Face: The Problem Isn't Your Creatives, It's How You Get Your Insight

Post on 17-Jun-2015

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Creativity isn't just the responsibility of advertising agencies. The struggle for brands to discover relevant ways to connect with consumers starts by infusing more creative approaches earlier in the innovation journey, i.e. from the insight development process. Too often we dwell in familiar territory, and it takes an injection of creativity into the insight process to get richer rewards. In our session, Face shares eight key principles for uncovering new ground and delivering fresher and deeper insight. These principles can be applied on any project, big or small, local or international. Learn how to ask more interesting questions to get more interesting answers from consumers, and provide your team with a stronger platform for strategic inspiration and creative fuel.


Where is the insight?

Client Creative Planner Researcher

It’s the same place where your idea ends up…

Create Insight


Everything is worse than before

We don’t talk anymore…

Economies of sameness

We are still selling

“I have never made my discoveries through the process of rational thinking”- Big Albert E.

1. Mistaking popularity for relevancy

It’s more important

to be interesting than right

The best work came from the 7th most “relevant” insight

2. The agency is supposed to make it interesting


Hopeful planners

desk research

Creative development


Circle of death

Not interestin


Not interestin


3. Everyone hates research (as we know it)

Ooh. They have Starbucks…

Kill me Kill me

Kill meKill me

Kill me

Kill meKill me

Kill me

Insight, strategy & creativity is everyone’s responsibility

What if we treat insight

development like creative


A great insight is 50% of an idea

So why don’t we nurture them the same way?


Hopeful planners

desk research

Creative development


Cycle of death

Stop doing this

Listen more

Better briefs

Awesome ideas

Co-create more insights & ideas


The creative

opportunity starts here

1. Turn things

upside down and do this…

2. Brainstorm potential insights

Use wisdomProvokeAnticipateCreate insights you would want to work on

3. Insights as conversation starters

Sculpt & test for interestingness

4. Celebrate category insights as much as consumer ones

5. Remix & reframe insights

6. Interesting & interested people only


Be more proactive with insight, be creative…

GO LARGE: Leap into it on a new project

START SMALL: Use invented insights as a more interesting warm up in any research
