Facts & Figures 2000 - Mitsubishi Motors€¦ · Mr T. Kawahata: Mr T. Kishii PR Dept. Mitsubishi...

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  • Glos sary of ac ro nyms used in this pub li ca tionA ABS . . . . . . . . . . . Anti-lock brak ing sys tem

    ASC . . . . . . . . . . . Ac tive sta bil ity con trol

    ATC . . . . . . . . . . . Asian Trans mis sion Corp.

    AYC . . . . . . . . . . . Ac tive yaw con trol

    C CCD. . . . . . . . . . . Charge cou pled de viceCMC . . . . . . . . . . China Mo tor Corp.

    F FUSO . . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi truck brand

    G GDI . . . . . . . . . . . Gas o line di rect in jec tion

    H HC . . . . . . . . . . . . Hy dro car bonsHMC . . . . . . . . . . Hyundai Mo tor Co.

    HML. . . . . . . . . . . Hindustan Mo tors Ltd.

    I INVECS . . . . . . . . In tel li gent & in no va tive ve hi cle elec tronic con trol sys temITS . . . . . . . . . . . . In tel li gent trans port sys tem

    J JAMA . . . . . . . . . . Ja pan Au to mo bile Man u fac turing As so ci a tion

    M MBECS . . . . . . . . . Mo tor ve hi cle brake en ergy con ser va tion sys temMC. . . . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Cor po ra tion

    MDAS. . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi driver’s at ten tion mon i tor ing sys tem

    MFTA . . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Fuso Truck of Amer ica, Inc.

    MHI . . . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Heavy In dus tries, Ltd.

    MHTC . . . . . . . . . MMC Holding (Thai land) Co., Ltd.

    MIE . . . . . . . . . . . MMC In vest ment of Eu rope B.V.

    MILS. . . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi in tel li gent load mon i tor ing sys tem

    MKM . . . . . . . . . . P.T. Mitsubishi Krama Yudha Mo tors & Man u fac turing

    MMA . . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Mo tors Amer ica Inc.

    MMAL . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Mo tors Aus tra lia, Ltd.

    MMC . . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Mo tors Cor po ra tion

    MMCA . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Mo tors Credit of Amer ica, Inc.

    MMCE . . . . . . . . . MMC Automoviles Espana SA.

    MME . . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Mo tors Eu rope B.V.

    MMGF . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Mo tor Parts Sales of Gulf

    MMMA . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Mo tor Man u fac turing of Amer ica, Inc.

    MMNZ . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Mo tors New Zea land Ltd.

    MMPC . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Mo tors Phil ip pines Corp.

    MMRE. . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Mo tor Mar keting Re search Eu rope GmbH

    MMSA . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Mo tor Sales of Amer ica, Inc.

    MMSC . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Mo tor Sales of Ca rib bean, Inc.

    MMSD . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Mo tor Sales Den mark AS

    MMSE. . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Mo tor Sales Eu rope B.V.

    MPI . . . . . . . . . . . Multi-point in jec tion

    MRDA . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Mo tors R&D of Amer ica, Inc.

    MRDE . . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Mo tor R&D Eu rope GmbH

    MSC. . . . . . . . . . . MMC Sittipol Co., Ltd.

    MTE . . . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Trucks Eu rope-Sociedade Europeia de Automoveis, S.A.

    MVV. . . . . . . . . . . Mitsubishi Ver ti cal Vor tex

    N NedCar . . . . . . . . Neth er lands Car B.V.NOx. . . . . . . . . . . Ox ides of ni tro gen

    P PDC . . . . . . . . . . . Pre view Dis tance Con trolPROTON . . . . . . . Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Bhd.

    R RISE . . . . . . . . . . . Re al ized im pact safety evo lu tion

    S SRS . . . . . . . . . . . Sup ple men tal re straint sys temT TCL . . . . . . . . . . . Trac tion Con troL

    V VSM . . . . . . . . . . . VinaStar Mo tors Corp.

  • MITSUBISHI MOTORS CORPORATION is pleased to present FACTS & FIGURES 2000 for all those withan interest in the company. This booklet is intended to provide a general overview of the company’s mainproducts, as well as its research and development, production, sales, exports, and other operations. We hope

    that FACTS & FIGURES 2000 will be of assistance and value. Any suggestions as to how we may improve thebooklet will be welcomed.

    Sep tem ber 2000

    Inquiries should be addressed to:

    n In JapanMr Fumio Nishizaki: In ter na tional Pub lic Re la tions

    Pub lic Re la tions De part mentMitsubishi Mo tors Cor po ra tion33–8 Shiba 5–chomeMinato–ku, To kyoJAPAN 108–8410Tel:+81–3–5232–7165 Fax:+81–3–5232–7747

    n Major affiliatesMr Junzo Ishino: Me dia Re la tions & Pub lic Af fairs

    Mitsubishi Mo tors Amer ica, Inc.Tel: +1–714-372-6442 Fax:+1–714-934-7603

    Ms Gale O’Brien: Cor po rate Com mu ni ca tionsMitsubishi Mo tor Sales of Amer ica, Inc.Tel: +1–714–372–5528 Fax: +1–714–890-3458

    Mr Kim Custer: Media Re la tionsMitsubishi Mo tor Sales of Amer ica, Inc.Tel: +1–714–372–6428 Fax: +1–714–934-7655

    Mr T. Kawahata:Mr T. Kishii

    PR Dept.Mitsubishi Mo tor Sales of Eu rope B.V.Tel: +31-20-4468-355 Fax:+31-20-4468-143

    Ms Corinne van Iersel: PR & Com mu ni ca tionsNeth er lands Car B.V.Tel: +31–46–4894444 Fax: +31–46–4895488

    Mr Kevin Tay lor: Pub lic Re la tionsMitsubishi Mo tors Aus tra lia, Ltd.Tel: +61–8–8275–7111 Fax: +61–8–8275–6841


  • 1. In tro duc tionAs an in de pend ent pub lic com pany, Mitsubishi Mo tors Cor po ra tion is Ja pan’s new est au to mo bile man u fac turer. It is alsoone of the very few firms in the world that pro duces a full line of au to mo tive prod ucts, rang ing from 660-cc mini cars to pas -sen ger cars, light com mer cial ve hi cles and heavy-duty trucks and buses.

    The com pany was es tab lished in 1970 when the au to mo tive di vi sion of Mitsubishi Heavy In dus tries was spun off andformed into a sep a rate en tity. Al though its his tory as an in de pend ent firm is rel a tively short, Mitsubishi Mo tors’ au to mo tivetra di tion goes back to 1917 when the Mitsubishi Model A, Ja pan’s first se ries-pro duc tion au to mo bile, was in tro duced. Un -der the Mitsubishi name, the Fuso B46 bus went into pro duc tion in 1932. Fol low ing the sus pen sion of con sumer ve hi cle pro -duc tion dur ing World War II, Mitsubishi truck and pas sen ger car pro duc tion re sumed in 1946 and 1960 re spec tively.

    Mitsubishi Mo tors shares were of fered to the pub lic in 1988 when it be came the first pri vate com pany to be listed di rectly on the first sec tion of the To kyo, Osaka and Nagoya stock ex changes. Shares were listed on the rest of Ja pan’s stock ex -changes in 1989.

    The 21st cen tury will see com pe ti tion on the world’s mar kets con tin u ing to grow in in ten sity. To strengthen its op er a -tional base on a global scale and boost its com pet i tive ness in those mar kets, MMC has re cently formed two ma jor eq uity andop er at ing al li ances: with DaimlerChrysler in the pas sen ger car sec tor, and with AB Volvo in the com mer cial ve hi cle sec tor.

    m Cor po rate pro fileHead of fice: 33-8, Shiba 5-chome, Minato-ku, To kyo, Ja pan 108-8410Es tab lished: April 22, 1970Paid-in cap i tal: ¥150,730,455,926 (March 31, 2000)Com mon stock is sued: 970,307,624 shares (March 31,2000)Busi ness ac tiv i ties: Man u fac ture and sale of mo tor ve hi cles, as so ci ated com po nents, in dus trial en gines.Ma jor share hold ers: (March 31, 2000)

    Mitsubishi Heavy In dus tries, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.62%Cap i tal Re search and Man age ment Com pany. . . . . . . . . 9.15%Mitsubishi Cor po ra tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.99%AB Volvo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00%The Mitsubishi Trust & Banking Cor po ra tion. . . . . . . . . . 4.66%The Bank of To kyo-Mitsubishi, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.43%The Sumitomo Trust & Banking Cor po ra tion . . . . . . . . . . 3.73%The Chase Manhattan Bank, NA Lon don . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.31%Meiji Life In sur ance Com pany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.06%Mitsubishi Jiko Em ployees Shareholding As so ci a tion. . . . 2.01%

    Pres i dent & CEO: Katsuhiko KawasoeEm ployees: 22,666 (non-con sol i dated; March 31, 2000)

    65,485 (con sol i dated; March 31, 2000)

    2. MMC mid-term man age ment strat egyIn fis cal 1999, the United States econ omy con tin ued to ex pand and the econ o mies of Eu rope and South east Asia to re cover.In Ja pan, de spite a gen tle re cov ery in the over all tone of the econ omy, pri vate sec tor de mand re mained weak with re cord lev -els of un em ploy ment and per sonal con sump tion pegged at the base ment level. Sales in the minicar seg ment re mained firm,but those in the rec re ational ve hi cle (RV) and truck seg ments fell short of their lev els in the pre vi ous fis cal year.

    To en able the com pany to cope better with de pressed de mand in Ja pan and to the speed of change in the man age ment en -vi ron ment, in fis cal 1998 MMC em barked on a re struc tur ing of its op er a tions charted by the 3-year RM 2001 (Re newalMitsubishi) mid-term man age ment plan. The prin ci pal goals un der RM2001 were to achieve ap pro pri ate profit lev els by fis -cal 2000 with out de pend ing on fur ther growth in the scale of its op er a tions. The mea sures ini ti ated un der the plan have gen -er ally met their tar gets, and in some cases have ex ceeded ex pec ta tions. Since the im ple men ta tion of RM2001, how ever,there have been sub stan tial changes in the en vi ron ment un der which the com pany op er ates. To en able it to better adapt tothese changes, the com pany has drawn up and is cur rently im ple ment ing a new “Heart-Beat 21” mid-term man age ment planthat re vises man age ment goals for fis cal 2000 and also lays out strat egy for fu ture growth.

    Through a pro cess of man a ge rial re form and rapid trans for ma tion into a prof it able and mean ing ful player in the 21st cen -tury, Heart-Beat 21 pro vides the blue print for MMC to build up man age ment foun da tions that will en able its pas sen ger carand com mer cial ve hi cle op er a tions to pros per as sep a rate and self-sup port ing en ti ties. At the same time, and tak ing the op -por tu ni ties pre sented by re cent stra te gic al li ances with DaimlerChrysler and AB Volvo, Heart-Beat 21 maps out pol icy thatwill en able the com pany to switch to a truly in ter na tional man age ment style and to of fer, in a timely man ner, highly com pet i -tive prod ucts that are ef fec tively tai lored to their tar get mar kets. In cluded will be a world com pact strat egy pas sen ger car that of fers the high est lev els of eco-com pat i bil ity by meet ing mile age stan dards in de vel oped coun tries.

