Farm Frenzy 3 Walkthrough

Post on 24-Oct-2014

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Farm Frenzy 3 Walkthrough


Help Maria obtain votes for the Presidency Farmer’s Union as you play this version of Farm Frenzy. Maria can travel to different countries and help farmers in need. The farmers will vote for Maria to obtain the Presidency of the Farmer’s Union after she helps them rebuild their farms.


         You can replay a level after playing it once. Once you receive gold time on a level it will stay gold even if you replay the level and don’t make gold time. Therefore you may want to replay some levels to receive additional stars to purchase items in the shop or to receive the diligent trophy or the not touching any products trophy. In previous farm frenzy games you received the time you played last on that level.

         You can sell animals before they land by selecting the warehouse/truck before it lands.

         Bears, jaguars and lions will toss any items they touch when they land.

         When money isn’t tight and time is crucial, it’s sometimes beneficial to purchase additional items from the plane in case a bear, jaguar or lion touches the item or it is missed when the item is dropped.

         You can expedite factory production by fast clicking on the factory. A thin red line will appear to the left or the right of the buildings completion meter. When the thin red line reaches the top of the meter, the building will explode.

         When a dog interacts with a dangerous animal in this game, the dog disappears along with the dangerous animal.

         Purchasing items from the shop allows the item or upgrade to be available on each proceeding level. Sometimes you’ll have to purchase the item or upgrade on each level.

         It’s strongly recommended to purchase the cage upgrades first. Then the truck and warehouse.

         Study each level before proceeding. Check the goals, the amount of time to complete the level, the buildings that are available, the amount of money given, the amount of animals given and what products are available from the helicopter.

         When a level has an “X” on it; it means a building or building upgrade needs to be purchased before the level can be played or unlocked.

         Collect products soon after they appear, if you wait too long, they will disappear. Make sure there is enough room in the warehouse to collect the products.

         Completing a level in gold time gives you the maximum amount of stars.



         Bet you didn't know there is an art to watering the grass...but I think there is.When you only have a few animals, don't empty the well at one time. Water the grass close to the

warehouse (dangerous animals take longer to reach warehouse) one mouse click at a time right before the animal eats all the grass. You're water will last a lot longer and your animals won't die. Watch the blue stars at the bottom of the animal for its' health, the fewer the stars the worse its' health.

         Emptying the well at one time and letting the grass sit, some of the grass will die, so there isn't as much to feed the animals.

         When you have a lot of animals empty the well near the warehouse at the bottom of the screen.

         Beware when you use the automatic sprinkler, it waters the grass all over the farm and you can loose more animals to dangerous animals. You have to have money to run the automatic sprinkler...if it's not working, you probably don't have enough money.Also, the larger the well the less money it takes to fill up.• Basic well water costs $19 to fill• First upgrade well water costs $17 to fill• Second upgrade well water costs $15 to fill• Automatic sprinkler costs $7

         When a dog interacts with a dangerous animal in this game, the dog disappears along with the dangerous anima.


         You only have to reach the goal 1 time during the level, once it's met it counts towards the goal.Examples:1-If a goal is 5 goats, you can purchase 5 goats and then sell them. You have reached the goal and it's marked off the goal list.2-If a goal is $20,000, you can make $20,000 and then purchase additional upgrades/products/animals and the $20,000 goal will be marked off the goals list. This is generally the best way to achieve the money goals on most levels.



1.       Win the Farmer’s Union NOD –F.U.N. Presidency: You’ll receive the trophy after level 72 if you received gold or silver times on most levels OR after completing level 95 with a mark.

2.       Earn Gold on every level.

3.       For collecting 300 products

4.       Complete a level without clicking on any products or dangerous animals. Do this by using dogs to chase the dangerous animals away and use cats to pick up all the items. It is nearly impossible to receive gold time on the level when trying to receive this trophy. Level 90 is probably the best level to receive this trophy.

5.       Earn every trophy/award.

6.       Complete a level in record time. Each level has a record time besides the gold and silver times.

7.       Complete all levels on Morris’ Farm (Africa-bottom left of map). The time you receive on each level is insignificant; you only have to complete all the levels.

8.       Complete all levels on Funny’s Farm (Arctic-top right of map).

9.       Playing diligently; play a level for 30 minutes.

10.   Complete a level without using any tips.

11.   Complete all levels on Dave’s Farm (Wild West-top left of map).

12.   Complete all levels on Pablo’s Farm (Mexican Farm-center of map)

13.   Save $1,000,000 coins.

14.   Purchase every upgrade in the shop.

15.   Catching Falling Products – catch 3 or more products from the helicopter before they land on the ground.

16.   Complete all levels on Maria’s Farm (European Farm-bottom left of map)



 Shop          Building Blueprints Purchase Price 1 Upgrade 2 Upgrades 3 Upgrades 4 UpgradesEgg Powder Plant 100 200 300 400 500Cookie Bakery 200 300 400 500 600Incubator 200 400 600 800 1,000Cake Bakery 300 400 500 600 700Spinnery 1,000 1,100 1,200 1,300 1,400Weaving Factory 1,500 1,600 1,700 1,800 1,900Sewing Factory 2,000 2,100 2,200 2,300 2,400Fitting Room 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000Feather Factory 1,000 1,100 1,200 1,300 1,400Decoration Factory 1,500 1,600 1,700 1,800 1,900Separator 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000Curd Factory 4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500Cheese Factory 7,000 7,500 8,000 9,000 10,000Grinding Factory 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000Manufacturing Plant  4,500 5,000 5,500 6,000 6,500Souvenier Factory 7,000 7,500 8,000 9,000 10,000Mega Cake Factory 6,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 12,000


Miscellaneous  1 Upgrade 2 Upgrades 3 UpgradesTruck 100 500 2,000Airplane 100 500 2,000

Dog 100 500 5,000Cat  100 500 5,000Cage 100 500 5,000Warehouse 100 1,000 10,000Well 250 500 10,000


Products  Eggs 10Egg Powder 50Cookies 100Ostrich feathers 100Cakes 200Sewing Thread 150Wool 100Fabric 300Milk 1,000Costumes 1,300Costumed Animals 7,000Feather 100Colored Feathers 150Decoration 300Walrus tusk 1,000Cream 1,500Curd 2,000Cheese 2,500Horns 1,000Shiny Horns 1,500Sample Baskets 2,000Souvenirs 2,500Mega Cake 10,000


Dangerous Animals  Guinea Birds 150Brown Bear  50White Bears 50Black Grizzly Bears 100Grizzley Bears 80Jaguars 200





ABOUT THE WALKTHROUGH- The steps in the walkthrough are for completing each level in gold time. The steps have been tried several times and gold time was received on the levels.  GOOD LUCK AND HAVE FUN!







Goals: 6 eggs; 4 Guinea Birds

Times: Gold-1:30; Silver 2:40

         Purchase 1 Guinea Bird

         Cage, warehouse and sell the lion.

         When the lion returns, purchase the fourth guinea bird.

         Collect 6 eggs total.


LEVEL 3: (It’s best to purchase the first cage upgrade)

Goals: 10 Eggs; 4 Egg Powders; 6 Guinea Birds

Times: Gold-2:30; Silver-3:30

Requirement: Level 1 egg powder plant

         Cage the lion and sell with 4-5 eggs.

         Purchase the egg powder plant for $150 and purchase another guinea bird for $100 when the truck returns.

         Manufacture 4 egg powders by placing 1 egg at a time into the egg powder plant. You may expedite the process by rapidly clicking on the factory. Be careful not to blow it up. There is a small red line to the left of the meter; when the red line reaches the top, the factory will explode.

         Catch another lion and sell with 2 egg powders.

         When the truck returns, purchase the sixth guinea bird.



Goals: 6 eggs; 4 egg powders; 2 cookies; $300

Times: Gold- 1:50; Silver 2:50

Requirement: Level 1 Cookie Bakery

         Purchase a guinea bird and use the water sparingly near the bottom of the farm to avoid the guinea birds being thrown out by the lions. You should only need to refill the well no more than 1 time during this level.

         Capture, warehouse and sell 2 lions.

         Start making the egg powders.

         Purchase the cookie factory when the truck returns as the money goal will have been reached.

         Make the 2 cookies; finish making the egg powders and collecting the eggs. You can choose to cage the lions and release them or warehouse and sell them.



Goals: 10 egg powders; 8 cookies

Times: Gold-3:10; Silver 4:10

Requirements: Level 2 Egg Powder and Cookie Factories (if you don’t have enough stars to purchase the factory upgrades from the shop, replay a previous level to acquire more stars)

         Purchase 1 guinea bird.

         Make egg powder with the first egg, and then transfer to the cookie factory. Repeat this process until 10 egg powder and 8 cookies have been manufactured.

         Capture and warehouse the first lion along with a cookie for $250.

         Purchase another guinea bird when the truck returns.

         Capture warehouse and sell 2 lions; warehouse the third lion.

         When the truck returns upgrade the egg powder plant for $250. Now place 2 eggs in the egg powder plant at a time to manufacture the egg powder.

         Sell 3-4 cookies along with the third lion.

         Upgrade the cookie factory when the truck returns.

         Capture and sell the fourth lion along with any cookies.



Goals: 12 egg powders; 10 cookies; 6 guinea birds; $1,000

Times: Gold – 3:30; Silver – 4:30

Requirements: Incubator required

         Capture, warehouse and sell 2 lions.

         Purchase the incubator for $220 when the truck returns along with another guinea bird.

         Alternate manufacturing one egg into egg powder/cookie and put the next egg into the incubator.

         When you have enough eggs, start producing the egg powders and cookies 2 at a time.

         Sell the 6 guinea birds when you have enough eggs collected to complete 12 egg powders and 10 cookies.

         Sell the manufactured cookies to reach the $1,000 money goal.


LEVEL 7: (It’s best to purchase the first warehouse and truck upgrade from the shop)

Goals: 10 egg powders; 8 cookies; 6 guinea birds

Times: Gold-4:30; Silver 5:30

Requirements: Level 2 Incubator

         Purchase a guinea bird and the egg powder plant.

         Use the first 3 eggs in the incubator; giving you a total of 4 guinea birds for now.

         Start making egg powders after you have 4 guinea birds, place one egg into the egg powder plant and place one of the eggs into the incubator until a total of 6 birds have been hatched.

