank Stb 75 3,396 75 3,396 -

Daily tank Port 76 3,444 76 3,444 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 31,938

Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) -0.19%

Quantity after supply ROB Initial 27,512

= 27512+ 31938 = 59.450 Liters ROB After Supply 59,450

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 59,450

Tugboat / Voy TB.MANDIRI BORNEO / 85 Date 3/10/2011

Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port KELANIS/PAITON Quantity (ltr) 26,000


TIME Name of Supplier / Barge PT.GLOBAL ARTA BORNEO

Drop anchor & stretcher line disc-ted 19:45 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609

TB in position to bunker terminal 21:00 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 21:10 Barges Flowmeter 87516133 87542212 26,079

Start pumping in 21:15 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 23:00

Pipeline disconnected 23:05 B. TUG BOAT

Draught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Cast off from the bunker terminal Initial (m) 3.4 3.7 0.3

Stretcherline connected and departure Final (m) 3.3 3.9 0.6

Full away Engine Running Hours Port = 1064,6 Stb = 4265,7

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)

Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk 33 608 33 608 -

# 2 Stb Tk 73 1,889 152 10,837 8,948

Name :SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 84 2,681 164 12,697 10,016

Bunker Supervisor PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 208 22,387 261 30,061 7,674

Daily tank Stb 64 2,871 64 2,871 -

Daily tank Port 71 3,205 71 3,205 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 26,638

Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 2.45%

Quantity after supply ROB Initial 33,641

= 33.641+ 26.000 = 59.641 Liters ROB After Supply 60,279

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 60,279

Tugboat / Voy TB.MANDIRI BORNEO / 86 Date 3/16/2011

Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port PAITON/KELANIS Quantity (ltr) 38,000


TIME Name of Supplier / Barge PT.GLOBAL ARTA BORNEO

Drop anchor & stretcher line disc-ted 18:55 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609

TB in position to bunker terminal 19:00 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 19:05 Barges Flowmeter 87936172 87974252 38,080

Start pumping in 19:10 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 20:25

Pipeline disconnected 20:30 B. TUG BOAT

Draught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Cast off from the bunker terminal Initial (m) 3.5 3.5 0

Stretcherline connected and departure Final (m) 3.2 3.7 0.5

Full away Engine Running Hours Port = 1064,6 Stb = 4331,2

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)

Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk 33 608 33 608 -

# 1 Port Tk -

# 2 Stb Tk 52 806 154 11,142 10,336

Name :SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 123 6,730 150 10,533 3,803

Bunker Supervisor PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 113 8,660 277 32,377 23,717

Daily tank Stb 66 2,966 66 2,966 -

Daily tank Port 68 3,069 68 3,069 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 37,856

Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) -0.38%

Quantity after supply ROB Initial 22,839

= 22.839+ 37.856 = 60.695Liters ROB After Supply 60,695

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 60,695

Tugboat / Voy TB.MANDIRI BORNEO / 87 Date 3/24/2011

Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port TRISAKTI / PAITON / TRISAKTI Quantity (ltr) 47,000


TIME Name of Supplier / Barge PT.GLOBAL ARTA BORNEO

Drop anchor & stretcher line disc-ted 19:30 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609

TB in position to bunker terminal 19:50 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 20:00 Barges Flowmeter 88851325 88898405 47,080

Start pumping in 20:10 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 22:50

Pipeline disconnected B. TUG BOAT

Draught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Cast off from the bunker terminal Initial (m) 3.3 3.5 0.2

Stretcherline connected and departure Final (m) 3.2 3.8 0.6

Full away Engine Running Hours Port = 1064,6 Stb = 4416,6

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)

Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk 34 631 34 631 -

# 2 Stb Tk 33 279 140 14,122 13,843

Name :SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 92 3,354 173 14,222 10,868

Bunker Supervisor PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 43 1,285 220 24,124 22,839

Daily tank Stb 76 3,444 76 3,444 -

Daily tank Port 75 3,396 75 3,396 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 47,550

Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 1.17%

Quantity after supply ROB Initial 12,389

= 12.389+ 47.000 = 59.389Liters ROB After Supply 59,939

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 59,939

Tugboat / Voy TB.MANDIRI BORNEO / 88 Date 3/31/2011

Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port TRISAKTI / PAITON Quantity (ltr) 24,000


TIME Name of Supplier / Barge PT.GLOBAL ARTA BORNEO

Drop anchor & stretcher line disc-ted 8:10 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609

TB in position to bunker terminal 8:30 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 8:35 Barges Flowmeter 89829575 89853655 24,080

Start pumping in 8:42 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 10:05

Pipeline disconnected 10:10 B. TUG BOAT

Draught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Cast off from the bunker terminal Initial (m) 3.6 3.5 -0.1

Stretcherline connected and departure Final (m) 3.5 3.75 0.25

Full away Engine Running Hours Port = 1064,6 Stb = 4468

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)

Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk 33 609 33 609 -

# 2 Stb Tk 85 2,761 145 9,786 7,025

Name :SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 101 4,209 146 9,934 5,725

Bunker Supervisor PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 190 19,780 272 31,654 11,874

Daily tank Stb 78 3,540 78 3,540 -

Daily tank Port 78 3,540 78 3,540 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 24,624

Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 2.59%

Quantity after supply ROB Initial 34,439

= 34.439+ 24.000 = 58.439Liters ROB After Supply 59,063

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 59,063

Tugboat / Voy TB.MANDIRI BORNEO / 89 Date 3/31/2011

Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port PAITON /TRISAKTI Quantity (ltr) 39,000


TIME Name of Supplier / Barge PT.GLOBAL ARTA BORNEO

Drop anchor & stretcher line disc-ted 5:00 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609

TB in position to bunker terminal 5:50 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 6:00 Barges Flowmeter 90409130 90448210 39,080

Start pumping in 6:05 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 7:45

Pipeline disconnected 7:55 B. TUG BOAT

Draught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Cast off from the bunker terminal Initial (m) 3.4 3.4 0

Stretcherline connected and departure Final (m) 3.2 3.95 0.75

Full away Engine Running Hours Port = 1064,6 Stb = 4468

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)

Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk 33 609 33 609 -

# 2 Stb Tk 11 31 158 11,759 11,728

Name :SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 123 6,476 144 9,638 3,162

Bunker Supervisor PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 105 7,493 270.5 31,436 23,943

Daily tank Stb 85 3,876 85 3,876 -

Daily tank Port 86 3,924 86 3,924 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 38,833

Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) -0.43%

Quantity after supply ROB Initial 22,409

= 22.409+ 38.904 = 61.242 Liters ROB After Supply 61,242

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 61,242

Tugboat / Voy TB.MANDIRI BORNEO / 90 Date 4/14/2011

Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port TRISAKTI/PAITON /TRISAKTI Quantity (ltr) 46,000


TIME Name of Supplier / Barge PT.GLOBAL ARTA BORNEO

Drop anchor & stretcher line disc-ted 9:00 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609

TB in position to bunker terminal 9:20 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 9:30 Barges Flowmeter 90911970 90958050 46,080

Start pumping in 9:25 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 12:35

Pipeline disconnected 12:40 B. TUG BOAT

Draught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Cast off from the bunker terminal Initial (m) 3.5 3.5 0

Stretcherline connected and departure Final (m) 3.2 4 0.8

Full away Engine Running Hours Port = 1064,6 Stb = 4625,8

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)

Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk 33 608 33 608 -

# 2 Stb Tk 78 2,230 163 12,540 10,310

Name :SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 116 5,862 162 12,383 6,521

