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2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator



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The Vision of CHARIOTS of LIGHT: (MOTIVATE) To bring together bikers and car enthusiasts with a passion for God and a passion for souls.

(EVANGELIZE) To provide a platform for


(DISCIPLE) To provide a means of fellowship among COL members of “like precious faith”. (REACH OUT) To empower those called to biker and car ministry to reach out.

2012 COL GOALS :

4000 Decisions for Christ

85% of COL dues paid

120 New COL Members

Shine Brighter Worldwide

Shine Brighter Worldwide

In 2011 – Chariots of Light ministered to

over 10,000 people with 3687 Decisions

for Christ !!! Hallelujah !!! YOU helped

to make that possible.

2012 – The Year of Fulfillment! COL Founder, Dr. Jerry Savelle, has declared 2012 is a year in which our highest expectations will be fulfilled. What we expect is what we get. Our expectations are from the Lord! Believe with us.

Exciting News for Chariots: 8 New COL Leaders 41% COL Dues paid 13 New COL Members 3 Motorcycle Blessings

already in 2012 !

Chariots SHINE as LIGHTS

COL Numbers # 699 Decisions for Christ This month (March) Year-to-Date

Salvations 309 1579

Re-Dedications 390 2108

Healings 14 204

Total ministered to through COL 1715 3

Inside this issue:


MAR. 2012

CHARIOTS Communicator

Volume 6, ISSUE 24

Chariots of Light Christian Bikers & Car Club

2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator



Bill Horn, The Daytona 500 - Not Just a Few Hello Chariots, G.I.G. - God is Good ! Thanks for your commitment and being faithful to the vision of Chariots of Light. God has raised the bar. We just completed the Daytona outreach, and I can say without hesitation it was the most successful outreach ever. God is always increasing us. But the revelation knowledge and the way

He orchestrated this outreach was second to none. We ministered to over 1500 people with 552 decisions , all glory to God. Whoo

hoo !! Thanks for the seeds, that were sown, and the faithful laborers who came and were a part of this awesome team. The laborers came

from Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, Florida, Kansas, Minnesota, and North Carolina. Thank you all ! We learned so much on how to minister to so many, and what it takes to become a true witness for Christ. The Holy Spirit was for sure in charge. We believe the best is yet to come. And this event will catapult us to supersede our goals and so much more this year. You can check out some videos that were done for us from Word of faith family Church, in Daytona with Pastors Steve and Cheryl Ingram. We were so humbled on how this body of believers came together and were faithful to carry out the mission, and the love and determination that was exemplified by all. We made history. The Daytona 500 will never be the same. It can be done. It's the jointing that brings the anointing, to release the power of God in these last days. Please go to youtube - chariotsoflight promo -( truehope.tv ) there are several videos of the outreach. Please check them out and tell others to check them out. Let us know what you think. We’re asking you to be praying this every day. Matt 9:38 (Amp. & Message) Get down on your knees and pray to the Lord of the harvest, (Jesus Christ) to force out and thrust laborers into His harvest. This is what the word tells us and I believe we should as the body of Christ be praying this everyday. For it is not Gods intention for the laborers to be few. We have a new revelation of this scripture. God hears the cry of his people. And he will force out the laborers into the field. When this happens our land shall be healed. One can stand, but when many stand, God will heal our land!!! As always, we love you and look forward to your responses. Bill Horn, Chariots of Light Director with Jerry Savelle Ministries International.

THANK YOU,CHARIOTS! We appreciate your support and love for God AND others!

Special points of interest: CONTENTS

COL Goals & Numbers p. 1 & p. 29

COL Daytona Outreach Details & Testimonies pp. 2 - 10

COL Laughlin Prayer / Pay your COL DUES p. 12

COL National / International Chapters Reports / Comments / Testimonies pp. 11 - 28

COL Heritage, Vision & Benefits & Important Dates & COL Numbers page 29

2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator



Ginger Horn - Daytona Testimony - March 2012

Pastors Steve & Cheryl Ingram AND the church family in Daytona Beach at Word of Faith Family Church made us feel right at home. Much thanks and love to our Florida family. They welcomed us and hosted us with open arms and filled our bellies every day, twice a day!! What a blessing they each were to all of the Chariots Daytona Team. Some of the church members came and helped out at the COL tent too! Their love and support meant so much to each of us, but also brought about a ‘covering’ for us to keep the unity, we were together; a bond – by providing a place of prayer each morning as well as a resting place and meal at each day’s end. My anointed husband, Bill, led us during the prayer and instruction each morning. This was where we really got fueled up and fired up and ready to go “fishing” !! What a time together! Here’s one of my “fishing” stories from the Daytona Outreach that I was privileged to be a part of: One guy, walked by our COL tent and reached on the table for a mint ( a ‘Lifesaver’ mint – how appropriate that candy is at our ministry tent since that’s why we are there ... LOL – anyway, back to the story). I said hello and graciously gave him the mint. Then quickly asked where he rode from to get to Daytona - just to start off our conversation. I suggested that he take just a couple of minutes and let me ask him something that would do a better job of saving his life than the mint. He said ‘ok’. I was able to find out that he had never received Jesus as his Lord and Savior, nor did he know for sure where he would spend eternity. I assured him that we could help him know for sure right then. When I asked him if he’d ever heard of John 3:16, he perked up and said, “Yeah – Tim Tebow”! I smiled and said ‘well do you know what it means’? He said, ‘no’. So I began to read it to him along with other scriptures and was thrilled when he made the choice to want to repeat a prayer with me and make his decision to receive Jesus Christ as his Savior right there at the Spring Daytona Bike Rally at the Daytona International Speedway. Praise God!! It would seem that Tim Tebow had planted seed, but I got to reap the harvest. A guy whose name also is Tim, will be in heaven because of a racetrack, football, a mint, and motorcycles. How interesting. Who says God doesn’t like to have fun? Sharing and Shining – come on people – what are you waiting for? Jesus said in Matthew 5:14 that ‘You are the light of the world.’ Then in Matthew 5:16 (AMP), He said ‘Let your light so shine before men ….. that they may recognize .. and honor and praise your Father Who is in heaven.’ I believe He was talking to you. Have some fun with God. Remember Philippians 2:15? Our founding scripture says that ‘ye shine as lights in the world”. Amplified says, ‘you are seen as bright lights (stars or beacons shining out clearly) in the dark world.’ Sharing and Shining. Riding and Reaching Out. Go Chariots !! Let’s have some fun!!