         Sell the 6 birds when a total of 10 or more eggs and egg powders combined have been collected OR wait for the 3 lions and sell 1-2 lions.

         Purchase the cookie factory and upgrade the egg powder plant.

         Upgrade the cookie factory if enough money is obtained.



Goals: 15 egg powders; $600

Times: Gold-3:00; Silver-4:00

Requirement: Level 3 Egg Powder Plant

         Purchase 1 guinea bird

         Capture, warehouse and sell the lion.

         Breed 2 guinea birds from eggs in the incubator.

         Then place 2 eggs at a time into the powder factory and then make cookies.

         Sell 3-4 cookies to make the $600 money goal.

         When truck returns, upgrade the egg powder plant.


LEVEL 9: (Upgrade the well in the shop)

Goals: 15 Cookies; 30 Eggs

Times: Gold-2:35; Silver-3:35

Requirements: Level 3 Cookie Bakery

         Purchase 2 guinea birds and upgrade the cookie bakery.

         Capture and warehouse the lion.

         Place 3 eggs into the egg powder plant at a time and expedite production of the egg powder and cookie bakery.

         Sell 4 cookies and the lion.

         When the truck returns, upgrade the cookie bakery again.

         Sell 6 cookies.

         When the truck returns, upgrade the truck and warehouse and purchase 2-3 additional guinea birds.

         Capture, warehouse and sell the 3 lions.



Goals: 1 Egg powder; 1 Cookie; 30 guinea birds

Times: Gold-3:10; Silver -4:10 (It may take some practice to achieve gold time on this level)

Requirement: Level 3 incubator

         Purchase 2 guinea birds immediately and place the 2 eggs into the incubator. Place 2 eggs into the incubator at a time. Don’t worry about collecting all the eggs, just collect enough to keep the incubator full.

         Capture, warehouse and sell 2 lions.

         Capture, warehouse and sell 2 more lions.

         Purchase the egg powder plant and cookie bakery.

         Place one egg into the egg powder plant and then into the cookie bakery.

         Expedite the incubator and upgrade the well and incubator when and if enough money is accumulated.



Goals: 18 egg powders; 18 cookies

Times:Gold-2:20; Silver-3:20 (It may take practice to achieve gold on this level)

Requirements: Level 4 Egg Powder Plant and Cookie Bakery

         Use water sparingly as it needs to last until the first cookies are sold.

         Place 3 eggs into the egg powder plant and then place the egg powders into the cookie bakery, expediting production of both buildings.

         Make egg powders and cookies 3 at a time for now.

         Sell 3 cookies.

         Refill the well when the truck returns.

         Place 3 eggs into the egg powder factory and 2 eggs into the incubator.

         Sell additional cookies when truck returns.

         Expedite powder and cookie productions.

         Sell the birds when 18 or more eggs have been collected.

         If you’ve sold the birds, leave the lions alone; otherwise just cage the lions and don’t warehouse them.

         Upgrade the cookie bakery and expedite production.



Goals: 50 eggs; $1,500Times: Gold-2:50; Silver-3:50

Requirement: Level 4 incubator

         Purchase 4 guinea birds for a total of 5 as you start with one guinea bird.

         Capture and sell the lion.

         Place 4 eggs into the egg powder plant then the powders into the cookie bakery.

         Purchase another guinea bird when the truck is almost back or has returned.

         Keep placing 2 eggs into the incubator at a time and 4 eggs into the egg powder plant and 4 powders into the bakery.

         Sell the 8 cookies.

         Keep making egg powders and cookies 4 at a time and then sell 8 more cookies to meet the $1,500 goal; the 50 egg goal should be made shortly after the truck returns.

         You can choose to capture and sell the lions (will need to upgrade warehouse and truck) or just capture the lions.

LEVEL 13: (warehouse, truck, cage and well upgrades beneficial)

Goals: 30 egg powders; 30 cookies; 20 guinea birds

Times:Gold-3:40; Silver-4:40

Requirements: Level 5 egg powder plant and cookie bakery.

         Sell the ostrich.

         Purchase 4 guinea birds when the truck returns.

         Capture and sell the 2 lions; warehouse the third lion and sell when the truck returns.

         Upgrade the truck and warehouse.

         Place the first 4 eggs into the incubator.

         Place 4 eggs at a time into the powder plant and 4 powders into the cookie factory at a time for now.

         Place 2 eggs at a time into the incubator until the 20 guinea birds goal is achieved.

         Sell 12 cookies.

         Upgrade the powder plant and the cookie bakery.

         Sell the20 guinea birds when there are enough eggs in the warehouse to complete the 30 powder and 30 cookie goals.



Goals: 3 Cookies; 1 Cake

Times: Gold-2:00; Silver-3:00

Requirements: Level 1 Cake Bakery

         Make 1 egg powder and 1 cookie

         Capture and sell 2 lions.

         Purchase 1 flour from the helicopter when the truck returns and make 2 more cookies.

         Sell the guinea bird and 1 cookie when 3 eggs have been collected.

         Purchase the cake bakery and make the cake expediting production.



Goals:  6 cakes; 5 guinea birds

Times: Gold-2:20; Silver-3:20

Requirements: Level 2 Cake Bakery

         Purchase 4 guinea birds and 3 flours from the helicopter.

         Place 2 egg s into the powder plant and 2 eggs into the incubator until 6 cookies have been made. Place one cookie into the cake bakery and expedite cake production.

         Sell the 6 guinea birds after 6 eggs have been collected.

         Purchase 3 more flours when the truck returns.

         Sell the first cake and when the truck returns, upgrade the cake bakery and expedite production.

         Capture the lions, no need to warehouse and sell.



Goals: 6 Cakes; 5 guinea birds

Times: Gold-2:10; Silver-3:10

Requirements: Level 3 Cake Bakery

         Sell the 2 ostriches.

         Purchase 5 guinea birds and 6 flours when the truck returns.

         Send 3 eggs to the powder factory.

         Sell the guinea birds and a lion when 6 eggs total have been collected.

         Upgrade the cake bakery when the truck returns and sell the second lion. Make 2 sets of cakes 3 at a time to complete cake goal.



Goals: 16 cakes; $1,000

Times:Gold-2:30; Silver-3:30

Requirement: Level 4 Cake Bakery

         Purchase 6 flours.

         Manufacture egg powders and cookies 4 at a time.

         Capture and sell 2 lions.

         Sell 3 cakes and purchase 10 flours.

         Upgrade the warehouse and the cake bakery when the truck returns.

         Sell 6 cakes to meet the $1,000 goal.

         Capture the lions and sell if desired.



Goals: 24 cakes; 20 guinea birds; $2,000

Times: Gold-3:10; Silver-4:10

Requirements: Level 5 cake bakery and incubator

         Purchase 6 guinea birds and 10 flours from the helicopter and upgrade the warehouse 1 time.

         Manufacture egg powders and cookies 5 at a time and the first two batches of cakes 4 at a time; and incubate 1 egg at a time.

         Sell the first 5 cakes and purchase 10 more flours and upgrade the cake bakery when the truck returns.

         Sell 10 more cakes; this should meet the $2,000 money goal.

          Purchase 4 more flour

         After 24 eggs have been collected for the cakes, start incubating 5 eggs at a time to reach the 20 guinea bird goal.




Goals: 5 cakes; 1 wool

Times: Gold-2:50; Silver-3:50

Requirements: Level 1 Spinnery

         Catch the brown bear and sell for $100 along w/ one goose.

         Collect 5 eggs and start the egg powder production. Manufacture egg powders, cookies and cakes 5 at a time in order to make gold time.

         When the truck returns order 5 flours.

         Collect 5 more eggs and sell the geese and another bear.

         When the truck returns, purchase 5 more flour and sell 5 cakes.

         When the truck returns again, purchase the yak for 1,000.

         After the yak has produced one wool, sell 5 cakes and the yak; cage the bear but don’t warehouse.

         Purchase the spinnery for $1,500 when the truck returns and expedite the sewing thread production.



Goals: 6 sewing threads; 5 geese; 2 yaks

Times: Gold-1:50; Silver-2:50

Requirement: Level 2 Spinnery

         Purchase 2 yaks.

         Upgrade the warehouse and truck; wait for 3 bears to fall then capture and sell the bears.

         Purchase 5 geese and order 5 bags of flour.

         Produce egg powder, cookies and cakes 5 at a time.

         Produce sewing thread 1 at a time for now and expedite production.

         When 5 eggs have been collected, sell the geese and the sewing thread.

         3 brown bears will fall; capture and warehouse or let them go.

         When 6 wools total have been collected, upgrade the truck again and sell the 5 cakes, 2 sewing thread and 2 yaks; 3 wools should have been made into sewing thread with another in the spinnery.

         Wait to produce the other 2 sewing thread until the spinnery is upgraded when the truck returns. Expedite the sewing thread production.



Goals: 1 cloth; 4 sewing thread; 1 cake; 10 eggs

Times: Gold-2:30; Silver-3:30

Requirement: Level 1 Weaving Factory

         Purchase 2 geese.

         Produce sewing thread 1 at a time and egg powders, cookies and cakes 2 at a time.

         Capture 2 bears and sell.

         Purchase 4 flours.

         Upgrade the truck and warehouse.

         Capture and sell 2 bears and 2 yarn.

         When the truck returns, sell 2 cookies, 4 cakes and the yak. Three sewing threads should have already been made with the fourth yarn in the spinnery.

         Cage 2 bears and warehouse or let go.

         When the truck returns, purchase the weaver and expedite the cloth production.



Goals: 8 fabric; 3 yaks; 10 geese

Times:Gold-3:00; Silver-4:00

Requirement: Level 2 Weaving Factory

         Purchase 1 yak and then sell 1 yak with 1 wool.

         When the truck returns, purchase 2 geese and 2 flours.

         Produce sewing thread 2 at a time and fabric 1 at a time.

         Make 2 cakes.

         Place eggs into the incubator until you have 10 geese.

         Upgrade the truck and sell 2 to 3 fabrics and the yaks when there is enough wool to make 8 fabrics.

         Cage the bears …but don’t warehouse.

         Sell the 10 geese w/ 1-2 fabrics.

         The truck should return when 4 fabric have been manufactured.

         Upgrade the weaver and make the 4 additional fabric expediting production.



Goals: 24 Sewing Thread; 24 Fabric; 5 Cakes

Times: Gold-4:15; Silver-5:15

Requirements: Level 3 Spinnery and Weaving Factories

         Purchase a goose, powder factory, cookie factory and cake factory.

