Fast Guide to Dominate CSS

Post on 10-Jul-2015

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Social Marketing that Performs

Fast Guide to Dominate CSS

What does it do? CSS is used to give style to an HTML

this means

CSS is used to define the appearance (design) of an HTML

HTML with CSSHTML without CSS

How does it work?

For each change that you wish to do to the

appearance of your HTML you must create a rule on


A CSS rule consists of:

Selector {

Attribute: Value;


Which can be translated to:

WHERE to make the change {

WHAT change make: HOW MUCH change make;


ComponentsA CSS rule consists of:

Selector {

Attribute: Value;


Selector: Is an element or contentThat can be found on your HTML

It can be a text, an image, a video, a button,

anything that you have set on your screen!

ComponentsA CSS rule consists of:

Selector {

Attribute: Value;


Attribute: It is a property or characteristicthat the selected content has.

It can be the size, the position, the color, the font,

the background, or even the very same presence

of the content, since you have the possibility of

removing it from the screen!

ComponentsA CSS rule consists of:

Selector {

Attribute: Value;


Value: Is the meassure in which a value is specified.

This definition can be expressed as a

percentage, an amount of pixels, a hexadecimal

combination, a url, or any otherone depending on

which was the selected attribute.

How do I apply it on TFM? On the “Whitelabel” step, on the

“Application style sheet” step,

click on the full screen icon to

visualize the loaded content on

each scren of your app and

therefore be able to select it to

write your own CSS rules.

How do I apply it on TFM?

Just click over an element, and then the selector and the structure of the CSS

rule will automatically appear on your left panel so you can complete them with

the attributes and values that you wish.

Once you define them, click on the save icon and you’ll be able to watch the

changes on the screen!

Some Examples

Examples To remove a content:

Selector {

Display: none;


Attention: When applying this change all the content that

was written under the deleted selector will be

moved upwards.

Examples To hide a content:

Selector {

Visibility: hidden;


Attention: When applying this change all the contents will

remain on their original positions since the hidden

selector, that is no longer visible on screen, will

still occupy its designated space.

Examples To change the position of a content:

Selector {

Position: relative;

Top: 50px;

Right: 200px;


Examples To change the color of a content:

Selector {

Color: #F781D8;


Examples To change the size of a typography:

Selector {

Font-size: 50px;


You can also add to this rule:Font-family: Courier New;

Font-weight: bold;

Text-align: center;

Text-transform: uppercase;

Examples To change the background of a content:

Selector {




You can also add to this rule:Background-repeat: no-repeat;

Background-size: 50%;

Background-position: 100px 200px;

ExamplesTo apply a change to a specific screen of the app, add theprefix that corresponds:

.home.registered Selector {

Attribute: Value;


Prefixes by Screen:

Preview: .comingPromos

Home: .home

Home Variants:

Home – Before Entering: .home.start

Home – After Entering: .home.registered

Home – Ended Action: .home.finished

Register: .register

Ranking: .viewentries

Specific Participation: .entry

Examples To write an internal note that serves as a reminder orexplanation:

/* Write your text between this signs */

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