Bunker Supervisor PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 54 1,994 271 31,509 29,515

Daily tank Stb 55 2,442 55 2,442 -

Daily tank Port 49 2,157 49 2,157 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 46,346

Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 0.75%

Quantity after supply ROB Initial 15,293

= 15.293+ 46.000 = 61.293 Liters ROB After Supply 61,639

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 61,639

Tugboat / Voy TB.MANDIRI BORNEO / 91 Date 4/23/2011

Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port TRISAKTI/PAITON /TRISAKTI Quantity (ltr) 46,000


TIME Name of Supplier / Barge PT.GLOBAL ARTA BORNEO

Drop anchor & stretcher line disc-ted 0:00 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609

TB in position to bunker terminal 0:20 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 0:30 Barges Flowmeter 92710837 92756917 46,080

Start pumping in 0:35 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 3:00

Pipeline disconnected 3:05 B. TUG BOAT

Draught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Cast off from the bunker terminal Initial (m) 3.1 3.4 0.3

Stretcherline connected and departure Final (m) 2.9 4 1.1

Full away Engine Running Hours Port = 1064,6 Stb = 4713

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)

Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk 35 654 35 654 -

# 2 Stb Tk 54 885 155 11,296 10,411

Name :SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 110 5,167 147 10,083 4,916

Bunker Officer PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 10 111 265 30,640 30,529

Daily tank Stb 85 3,876 85 3,876 -

Daily tank Port 85 3,876 85 3,876 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 45,856

Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) -0.31%

Quantity after supply ROB Initial 14,569

= 14.569 + 45.856 = 60.425 Liters ROB After Supply 60,425

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 60,425

Tugboat / Voy TB.MANDIRI BORNEO / 92 Date 5/1/2011

Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port TRISAKTI/PAITON Quantity (ltr) 24,000


TIME Name of Supplier / Barge PT.GLOBAL ARTA BORNEO

Drop anchor & stretcher line disc-ted 1:00 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609

TB in position to bunker terminal 1:10 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 1:15 Barges Flowmeter 93560643 93584723 24,080

Start pumping in 1:20 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 2:20

Pipeline disconnected 2:25 B. TUG BOAT

Draught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Cast off from the bunker terminal Initial (m) 3.4 3.6 0.2

Stretcherline connected and departure Final (m) 3.3 3.9 0.6

Full away Engine Running Hours Port = 1064,6 Stb = 4765,4

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)

Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk 37 702 37 702 -

# 2 Stb Tk 11 31 174 14,281 14,250

Name :SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 77 2,160 158 11,759 9,599

Bunker Officer PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 227 25,138 227 25,138 -

Daily tank Stb 81 3,684 85 3,876 192

Daily tank Port 78 3,540 78 3,540 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 24,041

Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 0.17%

Quantity after supply ROB Initial 35,255

= 35.255 + 24.000 = 59.255 Liters ROB After Supply 59,296

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 59,296

Tugboat / Voy TB.MANDIRI BORNEO / 93 Date 5/7/2011

Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port PAITON /TRISAKTI Quantity (ltr) 37,000


TIME Name of Supplier / Barge PT.GLOBAL ARTA BORNEO

Drop anchor & stretcher line disc-ted 5:10 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609

TB in position to bunker terminal 6:10 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 6:20 Barges Flowmeter 94336129 94373209 37,080

Start pumping in 6:25 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 8:15

Pipeline disconnected 8:20 B. TUG BOAT

Draught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Cast off from the bunker terminal Initial (m) 3.3 3.5 0.2

Stretcherline connected and departure Final (m) 3.05 3.95 0.9

Full away Engine Running Hours Port = 1064,6 Stb = 4833,5

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)

Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk -

# 2 Stb Tk 110 5,167 158 11,759 6,592

Name :SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 146 9,934 166 13,012 3,078

Bunker Officer PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 60 2,452 258 29,629 27,177

Daily tank Stb 64 2,871 64 2,871 -

Daily tank Port 65 2,918 65 2,918 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 36,847

Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) -0.41%

Quantity after supply ROB Initial 23,342

= 23.342 + 36.847 = 60.189 Liters ROB After Supply 60,189

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 60,189

Tugboat / Voy TB.MANDIRI BORNEO / 94 Date 5/13/2011

Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port TRISAKTI/PAITON Quantity (ltr) 23,000


TIME Name of Supplier / Barge PT.GLOBAL ARTA BORNEO

Drop anchor & stretcher line disc-ted 18:15 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609

TB in position to bunker terminal 18:20 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 18:25 Barges Flowmeter 95399479 95422559 23,080

Start pumping in 18:30 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 19:40

Pipeline disconnected 19:45 B. TUG BOAT

Draught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Cast off from the bunker terminal Initial (m) 3.4 3.6 0.2

Stretcherline connected and departure Final (m) 0

Full away Engine Running Hours Port = 1064,6 Stb = 4881,8

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)

Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk -

# 2 Stb Tk 105 4,623 148 10,232 5,609

Name :SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 112 5,393 147 10,083 4,690

Bunker Officer PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 198 20,939 286 33,681 12,742

Daily tank Stb 73 3,301 73 3,301 -

Daily tank Port 64 2,871 64 2,871 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 23,041

Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 0.18%

Quantity after supply ROB Initial 37,127

= 37.127 + 23.000 = 60.189 Liters ROB After Supply 60,168

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 60,168

Tugboat / Voy TB.MANDIRI BORNEO / 95 Date 5/20/2011

Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port TRISAKTI/PAITON Quantity (ltr) 36,000


TIME Name of Supplier / Barge PT.GLOBAL ARTA BORNEO

Drop anchor & stretcher line disc-ted 1:30 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609

TB in position to bunker terminal 1:35 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 1:40 Barges Flowmeter 96246025 96282105 36,080

Start pumping in 1:45 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 3:30

Pipeline disconnected 3:35 B. TUG BOAT

Draught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Cast off from the bunker terminal Initial (m) 3.1 3.6 0.5

Stretcherline connected and departure Final (m) 2.9 3.9 1

Full away Engine Running Hours Port = 1064,6 Stb = 4881,8

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)

Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk -

# 2 Stb Tk 87 2,925 139 8,910 5,985

Name :SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 123 6,730 154 11,142 4,412

Bunker Officer PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 112 8,489 288 33,970 25,481

Daily tank Stb 62 2,776 62 2,776 -

Daily tank Port 67 3,014 67 3,014 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 35,878

Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) -0.34%

Quantity after supply ROB Initial 23,934

= 23.934 + 35.878 = 59.812 Liters ROB After Supply 59,812

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 59,812

Tugboat / Voy TB.MANDIRI BORNEO / 97 Date 5/28/2011

Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port TRISAKTI/PAITON Quantity (ltr) 29,000


TIME Name of Supplier / Barge PT.GLOBAL ARTA BORNEO

Drop anchor & stretcher line disc-ted 5:35 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609

TB in position to bunker terminal 5:40 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 5:45 Barges Flowmeter 97186542 97215622 29,080

Start pumping in 5:50 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 7:10

Pipeline disconnected 7:15 B. TUG BOAT

Draught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Cast off from the bunker terminal Initial (m) 3.3 3.7 0.4

Stretcherline connected and departure Final (m) 0

Full away Engine Running Hours Port = 1065,1 Stb = 5010,1

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)

Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk -

# 2 Stb Tk 59 1,104 178 14,917 13,813

Name :SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 100 4,109 216 19,536 15,427