         Upgrade the truck and the warehouse and purchase 5 flours.

         Produce sewing thread and fabrics 2 at a time.

         Produce the egg powder, cookies and cakes 1 at a time.

         Capture 3 bears. Sell 2 bears and 2 fabrics.

         When the truck returns, sell 1 cake, 2 fabrics and 1 bear.

         Upgrade the truck and capture and sell 3 bears along with any completed fabric and cakes.

         Sell the goose after 5 eggs have been collected along with any cakes and fabric.

         Sell finished products and upgrade the weaver and spinnery; then produce sewing thread and fabric 3 at a time and expedite production.

         Capture bears and sell them with the products.


LEVEL 24: (this level may be difficult to obtain without a fully upgraded cage as the bears like to toss the animals away. Replay any previous levels in order to obtain enough stars to upgrade the cage. This level can be a click fest.)

Goals: 30 Sewing Thread; 30 Fabric; 30 Geese

Times: Gold-3:40; Silver-4:40Requirements: Level 4 Spinnery and Weaving Factories

         Purchase 4 yaks.

         Upgrade the truck 2 times and the warehouse once.

         Place water near the warehouse and carefully watch to collect all the wool. Cage and warehouse all bears.

         Produce the sewing thread and fabric 3 at a time.

         Sell the 9 fabric and 2 bears.

         When the truck returns, purchase a cat.

         Sell 6 fabric and 2 more bears.

         When the truck returns, upgrade the well and purchase 10 geese.

         Start incubating eggs 5 at a time while continuing to produce the fabric 3 at a time.

         Upgrade the weaver and spinnery as you can afford and then produce the products 4 at a time or purchase the additional geese to reach the 30 geese goal; then sell as many geese as you can.


Goals: 40 Sewing Thread; 40 Fabric; 5 Yaks; 10 Cakes

Times: Gold-5:00; Silver-6:00

Requirements: Level 5 Spinnery and Weaving Factories

         Upgrade the truck and warehouse.

         Sell the cow and 1 milk.

         Purchase 5 yaks and 2 geese when the truck returns.

         Purchase 10 flours from the helicopter.

         Produce sewing thread and fabric 4 at a time.

         Produce the cake products 2 at a time. Sell the geese after 10 eggs have been collected.

         Continue to sell fabric and cakes and upgrade the truck and warehouse one more time then upgrade the spinnery and weaving factory; then produce sewing thread and fabric 5 at a time.

         Cage and sell the 3 bears; these are the only bears on this level.



Goals: 2 Costumes; 15 Eggs; $4,000

Times: Gold-3:15; Silver 4:15

Requirement: Level 1 Sewing Factory

         Purchase a yak, upgrade the warehouse 1 time and truck 2 times and purchase 10 flours.

         Cage and warehouse the bear unless the dog reaches it first in which case the dog will also disappear.

         Produce cakes 5 at a time and the sewing thread and fabric 1 at a time.

         Sell 2 fabric, 5 cakes and any bears.

         Purchase 5 more flours.

         Sell the geese with any fabric and bears after 15 eggs have been collected in order to produce 15 cakes.

         Purchase 2 decorations.

         Sell the yak when you have $3,500 or more; then purchase the sewing factory after the $4,000 money goal has been achieved and expedite the costume production.



Goals: 2 Costumes: 5 Cakes: $20,000

Times: Gold-5:00; Silver-6:00

Requirement: Level 1 Fitting Room

         Cage and sell 2 bears.

         Produce sewing thread and fabric 3 at a time.

         Sell 3 fabrics.

         Upgrade the warehouse and truck one time and sell 3 fabrics and 1 bear.

         Purchase 3 geese and 10 flours. Produce cakes 5 at a time. Sell the geese after 10 eggs have been collected.

         Upgrade the truck one more time and sell 3 fabric and 2 bears

         Purchase 3 decorations.

         Sell 6 fabric and the 3 yaks; make sure to have 3 wool or sewing thread or fabric in reserve.

         Sell 5 cakes and the 3 geese after 5 eggs are in reserve for 5 additional cakes.

         3 bears should drop in…cage and warehouse the bears.

         Purchase the fitting room and place costumes on the 3 bears and then sell them to reach the $20,000 goal.



Goals: 4 Costumes; 2 Yaks

Times: Gold-2:10; Silver-3:10

Requirement: Level 2 Sewing Factory

         Purchase 1 yak and 2 decorations.

         Upgrade the warehouse and truck 1 time

         Capture 2 bears.

         Manufacture the sewing thread and fabric 2 at a time.

         Sell the yaks and 1 bear after 4 wools have been collected.

         Costume 1 bear while purchasing 2 more decorations.

         Upgrade the truck again and sell the costumed bear.

         Upgrade the sewing factory and produce the last 2 costumes expediting production.



Goals: 10 Wool; 20 Decorations; 10 Yaks

Times: Gold-2:50; Silver-3:50

Requirement: Level 2 Fitting Room

         Purchase 3 yaks and 3 decorations.

         Upgrade the warehouse and truck 1 time.

         Produce sewing thread and fabric 3 at a time.

         Capture 3 bears.

         Costume 1 bear and sell.

         Costume the other bears while making fabric 3 at a time.

         Sell the 2 costumed bears while upgrading the truck, warehouse and helicopter 1 time.

         Purchase 10 decorations.

         Purchase 7 more decorations and 7 yaks.



Goals: 12 Costumes; $25,000

Times: Gold-3:50; Silver-4:50

Requirements: Level 3 Sewing and Fitting Room Factories

         Sell the 5 geese.

         Collect 4 wools and expedite production into 4 fabrics.

         Upgrade truck and warehouse 1 time.

         Sell 2 bears and 4 fabrics.

         When the truck returns, purchase 3 decorations and make costumes and dress 2 bears.

         Sell 2 costumed bears.

         Upgrade warehouse 1 time, truck 2 times and order 9 decorations.

         Upgrade the sewing factory and make 3 costumes at a time.

         Sell the yaks when enough wool for 12 costumes has been collected.

         Sell 2 additional costumed bears to reach the $25,000 goal.

         Expedite costume production.

         Cage and warehouse any additional bears. Sell the other costumes if desired or concentrate on expediting production of the remaining costumes.



Goals: 20 Costumes; 5 Cookies; 4 Yaks

Times: Gold-3:40; Silver-4:40

Requirement: Level 4 Sewing Factory

         Purchase 2 decorations and upgrade the warehouse 1 time. Water as little as possible.

         Try to capture 2 bears, more than likely the dog will run away with one of the bears. Keep the bear to costume later.

         Produce costumes 3 at a time.

         Sell 1-2 costumed bears.

         Upgrade the helicopter and purchase 10 decorations and 5 geese.

         Upgrade the truck completely the warehouse 1 time and upgrade the sewing factory. Purchase another yak if the funds are available.

         Costume more bears and sell.

         Sell the geese when 5 eggs have been collected and make the eggs into cookies.

         Purchase 8 more decorations and expedite the costume production.


Goals: 20 Costumes; 50 Eggs

Times: Gold-4:35; Silver-5:35

Requirement: Level 5 Sewing Factory

         Purchase 3 yaks and 5 geese along with 2 decorations.

         Upgrade the truck and warehouse 1 time.

         Attempt to capture 2 bears.

         Costume 1-2 bears and sell.

         Upgrade the truck, warehouse, well and purchase a cat along w/10 decorations.

         Put 10 eggs into the incubator.

         Costume more bears or sell costumes and upgrade sewing factory and purchase another yak.

         Purchase 8 more decorations.

         Complete collecting 50 eggs then sell geese. Sell yaks when 20 wool have been collected.

         Expedite making costumes.




Goals: 10 Feathers; 2 Colored Feathers; 10 Penguins

Times: Gold-3:20; Silver-4:20

Requirement: Level 1 Feather Factory

         Purchase 3 penguins and purchase 5 flours.

         Put the first 3 eggs into the powder factory.

         Sell 2 feathers and 3 cakes.

         Send the next 3 eggs into the incubator.

         Purchase 10 flours and upgrade the truck and warehouse.

         Collect 10 eggs for cakes then send the next 4 eggs into the incubator.

         Cage and sell 3 bears.

         Sell 5 cakes and 5 penguins after you have 10 penguins.

         Purchase the feather factory when the truck returns.

         Sell the other 5 penguins, cakes and cookies.

         Purchase another king penguin to aid in collecting the 10 feathers.



Goals: 4 Colored Feathers: 1 Decoration; 5 Cakes

Times: Gold-2:10; Silver-3:10

Requirement: Level 1 Decoration Factory

         Purchase 3 penguins and 5 flours.

         Sell the penguins after 5 eggs have been collected. Make colored feathers 1 at a time.

         Expedite the cake production in order to have the 5 cakes completed when the Royal penguins produce the fourth feather.

         Cage the bears; but try not to warehouse as this will fill the warehouse making it necessary to upgrade the warehouse.

         Sell the 5 cakes and the 2 Royal penguins (make sure there are 4 feathers total) for $2,000.

         Purchase the decoration factory and produce 1 decoration. Expedite production.



Goals: 10 Colored Feathers; 12 Decorations; 2 Royal Penguins

Times: Gold-3:40; Silver-4:40

Requirements: Level 2 Feather and Decoration Factories

         Upgrade the warehouse and truck

         Collect 20 eggs then sell the penguins. Upgrade the truck again after selling penguins.

         Make cakes 5 at a time and purchase flours 10 at a time until 20 flours have been collected.

         Make colored feathers and decorations 1 at a time for now.

         Sell the cakes and decorations.

         Purchase another royal penguin when $1,000 plus has been collected.

         Upgrade the feather and decoration factories and expedite production.



Goals: 18 Colored Feathers; 20 Decorations; 5 Cakes

Times: Gold-3:20; Silver-4:20

Requirements: Level 3 Feather and Decoration Factories

         Upgrade the truck and warehouse 1 time

         Purchase a penguin and 5 flours.

         Produce colored feathers and decorations 2 at a time and cakes 1 at a time. It will take almost the complete level to produce the cakes.

         Sell bears, decorations and cakes. You might want to upgrade the truck 1 more time.

         Collect 20 feathers total then sell the royal penguins.

         Upgrade the feather and decoration factories and expedite production.