2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator



E.A.S.T.E.R. – Eternity And Salvation To Everyone – Resurrection !!! This picture posted on Facebook by one of our Chariots depicts the true meaning of the cross that Jesus died for YOU and the whole world! For God so loved the world. He bridged the gap – became the bridge – THE WAY – for us to have relationship with our Heavenly Father. Thank you, Jesus! Be sure and share that truth with someone. Some may only know because you tell them. Have a blessed “Easter” – Resurrection Sunday – and remember the real reason for this season. Eternity and Salvation … Read more testimonies of salvations with the following

testimonies from the Daytona Outreach with

the Chariots of Light.

Steve Ingram (Florida)

Praise the Lord! Bike Week 2012 was such an awesome success. Thanks to the Chariots of Light and Directors, Bill and Ginger Horn, for allowing Word of Faith Family Church to be your hosts in Daytona. I know Jerry Savelle is smiling BIG TIME with a report of 552 Decisions for Christ and over 1500 people ministered to. According to Romans 12 and 1 Corinthians 12, ALL the different members of the Body of Christ who participated in this tremendous event share in the reward. Whether you worked the booth at the Daytona Speedway, cooked meals, served the Chariots, or contributed financially, YOU receive a reward for every person ministered to and every life changed by the power of God. Thank-you! October will be Biketoberfest.. Brother Jerry will be with us for our COL Tour, and we are expecting a tremendous outreach. If you want to participate, PLEASE let us know. We love you!

2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator



Dale Hawn (Georgia)

Here’s one of my testimonies: One Divine Appointment. On the way to the COL tent one morning, I missed a turn so I pulled into a parking lot to turn around. A man knocked on my truck window to ask if I would be interested in buying his motorcycle trailer. I said, ‘no, but I would take a quick look at it because a friend of mine might be interested’. While looking at the trailer, I asked him if he knew that he knew for sure he was going to heaven. He said, ‘I think so. I am a Catholic’, but he had not been to church since he was a child. I prayed the Roman road with him. He repeated it after me and said that God sent me to him because he almost died two months ago. I spent 30 minutes with him and later that day I took him some materials to get him started in the right direction. God really manifested His presence. He received Christ and became a new creature in Christ. I know that was not a wrong turn, because the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord. (Psalm 37:23, Psalm 32:8) Love, Dale Also – here’s how this Outreach impacted me …

1. Seek PEACH (John 14:27, Psalm 119:165) 2. Stay in UNITY (Phil. 1:4 and 2:2) 3. LOVE constantly (John 15:13) 4. Be SPIRIT-LED (Isaiah 61:1-11) 5. Increased BOLDNESS (Proverbs 28:1) 6. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY (Matt 9:37-38) Send workers to harvest 7. EXHORT one another (II Timothy 4:2) 8. GO (Luke 10:37) 9. WIN SOULS (Proverbs 11:30)

Bill & Ginger, You remind me of a song… ‘Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills and everywhere, that Jesus Christ is Lord.” You both are all of the above. We are honored to be on your team. We appreciate, honor, and respect you for your labor of love. Thank you for being our dear friends and the deposits you have made in our life. In Him, Love Always, Dale & Sherrie

Sherrie Hawn (Georgia)

Dear precious Bill & Ginger, the anointed, appointed and double-jointed ones. Wow, what an impact Daytona 500 made on me and Dale. Increase ! WOW ! 1. Set a goal –raise the bar 2. Greater bonding, unity & love of the brethren 3. Greater boldness 4. Greater realization of II Corinthians 4:7, that the exceeding greatness of the poer may be shown to be from

God and not of ourselves. Wow! Wow! Wow! 5. Greater awareness of the individual gifts – not dividing but guiding Here’s my divine exceeding greatness of God (Daytona Testimony) The last 3 minutes of the last day when Ginger said, ‘Sherrie, I need 3 more.” I looked up and saw Daniel, Tonya, and Carl. I simply asked ‘Do you know for sure where you would go? All three said, “No”. I asked ‘would you like to know?” All three said “yes” and prayed after me every word !!! Wow! Wow! Wow!

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Some do, some don’t, some will, some won’t – what if I had not asked --- Some will and God is not willing that any should perish!!! We were so blessed because two precious ones, anointed, answered the call and God blessed all the work of their hands. Thank you, Bill & Ginger, so very much for all you have done and will continue to do for the kingdom. We are honored to be part of the COL Bulldogs. Thank you so much for washing our windshield to help us see more clearly in the natural and washing our spiritual windshield to help us see more clearly in the spirit. Thank you for being our friends, our coach, and prayer partners, for the purpose & plan & power of God. Thank you for the tee-shirts and the delicious chicken wing night. Thank you for taking our leashes off. Wow! From your COL Bulldog Team – Sherrie & Dale (P.S. Read in the Amplified Eph 3:20 and Isaiah 32:20)

Post Daytona Outreach email response from other Chariots praying with us:

Steve George (Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia) – March 25 Hey Bill, Praise God you all hit the mark with

the souls at Daytona !!! I was praying that you would, I had a look @ the you tube clip too. Keep up the

good work bro.

