FAQs gameofapps.org Richmond Cohorthjcambie.sd38.bc.ca/sites/hjcambie.sd38.bc.ca/files... ·...

Post on 26-Jun-2020

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DO I NEED TO HAVE PRIOR PROGRAMMING EXPERIENCE? It is not necessary to have prior programming experience but any experience will be helpful.

However, remember that Design is also very important. If you’re a design-oriented individual, you can still do very well in the GoA program.

HOW IMPORTANT IS DESIGN TO APP DEVELOPMENT? Design is equally—and sometimes even more—important that coding, especially for consumer focused apps.

Design involves understanding users’ needs, empathy, user experience and much more. Students with a more artistic or a less technical background are strongly encouraged to participate.

In fact, we found that teams with a good balance of “developer-type” individuals and “designer-type” individuals performed best. This fact is strongly reflected in real-world projects and apps.

HOW LONG IS THE GAME OF APPS PROGRAM? Season 2 of the GoA is 24 weeks long, divided into two 12-week semesters.

The first 12-week semester is focused on learning core design and development skills. Students will learn the fundamental concepts of writing modern software applications as they work through various in-class exercises and take-home assignments.

The second 12-week semester is a competition where students form teams of 5 or 6 individuals. Students will learn and

implement Design Thinking Principles as they define, design and develop their own unique apps. This semester culminates in a Pitch Presentation Day and Awards Ceremony where the best individuals and best teams will be awarded.

WHAT’S SPECIAL ABOUT GAME OF APPS? GoA is unique in the following ways:

• Our mentors are professional developers and designers, working in the local Tech industry,

• Students learn and use the same tools and techniques that the mentors employ on a daily basis within the industry,

• The program focuses not just on learning coding, but also on learning design, and how they both work together,

• Students form teams and build their own apps from scratch,

• Students are exposed to the entire app lifecycle—ideation, sketching, prototyping, coding, testing, marketing, pitch presentation, demoing, and more,

• Students build up or add to their portfolio, which may then be used when applying to post-secondary institutions or future jobs, and

• Students establish connections with mentors and individuals within the Tech industry.

WHAT IS THE EXPECTED WORKLOAD? Students meet with the mentors and with each other one evening a week, each session is 3-hours long. Throughout the week, on average, students will put in an additional 2 to 4 hours of work. There are also 2 Saturday workshops throughout the program.

As with many things, the more effort the student puts into the program, the more they will learn and get out of it.

Participating in GoA is almost like taking another full course. In fact, in some school districts in BC, students may get credit towards high school graduation for taking the GoA program.

WHY DO WE WORK IN TEAMS? We want you to work in teams because that is exactly how we work in the industry. The skills and expertise required to build an app of any significance is larger than any one designer or developer can handle.

By working in teams, not only will you be exposed to how we build apps in the industry, you also learn crucial teamwork skills.

WHAT DO THE WINNERS GET? The overall winning team will receive a trophy which may be proudly displayed in their school's trophy case. Additional teams and individuals will be given awards and medals for various categories.

The top teams from each district will then go on to compete with other districts for the BC Provincial Championship title.

ARE WE ABLE TO PUBLISH OUR APP IN THE APP STORE? If your team is able to complete your app and get it to the stage where it is ready to be published, then yes, we will assist you in publishing your app to the App Store.

SHOULD I REGISTER AGAIN IF I’VE ALREADY PARTICIPATED IN SEASON 1? Yes, we've updated Season 2 of GoA based on our learnings from Season 1. We've added some additional lessons and will

spend more time and go more in depth on many of the lessons.

It will be beneficial to participate again and help your school team win!

Think of it like if you were in a basketball or volleyball team. You would build on top of your previous experiences as you improve year over year. You may also act as a mentor to help the newer team members from your school and hopefully increase your school’s chances of winning.

Graduates from Season 1 of GoA qualify for a discount on their fees.


WHAT GRADES ARE ELIGIBLE TO REGISTER FOR GAME OF APPS? High school students are eligible to register for GoA. Depending on your school district, this might be from grade 8 or grade 9 up to grade 12.

WHEN IS REGISTRATION FOR SEASON 2 OF GAME OF APPS? Registrations are open throughout the month of September, 2018.

WHAT IS THE COST? The final cost is $225 per student. The actual cost is $450, minus a 50% subsidy from the Richmond School District.

ARE THERE ANY BURSARIES AVAILABLE? A limited number of bursaries are available. Please contact the sponsor teacher at your school in confidence if you are interested in applying.

FAQs Richmond Cohort