Fathers day card miss you so much - cure brain cancer foundation

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Cure Brain Cancer Foundation asked its supporters who had lost their fathers to brain cancer, if they could say one thing to him this father's day, what would it be? This is what they wrote. www.curebraincancer.org.au follow us at: https://www.facebook.com/curebraincancer https://twitter.com/braincancer_AU https://www.linkedin.com/company/cure-brain-cancer-foundation http://www.pinterest.com/braincancerAUS https://www.youtube.com/user/CureBrainCancer https://plus.google.com/+CurebraincancerOrgAustralia https://www.facebook.com/curebraincancer


Father’s Day Card “Dear Dad, miss you so much..

Cure  Brain  Cancer  asked  its  supporters  who  had  lost  their  fathers  to  brain  

cancer,  if  they  could  say  one  thing  to  him  this  father's  day,  what  would  it  

be?  This  is  what  they  wrote.

Hope your head is feeling better now that you’re in heaven. We love you so much. xx - Michael, Siena & Rocco Iannello

Miss you every day and wish you could come home. You have all our love forever. - Bec


Dad - you are my hero. I love you and always think of you. Happy Father’s Day. - Lexie

Dad - you are my hero. I love you and always think of you. Happy Father’s Day. - Lexie

Happy Father’s Day Dad. You are the bravest, funniest and best dad ever. - Harriet.

I still think of you often and your generosity of spirit. You were always our pillar of strength. Love always

- Jo Quin

I wish I could see you walking one more time through the door, but I know that it is impossible as I will not hear your voice no more.

- Harlee Kepple Palmer Age 4

Happy Father's Day in Heaven Zizzy, we miss your special hugs and your great laugh. - Hamish and Chloe


Its our first fathers day without you, we miss you very much. Happy father’s day in heaven!!

Love always - Mel, Georgiana & Khloe

Happy Fathers Day Dad/Grandpa! Much loved and missed by us all. - Warwick Wilson 12/02/45 - 20/08/10.

Dad, I still miss you like crazy. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you.  Taken too soon from Brain Cancer.  The hardest part of my life is not having you around to share it with. I will always love you. Forever in my Heart - Josie Albanese

Dad, you would be proud of the way your grandboys are growing into fine men.

- Sandy

I miss you every day xxx

- Wendy Bahl


He has not really left us, nor has he travelled far, just entered God's beautiful garden & left the door ajar.

- Armando Santopietro

Happy Fathers Day to our dad, missed and loved everyday. Thank you for being an inspiration and shaping our lives with your generosity, intelligence, humour and grace.

- Hailey Latham Christine N Greg Doyle www.curebraincancer.org.au/donations

You struggled so hard for those you loved and then left us to be inspired. Love you to heaven and back. - Michael Donati

I love you Dad with all my heart and I am honoured to be your daughter. Happy Father's Day. Ronald Herbert xo

Words can't begin to express what it's like without you. Happy Father's Day.

- Joanne

We lost our Dad to GBM on Mother's Day last year. Miss him so much xoxo - Lisa Thompson


Happy Father’s Day to a Daddy of two beautiful girls taken too soon.

In memory of Iain Bradley 26/10/1978 - 12/09/2013

Dad. We thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new. We thought about you yesterday, and days before that too. We think of you in silence, we often speak your name. All we have are memories and your picture in a frame. Your memory is our keepsake, with which we’ll never part. God has you in his keeping, we have you in our heart. taken way too soon by this nasty disease xxx - Jenny Ferris

Always thinking of you and we know you are always watching over us! Happy Father's Day to all the strong loving dads up in heaven.

- Samantha Hall

Miss you more & more each day Dad, you would be so proud of your 3 grandsons and the great young men they have become. Cheers Dad - Nicole Fittkau

I gave you a fathers day card that you returned to me to keep and give again. You loved the verse in the card so much you wanted to receive it again and again. I never got to give it you; you didn't make it to the following Father's Day. You are thought about every day, talked about often and loved always. Happy dads day. Xx    - Danielle Ballantine

As a dad I have one wish for Father's Day and that is that no other dad should have to suffer what I am, watching my two beautiful girls grow up without their mum. They deserved to have their mum around to be at their wedding and be there for the grandchildren. As a husband it is wrong that my soul mate is not here to grow old with me. It is wrong that so many people are suffering what I must endure for the rest of my life. My wish for Father's Day is for a cure. Love you and miss you - Sandy Adams

Miss you beyond what I ever knew missing someone could feel like. We love you.

- Amanda and Christopher

I miss you more each and every day but I know you are free from pain now and are watching down on me.   In memory of Kim Sorensen 1/7/1955 to 7/3/2014

I lost my dad when I was 12 to brain cancer. He's with my mum now who I lost to lung cancer 8 yrs ago. I can only hope they are watching down on their beautiful grandsons. I miss you terribly dad. Happy Father’s Day. - Kristy Louise

Dad, loving you is easy, I do it every day.

Missing you is the hard part, it never goes away! - Matt Arthur

Love you dad. You had no idea you'd have 7 grandkids. We haven't finished yet. And you'd be so proud of how far we've all come. Mum's doing well too. Look after yourself old mate. - Luke Fowler

I miss you so much! Thank you for being a wonderful father. I wish you were here holding my son. - Andrea Howie

Happy Father's Day to my dad who lost his battle with GBM in January this year. Gone but never forgotten. Failure is not an option xoxo - Marcus Condelli


Brain cancer didn't give you any chance and I lost you in less than 3 months, but I hope you are happy in heaven. Lots of love from your little saint.

- Lyda

Happy Fathers Day, Dad. Love you. Always on my mind, forever in my heart x Brian Walker 8/12/54 - 14/12/05

The best friend a girl could ever have. I love you Daddy. - Rachel

Every day I wish for one of your hugs. Every day I long to hear your voice. And every day I love you!! Happy Father's Day. - Barry Jones 1949 – 2007

Love and miss you Dad xxx - Debs J Hollands

In their honour, and to help save others from losing their dads,

please donate this father’s day.
