Facebook campaign creation

Post on 11-Feb-2017

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Facebook Marketing Partner

Facebook Ad Structure DefinitionsCampaign

• At the campaign level, you're able to

control a campaign's objective, such as

Page likes, video views or website clicks.

• Set Run Dates, budget, Objective,


Ad set

• An ad set includes one or more ads, a

budget, targeting, bids and a schedule.


• An individual ad includes its creative

(ex: the image and text it uses),


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Ad Sets


Container of campaigns above Facebook’s structure to roll up full initiatives for mass creation, mass optimization, and reporting

CitizenNet Ad Structure

Facebook Marketing Partner

Facebook Objectives• Clicks to Website: Send people to your website.

• Website Conversions: Increase conversions on your website.

You'll need a conversion pixel for your website before you can

create this ad.

• Page Post Engagement: Boost your posts.

• Page Likes: Promote your Page and get Page likes to connect

with more of the people who matter to you.

• App Installs: Get installs of your app.

• App Engagement: Increase engagement in your app.

• Offer Claims: Create offers for people to redeem in your store.

• Local Awareness: Reach people near your business.

• Event Responses: Raise attendance at your event.

• Video Views: Create ads that get more people to view a video


• The objective you select for your ad. Your objective reflects what you want to achieve with ads.

• You must have a single advertising objective for each new campaign you create.

Facebook Marketing Partner

• Facebook optimizes for

different behaviors depending

on the advertising objective.

• Table shows what we optimize

for and how Facebook charges

for each campaign.


Facebook Objectives

Facebook Marketing Partner

Location TargetingYou can target each ad set to up to:

• 25 countries

• 200 states/regions/provinces

• 250 cities

• 2500 ZIP codes or postcodes


You can also target a radius from a location is available from a business address or city, where those targeting options are available.

As you add or exclude locations to your targeting in the ads create flow, the Potential Reach in the right column of the Audience section will update to show you the potential number of people in your target audience

Facebook Marketing Partner

Demographic Targeting


• Age, Gender - common parameters used for finding the right audience

• Language

• More demographics: Relationship status, education (level, fields, schools,

undergrad year), work (employer, title, industry, office type), financials,

home (type, ownership), ethnic affinity (Hispanic, Asian American, African

American), generation, parents (moms, children’s age), politics, life

events (new relationships, upcoming birthday, anniversary, more)

Facebook Marketing Partner

Interest & Behavior TargetingInterests - Reach your audience based on their


• Targeting options to select audience segments

related to categories such as relationships,

education, finances, and life events.

• Interest targeting helps you target ad sets to

people based on their interests. This can include

interests shared on their Timelines, apps they use,

Pages they liked and other activities on and off of


• Behaviors: Reach your audience based on purchase

behaviors or intents, device usage and more. Some

behavior data is available for US audiences only.


Ex. If you're a yoga studio you could use terms like Exercise ,Fitness and Yoga

Facebook Marketing Partner

Connection Targeting• Connection targeting helps you control whether your ad is served to people who already have a

connection with you on Facebook.

• Ex. people who have liked your Page, joined your event, used your app in the past 30 days.

• Show your ad to anyone, only people who have a connection with you, people who don’t have a

connection with you, both of those groups, or friends of people who have a connection to you.


Ex: CitizenNet UpdateInclude: People connected to CitizenNetExclude: People not already connected to CitizenNet

Facebook Marketing Partner

Custom Audience Targeting Custom Audience: A Custom Audience will let you find your offline

audience among people who use Facebook via a list of customer

email addresses, phone numbers, Facebook ids, or mobile ids.

• Finds a set group of users regardless of their online status

• Should have at least 100 people to help ensure meaningful

reach with your ads.

Website Custom Audiences - lets advertisers reach people on

Facebook who have visited their website or app by using a Facebook

audience pixel that’s placed on the advertiser’s website.

• You can create a Website Custom Audience from your website

for any group of customers or prospective customers that

you'd like to reach with targeted Facebook Ads.10

Example: People who have purchased Ariana Grande tickets last year —> target

them for this year’s show

Example: Reach people who visited a product page on your website but didn’t buy. Encourage them to go back to the website and convert.

Facebook Marketing Partner



• Lookalike audiences let you reach new people who are likely to be interested in your business because they're similar to a customer list you care about.

• When you use Custom Audiences, you can choose to create a Lookalike Audience that targets people who are similar to your Custom Audience list. Lookalike audiences help you reach people who are similar to your current customers for fan acquisition, site registration, off-Facebook purchases, coupon claims and brand awareness.

Facebook Marketing Partner

How to Bid for an ad

• Before you choose a bid, make sure you understand the difference between budget and

bid. Your budget is the maximum amount you're willing to spend on each campaign you

run. A bid allows you to choose how much you're willing to pay per click (CPC) or per 1,000

impressions (CPM).

• Best Practices:

• Bid your true value: for every ad you run, you should think about your advertising

objective and bid the maximum amount you're willing to pay for that objective.

• Your bids should take into account your objective: if your objective is Website Conversions

your action bid should reflect how much you value a conversion. If your objective is page

likes, the action bid would reflect how much you valued an action.


Facebook Marketing Partner

Ad PlacementPlacements are places on Facebook where you can choose to run ads. You can choose for

your ads to appear in:


Newsfeed Newsfeed on MobileRight column of any page on the site

Facebook Marketing Partner

Conversion Tracking Pixel

• When someone visits a page of your website where you have installed a conversion pixel, the pixel will ping Facebook and record their visit

• Conversion pixels are used to track when people have reached a certain destination on a website

• A piece of code that places a blank 1x1 pixel image on your website.

• Conversion tracking is cross-device: You can see an ad on mobile, convert on desktop, and still track the conversion


Rihanna Ticket Venue Web Page

Venue Landing Page - Key Page View PixelThank you - Checkout Pixel

Examples:Types of PixelsCheckoutsRegistrationsleadsKey Page ViewsAdds to CartOther website conversions

Ticket Campaign

Nursing School Web Page

Info Landing Page - Key Page View PixelThank you - Checkout Pixel

Education Campaign

Facebook Marketing Partner

Atlas Tags & Click Tags• Atlas (owned by Facebook) is a company which focuses on multi-touch attribution.

• Atlas tags enable advertisers to compare metrics across publishers—it essentially allows them to track conversions that occur as a result of ads served outside of Facebook. Advertisers can use these tags across devices as well to understand effectiveness and attribution.

• Atlas offers view tags and click tags as options:

• View tags are used to track custom audiences, partner category audiences, and lookalike audiences.

• Click tags are tracking tags that get fired specifically on on offsite link clicks that are served on a desktop ad. This means domain ads and page post link ads that are served in either the desktop News Feed or RHC ads.

• Other companies offering tags and off-Facebook tracking tools: Datalogix, Google’s Doubleclick.


Facebook Marketing Partner

Attribution window• Tracks the actions taken as a result of your ad during a particular period of time.

• For example, a one-day view attribution window counts all conversions that happen within one day of your ad being viewed. A 28 day click attribution window would count all conversions that happened within 28 days of your ad being clicked.