2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator



Danny & Lavera Williams (Texas) Hello my friends and fearless leaders. Danny and I are still basking in all that we experienced at the Daytona 552. We serve an all sufficient God ! Some plant, some water, and others gather the HARVEST! My Fish Story is two fold: First, Teresa at the drink stand down the way from us, being away from her church family, we were able to pray for her and speak into her life. She had two occasions that several men were giving her a difficult time, the first time it happened, 'REV' was there, the second time, It was I who walked up. She was so encouraged that God sent us at the right time and covered her with the presence of the Lord. Second, as Sherrie Hawn and I were Prayer Walking, we were impressed to pray for several as we went by each vendor. We spoke blessings, called blinders to be removed from the eyes of all the people, we called revelation knowledge and for hearts to be drawn to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords over each one. As we walked the Midway, I was drawn to a young lady at another drink stand, by the name of Marisa. Marisa asked what we were doing? We answered her with boldness that we were Prayer Walking, explaining what that meant. We asked if we could pray with her? She was very receptive to prayer and we had the honor of leading her in the sinners prayer, which she had never prayed before. We found out that she and Teresa were friends and that Teresa had been witnessing to Marisa for a long time. God is so awesome to have let us be a part of this great outreach with other Chariots! We so appreciate your WARRIOR SPIRIT with which you led us to this great VICTORY. I have a new boldness and we are looking forward to the next opportunity to share Jesus with others.

2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator



Steve Moore (Texas)

Here’s my Daytona Fish Story. I was asked by Lavera Williams on our first day at Daytona to pray with a woman who had an inoperative brain tumor. As I prayed with her, I felt healing virtue flowing out and knew that God was doing a mighty work in her. All I know to do or have learned to do when someone asks for the prayer of agreement for their healing is just simply do it. Pray and believe and you will receive. I asked her and her husband if they truly believed God has healed her. They were both quick to say yes, and the certainty I saw in both their eyes

assured me that it would be done according to THEIR faith. Jesus always healed and said "Be it according to YOUR faith". It was an honor to see such faith displayed in the midst of a trial I have no knowledge of or experience in. I have an expectancy to see them next year, whole and full of great peace that God is Jehovah Rapha, the great healer. I have attached a photo of them after we prayed to honor their faith, and expect the victory - long life satisfied, full of health and healing virtue, if Jesus tarries.

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Ken Collins It was an awesome time in Daytona this year at the outreach. This was my second year to be there. I was at it last year also. God showed up and showed out. We were believing for 5oo+ and guess what? We got the +. When you are obedient to our Lord, things happen that would not happen in the natural but in supernatural. Better look out and get ready. At these outreaches you meet all kinds of people and their beliefs, but we show them the Love of our God and He will never forsake you. Let me tell you just a few of my fish stories. On one day the Holy Spirit was flowing strong the Lord put a father and daughter into my path and after talking to them about the Lord they both gave their life to Him for the first time! They had not walked off good and God put a father and his son into my path it was just like an instant replay their story was almost just like the father and daughters. But this father had been in prison and as I talked to them, the son kept wanting to leave but his father was telling him to listen. As I told him about the Lord and how He wanted to be a part of his life you could see the change in his son’s eyes. The father and son both gave their lives to the Lord at that point!. As they started to walk away they both said thank you and the son's attitude had changed so much I told them to give all the Glory to God that I am just his servant. I will tell you just one more, but every experience at these outreaches are

good. I had a man come up to me. He was a believer and I asked him if I could pray for him on anything. He said that he’d just had shoulder surgery and it was hurting bad. I said, let’s pray for it right now and I ask him did he believe in healing and he said yes. I told him when I got through praying for him that he was healed in Jesus name. I started to pray for him. As I laid my hands on him you could just feel the presence of God. When we got through he was walking off and yelled it feels a lot better! Praise God! If you have never been to one of the COL outreaches, pray about it because it will change your life. As Dr Savelle said, this is the year of fulfillment and it is happening right before our eyes and there is more to come. Be Blessed and Love to all my COL brothers and sisters

Post Daytona Outreach email response from others praying with us:

John Dallard – March 24 Hi Bill What an awesome report!!! Praise the Lord!!!

Monty Van Horn – March 24 God is good!

John Trotter – March 24: That is awesome to hear ! I just wanted to say hi and love you brother

Steve Ingram – March 25 Wow! Let's do it again soon! You TWO rock! I thank Jesus you're in my life!

Marty Manasco – March 26 Sounds like a fantastic outreach - wish I was there!

2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator



Anthony Cooper (North Carolina)

March 24 Hello Bill / Ginger. I just wanted to say thank you so much for allowing me to participate and be a part of Daytona 500 plus decisions. I have learned so much from you guys, I can truly say that I really felt the love of God through each and every member of the Chariots of Light ministry team in Daytona.

I know without a doubt that the 8am praise and worship service had a very profound effect on me. I remember you asking a question one morning, "why are you here in Daytona?" and you said to us, if it is not because of the love of God in you to reach out and save a lost soul and to show them the love of God in us, we are here for the wrong reasons. You also kept emphasizing, allow the Holy Spirit to have His way. My heart was heavy when I left home dealing with issues concerning my wife. When you prayed for me that day under the tent you said to me this is not for you to carry give it to God. That meant so much to me and ever since that day my heart has not carried that weight. That was a spirit of heaviness on me that day. That's why as prayer warriors we must go into spiritual prayer mode in order to defeat the enemy. I am looking forward to working and fellow shipping with you all in the near future. Love you guys with all my heart!!! Word Ryders Motorcycle Ministry "Nothing but the Word" Psalms 133 Bro. Anthony Cooper

Check out the Daytona Chariots of Light Videos online … Go to www.youtube.com

Search: Chariots of Light Promo


2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator



HAWAII / Michael & April Borden - Maui ` TEAM LEADER Hawaiian Islands Chapter

March 10 – We had our safety meeting and discussed upcoming events and ideas for events and rides. We prayed for the other members that came. There was complete healing for Rosie Apo! March 17 – We met at the Maui Marketplace and rode to Lahaina and Kihri. We prayed with a couple visiting from Tennessee. They had came to care for their daughter who just had major surgery and was believing for a complete healing from a medical condition that required surgery. We are super excited to have COL here in Hawaii. The meeting and prayer with the couple was definitely the highlight of the day. We can’t wait for more opportunities! That’s what it is all about. Praise God!

