FCE First Certificate Practice Tests With Answers - OUP

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T EST SFive tests for the new

Cambridge Fint Certificate

in English




OUORD~'Sl\"f"~ITY ~lI;ns

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Tht lnu "'<'11' pt/<lfnl Mill MYmII&"lUJll offeE lIudmtJ. Tht swlfulld Jtut!(II!J uflht foll0l<1'W srhoob- and~ dnm'l' fptrio/ tltanbfor ponidJ'lll1l1,ll: In IlltfrioIIr~ pIwt /lnd proYltllll,ll: W IOl'IIplt JllIJtnl QIln'Yf'l fP'l J'Ilgt'J 140-14-1 AngloWorld, London; Ch,rhl"Sler COllqfl' ofAnS, sn...nce J.nd T~hl\Ology:

C1arendon College, NOlUngltam: EngliJh languJ.gt' Tnining, London;Eurocemre, London: fr.tll('t's King, London; Im...m~llonalLanguagei\Gd('my, London; Language ProJl.'Cl' Bmtol, Multl lingua, GUIldford

ContentsIntroduction 4

TEST 1 I 6

TEST 2 28





ReadingWritingUse of EnglishListeningSpeaking

ReadingWritingUse of EnglishLisleningSpeaking

ReadingWritingUse 01 EnglishListeningSpeaking

ReadingWritingUse of EnglishListeningSpeaking


TEST 3 50

Paper 1Paper 2

r3per 4


Paper 1Paper 2Paper 3Paper 4Paper 5

Paper 1Paper 2Paper 3Paper 4PaperS

Paper 1Paper 2Paper 3Paper 4PaperS

ReadingWrilingUse 01 EnglishListeningSpeaking


Answer Sheets 116

Paper 5 Visual Material 120

Key 129

Sample Student Answers 140

Tapescripts 145

Intro uctionThis booIl containS five complete practICe tests Iorthe revised Arsl Certlhcate 10 English (FeEl,Cambndge levelJ. Developed by expenencedWriters, the tests accurately tenact \he coverageancllevel of the real eXamination Each 01 the tell!SIn Pap8f5 1 and 3 has been laken from a dlllerenlsource. In order la Include examples 01 the WIClevartety of text typeS that you may '"'Id In the actualexamination

Note In Papers 1, 3 and 4, you have 10 write youranswers on spec1al anSW8f sheets See pages116·11 Q tor examples 01 Those

The five FeE Papers lIfD descnbed 10 DetaIl belowPage references to a relevant example 01 eachparticular task lype are Included altol thesymbol .....

Paper 1 Reading (1 hour15 minutes)In thiS paper. there are lour pariS and 35 questionsIn all ReadIng lexls Ble taken lrom 8 range ofsourceS,ll"Ic:llJdlng newspapers, magazines.leaflets, broc:tlures, advertisements or books Notetnalln Part 2 the text may also be taken tram astlort story. novel, t»ography or autobiography

PART 1 Matching

You WlO read a teld that IS dMded IOto 7 or 8sections and be asked to do one of the 101l0wu'lg

''''''''• choose which heltdlng IS appropnate Ior each

section -f 6-7• choose whICh sentence best summar1les each

section ..... 28-29

In elthe' case. you will have 10 answer 6 or 7QuestlOf'lS and you Will be given a list 01 POSSibleanswers to choose !rom, 1l1(lfe will be ona extraheading or senlence that IS 1'101 the answer to anyQuestion and III not used You Will be grven theanswer for the lirsl sec\JOI'I as an example

PART 2 Multiple choiceYou will read a text and be asked 10 answel 7 or 8mUlbple choice questions about It For eachquestion. you must choose A B. COlD,

McB\ Q\ \he C\,IJeS\\OI\'!I 'MlllUIIt abooJ\ \he de\a\\$ Inme lext 0\TIe1 questIOns may llSl<. anou\ mesa..-.• reterences In lhe lext. tor example What does 'If'

mime IS re!er to? ..... 8·9• partbllar words ana pl'UBSes used In the lext

Ior example W'bal does the wnler mean or)udgemental'Jn tha fifth paragraph? '. 30-31

• the text as a wnoIe.1or example WhaIIS fhepurpose of theartJCie? t 52·53


PART 3 Gappeol text

You Wilt read a text from which 7 018 sentences orparagraphs have been removed The miSSingsentences or paragraphs WIll be pnnted on theoppoSlla page and}'OJ fl\\lst dectcIa where lhey litIn the text There WlII always be one extra sentenceor paragraph that does I'IOtllt anywhere You Willbe glveflthe first answer as an example

• ml5Smg sentences .10-1 \• mlSsmg paragraphs ~ 32-33

PART 4 MatchingYOu Will read a text ora seoes of short texIS andhave to answer between 13 and 15 qUElS1l0ns YouWill be asked to do 0l1'~ at the tollowmg tasks

• match a lIst ot statements, references oroplnooos to the secllOOS of the textlfl whICh theyappeal -> 12-t3

• match a list at statements. references or0PlflKlltStO people or things mentioned In thetext_ 34·35; 56·57

• match a list ot statemaflts. relerences OfoptnionS to mlormatlOn given In the text .78·79

There may be only one correct answeno aquestlOf1 However. sometimes more than oneanswer IS required Md this Will be IndlcaledWhere thiS IS the C8SfI. answers may be given Inany orOel You wlIl be I~rven the lust answer as anexample