    I Cor po rate Out line

  • 3. Cor po rate per for mance sum mary(1) Sales & income over the years: 1990 - 1999FY (¥million)

    Fiscal Year Net Sales Operating Profit Ordinary Income Net Income

    1990Non-consolidated 2,313,636 65,822 50,214 25,208Consolidated 2,797,770 89,725 55,750 25,852

    1991Non-consolidated 2,554,055 56,186 50,540 27,023Consolidated 3,087,136 86,802 60,541 29,514

    1992Non-consolidated 2,615,959 57,493 46,567 20,232Consolidated 3,180,430 77,091 50,225 25,832

    1993Non-consolidated 2,455,928 40,085 35,354 15,952Consolidated 2,946,932 40,758 21,250 5,584

    1994Non-consolidated 2,652,517 67,745 48,046 18,826Consolidated 3,414,133 95,912 53,296 12,615

    1995Non-consolidated 2,522,559 62,359 55,393 20,468Consolidated 3,537,018 71,911 31,305 12,736

    1996Non-consolidated 2,585,940 57,148 58,035 15,067Consolidated 3,672,085 45,660 9,524 11,599

    1997Non-consolidated 2,500,614 – 15,512 – 22,157 – 25,656Consolidated 3,735,228 3,197 – 54,520 – 101,846

    1998Non-consolidated 2,333,971 21,750 5,231 22,138Consolidated 3,512,606 55,944 – 4,176 5,668

    1999Non-consolidated 2,106,552 13,435 6,336 515Consolidated 3,334,974 22,473 – 3,758 – 23,331

    2000 (Plan)Non-consolidated 2,250,000 30,000 20,000 – 55,000Consolidated 3,550,000 50,000 20,000 – 70,000

    (2) Operating results 1994 - 1999FYn Domestic sales, exports and overseas production volumes (non-consolidated)

    Fiscal Year 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 (Plan)

    Domestic sales 788,000 810,000 767,000 623,000 601,000 576,000 625,000Exports 555,000 486,000 462,000 556,000 511,000 419,000 435,000

    Total 1,343,000 1,296,000 1,229,000 1,179,000 1,112,000 995,000 1,060,000Overseas production 643,000 671,000 763,000 752,000 593,000 726,000 960,000

    n Domestic sales volume by category: MMC & industry (JAMA classification)

    Fiscal yearCars Trucks & buses Total

    MMC Industry MMC Industry MMC Industry

    1986 147,681 3,081,831 368,922 2,596,627 516,603 5,678,4581987 168,854 3,298,396 406,159 2,809,762 575,013 6,108,1581988 170,869 3,523,567 457,153 3,082,921 628,022 6,606,4881989 263,592 4,588,808 397,259 2,658,892 660,851 7,247,7001990 332,085 4,878,590 404,971 2,707,518 737,056 7,586,1081991 335,811 4,611,427 420,598 2,625,107 756,409 7,236,5341992 342,885 4,239,254 401,313 2,450,258 744,198 6,689,5121993 373,954 3,947,078 347,667 2,224,444 721,621 6,171,5221994 406,113 3,998,210 381,767 2,365,924 787,880 6,364,1341995 425,038 4,086,881 384,634 2,406,191 809,672 6,493,0721996 379,488 4,450,864 387,617 2,399,210 767,105 6,850,0741997 323,794 3,886,028 299,480 2,067,456 623,274 5,953,4841998 331,367 3,876,259 269,157 1,714,978 600,524 5,591,2371999 315,748 3,917,563 260,710 1,687,720 576,458 5,607,283

  • 1. Cut ting-edge tech nol ogyÌ GDI engine

    Mitsubishi Mo tors is the first man u fac turer to suc cess fully de velop and ap ply Gas o line Di rect In jec tion (GDI) tech nol -ogy to re al ize ul tra-ef fi cient en gine op er a tion. In con ven tional en gines, gas o line and air are mixed in the in take port be -fore be ing fed into the cyl in der. GDI tech nol ogy en ables gas o line to be in jected di rectly into the cyl in der, therebyen abling high-pre ci sion fuel con trol and leaner com bus tion. The re sult is die sel-beat ing mile age to gether with higherpower out puts than multiport in jec tion en gines. Prin ci pal com po nents in the GDI en gine are the Up right Straight In take Port, Curved Crown Pis ton, High-pres sure Fuel Pump and High-pres sure Swirl In jec tors.

    Ì GDI Sigma powertrain seriesThe Sigma Se ries powertrain mar ries the eco-friendly high-out put low-con sump tion GDI en gine with trans mis sion,elec tric mo tor and other pe riph eral tech nol ogy to re turn mile age that is be tween 10 and 30 % better than cur rent GDIen gines, as well as re al iz ing im proved driveability and a re duc tion in cost. The GDI Sigma Se ries powertrain in cor po -rates four ma jor tech nol ogy mar riages: (1) GDI+CVT in te grated en gine and con tin u ously vari able trans mis sion con -trol; (2) GDI+ASG idling stop sys tem; (3) GDI+HEV hy brid power sys tem; (4) GDI+Turbocharger, high-re sponse,low-con sump tion turbo charg ing. The com pany be gan in tro duc ing GDI Sigma Se ries powertrain con fig u ra tions in2000.

    ª GDI+CVT: Mating a CVT to a con ven tional multi-port in jec tion en gine re sults in re duced ef fec tive ness as a re -sult of trans mis sion and en gine in com pat i bil ity in the low-con sump tion op er at ing zone, of en ergy losses due to fric -tion in the belts, of en ergy losses in the torque con verter. Thisar range ment also causes vi bra tion in the car body. The su pe -rior torque man age ment of the GDI en gine en ables a re duc -tion in CVT op er at ing pres sure, re al iz ing a sig nif i cantim prove ment in fuel econ omy and smoother op er a tion.

    ª GDI+ASG: Con ven tional multi-port in jec tion en gineswith idling-stop sys tems can be un set tling for the driver be -cause of the time taken to re start the en gine. The GDI+ASGpowertrain solves this prob lem us ing a high-pre ci sion ASGcon trol sys tem, a sim ple clutch pedal-op er ated en gine re startmech a nism and ex ploit ing the su pe rior start ing char ac ter is -tics of the GDI en gine. To re start the en gine af ter the ASGsys tem has stopped it at idling (this only hap pens when theve hi cle is at rest, the shift le ver is in neu tral and the clutch isen gaged) all the driver has to do is press the clutch pedal todis en gage the clutch. The lack of any com pli cated re start ingpro ce dure, and the very fast en gine re start – a frac tion of thetime re quired with a con ven tional en gine – elim i nates wor -ries about in creases in emis sions or about hold ing up otherve hi cles in traf fic. The Pis ta chio, launched as a lim ited-edi -tion model in De cem ber 1999, uses the GDI+ASGpowertrain to achieve su pe rior fuel econ omy, par tic u larly in town driv ing.

    ª GDI+HEV: Hy brid pro pul sion sys tems are a low-con sump tion tech nol ogy that of fer high lev els of ef fi ciency.How ever, sys tems that use con ven tional en gines are costly be cause they re quire com pli cated drivetrains, pow er fulmo tors and gen er a tors, as well as large ca pac ity bat ter ies.The su pe rior torque and fuel ef fi ciency at low loads of theGDI en gine en able the use of smaller mo tor and bat ter ies, to re al ize up to 50% better fuel econ omy over con ven -tional en gines.

    ª GDI+Turbocharger: The ap pli ca tion of turbo charg ing to con ven tional multi-port in jec tion en gines re sults inpoorer fuel econ omy be cause lower com pres sion ra tios must be used to pre vent the knock ing that lim its torque atlow and mid speed ranges, and in turbo lag in the ini tial stages of ac cel er a tion. The 2-stage mix ture det o na tion con -trol of the GDI en gine en ables use of a higher com pres sion ra tio and gen er a tion of more low-end torque, andthereby avoid the de te ri o ra tion in fuel econ omy and lag nor mal with turbo charged en gines. Some mod els in thePajero iO se ries, launched in June 2000, use the GDI+Turbo powertrain.

    Ì MVV engine for minicarsWith its ul tra-low fuel con sump tion, the mini-car has al ways been en vi ron men tally friendly. In Oc to ber 1998, the com -pany in tro duced a fully-re de signed se ries of mini-cars pow ered, for the first time in the 660cc en gine mini-car cat e gory, by the in no va tive Mitsubishi Ver ti cal Vor tex en gine that re al izes a 10% re duc tion in CO2 emis sions over the pre vi ousse ries de spite the larger body size. To max i mize the en vi ron men tal ben e fits, the MVV en gine is used to power all thenew mod els, with the ex cep tion of turbo charged ver sions. The new leanburn en gine of fers out stand ing cost per for -mance and rep re sents the ideal power unit for next-gen er a tion mini-cars. Ap plying air-fuel mix ture form ing and com -bus tion-con trol tech nol o gies de vel oped and honed in the Mitsubishi GDI ecol ogy en gine, the new MVV power unitem ploys a very sim ple de sign to re al ize sta ble leanburn com bus tion with out re quir ing any add-on de vices or equip -ment. The MVV en gine also en ables the new mod els to meet the low-emis sion ve hi cle lev els spec i fied by sev eral met -ro pol i tan and pre fec tural au thor i ties in Ja pan. MVV tech nol ogy was first ap plied to power cer tain Mi rage and Lancermod els in Oc to ber 1991.

    II MMC Au to mo tive Tech nol ogy

  • Ì INOMAT & INOMAT IIMitsubishi’s In tel li gent & In no va tive Me chan i cal Au to matic Trans mis sion (INOMAT) em -ploys sen sor in for ma tion from the en gine, clutch, trans mis sion, throt tle and ve hi cle speed toin te grate en gine and trans mis sion man age ment con trol and to op ti mize man ual shift man age -ment us ing Mitsubishi’s own elec tro-pneu matic con trol sys tem. Avail able on the Fuso SuperGreat heavy truck, with INOMAT the driver need only op er ate the clutch when ap proach ingun load ing plat forms, ga rag ing his ve hi cle or other times when del i cate speed con trol is re -quired. At other times, with the shift le ver in D-range INOMAT changes gears au to mat i cally as well as elim i nat ing the need for the driver to de clutch when stop ping his ve hi cle. INOMATthus re duces fa tigue and stress by free ing the driver from tire some clutch and gear op er a tionswhile on the move. Be ing a me chan i cal sys tem, INOMAT does not suf fer from the powerlosses nor mal with a torque con verter-type au to matic trans mis sion. Be cause gears are se lected with the op ti mal tim ing, even in ex pe ri enced driv ers can keep fuel con sump tion down to vet -

    eran driver lev els. Now avail able on the Aerostar bus, INOMAT-II elim i nates clutch pedal op er a tion en tirely, evenwhen mov ing off.

    Ì MDAS-IIThe Mitsubishi Driver’s At ten tion mon i tor ing Sys tem (MDAS-II) is a com put er izedsys tem that mon i tors the driver’s level of alert ness, us ing a CCD cam era to de tect lanemark ings as well as sen sor-data on steer ing wheel move ments and gear chang ing.MDAS-II starts op er at ing when ve hi cle speed ex ceeds 60 km/h, and stays op er a tive un til speed drops be low 40 km/h. This ad vanced sys tem de liv ers vi sual and voice warn ings tothe driver when it de tects alert ness has dropped to a pre de ter mined level. MDAS-II fea -tures a for ward ve hi cle dis tance sys tem, in which the tim ing of warn ings is tai lored to thede gree to which driver alert ness has de creased, and a lane de par ture warn ing sys tem. The sys tem also helps keep the driver alert by emit ting a herbal fra grance into the cab. Avail -able on the Super Great heavy truck, this re li able sys tem re ally co mes into its own onlong-dis tance hauls.

    Ì Mitsubishi Fuso Total Support SystemThe Mitsubishi Fuso To tal Sup port Sys tem (MFTSS) as sists the man age ment and op er a tion of trucks and buses. Itcom prises Lo gis tics, Cargo Qual ity and Ve hi cle Man age ment sys tems. For the haul age op er a tor, MFTSS con trib utesto im prove ments in real-time ve hi cle and ship ment track ing and in op er a tional ef fi cien cies as well as to re duced op er at -ing ex penses. The sys tem ac com mo dates time-des ig nated de liv er ies and other ad vanced and di verse needs of ship persto day and, as such, con trib utes to en vi ron men tal con ser va tion - an area of grow ing pub lic con cern.