Bunker Officer PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 192 20,070 192 20,070 -

Daily tank Stb 69 3,109 69 3,109 -

Daily tank Port 73 3,301 73 3,301 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 29,240

Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 0.83%

Quantity after supply ROB Initial 31,693

= 31.693 + 29.000 = 60.693 Liters ROB After Supply 60,933

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 60,933

Tugboat / Voy TB.MANDIRI BORNEO / 98 Date 6/5/2011

Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port TRISAKTI/PAITON Quantity (ltr) 26,000


TIME Name of Supplier / Barge PT.GLOBAL ARTA BORNEO

Drop anchor & stretcher line disc-ted 19:40 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609

TB in position to bunker terminal 19:45 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 19:50 Barges Flowmeter 97654121 97680201 26,080

Start pumping in 19:55 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 21:00

Pipeline disconnected 21:05 B. TUG BOAT

Draught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Cast off from the bunker terminal Initial (m) 3.3 3.7 0.4

Stretcherline connected and departure Final (m) 0

Full away Engine Running Hours Port = 1065,1 Stb = 5065,7,1

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)

Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk -

# 2 Stb Tk 38 383 156 11,450 11,067

Name :SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 100 4,109 174 14,281 10,172

Bunker Officer PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 213 23,110 250 28,468 5,358

Daily tank Stb 82 3,732 82 3,732 -

Daily tank Port 75 3,396 75 3,396 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 26,597

Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 2.29%

Quantity after supply ROB Initial 34,730

= 34.730 + 26.000 = 60.730 Liters ROB After Supply 61,327

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 61,327

Tugboat / Voy TB.MANDIRI BORNEO / 99 Date 6/11/2011

Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port PAITON/TRISAKTI Quantity (ltr) 35,000


TIME Name of Supplier / Barge PT.GLOBAL ARTA BORNEO

Drop anchor & stretcher line disc-ted 12:30 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609

TB in position to bunker terminal 12:35 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 12:40 Barges Flowmeter 988468 1023548 35,080

Start pumping in 12:45 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 14:15

Pipeline disconnected 14:20 B. TUG BOAT

Draught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Cast off from the bunker terminal Initial (m) 3.3 3.4 0.1

Stretcherline connected and departure Final (m) 3.1 3.8 0.7

Full away Engine Running Hours Port = 1065,1 Stb = 5150,7

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)

Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk -

# 2 Stb Tk 132 7,926 154 11,142 3,216

Name :SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 144 9,638 178 14,917 5,279

Bunker Officer PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 58 2,295 252 28,758 26,463

Daily tank Stb 57 2,537 57 2,537 -

Daily tank Port 63 2,805 63 2,805 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 34,958

Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) -0.12%

Quantity after supply ROB Initial 25,201

= 25.201 + 34.958 = 60.159 Liters ROB After Supply 60,159

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 60,159

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 101 Date 6/20/2011

Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port TRISAKTI/TABONEO/TRISAKTI Quantity (ltr) 26,000


TIME Name of Supplier / Barge PT.GLOBAL ARTA BORNEO

Drop anchor & stretcher line disc-ted 4:40 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609

TB in position to bunker terminal 4:45 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 4:50 Barges Flowmeter 99846117 99872197 26,080

Start pumping in 4:55 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 6:15

Pipeline disconnected 6:20 B. TUG BOAT

Draught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Cast off from the bunker terminal Initial (m) 3.3 3.4 0.1

Stretcherline connected and departure Final (m) 3.1 3.8 0.7

Full away Engine Running Hours Port = 1065,1 Stb = 5190,2

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)

Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk -

# 2 Stb Tk 38 383 146 9,934 9,551

Name :SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 114 5,625 156 11,450 5,825

Bunker Officer PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 208 22,387 282 33,102 10,715

Daily tank Stb 69 3,109 69 3,109 -

Daily tank Port 69 3,109 69 3,109 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 26,091

Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 0.35%

Quantity after supply ROB Initial 34,613

= 34.614 + 26.000 = 60.614 Liters ROB After Supply 60,704

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 60,704

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 102 Date 6/28/2011Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port Paiton/kelanis Quantity (ltr) 45,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 8:00 Flowmeter Serial No. 488609TB in position to bunker terminal 8:05 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 8:10 Barges Flowmeter 1039064 1084228 45,164 Start pumping in 8:15 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 10:00Pipeline disconnected 10:05 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 95.1244 TonCast off from the bunker terminal Final Mass Inventory 133.1414 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 38.0170 TonFull away Density 0.8426 gr/cm3

Volume Received 45.1187 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.1140 KLNet Volume Received 45.0047 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.3 3.5 0.2Final (m) 3.1 4 0.9

Engine Running Hours Port = 1065,1 Stb = 5280,1

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk - # 2 Stb Tk 83 2,603 158 11,553 8,950

Name : SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 115 5,743 146 9,934 4,191 Bunker Foreman PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 8 84 274 31,943 31,859

Daily tank Stb 70 3,157 70 3,157 - Daily tank Port 69 3,109 69 3,109 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 45,000 Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%

ROB After supply ROB Initial 14,696 14.696 + 45.000 = 59.696 ROB After Supply 59,696

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 59,696

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 103 Date 7/7/2011Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port Paiton/kelanis Quantity (ltr) 46,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 20:00 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376TB in position to bunker terminal 20:05 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 20:10 Barges Flowmeter 1 46142 46,141 Start pumping in 20:15 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 22:10Pipeline disconnected 22:15 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 276.7231 TonCast off from the bunker terminal Final Mass Inventory 315.5083 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 38.7852 TonFull away Density 0.8410 gr/cm3

Volume Received 46.1180 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.1140 KLNet Volume Received 46.0040 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.3 3.5 0.2Final (m) 3.2 3.9 0.7

Engine Running Hours Port = 1065,1 Stb = 5370,3

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk - # 2 Stb Tk 10 26 160 12,071 12,045

Name : SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 10 26 208 18,626 18,600 Bunker Foreman PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 95 6,129 201 21,484 15,355

Daily tank Stb 84 3,828 84 3,828 - Daily tank Port 84 3,828 84 3,828 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 46,000 Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%

ROB After supply ROB Initial 13,837 13.837 + 46.000 = 59.837 ROB After Supply 59,837

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 59,837

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 104 Date 7/14/2011Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port taboneo/kelanis Quantity (ltr) 26,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 10:15 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376TB in position to bunker terminal 10:20 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 10:25 Barges Flowmeter 3657332 3683473 26,141 Start pumping in 10:30 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 11:50Pipeline disconnected 11:55 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 402.0291 TonCast off from the bunker terminal Final Mass Inventory 424.0544 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 22.0253 TonFull away Density 0.8441 gr/cm3

Volume Received 26.0932 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.0912 KLNet Volume Received 26.0020 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.5 3.6 0.1Final (m) 3.2 3.8 0.6

Engine Running Hours Port = 1065,1 Stb = 5431,8

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk - # 2 Stb Tk 127 7,251 163 12,649 5,398

Name : SUROTO # 2 Port Tk 148 10,232 183 15,630 5,398 Bunker Foreman PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 135 11,816 240 27,020 15,204

Daily tank Stb 60 2,681 60 2,681 - Daily tank Port 58 2,585 58 2,585 -

Name : JEKI SETIYO Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 26,000 Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%

ROB After supply ROB Initial 34,565 34.565 + 26.000 = 60.565 ROB After Supply 60,565

