Facebook 201: Take Your Facebook Marketing to the Next Level

Post on 29-Nov-2014

3,237 views 1 download


So you’re on Facebook, and maybe you have a page for your business…now what? Here's some advanced techniques for building your business, your brand, and your personal profile on Facebook. You’ll learn about powerful landing pages, Facebook targeted advertising, engaging your community and more.



500 million usersAverage user has 130 friendsAverage interested user spends more time on Facebook per day than Google, Yahoo, YouTube, Microsoft, Wikipedia and Amazon combined

News FeedThe center of the Facebook homepageUsersʼ friendsʼ Mini Feeds are streamed in one giant feed

Whenever someone becomes a fan of your Page, that news appears in their Mini Feed and their friendsʼ News Feeds

Fans = Inbound Links

About box

TabsVanity URLBasic SEOEvery field gives you value

Basic SEOEvery field gives you value

Info Tab

Basic SEOEvery field gives you value

Info Tab

Static FBML

Landing PageCreate a unique experience for fans v nonfans

Landing PageCreate a unique experience for fans v nonfans

Notes (Default App)

Networked Blogs


News FeedThe center of the Facebook homepageUsersʼ friendsʼ Mini Feeds are streamed in one giant feed

News Feed Optimization (NFO)The strategy for posting content on your Facebook Page, with the goal of having it show up frequently in your fansʼ news feeds

EdgeRankFacebookʼs formula for determining which items show up in the News Feed

• affinity• weight• recency

be social



have real conversations



put the human side first

bring your real voicediscuss


be active

stimulate discussions

establish meaningful relationships

be authentic

be transparent




recommend join



build referrals


build your brand

build community

Guiding Stars Blog

Promote content through social media messaging

This helps Spread The Word and drive traffic to the Guiding Stars Blog

• Sent a tweet from our Guiding Stars account

• Posted a Featured Discussion Topic in the Guiding Stars LinkedIn group

• Posted a Facebook update on our Wall

• Added a photo of the plated meal to Flickr

• Made it the Featured video on the Guiding Stars YouTube channel



Rich Media

Tag Business Partners Create Event

Advertise Event


You can target your Facebook Ad by location, keywords, connections, friends of connections, relationship, age, birthday, education, sex, workplace and language

Ad Manager


JaicaKinsmanJKinsmanStudiosI am president of J Kinsman Studios, a social media marketing, strategy and design company. My company focuses on user-centric solutions and interactive media experiences that spark conversation, increase brand awareness and drive traffic. I am a graduate of Bowdoin College and I reside in Portland, ME. I am one of the cofounders of Social Media FTW along with Chrystie Corns and Rich Brooks and I am also responsible for internet marketing and community engagement for the Guiding Stars Licensing Company.
