Faceted Searching and Browsing Over Large Collections

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Faceted Searching and Browsing Over Large Collections. Wisam Dakka, Columbia University. Search Beyond Navigational Queries. Data grows as user needs become more complex, go from just navigation to discovery [Digital video camera] , [energy-efficient cars] Challenges for major search engines - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Faceted Searching and Browsing Over Large Collections

Wisam Dakka, Columbia University

Search Beyond Navigational Queries Data grows as user needs become more

complex, go from just navigation to discovery [Digital video camera], [energy-efficient cars]

Challenges for major search engines Discovery or research queries

Limited user activity Several dimensions of relevance in results but no

structure Prices, stores, reviews, locations, and recent news

Google Views: Faceted search with structure for discovery queries

xRank: Pushing Structure for Special Queries

Search Learn Explore Relate Scan Track

[Digital Video Camera] on Yahoo!

Large Collections and Lengthy Results

Most users examine only first or second page of query results Relevant results not only on first page, but on subsequent pages

Weaknesses of “Plain’’ Search Search often unsatisfactory

Poor ranking Large number of relevant items Broad-scope queries

Search sometimes insufficient Why do we go to movie rental store or bookstore? Not effective for curious users and users with little

knowledge of collections

Alternatives for Search: The Topic Facet

Our contribution: Summarization-aware topic faceted searching and browsing of news articles

Alternatives for Search: The Time Facet

Our contribution: General strategy to naturally impose time in the retrieval task

Alternatives for Search: Multiple Facets

Our contribution: Automatically building faceted hierarchies

Agenda: Alternatives Alongside Search Searching and browsing with the topic facet

Searching and browsing with the time facet

Searching and browsing with multiple facets Extracting useful facets Automatically constructing faceted hierarchies

Conclusion and future work

[Barak Obama] [Google IPO]

Part 2: The Time Facet

Time-Faceted Searching and Browsing

[Barak Obama] [Google IPO]

Time in News Archives Topic-relevance ranking may not be sufficiently powerful Consider query [Madrid bombing]

[Madrid bombing prefer:03/11/2004−04/30/2004]

Searchers often do not know exact time or date a given event occurred

What to Do When Relevant Time Periods are Unknown?

Identify relevant time periods using query terms Restrict query results to these time periods Diversify the top-10 results

Alternatively, redefine relevance of a document as a combination of topic relevance and time relevance

Improve query reformulations using relevant time periods

General Time-Sensitive Queries

Time-sensitive results Prioritizing relevant documents from relevant time periods Ranking those documents first

Temporal relevance or The likelihood that day is relevant to query using distribution

of relevant documents in archive

[Mad Cow] [Abu Ghraib][Hurricane Florida]

[American beheading] [Barak Obama] [Google IPO]

)|( qtpt q

Temporal Relevance or Given [Madrid Bombing], what is the probability that today is relevant vs. 04/13/2004? Simple to compute if relevant documents known

Use estimation when relevant documents unknown

)|( qtp









The probability that we see relevant documents at time t

# R




)|( qtp


Estimating Techniques for )|04/13/2004( qp

Top-k matching documents

SUM: Compute value as a normalized weighted sum of the relevance scores of documents published on 04/13/2004 [Diaz and Jones]

BINNING: Compute value as F(bin(04/13/2004)) Choose a distribution function F Arrange days in bins and order bins based on their priority Let bin(04/13/2004) be the priority value of 04/13/2004 bin

WORD: Compute value using frequency of query words on 04/13/2004 Keep track of word frequency for each day in a special index

Smoothing is applied








Bin #

Binning for Estimating )|( qtp Select distribution function Arrange days in bins and

order bins based on their priority Daily frequency, past

frequency, moving window, accumulated mean, bump shapes

Let bin(t) be the priority value of time t bin

Return F(bin(t))

12 34 567 6 713 kkkk

F1 2 3 4 5 13 k

Answering Queries: Background

To answer q, score each d based on d and q content

LM: Rank based on likelihood of generating q from d

BM25: Rank d based on the odds of d being observed in R

)()|()|( dpdqpqdp









q=[Madrid Bombing] d= a document in the collection

R= documents relevant to [Madrid Bombing]