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 60,565

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 106 Date 7/20/2011Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port ibt/kelanis Quantity (ltr) 29,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 9:15 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376TB in position to bunker terminal 9:20 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 9:25 Barges Flowmeter 4025760 4054924 29,164 Start pumping in 9:30 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 11:05Pipeline disconnected 11:10 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 551.9897 TonCast off from the bunker terminal Final Mass Inventory 576.5654 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 24.5757 TonFull away Density 0.8430 gr/cm3

Volume Received 29.1527 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.1140 KLNet Volume Received 29.0387 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.3 3.5 0.2Final (m) 3.2 3.8 0.6

Engine Running Hours Port = 1065,1 Stb = 5494,0

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk - # 2 Stb Tk 150 13,988 158 11,759 (2,229)

Name : Budi Purnomo # 2 Port Tk 120 6,351 156 11,450 5,099 Bunker Foreman PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 80 2,375 252 28,758 26,383

Daily tank Stb 86 3,924 86 3,924 - Daily tank Port 86 3,924 86 3,924 -

Name : Jeki Setiyo Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 29,253 Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 0.87%

ROB After supply ROB Initial 30,562 30.562 + 29.000 = 59.562 ROB After Supply 59,815

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 59,815

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 108 Date 7/30/2011Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port ibt/kelanis Quantity (ltr) 43,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 5:30 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 5:35 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 5:40 Barges Flowmeter 5044231 5087395 43,164 Start pumping in 5:45 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 7:55Pipeline disconnected 8:00 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 716.3398 TonCast off from the bunker terminal Final Mass Inventory 752.8610 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 36.5212 TonFull away Density 0.8465 gr/cm3

Volume Received 43.1438 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.1140 KLNet Volume Received 43.0298 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.3 3.5 0.2Final (m) 3.2 3.8 0.6

Engine Running Hours Port = 1065,1 Stb = 5581 HG = 186

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk 123 3,925 123 3,925 - # 2 Stb Tk 30 227 124 6,858 6,631

Name : Budi Purnomo # 2 Port Tk 107 4,837 136 8,483 3,646 Bunker Foreman PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 16 222 286 33,681 33,459

Daily tank Stb 88 4,020 88 4,020 - Daily tank Port 88 4,020 88 4,020 -

Name : Jeki Setiyo Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 43,736 Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 1.71%

ROB After supply ROB Initial 17,251 17.251 + 43.000 = 60.251 liter ROB After Supply 60,987

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 60,987

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 110 Date 8/8/2011Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port taboneo/kelanis Quantity (ltr) 43,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 19:10 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 19:20 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 19:25 Barges Flowmeter 6911540 6954704 43,164 Start pumping in 19:35 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 21:50Pipeline disconnected 21:55 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 920.7143 TonCast off from the bunker terminal Final Mass Inventory 956.5593 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 35.8450 TonFull away Density 0.8314 gr/cm3

Volume Received 43.1140 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.1140 KLNet Volume Received 43.0000 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.3 3.5 0.2Final (m) 3.2 3.9 0.7

Engine Running Hours Port = 1100 Stb = 5641 HG = 227,15

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk - # 2 Stb Tk 129 7,506 7,506

Name : Budi Purnomo # 2 Port Tk 84 2,681 164 12,697 10,016 Bunker Foreman PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 110 8,203 286 33,681 25,478

Daily tank Stb 65 2,918 65 2,918 - Daily tank Port 86 3,924 86 3,924 -

Name : Jeki Setiyo Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 43,000 Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%

ROB After supply ROB Initial 17,726 17.726 + 43.000 = 60.726 liter ROB After Supply 60,726

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 60,726

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 112 Date 8/18/2011Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port taboneo/kelanis Quantity (ltr) 38,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 6:45 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 8:30 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 8:40 Barges Flowmeter 8147169 8185310 38,141 Start pumping in 8:45 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 11:00Pipeline disconnected 11:05 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 1,079.9942 TonCast off from the bunker terminal Final Mass Inventory 1,111.4744 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 31.4802 TonFull away Density 0.8246 gr/cm3

Volume Received 38.1763 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.1140 KLNet Volume Received 38.0623 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.3 3.5 0.2Final (m) 3.2 3.9 0.7

Engine Running Hours Port = 1192,2 Stb = 5730,8 HG = 281,30

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk - # 2 Stb Tk 40 431 130 7,653 7,222

Name : Budi Purnomo # 2 Port Tk 26 167 119 6,185 6,018 Bunker Foreman PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 127 10,658 298 35,418 24,760

Daily tank Stb 86 3,924 86 3,924 - Daily tank Port 86 3,924 86 3,924 -

Name : Jeki Setiyo Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 38,000 Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%

ROB After supply ROB Initial 19,104 19.104 + 38.000 = 57.104 liter ROB After Supply 57,104

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 57,104

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 113 Date 8/25/2011Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port kelanis/paiton Quantity (ltr) 67,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 21:00 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 21:30 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 21:45 Barges Flowmeter - - 67,114 Start pumping in 21:55 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 2:25Pipeline disconnected 2:30 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 1,354.6162 TonCast off from the bunker terminal Final Mass Inventory 1,409.5575 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 54.9413 TonFull away Density 0.8186 gr/cm3

Volume Received 67.1162 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.1140 KLNet Volume Received 67.0022 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.3 3.5 0.2Final (m) 3.2 3.9 0.7

Engine Running Hours Port = 1192,2 Stb = 5730,8 HG = 281,30

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk - # 2 Stb Tk 61 1,200 291 28,140 26,940

Name : Budi Purnomo # 2 Port Tk 92 3,354 290 28,065 24,711 Bunker Foreman PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 194 20,359 300 35,708 15,349

Daily tank Stb 84 3,828 84 3,828 - Daily tank Port 86 3,924 86 3,924 -

Name : Jeki Setiyo Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 67,000 Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%

ROB After supply ROB Initial 32,665 32.665 + 67.000 = 99.665 liter ROB After Supply 99,665

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 99,665

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 115 Date 9/11/2011Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port paiton/kelanis Quantity (ltr) 85,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 0:15 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 0:30 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 0:40 Barges Flowmeter - - 85,114 Start pumping in 0:45 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 5:50Pipeline disconnected 4:55 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 1,409.5575 TonCast off from the bunker terminal Final Mass Inventory 1,479.9944 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 70.4369 TonFull away Density 0.8275 gr/cm3

Volume Received 85.1201 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.1140 KLNet Volume Received 85.0061 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.6 3.6 0Final (m) 3.2 3.9 0.7

Engine Running Hours Port = 1419,1 Stb = 5920,1 HG = 452

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk 175 6,832 175 6,832 - # 2 Stb Tk 50 732 264 25,047 24,315

Name : Budi Purnomo # 2 Port Tk 20 95 259 24,459 24,364 Bunker Foreman PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 10 111 305 36,432 36,321

Daily tank Stb 88 4,020 88 4,020 - Daily tank Port 88 4,020 88 4,020 -

Name : Jeki Setiyo Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 85,000 Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%

ROB After supply ROB Initial 15,810 15.810 + 85.000 = 100.810 liter ROB After Supply 100,810

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 100,810

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 118 Date 9/26/2011Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port kelanis/paiton Quantity (ltr) 63,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 20:15 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 20:20 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 20:25 Barges Flowmeter - - 63,114 Start pumping in 20:30 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 22:45Pipeline disconnected 22:50 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 1,768.9077 TonCast off from the bunker terminal Final Mass Inventory 1,821.9419 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 53.0342 TonFull away Density 0.8397 gr/cm3

