Faces and Other Poems

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8/6/2019 Faces and Other Poems

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8/6/2019 Faces and Other Poems

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Faces and other poems

 by Ron Sanders


 Sweet IllusionThe Rabid Angel 

earth to earth


Copyright 2011 by Ron Sanders

cover by the author 

 For all its brevity, perhaps the deepest work ever written.

Praise for Faces

This is one of the most amazing pieces I've ever read. To me it screams the pain, the isolation, the

mystery. I think this is genius . . . brilliant piece!!!

 —G.K. ostic

  captivating piece . . . wonderful turn of phrase and an emotion and style that pulls the reader in . . .a flash of insight every few lines . . . the tangible honeymusk of truth . . . an into"icating poem that

 speaks to the emotions, which swell at these discoveries.

  most powerful write. I am not easy with high ratings. I will not review a poem if I can't rate it at #$ or above. %enerally, if I

rate at #& or above, you've definitely earned my respect. ere, however, is a clean #( rating. I've

never given higher. )$$ is impossible because no poem can ever be perfect. nd if I ever find a ## poem, I'm sure I will go blind immediately after reading it. This poem has me tearing and s*uinting

 from its brightness.

+onderful poem. imply inspiring.

 —R. Puetter 

There is so much of this that I love- beginning with the picture, the colors fading so perfectly, fittingwith the words. It was an amazing read . . . I loved this.

 —S. Raine

  heartbeat, a birth, it's such a beautiful poem, I love the pic and format too. ust fabulous.


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This is a spectacular poem. It is beautiful and very descriptive.


 n amazing and lovely poem. /ively, descriptive and well thought out!


 0eautifully written.

 —F. astra

!o vie" Faces "ith its proper for#atting$ p%ease copy and paste into your bro"ser&s search engine'


or http'(("""."riterscafe.org("riting(Ron*Sanders(+22,-1(nter.


 0lack is the seed, and black, the fruit .

!he b%osso# of %ight an affront' "rought of nothing$reso%ving nothing$ returning to nothing—the b%osso# is

verything./nd a #an contends$ endures$

)no"ing$ in his #o#ent$ that a%% that #atters

#atters not that in the cro"dhe is a%one$ that in the cos#os

he is %ost$ that in his "riting

he is "ritten. e is a coa%$ shot hot bet"een voids.

ntense to evanescent$ each pass of a %ifehas a spectru#.

Red is the "o#b.

ere$ at riot&s eye$ a%% be%%o"s ho"%$a%% fires bend to the har%ot "ind of beco#ing.

/nd the nub is a %u#p$ and the %u#p accrues$

#arb%es drea#%ess$ in %i3uor "eight%ess$ defining'

4i3uid ruby$ c%inging vine$ ta%%o" f%o"er in "ine— 

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the %itt%e ogre$ caught on a briar$ )ic)s.

Co#es a #arve%ous trophy$ s3uir#ing and gory$na)ed and pendent$ b%ind and grotes3ue— 

"ound about the ho%%o"s and sea#s$ spat in a #ae%stro#'

one #ore shape in the "indo"$ one #ore shado" e5posed

in the b%oody triu#ph of %ight.

6ut of the "hir%$ the faces gather round.!he boy has opened his eyes$

 but the infant #a)es no sound.

Shapes %oo# to the sides$ to the front and rear'the faces grin$ c%osing in . . . gro" enor#ous fingers

to point$ to pinch—to pee% bac) the vei%

and #a)e his eyes screa#.

 In the dimness a glimmer, a nimbus, a pearl.The colors peak. +ithin their arms a becking form appears.

The figure is a woman, whose seeming lips recite-12ome sunder the night. /ittle ember, ignite. I am mother, I am mother. I am life, I am light.3

ut %i)e oi% on a rainy day$

the co%ors b%end and "end their "ayinto the "hir%$ and there$

subdued$ the voice is s%urred$

the %ight$ obscured$and night


ere on the %attice$

#orning e#broiders the tatters of night.

7hi%e ta%% beaded g%assess3uee8e #e%ody fro# #e%ting ice$

the diced and s%anting shafts of sun

chec)er the shado"s "ith tangerine %ight.4n the sidewalks pril5s children run

but the eyes in the faces see

nephew on the august perch

of uncle5s wicker knee.Graven in air$ the faces shift$

their eyes a f%ic)ering strea#.

4oosed features drift$ e5pressions runin subt%e stro)es of shade and sun.

!he strea# suc)s hi# in' s"ir%s of abhorrence$

 poo%s of disdain. Succu#bing$ dra"n under$he s"a%%o"s his eyes. ut the eyes in the faces re#ain


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So scra"ny it grieves$ he eats too da#ned #uch.

ver absent$ he is a%"ays in the "ay.Sic)%y$ 3uiet$ sub#issive$ shy$

he hides "hen the faces 3uarre%$

cries "hen they crac) his %ie.