OHIO / Robert Bauer – Galion AREA LEADER Midwest Chapter Bill, I wanted to update you. Sorry get so busy with work and ministry sometimes I have a hard time to just stop and do all the little things. January we did our bible study. Same with Feb.& March, me, Teri and Peggy. Hey in March on the 17th we got to do a ride Me, Teri, Peggy, and another Pastor and his wife, we met up with a couple more people and all took a short ride and fellowshipped.

MINNESOTA / DuWayne Petersen - Minneapolis PRESIDENT North Central Chapter

March 3 – We spent from 10-12 helping our outreach dept. minister acts of kindness to our military families in the area. Booths were set up to cut hair, manicures, pedicures, makeup, and massages. We assisted anywhere there was a need. We helped with the childcare, food preparation, set up and take down. This was a blessing to our military families.

WYOMING / Daniel Duff - Sheridan AREA LEADER Rocky Mountain Chapter

We are going to have an early riding season here in Wyoming. Lot of changes for me at my church. I know all things work for the good for those who love the Lord! Wish I could ride with the COL every day.

CALIFORNIA / Luis Badilla - Delano AREA LEADER Pacific West Chapter

In memory of Pastor Juan Juarez the Valley Faith Fellowship Summer Fun Run is Saturday April 14, 2012. Come out and join us in celebrating Pastor Juan's life and ministry, while also supporting one of his great passions helping pastors and leaders in the nation of the Philippines reach the lost and hurting with the Love of Jesus. For registration information please go to www.valleyfaithfellowship.org

CALIFORNIA / Joshua Bulger - Visalia AREA LEADER Pacific West Chapter

Chariots of Lights 2012 –Scheduled Rides:

March 16, BBQ Valenzuela home .-Meet South Target 6:00 pm

April 20, BBQ Pastors House

April 25-29, Laughlin River Run Outreach

May 2-9, COL California Tour

2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator



Please pay your annual dues of $50

You can call 817-297-3155 to pay by credit card or mail your check to:

Chariots of Light P.O. Box 748 Crowley TX 76036 THANK YOU !

Prayer of Petition for the Chariots

Outreach in Lauglin, Nevada believing for

300 Decisions for Christ. Agree with us!

ARKANSAS / Jay Frayser – Bentonville AREA LEADER South Central Chapter

This is a season of fulfillment, we are going to be catapulted to the next level of everything we do as a club and individually during this season, it will take every joint to supply. We are living in accelerated times, and this will cause us to need to be sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. By being sensitive and hearing his directions we will be placed in situations that we didn't expect (Praise God), yet will be fully prepared and equipped of discerning the correct words or actions to take that will bring glory to the Father, and ultimately represent Heaven on Earth as it was fully intended to be (Thank You God). Looking forward to seeing each of you at the meeting or on the road this season, be bold, be intentional, be who God has called you to be..... and go to new levels this season....... * March 2nd monthly meeting notes - we had 25 total in attendance, 15 were COL the Kolbs were here from Kansas and the Sauls were here from Harrison, we had 10 additional guests and 8 kids. We had a bible study on Kingdom Principles and discussed the ride for March * March 4th COL had their monthly Church visit to Faith Family Church in Lowell, Ar.. (Wade, Darlene, James, Vera, Damon, Robin church home) the same one we used for the BBBQ morning meetings. We also patched our newest member, Robin Gormly. Wade and James were doing a community door to door outreach for their Church on 3/21 and had 7 salvations, a knee and back healed while praying for people at the outreach.

2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator



* March 17th We had our first ride of the season, we rode to Oklahoma around Grand Lake and ate at the Rib Crib. There were 19 bikes and 23 total in attendance. (Pictures included) We had 15 COL members and 7 other riders from other clubs and independents. At the Gas / Rest Stop a lady named Susan had $20 worth of Gas paid for SUV that day, She was excited and wanted to know why somebody would do that. We just told her that Jesus loves her and he is well pleased with her. Until we meet again, Chrome Up, Rubber Down.......... Keep your light shining for all to see.

2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator



WYOMING / Del Emmett – Rock Springs AREA LEADER Rocky Mountain Chapter

12.16.11 COL Meeting & Christmas Party We had 20 adults at our dinner and fellowship time. We witnessed to the workers at the restaurant. It was a good time. We just loved and encouraged the members and their families. Celebration of what God has done! 1.17.12 COL Meeting We had our meeting at IHOP with 13 adults. We had dinner and discussed rides and witnessed to our waitress. We had a good turnout. Getting ready for a great new year! 2.21.12 COL Meeting Meeting at IHOP with 12 present. We had several prayer requests and remembered also to pray for the Ddaytona Outreach. We had a really nice evening, fellowshipping and discussing rides, the Bible study devotion. 3.22.12 COL Meeting We had our meeting at IHOP with 13 adults and 2 children present. We ate and had fellowship and discussed upcoming rides. We had our Bible Study and discussed COL tours for the year. We also had an application turned in for a new COL member!

MONTANA / Jerry Lamping – Helena PRESIDENT Northwest Chapter

On Apr 2, 2012, Hey Bill, Greetings from the great cold Northwest. We are still enduring spring snow storms, so our bikes are still in hibernation. We have won 21 folks to the Lord so far. We should be able to ride in about a month or so.