Answering Time-Sensitive Queries Related Work: Answering recency queries

[Barak Obama Speech] or [Myanmar cyclone] “Boost” topic relevance scores of most recent

documents, to promote recent articles Modify prior in language models

Does not work for other time-sensitive queries Goal: General framework for all queries

A document has two components: content and time Combine traditional relevance (content) with temporal


)()|( dpdqp d


LM for Time-Sensitive Queries

)|( qdpqq

ContentThis is the content of the document This is the content of the document This is the content of

the document This is the content of the document This is the content of the

documentThis is the content of the document This is the content of the document This is the content of

the document This is the content of the document This is the content of the document This is the content of the document This is the content of the document This is the content of

the document

)|,( qtcp dd)|()|( qtpqcp dd

)|()()|( qtpcpcqp ddd

Implemented as part of Indri

Developed analogous integration with BM25 (also implemented as part of Lemur)



BM25 for Time-Sensitive Queries


ContentThis is the content of the document This is the content of the document This is the content of

the document This is the content of the document This is the content of the

documentThis is the content of the document This is the content of the document This is the content of

the document This is the content of the document This is the content of the document This is the content of the document This is the content of the document This is the content of

the document

Implemented as part of Lemur


),|(log qd





















),(BM25 qcd

We showed two ways to approximate this factor

Evaluating LM and BM25 Data collections and queries

TREC News Archive Portion of TREC volumes 4 and 5, 1991-94 Three sets of time-sensitive queries with relevance judgments

Newsblaster Archive Six years of news crawled daily from multiple sources Amazon Mechanical Turk relevance judgments for 76 queries

LM and BM25 with temporal relevance SUM, BINNING, and WORD

TREC evaluation metrics P@k and MAP

Performance Over Newsblaster

BUMP and SUM-based improve precision at top recall cutoff levels significantly precision of our techniques drops for higher recall cutoff levels

Contributions Identify “most important” time period(s) for queries

without user input

Estimate temporal relevance using different techniques

Combine temporal relevance and topic relevance for all time-sensitive queries using several state-of-the-art retrieval models

Evaluate extensively our proposed methods to investigate the implications of adding time into retrieval task

Part 3: Searching and Browsing with Multiple Facets*

A. Extracting Useful Facets

B. Automatic Construction of Hierarchies

* Work published in CIKM05, SIGIR06 Workshop, ICDE07 Demo, and ICDE08


Useful facets for large collections

Facets for Searching and Browsing

Location People Time Topic Actor Animal

New York Times

A facet is a “clearly defined, mutually exclusive, and collectively exhaustive aspect, property, or characteristic of a class or specific subject” [S. R. Ranganathan]


Beyond Topic and Time Facets Objective

Automatically generate a faceted interface over a large collection e.g., The New York Times or YouTube

Challenges We do not know what facets appear in the collection We need to build the hierarchy for each facet We need to associate items with facets

e.g., what terms describe the facet in a picture (dog->animal)

Approaches Supervised and unsupervised extraction of facet terms Hierarchy construction algorithm for each facet

Extraction of Facet Terms Goal: For each new item in the collection, extract descriptive

terms and extract a set of useful facets

feline, carnivore, mammal, animal, living being, object, entityorange, fish, tail, cute



General idea:

1. Identify important terms within each item• Corbis and YouTube user-provided tags

2. Derive context for each important term from external resources

• e.g., Wikipedia, WordNet, …

3. Associate terms with facets Supervised: Group terms with predefined

facet like in Corbis Unsupervised: Cluster terms


Supervised Extraction: Results Using SVM and Ripper

Baseline 10% (F1) slightly above random

classification Adding hypernyms 71% (F1) Adding associated keywords Ripper

Investigate whether rule-based assignments are sufficient High-level WordNet hypernyms