Craving %ove$ he %earns ear%y to fast.

Contriving a %i#p$ he is "eaned at %ast.+hat hold wanders here —there are no bridges$

on%y "a%%s. very scribe is a #aster of cant.!he %earned are 9aundiced$ the ignorant s#ug$

and those "ho "ou%d na#e his de#ons$

"hen #aintaining$ :this "i%% pass$;fashion their "ebs of pap and stra".

!his ani#a% #an is a thief.


<y "or%d is a stranger. <y eyes are "oundson a #ind that "i%% not hea%.

sa" #ore range$ #ore "ar#th$ #ore mother $

in the dance of sun on heather$in a sing%e )iss of de".

 =o" your urn$ b%essed bo"e%$ fou%s the cedar 

of father&s #ante%$ "hi%e he gro"s b%ac)er$ b%ending bi%e "ith grief and gin.

!hose %ips that never tendered$

that heart never )ne"—#other$

"ho were you>

?bi3uitous$ the e#era%d s%ut %ies sp%ayed$ e5p%oding'fro# her pores an eruption$ on her be%%y a ran)$

stin)ing #oss. She b%eeds %ife$ vo#its it$

into bud$ into b%ade sharing "ith a passing star the si%ent screa# of spring.

ut here she drea#s$ perfu#ed$

a picture of grace$ her verdure in groo#.

Sec%uded$ seduced$ sedated. Chur%s put on her face"hi%e 8ephyrs attend to the scent of her %oo#.

!i#e pur%s. !he 8ephyrs f%it s"eet%y$

chasing #otes in fibers of %ight.P%aying tag in the sun$ currents "eave into one

near a sti%%*%ife of #ourners and father%ess son.

The figures seem rooted, unreal . /s the gust #usses trees%ight %eaps bet"een %eaves. !he greenery breathes.

/s if sha)en the scene co#es to %ife.

udd%ing in sync$ the faces inc%ine$ their eyes%i)e s%in)ing thieves—the young #an i#p%odes.

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!he tension re%ents and he straightens. e "hee%s.

e %i#ps off a%one$ "ind hounding his hee%s$the #o#ent too eerie to bear. Sedans tric)%e by$

a ra" "ido" grieves. ut the faces continue to stare.

/nd the "ind pirouettes$ finds a "ing$

has a p%unge$ bra)es %o" on a rest$ #a)es a guarded descent.

!he bree8e buffets #ar)ers$ %osing vigor and bent$then s%ips thru the stones to"ard the bec)oning trees.

!he draft riff%es %eaves$ "here its "hisper is spentand %ost as a sigh.

/ stipend$ a shac)$ a %essor in "ait.

Such are the fruits of his father&s estate.

e brea)s no bread$ see)s no s"eet.

Strange dyna#ics govern his b%ood$ prec%ude his seed fro# the co##on fire.

<usic of a#ity$ refine#ent&s caress$are brute concerns abrasive$ obscene.n his 3uiet aching "ay he is "ho%e.

Seasons burst and s#o%der$ surrender and brood.

!heir pageant revo%ves about hi#.!he years breathe$ driving the cro"d$

steeping its fevers in 9as#ine and sun.

u#anity bra"%s$ e5a%ting the f%a#e.ut "ithout hi#.

/nd he grays$ sin)ing$ certain his pain cannot$

cou%d not possib%y$ be borne by another.

!he si%ence condenses$ sets./t %ast even pain deserts hi#.

ut near the brin) 

he hears the nervous hu# of i#per#anence$fee%s the "hite pang of being&s "ing

as day succu#bs to the fist of night.

@a"n burns deeper$ du%%er each bea# to"inga fi%a#ent of dus)$ each round of the "hee% a sa%vo

in the stunning of his eyes.

 =o" the years are #ired in sa#eness.

!he day "ears on. Guests co#e unbidden'

Conscience$ the despot. Senti#ent$ the %eech.<isgivings so9ourn$ trans#igrate$ return$

as 4oneso#eness p%u#bs his #oribund vein$

#etastasi8ing.Sti%% he roo#s "ith the "ind$ dies "a)ing$

drea#s s%eep%ess. /nd it dogs hi#'

a%% this tee#ing "hi%e an instant$ an irre%evancy— a rube&s vie" of the pu%se careening do"nstrea#$

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"or)ing its rhy#e into a bi%%ion %i)e irre%evancies.

ere must  be rea%$ =o" must  be sound$ and yet . . .no sooner are the #o#ents cast

than shape is shado"$ and present$ past.