Goals: 24 Colored Feathers; 24 Decorations; 20 Eggs; 4 Royal Penguins

Times: Gold-3:10; Silver-4:10

Requirements: Level 4 Feather and Decoration Factories

         Sell the walrus.

         When the truck returns, purchase another royal penguin.

         Upgrade the warehouse 1 time and the truck twice.

         Sell all bears.

         Incubate eggs 5 at a time until you have 15-20 penguins and produce colored feathers and decorations 3 at a time for now.

         After 20 eggs have been collected keep 6 penguins and sell the rest. Keep incubating eggs 5 at a time.

         Sell bears, decorations and 5 penguins at a time and upgrade the feather factory.

         After 24 feathers have been collected, sell the royal penguins and upgrade the decoration factory and expedite production.



Goals: 30 Colored Feathers; 30 Decorations: 1 Walrus; 5 Cakes

Times: Gold-4:20; Silver-5:20

Requirements: Level 5 Feather and Decoration Factories

         Purchase 2 royal penguins and 3 penguins.

         Upgrade the truck and the cake factory 2 times and the warehouse 1 time.

         Purchase 15-flours total; purchase 10 flours first then send the helicopter again for 5.

         Produce cakes 5 at a time and feather products 4 at a time.

         Sell bears, decorations and cakes as they become available.

         Sell the regular penguins after 15 eggs have been collected.

         Sell the royal penguins after 30 feathers have been collected.

         Purchase the walrus and then sell.

         Upgrade the feather and decoration factories.



Goals: 20 Costumes; 10 Cakes; 5 Walruses; $30,000

Times: Gold-4:00; Silver-5:00

Requirement: Level 4 Fitting Room

         Upgrade the truck and sell the walrus.

         Purchase 3 royal penguins and 3 fabrics and upgrade the warehouse and truck one time.

         Produce the feather related products 3 at a time. Expedite the process as much as possible. Especially expedite the first 3 feathers and costume the bears expediting the process.

         Cage and warehouse the bears; sell the bears after they have been costumed.

         Make costumes 3 at a time.

         Sell the 3 costumed bears and purchase 3 penguins when the truck returns.

         Upgrade the truck to max and the warehouse and helicopter 2 times.

         Purchase 10 fabrics; then purchase 7 additional fabrics. Then send for 10 flours.

         Costume 7 bears; then purchase all the egg powder, cookie and cake factories and upgrade completely. Make cakes 5 at a time expediting process.

         Sell the royal penguins when 20 feathers have been collected. Sell the penguins when 10 eggs have been collected.

         Purchase 5 walrus.



Goals: 5 Walruses; 10 Royal Penguins; 20 Penguins

Times: Gold-3:20; Silver-4:20

Requirement: Level 5 Fitting Room

         Upgrade the truck and warehouse 2 times.

         Purchase 3 fabrics.

         Manufacture costumes 5 at a time.

         Costume 3 bears and sell.

         Upgrade warehouse, truck and helicopter to max.

         Purchase 15 fabrics.

         Purchase a cat and 5 penguins.

         Costume bears and sell as quickly as possible.

         Place 5 eggs into incubator at a time.

         Purchase 5 Royal Penguins and sell. If you lose an animal to the bears purchase additional animals to make goals.

         Sell the Royal Penguins and purchase 5 walruses.

         Purchase additional penguins to meet goal if needed.



Goals: 5 Cakes; 5 Costumes; 5 Penguins

Times: Gold-3:00; Silver-4:00

Requirement: none

         Upgrade the truck 1 time and sell the walrus.

         Purchase 2 Royal Penguins.

         Upgrade the helicopter 1 time and purchase 5 fabrics.

         Upgrade the warehouse 2 times.

         Purchase the feather, decoration and sewing factories and start making the 5 costumes. Upgrade each factory 1 time after selling some costumed bears.

         Sell the Royal Penguins after 5 feathers have been collected.

         Dress 4 bears in costumes and sell the other bears.

         Purchase 5 flours.

         Place eggs into the incubator until you have 3-5 penguins; then collect 5 eggs; then sell the penguins.

         After the fifth colored feather has been produced, purchase the egg powder plant and upgrade to the max. and make 5 egg powders.

         After the fifth decoration has been produced; purchase the cookie factory and upgrade to max and make 5 cookies.

         After the fifth costume has been produced; purchase the cake factory upgrade to max and manufacture 5 cakes.



Goals: 3 Royal Penguins; 1 Cake; $10,000

Times: Gold-2:20; Silver-3:20

Requirement: none

         Purchase a penguin and 2 fabrics and 1 flour along with all feather related factories.

         Upgrade the truck 1 time.

         Try not to fill the well.

         Collect 1 egg and 2 feathers then sell both penguins.

         Start the feather production as soon as possible and expedite the process. As soon as the second feather is completed start the egg related production.

         Expedite the factory productions as much as possible.

         When the truck returns, upgrade the truck.

         Cage 2 bears; then dress 1 bear in a costume. Let the other bears walk around for now.

         Sell the dressed bear along with a regular bear.

         Sell another dressed bear along with a regular bear. This should make the money goal.

         When the truck returns the cake should be completed or nearly completed. Purchase 3 royal penguins.



Goals: 5 Egg Powder; 5 Colored Feathers; 1 Cake; 2 Walruses

Times: Gold-2:40; Silver-3:40Requirement: none

         Upgrade the truck 2 times and the warehouse 1 time.

         Sell a tusk and the walrus.

         Cage the bear and keep in the warehouse.

         Purchase 3 fabrics and the feather producing factories when the truck returns.

         Incubate eggs until you have 5 penguins; then collect 5 egg sand sell the penguins.

         Costume 1 bear and sell.

         Sell the royal penguin when 5 feathers have been collected.

         Costume 2 more bears and sell.

         Purchase 1 flour.

         Purchase the cake producing factories after completing 3 costumes. Expedite cake production.

         Purchase 2 walruses.



Goals: 2 Fabric; 2 Decorations; $10,000

Times: Gold-1:50; Silver-2:50

Requirements: none

         Upgrade the truck and sell all the penguins.

         Capture the bear and store in the warehouse.

         Purchase 2 decorations and 1 fabric.

         Make a costume and dress the bear expediting production; then sell.

         When the truck returns, upgrade the helicopter 1 time and purchase 1 fabric.

         Capture another bear and store in the warehouse.

         Make another costume and dress the bear expediting production.

         Upgrade the truck to the max and sell the dressed bear.



Goals: 3 Penguins; 5 Costumes; 5 Cakes

Times: Gold-3:10; Silver-4:10

Requirements: none

         Upgrade the truck.

         Sell 1 tusk and the walrus.

         When the truck returns, purchase 3 penguins, the sewing factory and 2 fabrics and 2 decorations.

         Upgrade the warehouse and keep 2-3 bears to costume later. Sell the other bears.

         Sell one bear as soon as it’s costumed; when the truck returns, upgrade the helicopter one time and purchase 3 decorations and 3 fabrics.

         Upgrade the sewing factory to a level 2 to process the last 3 costumes and expedite production.

         Dress 1-2 bears while purchasing a level 3 egg powder and a level 3 cookie factory.

         When the helicopter returns, purchase 5 flours.

         Make 5 cookies and sell the penguins with a costumed bear.

         After the 5 costumes are made; purchase a level 5 cake factory and make 5 cakes at one time.




Goals: 1 Cream; $20,000

Times: Gold-3:00; Silver-4:00

Requirement: Level 1 Separator

         Upgrade the truck and the warehouse 1 time and sell 1 sheep.

         Collect 4 wools and sell the remaining 4 sheep and start the sewing thread and fabric production.

         Capture warehouse and sell 3 bears.

         When the truck returns, upgrade the helicopter 1time and purchase 4 decorations.

         Process 4 costumes while capturing and warehousing 4 bears.

         Costume the bears and upgrade the truck.

         Sell the 4 costumed bears.

         When the truck returns, purchase a cow and the Separator; process the cream.

         Cage and warehouse the last 4 bears so they won’t destroy the separator.



Goals: 1 Cream; 1 Curd; 5 Sewing Threads (expedite production of cream and curds to make gold time)

Times: Gold-2:20; Silver-3:20

Requirement: Level 1 Curd Factory

         Upgrade the truck 2 times.

         Start the cream and expedite production.

         Sell 1 cream.

         Expedite production on the next cream and when the truck returns purchase 1 sheep and upgrade the warehouse 1 time.

         Catch and warehouse 3 bears; then sell with another cream.

         Purchase 2 sheep when the truck returns.

         Collect 5 wools and 2 more milk/cream. Expedite production of the cream.

         Sell all bears along with the sheep and the cow. Keep 1 cream and sell the other.

         Purchase the curd factory when truck returns and expedite the curd production.



Goals: 8 Cream; 5 Costumes

Times: Gold-4:00; Silver-5:00

Requirement: Level 2 Separator

         Purchase a sheep and upgrade the warehouse 1 time and the truck 2 times.

         Purchase 5 decorations.

         Make sewing thread, fabric and costumes 3 at a time.

         Sell 3 costumed bears and the sheep if you have collected 5 wools.

         Purchase 2 cows.

         Sell 2 more costumed bears.

         When the truck returns upgrade the creamery and purchase another cow. Should make gold time with no problems.



Goals: 8 Curds; 5 Costumes: 2 Cows

Times: Gold-3:30; Silver-4:30

Requirement: Level 2 Curd Factory

         Purchase a cow and 5 decorations.

         Upgrade the warehouse and truck 2 times and purchase level 1 wool production factories.

         Capture 3 bears and store in the warehouse.

         Sell 2 dressed bears along with any curds.

         Purchase a cow when the truck returns and upgrade the curd factory. Make cream and curds 2 at a time.

         Sell curds and another dressed bear.

         Purchase another cow when the truck returns. Sell the sheep after 5 wools are collected.



Goals: 16 Cream; 16 Curds; $20,000

Times: Gold-4:20; Silver-5:20

Requirements: Level 3 Separator and Curd Factories

         Upgrade truck and warehouse 2 times.

         Order 8 decorations.

         Manufacture the wools 5 at a time.

         Capture and warehouse the bears.

         Sell 5 costumed bears.

         Purchase 2 cows and a cat when the truck returns. Make the first batch of milk products 2 at a time.

         Sell the sheep and 2 additional costumed bears.