55% (F1), significantly worse than SVM Some classes (facets) work well with

simple, rule-based assignment of terms to facets Generic Animals (93.3%) Action Process Activity (35.9%) SVM with hypernyms and

associated keywords

Class Precision Recall F1GTH 87.70% 83.00% 85.29%APA 75.80% 75.80% 75.80%ATT 78.20% 83.50% 80.76%ABC 85.20% 87.60% 86.38%GCF 74.70% 76.76% 75.72%NCF 82.40% 87.57% 84.91%GTF 86.70% 75.00% 80.43%GPL 81.70% 90.10% 85.69%ATY 80.00% 81.30% 80.64%GEV 79.40% 56.30% 65.88%GAN 92.90% 92.90% 92.90%RPS 85.60% 76.30% 80.68%NTF 82.40% 80.30% 81.34%NORG 75.40% 76.58% 75.99%Average 82.01% 80.22% 80.89%

* F1 = harmonic mean of Precision & Recall

Identifying Important Terms for News Named Entities using LingPipe named entity recognizer

Output: named entities (e.g., Elizabeth II) Wikipedia Terms using Wikipedia titles, redirects, and anchor text

Output: Wikipedia-listed entities Yahoo Terms using Yahoo term extractor

Output: significant words or phrases

Extracting Context for News Document terms too specific for facet hierarchies Solution: Expand terms by querying external resources

Wikipedia WordNet

Original Text


Expanded Text


Context expansion introduces many noisy terms However: Facet terms infrequent in original collection,

yet frequent in expanded one Frequency-based shifting Rank-based shifting Log-likelihood statistic

Use identified terms to build facet hierarchies

Comparative Term Frequency Analysis

Recall and Precision Single day of Newsblaster

Month and single day of NYT

Recall: 5 users per story Keep terms listed by >2 users Measure overlap

Precision: Is hierarchy term useful? Is it correctly placed? Term precise if >4 users say yes

Data Set: 24 sources (SNB)




Efficient Hierarchy Construction After identifying facets, need to navigate within each facet Subsumption algorithm (Croft and Sanderson,

SIGIR1999) Improved version of subsumption algorithm

For best parameter values three times faster than original subsumption algorithm

Good integration with relational databases Extensive experiments


Ranking Methods: Maximize Coverage Ranking categories is important and difficult

Important: limited cognitive ability to understand presented information

Difficult: lack of explicit user goals while browsing Frequency-based Ranking (Baseline)

Users see first categories with greatest wealth of information

Set-cover Ranking Maximizing cardinality of top-k ranked categories

Merit-based Ranking Ranks higher categories that enable users to access their

contents with smallest average cost


Evaluation Results Generation algorithm runs three times faster than

original subsumption algorithm

Merit-based performs well and offers fast access to contents of collection

Merit-based rankings efficient to implement on top of relational database systems, while set-cover rankings typically take longer to compute

Task-based User Study Over News Articles Five users, “locate news items of interest”

Search interface that was augmented with our facet hierarchies Repeat 5 times (different topics)

Initially, keyword search, then facet hierarchies “War in Iraq” then refinements

Then, used facet hierarchies directly, keywords later Keyword search was gradually reduced by up to 50% Time required to complete each task dropped by 25%

(compared to search only) Satisfaction remained statistically steady

Summary of Contributions Supervised extraction of facets for collection like Corbis

Unsupervised discovery of useful facet terms for news Identifying important terms in a document using Wikipedia Deriving important context, useful for facet navigation, using

multiple external resources Evaluating quality and usefulness of the generated facets using

extensive user studies with Amazon Mechanical Turk service

Efficient hierarchy construction algorithm Ranking alternatives Extensive evaluation Human evaluation to examine usefulness and effectiveness of

hierarchies for free-text collection

Conclusions Developed efficient summarization-aware search for


Integrated time in state-of-the-art retrieval models Time-sensitive queries Temporal relevance