TEXAS / Tim Patterson – Cedar Creek AREA LEADER Southwest Chapter

We accomplished a lot and prayed for a family loss of a sister. We had Bible Study, witnesses, fellowshipped, and had lunch. We completed our SHINE FEST fundraiser details for March 24. There were lots of prayers for Daytona Bike Week. PRAISES to GOD!!!! We have new goals for fundraisers, which includes a toy run.

ALABAMA / Gloria Kendrick – Fort Payne Southeast Chapter

We ate at Ryan’s Steakhouse, fellowshipped, went over business and received the offering.

2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator



ALABAMA / Michael York ̀ PRESIDENT Southeast Chapter

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2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator



2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator



VIRGINIA / Don Arney –Wytheville ` TEAM LEADER Eastern Chapter

We had our first meeting this year on the 19th, at Joe’s pizza in Wytheville. We had 3 members and 2 guests. Awesome message, prayer and meal! We had our new pastor there, and he is very supportive of COL and said that he would do all he can to help in our outreaches this year! Thank God for the wonderful success at Daytona!

TEXAS / Monty Van Horn - Gatesville AREA LEADER Southwest Chapter

March 1 - Dustin, Deana and Marty attended the first meeting of the Sinner’s Anonymous meeting in Morgans Point Resort. Sinner’s Anonymous is an outreach ministry that gives people the opportunity to hear about God, study the word and fellowship with other Christians in a much less formal environment - much like our home, H2HBC. After fellowship outside around the motorcycles, lasagna, salad and bread were served, followed by an amazing testimony from Gary Zimmerman where he talked about his 34 years in law enforcement and how hard his heart had become and how God used an amazing 15 year old tennis player, her battle with a brain tumor, the successful removal of the tumor and Casey’s ongoing battle to overcome paralysis to bring him literally to his knees in prayer, leading him back to God and ultimately to begin the outreach ministry of Sinner’s Anonymous. We watched a short video testimony from a woman who was born to 12 and 14 year old parents and by the time she was 13 and for only a short time “belonged” to a biker in a very bad biker gang (and you can just imagine some of the curious glances we got sitting in the back row, leather vests and do-rags on) and her amazing moment with Jesus just before she was planning to take her own life. After the video there was more fellowship and we let our Lights Shine (and reassure folks that not all bikers are icky.) We also had the pleasure of making several new friends tonight – one of which was a very nice man named John, who just happens to be Jewel’s father. (Monty’s daughter-in-law). We do plan to make regular visits. God Rocks! March 1 – Officer’s Meeting - On the 1st of March, we had our monthly officer’s meeting and again was 100% in attendance. We had six (6) Chariots and Lil’ Light present. We discussed the upcoming ministry opportunities and events that we would be attending in the next month. March 2 - We had seven (7) Chariots, six (6) guests and Lil’ Light attend a blue grass gospel night at the Grace Bible Church. They were surprised to hear the rolling thunder coming down the secluded county road to the old farm house that has been turned into a church! We had five iron chariots and three cages roll in together. The church did not advertise this event because they have such a small sanctuary. Our 14 souls was used of God to bring a blessing to the church and we all really enjoyed listening to the Durocher Family playing some awesome blue grass! During the ”praise and worship” time the father of the Durocher family explained that Jerry (guitar player) was having some physical challenges with his playing hand. After the music and during food and fellowship it was amazing to see how many from our group all had the same idea and we all met at Jerry. I smiled as it was obvious that we wanted to lay hands on him and pray for healing! He thanked us and was sincere in claiming the healing himself. We had a good ride back to Gatesville. March 4 - On the 4th of March, we had eleven (11) Chariots attend the monthly Tunin’ Spokes at the H2HBC! It was a great time of fellowship and everyone enjoyed signing praises to the Lord!March 5 - On the 5th of March, we had one (1) Chariot (Luis) ride to the Copperas Cove Area meeting. While he was there he put out

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the information on the upcoming Three Sisters Retreat and also the information on the upcoming benefit at Applebee’s in Temple for Eric Richardson. March 6 - On the 6th of March, we had our monthly COL meeting. We had 15 Chariots and 9 Guests as well as two (2)

children. The highlight of the meeting again was an anointing of two new members! Our Southwest Chapter President, Pastor Billy Sanders, attended the meeting and presented the colors and prayed the transference of anointing on Marty and Jennifer Lewis!

March 6 - On the 6th of March, after our monthly meeting, we had five (5) Chariots with one (1) guest and Lil’ Light mount up on 4 iron chariots and in 1 cage to make trip over to Oglesby to pray for a beautiful 13 year old girl named Brennah. She was excited that some bikers were coming to the house to pray for her and requested that her parents bring her out on the porch to watch us ride in!Look at that smile! Can you tell she

was happy to see us show up? She was having a very complex surgery the next day, and from what I understand will be one of several to straighten her spine and legs. It was such a blessing to see her face light up when the bikes all pulled in. She visited with us for a few minutes and then we had the privilege of praying with her. Monty, Ethan, Russell, Chuck, Luis, Dustin and Deana laid hands on her and claimed a speedy healing and God’s guidance with the surgeons. It was an emotional moment for her parents and all of us! She is such a wonderful little girl!

She was grinning from ear to ear when all the guys gathered around her for a photo op! Brennah came out of the surgery well the following day. She was handling the pain well, watching Sponge Bob and staying at the Scott and White Children’s Hospital. Praise our awesome God! OUR GOD ROCKS! March 8 - After our meeting Tuesday night we rode over to Oglesby to pray with Brennah a 13 year old with cerebral palsy. She has operation next day. She is doing good. We want to adopt her as a COL child. Patch and everything.