         When the truck returns, upgrade the separator and curd factory. Make the milk products 3 at a time.

         Purchase another cow if desired.



Goals: 25 Cream; 25 Curd; 1 Cake; 1 Costume

Times: Gold-3:10; Silver-4:10

Requirements: Level 4 Separator and Curd Factories

         Sell 1 cow.

         Make cream and curds 3 at a time for now.

         When the truck returns, upgrade the truck and warehouse 2 times.

         Purchase a turkey and all the egg product factories. Purchase a cat if desired.

         Send the helicopter for 1 flour and 1 decoration.

         Cage and sell all bears during this level.

         Sell the turkey and any curds after the turkey has laid an egg. Start the egg production.

         Purchase a sheep when the truck returns.

         Purchase the wool product factories after the cake is made and start production to complete a costume.

         Sell the sheep and curds after collecting 1 wool.

         Upgrade the separator and curd factories as soon as the money becomes available.

         Purchase another cow if desired.



Goals: 30 Creams; 30 Curds; 5 Sheep; 5 Cows

Times: Gold-2:50; Silver-3:50

Requirements: Level 5 Separator and Curd Factories

         Purchase 4 cows and upgrade the truck and the warehouse 2 times. Purchase a cat and upgrade well if desired.

         Produce curd 4 at a time.

         Capture and sell all bears during the level.

         Sell curd as they become available.

         Purchase another cow and upgrade the separator and curd factories; produce curds 5 at a time for now.

         Purchase 5 sheep and sell.



Goals: 1 Cheese; 2 Cows

Times: Gold-2:20; Silver-3:20

Requirement: Level 1 Cheese Factory

         Expedite production on buildings during this level.

         Purchase 10 decorations and upgrade the warehouse 2 times and the truck completely as a fast truck is needed in order to complete the level in gold time.

         Produce the wool related factories 5 at a time.

         After 15 total wools are collected, sell 10 costumes and the sheep.

         Purchase a cow when the truck returns and send the helicopter for 5 decorations and 1 cheese enzyme.

         Sell 5 more costumes.

         Purchase another cow when the truck returns. The first cow should have already produced 1 milk. Start the cream and curd production immediately.

         Sell both cows after 1 milk has been collected.

         When the truck returns, purchase the cheese factory and expedite production.



Goals: 8 Cheese; $60,000

Times: Gold-4:10; Silver-5:10

Requirement: Level 2 Cheese Factory

         Upgrade the truck 2 times and the warehouse 1 time. Send the helicopter for 4 enzymes. This will put you at $0 so be careful with the water.

         Capture and sell 3 bears for water money.

         When the truck returns, send the helicopter for 4 more enzymes.

         Process the cream and curd production 2 at a time and the cheese production 1 at a time. Expedite the cheese production as much as possible.

         Sell 2 cheeses and 1 bear. Keep the other bears in the warehouse.

         When the truck returns, purchase 5 sheep.

         Sell the cows after 8 milks have been collected .

         Upgrade the warehouse 1 more time and the truck completely.

         Process the wool related factories 5 at a time and sell the sheep after 10 wools have been collected.

         Purchase 8-9 decorations when the truck returns.

         Purchase the fitting room and upgrade 1 time after 8-9 costumes have been completed.

         Dress the bears and sell to meet the money goal.



Goals: 8 Cheeses; 1 Costume

Times: Gold-2:10; Silver-3:10

Requirement: Level 3 Cheese Factory

         Upgrade the truck 1 time and the warehouse 1 time. Capture, warehouse and sell bears on this level as to not damage the factories.

         Sell 4 sheep; leave 1 sheep to collect 1 wool.

         Send the helicopter for 6 enzymes.

         Process the milk products 4 at a time.

         Sell the sheep after 1 wool is collected.

         Send the helicopter for 2 enzymes and 1 decoration.

         Upgrade the truck again and sell the cows after 8 milk have been collected.

         Start the wool production on each machine as soon as the 8 milk have been completed with the corresponding factory.

         Upgrade the cheese factory 1 time.

         Upgrade the costume factory to max to expedite process.



Goals: 16 Cheese; 5 Cows; $50,000

Times: Gold-3:20: Silver-4:20

Requirement: Level 4 Cheese Factory

         The key to this level is the timing; keep processing 2 creams and curds on the left of the farm along with 2 cream and 2 curds on the right of the farm and place 3 curds at a time in the cheese factory on the bottom right. Another key to obtaining gold time is to sell the 4 cows along with 14 cheeses to reach the $50,000 goal. Then purchase 5 cows after the money goal is achieved.

         Purchase 6 enzymes from the helicopter and upgrade the truck and warehouse 1 time.

         Sell all bears on this level along with any processed cheese.

         Send the helicopter 2 more times for enzymes; send it one more time for 6 enzymes and another time for 4 enzymes

         Upgrade the truck one more time.

         Sell the cows when 16 milks have been collected.

         Sell additional cheese to meet $50,000.

         Purchase 5 cows after the $50,000 goal has been met.



Goals: 10 Cheeses; 15 Enzymes; 5 Eggs; 5 Wools

Times: Gold-2:00; Silver-3:00

Requirement: Level 5 Cheese Factory

         Purchase 5 cows; 2 sheep; 2 turkeys and a cat.

         Upgrade the warehouse 2 times and truck 3 times.

         Upgrade the helicopter 1 time and purchase 9 enzymes; when the helicopter returns, purchase 6 more enzymes.

         Start producing creams and curds 5 at a time.

         Sell all bears; wool and eggs.

         Sell the cows when 10 milks have been collected in order to purchase an upgrade the cheese factory to a level 4. Process cheese expediting production.

         Sell the sheep after 5 wools have been collected and sell the turkeys after 5 eggs have been collected.



Goals: 5 Cakes; 5 Cheeses; 5 Turkeys

Times: Gold-3:20; Silver-4:20

Requirement: none

         Upgrade the truck and warehouse 1 time and sell the sheep.

         Purchase 2 cows and 1 turkey.

         Purchase all the milk related factories; upgrade the cream and curd factory to a level 2.

         Sell all bears on this level.

         Send the helicopter for 5 enzymes.

         Produce cream and curds 2 at a time and cheese 1 at a time for now.

         Place 1 egg into incubator the first time; then send 2 eggs to the incubator then send another egg into the incubator to make 5 turkeys total. Collect 5 additional eggs for the cakes, and then sell the turkeys.

         Upgrade the truck when it returns and sell the cows when 5 milks have been collected.

         Upgrade the cheese factory when the truck returns and process the remaining cheese 2 at a time.

         Send the helicopter for 5 flours.

         Purchase the egg related factories and upgrade to level 5; make sure the milk related factories have processed 5 milks before purchasing the new buildings.




LEVEL 59:Goals: 5 Decorations; 1 Shiny Horn; $13,000

Times: Gold-2:30; Silver-3:30

Requirement: Level 1 Grinding Factory

         Upgrade the truck 2 times and the warehouse 1 time.

         Purchase 3 decorations.

         Cage and warehouse the jaguars.

         Collect 5 wools from the Llamas and sell the llamas.

         Produce sewing threads, fabrics and costumes 5 at a time.

         Costume the 3 jaguars and sell to reach to $13,000 goal, sell 2 additional costumes.

         Purchase a goat and the grinding factory.

         Process the shiny horn.



Goals: 2 Shiny Horns; 1 Sample basket Baskets; 5 Costumes

Times: Gold-1:40; Silver-2:40

Requirement: Level 1 Manufacturing Plant

         Purchase 3 llamas along with 3 decorations and upgrade the truck and warehouse 1 time.

         Process wool 3 at a time first and then 2 at a time. Sell the llamas when 5 wools have been collected.

         Cage and warehouse and sell the jaguars. If so desired; costume the jaguars; however, the money isn’t really needed unless you prefer to upgrade the manufacturing plant if you’ve purchased the blueprints from the shop.

         Process the horns 1 at a time. Sell the goat when 2 horns have been collected.

         Upgrade the helicopter after selling the llamas and jaguar; then purchase 2 additional decorations.

         Make 2 more costumes.

         Purchase the manufacturing plant and expedite the processing of the sample basket.



Goals: 4 Shiny Horns; 4 Sample Baskets; 20 Chickens; $20,000

Times: Gold-2:00; Silver-3:00

Requirement: Level 2 Grinding Factory

         Purchase 3 chickens and purchase a level 3 incubator.

         Upgrade the truck 2 times and the warehouse 1 time.

         Process eggs 3 at a time until 20 chickens have been obtained.

         Process shiny horns and sample baskets 1 at a time. Sell the goats after 6 horns have been collected.

         Upgrade the truck 2 times and the warehouse 1 time.

         Sell the jaguars 2 horns and the goats after 6 horns have been collected. Make sure there are 4 horns that have been or can be processed.

         Sell 3 sample baskets to reach $20,000 goal.



Goals: 6 Shiny Horns: 6 Sample Baskets; 5 Llamas; $30,000

Times: Gold-1:40; Silver-2:40

Requirement: Level 2 Manufacturing Plant

         Timing on this level is crucial in order to complete in gold time.

         Sell 1 horn and 1 goat.

         Process shiny horns 2 at a time.

         Do not process any sample baskets until the truck returns and the manufacturing plant is upgraded to a level 2. Expedite processing of the horns and samples.

         Upgrade the truck 2 times.

         Sell  2-4 regular horns; 4 sample baskets and the 4 goats to reach to $30,000 goal. The last 2 sample baskets should be processing.

         When the truck returns, purchase 5 llamas.



Goals: 7 Shiny Horns; 7 Sample Baskets; 1 Souvenir; 3 Goats

Times: Gold-2:20; Silver-3:20

Requirement: Level 1 Souvenir Factory

         Upgrade the truck and warehouse 1 time and purchase a varnish from the helicopter.

         Manufacture shiny horns and sample baskets 2 at a time.

         Sell 3 jaguars.

         When the truck returns, sell 4 sample baskets.

         Purchase the souvenir factory and upgrade the truck 1 more time.

         Sell 2 sample baskets, 1 souvenir and 2 shiny horns.

         When the truck returns purchase the third goat.



Goals: 6 Souvenirs; $30,000

Times: Gold-2:30; Silver-3:30

Requirement: Level 2 Souvenir Factory

         This level can be tricky to achieve gold time.

         Upgrade the truck 2 times and the warehouse 1 time.