    ª Logistics management system: Uses GlobalPo si tioning Sys tem tech nol ogy to pro vide real-time dataon ve hi cle lo ca tion, speed and other in for ma tion re quiredby the haul age op er a tor to track ve hi cle move ments. En -abling quick and ac cu rate an swers to in qui ries about ship -ment sta tus and more ef fec tive re sponse to sud den or ders,the sys tem al lows the op er a tor to of fer im proved lev els ofser vice. It also re duces man-power re quire ments by en -abling the gath er ing and anal y sis of ve hi cle data and by fa -cil i tat ing daily log and re port gen er a tion. Used with thespe cial an a lyt i cal soft ware pack age, the sys tem also en -ables the op er a tor to keep track of op er a tional safety andfuel econ omy for in di vid ual driv ers and ve hi cles.

    ª Cargo quality management system: Keeping food stuffs fresh dur ing ship ment re quires care ful thattem per a ture and other fac tors in side re frig er ated vans be care fully con trolled. En abling such in for ma tion to bemon i tored on a real-time ba sis, this sys tem al lows the op er a tor to de liver ship ments to the cus tomer more promptlyand in better con di tion and to thereby of fer im proved qual ity and lev els of ser vice.

    ª Vehicle management system: Mitsubishi's own sys tem en ables the gath er ing and anal y sis of data fromsen sors in stalled through out the ve hi cle. This in creases the ef fi ciency of pre ven tive ser vic ing and of ve hi clemanagement over all. Using data col lected from the ve hi cle's op er a tion the pre vi ous day, the sys tem dis plays itemsthat re quire ser vic ing be fore the ve hi cle is op er ated that day. This brings greater cer tainty to ve hi cle ser vic ing andmain te nance as well as en ables the op er a tor to keep an ac cu rate and de tailed re cord of mal func tions.

    Ì Mitsubishi ASV-2MMC has re cently com pleted de vel op ment of three Mitsubishi ASV-2 ad vanced safety ve hi cles that rep re sent thecrys tal li za tion of the com pany’s vast ac cu mu la tion of safety tech nol ogy know-how and in cor po rate many ap pli ca bletech nol o gies for the 21st cen tury. The Mitsubishi ASV-2s now add user-friendly – the more el derly driver in cluded –ITS tech nol ogy to the ad vanced Ac tive and Pas sive Safety tech nol o gies al ready ap plied in MMC ve hi cles.

    ª ITS-ASV: In cor po rates ad vanced ITS tech nol ogy, us ing sen sors and com mu ni ca tion sys tems to mon i tor theroad en vi ron ment and pro vide the driver with voice and vi sual in for ma tion. The ITS-ASV also fea tures a sys temthat as sists the driver in tak ing avoid ance ac tion should he find him self in a po ten tially dan ger ous sit u a tion. Com -po nent sys tems in clude: Multi-eye sys tem that uses mil li me ter-wave ra dar to mon i tor for ward ve hi cle dis tance andrel a tive ve hi cle speed, la ser ra dar with high res o lu tion ca pa bil ity, cam eras that re spond to sig nif i cant changes inlight in ten sity, and a va ri ety of sen sors that de tect and mon i tor the road en vi ron ment; Friendly cock pit that meetsthe re quire ments of the in for ma tion so ci ety in the 21st cen tury, pro vid ing all in for ma tion nec es sary for safe op er a -tion of the ve hi cle and fea tur ing a head-up dis play (HUD), voice-ac ti va tion sys tem and a hands-free car tele phone;Other equip ment in cludes steer ing and brake ac tu a tors and other com po nents that sup port the driver in his op er a -tion of ve hi cle.

  • ª Hi-mobility ASV: Using new-de sign driv ing con trols and ad vanced ve hi cle man age ment sys tems to whichuni ver sal de sign con cepts have been ap plied, the Hi-mo bil ity ASV of fers out stand ing lev els of op er a tional ease and ma neu ver abil ity that are in de pend ent of the driver’s phys i cal char ac ter is tics or driv ing skills. Com po nent sys temsin clude: Uni ver sal De sign Cock pit, which em ploys drive-by-wire (me chan i cal link ages are re placed by elec tronicsys tems) tech nol ogy to en able ve hi cle op er a tion and car dy nam ics to be con trolled at will; and, In te grated Ve hi cleDy nam ics Man age ment Sys tem, which en ables driv ers of all abil i ties to ex tract the full dy namic per for mance po -ten tial of their ve hi cle.

    ª Smart Cruise 21 ASV: This spe cial model has been de vel oped for the “Smart Cruise 21” prov ing pro grambe ing run jointly by the Jap a nese Trans port and Con struc tion min is tries. Using in for ma tion ac quired from the com -mu ni ca tions in fra struc ture, on-board sys tems as sist the driver in crash avoid ance and in keep ing to his lane. SmartCruise 21 ASV is equipped for com mu ni ca tions with the road in fra struc ture, and with a lane marker sen sor that de -tects mag netic mark ers in stalled in the road sur face. It is fit ted with a Head-up Dis play and other means of de liv er -ing in for ma tion to the driver, as well as steer ing and brak ing ac tu a tors that as sist the driver in the op er a tion of hisve hi cle.

    Ì 4M41 3.2-liter DI diesel engineDerived from Mitsubishi’s cur rent 4M40 2.8-li ter in di rectin jec tion die sel, the new 4M41 3.2-li ter di rect in jec tion(DI) die sel en gine fea tures a larger dis place ment, to getherwith a fuel in jec tion sys tem that in jects fuel di rectly into acom bus tion bowl on the top of the pis ton. The con ver sion to di rect in jec tion re duces the heat losses nor mal in an in di rectin jec tion die sel where fuel is ig nited in a com bus tion cham -ber in the cyl in der head. This, to gether with the im provedbreath ing ef fi ciency stem ming from the new 4-valveDOHC con fig u ra tion, re al izes a 25% im prove ment in mile -age in the Jap a nese 10-15 mode ur ban driv ing pat tern, and a25% in crease in power out put over the non-DI en gine.These in no va tions en able the 4M41 in-line 3.2-li ter DI die -sel en gine to meet the re quire ments of Ja pan’s Long-termEmis sions and Year 2005 Die sel Ve hi cle Fuel Con sump tion reg u la tions. This en gine pow ers some mod els in the newPajero se ries.

    Ì All-wheel air suspensionMMC has de vel oped a front-wheel par al lel-link type air sus pen sion sys tem– afirst in Ja pan – to up grade the per for mance and func tion al ity of trucks withrear-wheel air sus pen sion. Ben e fits of the new sus pen sion in clude the pre ven tionof vi bra tion-in duced cargo shift ing, and a sig nif i cant im prove ment in ride com -fort. The new sys tem also re al izes ma jor im prove ments in func tion al ity, in clud -ing an in crease in cargo bed ca pac ity, and eas ier cargo han dling thanks to theabil ity to ad just front and rear wheel ve hi cle height ei ther in de pend ently or to -gether.

    Ì Full air wedge brakesMMC’s Full-air Wedge Braking sys tem, in which all brake sig nals and ser vice lines are pneu mat i cally con trolled, of -fers su pe rior re sponse and ser vic ing char ac ter is tics over hy drau lic sys tems. The new sys tem also uses a wedge to movethe shoe against the drum. This re al izes faster ini ti a tion of brak ing than in S-cam sys tems where the com pressed na tureof the air re sulted in a slight lag.

    Front suspension Rear suspension

  • 2. R&D cen tersLocation Facility name Address


    Car Research & Development Center(Cars and light commercial vehicles)

    Okazaki 1, Nakashinkiri, Hashime-cho, OkazakiAichi 444-8501

    Kyoto 1, Uzumasa Tatsumi-cho, Ukyo-kuKyoto 616-8501

    Tokachi Proving Ground 221-1 Osarushi, Otofuke-cho, Kato-gunHokkaido 080-0271

    Truck & Bus Research & DevelopmentCenter

    Kawasaki 10-Okura-cho, Nakahara-ku, KawasakiKanagawa 211-8522

    Kitsuregawa ProvingGround

    4300, Washijuku, Kitsuregawa-cho,Shioya-gunTochigi 329-1411

    OverseasMitsubishi Motors R&D of America

    Ann Arbor Laboratory 3735 Varsity Drive, Ann ArborMI 48108, U.S.A.

    Cypress Laboratory 6430 W. Katella Ave., CypressCA 90630, U.S.A.

    Mitsubishi Motor R&D of Europe Trebur R&D Center Hessenauerstrasse 6, 65468Trebur, Germany

    3. Styling de sign cen tersLocation Facility name Address


    Car Research & Development Center(Cars and light commercial vehicles)

    Tama Design Center 1-16-1 Karakida, TamaTokyo 206-0035

    Okazaki 1, Nakashinkiri, Hashime-cho, OkazakiAichi 444-8501

    Truck & Bus Research & DevelopmentCenter

    Kawasaki 10-Okura-cho, Nakahara-ku, KawasakiKanagawa 211-8522


    Mitsubishi Motors R&D of America Cypress Design Studio 6430 W. Katella Ave., CypressCA 90630, U.S.A.

    Mitsubishi Motors R&D of Europe Trebur Design Studio Diamant Strasse 1, 65468Trebur, Germany

    Tama Design Center

    Tokachi Proving Ground

  • Mitsubishi Mo tors’ phi los o phy of elim i na tion of strain, waste and in con sis tency per me ates ev ery level of the com pany’sop er a tions. Its pol icy of high qual ity and low cost ve hi cle pro duc tion is am ply dem on strated at each of its man u fac tur ingplants, all of which em ploy the most ad vanced tech nol ogy in the most mod ern fa cil i ties. Mitsubishi Mo tors is com mit ted toen vi ron men tal con ser va tion, and each of its plants has com pre hen sive en vi ron men tal pro tec tion fa cil i ties.

    1. Pro duc tion vol ume by modelModel 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

    Deb o nair 1,209 1,053 797 463 230Proudia — — — — 383Dignity — — — — 15Dia mante 35,338 20,202 13,088 4,246 8,279Sigma 913 6 — — —GTO 7,953 7,601 5,496 2,207 2,355FTO 9,741 2,928 1,960 1,033 616Galant 39,421 47,168 77,314 38,746 28,076Legnum — 44,614 62,543 26,302 16,809Eterna 17,984 6,174 5,340 870 5,880Aspire — — — 1,706 1,302Emeraude 1,262 142 — — —Char iot & Char iot Grandis 41,943 33,648 59,448 88,251 63,010RVR 45,787 30,137 22,861 13,976 20,333Dion — — — — 15,282Mi rage & Mi rage Dingo 86,767 101,391 93,848 95,661 77,800Lancer & Lancer Cedia 140,261 117,394 100,868 120,758 86,319Libero 22,775 18,298 14,516 10,786 10,796Pajero Jr. 30,605 24,690 13,934 149 —Pajero iO — — — 54,262 51,516Pistachio — — — — 50Toppo BJ Wide — — — 3,596 721Libero Cargo 14,189 15,986 10,298 8,148 9,000Pajero Mini 104,990 71,185 43,302 48,792 36,580Minica / Toppo BJ 98,237 85,180 73,684 111,185 112,542Townbox — — — 2,261 14,421Townbox Wide — — — — 3,616Minica Van 35,263 35,331 41,799 27,475 37,311Minicab 47,288 54,882 48,878 41,939 41,831Minicab Van 35,806 37,326 30,447 29,900 28,536Delica 109,930 88,978 69,495 34,614 17,758Delica W — — — 22,290 13,888Pajero 152,102 128,593 136,941 29,274 14,013Pajero W — — — 66,401 76,511Jeep 1,040 845 1,167 717 413Strada 52,463 39,066 43,432 24,879 11,759Chal lenger — 35,561 51,594 71,562 95,914Heavy-duty trucks 31,533 29,524 22,155 13,034 14,140Me dium-duty trucks 24,842 27,988 22,169 15,424 16,146Can ter 73,861 90,245 85,239 63,160 52,267Can ter 1.5t 14,193 17,586 14,969 10,527 8,823Large buses 1,706 1,837 2,009 1,946 1,454Me dium buses 658 781 557 440 387Small buses 4,283 4,831 5,134 5,632 4,660

    TOTAL 1,284,343 1,221,171 1,175,282 1,092,612 1,001,742

    III Pro duc tion in Ja pan

  • 2. Fac tory pro files

    Facility name YearbuiltSite area(sq.m.)