Developed extraction techniques for useful facets News collections Corbis

“Created” efficient hierarchy construction algorithm with ranking alternatives

Performed extensive evaluations

Future Work Complex user needs

Detecting discovery queries Introducing structure and facets into Web search results

for such queries Using structure data used for QA

Manually or automatically extracted Using informative and authoritative sources Integrating of smart views and hierarchies for data

representation Enhancing snippet generation

Temporal summaries Searching for less tech-savvy users

Elderly or newcomers

Part 1. The Topic Facet*

Summarization-Aware Search and Browsing

* Work published in JCDL 2007

Topical Hierarchy of News Events With Machine Summaries

What Makes Search Effective in Newsblaster? Informative snippets: Summaries highlight essence

of news to help users navigate Browsing ability: Users should be able to navigate

articles in a format similar to browsing Newsblaster Speed: Users should not have to wait 12 hours for

query results; they should not even wait 12 minutes! Quality: Users should get relevant results

Summarization-Aware Search and Browsing

Summarization-Aware Search and Browsing Offline summarization

Summaries are query-independent Irrelevant documents and relevant documents might be mixed Sensitive to summary quality and coverage/coherence

Online summarization Unacceptably high running time

Hybrid alternative Some offline clusters might be relevant (no summarization) Some documents in irrelevant clusters might be relevant

A Hybrid Search Alternative: Reusing Offline Summaries and Clusters When Possible1. Select an initial set of offline clusters

2. Identify relevant offline clusters using a supervised machine learning classifier (more details soon)

3. Build online clusters using relevant documents from irrelevant clusters

4. Rank offline and online clusters

5. Generate summaries for online clusters in the top-k clusters

6. Return the top-k clusters and their summaries

Identifying Relevant Offline Clusters Classification task: Given a query and a set of clusters,

identify clusters that are relevant to the query Cluster-level features:

(aggregate) Okapi similarity of cluster documents and query (aggregate) Okapi similarity of cluster document titles and query Okapi similarity of cluster summary and query “recall”: fraction of overall matching documents in cluster “precision”: fraction of cluster documents that match query …

Query-level features: number of “matching” documents in collection number of “retrieved” clusters average size of retrieved clusters (aggregate) Okapi similarity of query and summaries of retrieved clusters …

Further details are omitted from this talk

Step 3: Ranking All Clusters (New and Old)

Not specific to Hybrid Search, but an essential part of it Only top few clusters returned to users Need to summarize online only new clusters among top

clusters for query

Alternate ranking strategies: By average Okapi score of matching documents in cluster By maximum Okapi score of matching documents in cluster By distance of document with highest Okapi score to cluster


Evaluation Questions Result Quality: How accurate are documents and summaries?

Document P@k and Summary P@k

Usefulness: How helpful are summaries for leading readers to relevant documents? NDCG (Normalized Discounted Cumulative Gain)

Efficiency: How efficient are our techniques? Response time

Evaluation Settings Data set: Several days of Newsblaster Labeling: Amazon Mechanical Turk

A service for distributing small tasks to a large number of users, paying a few cents per micro-task

Quality of Documents and Summaries in Results

P@20 documents P@k summaries

HybridOkapi: At least as good as the state-of-the-art flat-list search Careful use of offline clusters does not damage overall accuracy

HybridOkapi or OnOKapi: On average, returned more relevant summaries than OffDocOkapi

Usefulness of Summaries in Results Can MTURK annotators use the summaries to

predict the perfect ranking?

HybridOkapi and OnOkapi summaries substantially outperform OffDocOkapi summaries OffDocOkapi summaries are computed in a query-independent


Top-3 summaries of each technique shown to 5 annotators

Use NDCG to measure quality of ranking NDCG=1 means perfect ranking

Efficiency of Producing Search Results

Offline summaries attractive when response time important Online summaries take too much time (>200 seconds) HybridOkapi: Results quality better than offline; almost as good as

online but in significantly less time Careful use of offline clusters does not damage overall result

accuracy and substantially reduces cost of summarization at query-execution time

Contributions Definition of search strategy

Defining a rich feature set for cluster classification Defining cluster-ranking strategies

Evaluation Collecting user relevance judgments for clusters

and documents Validating effectiveness of the cluster classifier Validating efficiency and accuracy of

summarization-aware strategies Validating summary-level result quality