Volume Received 63.1585 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.1140 KLNet Volume Received 63.0445 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.6 3.6 0Final (m) 3.2 4 0.8

Engine Running Hours Port = 6003 Stb = 1570 HG = 486,51

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk - # 2 Stb Tk 168 13,329 303 29,622 16,293

Name : Budi Purnomo # 2 Port Tk 180 15,236 304 29,674 14,438 Bunker Foreman PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 77 4,018 304 36,287 32,269

Daily tank Stb 49 2,157 49 2,157 - Daily tank Port 43 1,873 43 1,873 -

Name : Jeki Setiyo Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 63,000 Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%

ROB After supply ROB Initial 36,613 36.613 + 63.000 = 99.613 liter ROB After Supply 99,613

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 99,613

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 120 Date 10/8/2011Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSD

Last/Next port kelanis/paiton Quantity (ltr) 59,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 16:50 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 17:00 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 17:10 Barges Flowmeter - - 59,114 Start pumping in 17:20 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 19:35Pipeline disconnected 19:40 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 2,007.8241 TonCast off from the bunker terminal Final Mass Inventory 2,056.8064 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 48.9823 TonFull away Density 0.8285 gr/cm3

Volume Received 59.1217 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.1140 KLNet Volume Received 59.0077 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.4 3.6 0.2Final (m) 3.2 4 0.8

Engine Running Hours Port = 1700,7 Stb = 6133,8 HG = 504,39

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk - # 2 Stb Tk 169 13,487 298 29,023 15,536

Name : Budi Purnomo # 2 Port Tk 185 15,966 294 28,531 12,565 Bunker Foreman PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 79 4,230 296 35,129 30,899

Daily tank Stb 86 3,924 86 3,924 - Daily tank Port 87 3,972 87 3,972 -

Name : Jeki Setiyo Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 59,000 Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%

ROB After supply ROB Initial 41,579 41.579 + 59.000 = 100.579 liter ROB After Supply 100,579

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 100,579

Tugboat / Voy Date 25 MEI 2012Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSDLast/Next port Quantity (ltr) 51,319


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b) - (a)

Pipeline connected Barges Flowmeter - - 41,000 Start pumping in 5:50 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 7:40Pipeline disconnected B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory TonCast off from the bunker terminal Final Mass Inventory Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received TonFull away Density 0,84 gr/cm3

Volume Received 51.3910 KLFuel given back to supplier KLNet Volume Received KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.4 3.6 0.2Final (m) 3.2 4 0.8Engine Running Hours Port = 0 Stb = 0 HG = 504,39

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b) - (a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk Nil - 152 5,465 5,465

# 1 Port Tk Nil - 116 3,552 3,552 # 2 Stb Tk 165 12,854 274 26,205 13,351 # 2 Port Tk 164 12,697 270 25,741 13,044

Bunker Foreman PT MDM, # 2 CtreTk 122 9,534 278 32,522 22,988 Daily tank Stb 74 3,349 (3,349)Daily tank Port 82 3,732 (3,732)

Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 51,319 Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%

ROB After supply ROB Initial 42,166 42.166 + 51.391 = 93.485 liter ROB After Supply 93,485

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 93,485


Name : Bas Ngalimin

Name : Jeki Setiyo

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 157 Date 12/6/2012Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSDLast/Next port Taboneo/Kelanis Quantity (ltr) 72,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 2:45 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 2:50 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 2:55 Barges Flowmeter - - 72,000 Start pumping in 3:00 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 6:00Pipeline disconnected 6:05 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 5,957.5337 TonCast off from the bunker terminal Final Mass Inventory 6,018.1792 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 60.6455 TonFull away Density 0.8410 gr/cm3

Volume Received 72.1112 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.0912 KLNet Volume Received 72.0200 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.3 3.6 0.3Final (m) 3.2 4 0.8Engine Running Hours Port = 3408.9 Stb = 7892.6 HG =

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk 178 7,020 7,020

# 1 Port Tk 184 7,345 7,345 # 2 Stb Tk 159 11,915 260 24,584 12,669 # 2 Port Tk 152 10,837 246 22,971 12,134

Bunker Foreman PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 50 1,718 292 34,550 32,832 Daily tank Stb 40 1,732 40 1,732 - Daily tank Port 46 2,016 46 2,016 -

Catatan: Total supplied due to ship 72,000 Supplier duty, Kapal tidak di lengkapi trim koreksi Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%

ROB After supply ROB Initial 28,218 28.218 + 72.000 = 100.218 liter ROB After Supply 100,218

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 100,218

Name : Ngalimin

Name : Jeki Setiyo

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 162 Date 3/7/2012Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSDLast/Next port Taboneo/Kelanis Quantity (ltr) 78,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 17:40 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 17:45 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 17:50 Barges Flowmeter - - 78,000 Start pumping in 17:55 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 20:35Pipeline disconnected 20:40 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 6,516.5098 TonCast off from the bunker terminal 20:50 Final Mass Inventory 6,582.3535 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 65.8437 TonFull away Density 0.8431 gr/cm3

Volume Received 78.0971 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.0912 KLNet Volume Received 78.0059 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.4 3.5 0.1Final (m) 3.2 4 0.8Engine Running Hours Port = 3599.5 Stb = 8083 HG =

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk 180 7,146 7,146

# 1 Port Tk 176 6,880 6,880 # 2 Stb Tk 97 3,818 247 23,086 19,268 # 2 Port Tk 104 4,517 254 23,892 19,375

Bunker Foreman PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 109 8,060 284 33,391 25,331 Daily tank Stb 71 3,205 71 3,205 - Daily tank Port 71 3,205 71 3,205 -

Catatan: Kapal tidak di lengkapi koreksi trim Total supplied due to ship 78,000 Supplier duty, Rob alalak = 22.385 Liter Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%

ROB After supply ROB Initial 22,805 22.385 + 420 + 78.000 = 100.805 Liter ROB After Supply 100,805

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 100,805

Name : Ngalimin

Name : Jeki Setiyo

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 170 Date 11/8/2012Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSDLast/Next port Taboneo/Kelanis Quantity (ltr) 75,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 0:00 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 0:05 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 0:10 Barges Flowmeter - - 75,000 Start pumping in 0:15 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 2:00Pipeline disconnected 2:05 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 7,430.6177 TonCast off from the bunker terminal 2:15 Final Mass Inventory 7,494.3101 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 63.6924 TonFull away Density 0.8481 gr/cm3

Volume Received 75.1001 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.0912 KLNet Volume Received 75.0089 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.3 3.4 0.1Final (m) 3.2 4 0.8Engine Running Hours Port = 3967.4 Stb = 8447.1 HG =

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk 208 8,993 8,993

# 1 Port Tk 204 8,698 8,698 # 2 Stb Tk 133 8,064 228 20,906 12,842 # 2 Port Tk 144 9,344 236 21,822 12,478

Bunker Foreman PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 45 1,402 284 33,391 31,989 Daily tank Stb 70 3,157 70 3,157 - Daily tank Port 77 3,492 77 3,492 -

Catatan: Kapal tidak di lengkapi koreksi trim Total supplied due to ship 75,000 Supplier duty, Rob alalak = 22.385 Liter Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%

ROB After supply ROB Initial 25,459 25.459 + 75.000 = 100.459 Liter ROB After Supply 100,459