    Floor area(sq.m.) Employees Main products (As at July 2000)

    Nagoya Plant

    Oye 1920 222,000 164,000 2,600Proudia, Dignity, Diamante, GTO, Pajero, Strada (export model), Challenger, PajeroiO, small buses

    Okazaki 1977 425,000 140,000 1,700Galant, Legnum, Aspire, Chariot Grandis, RVR

    Mizushima Plant 1943 1,245,700 465,400 3,800

    Mirage, Lancer, FTO, Mirage Dingo,Dion, Lancer Cedia, Libero, Libero Cargo, Toppo BJ Wide, Townbox Wide, Delica Star Wagon, Delica Space Gear, Minica,Toppo BJ, Townbox, Minicab, Pajero MiniMinicar engines and transmissions

    Kyoto Plant

    Kyoto 1944 299,000 208,000 3,200 Automotive engines and transmissions

    Shiga 1979 173,000 55,000 500 Automotive engines

    Yagi 2000 233,000 30,800 90 Continuously variable transmissions

    Tokyo Plant

    Kawasaki 1940 436,500 302,600 3,200

    Fuso heavy, medium, light trucksSpecial application vehiclesTruck and bus engines; axles for mediumtrucks

    Maruko 1937 99,400 81,400 670 Truck and bus transmissions

    Nakatsu 1975 35,700 15,100 10 Transmissions, gear wheels

  • 1. Sales chan nels (July 2000)Channel Galant Car Plaza Fuso Total

    No. dealerships 121 118 38 277

    Passenger cars Proudia, DignityDiamanteGTO, FTOGalant, LegnumLancer CediaChariot GrandisLiberoToppo BJ Wide Townbox WideDion

    DiamanteGTO, FTOLegnum, AspireMirageLancer CediaChariot GrandisRVR, LiberoMirage DingoDionTownbox Wide

    Imports EclipseDiamante Wagon

    EclipseDiamante Wagon

    Light commercialvehicles

    DelicaLibero CargoChallengerPajero, Pajero iO

    DelicaLibero CargoChallengerPajero iO


    Minicars MinicaToppo BJMinicab (van, truck)TownboxPajero Mini

    Trucks (over 1.5ton payload)

    Super Great heavy truckFighter, Fighter Mignon medium trucksCanter, Canter Guts light trucks

    Buses Fuso medium and large busesRosa small bus

    2. Parts and ser vice or ga ni za tionMitsubishi Mo tors is con stantly ex plor ing ways in which to im prove its sales and af ter-sales ser vice. Over 1,400 pas sen gercar (Galant and Car Plaza deal er ships) and com mer cial ve hi cle (Fuso deal er ships) out lets are sup ported by ten di rectly-man -aged Tech ni cal Cen ters and 99 Tech ni cal Pits that of fer di ag nos tic and me ter ing ser vices for the ad vanced elec tronic cir -cuitry used in Mitsubishi ve hi cles to day. This com pre hen sive net work en sures that cus tomer needs are met per ti nently andspeed ily.

    (1) Advanced servicing and repair network

    Technical Center (10) Technical Pit (99)

    Level of diagnostic service

      Prob lems that re quire ad vanced me ter ing of elec -tronic cir cuitry and parts

      Prob lems that re quire roll ing-road di ag nos tic ex am -i na tion

      Prob lems that re quire more ad vanced di ag nos ticex am i na tion than pos si ble with multi-use tester

      Prob lems re lat ing to ve hi cle sta bil ity, vi bra tion andoth ers that are be yond ca pa bil ity of reg u lar ser viceshop

    Management   Mitsubishi Mo tors   Tech ni cal Mas ter (MMC-qual i fied me chanic em -ployed by sales com pa nies)

    (2) Parts supply organization Eight stra te gi cally lo cated Parts Cen ters and De pots as sure ‘prompt de liv ery, any where, any time’ of parts and com po nents.thereby con trib ut ing to high lev els of cus tomer sat is fac tion and en dur ing brand loy alty. n Parts centers and depots Mitsubishi Mo tors sales com pa nies through out Ja pan are sup plied by four Parts Cen ters lo cated in Atsugi, Nagoya,

    Takatsuki and Mizushima, and four Parts De pots lo cated in Hokkaido, Tohoku, Nakatsu and Kyushu.

    IV Sales and Parts Op er a tions in Ja pan

  • n Next-day delivery A com put er ized on-line net work and ex clu sive de liv ery ser vice en sure that or ders re ceived by 4.30pm ar rive at the

    sales com pany the fol low ing morn ing.n Just-in-time inventory management Mitsubishi Mo tors is fo cused on achiev ing in dus try-topping lev els of ser vice from ever-lower in ven tory lev els.

    3. Sales net work through out Ja pann Sales companies throughout Japan

    MMC sales com pa nies (1 July 2000)

    Passenger carsGalant dealerships 121

    Car Plaza dealerships 118

    Trucks & buses Fuso dealerships 38

    Total 277

    Passenger car dealership FUSO truck & bus dealership

  • 1. Ja pan mar ket pas sen ger cars

    n Passenger cars





    MINICAMini hatchback


    n Recreation Vehicles







    LEGNUMStation wagon

    DIAMANTE WAGONStation wagon



    TOWN BOXMinivan

    TOPPO BJMinivan

    TOWN BOX WIDEMinivan

    TOPPO BJ WIDEMinivan


    n High performance cars



    V Cur rent model lineup


  • 2. Ja pan mar ket: Mitsubishi Fuso trucks & buses

    n FUSO Super Great heavy trucks



    n FUSO Fighter medium trucks



    n FUSO Canter light trucks



    n FUSO buses




    3. Ve hi cles man u fac tured out side Ja pan


    CARISMA[Europe]Sedan / hatchback

    ECLIPSE[USA]Sports coupe



    L200[Worldwide]Pickup truck

    L200[Europe]Pickup truck

    L200[Brazil]Pickup truck

    LANCER[India]Sedan / hatchback

    MAGNA / VERADA[Australia]Sedan / station wagon


    SPACE STAR[Europe]Space utility wagon


  • 4. Cur rent model fea turesSeries name Characteristics

    Carisma Com pact se dan with Eu ro pean-taste styl ing and pack ag ing that re al ize roomy in te rior withinsleek aero dy namic lines.

    Challenger “Ur ban taste” styl ing lets this all-ter rain SUV blend in per fectly around town or out in the wilds.

    Com fort able and func tional cabin with Pajero lev els of off-road and on-tar mac per for mance.

    Chariot Grandis Powered by GDI en gines mated to the INVECS-II smart au to matic trans mis sion, Char iot Grandis

    strikes an ex qui site bal ance be tween per for mance, com fort, ver sa til ity safety, qual ity and en vi -ron men tal ac cept abil ity. Un prec e dented space util ity and ver sa til ity.

    Delica Space Gear Full-fea ture “Super Lei sure RV” com bines se dan lev els of ride com fort with out stand ing ver sa til -

    ity and ve hic u lar per for mance.

    Diamante 4-door se dan that sets a new me dium-class bench mark. 2.5-l and 3.0-li ter GDI en gines de liver

    sporty per for mance with eco-friendly fuel econ omy.

    Dignity Full-fea ture lim ou sine. Of fers most spa cious and com fort able rear com part ment of any car made

    in Ja pan; equipped with Super Ex ec u tive Seat Sys tem and other lux ury ap point ments; ef fort lessper for mance from 4.5-l V8 GDI eco-en gine.


    Com pact sta tion wagon. The sec ond in the SUW se ries, this model brings stress-free travel to alloc cu pants; class-top ping space and room i ness within user-friendly body di men sions. Fea turesmid dle row of in di vid ual seats – a class first – and a third row of seats that can be folded downand stowed un der the floor.

    FTO Small brother of the GTO, this sports coupe gives full ex pres sion to MMC’s fun-to-drive phi los o -

    phy with well-bal anced pro por tions wrapped in dy namic and ag gres sive styl ing and INVECS-IIwith Sport Mode au to matic + man ual over ride trans mis sion.

    Galant First pro duc tion model any where to be pow ered us ing eco-friendly GDI (gas o line di rect in jec -

    tion) tech nol ogy. Se dan styl ing dis tin guished by dash ing and pow er ful lines. RISE safety bodyadds to out stand ing value-for-money of fered by the MMC pas sen ger model

    GTO High-per for mance 4WD sports model. Mus cu lar styl ing molds fu tur is tic body shape. En gine de -

    liv ers awe some power. Com ple mented by go-any where 4WD and out stand ing safety lev els.

    Lancer Cedia Re places Lancer and Mi rage 4-door se dan mod els. New-age pack ag ing pro vides spa cious in te -

    rior ac com mo da tion for four adults in an easy-to-han dle body size. GDI+CVT powertrain re turns ul tra-low fuel con sump tion and de liv ers silky-smooth, sporty per for mance.

    Legnum Wagon cousin of the Galant se dan of fers pres ti gious lev els of per for mance, com fort and lux ury

    for its class.

    Libero Com pact bon net-type sta tion wagon. De veloped to “Car for all sea sons” theme, of fers multi-pur -

    pose styl ing, per for mance and ver sa til ity.

    Minica Out stand ing econ omy and util ity make this “easy-to-use” ba sic se dan the idle com mu ter orshop ping model.

    Minicab Cab-over van and truck mod els, de vel oped to “the ex em plary mini-size com mer cial ve hi cle” and “user-friendly” themes.

    Mirage 2-door and 3-door bod ies and 6 en gines give wide choice of model vari a tions in se dan se ries de -

    vel oped to “Sim ple & Rich” theme. Of fer ing su pe rior lev els of easy-to-drive and sporty qual i ties,se ries ranges from new-gen er a tion ba sic car to sporty coupe mod els.

    Mirage Dingo First in MMC’s SUW se ries that is be ing de vel oped around a Smart De sign and Ecol ogy Con -

    scious phi los o phy. Powered by 1.5-l GDI en gine, the small est of its type any where

    Pajero Full-fea ture 4-wheel drive SUV that is as happy off-road as on tar mac. Fea tures in clude Super

    Se lect 4WD II, Multi-mode ABS, and di rect-in jec tion (DI) die sel and GDI en gines.

    Pajero iO Powered by 2.0-li ter GDI and 1.8-li ter GDI+Turbo en gines, this just-the-right-size SUV fea tures

    the go-any where off-road ca pa bil ity and the com fort able and civ i lized on-road per for mance ofits Pajero big brother.

    Pajero Mini Down sized Pajero in her its the off-road and on-tar mac per for mance of its full-fea ture 4WD big

    brother. New-taste styl ing makes it look big ger than its minicar clas si fi ca tion, and leaves nodoubt as to its lin eage.


    Small se dan Spawned from the ideal that a town car should be as chic as it is eco nom i cal. Usesad vanced low-con sump tion GDI+ASG (Au to matic Stop & Go) tech nol ogy to re turn world-beat -ing 30-km/li ter mile age for a 1-li ter gas o line car (as mea sured by MMC) in the Jap a nese 10-15ur ban driv ing pat tern

    Proudia Lux ury 4-door se dan. Body boasts im pos ing pro por tions; of fers peer less lev els of in te rior room

    and com fort; ef fort lessly pow ered by 3.5-l V6 and 4.5-l V8 GDI eco-friendly en gines; RISEsafety body.

    RVR Com pact RV com bines per for mance and space util ity with styl ing chic to make it equally suitedfor lei sure trips or for use around town. Avail able in sport ier and tougher RVR Sports ver sion.

    Toppo BJ A mem ber of the “Big Small” minicar se ries. Airy, light and com fort able in te rior re al ized by highroof en cour ages com mu ni ca tion be tween oc cu pants. Out stand ing ma neu ver abil ity.

