Faith Popcorn’s Clicking Quoted from Faith Popcorn, Clicking, Doubleday Currency.

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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Faith Popcorn’s ClickingQuoted from Faith Popcorn, Clicking, Doubleday Currency


Reflects the urge to stay at home and avoid the harsh, unpredictable realities of the outside world.

Quoted from Faith Popcorn, Clicking, Doubleday Currency

Fantasy Adventure

Provides a break from today’s tensions through risk-free escapes such as travel, food, or Virtual Reality.

Quoted from Faith Popcorn, Clicking, Doubleday Currency

Small Indulgences

  This trend reflects the widespread sense that people should reward themselves by buying affordable luxuries.

Quoted from Faith Popcorn, Clicking, Doubleday Currency


  Represents each person’s drive to make a personal statement in an age of computers and conformity.

Quoted from Faith Popcorn, Clicking, Doubleday Currency

99 Lives

  This trend reflects our grasping for solutions to the modern problem of having to cope with our busy, high-tech environments.

Quoted from Faith Popcorn, Clicking, Doubleday Currency

Cashing Out

       Describes the trend in which people are giving up their complex lives, often including high-powered careers, for fulfillment of a simpler way of living.

Quoted from Faith Popcorn, Clicking, Doubleday Currency

Being Alive

           Is the sense of “wellness” that contributes to good health and an overall better quality of life.

Quoted from Faith Popcorn, Clicking, Doubleday Currency


                 This trend represents our attempts to recapture a carefree childhood in order to lighten up our often overly serious adult lives.

Quoted from Faith Popcorn, Clicking, Doubleday Currency

Vigilante Consumer

                 This trend encompasses the various ways that frustrated consumers use pressure, protest, and politics to manipulate the marketplace.

Quoted from Faith Popcorn, Clicking, Doubleday Currency

“Save Our Society”

           Is a trend that sums up all of the interests people have in “protecting the planet.”

Quoted from Faith Popcorn, Clicking, Doubleday Currency


           Is the desire to belong to groups of people like ourselves.

Quoted from Faith Popcorn, Clicking, Doubleday Currency


            Refers to a shifting of focus from traditional male-oriented marketing models to the more caring, family-related ones that are typical of women.

Quoted from Faith Popcorn, Clicking, Doubleday Currency


              Is the trend in which men become more three-dimensional individuals.

Quoted from Faith Popcorn, Clicking, Doubleday Currency

Icon Toppling

               The trend reflects the contemporary proclivity to destroy the “pillars of society,” whether they are in religion, business, or government.

Quoted from Faith Popcorn, Clicking, Doubleday Currency






Fantasy Adventure


Small Indulgences



99 Lives        

Cashing Out        

Being Alive        


Vigilante Consumer


Save Our Society



Pleasure Revenge



Female Think



Icon Toppling


Faith Popcorn’s The Click Screen Approach Worksheet