6n%y the day "ears on.

%ue is the evening begotten$ the t"i%ight of our %ives.

@ar) gathers$ #ooring its stain "here a drea#er "eighs the deep$his eyes in ruin$ his co%or in vain.

6n%y ba%%ast and #ind$ #ere%y ego and rind$gro"ing b%ind as the day "ears on.

@o"n this gri# pro#enade

a #usty "ind hust%es gaunt si%houettes.

!hey are %oth to be borne

they are patient%y #easuring stones.yes %eap in their caverns$ %oo)s %ight and re#ain

on a s#udge in the g%oa#ing$ a scarecro" "ith cane$tapping out his tenure in a co%d feeb%e rain. nd now the purple veins of nearnight 

thud sluggishly, almost grudgingly.

The black earth splits wetly, obscenely.!here'  something impatient stirs, e"posed .

 /imbless, sightless, the lamprey rises6

her breath unbearable, her length immeasurable,

her age7 i#possib%eA

Preening "hore$ hypnotic.

n one vi%e )iss she is sieve and abyss.

er bruised %ips are sp%ayed$ her vio%et #outh$ #ade$and her churning$ insatiab%e cra" is


6ut of the "hir%$ the faces gather round.

+as he hurt82an you hear  me8

ut the o%d #an #a)es no sound.

Shapes %oo# to the sides$ to the front and rear

!he faces g%are$ stea%ing air . . . gro" enor#ous fingersto prod$ to pin—to pu%% do"n the vei%

and #a)e his eyes sei8e.

 In the dimness a glimmer, a nimbus, a pearl.The colors peak. +ithin their arms a becking form appears.

The figure is a woman, whose seeming lips recite-

12ome sunder the night. +aning fire, grow bright. I am mother, I am mother. I am life, I am light.3

ut %i)e spectra fro# a dying sun$

the co%ors f%are$ are torn$ are spuninto the "hir%$ and there$

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your sheep perseveres into pri#e.

Bou "i%% have your pri8e$ but "hi%e seethethis #ind is mine' &%% not be s"ayed

 by a crude$ transparent suggestion.

&%% bind #y eyes$ deny see

that g%ea#$ that s"eet i%%usion

dance on$ seducing #e.&%% right #y spine$ &%% %oc) #y )nees$

&%% cast this tre#b%ing %ife a%oftin offer to a bree8e$

never )no"ing "hence it rose

nor ever "here it f%ees.

@a#n you.

ach ridd%e ans"ered begets another  ridd%eAach vagabond$ protean so%ution

is but a frag#ent of the bound%ess pu88%e.7hi%e have strength %et #e %earn.4et #e 9u5tapose$ %et #e corre%ate the pieces.

4et #e vo" to e5pose you$ to hound you ti%% pin you do"n

to rave the #e%ancho%y deep$ "hi%e sane enough to seethat &# o%der no"$ and due in ti#e

to doubt #y #ind$ to sense that &#

near%y "here you "ant #e.

eyond this feeb%e g%o"

a%% is certain%y dar)ness.

Bet the "ise spea) of a further %ife$of a "i%% to co#e. !hey "hi#per "hen prodded

dogs drugged by a drea#. !heir gi%t @ove a baub%e— 

%i)e chi%dren$ they are hypnoti8ed by the g%ea#. can see it in their eyes.

/nd to pause here can a%#ost see

an end%ess night e#bracing #e.

4isten' there is #irth at the thresho%d$

a perverse )ind of pride.

 ypocrites! echolalics! somnilo*uists all! —#other reason$ #a)e the# cease. )no" no"

it is "rong to be right. a# %one$ and ever co%der.

Bou bitch. 7hy did you banish #y feet fro# their dance$"hy #ust #y heart "ant to #ang%e the rhy#e.

f "ere a "iser #an$ "ou%d p%unge into 4ight.

Bet set #y teeth and c%i#b. Co#e "or#$ be s"iftthere are shi##ers in the dus).

/nd &# o%der.

!a)e these eyes

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that #ay not be da88%ed by %ies and %onger.

rea) this ho%d$ that #ight e5trapo%ate$die born$ and in #y hour dare to face you'

to brave the night$ to %eap the rai%$

to %ift that %ast forbidden vei%

and #a)e this co"ard see

to fa%%$ to grasp the %oo# of ti#e$to %ose #y #ind$ to sense that &#

near%y "here you "ant #e.

The 9abid ngel 

See#s the spirit ever #ends$

though the %ight behind it b%eeds.Poor %a#p a# . o" strange

that the #ind shou%d sharpen

"hi%e the #aggot feeds.

ach day the "or%d gro"s o%der$

yet her face re#ains fair$ her vie" serene.