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 100,459

Name : Ngalimin

Name : Jeki Setiyo



Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 176 Date 19/09/2012Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSDLast/Next port Kelanis/Paiton Quantity (ltr) 70,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 18:30 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 18:35 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 18:40 Barges Flowmeter - - 70,000 Start pumping in 18:45 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 21:00Pipeline disconnected 21:10 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 7,837.3833 TonCast off from the bunker terminal 21:30 Final Mass Inventory 7,896.7441 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 59.3608 TonFull away Density 0.8480 gr/cm3

Volume Received 70.0009 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.0000 KLNet Volume Received 70.0009 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.3 3.4 0.1Final (m) 3.2 4 0.8Engine Running Hours Port = Stb = HG = 3239

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk 216 9,542 9,542

# 1 Port Tk 209 9,025 9,025 # 2 Stb Tk 120 6,351 216 19,536 13,185 # 2 Port Tk 134 8,203 226 20,678 12,475

Bunker Officer PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 114 8,777 292 34,550 25,773 Daily tank Stb 71 3,205 71 3,205 - Daily tank Port 75 3,396 75 3,396 -

Catatan: Kapal tidak di lengkapi koreksi trim Total supplied due to ship 70,000 Supplier duty, ROB After supply Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%

29.932 + 70.000 = 99.932 Liter ROB Initial 29,932 ROB After Supply 99,932

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 99,932

Name : Ngalimin

Name : Jeki Setiyo

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 177 Date 19/09/2012Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSDLast/Next port Taboneo/Kelanis Quantity (ltr) 72,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 0:00 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 0:05 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 0:10 Barges Flowmeter - - 72,000 Start pumping in 0:15 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 2:00Pipeline disconnected 2:05 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 8,412.7822 TonCast off from the bunker terminal 2:15 Final Mass Inventory 8,472.6680 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 59.8858 TonFull away Density 0.8306 gr/cm3

Volume Received 72.0994 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.0912 KLNet Volume Received 72.0082 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.5 3.4 -0.1Final (m) 3.2 4 0.8Engine Running Hours Port = Stb = HG = 3239

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk 184 7,402 7,402

# 1 Port Tk 186 7,531 7,531 # 2 Stb Tk 143 9,491 239 22,125 12,634 # 2 Port Tk 140 9,054 244 22,741 13,687

Bunker Officer PT MDM, # 2 Ctr Tk 72 3,514 290 34,260 30,746 Daily tank Stb 73 3,301 73 3,301 - Daily tank Port 63 2,824 63 2,824 -

Catatan: Kapal tidak di lengkapi koreksi trim Total supplied due to ship 72,000 Supplier duty, ROB After supply Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%

28.184 + 72.000 = 100.184 Liter ROB Initial 28,184 ROB After Supply 100,184

Name : ROB Departure Bunker Station 100,184

Name : Ngalimin

Name : Jeki Setiyo

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 184 Date 22/10/12Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSDLast/Next port Taboneo/Kelanis Quantity (ltr) 86,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 15:15 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 15:20 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 15:25 Barges Flowmeter - - 86,000 Start pumping in 15:30 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 18:05Pipeline disconnected 18:10 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 9,316.2236 TonCast off from the bunker terminal 18:25 Final Mass Inventory 9,388.3340 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 72.1104 TonFull away Density 0.8376 gr/cm3

Volume Received 86.0917 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.0912 KLNet Volume Received 86.0005 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.4 3.4 0Final (m) 3.2 4 0.8Engine Running Hours Port = Stb = HG = 3239

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk 212 9,251 9,251

# 1 Port Tk 214 9,404 9,404 # 2 Stb Tk 75 2,022 210 18,853 16,831 # 2 Port Tk 99 4,011 228 20,906 16,895

Bunker Officer PT. MDM # 2 Ctr Tk 6 62 286 33,681 33,619 Daily tank Stb 75 3,396 75 3,396 - Daily tank Port 75 3,396 75 3,396 -

Catatan: Kapal tidak di lengkapi koreksi trim Total supplied due to ship 86,000 ROB After supply Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%12.887 + 86.000 = 98.887 Liter ROB Initial 12,887

ROB After Supply 98,887 ROB Departure Bunker Station 98,887

Name : Ngalimin

Name : Jeki Setiyo

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 186 Date 6/11/212Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSDLast/Next port Kelanis/Taboneo Quantity (ltr) 67,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 21:30 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 21:35 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 21:40 Barges Flowmeter - - 67,000 Start pumping in 21:45 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 0:10Pipeline disconnected 0:15 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 9,734.6133 TonCast off from the bunker terminal 0:25 Final Mass Inventory 9,791.4111 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 56.7978 TonFull away Density 0.8464 gr/cm3

Volume Received 67.1052 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.0912 KLNet Volume Received 67.0140 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.6 3.5 -0.1Final (m) 3.2 4 0.8Engine Running Hours

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk 178 7,020 7,020

# 1 Port Tk 170 6,895 6,895 # 2 Stb Tk 173 14,122 261 24,730 10,608 # 2 Port Tk 174 14,281 262 24,815 10,534

Bunker Officer PT. MDM # 2 Ctr Tk 274 31,943 31,943 Daily tank Stb 66 2,966 66 2,966 - Daily tank Port 67 3,014 67 3,014 -

Catatan: Kapal tidak di lengkapi koreksi trim Total supplied due to ship 67,000 ROB After supply Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%34.383 + 67.000 = 101.383 Liter ROB Initial 34,383

ROB After Supply 101,383 ROB Departure Bunker Station 101,383

Name : Ngalimin

Name : Jeki Setiyo

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 189 Date 25/11/2012Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSDLast/Next port Paiton/Taboneo Quantity (ltr) 90,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 4:30 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 4:35 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 4:40 Barges Flowmeter - - 90,000 Start pumping in 4:45 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 6:35Pipeline disconnected 6:40 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 10,192.9760 TonCast off from the bunker terminal 6:50 Final Mass Inventory 10,269.3330 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 76.3570 TonFull away Density 0.8475 gr/cm3

Volume Received 90.0968 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.0912 KLNet Volume Received 90.0056 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.5 3.4 -0.1Final (m) 3.2 4 0.8Engine Running Hours

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk 225 10,136 10,136

# 1 Port Tk 226 10,239 10,239 # 2 Stb Tk 65 1,410 216 19,536 18,126 # 2 Port Tk 78 2,230 224 20,449 18,219

Bunker Officer PT. MDM # 2 Ctr Tk 10 111 284 33,391 33,280 Daily tank Stb 70 3,157 70 3,157 - Daily tank Port 70 3,157 70 3,157 -

Catatan: Kapal tidak di lengkapi koreksi trim Total supplied due to ship 90,000 ROB After supply Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%10.065 + 90.000 = 100.065 Liter ROB Initial 10,065

ROB After Supply 100,065 ROB Departure Bunker Station 100,065

Name : Timotius

Name : Jeki Setiyo

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 211 Date 4/7/2013Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSDLast/Next port Kelanis - Taboneo Quantity (ltr) 79,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 12:00 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 12:05 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 12:10 Barges Flowmeter - - 79,000 Start pumping in 12:15 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 15:00Pipeline disconnected 15:05 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 12,993.3000 TonCast off from the bunker terminal 15:15 Final Mass Inventory 13,059.7440 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 66.4440 TonFull away Density 0.8400 gr/cm3

Volume Received 79.1000 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.0912 KLNet Volume Received 79.0088 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.5 3.4 -0.1Final (m) 3.2 4 0.8Engine Running Hours

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk - # 2 Stb Tk 96 3,722 303 29,590 25,868 # 2 Port Tk 166 12,071 308 30,074 18,003

