Facebook vs Open Social

Post on 13-May-2015

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Jawad Shuaib (http://www.j4wad.com) presenting Facebook vs. OpenSocial at the FacebookCampToronto 3


Facebook vs. OpenSocialFacebook vs. OpenSocial

By: Jawad Shuaib

What is OpenSocial?

• Google’s Response to Facebook Developer Platform

• Write Once, Run Anywhere

• Google Widgets on Steroids

• Released too Early

Email: Jawad.php@gmail.com

Social Networks that support OpenSocial

Email: Jawad.php@gmail.com

What does it look like?What does it look like?

Email: Jawad.php@gmail.com

Email: Jawad.php@gmail.com

Email: Jawad.php@gmail.com

Market AnalysisMarket Analysis

Email: Jawad.php@gmail.com

Market Size and Competition

• Ideally speaking, OpenSocial has a market potential for 250 million users as opposed to 64 million active users on Facebook

• 15,000 Applications on Facebook. Difficult to rapidly grow user base due to a saturated market

• Most existing Google Widgets can run on OpenSocial. Results? Difficult to rapidly grow user base due to existing competition

Email: Jawad.php@gmail.com

Business & Marketing

• Facebook applications leverage the social graph but lack the ability to scale to other networks. OpenSocial can scale, but the applications must be “generic”

• Applications more viral on Facebook (i.e. support for email invites and better news feed)

• OpenSocial profile box will likely support advertising

• More applications won’t persuade users to switch from one network to another

Email: Jawad.php@gmail.com

What’s your target market?What’s your target market?

Email: Jawad.php@gmail.com

Email: Jawad.php@gmail.com

Technical Differences

• Facebook requires proprietary languages (FBML, FQL, FBJS). Google requires XML and JavaScript

• Google provides an IDE (aka Google Gadget Editor)

• Google hosts applications for free. Facebook doesn’t

Email: Jawad.php@gmail.com

Language Support

Facebook API• FBML• FQL• FBJS• Partial support for AJAX• Backend languages like

PHP, Java, .NET on Canvas

OpenSocial API• XHTML/XML• JavaScript• Full Support for AJAX• Backend languages like

PHP, Java, .NET on Canvas

Email: Jawad.php@gmail.com

Developer EnvironmentDeveloper Environment

Email: Jawad.php@gmail.com


Email: Jawad.php@gmail.com


Email: Jawad.php@gmail.com


Email: Jawad.php@gmail.com


• The choice of your platform should depend on demographic

• OpenSocial is modeled after Facebook. So if you’ve built a Facebook application before, it is relatively easy to learn OpenSocial

• “Write Once, Run Anywhere” is not exactly true. An Orkut specific OpenSocial app. Might not necessairly run on Hi5

Email: Jawad.php@gmail.com


• Generic applications will do better on OpenSocial in terms of scalability. Applications that take advantage of Facebook’s social graph will have a difficult time scaling

• Don’t make your OpenSocial applications too generic, because they probably already exist.

• If Bebo supported both OpenSocial and FBML. I would develop using FBML. OpenSocial is buggy.

Email: Jawad.php@gmail.com

Find me on Facebook

Jawad Shuaib



References & Resources

• http://code.google.com/apis/opensocial/• http://groups.google.com/group/opensocial• http://www.hi5networks.com/developer/• Bit5media.com• xkcd.com for comics

Email: Jawad.php@gmail.com