    Townbox Boxy styl ing dis tin guishes this “multi-space mini-wagon” – Ja pan’s first 5-num ber minicar. In te -rior pro vides com fort able ac com mo da tion for four adults and lug gage com part ment.

  • 5. Se ries name der i va tions

    Series name Derivation

    Canter From the Eng lish word de scrib ing the gait of a horse; a col lected gal lop which the horse is able to sus tainover long dis tances. Just right for Mitsubishi’s range of thor ough bred small trucks.

    Carisma Coined from the Greek “kharisma” and Eng lish “cha risma”: de scrib ing the god-given at trib ute of an al most mag i cal power that at tracts many fol low ers.

    Chariot French for the bat tle char iot used in an cient Greece and the Ro man em pire.

    Grandis From the Latin for large or grand.

    Diamante From the Span ish word; re flect ing the com pany’s Three-Di a mond logo, gives ex pres sion to “bril liant” and

    spar kling ex pec ta tions.

    Dignity From the Eng lish word; re flect ing the peer less gran deur and ma jes tic state li ness of this lim ou sine model.

    Dion Derived from Di o ny sus, the Greek god of wine and joy

    Eclipse Un de feated 18th cen tury Eng lish race horse that won 26 races.

    FTO Fresh Touring Orig i na tion: a tour ing model over flow ing with fresh ness, youth ful ness, orig i nal ity.

    Fuso Word used to re fer to Ja pan in an cient Chi nese texts: “the place where the sun rises in the East ern Sea”.

    Galant From the French word mean ing gal lant, val iant.

    GTO From the Ital ian Gran Tu ris mo Omorogata.

    Lancer A sol dier of cav alry reg i ment armed with lance.

    Cedia Coined from the Eng lish CEn tury and DI A mond.

    Legnum From the Latin regnum or “king dom”, re flect ing re gal power and rank.

    Libero From the Ital ian word: ex presses the ver sa tile qual i ties of the model.

    Magna From Latin “magnus”: great, mag nif i cent, su pe rior.

    Minica Li terally, minicar.

    Toppo Coined from Eng lish “top” (roof) and Jap a nese “noppo” (lanky).

    BJ Big Joy.

    Minicab Light cab-over ve hi cle with cargo bed.

    Mirage From the Eng lish (orig i nally French) “mi rage”.

    Asti From the Eng lish “astir”.

    Dingo Derived from Bingo, with its “strike lucky” con no ta tion; the B be ing re placed by the D in the Mitsubishi

    “Di a mond” logo.

    Pajero Named af ter a moun tain cat that in hab its the Patagonia pla teau re gion in south ern Ar gen tina.

    iO Ital ian for I, me. Gen er ates im age of be ing easy to get to know, easy to drive; one’s very own Pajero.

    Proudia Coined from the Eng lish “proud” and the Mitsubishi “di a mond” logo. Fitting ep i thet for MMC’s ul ti mate

    lux ury se dan.

    RVR Rec re ational Ve hi cle Run ner

    Sports Gear Ideal for trans port ing large items of lei sure and sports equip ment to the beach, camp sites, ski slopes and

    other des ti na tions.

    Space Gear Re flects the gen er ous “space” avail able for trans port ing large quan ti ties of lei sure and sports “gear”.

  • 6. Model nam ing in global mar kets

    Japan market nameGlobal markets

    U.S.A. (MMSA) Europe Australia Taiwan Puerto Rico Indonesia Others

    Challenger Montero Sport Pajero Sport Challenger Challenger Nativa — NativaMontero Sport

    Chariot — Space Wagon Nimbus — — — Space Wagon

    Delica — L300Star Wagon(W)L300 Express(V) Delica —

    Colt Solar(D)L300

    Delica Space Gear —Space Gear(W)

    L400 (V)Star Wagon(W)L400 Express(V) Space Gear — —

    Space Gear(W)L400 (V)

    Diamante Diamante — Magna / Verda Diamante Diamante — Sigma

    Eclipse Eclipse Eclipse — Eclipse Eclipse — —

    Galant Galant Galant Galant Galant Galant Galant Galant

    GTO 3000GT 3000GT — — 3000GT — 3000GT

    Lancer — Lancer Lancer LancerVirage

    — Lancer Lancer

    Mirage 3 Door Mirage Coupe Colt MirageLancer —

    Mirage Coupe —Colt

    Lancer Coupe

    Mirage 4 Door Mirage 4 Door — — — Mirage 4 Door — —

    Pajero MonteroPajero

    (Shogun in UK)(Montero in Spain)

    Pajero Pajero Montero PajeroPajero


    Pajero iO — Pajero Pinin Pajero iO — — — Pajero iOMontero iO

    RVR — Space Runner — — — — —

    Strada — L200 L200 Triton — — — L200(Colt in S. Africa)Dingo, Dion and Minica are ex ported in lim ited num bers to: Hong Kong and Sin ga pore (Dingo); Hong Kong, Sin ga pore and Ca rib bean mar kets (Minica Towny)

  • 1. Pro duc tion fa cil i ties out side Ja pan

    Fa cil ity name Location Es tab lished Cap i tal iza tion Eq uity Vol ume Sales amount Em ployees Busi ness lines

    Mitsubishi Mo tor Man u fac turing of Amer -ica, Inc. (MMMA)

    100 North Mitsubishi MotorwayNormal, Illinois 61761 U.S.A.

    Oc to ber 1985 USD 23.42 m MMC . . . . . . 97.12%MC and others . 2.88%

    189,000 (1997)157,364 (1998)162,199 (1999)

    USD 2,890.4 m (1997)2,433.8 m (1998)2,480.7 m (1999)


    Man u fac ture of au to mo bilesMitsubishi Eclipse, Galant, Dodge Stra tus,Chrys ler Sebring240,000 units/year

    Mitsubishi Trucks Europe-SociedadeEuropeia de Automoveis, S.A. (MTE)

    Apartado 7, 2200 Tramagal,Portugal

    March 1996 PTE 1,500 m MME . . . . . . . 99.00%Lo cal . . . . . . . . 1.00%

    7,130 (1997)9,210 (1998)

    11,405 (1999)

    PTE 20,550 m (1997)27,980 m (1998)32,460 m (1999)


    Man u fac ture of au to mo bilesCan ter12,000 units/year

    Netherlands Car B.V.(NedCar)

    Dr. Hub van Doorneweg 1,6121 RD Born,The Netherlands

    De cem ber 1991 NLG 551 m Mitsubishi gp . 50.00%Volvo Car Corp.. . . . . . . . . . . 50.00%

    197,200 (1997)242,500 (1998)262,400 (1999)

    NLG 5,127.8 m (1997)6,505.3 m (1998)7,132.2 m (1999)


    Man u fac ture of au to mo bilesMitsubishi Carisma, Space Star, Volvo S40 and V40

    Mitsubishi Motors Philippines Corp.(MMPC)

    Ortigas Avenue Extention, Cainta, Rizal,Philippines

    Feb ru ary 1987 PHP 1,640 m MMC . . . . . . 51.00%Nissho Iwai . . 49.00%

    29,600 (1997)15,257 (1998)15,502 (1999)

    PHP 10,693 m (1997)8,373 m (1998)9,500 m (1999)


    Im porting, as sem bly, mar ket ing of au to mo bilesGalant, Lancer, Strada, Delica, Ad ven ture, Pajero; Can ter and Fuso trucks; buses62,500 units/year

    Asian Transmission Corp.(ATC)

    Silangang Canlubang, Industrial Park,Calamba Laguna Philippines

    Jan u ary 1973 PHP 350 m MMC . . . . . . . 5.30%Nissho Iwai . . . 5.30%Lo cal . . . . . . . 89.40%

    233,300 (1997)213,171 (1998)298,386 (1999)

    PHP 3,051 m (1997)2,754 m (1998)3,200 m (1999)


    Man u fac ture of transmissionsAs sem bly of en gines, trans mis sions and axles

    Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Bhd.(Pro ton)

    HICOM Industrial Estate, Batu 3P.O. Box 7100, 40198 Shah AlamSelangor Darul EhsanMalaysia

    May 1983 MYD 543 m MMC . . . . . . . 8.00%MC . . . . . . . . . 8.00%Lo cal . . . . . . . 84.00%

    213,000 (1997)92,000 (1998)

    170,702 (1999)

    MYD 6,053 m (1997)3,039 m (1998)


    Man u fac ture of au to mo biles, as sem bly of en gines, pro cess ing of en gine com po nentsSaga Isawara, Wira, Satria, PutraPerdana (as sem bly)230,000 units/year

    MMC Sittipol Co., Ltd.(MSC)

    69-69/1-3 MU11Phaholyothin Road, Tambol KlongneungAmpur Klongluang, Phathumthanee12120Thailand

    Jan u ary 1987 THB 834 m MMC . . . . . . 46.23%MHTC . . . . . . 52.04%Lo cal . . . . . . . . 1.73%

    78,400 (1997)65,341 (1998)77,857 (1999)

    THB 30,200 m (1997)32,000 m (1998)39,000 m (1999)


    Man u fac ture, im port ing, mar ket ing of au to mo bilesLancer, Strada Can ter, Fuso truck (as sem bly)

    P.T. Mitsubishi Krama Yudha Mo tors & Man u fac turing(MKM)

    Petukangan 3, JI. Raya BekasiKM-21 Pulogadung, Jakarta TimurP.O. Box 3348/JKT 10033 & 1389/JKT13013 Jakarta, Indonesia

    Au gust 1973 IDR 11,451 m MMC. . . . . . . 32.30%MC . . . . . . . . 32.30%Lo cal . . . . . . . 35.40%

    73,100 (1997)7,700 (1998)

    23,200 (1999)

    INR 674,600 m (1997)184,400 m (1998)572,300 m (1999)


    Man u fac ture of stamped parts, en gines

    Mitsubishi Motors Australia, Ltd.(MMAL)

    1284 South Road, Clovelly ParkSouth Australia 5042 Australia(Box 1851, G, P, O. Adelaide, S.A. 5001)

    Oc to ber 1951(May 1979)

    AUD 107 m MMC . . . . . . 60.00%MC . . . . . . . . 40.00%

    58,900 (1997)47,296 (1998)34,883 (1999)

    AUD 2,475 m (1997)2,438 m (1998)2,203 m (1999)


    Man u fac ture, im port ing, mar ket ing of au to mo bilesMagna, Magna Wagon, Verada, Verada Wagon70,000 units/year

    Hyundai Motor Co.(HMC)

    140-2 kye-Dong,Chongro-kuSeoul, 110-793 Korea

    De cem ber 1967(April 1982)

    KRW 1,373,350m MMC . . . . . . . 1.80%MC . . . . . . . . 2.99%Lo cal . . . . . . . 92.51%

    1,242,100 (1997)812,078 (1998)

    1,307,031 (1999)

    KRW 11,662.0 b (1997)8,698.0 b (1998)

    14,244.5 b (1999)

    50,984 Man u fac turing, mar ket ing of au to mo biles1,500,000 units/year

    China Motor Corp.(CMC)

    Yang Mei Factory49 Shio Tsai Rd.Yang MeiTaoyuan, TAIWAN

    June 1969(June 1986)

    TWD 10,755 m MMC . . . . . . 14.61%MC . . . . . . . . . 5.01%Lo cal . . . . . . . 80.38%

    97,300 (1997)111,164 (1998)119,809 (1999)

    TWD 46.7 b (1997)52.9 b (1998)48.9 b (1999)


    Man u fac turing of au to mo bilesDelica, Varica, Minicab, Space Gear, Freeca, Galant, Lancer, Can ter, Fuso truck120,000 units/year

    Hindustan Motors Ltd.(HML)

    6-B, G.S.T. Road,Chennai-600016,India

    1942 INR 1,078 m — 26,684 (1997)20,032 (1998)

    INR 12,987 m (1997)14,921 m (1998)


