Family ppt

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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InternationalFamily Day

15 May


• May 15 is celebrated as the International Day of the Family. This day highlights the importance of families.

• It aims at fostering equality, bringing about a fuller sharing of domestic responsibilities and employment opportunities.

• Family constitutes the basic unit of society.

What is a family?

What is

a family?A family is "a group characterized by common residence, economic cooperation and reproduction. It includes adults of both sexes, at least two of whom maintain a socially approved sexual relationship, and one or more of their children of their own or adopted by the sexually cohabiting adults."

The Family as a Functional Unit

The Family as a Functional Unit• The biological, emotional and economic

needs are the foundation of a family.

• Every association of people; it be a state, a nation, or a tribe, has its own distinctive culture, its modes of living and thought, which are developed as a response to the peculiar circumstances of the environment, natural and ideological.

• Family is the agency through which the impressionable rising generation is made familiar with such traditions.

The Family as a Functional Unit

• It teaches the individual what situations to anticipate, how to behave and what behaviour to expect, by giving one the gifts of language and dress which integrate within one’s cultural ethos.

• It facilitates adjustment to people and groups outside the family circle.

• Family plays an important role in transmission of the cultural traditions from one generation to another.

• It acts as an educative unit and a socio-cultural agency.

Distinctive Features of the Family

Distinctive Features of the Family •Universality

•Emotional basis

•Educative role

•Limited size

•Nuclear position

•Sense of responsibility among members

•Social regulations

•Persistence and change

Effect of Modernization on Family

Effect of Modernization on Family•In the simple and peasant societies, family was the unit of

production as well as a primary unit of society. •In the industrial society, the family has lost the place of being the unit of production and has been replaced by individual as the primary unit of society who works as a wage-earner or professional.

Global Trends Emerging in the Family

Global Trends Emerging in the Family

Some of the general trends in family today, with the progress of industrialization, urbanization, and modernization, are towards greater degree of:

• Emphasis on individualism and independence.• Greater differentiation and specialized functioning

of social institutions.• Life in an urban setting.• Birth control and family planning.• Social mobility.• Marital disruption and divorce.• Neglect and improper care for the elderly.• Formal education for children. • Governmental influence on family activities.

Institution of Family in India

Institution of Family in India

• Indian family, which is predominantly joint or extended, has remained remarkably stable despite some marked and drastic social, political, economic and religious changes over the last thirty years.

• Family has retained its primarily joint or extended characteristics.

• Families on the Indian fringe are undergoing a change. • The main factors of change are modern education,

development programmes and urbanization. • The direction of change is from the hold of collectivity

(tribe, clan and family) to increasing individuality.

Woman in Indian Family

Woman in Indian Family

Woman in Indian Family• Women are the arbiters of social change. They play an

important role in teaching the human entrants to this world the first lessons of life and making them accept values which are helpful later in shaping their personality, attitude and behaviour.

• Women set the pattern of the family. If women’s reproductive health needs are met through good quality services, they will themselves become the best supporters of the family planning programmes.

A Small Family Emotional Video

PRESENTED BY:Vasudha house


Vasudha house