         Purchase 2 costumes and 5 varnishes from the helicopter.

         Start horn production 1 at a time for now and expedite the process.

         Cage 3 jaguars and dress 2 jaguars’ w/costumes and expedite process and sell.

         When the truck returns, purchase another goat, upgrade the helicopter 1 time and purchase 2 costumes and 1 varnish.

         Process the horns 2 at a time for now.

         Sell 2 dressed jaguars; 2 souvenirs and the 2 goats (make sure you have enough horns for the remaining souvenirs). This should make the $30,000 goal.

         Upgrade the manufacturing plant when the truck returns and expedite the manufacturing process.



Goals: 16 Shiny Horns; 16 Sample Baskets; 6 Goats

Times: Gold-3:10; Silver-4:10

Requirements: Level 3 Grinding and Manufacturing Plants

         Upgrade the truck and warehouse 1 time. Purchase the fitting room and purchase 3 costumes. Produce horn products 2 at a time.

         Sell 2 costumed jaguars and 2 sample baskets.

         Send the helicopter for 3 costumes and purchase another goat.

         Upgrade the truck to max. and sell 4 sample baskets and 1 costumed jaguar.

         Upgrade the grinding factory and the manufacturing plants and manufacture horns 3 at a time expediting the process.

         Sell 2 costumed jaguars and 4 sample baskets.

         Purchase 3 goats.



Goals: 9 Souvenirs; 3 Sewing Threads; 2 Fabrics; 1 Costume

Times: Gold-2:30; Silver-3:30

Requirement: Level 3 Souvenir Factory

         Purchase 1 goat, 3 decorations and 5 varnishes.

         Upgrade the truck to the max and the warehouse 1 time.

         Send the airplane for 4 more varnishes.

         Produce the horn products 2 at a time.

         Capture all jaguars and sell.

         Wait until the Llama produces 3 wools then sell the Llama and start the wool production.

         Sell the goats when 9 horns have been collected.

         Upgrade the souvenir factory and process horns 3 at a time; expedite the last horn productions.



Goals: 20 Shiny Horns; 20 Sample Baskets; 4 Cakes; 4 Costumes

Times: Gold-2:50; Silver-3:50

Requirements: Level 4 Grinding and Manufacturing Plant

         This is one of the hardest levels thus far to receive gold time. There is no need to mess with the souvenir factory as it takes too long to produce.

         Upgrade the truck 2 times and the warehouse 1 time. Upgrade the well no more than 2 times if desired.

         Collect 4 eggs and 4 wools, and then sell the chickens and the llamas.

         Produce shiny horns and sample baskets 3 at a time.

         Send the helicopter for 4 flours.

         Sell all basket samples and jaguars as they become available.

         Purchase all the egg related factories and upgrade them all to a level 2. Produce 4 cakes.

         Purchase the sewing thread factory and upgrade to a level 2.

         Send the helicopter for 4 decorations.

         Sell the goats when 20 horns have been collected along with sample baskets and cakes.

         Purchase a level 4 fabric and costume factories and process the fabrics and costumes 4 at a time.



Goals: 12 Souvenirs; 4 Goats; 10 Costumes; $50,000

Times: Gold-2:20; Silver-3:20

Requirement: Level 4 Souvenir Factory

         Another challenging level to receive gold on. One of the keys to this level is to try and capture as many jaguars as possible before they have a date with your dogs.

         Purchase 3 goats.

         Upgrade the helicopter and purchase 5 costumes.

         Upgrade the warehouse 1 time and the truck 2 times.

         Produce horn products 3 times throughout the level.

         Try to capture 1-2 jaguars; dress them up and sell.

         Send the helicopter for 12 varnishes. When the helicopter returns purchase 5 more costumes.

         Two more groups of jaguars will attack throughout the level. Try to capture at least 4 of them; place costumes on them and sell.

         Sell the souvenirs with the jaguars. Also sell any costumes that you won’t use and upgrade the truck to the max.

         When 12 horns have been collected sell the goats.

         After the $50,000 goal has been met, upgrade the souvenir factory and purchase 4 goats.



Goals: 26 Sample Baskets; 5 Chickens; 5 Llamas; 5 Goats

Times: Gold-2:30; Silver-3:30

Requirements: Level 5 Grinding and Manufacturing Factories

         This level may take some practice in order to receive gold time.

         Upgrade the truck completely.

         Purchase 4 chickens and 4 llamas and sell all the chickens and llamas.

         Purchase4 goats after you catch the  jaguars.

         Upgrade the warehouse 1 time.

         Purchase 10 varnishes. When the helicopter returns you may want to order another 5 varnishes.

         Catch and sell all jaguars and hope none of them decide they want one of your goats!

         Manufacture the horn related products 4 at a time for now.

         Sell souvenirs and sample baskets when completed.

         Purchase another goat and upgrade the grinding and manufacturing plants when the money becomes available.



Goals: 25 Souvenirs; 5 Fabrics; 5 Costumes; $50,000

Times: Gold-3:00; Silver-4:00

Requirement: Level 5 Souvenir Factory

         Again it may take practice in order to receive gold time on this level. Catch all jaguars and sell.

         Upgrade the truck to the max and sell all the chickens.

         Upgrade the warehouse 1-2 times and send the helicopter for 10 varnishes.

         Purchase the spinning and weaving factories and make all wool related products 1 at a time until all 5 are completed.

         Produce the horn related products 4 at a time.

         Sell the llamas after 5 wools have been collected.

         Send the helicopter for 5 varnishes and 5 decorations. When the helicopter returns, send it for 10 more varnishes.

         Purchase the costume factory.

         Sell souvenirs and costumes as they become available.

         Sell goats when 25 horns have been collected to reach $50,000 goal.


LEVEL 71: (It takes 1 souvenir, 1 cake; 1 curd and 1 decoration to make a mega cake)Goals: 1 Mega Cake; 1 Cake and 1 Souvenir

Times: Gold-3:00; Silver-4:00

Requirement: Level 1 Mega Cake Factory

         Purchase 1 goat. Five horns will need to be collected to complete the level in gold time. Sell all jaguars. You should need to purchase water only 1 time.

         Process 1 sample basket and sell.

         When the truck returns purchase 1 egg and 1 flour along with the egg powder plant and process a cake. Make sure to keep the cake for the mega cake.

         Upgrade the truck 2 times and the warehouse 1 time and send the helicopter for 3 varnishes and 1 decoration.

         Wait to process any horns until there are 3 of them; then make the horns into souvenirs expediting the process.

         Sell the goat 2 souvenirs and 1 horn. (Keep 1 souvenir for the mega cake.)

         When the truck returns, upgrade the helicopter 2 times and purchase a curd.

         Purchase the mega cake factory and expedite processing the mega cake as soon as the curd is collected.


LEVEL 72: (Wild West in the United States the farm in the upper left of the map)

Goals: 5 Mega Cakes; 10 Cakes; 10 Curd; $30,000

Times: Gold-4:10; Silver-5:10

Requirement: Level 2 Mega Cake Factory

         Upgrade the truck  and warehouse1 time and sell the sheep. Sell all bears on this level.

         When the truck returns purchase 10 flours. Purchase all egg related factories and upgrade them to a level 2 and upgrade the truck again.

         Sell the turkeys after 10 eggs have been collected.

         Process cream and curds 2 at a time and process egg related products 2 at a time.

         Sell the first 4 curds, then upgrade the helicopter 1 time and send for 1 souvenir and 1 decoration.

         Upgrade the truck again and sell the mega cake along with any additional curds (leave 1 curd in the warehouse for the next cake).

         When the truck returns send the helicopter for 3 decorations and 3 souvenirs.

         Sell 2 mega cakes and the cows to meet the $50,000 goal and send the helicopter for 1 decoration and 1 souvenir

         Upgrade the mega cake factory and make the fifth mega cake and expedite the process.




LEVEL 73: (Arctic Farm on the top right of the map)

Goals: 10 Penguins; 10 Mega Cakes; 11 Cakes; 11 Curd

Times: Goal-5:10; Silver-6:10

         Sell 1 walrus and 2 royal penguins; be very careful with the water as it needs to last until the truck returns. Cage and sell all bears on the level.

         When the truck returns, upgrade the well 1-2 times and feed the starving animals.

         Upgrade the truck and warehouse 2 times.

         Upgrade the helicopter 2 times and purchase 10 cookies; 10 flours and 5 varnishes.

         Start producing cakes 5 at a time and tusks 4 at a time.

         Purchase 2 cookies; 2 flours and 10 varnishes (yes I know that equals 12 and you only need 11…gives you one extra in case a bear gets hungry).

         Sell the royal penguins when 11 or more feathers have been collected.

         After all the cakes have been made, purchase the colored feather factory and upgrade 1 time. Process the feathers 2 at a time and then make decorations.

         Sell the first 5 souvenirs for money.

         Then sell the walruses when 10 more husks have been collected.

         Purchase the curd factory and upgrade 1 time and send the helicopter for as many creams as you can afford until you’ve made 11 curds.

         Start production on the mega cakes and sell them. Upgrade the curd and mega cake factories as you can afford them.

         Purchase 10 penguins and then sell them.



Goals: 20 Mega Cakes; 21 Decorations; 21 Souvenirs; $50,000

Times: Gold-6:40; Silver-7:40

         Hmmm. There’s a cheese factory but no way to make cheese…so disregard the cheese factory. Cage and sell all bears.

         Sell 2 yaks.

         When the truck returns, upgrade the well 1 time.

         Upgrade the warehouse and truck 1 time and sell 2 more yaks.

         Sell 2 more yaks.

         Upgrade the warehouse and truck again.

         Process cream and curd 4 at a time; and sell the first 4 curds. Upgrade truck and warehouse to max.

         Sell the geese when 20 eggs have been collected.

         Sell the cows when 20 more milk have been collected.

         Purchase 20 flours.

         Purchase level 3 egg related factories after 20 curds have been completed.

         Upgrade the helicopter 2-3 times and purchase 2 sample baskets, 2 varnish and 5 feathers. Try to do this before the first few cakes are completed.

         Process the feathers and the souvenirs.

         Process the mega cakes and sell.

         Keep ordering as many sample baskets, varnishes and feathers as you can afford until 21 total have been ordered and processed.

         Process the mega cakes and sell; after the $50,000 goal has been met, upgrade the mega cake factory.



