Facebook Graph Search- A Revolutionized Search Engine Tool

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Potentials and Pitfalls of


“Graph Search”

On Tuesday, social media giant Facebook plunged into the market of online search, generating a viable threat for giant like Google and Yelp. “Search Graph” is the name of the service which is on its way to your personal Facebook account to help you search content that you and your friends like the most.

Let’s Get Familiar With Facebook's Graph Search

Like other search engines instead of providing referral links containing solutions, it will directly display information on the wall. Some web forecasters believe it as a small step towards challenging the dominancy of Google. But, it would be too early to predict as results displayed will be confined to the information that is present on the social network itself.

This, of course, is a giant leap towards making Facebook a more lucrative advertising platform as compared to Google. So, if you are Facebook users or advertisers, here are some points you need to know?

Is it going to harm my privacy settings?

Not at all, Facebook has emphasized that this cool new feature will not all make your private life go public. But, as cautionary step, please go and verify your privacy settings as it is the right time to hide absolutely everything associated with your personal life. Visit “Activity Log” for core privacy setting.

Sounds good, But how to use it?

It is extremely easy to use. Search is based in “Natural Language Processing”, so just type what you want in plain or simple English. As soon as you type query in the search box, a drop-down menu will suggest kinds of results you may be interested in based on your search terms such as people, places, products, games, songs and more.

What type of content will be part of search result?

Everything, including your photos, likes and comments, your post shares and whatever you’ve made publicly visible. Graph search by Facebook takes into account your privacy settings; hence content under your privacy scanning will not be displayed at all. Private content will be unsearchable.

Interesting, Is it made available?

If we believe the sources they say, it’s going to see the day light for both beta signups and the general users, but have to wait for that. Sooner or later, it will be made available for everyone. It will be at your service only in U.S. English.

Is there a way to escape from this update?

Truly speaking “No”. As with earlier Facebook updates such as the new profile, Facebook Timeline and lots more, you’re going get it in the end. So, you cannot opt out of it.

In Graph Search, What’s the Value of My Like?

Your likes and share for people, pages, and places will make them popular among your connections and boost them rank higher. Advertisers and business owners need to make sure that their brand pages and fan base are dynamic and up to date.

It is again a very clever step by Facebook to attract small business owners and force them to take a serious look over their Facebook content update. This opportunity can help them rank at Facebook’s Graph Search. Along with Google optimization, marketers now have to pay equal attention on Facebook Optimization also.

Facebook Graph Search Is Safe Or Not ?


I Don't Know about Facebook Graph Search


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