    Man u fac ture of au to mo bilesLancer (from Au gust 1998)24,000 units/year

    Vina Star Motors Corp.(VSM)

    An Binh Village, Thuan An District,Binh-Duong Province, Vietnam(243 Truong Son Road, Thu DucDist,HCM City)

    April 1994 VND 16 m MMC . . . . . . . 25.00%MC . . . . . . . . 25.00%Pro ton . . . . . . 25.00%Lo cal . . . . . . . 25.00%

    659 (1997)684 (1998)560 (1999)

    VND 20 m (1997)20 m (1998)18 m (1999)


    Man u fac ture and mar ket ing of au to mo bilesDelica Mini bus, Can ter, Pajero , Jolly, Wira 2,500 units/year

    Hunan Changfeng Motor Co., Ltd(CFA)

    Leng Shuitan, Yong Zhou, Hunan China

    No vem ber 1996 RMB 223 m MMC . . . . . . . 21.30%Lo cal . . . . . . . 78.70%

    2,029 (1997)1,300 (1998)3,961 (1999)

    RMB 423 m (1997)259 m (1998)844 m (1999)


    Manurfacture of au to mo bilesLiebao (Pajero)

    Date in pa ren the ses in di cates year of eq uity par tic i pa tion

    VI In ter na tional Operations

  • 2. Ma jor sub sid iar ies out side Ja pan (as at July 2000)

    Com pany Lo ca tion Es tab lished Cap i tal iza tion MMC eq uity Sales Em ployees Op er a tions

    Mitsubishi Mo tor Sales of Amer ica,Inc.(MMSA)

    6400 West Katella Av e nueCy press CA 90630-0064U.S.A.

    December 1981 USD 73 m MMC . . . . . . . 97.2%MC . . . . . . . . . 2.0%MIC . . . . . . . . . 0.8%

    USD 4,626 m (1997)4,678 m (1998)5,590 m (1999)


    Im porting, mar ket ing of au to mo biles and re lated busi ness (Dia mante, GTO, Galant, Eclipse, Mi rage, Pajero,Chal lenger)

    Mitsubishi Fuso Truck of Amer ica, Inc.(MFTA)

    100 Cen ter Square RoadBridge port, New Jer sey 08014 U.S.A.

    April 1985 USD 10 m MMC . . . . . . 100.0% USD 166.0 m (1997)184.7 m (1998)203.6 m (1999)


    Im porting, mar ket ing of au to mo biles(Can ter, Fuso trucks)

    Mitsubishi Mo tors Amer ica Inc.(MMA)

    6400 West Katella Av e nueCy press CA 90630-0064U.S.A.

    October 1973 USD 5.7 m MMC . . . . . . 100.0% USD 72.4 m (1997)54.3 m (1998)51.4 m (1999)


    In for ma tion gath er ing

    Mitsubishi Mo tors R&D of Amer ica, Inc.(MRDA)

    100N. Mitsubishi Motor wayNor mal, IL 61761 U.S.A.

    February 1996 USD 2 m MMA . . . . . . 100.0% USD 24.9 m (1997)26.1 m (1998)25.2 m (1999)


    Prod uct de vel op ment, de sign, test ing, cer tif i ca tion

    Mitsubishi Mo tors Credit of Amer ica, Inc.(MMCA)

    6363 Katella Av e nue, Cy press,CA 90630-5205 U.S.A.

    April 1991 USD 260 m MMSA . . . . . 100.0% USD 754.5 m (1997)717.9 m (1998)747.4 m (1999)


    Auto fi nanc ing

    Mitsubishi Mo tor Sales of Ca rib bean, Inc.(MMSC)

    Carr.2, Km20.1Bar rio, Candelaria Toa Baja,Puerto Rico 00759

    April 1982 USD 13.5 m MMC . . . . . . 100.0% USD 534.1 m (1997)546.5 m (1998)514.1 m (1999)


    Im porting, mar ket ing of au to mo biles(Dia mante, Galant, Eclipse, Mi rage, Pajero, Chal lenger, Strada)

    Mitsubishi Mo tors Eu rope B.V. (MME)

    Douglassingel 11119MB Schipol-RijkTHE NETHERLANDS

    January 1977 NLG 67 m MMC . . . . . . 100.0% NGL 111.7 m (1997)61.2 m (1998)2.4 m (1999)


    Su per vising Eu ro pean af fil i atesSup porting NedCar op er a tions

    Mitsubishi Mo tor Sales Eu rope B.V.(MMSE)

    Douglassingel 11119MB Schipol-RijkTHE NETHERLANDS

    April 1993 NLG 3.5 m MME . . . . . . . 82.0%MCAE . . . . . . 18.0%

    NGL 3,155.8 m (1997)5,113 m (1998)

    8,636.7 m (1999)


    Mar keting, sales and ser vic ing of ve hi cles and parts

    Mitsubishi Mo tor Mar keting Re search Eu -rope GmbH(MMRE)

    Schieterstein 11A65439 Florsheim FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY

    April 1993 DEM 1 m MME . . . . . . 100.0% DEM 9.8 m (1997)9.0 m (1998)

    10.0 m (1999)


    Sup porting MMSE op er a tionsMar keting re searchIn for ma tion gath er ing

    Mitsubishi Mo tor R&D of Eu rope GmbH(MRDE)

    Diamanststrasse 165468 TreburFEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY

    April 1993 DEM 1.5 m MME . . . . . . 100.0% DEM 30.4 m (1997)26.4 m (1998)26.0 m (1999)


    R&D, de sign, test ing, cer tif i ca tion

    Mitsubishi Mo tor Sales Den mark AS(MMSD)

    Provestensvej 50 DK-3000Helsingor, DENMARK

    April 1990 DKK 66 m MME . . . . . . 100.0% DKK 572.0 m (1997)586.3 m (1998)749.0 m (1999)


    Im porting, mar ket ing of au to mo biles

    MMC Automoviles Espana SA.(MMCE)

    Ma nia Tubau, 7-Torre A, Planta 4aCtra Fuencarral-Alcobendas, km 1222028050 Ma drid, SPAIN

    July 1992 ESP 200 m MME . . . . . . . 50.0%MCAE . . . . . . 25.0%Lo cal . . . . . . . 25.0%

    ESP 35,372 m (1997)45,455 m (1998)85,214 m (1999)


    Im porting, mar ket ing of au to mo biles

    Mitsubishi Mo tor Parts Sales of Gulf Fze(MMGF)

    Jebel Ali Free Zone, Plot No. BO37R03P.O. Box 17185Dubai, U.A.E.

    August 1995(Started operations

    in Jan. 1997)

    UAD 10m MMC . . . . . . 100.0% UAD 4,156 m (1997)177.0 m (1998)

    JPY 6,844.3 m (1999)


    Sales of spare parts

    Mitsubishi Mo tors New Zea land Ltd.(MMNZ)

    Todd Park, Heriot DrivePorirua,New Zea land

    May 1987 NZD 38.2 m MMC . . . . . 100.0%(MHNZ)

    NZD 324.9 m (1997) 291.0 m (1998)324.0 m (1999)


    Im porting, mar ket ing of au to mo biles(Lancer, Galant, Char iot, Delica, Pajero; Can ter and Fuso trucks)

    Em ployee fig ures in pa ren the ses in di cate num ber of Jap a nese em ploy ees.

  • 1. Sales in United Statesn Vehicles manufactured by MMC

    Sales channel Model Japan market name 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

    m Mitsubishi Mo torSales of Amer ica, Inc. (MMSA)

    3000 GT GTO 10,430 8,317 6,086 4,164 3,419

    Diamante Diamante 9,061 1,597 18 — —

    Galant Galant 6,806 3,174 19 — —

    EXPO Chariot 9 2 1 — —

    EXPO LRV RVR 3,752 — — — —

    Mirage Mirage 42,902 31,337 31,717 33,072 47,136

    Montero Pajero 17,747 12,083 6,915 4,120 5,115

    Montero Sport Challenger — 232 31,659 38,439 59,007

    Passenger car total 90,707 56,742 76,415 79,795 114,677

    Mighty Max Strada 5,045 81 207 — —

    Montero Pajero — — — — —

    Van Delica — — — — —

    Light commercial vehicle total 5,045 81 207 — —

    MMSA channel total 95,752 56,823 76,622 79,795 114,677

    m DaimlerChrysler

    (Chrysler Group)

    Stealth GTO 4,111 1,137 — — —

    Colt Vista Chariot / RVR 4,550 1,335 — — —

    Colt / Summit Mirage 6,291 1,773 — — —

    Passenger car total 14,952 4,245 — — —

    Ram 50 Strada — — — — —

    Light commercial vehicle total — — — — —

    Chrysler channel total 14,952 4,245 — — —

    m Mitsubishi Fuso Truckof Amer ica, Inc.

    Fuso Canter / Fuso4,537 4,346 4,917 5,764 6,010

    Grand total 115,241 65,414 81,539 85,559 120,687

    n Vehicles manufactured by Mitsubishi Motor Manufacturing of America

    Model 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

    m For MMSA Eclipse 52,555 53,807 48,503 45,619 53,123

    Eclipse Spyder — 9,309 10,066 12,336 8,751

    Mirage — — — — —

    Galant 48,478 65,692 42,588 44,202 74,782

    MMSA channel total 101,033 128,808 101,157 102,157 136,656

    m For DaimlerChrysler

    (Chrysler Group)

    Laser / Talon 20,986 13,799 10,206 2,957 —

    Summit — — — — —

    Avenger / Sebring 59,068 67,513 67,308 57,668 43,239

    Chrysler channel total 80,054 81,312 77,514 60,625 43,239

    n Vehicles manufactured by Mitsubishi Motors Australia

    Model 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

    m For MMSA Diamante(Magna / Verda in Australia) 1,274 1,121 11,384 8,563 9,921

    VII In ter na tional Sales

  • 2. Sales in other world mar kets (cars and trucks)n Europe

    (1,000 units)

    1995 1996 1997 1998 1999Change Change Change Change Change

    Germany 61.8 6% 65.5 6% 73.1 12% 65.4 – 11% 68.1 4%

    TheNetherlands 10.9 – 6% 13.7 26% 18.3 34% 19.8 8% 20.8 5%

    U.K. 12.0 17% 17.7 48% 23.8 35% 23.5 – 1% 20.6 – 12%

    Switzerland 8.8 4% 9.1 3% 10.5 15% 10.0 – 5% 9.3 – 7%

    Austria 10.4 – 31% 11.3 9% 11.7 4% 9.9 – 15% 8.6 – 13%

    Sweden 3.8 26% 4.8 26% 7.1 48% 8.0 13% 11.1 39%

    Europe total 194.3 3% 227.8 17% 257.4 13% 285.7 11% 293.7 3%

    n Asia, ASEAN, Oceania(1,000 units)

