FabLab + Open Design at CNANext Roma 27.10.2012

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Open Design e FabLab:innovazione sociale dalle tecnologie

digitali distribuite

Massimo Menichinelli

openp2pdesign.orgDesign for Open Systems, Processes, Projects, Places.

Fonte: http://www.flickr.com/photos/aaltofablab/6877430052/in/photostream/

Fabbricazione Digitale: tra bit e atomi

Fonte: http://www.sjet.us/MIT_BIASED_PLANES.html

Futuro: nanotecnologie e analogie biologiche

Fonte: http://www.flickr.com/photos/aaltofablab/8112001335/in/photostream

Presente: accesso alle tecnologie nei FabLab

Fonte: http://fabfi.fabfolk.com/

FabLab per la comunità locale

Fonte: http://www.flickr.com/photos/aaltofablab/7241749322/in/photostream

Fabbricazione, tra digitale e materiale

Fonte: http://www.flickr.com/photos/aaltofablab/7243041170/in/photostream

L'esperienza di artigiano digitale

Fonte: http://fablab.waag.org/project/3d-bass-guitar

Non solo prototipi, ma prodotti finiti

Fonte: http://www.flickr.com/photos/massimo_menichinelli/7325704122/in/photostream

Ed uno spazio per l'Open Design

Fonte: http://www.michaelogawa.com/research/storylines/

Open: un sistema sociale e produttivo in rete

Fonte: http://www.flickr.com/photos/bug_labs/2048688724/in/photostream

Open: puó essere un business importante

Fonte: http://futurist.se/gldt/

Open: una base comune da cui partire

Fonte: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1683503

C'é già un sistema distribuito che progetta

“We fnd this previously unmeasured type of household sector innovation to be quite large: 6.2% of UK consumers - 2.9 million individuals - have engaged in consumer product innovation during the prior 3 years. In aggregate, consumers’ annual product development expenditures are 2.3 times larger than the annual consumer product R&D expenditures of all frms in the UK combined. “

Eric A. Von Hippel, Jeroen De Jong, Steven FlowersComparing Business and Household Sector Innovation in Consumer Products: Findings from a Representative Study in the UK


Fonte: http://www.iaacblog.com/blog/2011/iaac-at-fab-7-in-lima-peru/

Cittá, policy e FabLab: FabCity Barcelona

Fonte: http://europeandesigninnovation.eu/design-as-a-driver-of-european-growth-the-design-leadership-boards-21-recommendations-to-the-european-commission/

Open Design: una idea per le policy di Design

Fonte: http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/08/16/we-can-t-wait-obama-administration-announces-new-public-private-partners

Stampa 3D: nelle policy per l'innovazione

Fonte: http://www.shapeways.com/blog/archives/1582-3D-Printing-Hits-the-Peak-of-the-Gartner-Hype-Cycle-for-Emerging-Technologies.html

C'é ancora tempo per agire


Massimo Menichinelliinfo@openp2pdesign.org