2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator



March 11 - On the 11th of March, after the church service there was four special needs prayer request made and we laid hands on and prayed for these individuals. Amen! After we all ate the pot luck and had the H2HBC Biker Bash 2012 meeting it was time to go home and rest! But, Tammy thought it would be a good idea to go for a ride since it had quit raining and warmed up a bit! We went for a scenic ride along the country roads between Gatesville and Oglesby. Then we took the back road from Oglesby to McGregor and Tammy wanted to stop and check out the historical marker of the old mansion we had ridden by quite a few times. As we pulled in the drive next to the marker, there was a man out front trimming. He introduced himself as Jim Griffith. March 15 - On the 15th of March, Luis also took off with some Chariots and friends for the Three Sisters retreat! The Gatesville COL and friends (Luis, Tony, Antonio, Mikey and Mike) started the day eating breakfast at El Tapitio and after breakfast we then went to visit Tammy to pick up some cameras. Once we picked up the cameras Tammy said a beautiful prayer for us and I could tell the spirit was all over her during that prayer. We then went to the shell station waited for Wally and Betty and Richard and Judy. Once they arrived we headed to cove and pick up Jose at one gas station and then we picked up Norm and Teresa and Jay at another gas station. We then said a prayer and headed to camp wood. Next stop was Cooper BBQ in llano were we stopped and ate. Mike's eyes were bigger than his stomach and he picked up about 3 lbs of meat on his tray, we started to laugh, the BBQ was great and afterwards we then headed to the sisters. Me and Wally talked about the road trip and we thought we had all planned out the route. Once we got to Fredicksburg Wally Jose

and Mike miss the turn and kept on going straight once I realized that we stopped and I had to double back to find my bro's I found them and return them to our group (LOL) it felt good that I wasn’t the one lost.

Pictured left: Richard, Judy, Antonio, Jose, Mike, Luis, Norm, Betty, Wally, Teresa, Jay, Mike and Tony

We then headed to camp wood arrived and again grab last meal of the day at camp Siuentas and they were very kind to us they even had a lad, Donna, sing us a Christian song it was awesome. I want to thank Rhonda and Russell they hook me up on this trip with a map and a turn by turn direction. March 16 - On the 16th of March, we finally got to go ride the sisters we got up early and ate breakfast at camp falcon and we had a great time.

2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator



One of our brothers name Jay (aka disco Jay) tried to talk Spanish and he got the waitress so mixed up she had to have him repeat it and had Jose translate in English. Mike got his bike blessed by us with Norm having the honor it was powerful. We then headed to the twisted sisters it was misting and we took it slow and easy ( the riders said the Lord sent the mist to slow me down so that they could see the scenery) we did a lot of photo stops we then stop at Frio canyon store and bought shirts and little stuff we then went to medina we had to make a pit stop on the road and we seen pieces of a Harley and one of the COL found a backrest for Tony’s bike he had been asking Mike about the backrest and the Lord blessed him with one it was awesome and it was the same kind that Mike had and now all he needs is the bracket for it. We ate burgers fries apple pie with apple ice cream it was awesome. (Judy loves to bake apple pies and she said she is going to bake a apple pie and stuff it with apples like they did I hope she lets us try it out lol) we then rode the last sister to camp wood photo oops disco jay was showing his disco moves and then we rested for about 30 and took another ride and this time lets just say that Richard and his Goldwing tested the power of the nine, enough said just glad we had a fun time got to camp wood and we ate at camp Fuenties. We started to pray before dinner and a couple sitting at another table said amen. It was great when were leaving and the couple started to ask us did we see a Giraffe and Betty said she seen it and we were amazed that we missed that big of an animal and then the man stated that there were Rhinos and the African deer and hoppers. Then we ask the couple their name and Wally and Betty knew them but he didn’t recognize Wally until Wally said you might not remember me because I have teeth now and when he pulled out his teeth the guy recognize him! LOL! We took a picture of the group and went to the hotel. we stayed out on the rooms telling stories. March 17 - Coming home from the twisted sisters. We got up and ate breakfast at camp falcon all you can eat buffet. Maria was wonderful and made us feel at home. We then took a couple of pictures fill up the bikes and headed home. We made one more stop at frio canyon store bought a couple of tee shirts maps and other stuff and then headed back home. We then made it all the way to fredricksburg and we stop at the place where you can try all their different sauces and dips and it was all good. We then decide to eat at a German restaurant. Norm and Teresa then went to marble falls to norms father house and we headed home. Wally started to have trouble with his bike (his tire was rubbing the belt guard and before it was over with Wally pulled out his battery operated dremel tool that he used to repair his dentures and repaired the bike lol mike stated he seen it all now. Well we then started to ride and wally's bike rear tire shifted on him and we had to stop we found out that the bearing had froze up on him and the hog was not going to be able to make it. First person we called was Monty and he was at the pickle party and Monty was fixing to drop everything and come get our bro it made us feel great when a bro will drop what he's doing to help you out that's how we roll in the Gatesville chapter. Well then we started to talk and it was faster for Jose to drive and get his trailer and bring it back so we decided to go that route. Monty called us a couple of times to check on us and we told him we were at a vet hospital and he stated that's a good place for a sick hog. Wally started to laugh and when we looked at the building there was a sign that stated if you have hog problems you need to call this number lol the Lord does have a sense of humor. Well I do know the that lord was with us because I think it would have been very dangerous if Wally was going down the road and his tire would of froze up. The lord always wins. Jose and disco jay showed up and we loaded the sick hog on a trailer and took her home. Well I would like to thank everybody for a wonderful time I can't wait to do it again.

2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator



March 16 - On the 16th of March, Tammy, Ethan and I went to Scott and White to see Marie. She had come through a surgery that the doctors were giving her only a 30-40% chance of making it through. (It was at 10% before – We serve an awesome God!). We prayed with the family as well as I went back into Surgical ICU with Dennis and prayed with Marie. Our prayer was that she would be breathing on her own and the ventilator would be removed! We claimed God’ speed in her recovery!