    1995 1996 1997 1998 1999Change Change Change Change Change

    Thailand 71.4 2% 74.8 5% 35.2 – 53% 15.8 – 55% 19.2 22%

    Philippines 31.7 9% 36.5 15% 29.6 – 19% 19.3 – 35% 15.7 – 19%

    Indonesia 73.7 24% 76.3 4% 70.1 – 8% 9.0 – 87% 24.4 171%

    Malaysia 140.6 26% 176.1 25% 185.2 5% 86.5 – 53% 153.8 78%

    Taiwan 103.8 – 12% 77.8 – 25% 101.1 30% 111.3 10% 101.8 – 9%

    Australia 65.0 – 13% 61.1 – 6% 82.3 35% 84.1 2% 69.9 – 17%

    New Zealand 10.2 – 14% 9.1 – 11% 7.9 – 14% 7.2 – 8% 7.4 3%

  • 3. Ma jor pro duc tion units out side Ja pan

    p Mitsubishi Motor Manufacturing of America, Inc. (MMMA)m Head of fice 100 N. Mitsubishi Mo tor Way, Nor mal, Il li nois 61761, USA

    m Cor po rate his tory1985 April: MMC signs mem o ran dum with Chrys ler on joint pro duc tion of pas sen ger cars in the United States.1985 Oc to ber: Di a mond Star Mo tors (DSM) in cor po rated as joint ven ture be tween MMC and Chrys ler.1988 Sep tem ber: Pro duc tion starts at DSM1991 Oc to ber MMC takes over re main der of Chrys ler DSM stock 1995 July: Re named Mitsubishi Mo tor Man u fac turing of Amer ica, Inc. (MMMA)1995 Oc to ber: Cu mu la tive pro duc tion vol ume tops one mil lion

    m Cor po rate pro filePres i dent & CEO: Hirao IijimaCOO: Rich ard GilliganCap i tal iza tion: USD 23.42 mil lionShare holders: Mitsubishi group com pa nies, 100%Em ployees: 3,100 (April 30, 2000)

    m Pro duc tion fa cil i tiesSite area: 2.57 mil lion sq. m.Floor area: 190,000 sq. m.Ca pac ity: 240,000 units/year (2 shifts)Fea tures: The MMMA plant is one of the most tech no log i cally ad vanced au to mo tive plants in the world. At

    full ca pac ity it is ca pa ble of pro duc ing 240,000 units an nu ally. With its flex i ble man u fac tur ingsys tem, MMMA can pro duce six mod els from a sin gle line. Some 600 in dus trial ro bots to achieve90% au to ma tion in the weld ing line and 20% au to ma tion in the fi nal as sem bly line. The com panyreached the one mil lion ve hi cle pro duc tion mile stone in Oc to ber 1995, in its tenth year of op er a -tion, and started pro duc tion of the Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder in De cem ber of the same year. Theall-new Galant se dan was in tro duced on the US mar ket in July 1998, the new Eclipse in May1999 and the new Eclipse Spyder in Jan u ary 2000.

    m Models in pro duc tion Mitsubishi Galant, Eclipse, Eclipse Spyder Dodge Avenger & Chrys ler Sebring (Af ter full model change in July 2000, Dodge Avenger re named Dodge Stra tus)

    m Pro duc tion vol umeModel 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

    Galant — — 42,522 65,426 55,539 56,976 42,850 45,863 64,794Eclipse, Laser, Talon 120,341 126,206 93,088 90,195 80,994 62,117 67,233 40,346 50,965Eclipse Spyder — — — — — 13,518 11,401 10,813 5,713Mirage, Summit 33,165 13,950 — — — — — — —Avenger, Sebring — — — 14,697 81,974 60,402 67,539 60,342 40,727

    Total 153,506 140,156 135,610 170,318 218,507 193,013 189,023 157,364 162,199

    m Sales vol umeModel 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

    Mitsubishi Galant — — 18,351 65,656 48,478 65,692 42,588 44,202 74,782Mitsubishi Eclipse 49,278 53,712 57,083 51,826 52,555 53,807 48,503 45,619 53,123Eclipse Spyder — — — — — 9,309 10,066 12,336 8,751Mitsubishi Mirage 20,218 11,233 434 7 — — — — —Dodge Avenger — — — 4,846 34,521 35,752 31,943 24,084 17,658Chrysler Sebring — — — — 24,547 31,761 35,365 33,584 25,581Eagle Talon 29,853 29,813 27,331 27,250 20,789 13,799 10,206 2,957 —Plymouth Laser 28,201 24,463 15,992 4,566 197 — — — —Eagle Summit 8,280 6,826 1,004 — — — — — —

    Total 135,830 126,047 120,195 154,151 181,087 210,120 178,671 162,782 179,895

    m Lo cal con tent MMMA im ports en gines and trans mis sions from Ja pan, but the ma jor ity of other com po nents are sourced lo cally. Lo cal

    con tent is cur rently around 70%.

  • p Netherlands Car B.V. (NedCar)m Head of fice Dr. Hub van Doorneweg 1, 6121 RD Born, The Neth er lands

    P.O. Box 150, 6130 AD Sittard, The Neth er lands

    m Cor po rate his tory1991 Au gust: Mitsubishi Mo tors, Volvo Car Cor po ra tion of Swe den and the Dutch gov ern ment sign agree ment

    re lat ing to es tab lish ing a pas sen ger car pro duc tion joint ven ture in the Neth er lands.1991 No vem ber: Mitsubishi Mo tors and Volvo each ac quire 33.3% of Volvo Car B.V. stock from the Dutch gov ern -

    ment.1991 De cem ber: NedCar joint ven ture in cor po rated.1998 De cem ber: Un der the terms of the NedCar Stock holder Agree ment, the Dutch gov ern ment de cided to sell its

    NedCar hold ing to MMC and VCC.2000 March: MMC an nounces it will ex er cise its op tion to buy out VCC hold ing in NedCar.

    m Cor po rate pro fileSu per vi sory board: Chair man, T. Ohinouye (ad vi sor, MMC ) with two mem bers each from MMC and VCCPres i dent: Chris DewulfExec. vice pres i dent Kuniaki TairaCap i tal iza tion: NLG 550,950,000Share holders: Mitsubishi com pa nies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50%

    MMC . . . . . . . . . . . . 35%MIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15%

    Volvo Car Cor po ra tion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50%Em ployees: 5,588

    m Pro duc tion fa cil i tiesSite area: 910,000sq. m.Floor area: 330,000 sq. m.Ca pac ity: 280,000 units/year Fea tures: NedCar em ploys the Mitsubishi Mo tors pro duc tion sys tem, tai lored to lo cal con di tions, and en -

    cour ages a con struc tive in put of ideas on im prove ment from both Dutch and Jap a nese man age -ment. Prin ci pal fea tures in clude: Two state-of-the-art trans fer presses in the stamp ing shop;Flex i ble man u fac tur ing sys tem as sem bly line in the weld ing shop; Use of wa ter-based paints inthe paint shop; An au to mated fi nal as sem bly line.

    m Eu ro pean pro duc tion baseMitsubishi Mo tors chose the Neth er lands as its Eu ro pean pro duc tion hub be cause: It of fers an ex cel lent la bor en vi ron -ment, well-de vel oped fi nan cial mar kets, good ac cess to au to mo bile mar kets in Eu rope, the ready avail abil ity of com pet i -tive parts and com po nents, ex cel lent trans port fa cil i ties, and the fact that Eng lish is widely un der stood; and, MitsubishiMo tors and Volvo share a sim i lar phi los o phy re gard ing qual ity and au to mo bile build ing, and Volvo al ready had a fac tory in the Neth er lands.

    m Models in pro duc tion Mitsubishi Carisma 5-door hatch back and 4-door se dan, de vel oped for the Eu ro pean mar ket. Powered by 1.8-li -

    ter GDI and 1.6-li ter gas o line, and 1.9-li ter die sel en gines, mated to ei ther INVECS-II 4-speed au to matic or 5-speed man ual trans mis sions.

    Mitsubishi Spacestar High space-util ity in com pact di men sions. Powered by Mitsubishi 1.8-li ter GDI or 1.3-li tergas o line and 1.9-li ter die sel (Renault) en gines, mated to ei ther INVECS -II 4-speed au to maticor 5-speed man ual transmission.

    Volvo S40, V40 4-door se dan and hatch back mod els for Volvo Car Cor po ra tion.Mitsubishi and Volvo brand mod els are pro duced on the same as sem bly line us ing a com mon plat form de vel oped by Mitsubishi Mo tors. The two brands are given their in di vid ual iden ti ties prin ci pally by means of styl ing. Com mon al ityof parts is prac ticed as far as pos si ble to max i mize pro duc tion and cost ef fi cien cies.

    m Pro duc tion vol ume

    Model 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

    Mitsubishi Carisma — 19,100 44,401 82,255 78,239 54,460Mitsubishi Space Star — — — — 13,645 58,871Volvo S40, V40 — 2,071 70,688 114,970 150,920 149,074JV model sub-total — 21,171 115,089 197,225 242,804 262,405V400 92,059 99,037 30,001 — — —

    Total 92,059 120,208 145,090 197,225 242,804 262,405

    m Lo cal con tent Ap prox i mately 70%. In achiev ing this high lo cal con tent, NedCar uses parts and com po nents sourced from some 260

    sup pli ers through out Eu rope (80 in Ger many, 50 in the Neth er lands, 30 in France among oth ers), in clud ing 1900ccdie sel en gines and 5-speed man ual trans mis sions made by Renault.

  • p Mitsubishi Trucks Europe(MTE)m Head of fice Apartado 7, 2200 Tramagal, Por tu gal (150km north-east of Lis bon)

    m Cor po rate his tory1972: Start of Can ter and Fuso truck as sem bly and sales op er a tions in Por tu gal. 1991: Tramagauto as sem bly and man u fac tur ing com pany es tab lished (100% owned by sales com pany,

    Mitsubishi Mo tors de Por tu gal).1995: Mitsubishi Mo tors Eu rope buys 96.5% of Tramagauto shares. Can ter as sem bly and man u fac tur -

    ing op er a tions con sol i dated at Tramagauto, which be comes the sup ply cen ter for Eu rope.1996: Com pany re named Mitsubishi Trucks Eu rope (MTE).

    m Cor po rate Pro fileCap i tal iza tion: PTE 1.5 bil lionShare holders: Mitsubishi Mo tors Eu rope B.V. . . . . . . . 99%

    J. Rosa (Ex ec u tive Vice Pres i dent) . . . . . . 1%Em ployees: 410

    m Pro duc tion fa cil i tiesSite area: 110,000 sq.m.Floor area: 24,000 sq.m.

    m Models pro duced Can ter light-duty truck (3.5 – 7.5 ton gvw)

    m Production volume

    1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

    9,074 8,577 6,920 7,176 5,597 7,256 9,210 11,405

    m Lo cal con tent 50% for Can ter

    p Perusahaan Otomobil Nasional Bhd. (PROTON)m Head of fice HICOM In dus trial Es tate, Batu 3 P.O. Box 7100, 40198 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan,

    Ma lay sia

    m Cor po rate his toryThe au to mo bile man u fac tur ing com pany Pro ton and sales com pany Edaran Otomobil Nasional Berhad (EON) were in -cor po rated when Prime Min is ter Dr Mahathir bin Mohamad launched the Na tional Car Pro ject as part of the Ma lay siangov ern ment’s in dus tri al iza tion pol icy. Pro ton was in au gu rated as a joint ven ture be tween the Heavy In dus try Cor po ra tion of Ma lay sia (now HICOM Hold ings Berhad), Mitsubishi Mo tors Cor po ra tion and Mitsubishi Cor po ra tion (MC). Pro tonshares were placed on the Ma lay sian stock ex change in March 1992. Be yond their eq uity par tic i pa tion in Pro ton, MMCand MC have pro vided wide-rang ing sup port that ex tends to trans fer of tech nol ogy in the ar eas of de vel op ment, de signand pro duc tion, fac tory con struc tion, sup ply of parts and sta tion ing of per son nel.

