Facebook: What do we really know?

Post on 19-May-2015

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Facebook is a free-access social networking website that is

operated and privately owned Facebook, Inc.

What is Facebook?

Facebook helps you connect and share with the people in

your life. 

Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook with fellow computer science major students and his roommates Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes while he was a student at Harvard UniversityThis has been disputed by other Harvard Students

Founder (Maybe?)

What is Social Networking?

Social networking is based on a certain structure that allows people to both express their individuality and meet people with similar interests.

This structure includes having profiles, friends, blog posts, widgets, and usually something unique to that particular social networking website -- such as the ability to 'poke' people on Facebook.

You should consider some other important things as well. First, while you can meet new friends online, you may also come into contact with malicious people misrepresenting themselves. These are people you don’t want to know.

Internet thieves and sexual predators are only too eager to exploit personal information found on social networking sites. They are out there and willing to hurt you unless you take precautions to protect yourself.


This includes knowing what Facebook and other social networking sites intend to do with your profiles. In 2007, Facebook enabled user profiles to become searchable through its new Public Search Listings. If you have a profile posted on Facebook, and don’t want your name and profile picture indexed by one of the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN Search, you need to edit your Facebook privacy settings.

While Facebook has some restrictions on the Public Search Listing of a profile, many people post their information on Facebook without realizing it can be made available to virtually anyone with an Internet connection.

How do we keep students safe? For example, most students aren’t aware that

there are privacy settings available on Facebook.

How Can I be Safer on Facebook?

Don't give out your password to anyone, not even your significant other or best friend.

Be sure to customize your privacy settings on the Privacy Page if you are uncomfortable being found in searches or having your profile viewed by people from your school, workplace or regional network.

Remember, unless you're prepared to attach something in your profile to a resume or scholarship application, don't post it.

What kind of privacy's control are available on Facebook?

Facebook is based on networks that correspond to high schools, colleges, workplaces and geographic regions. Each user's profile can be seen only by those in the same network or by people in other networks who have been mutually confirmed as friends.

Every Facebook user has the ability to customize his or her privacy settings. This allows users to limit who can view their profile (e.g., everyone in their networks, some people in their networks, or only their friends) and to choose who can see specific parts of their profile (e.g., their contact information, their personal favorites, their work history, etc.).

Those Party Pictures Can Come Back to Haunt You

While one of the fun things about the Internet is sharing photos and messages with friends, keep in mind that the Internet is also a public resource.

Only post information you are comfortable with anyone seeing—including your parents, grandparents, siblings, teachers, even potential employers. It’s not uncommon for companies to run an Internet search of job applicants before they offer them a position. Stories are increasing about people being “weeded out” from a job search due to compromising or ill-advised photos and information found on the Web. Even if you remove photos or information, they can still exist in archive caches or on another person’s computer. Once you post something, it truly is out of your hands.

Always follow these important safety tips when using Facebook:

•Never share your password with anyone

•Adjust your privacy settings to match your level of comfort, and review them often

•Be cautious about posting and sharing personal information, especially information that could be used to identify you or locate you offline, such as your address or telephone number

•Report users and content that violate our Terms of Use

•Block and report anyone that sends you unwanted or inappropriate communications

What can be done?

•Consider restricting access to your profile. If the site allows it, it’s a good idea to limit access to your profile. Don’t allow strangers to learn everything they can about you. It’s just not safe. •Keep your private information private. Never post your full name, Social Security number, address, phone number, financial information or schedule. These will make you vulnerable to identity thieves, scams, burglars, or worse. •Choose a screen name that is different from your real name. Avoid using any personal information that would help someone identify or locate you offline. •Think twice before posting your photo. Photos can be used to identify you offline. They can also be altered or shared without your knowledge. •Don’t post information that makes you vulnerable to a physical attack. Revealing where you plan to meet your friends, your class schedule, or your street address is almost an open invitation for someone to find you. Remember that a photo in front of the Co-op tells strangers you are in Austin, and quite likely at the university. •Use your common sense. If you are contacted by a stranger online, find out if any of your established friends know the person, or run an online search on them (after all, you can use these things to your own benefit too!). If you agree to meet them, make it in a public place and invite others to join you. •Trust your instincts. If you feel threatened or uncomfortable during an online interaction, don’t continue the dialogue. Report any offensive behavior to the social networking Web site administrators. •Be suspicious. Don’t take any information you receive from a new online contact at face value. The Internet makes it easy for people to say or do things they would never say or do in public or in face-to-face interactions. Protecting yourself is the smart thing to do.

and also, remember to

Remember The Positives

as well as The Negatives

For example, Facebook is a wonderful way for students to meet and network with classmates prior to the start of a new school or college.

This allows for a quicker adjustment to their new environment. The research suggests that students do better in their classes when they are able to get acquainted.

However, students who use Facebook to post inappropriate pictures could lose out on a job after graduation if their potential employer happens to come across them when doing an Internet search of prospective employees.

Develop Meaningful AppsConnect users and solve real-world problems with your applications. Build a business by offering users valuable experiences.

Develop Meaningful AppsConnect users and solve real-world problems with your applications. Build a business by offering users valuable experiences.

If your child is under 13 and you believe they have created a Facebook account, however, the Children's' Online Privacy Protection Act gives you the right to access personal information they have provided before Facebook follows its policy of promptly deleting such data. You may access and direct the deletion of such data by having them sign into the account and then deactivating the account, or by making a request by email to Facebook. Please send requests to privacy@facebook.com with the subject line "COPPA Data Request".

More information regarding Internet safety can be found on

the following sites: OnguardOnline.gov

WiredSafety.org Commonsense.com

Ncmec.org TRUSTe.org

ConnectSafely.org NetSmartz.org



ContactMs. Maryjo Trusso-Sabbersmtrusso-sabbers@jcboe.org