March 17 - On the 17th of March, Barbara called me at about 0230 while her house was on fire! She was doing ok but was repeating herself that her vest and work ID was in the fire. I was so glad that Barbara, Katie and William had all escaped from the burning home. Barbara and her sister and brother-in-law lost nearly everything they own but God spared their lives! Yes, we do serve an awesome God! Barbara was with other family members that live nearby so I prayed with her before we got off the phone. I called her back at about

6AM to make sure she didn't need anything. She had some insurance folks to see and would get back with me later on. I prayed with her again and then got ready for a really long day sowing some seed. We had a KSU at 8AM from CEFCO at 116 and 84. There was six (6) bikes with six (6) Chariots and 2 guests as well as Lil' Light that ate breakfast at the American Legion Post 582 in Copperas Cove. Many of us were still in shock at the news of the fire of our sister’s house and discussed how we felt about Barbara’s tragic loss. Before leaving the American Legion we had the chance to pray with

Popsicle for her father. God is always setting up those divine appointments! We left there and headed to the Scott and White to see our brother Dennis and find out how Marie was doing. She was off the ventilator and smiling! Our sister had been touched by our Lord! We were ecstatic on how fast she was recovering! Before leaving we got up to pray and there too and before we knew it there was three more prayer request brought before the Lord from folks that were at the hospital visiting their family and friends! God was moving in the waiting room as these strangers came forward with prayer requests and made our circle bigger and bigger! After we had left Dennis, he had a divine appointment with the parents of a young man named Michael. Michael had been in a car accident and had serious brain trauma. They had spoken with Dennis and one thing led to another for them to request prayer. Dennis prayed with them for complete recovery. Then, we met another Chariot and young couple before riding in to Leah's Choices for a cancer benefit for Mysty.

2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator



There was a really good turn out there and we got to sow some seed for Jesus! The family was very appreciative of our attendance and thanked us more than once for coming out. Then we headed over to the 6th annual Pickle Party near the American Legion Post 121. Dustin's bike bottomed out at the entrance and we had to get $25 worth of parts to get his scooter back up and running. Everyone enjoyed the event and we let our lights shine for Jesus! Pictured to the right is Ethan and a new friend getting ready for a children's game. March 18 - On the 18th of March Dustin gave the message to the folks at the 6th annual Pickle Party! It is an awesome thing God is doing in our area! Clubs asking us to give messages at their events when a service is not even listed on their flyers! That is the Holy Spirit preparing the hearts of men, amen? Also on the 18th of March, Dennis prayed with

the brother-in-law of a man with an aneurism. It seems if you hang around the hospital in your colors you are going to find yourself praying with someone, amen? Marie told him when he came back into her room once, “You spend as much time praying with others as you do visiting me.” March 20 - On the 20th of March, I met Fred at Barbara's house to put the sheets of wood over the remaining windows. When I got there Fred was patiently waiting on me. The insurance adjuster was in his company vehicle doing paperwork and talking with family members of Barbara. We jumped on the job and in just under an hour had all the windows covered up. Fred was smiling from ear to ear just happy to be able to help.

March 21 - On the 21st of March, we had 26 souls for Bible Study and the highlight of the evening was laying hands on two visitors for healing. Both of them were from the Messengers M/M. Also on the 21st of March, Russell noticed a new bike at work. He found out that it belonged to Justin, a co worker. Russell checked out the bike. It was a 09 street bob. Justin said he got it the weekend before in Dallas. After some conversation, he told Russell that he needed to get him a gremlin bell. Russell smiled and asked if he wanted the bike blessed. By then they had some on lookers! Justin sat on the bike and Russell prayed for the bike and Justin. What an honor! Russell gave him the bell and told him it was better than gremlin bell it was a Holy bell! Amen. March 22 - On the 22nd of March, Russell and I rode to Waco for the United Clubs of Waco Presidents meeting. There was a lot of good info put out and got to see some of the folks hadn't seen in a couple months! Glad riding season is officially started again! Monty was asked to do the closing prayer. Also on the 22nd of March, 4 Chariots enjoyed letting their lights shine at Sinner’s Anonymous. Dustin, Deana, Marty and Jennifer were blessed to hear the testimony of an awesome Godly man, John Hiles as he shared some of the things he had been through in his life and gave God the glory for bringing him through all the trials. He doesn’t let his health issues or past pull him down and he knows God had plans for him even in the worst times of his past. We prayed with him, and then we had another opportunity to pray with all those outside as we all went our separate ways until God brings us back together.

2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator



March 24 - We had some fellowship at Los Agaves on highway 36 at 9AM for the early birds. Then we had our scheduled 10:30 KSU and headed to Oglesby to pick up a couple more riders. We all had a good time at the American Legion Post #121 in Waco and the BBQ was good too!. Pictured right: Dennis and Troy at ALR#121 Benefit

March 25 - After our church service, we had 12 bikes with 18 souls go visit Brennah in Oglesby! In a previous report we had went to see this little angel before her surgery. She melted our hearts on the first visit and we decided to adopt her into the Chariots family. The look on her face when we all pulled up on the iron chariots was priceless!

I had sent her mother a text so they could have her on the porch to watch the bikes roll in! We visited with her for just a few minutes and went through her new book bag full of different books for her mom to read to her and a stuffed puppy. She was ecstatic over the puppy for sure! She had her mother take her old book bag off the wheel chair and put the new one on while we were there! Then we had a prayer before leaving. We left a very happy and smiling young lady as we all rode off. It just makes you feel good inside when you do something like this!

