Facilitating Conversations and Decision-making

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Facilitating Conversations and Decision-Making Webinar


Session Plan

Walt Disney model for creative thinking and effective conversations;

Cartesian Coordinates technique for decision-making;

Pro-Con analysis of the situation;

COIN and STAR feedback models;

Gradients of consensus; Consensus cards Five and a fist


Materials for further reading and watching;

Attendance code;


Walt Disney Model for Creative Thinking and Conversations

Dreamer Realist

Critic Observer

Dreamer generates new ideas. Any idea is welcome. Why not to try?

Realist plans how these ideas can be implemented on practice in reality

Critic finds reasons why the ideas would not work, investigates risks

Facilitates the process


How To Use Walt Disney ModelDreamer

• Rules:• Generates as much

ideas as possible • Reality is suspended• No constraints, no

boundaries.• Zero evaluation or

criticism of ideas

• Questions:• What you want to do?• Why do you want to do

it?• What is the purpose?• What is the outcome?• How will you know that

you achieve the results?


• Rules:• Considers resources

(people, budget, time, etc.) availability

• Is aware of constrains, limits

• Adapts the idea to fit reality

• Questions:• Does the idea match the

criteria and purpose for which it is intended?

• How specifically the idea is going to be implemented?

• How will you know if the goal is achieved?

• When will each phase be implemented?

• When will the overall goal be completed?

• Why is each step necessary?


• Rules:• Identifies problems and

risks• Sees negative

consequences• Points out improvements

• Questions:• Why might someone

object to this idea?• Do all these ideas fit

together and are cohesive?

• Who and how will this new idea effect?

• How this idea can worsen the current situation

• When and where would you not want to implement this new idea?

• What can be our risk mitigation plan?


• Rules• Introduces instructions I• Does time-boxing• Tracks that participants

follow scenarios • Makes notes • Answers questions about

the format


Cartesian Coordinates for Decision-Making “What will happen if you do it?” (+ +)

“What will happen if you do not it?” (+ -)

“What will not happen if you do it?” (- +)

“What will not happen if you do not it?” (- -)


What will happen if you quit your job?1. I will get an opportunity to find a job that suits me better;2. I will never see my manager again; 3. I stop spending an hour and a half to my trip to the office.4. …What will happen if you don’t quit your job?1. I will be able to have paid vacations next month;

What will not happen if you quit your job?1. I will not get my quarter bonus.

What will not happen if you don’t quit your job?1. I won’t be able to find a job that gives me a sense of satisfaction


Pro / Con Analysis

• I will get an opportunity to find a job that suits me better;

• I stop spending an hour and a half to my trip to the office

• I will not get my quarter bonus

• I will not be able to have paid vacations next month

If I quit my current job


COIN Model to Provide Feedback

Feedback Connect to – their goals & interestsObservations - that are specificImpact - on work resultsNext Steps - suggestions and agreements

Example of COIN

Connect:I know your goal is to increase collaboration with customers through frequent and effective communication.  

Observe:I’ve noticed this week that during calls with customers you were editing some documents in parallel, probably you were not very involved in the conversation.

Impact:When the clients don’t feel heard or when something from their talk is missed, we can’t easily diagnose or address their needs. We can get problems with identification of their expected result.

Next Steps:Let’s review our active listening approach and discuss possibilities to stay more focused and involved during calls.


What was the problem, opportunity, challenge or task?

What was said or done to handle the situation or task? Provide developmental feedback and areas for improvement. What was the impact of the

employee's efforts, and how did their actions influence the end result?

ST "Last week I asked you to complete a spreadsheet on team members release capacity.”

A1 "While you were provided all of the required data for the report I received it two days after I requested.

A2 "The next time you're faced with competing priorities, feel free to come to me for further direction." R2 "Because the report was late, I

had to delay a release planning meeting with the stakeholders, and they were disappointed

R1 "That way I'll know if you're having challenges completing a request and can help you prioritize the assignments.”

STAR/AR Model to Provide Feedback


Facilitating Team Decision-Making (Gradients of “Yes” and “No”)



Facilitating Team Decision-Making (Five and Fist) 5 fingers = I am all in. I completely agree.

4 fingers = I buy into the option and I will support it.

3 fingers = I may have some reservations, but I can support the decision and move


2 fingers = I have reservations and I cannot support this decision without further

discussion and clarification.

1 finger = I still need to discuss certain reservations and suggest changes that

should be made.

Fist = No vote - a way to block consensus. I cannot support this direction. I disagree.


Recommended Materials

Greatest book on facilitation, applicable not only for Agile team, it’s #1 to read for any facilitator

-  http://www.amazon.com/Facilitators-Guide-Participatory-Decision-Making-Kaner/dp/0787982660

Retromat – cookbook on Retro facilitation, they provide step-by-step scenarios for Retros

facilitation - http://plans-for-retrospectives.com/  

Video to learn graphic facilitation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5DJC6LaOCI

Post about tools (not techniques) for distributed teams

facilitation http://www.luxoft.com/blog/smukhina/tools-for-collaboration-in-distributed-teams/

Video on empathy that is one of the Servant Leader qualities - https://www.youtube.com/watch?


Face2Face training ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Team Facilitation, apply to it by sending me

email smukhina@luxoft.com [title “Facilitation training”, body “I wish to participate” or/and any

questions ]


Recommended Materials

Recordings and presentations of my webinars on facilitation:

How to facilitate product backlog refinement sessionshttps


How to facilitate meetings, Scrum events and group discussions https


Agile Team Facilitator Mindset & Behaviourhttps


Facilitation and Facilitator Stancehttps


The Power on Visualizationhttps


Silent voting technique https



Available Services of Agile Practice

ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Fundamentals https://icagile.com/icagile-certified-professional 

ICAgile Certified Professional - Business Value Analysis https://icagile.com/icp-business-value-analysis 

ICAgile Certified Professional - Agile Team Facilitation https://icagile.com/icp-agile-team-facilitation 

Professional Scrum Master https://www.scrum.org/Courses/Professional-Scrum-Master 

Custom Workshops:

• Coaching and self-coaching;

• Agile project management;

• Agile project metrics;

• Motivation models;

• Feedback gathering;

• etc.


How-to-apply for Face-to-Face Trainings and Workshops Specify request for Agile Education

Learning objectives

Time period


Send the request to Agile Practice [smukhina@luxoft.com]

Follow the instructions provided by Agile Practice on response to your request