Families with many children vs families with one child

Post on 19-Feb-2017

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Families with many children vs families with one child

Выполнила:Торопова ДарьяГруппа А11.1

There is a discussion what is better: to be the only child in the family or to have brothers or sisters.

Personally, I find it difficult to judge as I’m the only child in my family.

It means that I see pros and cons but can’t compare it with another situation.

However, I’ll try to find reasons based on my friends’ experience

Firstly, there is always a risk to be overprotected in one child families.

Moreover, they can grow less self-confident or on the other hand become self-centered because of this fact.

Nevertheless, they don’t have to share their room with anybody else and you have to be sure they are getting enough love and attention.

As for the children from big families, they are never lacking communication with other children which is always brilliant.

Besides, the elder children learn to take care of younger ones since childhood and then they become responsible grown-ups.

However, it’s possible that children from large families would be quarrelling with each other and probably won’t get their own.

So, to conclude I want to say that there are more circumstances than just the quantity of members in the family that can make life of children better or worse.

Thank you for listening!