    1983 May: HICOM, MMC and MC sign joint ven ture agree mentAu gust: Con struc tion work starts on fac tory

    1985 July: First Pro ton Saga pas sen ger model rolls off as sem bly lineSep tem ber: Saga launched on do mes tic mar ket

    1986 De cem ber: Ex ports of Saga to Ban gla desh start1990 De cem ber: New en gine and trans mis sion plant com pleted1992 March: Pro ton shares placed on Kuala Lumpur stock mar ket1994 April: Cast ing foundry com mis sioned1996 De cem ber: Cu mu la tive pro duc tion tops one mil lion ve hi cles

    m Cor po rate profileCap i tal iza tion: MYD 543 mil lionShare holders: HICOM Hold ings Bhd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.2%

    Khazanah Nasional Bhd* . . . . . . . . . . . 17.5%MMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.0%MC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.0%Oth ers (gen eral pub lic) . . . . . . . . . . . . 39.3%(*Ma lay sian gov ern ment in vest ment com pany)

    Em ployees: 5,662

  • m Pro duc tion fa cil i tiesSite area: 942,000 sq.m. (incl. cast ing foundry 95,000 sq.m.)Floor area: 435,000 sq.m. (incl. cast ing foundry 18,000 sq.m.)Pro duc tion ca pac ity: 230,000 units/year (two shift)

    m Lo cal con tentLo cal content: 85% (as at March 2000)Locally-made parts: 4,556Sup pliers: 185

    m Models in pro duc tion

    Model Saga “Iswara”” Wira SatrIa Putra PerdanaTiara


    Body type 4-doorse dan5-door

    hatch back4-doorse dan

    5-doorhatch back

    3-doorhatch back


    4-doorse dan

    5-doorhatch back


    1100cc, 5MT

    1300cc, 5MT ← ← ← ←

    1500cc, 5MT ← ← ← ←

    1500cc, 3AT ← ← ← ←

    1600cc, 5MT ← ←

    1600cc, 4AT ← ←

    1800cc, 5MT ← ←

    1800cc, 4AT ←

    2000cc, 5MT2000cc V6, 4AT

    2000cc, 4AT2000cc, 5MT

    (die sel) ←

    Built at Pro ton Proton Pro ton Pro tonProton &contract

    assemblersPro ton Pro ton Con tractas sem blers

    Market Domestic &export

    Do mes tic &ex port ← ← ← Do mes tic ← ←



    m Pro duc tion by Pro ton (Mitsubishi model de riv a tives)

    1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

    Domestic 96,300 110,700 132,000 176,000 185,000 74,000 152,900

    Export 21,800 16,500 23,000 22,000 28,000 18,000 17,800

    Total 118,100 127,200 155,000 198,000 213,000 92,000 170,700The above fig ures do not in clude 26,657 Ti ara mod els pro duced 1996 thro’ 1999

    m Sales chan nels

    Edaran Otomobil Nasional Bhd. (EON) Usahasama Proton-DRB Sdn. Bhd. (USPD)

    Established May 1984 November 1993

    Capitalization RM 226.8 million RM 10 million

    Shareholders HICOM Holdings Bhd. . . . . . 32.0%KPSB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.0%Jardine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.4%Khazanah Nasional Bhd . . . . . :7.0%Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33.6%

    DRB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.0%Proton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.0%Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.0%

    Outlets 175 97

    Models sold Saga Iswara, Wira, Perdana, Putra, Satria, Wira, Tiara

  • m Sales vol umesProd ucts, per for mance, qual ity, and prices that match mar ket needs en able com pany to en joy 60%-plus share of do mes ticpas sen ger car mar ket.

    1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

    Proton 81,677 94,722 111,292 140,647 176,100 185,220 86,476 150,622Share (66.5%) (72.1%) (71.0%) (62.5%) (63.9%) (60.2%) (62.8%) (65.0%)Total cardemand 122,748 131,426 156,686 224,992 275,693 307,816 137,650 239,633

    With the ex cep tion of the Tiara, Pro ton mod els have been de vel oped from Mitsubishi base mod els.

    m ExportsThough ex ports were not a part of the Na tional Car Pro ject when orig i nally con ceived, Pro ton be gan ex port ing in small vol -umes to neigh bor ing coun tries from the end of 1986. The com pany started to ex port to Brit ain in 1989, and be gan ex portsof left-hand drive mod els to con ti nen tal Eu rope and other mar kets in 1994.

    1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

    Exports total 18,788 20,269 14,961 20,846 21,921 25,280 18,270 15,643UK market (Incl) (16,423) (17,440) (10,169) (7,264) (10,338) (12,969) (6,157) (5,175)

    Cu mu la tive ex ports 1986 - 1992 were 60,212 (of which, 51,966 shipped to UK)

    p Mitsubishi Motors Australia, Ltd. (MMAL)m Head of fice 1284 South Road, Clo velly Park, Adelaide, South Aus tra lia, Aus tra lia

    m Cor po rate his tory1916: Started busi ness as au to mo bile man u fac turer un der the name of I.J. Rich ard & Sons Ltd.1947: Bought out by Chrys ler Corp. of Amer ica. Name changed to Chrys ler Dodge de Soto Dis trib u tors 1971: Started as sem bly of Mitsubishi Galant model1980 April: Bought out by Mitsubishi Mo tors and Mitsubishi Cor po ra tion af ter ac quir ing all Chrys ler shares.

    (Eq uity: MMC 49.8%, MC 49.8%, oth ers 0.4%)Oc to ber: Cor po rate name changed to Mitsubishi Mo tors Aus tra lia, Ltd.

    1995: MMC takes up whole of new share, bring ing eq uity shares to MMC 60% and MC 40%1996 Sep tem ber: Start of ex ports of New Dia mante to US1997 April: New Magna and Verda Wagon go on sale

    m Cor po rate pro fileCap i tal iza tion: AUD 106.92 mil lionShare holders: MMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60%

    MC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40%Em ployees: 4,055

    m Pro duc tion fa cil i ties

    Plant Tonsley Lonsdale

    Location Adelaide Adelaide

    Site area (sq.m.) 701,600 297,000

    Floor area (sq.m.) 174,000 53,600

    Models / components produced Magna, Magna WagonVerada, Verada Wagon

    Built-up engines (3.0 and 3.5-l V6)Engine components

    (cylinder blocks, heads, cam shafts)

    Annual capacity 70,000 units 60,000 engines440,000 cylinder blocks

    m Pro duc tion over view

    Con cern that the in tro duc tion of a new con sump tion tax in July 2000 would dis cour age con sumer pur chases from themid dle of 1999 prompted car com pa nies to launch ag gres sive sales cam paigns. While fail ing to achieve the 808,000unit re cord set in 1998, the cam paigns did help the in dus try post to tal sales of 787,000 units, the sec ond best year inAus tra lian his tory.

    Ac cord ing to plan, MMAL switched over to im ports of fully built-up Lancer, Mi rage and Pajero mod els. The in tro duc -tion of the Pajero spe cial spec i fi ca tion model into the lineup saw Pajero sales grow 20% over the pre vi ous year. How -ever, im pacted by slug gish sales of the built-in-Aus tra lia Magna and Verada mod els , MMAL posted over all vol ume of69,900 units for 1999.

  • m Sales of Magna and Verada mod els

    1995 1996 1997 1998 1999


    V6 MagnaMagna VeradaV6 Magna Magna

    VeradaV6 Magna Magna

    VeradaV6 Magna Magna

    VeradaV6 Magna

    Sedan 12,438 13,002 7,611 19,295 4,826 29,899 2,392 26,906 184 23,606

    Wagon 4,181 3,594 2,598 2,883 1,090 5,193 707 5,839 123 4,326

    Total 16,619 16,596 10,209 22,178 5,916 35,092 3,099 32,745 307 27,932

    Share 25.8% 8.5% 19.7% 11.1% 12.0% 17.6% 6.0% 15.1% 0.7% 13.4%

    m Pro duc tion of Magna and Verada se dans and sta tion wag ons

    1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

    29,074 36,714 52,521 47,859 39,728 43,235 58,920 47,296 34,883

    m Ex ports

    Mitsubishi Mo tors ‚ used to ship the Dia mante (Magna /Verada in Aus tra lia) model to most of its global mar kets from Ja -pan. To day, the com pany pro duces this model at its Aus tra lian sub sid iary MMAL, and ships to the United States and other world mar kets, with the ex cep tion of Ja pan.

    m Lo cal con tent

    75 – 80%

    p MMC Sittipol Co., Ltd. (MSC)m Head of fice 69-69 / 1-3 Mu11 Phaholyothin Road, Tambol Klongneung, Ampur Klongluang

    Phathumthanee 12120, Thai land

    m Cor po rate his tory1961 May: Sittipol Mo tor Com pany (SMC) in cor po rated as sales com pany1964 Oc to ber: United De vel op ment Mo tor In dus tries Co., Ltd. (UDMI) as sem bly com pany in cor po rated1965: MHI ac quires 60% of UDMI stock 1973: MMC ac quires 40% of SMC stock1987 Jan u ary: UDMI and SMC amal gam ated into man u fac tur ing and whole sale com pany. Lo cal eq uity 52%,

    MMC 48%.1997 July: MMC un der writes cap i tal in crease at hold ing com pany MHTC. Lo cal eq uity 51%, MMC 49%.1997 Au gust: MMC ac quires ap prox i mately 93% of stock held by the Lee Group

    m Cor po rate Pro fileCap i tal iza tion: THB 834 mil lionShare holders: MMC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46.23%

    MHTC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.04%Lee Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.73%

    Em ployees 2,760

    m Pro duc tion fa cil i ties:

    Lardkrabang FactoryLaemchabang Factory

    No. 1 Plant No. 2 Plant

    Floor area (sq.m.) 10,800 27,000 42,000Models in production Heavy, medium, light trucks

    Large, medium and small busesLancerGalant

    L200 (Strada)

    Annual capacity 16,000 60,000 60,000Address No. 61 Moo 4 Lamplatiew District,

    Lardkrabang Industrial Estates,Bangkok, Thailand

    199 Mu 3, Laemchabang Industrial Estates, Tambol Tongsukhla Amphor Sriracha,Cholburi, Thailand

  • m Sales & pro duc tion vol umes

    1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999


    Cars 25,315 18,006 20,918 9,309 3,303 4,049Share (%) 16.3 11.0 12.1 7.0 7.1 6.1

    Commercialvehicles 44,882 53,420 53,842 25,882 12,537 15,123

    Share (%) 13.6 13.1 12.9 11.2 12.8 10.6Total sales 70,197 71,426 74,760 35,191 15,840 19,172

    Share (%) 14.4 12.5 12.7 9.7 11.0 8.8Change (%) 0.1 21.8 4.7 – 53.0 – 55.0 21.0

    Total demand 486,204 571,290 588,990 363,114 144,066 218,330Production 76,557 78,151 87,672 78,413 65,341 77,857

    m Lo cal con tent

    Passenger cars1-ton pickup truck

    Trucks & busesBody Engine

    54% 60% 52% 45%

    m Ex ports In June 1987, MSC and Chrys ler of Can ada en tered a con tract un der which MSC be gan ship ments of the Lancer

    sub-com pact pas sen ger car to Can ada in Jan u ary 1988. These ceased in 1994. MSC also started ex ports of 1-ton pickup trucks to Eu rope in 1992. Starting with the new model an nounced in No vem ber 1995, Mitsubishi pickup truck pro duc -tion for global mar kets has been con cen trated at MSC. The Thai sub sid iary be gan ex port ing pickup trucks to Eu rope andAus tra lia in July 1996, and to day sup plies all world ex port mar kets, North Amer ica ex cluded.

    1988~93 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999

    Passenger cars 40,558 1,472 58 3 3 1,720 2,957

    Commercialvehicles 8,807 5,910 6,031 12,555 40,069 59,023 57,682

    Total 49,365 7,386 6,089 12,558 40,072 60,743 60,639

  • 4. Global al li ance part ners

    D DaimlerChrysler2000 March: MMC and DaimlerChrysler sign mem o ran dum agree ing to form eq uity and op er a tional al li ance re -

    lat ing to pas sen ger car op er a tions. Main fea tures in clude: Al li ance to cover the de sign, de vel op ment, pro duc tion and dis tri bu tion of pas sen ger cars and

    light com mer cial ve hi cles;DaimlerChrysler to ac quire a 34% eq uity stake in MMC through pur chase of new shares.

    July: MMC and DaimlerChrysler sign for mal al li ance agree ment.

    D Daimler Benz1987 Sep tem ber: Mitsubishi Mo tors and Daimler Benz reach agree ment over the fol low ing three ar eas:

    Mitsubishi Mo tors to sell Mercedes Benz pas sen ger cars, com mer cial ve hi cles and cer tain busmod els through its na tion wide sales net work in Ja pan;

    Two com pa nies to em bark on fea si bil ity study re gard ing the pro duc tion of Mitsubishi Mo torscom mer cial ve hi cles at Mercedes Benz pro duc tion fa cil i ties in Eu rope;

    Two com pa nies t