Bunker Officer PT. MDM # 2 Ctr Tk 296 35,129 35,129 Daily tank Stb 74 3,349 74 3,349 - Daily tank Port 74 3,349 74 3,349 -

Catatan: Kapal tidak di lengkapi koreksi trim Total supplied due to ship 79,000 ROB After supply Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%22.491 + 79.000 = 101.491 Liter ROB Initial 22,491

ROB After Supply 101,491 ROB Departure Bunker Station 101,491

Name : Timotius

Name : Jeki Setiyo

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 216 Date 5/4/2013Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSDLast/Next port Taboneo / Kelanis Quantity (ltr) 82,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 21:30 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 21:35 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 21:40 Barges Flowmeter - - 82,000 Start pumping in 21:50 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 0:40Pipeline disconnected 0:50 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 13,658.0560 TonCast off from the bunker terminal 1:00 Final Mass Inventory 13,726.9950 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 68.9390 TonFull away Density 0.8396 gr/cm3

Volume Received 82.1093 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.0912 KLNet Volume Received 82.0181 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.3 3.4 0.1Final (m) 3.2 4 0.8Engine Running Hours

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk - # 2 Stb Tk 100 4,109 290 28,002 23,893 # 2 Port Tk 122 6,602 284 27,366 20,764

Bunker Officer PT. MDM # 2 Ctr Tk 312 37,343 37,343 Daily tank Stb 84 3,828 84 3,828 - Daily tank Port 78 3,540 78 3,540 -

Catatan: Kapal tidak di lengkapi koreksi trim Total supplied due to ship 82,000 ROB After supply Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%18.079 + 82.000 = 100.079 Liter ROB Initial 18,079

ROB After Supply 100,079 ROB Departure Bunker Station 100,079

Name : Timotius

Name : Jeki Setiyo

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 223 Date 6/5/2013Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSDLast/Next port Taboneo / Kelanis Quantity (ltr) 83,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 13:15 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 14:15 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 14:25 Barges Flowmeter - - 83,000 Start pumping in 14:35 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 17:25Pipeline disconnected B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 14,386.0330 TonCast off from the bunker terminal Final Mass Inventory 14,456.2970 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 70.2640 TonFull away Density 0.8455 gr/cm3

Volume Received 83.1035 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.0912 KLNet Volume Received 83.0123 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.3 3.4 0.1Final (m) 3.2 4 0.8Engine Running Hours

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk - # 2 Stb Tk 22 116 289 27,944 27,828 # 2 Port Tk 70 1,699 284 27,366 25,667

Bunker Officer PT. MDM # 2 Ctr Tk 104 7353 308 36,858 29,505 Daily tank Stb 86 3,924 86 3,924 - Daily tank Port 82 3,732 82 3,732 -

Catatan: Kapal tidak di lengkapi koreksi trim Total supplied due to ship 83,000 ROB After supply Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%16.824 + 83.000 = 99.824 Liter ROB Initial 16,824

ROB After Supply 99,824 ROB Departure Bunker Station 99,824

Name : Hamsah

Name : Jeki Setiyo

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 229 Date 6/29/2013Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSDLast/Next port Taboneo / Kelanis Quantity (ltr) 73,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 5:55 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 6:00 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 6:05 Barges Flowmeter - - 73,000 Start pumping in 6:15 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 8:30Pipeline disconnected 8:40 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 15,143.7570 TonCast off from the bunker terminal 8:50 Final Mass Inventory 15,205.3060 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 61.5490 TonFull away Density 0.8420 gr/cm3

Volume Received 73.0986 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.0912 KLNet Volume Received 73.0074 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.3 3.6 0.3Final (m) 2.8 4 1.2Engine Running Hours

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk - # 2 Stb Tk 138 8,767 290 28,065 19,298 # 2 Port Tk 151 10,684 293 28,388 17,704

Bunker Officer PT. MDM # 2 Ctr Tk 302 35,998 35,998 Daily tank Stb 78 3,540 78 3,540 - Daily tank Port 70 3,157 70 3,157 -

Catatan: Kapal tidak di lengkapi koreksi trim Total supplied due to ship 73,000 ROB After supply Discrepancy ( % ) 0.00%26.148 + 73.000 = 99.148 Liter ROB Initial 26,148

ROB After Supply 99,148 ROB Departure Bunker Station 99,148

Name : Hamsah

Name : Jeki Setiyo

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 276 Date 26/01/2014Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSDLast/Next port Kelanis - IBT Quantity (ltr) 71,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 16:30 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 16:40 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 16:50 Barges Flowmeter - - 71,000 Start pumping in 17:00 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 19:55Pipeline disconnected 2:00 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 20,255.8110 TonCast off from the bunker terminal 20:10 Final Mass Inventory 20,314.9280 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 59.1170 TonFull away Density 0.8315 gr/cm3

Volume Received 71.0968 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.0912 KLNet Volume Received 71.0056 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.3 3.6 0.3Final (m) 3.2 4 0.8Engine Running Hours

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk 32 585 88 2,357 1,772

# 1 Port Tk 57 1,254 120 3,778 2,524 # 2 Stb Tk 65 1,410 235 21,707 20,297 # 2 Port Tk 93 3,445 218 19,764 16,319

Bunker Officer PT. MDM # 2 Ctr Tk 134 11672 295 34,984 23,312 Daily tank Stb 71 3,205 71 3,205 - Daily tank Port 70 3,157 70 3,157 -

Catatan: Kapal tidak di lengkapi koreksi trim Total supplied due to ship 64,224 ROB FOC alalak Discrepancy ( % ) -9.54%28.793 + 71.000 = 99.793 Liter ROB Sounding Initial 24,728

ROB Sounding After Supply 88,952 nding Departure Bunker Station 88,952

Name : Bas Desi Irawanto

Name : Jeki Setiyo

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 280 Date 2/12/2014Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSDLast/Next port Kelanis - TBN Quantity (ltr) 63,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 21:30 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 21:45 Barges Flowmeter 48233317 48296317 63,000 Start pumping in 21:50 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 23:45Pipeline disconnected 23:55 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory TonCast off from the bunker terminal 0:00 Final Mass Inventory Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 0.0000 TonFull away Density 0.8315 gr/cm3

Volume Received 0.0000 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.0912 KLNet Volume Received -0.0912 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.3 3.6 0.3Final (m) 3.2 4 0.8Engine Running Hours

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk 7 141 123 3,926 3,785

# 1 Port Tk 69 1,648 159 5,868 4,220 # 2 Stb Tk 137 8,625 216 19,536 10,911 # 2 Port Tk 150 10,533 221 20,107 9,574

Bunker Officer PT. MDM # 2 Ctr Tk 77 4018 253 28,403 24,385 Daily tank Stb 70 3,151 70 3,151 - Daily tank Port 70 3,151 70 3,151 -

Catatan: Kapal tidak di lengkapi koreksi trim Total supplied due to ship 52,874 ROB FOC alalak Discrepancy ( % ) -16.07% 36.495 + 63.000 = 99.495 ROB Sounding Initial 31,267

ROB Sounding After Supply 84,141 nding Departure Bunker Station 84,141

Name : Bas Desi Irawanto

Name : Jeki Setiyo

10,126.50 15,355

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 285 Date 14/3/214Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSDLast/Next port Taboneo / Kelanis Quantity (ltr) 74,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 5:30 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 5:45 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 5:55 Barges Flowmeter 48233317 48296317 63,000 Start pumping in 6:00 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 8:15Pipeline disconnected 8:20 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory TonCast off from the bunker terminal 8:30 Final Mass Inventory Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 0.0000 TonFull away Density 0.8315 gr/cm3