&ve seen the "ay she #i%)s her young$and "atched her fie%ds rush green.

ut on%y as the sight gro"s "ea) 

can at %ast these o%d eyes see

"hat "aits the c%ear$ unbro)en poo%sin "ide eyes pee)ing bac) at #e.

Bou chi%dren p%ay$ and don&t #ind #e.

!he sun %ies fu%% "here drift$ content.

f see# to be brooding on happiness spent$

then forgive #e &# gratefu%to not have to brood on sorro".

So you chi%dren p%ay. Can it tru%y beA@id ti#e once bend$ cou%d hurts once hea%— 

it see#s so %ong . . . see#s a%#ost unrea%that "as a creature of yesterday"ho cou%d not see past the #orro".

/nd "here is that chi%d no">

s he dead$ "as he drea#t$ is he %ost for good$

or is he on%y s%eeping>

e "ou%d run$ he "ou%d %eap$ he "ou%d %augh if he cou%d.

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e has savored this gift$ has %ived it to the fu%%.

7hy then is he "eeping>

Bou chi%dren p%ay$ you chi%dren p%ay.

#brace this sp%endid$ f%eeting day.

ut e%se"here. 4oo) a"ay.

@rin) fro# the cup "hi%e the taste is s"eetand bas) in the %ight of your youth.

/h$ "hat is youth but a %onging for ageand age but a %onging for youth.

Fee% the deep pu%se of su##er$

the #oth in the fist —that brief$ nervous fever 

in a chi%d&s first )iss$

gro"n co%d in the ar#s of the hunter$

#atured$ deve%oped tothis8

Bou chi%dren p%ay$ you chi%dren p%ay.!he %eech has yet to find you.

4et your b%ood sing "hi%e it #ay.

!he rabid ange%&s eyes are bright$

her %oving voice is %ying.

!he bitch can b%end. /nd ho" p%easant%y she stingsA/%% our %ives "e %oo) to things.

te%% you$ by #y eyes$

there are things behind things

tending bashfu% chi%dren$ spitefu% chi%drenah$ the ange% %ures her gratefu% prey$

herding a")"ard chi%dren$ s)ipping chi%dren$

s)ipping their chi%dhood a"ay. =o #easured sa%ve$ no secret sa%t$

no "i%% can ho%d the years at bay.

/%% a%one "atch the#$ day by day$gro"ing$

s%o"ing in their p%ay.

earth to earth

sett%ing.!he #ias#a poo%s

notes the #o%ten eyes$ the ra8or breath$


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 In infinity everything reduces to nothing '

the heavens a #ist$ your God a b%ip$

a%% e5istence a frea) of %ight and shado".

 =othing is punier than arrogance.

!his is a c%oc)"or) universe. Bet it has no #ainspring$

#easures on%y instantaneity in perpetuity.?nseen "hee%s turn in thunderous si%ence$

 bui%ding #ono%iths of debris$ spattering f%a#eon a canvas bound%ess$ art%ess$ i#ponderab%e.

/nd in this "i%d is a fie%d of dia#onds.

/nd in this fie%d is a cu%t of nine. ere a fat star nests$spinning in pitch and ti#e%essness$

f%inging s%ices of %ife on a "et %itt%e "or%d

that pu%ses$ thriving$ forever fa%%ing

round a "ar# #other sun.

<y "or%d is #indb%o"ing%y beautifu%.n a8ure and crea# the days b%eed to gray.4ife bursts upon %ife' grace sp%ashes in "ood$

 9e"e%s tre#b%e in brine. Shado"s e#bar) on the "ind.

very rust%e and surge$ each stru##ing of "ing$echoes the rhyth#s of season and tide.

/gain' %eaf fo%%o"s sun$ "ind scatters rain.

Strea#s rush to bed$ to the %u%%aby of sea.7e are "oven in ti#e'

/s "e gather to so"$ so "e tu#b%e to rise.

 =ight begets day as the s%eeper drea#s his eyes— 

!he %ight is on$ the %ight is off.!he %ight is on$ the %ight is off.

t is the great disso%ution that gives us #ountains$the s"eet s"ind%e of hope that #a)es #agic a%#ost tangib%e.

<an posits in frag#ents "hi%e he fashions and de%ves

sti%% he dabb%es in phanto#s$ trans#ogrifies truths.!he %ight is on$ the %ight is off.

is is a %egacy of fire.

e is captor$ he is hoarder$ he is hero nonethe%ess.

/nd one day he "i%% #aster his b%ood.So#eho" this "ie%der$ this #user$ this passionate beast

"ho "or)ed his "ay fro# stone to stee%$

"i%% bear his pain "ith courage$find his peace in forgiveness$

and rear his young "ith i#agination.

!he %ight is on.


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