Facilitating Online Learning of Geospatial Technology for Mapping Invasive Species

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Facilitating Online Learning of Geospatial Technology for Mapping Invasive Species. Jennifer Stanley NASA Space Grant Undergraduate Research Internship Symposium Arizona State University April 17, 2009. What is GTK?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Facilitating Online Learning of Geospatial Technology for Mapping Invasive Species

Jennifer StanleyNASA Space Grant Undergraduate Research Internship Symposium

Arizona State UniversityApril 17, 2009

What is GTK?

The Geospatial Tool Kit (GTK) is a set of tools that bring imagery, GPS and GIS together into one turn-key, field-based, decision support solution.

The Geospatial Tool Kit (GTK)

NASA Satellite Imagery/Aerial Photos TerraServer—USA.com

GPS Receiver = Location/Navigation Garmin GPSmap 60

GIS = Computerized Mapping StarPal HGIS, ESRI ArcPad

GIS on the desktop or laptop HGIS and ESRI ArcView


Used by Natural Resource Managers

Geospatial Technology is complex






GPS receiver

GPS = Global Positioning


The Most Returned Item to Wal-Mart

Identifying the problems

Limited access to learning materialsNot enough trainers relative to the demandLimited access to technologyGPS, GIS and Satellite Imagery are used mostly

for research and management and require expertise

Intended for government usage Gap between current knowledge and the level of expertise needed

The Solution? Online Learning?

He didn’t have access to GTK Trainer self-paced learning tools

He returned his GPS a

little to soon!

But… Everyone Learns Differently

Audio Individuals who learn by listening

Visual Learn by watching

Kinesthetic Learn by ‘doing’

Can we address all or at least most of these learning patterns?

Yes, it is easier today because we have Course Management Systems.

Moodle is a course management system (CMS) – a free, Open Source software package designed using sound pedagogical principles, to help educators create effective online learning communities

CMS can include:


is a website that allows multiple users to create, modify and organize web page content in a collaborative manner

Case studiesMultimedia Learning ModulesAudio/Videos

10 Components to Engage the Learner

In each section:

1. Objectives

2. Pre-quiz

3. Definitions of new technology

4. Background information/context

5. Videos

6. Real-world application/Case-study

7. Links to other online resources

8. User-contributed content

9. Conclusion


GTK Trainer: 7 Sections

Introduction to MappingImage Types and SourcesGPS BasicsHandheld ComputersHandheld GIS SoftwareDesktop GIS SoftwareCollaborative Mapping with Google Tools

GTK Trainer


Example of Pre-quiz in Section 1

Example: Case Study in Section 3

Multimedia Learning Module

How did I make this multimedia learning module?

Adobe Captivate software is one of the most important tools used in the creation of the GTK Trainer learning module

With Captivate, people with little or now multimedia experience can create narrated slideshows, animations, and interactive exercises.

Captivate allows for easy creation of interactive branching – the user can navigate through by making choices and receiving different feedback for each.


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eXtension is. . .

An interactive learning environment…connects knowledge consumers with

knowledge providers – experts who know their subject matter inside out

…offers Credible expertise Reliable answers based upon sound research Connections to the best minds

eXtension is based on. . .

Encouraging “communities of practice” Loosely-coupled groups of practitioners who work

and learn together around a certain broad topic over an extended period of time

Encouraging “best of the best” content that is science-based, up-to-date, and peer reviewed

Technologies that make it easy for those not versed in web design/development to add, edit, review, comment on, receive feedback on, receive questions about content


Leverage the Cooperative Extension education network (16,000 + employees in all counties and most tribes across the US, through Land Grant univeristies)

eXtension.org – attempt to bring this “high touch” approach to the Web

One example: Map@Syst, future home of GTK Trainer

eXtension: Map@syst


Barron Orr, Ph.D, NASA Space Grant MentorSusan Brew, NASA Space Grant Program

ManagerAnne Thwaits, Advisor and Web DesignerUA/NASA Space Grant Undergraduate

Research Internship

Thank You!


Contact Information:

Jennifer Stanley

University of Arizona