Volume Received 0.0000 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.0912 KLNet Volume Received -0.0912 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.3 3.6 0.3Final (m) 3.2 4 0.8Engine Running Hours

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk 12 28 108 3,213 3,185

# 1 Port Tk 5 117 120 3,778 3,661 # 2 Stb Tk 92 3,354 229 21,021 17,667 # 2 Port Tk 89 2,315 223 20,335 18,020

Bunker Officer PT. MDM # 2 Ctr Tk 102 7075 248 28,178 21,103 Daily tank Stb 75 3,397 75 3,397 - Daily tank Port 75 3,397 75 3,397 -

Catatan: Kapal tidak di lengkapi koreksi trim Total supplied due to ship 63,636 ROB FOC passing trisakti Discrepancy ( % ) -16.45% 25.792 + 74.000 = 99.792 liter ROB Sounding Initial 19,683

ROB Sounding After Supply 83,319 nding Departure Bunker Station 83,319

Name : Bas Marthen

Name : Jeki Setiyo

Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 291 Date 7/4/2014Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSDLast/Next port Taboneo / Kelanis Quantity (ltr) 69,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 0:00 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 0:10 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 0:15 Barges Flowmeter 52029531 52098531 69,000 Start pumping in 0:20 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 2:30Pipeline disconnected 2:35 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory TonCast off from the bunker terminal 2:45 Final Mass Inventory Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 0.0000 TonFull away Density 0.8315 gr/cm3

Volume Received 0.0000 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.0912 KLNet Volume Received -0.0912 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.2 3.5 0.3Final (m) 2.8 401 398.2Engine Running Hours

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk 9 166 73 1,860 1,694

# 1 Port Tk 157 8,120 157 8,120 - # 2 Stb Tk 90 3,178 228 20,906 17,728 # 2 Port Tk 95 3,629 228 20,906 17,277

Bunker Officer PT. MDM # 2 Ctr Tk 10 111 254 29,047 28,936 Daily tank Stb 75 3,397 75 3,397 - Daily tank Port 76 3,444 76 3,444 -

Catatan: Kapal tidak di lengkapi koreksi trim Total supplied due to ship 65,635 ROB FOC after bunker Discrepancy ( % ) -4.88% 30.480 + 69.000 = 99.480 liter ROB Sounding Initial 22,045

ROB Sounding After Supply 87,680 nding Departure Bunker Station 87,680

Name : Bas Marthen

Name : Jeki Setiyo


Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 297 Date 5/5/2014Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSDLast/Next port Taboneo / Kelanis Quantity (ltr) 70,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 17:30 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 18:50 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 19:00 Barges Flowmeter 53497977 53567977 70,000 Start pumping in 19:10 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 21:40Pipeline disconnected 21:45 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory TonCast off from the bunker terminal 21:55 Final Mass Inventory Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 0.0000 TonFull away Density 0.8315 gr/cm3

Volume Received 0.0000 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.0912 KLNet Volume Received -0.0912 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.2 3.5 0.3Final (m) 2.9 4.1 1.2Engine Running Hours

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk 150 5,352 150 5,352 -

# 1 Port Tk 140 4,802 140 4,802 - # 2 Stb Tk 90 3,178 229 21,021 17,843 # 2 Port Tk 110 5,167 225 20,564 15,397

Bunker Officer PT. MDM # 2 Ctr Tk 50 1718 275 32,088 30,370 Daily tank Stb 78 3,540 78 3,540 - Daily tank Port 78 3,540 78 3,540 -

Catatan: Kapal tidak di lengkapi koreksi trim Total supplied due to ship 63,610 ROB FOC trisakti after bunker Discrepancy ( % ) -9.13% 29.894 + 70.000 = 99.894 liter ROB Sounding Initial 27,297

ROB Sounding After Supply 90,907 nding Departure Bunker Station 90,907

Name : Bas Marthen

Name : Jeki Setiyo


Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 297 Date 5/5/2014Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSDLast/Next port Taboneo / Kelanis Quantity (ltr) 70,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor 17:30 Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position 18:50 Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected 19:00 Barges Flowmeter 53497977 53567977 70,000 Start pumping in 19:10 Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumping 21:40Pipeline disconnected 21:45 B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory TonCast off from the bunker terminal 21:55 Final Mass Inventory Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 0.0000 TonFull away Density 0.8315 gr/cm3

Volume Received 0.0000 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.0912 KLNet Volume Received -0.0912 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.2 3.5 0.3Final (m) 2.9 4.1 1.2Engine Running Hours

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk 150 5,352 150 5,352 -

# 1 Port Tk 140 4,802 140 4,802 - # 2 Stb Tk 90 3,178 229 21,021 17,843 # 2 Port Tk 110 5,167 225 20,564 15,397

Bunker Officer PT. MDM # 2 Ctr Tk 50 1718 275 32,088 30,370 Daily tank Stb 78 3,540 78 3,540 - Daily tank Port 78 3,540 78 3,540 -

Catatan: Kapal tidak di lengkapi koreksi trim Total supplied due to ship 63,610 ROB FOC trisakti after bunker Discrepancy ( % ) -9.13% 29.894 + 70.000 = 99.894 liter ROB Sounding Initial 27,297

ROB Sounding After Supply 90,907 nding Departure Bunker Station 90,907

Name : Bas Marthen

Name : Jeki Setiyo


Tugboat / Voy TB.MDM BORNEO / 309 Date 3/9/2014Port Alalak - Trisakti Grade HSDLast/Next port Taboneo / Kelanis Quantity (ltr) 80,000


stretcher line disc-ted/Clear drop anchor Flowmeter Serial No. 553376Bunker Barge in position Record Initial (a) Final (b) Total Supplied, (b)-(a)

Pipeline connected Barges Flowmeter Start pumping in Sounding (ltr)

Stopped pumpingPipeline disconnected B. FLOW-METER MDM

Initial Mass Inventory 23,223.1070 TonCast off from the bunker terminal Final Mass Inventory 23,290.4490 Ton

Stretcherline connected and departure Mass Received 67.3420 TonFull away Density 0.8408 gr/cm3

Volume Received 80.0928 KLFuel given back to supplier 0.0912 KLNet Volume Received 80.0016 KL

B. TUG BOATDraught Fwd Aft Trim Trim by

Initial (m) 3.4 3.4 0Final (m) 3 4.1 1.1Engine Running Hours

Tank No.Initial (a) Final (b) Received (ltr)

PARTIES Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) Sounding/cm Volume (ltr) (b)-(a)Chief Engineer / KKM # 1 Stb Tk -

# 1 Port Tk - # 2 Stb Tk 254 27,425 27,425 # 2 Port Tk 254 27,425 27,425

Bunker Officer PT. MDM # 2 Ctr Tk 149 11,608 287 36,746 25,138 Daily tank Stb 80 3,623 80 3,654 31 Daily tank Port 70 3,154 80 3,654 500

Catatan: Kapal tidak di lengkapi koreksi trim Total supplied due to ship 80,519 ROB after bunker Discrepancy ( % ) 0.65% 18.878 + 80.000 = 98.878 liter ROB Sounding Initial 18,385

ROB Sounding After Supply 98,904 nding Departure Bunker Station 98,904

Name : Bas Desy Irawanto

Name : Jeki Setiyo