2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator



March 31 - We had a KSU at 8:30 from the CEFCO at FM 116 and 84. We had five iron chariots ride down in the dense fog to the Exxon where we met up with three more iron chariots for the quad cities ride for a child benefit. When we arrived at the Ogleltree Gap we met some old friends. Some from the Bikers Against Child Abuse (BACA) were there as expected. Long story short, we ended up doing three, that’s right, THREE bike blessings before leaving out for the ride! What a way to START a RIDE! We had 13 iron chariots on the ride! Pictured top left : James Bike Blessing Pictured middle left: Randy Bike Blessing Pictured middle right: Kelly Bike Blessing Pictured at Bottom: Getting ready to ride

2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator




John & Mary-Ann Pool AUSTRALIA Bendigo Chapter


Friday 2nd: Bible study and meeting at John and Mary-ann’s house, 6:30pm. Come together for a time of Prayer, Worship and Fellowship. Friday 16th: Meet at La Porchetta, Bendigo, 6:30pm for dinner and fellowship, all welcome! Saturday 17th– Sunday 18th: Bike Ride and Rally to Halls Gap. Details to be advised. April Easter Weekend 6th-9th: Riding in Easter Procession (if possible) details to be advised. Friday 13th: Bible study and meeting at George and Janet’s house, 6:30pm. Come together for a time of Prayer, Worship and Fellowship. Saturday 14th: Rally and FREE BBQ at Lake Weeroona

Steve George – Gold Coast – Area Leader AUSTRALIA Queensland Chapter

Praise God you hit the mark with the souls at Daytona !!! I was praying that you would, I had a look @ the you tube clip too. Keep up the good work bro. Here’s an update for you with what’s happening here. We have a couple of small prayer meetings asking and believing that the Lord will bring the right people along to be involved, only the ones that have a passion for souls and also for the right tools to start manifesting in order to get the job done effectively. I have been putting the word out regarding Chariots starting up again and there has been a great response. In my heart I believe we need to build the foundation with a solid prayer base and its happening. I'll keep you posted with our progress and stand with us for the right people and tools.

The CHARIOTS COMMUNICATOR is filled with the news of COL “going and showing” OUR

PASSION for God and OUR PASSION for Souls.

“Sharing and Shining” … It’s what we do!

2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator




John Dallard – North Bay – Area Leader CANADA Ontario Chapter

March 8 - The fire is heating up in Northern Ontario!! There is much fruit coming from jail ministry. Today I had a full room of attendance in the program room. Out of the 8 guys there, I had led 2 to the Lord previously and they gave testimony. 6 others made decisions for Christ, 2 brand new and 8 new baptisms in the Holy Spirit. It was awesome! I have a new member looking to sign up and more to come. Tomorrow I preach the morning and evening service at "Restoration Ministries" church in Sudbury and am expecting the glory to fall and extraordinary move of God!! Please keep me in prayer. I'll be driving from 8 AM till 10AM and again after evening service about 9:30PM. I pray that you're having an awesome time at the outreach. That's the last fellow I'd lead to the Lord at the jail a few days ago I let his wife to the Lord. I haven't had a group at the jail yet as I've been busy teaching these last two fellows. Still excited!! Note: I received this daily devotional from Kenneth Copeland Ministries. It seems appropriate to share:

"- Ambassador for Christ “Now then we are ambassadors for Christ...." (2 Corinthians 5:20)

Scripture Study: 2 Corinthians 5:10-21 You are an ambassador for Christ! If you have made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life, you have been

sent to act as a representative for Him in this world. Just as nations send ambassadors to represent their

interests in other countries, you've been sent here to look after the interests of the kingdom of God.

Think about that. Everywhere you go you are representing the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

That's a very high honor. It may also seem like a rather tall bill to fill. But God has equipped you to do it.

He's given you His Name and the power of His Word. He's even put His very own Spirit inside you. And

He's given you the ability to hear and obey the directions of that Spirit.

I heard a prophecy years ago that said there would come a time when men on the earth would walk and

talk and act like God. They'd be motivated by His power and His Spirit so strongly that people would say of

them, "Look at those believers. They think they're God." "No," the Holy Spirit said, "they are not God. They

are agents of God, children of God, ambassadors of God, sent to do the works of God."

I believe we're living in the day and hour that prophecy was talking about. We're seeing that army of

light begin to grow. This is no time to be half-consecrated and half-dedicated. This is the time to go all the

way with God, to give Him your whole life. If you'll do that, He'll give you back such anointing and such

power and such glory and goodness that you'll shine for Him, as Philippians 2:15 says, as lights in the midst

of a crooked and perverse generation.

Begin to think about yourself today, not as just another ordinary man or woman but as an ambassador of

Almighty God. Let the interests of His kingdom be foremost in your mind and heart. Submit yourself to Him

and say, "Lord, show me how to be Your representative in everything I do."

You are an ambassador for Christ. Begin to live like it today.

2012 - MARCH – Chariots Communicator






The Heritage The Chariots of Light is an evangelistic outreach of Jerry Savelle Ministries

International located in Crowley, Texas. www.jerrysavelle.org

The Vision (MOTIVATE) To bring together bikers and car enthusiasts with a passion for God and a passion for souls.

(EVANGELIZE) To provide a platform for evangelism.

(DISCIPLE) To provide a means of fellowship among COL members of “like precious faith”.

(REACH OUT) To empower those called to biker and car ministry to reach out .

The Benefits You will build friendships with other believers with a similar interest.

You will be challenged in your passion for God and your passion for souls.

You will have opportunities to participate in ministry to bikers and others.

2012 COL Outreaches

March 9 – 18 ….Daytona Beach, FL

April 26 - 29…….Laughlin, NV

May 11—20…….Myrtle Beach, SC

August 6 – 12 ……. Sturgis, SD

Sep. 26 – 30…….Fayetteville, AR

Oct. 11—14…..Daytona Beach, FL

November 1—4…….Galveston


Chariots of Light

P.O. Box 748

Crowley, TX 76036



May 2 – 9 …. California

July 25 - Aug. 1 …. Alberta

Aug. 22–29 .. Wisc. / Minn.

Oct. 3 – 10 …. Georgia / Florida

Oct. 23 - 29 …. Texas

Chariots of Light … Join us on the Journey ...


far in