Goals: 25 Mega Cakes; 5 Guinea Birds; 5 Ostriches; 5 Buffalo

Time: Gold-4:50; Silver-5:50

         Purchase 5 ostriches and 1 cat.

         Upgrade the well 1-2 times (as desired) and upgrade the truck and warehouse to max.

         Catch 2 lions and sell then purchase 3 buffalo. Catch all lions and sell during the rest of the level.

         Purchase 10 varnishes.

         Produce the feather and horn products 5 at a time

         Purchase 10 more varnishes and then 5-10 more varnishes.

         Sell the ostriches after 25 feathers have been collected. (You may also want to sell 3 -5 souvenirs)

         Upgrade the helicopter 2 times and order 10 flours and 10 cookies and as many curd as you can afford (probably only 1-2 at this time)

         Purchase the cake factory and upgrade completely.

         Start producing cakes and mega cakes while still producing souvenirs.

         Purchase 5-10 cookies and flours at a time along with as many curds as you can afford.

         Sell the buffalo when there are enough horns to complete 25 cakes.


         Upgrade both cake factories as you can afford.

         When the last mega cakes are being produced, there should be enough money to purchase 5 buffalo and 5 guinea birds.



Goals: 11 Colored Feathers; 20 Horns; $70,000

Times: Gold-3:50; Silver-4:50

         Try to catch as many lions as you can. There is a onslaught of lions in this level; and the dogs are sure to get some of the first ones.

         Purchase 2 ostriches and 2 buffalos.

         Upgrade the warehouse 1 time and the truck 2 times.

         Send the helicopter for 4 fabrics.

         Process the feathers and the horns 4 at a time.

         Send the helicopter for 5 varnishes and 2 fabrics. You may need to send the helicopter again for 2 more fabrics.

         Sell the first 4 souvenirs.

         Purchase the fitting room; do not upgrade.

         Send the helicopter for 2 more fabrics and additional varnish to make the sample baskets in the warehouse into souvenirs.

         Sell the ostriches after 11 feathers have been collected.

         Sell the horns and the costumed lions until you reach the $70,000 goal. You may need to sell the buffalo to reach this goal, but do so only if 20 horns have been collected.



Goals: 50 Guinea birds; 4 Buffalo; 5 Mega Cakes

Times: Gold-3:20; Silver-4:20

         In order to receive gold on this level, you don’t need to purchase any animals until the very end of the level.

         Upgrade the helicopter to the max and purchase 5 fabric, 5 decorations; 5 cookies and 5 flours.

         Make the cakes and the costumes. Expedite the costume process.

         Costume 2 lions expediting the process and sell.

         When the truck returns, send the helicopter for 1 curd, 1 decoration, 1 basket and 1 varnish.

         Expedite making a souvenir, then expedite the mega cake process. 2 lions will attack, capture and costume the lions.

         Upgrade the truck and sell the mega cake and 2 costumed lions.

         Send the helicopter for 2 curd, 4 decorations, 2 fabric, 2 sample baskets and 2 varnishes.

         Process 2 costumes and 2 souvenirs; then start the mega cakes.

         Sell the mega cakes.

         Send the helicopter for 1 decoration, 1 curd, 1 sample basket and 1 varnish.

         Make the souvenir and mega cake while capturing 3 lions. Costume the 3 lions.

         Sell the mega cake and lions.

         Purchase 50 guinea birds and 4 buffalo.



Goals:  5 Cakes; 5 Costumes and 5 Souvenirs

Times: Gold-2:00; Silver-3:00

         Upgrade the truck 1 time and sell 1 guinea bird and 1 ostrich.

         Upgrade the warehouse 1 time.

         When the truck returns, upgrade the truck again.

         Capture and sell 3 lions.

         Sell the sample baskets and the remaining guinea birds and ostriches. (make sure you have 5 eggs and 5 feathers)

         Produce horns, eggs and feathers 5 at a time.

         When the truck returns, upgrade the helicopter 2 times and purchase 5 flours, 5 fabrics and 5 varnishes.

         Sell the buffalo when you have collected 10 horns total.

         Sell all lions as soon as they’re captured.

         Purchase the cake factory, costume and souvenir factories and upgrade to a level 3 and start production.

         Expedite the production of the cakes, costumes and souvenirs.



Goals: 10 Cakes; 10 Costumes; 10 Souvenirs; 10 Mega Cakes

Times: Gold-9:00; Silver-10:00

         Purchase 5 ostriches, 5 guinea birds and a cat. Process egg and feather products 5 at a time.

         Upgrade the warehouse and truck 2 times.

         Purchase 10 flours.

         Sell 5 decorations.

         Purchase another 10 flours.

         Sell 5 decorations along with some cakes and lions.

         Purchase 5 fabrics then purchase another 5 fabrics when the truck returns.

         Sell the guinea birds after 20 eggs have been collected. Sell the first 10 cakes and leave 10 cakes in the warehouse for the mega cakes.

         Sell 10 costumes, and then sell the ostriches when feathers and or decorations have been accumulated.

         Purchase a buffalo when $20,000 or more has been collected.

         Purchase all the horn producing factories and the mega cake factory.

         Purchase 1 curd and start making mega cakes.

         Purchase the curd as you can afford them and make mega cakes.

         Sell the buffalo when 10 horns have been collected.

         Upgrade the mega cake factory, purchase the additional curd needed and expedite making the mega cakes.



Goals: 5 Chickens; $10,000; 1 Mega Cake

         Purchase 1 chicken.

         Expedite incubating eggs, start with 1 egg, then 2, then 3 etc. until you reach 5 at a time.

         Capture 2 jaguars and sell. Capture the third jaguar and warehouse.

         Upgrade the truck and the warehouse when the truck returns, and then sell a jaguar.

         Sell 3 more jaguars.

         Sell 15 chickens.

         Capture 3 more jaguars and sell.

         Capture 3 additional jaguars and keep them in the warehouse.

         Purchase a costume; costume 1 jaguar and sell.

         When the truck returns, upgrade the helicopter one time and purchase 2 additional costumes; upgrade the truck 1 time and dress 2 jaguars and sell to reach the money goal.

         When the truck returns, upgrade the helicopter 1 time and purchase a cake, a decoration, a curd and a souvenir.

         Expedite the mega cake production.



Goals: 1 Costume; 1 Souvenir; 5 Cakes; 1 Cheese

Times: Gold-2:40; Silver-3:40

         Purchase 1 costume.

         Capture only 2 jaguars and dress 1 jaguar. Sell the dressed jaguar and 1 regular jaguar. LET THE OTHER TIGERS ROAM AROUND ON THE FARM. IF THEY ARE CAGED, THEY WILL BREAK OUT OF THE CAGE AND DESTROY THE FACTORIES.

         Upgrade the helicopter and purchase 4 additional costumes.

         Dress 4 jaguars and sell with a normal jaguar. Keep 1 jaguar in the warehouse.

         Purchase 5 chickens and upgrade the helicopter and purchase a cheese, 1 horn, 1 varnish and 5 flours.

         Start the horn production and expedite.

         Sell the chickens after collecting 5 eggs along with the cheese and a jaguar.

         As soon as the shiny horn as been produced, purchase the egg powder factory and upgrade to the max and expedite making powders.

         As soon as the sample basket is made, purchase the cookie factory; upgrade to the max and expedite making cookies.

         As soon as a souvenir is made, purchase the cake factory and upgrade to the max and expedite making the cakes.



Goals: 20 Eggs; 20 Wool; 20 Horns; 5 Mega Cakes

Times: Gold-2:00; Silver-3:00

         There is an onslaught of jaguars on this level. Luckily there is plenty of money; but there is still a great deal of fast clicking.

         Upgrade the well 2 times and purchase 5 goats, 5 llamas, 5 chickens and a cat.

         Upgrade the warehouse and truck completely.

         Upgrade the helicopter 2 times and purchase 5-6 flours and 5-6 varnishes. (You might want to add one in case you lose one to a jaguar.

         When the helicopter returns, purchase 5 curd and 5 decorations.

         Sell the wool along with the jaguars as they are captured. Sell and process the eggs and horns or just sell the eggs and horns after 5 cakes and 5 souvenirs have been processed.

         Purchase the mega cake factory and upgrade to a level 3. Process the mega cakes.



Goals: 4 Cheeses; 100 Egg Powders; 50 Chickens; 1 Mega Cake

Times: Gold-6:30; Silver-7:30

         Only 1 powder factory upgraded to the max will get 100 egg powders pretty fast.

         Sell the chicken and send the helicopter for 1 cake and 1 curd.

         When the truck returns, send the helicopter for 1 decoration and 1 souvenir.

         Expedite the mega cake production.

         Capture 2 jaguars and sell. Capture a third jaguar and sell with the mega cake.

         When the truck returns, upgrade the truck and the warehouse and sell 3 more jaguars.

         Purchase 6 chickens, upgrade the well as desired, upgrade the warehouse and truck 1 more time and purchase a cat and one egg powder plant upgraded to the max.

         Start putting the eggs into the incubator.

         When you have enough eggs start putting 5 eggs into the incubator and 5 eggs into the powder factory at a time.

         Purchase 1 cheese and sell along with the jaguars and the egg powders and repeat this process until the 4 cheeses have been collected.

         After 50 chickens have been obtained sell 40 of them and keep making eggs powders until 100 are made.



Goals: 20 Cakes; 20 Costumes; 20 Souvenirs; 5 Goats

Times: Gold-7:20; Silver-8:40

         Purchase 3 goats and 10 varnishes.

         Purchase all horn related factories. Upgrade the grinding factory to a level 2.

         Upgrade the truck to the max and the warehouse 2 times.

         Purchase 10 more varnishes.

         Capture and sell all jaguars along with the souvenirs and a shiny horn. Keep 1 shiny horn in the warehouse.

         Upgrade the other horn related factories to a level 2.

         Purchase a llama and the wool production factories.

         Purchase as many decorations as you can afford until you reach 20. 

         Purchase 2 more goats. Sell the goats when you have enough horns in the warehouse to produce the 20 souvenirs.

         Purchase 5 chickens.

         Purchase the egg production factories and upgrade to a level 5 after the 20 souvenirs have been made.

         Upgrade the helicopter and purchase 20 flours.

         Purchase additional llamas and upgrade the wool production factories. Have 1 more llama than the level of the factories. Example-factories are a level 3, you should have 4 llamas.



Goals: 10 Turkeys; 10 Sheep; 10 Cows; 1 Mega Cake

Times: Gold-3:30; Silver-4:30

         Sell the chickens and be very careful with the watering.

         When the truck returns sell all the collected milk and upgrade the warehouse.

         When the truck returns again, upgrade the truck and sell all the milk and wool. (you may not be able to empty the warehouse)

         Send the truck again to sell the milk and wool and when it returns upgrade the warehouse and truck again.

         Capture and warehouse the 5 bears.

         Upgrade the helicopter and purchase as many costumes as you can afford.

         Dress the bears and sell with the milk and wool.

         Capture 5 more bears and purchase 5 costumes, dress the bears and sell.

         When the helicopter returns, upgrade the helicopter and purchase 1 cake, 1 curd, 1 souvenir and 1 decoration.

         Process the mega cake and sell with the wool and milk.

         There should be enough money when the truck returns to purchase 5 cows, 5 sheep and 10 turkeys.



Goals: 3 Cheese; 10 Cakes

Times: Gold-2:00; Silver-3:00

         Purchase 1 cheese.

         Upgrade the truck and the warehouse 1 time and sell 10 turkeys.

         Capture the bear and sell another 5 turkeys and the cheese.

         Collect about 20 eggs and sell the rest of the turkeys.

         Make 2 trips with the helicopter and purchase 15 flours total.

         Make the cakes and expedite the process.

         Purchase another cheese whenever you have $5,000, then immediately sell the cheese.

         Sell the last cakes and cookies and this should give you enough to purchase the last cheese.



Goals: 5 Mega Cakes; 5 Costumes; 20 Cheeses; $30,000

Times: Gold-3:00; Silver-4:00

         Produce all milk products 5 at a time.

         Send the helicopter 2 times to purchase 6 enzymes.

         Upgrade the warehouse and truck 1 time.

         Capture all bears and sell.

         Upgrade the warehouse, truck and helicopter to the max as soon as you can afford it.

         Purchase 8 more enzymes.

         Sell the cows when you have collected 25 milk. REMEMBER TO KEEP 5 CURN IN THE WAREHOUSE FOR THE MEGA CAKES.

         Purchase 5 sewing threads, 10 decorations, 5 cakes and 5 souvenirs.

         Purchase the weaving and costume factories; upgrade to a level 5 and produce the 5 costumes while making the 5 mega cakes.



Goals: 1 Cake; 1 Costume; 1 Cheese

Time: Gold-7:30; Silver-8:30

         Purchase 10 flours; upgrade the truck and warehouse 1 time.

         Purchase the egg related machines and upgrade them all to a level 3.

         Keep producing cakes 3 at time by ordering flour before you need it. You’ll need about 35 cakes.

         Try to catch the first bear and sell. If you don’t the dog and bear will disappear.

         Purchase a sheep and purchase the spinning and weaving factories at level 1.

         Catch all bears and sell along with the cakes and fabrics.

         Purchase the costume factory along with as many decorations as you can afford.

         Upgrade the truck and warehouse again.

         Keep producing cakes and costumes until you have $13,000.

         Purchase a cow and the creamery.

         Sell a cream, the cow and the sheep. Make sure you have one milk, cream or curd in the warehouse.

         Purchase and enzyme and the rest of the milk related factories.

         Produce the cheese.



Goals: 5 Eggs; 6 Souvenirs; 6 Cookies; 5 Mega Cakes

Times: Gold-3:00; Silver-4:00

         Sell 1 walrus.

         Upgrade the truck 2 times and the warehouse 1 time.

         Sell all bears and husks.

         Upgrade the helicopter and purchase 5 Cookies and 5 flours. Make cakes 5 at a time.

         Sell more husks.

         Order 2 shiny horns and 2 varnishes; then produce the souvenirs.

         Sell 1 souvenir, 1 cake, tusks and bears.

         Purchase 2 more shiny horns and 2 varnishes.

         Purchase 5 royal penguins. Produce the colored feathers and decorations 5 at a time. Sell the penguins when 5 feathers have been collected.

         Upgrade the helicopter and order 1 cookie; 1 flour; 2 horns and 2 varnishes.

         Make the cake and souvenirs and purchase 3 regular penguins.

         Sell the walruses and when the truck returns purchase 5 curd and make the mega cakes.



Goals: 10 Walruses

Times: Gold-2:30; Silver-3:30

         Purchase 3 walruses and 4 costumes.

         Catch all 5 bears that arrive during the level and dress them then sell.

         Produce tusk products 3 at a time.

         Purchase the fitting room and upgrade the truck and warehouse 2 times.

         Purchase 1 costume and 5 varnishes, and then send the helicopter again for 5 more varnishes.

         Sell 2 dressed bears and 3 souvenirs.

         Sell 3 dressed bears and souvenirs.

         Purchase a walrus when you have $10,000. Make tusk products 4 at a time.

         Purchase another walrus when you $10,000 and make tusk products 5 at a time.

          Wait to purchase the 5 remaining walruses when you have $50,000.



Goals: 2 Creams; 1 Walrus; 5 Royal Penguins

Times: Gold-6:40; Silver-7:40

         Purchase 5 regular penguins and place 5 eggs at a time into the incubator. Be very careful w/the water.

         Capture and sell 2 bears.

         Upgrade the warehouse and truck one time and eventually upgrade the truck completely.

         Keep 10 penguins at a time; incubate penguins 5 at a time and then sell bears and 15 penguins until you have $1,000 plus a little extra and purchase a royal penguin.

         Produce decorations and sell along with the bears and regular penguins until you have around $8,500; and then sell the royal penguins and regular penguins.

         Keep incubating eggs and making decorations until you have 5 royal penguins. When you have around $9,000 sell all penguins.

         Purchase a walrus and sell; make sure you have $1,400 plus the walrus.

         Upgrade the helicopter 1 time and purchase 2 creams.



Goals: 5 Cakes; 5 Costumes; 5 Souvenirs

Times: Gold-6:00; Silver-7:00

         Upgrade the warehouse and truck 1 time.

         Send the helicopter for 4 fabrics; when it returns send it again for 1 more fabric.

         Process feathers 5 at a time.

         After you sell the first 5 costumes; upgrade the helicopter 1 time and purchase 5 fabrics. Purchase 15-20 fabrics total.

         Sell all bears.

         Upgrade the truck and sell 5 more costumes.

         Purchase a regular penguin and collect 5 eggs then sell the penguin.

         Purchase a walrus when you have $10,000 plus and sell the royal penguins. Process the remaining feathers then purchase the tusk related factories as you can afford them.

         Purchase 5 flours and 5 varnishes.

         Sell the souvenirs and purchase and upgrade the egg producing factories.

         Sell the walrus after collecting enough tusks to make 5 souvenirs; and then upgrade the souvenir factory.



Goals: 5 Eggs; 5 Wools; 5 Milks; 1 Souvenir

Times: Gold 1:20; Silver-2:20

         Purchase a souvenir and be cautious with the water.

         Sell the souvenir along with the milk.

         Capture 2 bears, but don’t warehouse. There is no need to use the factories on this level, so if they damage the factories it doesn’t matter.

         When the truck returns, upgrade to the max.

         After each animal has produced another product, sell all the animals and all the products.

         Upgrade the helicopter 2 times and purchase the remaining 3 milks, 3 wools and 3 eggs to meet the goals of a quantity of 5 for each of these items.



Goals:1 Mega Cake; 5 Egg Powders; 5 Fabrics; 5 Curds

Times: Gold-2:20; Silver-3:20

         You’ll have to move fast on this level and expedite manufacturing processes as much as possible. Luckily there are no bears on this level.

         Upgrade the truck to the max and the warehouse 1 time.

         Purchase a cat.

         Produce milk products 5 at a time.

         Sell the cows when 10 milks have been collected and make them into curds for now.

         When the truck returns, purchase 5 geese and 3 yaks.

         Upgrade the helicopter 1 time and purchase 9 enzymes. When the helicopter returns purchase 5 flours, 1 decoration and 1 souvenir.

         Make the 9 cheeses and sell the animals after 5 eggs and 5 wools have been collected. KEEP 1 CURD IN THE WAREHOUSE FOR THE MEGA CAKE.

         Purchase all egg related factories and upgrade to the max.

         Start the egg productions and expedite the process.

         Purchase the mega cake factory and make a cake while purchasing the spinning factory (bottom left of screen) and the weaving factory (middle left of screen). Upgrade both factories to the max and expedite the wool making process.



Goals: 50 geese; 5 Cows; 1 Mega Cake; $100,000

Times: Gold-15:30; Silver-16:30

         Catch 2 bears and sell. There is a slight delay between the 2 bears arrival.

         Catch a third bear and warehouse.

         Other bears will arrive; let them roam until the truck returns.

         Upgrade the warehouse one time.

         Sell 2 more bears and warehouse the other bears.

         Upgrade the truck and sell more bears.

         Purchase 2 geese and sell more bears.

         When the truck returns, purchase 3 more geese.

         Sell more bears and purchase 2-3 more geese to have a total of 7-8 geese. Produce the egg products 5 at a time.

         Sell more bears; after this start keeping the bears in the warehouse as you’ll need about 15 dressed bears to reach the money goal.

         Purchase 10 flours. Start making cakes. It will take around 50 cakes in order to get enough money for some yaks and upgrade the truck and warehouse to the max. Upgrade the well as desired and upgrade the helicopter 1-2 times. You may also want to purchase a cat.

         Collect 15-20 wools and make fabrics. Purchase 5-10 decorations.

         When you have 15-20 fabrics and around $8,000 sell the yaks.

         Purchase the fitting room and upgrade 1 time. Purchase the incubator and upgrade as you can afford it and start incubating eggs and stop making cakes, KEEP 1 CAKE IN THE WAREHOUSE.

         Concentrate on dressing the bears and purchasing decorations for the costumes while incubating eggs.

         MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AT LEAST ONE CAKE IN THE WAREHOUSE FOR THE MEGA CAKE. After the money goal has been met, purchase 5 cows, the level 2 creamery and level 2 curd factories.

         Make at least one curd for the mega cake.

         Send the helicopter for 1 decoration and 1 souvenir.

         Sell the cows and purchase the mega cake factory and make a mega cake.

         You can also purchase the extra geese needed in order to reach 50 geese.



Farm Frenzy 3 Cheats

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