OccaslOnB)ly, there may also be one or twomUltiple choice questions ot a genera) type. whIChask about the text aSll whole

Paper 2 Writing (1 hour 30minutes)This paper has !Wo pmts of equal Importance. Part1 IS a compulsory task fOf all candidates, In Pan 2.you must select one task from a choICe o! lour FOfeach part. you will be expected to wnte between120 and 180 words. rnakmg a tota) of between 240end 360 words Ior the whole paper


FOf QuesllOf11 you nave to wnte a '1ransactlOf1al'\e.\\e'l .~\ \';;. a Ie\\el 'N1\\\m\ \1\\e~ \D aslluallon and 1\Self giVIng nse to turther actlOf1.Youare asked to rBad up to three shorl texIs, such astellers. adverts, poslCards and extracts lromd,anes or 81l1cJas. Thele are sometimes aCld,lionalVisual promplS, sucl, as draWings or photographsAll of \illS matenal. whICh Is nevel more than 250words long. grves you IIltormahOll about aSituation You lhen h.ave 10 respond by WnlJng asu'table Ielter

Your leller should be almost entuely based on theInfOlmat,on goven to you ana you 8/e not expectedto draw on YOUlown kt'towledge or Imag,oat,on,Neither are you asked to lake on the characler ofano1het pelson In Older 10 Wf\\e \he leller 'l'ou eragiven the Sltuatoon and snoold respond to It as youwoold m reallr!e

The tYpe 01 language you Will have to use In yourlener may Include. tor example. the language 01explaining. suggeslmg. complaining, descflbmgapologiZIng. reporting, persuading and giVIng andaskrng Ior adVIce and InlormatlOf1. You should wnteIn a style that IS appropnate tor !he specifiedreader 01 the leller

• a tormalletler -+14. 80• en IntOlmallener ..... 36; 58


The d10Ice of queslJonS In Part 2 sI10uld provideyou With an opporlunlty to wnte about somethingrelated to your own Interests and experience AnPaper 2 tasks stale a context Within which you areexpected 10 Writs ana me181s a genuine purposeIor Wfll1ng You win be gIVen InlormatlOll about thetarget leader and you should think aOOutlhe effectyou WIsh your pleee 01 Wntlng to have on thatreader

Quesuons 2, 3 and 4 may be WIlling tasks ot theloIlowlng kmds

• anmlommlleller ..... 15.81• a leller 01 appllC8tlOfl -+ 37,59• anallicle .... 37; 103• a report ...,59;81• a composition 81, 103• ashortstory ,5;59

These tasks ate usually presented through therubrIC. whlChJs never more than 70 wo«ls long

QuestIOn 5 COI'lSISts 01 a choICe 01 two tasksrelated to one 01 frve 'background readIng texts'Both lasks are of a general nature. m that \Ileymay De related to any at the tive texts The tasksare at SimIlar typeS to those menlloned above, Thebackground reading texts Ior Oecembel 1996 al8:

OJf1ofd Bookworm CoIlec1lOfls Cnme Never PaysE M fQrster A Passage 10 IndmAldous Hu.Jey Brave New WO/IdOaphne du Maurier Rebect:aG B Shaw PygmaJIOfI


Papar21s marl<ed by trained examiners. who areusually teachers The answer to each part Isassessed accoldlng to a number 01 cntena.Includmg the content of the piece 01 Writing: theacculacy 01 vocabulal'{. structure. spelling andpuneI\la'\~,'IMlli1~\t.~l't~

structure: the OIgamzatlOf1 and coheSlOfl ot thepIece ot Willing. the apJ:nopnacy 01 the registerand lhe general effect on the target readoer

TOe UCLES General Mark SCheme Ior Papal 21sreproduced on page 139 at the 'WIth Answers'edition Though correct atllms of gomg to press, itIS likely to be subfeClto rOVlSIOf1

Deta<led descnpllons 01 sUltabla answers to thetasks In Ih,s book are given In the Key on pages129·138 of the With Answers· edltlOft There arealso sampje student answers Ior the ParI 1 taskson pages 140-144

Paper 3 Use of English(1 hour 15 minutes)In lhls paper. thOIO aro live parts and 65 queslioosWl all. The lelCts are taken!rom a varletyol sources,ll'lCluding newspaper 01' magazine artICles,bfochures,leallets, aetvertisemenlS or books.Te~ts!of Part 4 may also be Ietlers, reports 01Slones and may Include lhe language ofdesaipliorl 01' opsnion,

PART 1 Multiple choice cloze

11\ Ihls pall, you wi" be lesled mainly onvocabulary. You will read a shortle~t WIth gaps InIt For each gap, you wiU be gIVen Ioor WOI'ds 01'

snort phrases and you mll5l choose whlCh one fillslhe gap correctly.You will have 10 decide one or thefollowing:

• which word or phrase tits In the conlelCt 01 whal.,..• whlCfl wOI'd goes logelher with lhe Olher words

Of compleles a phrase• whICh word orptlrase conectly links parts or a

senlence• which phrasal velb Itlsthe meaning 01 what is...You will be given the linl1 answer as an e~ample

and will have 10 an5W1lr 15 quesllons. -+ 16-17

PART 2 Open cloze

~ IhlS part, you will be tesled m8J1\1y on grammar.You will read 8 lexl WIth gaps In~.You mll5l 1\11eaen of the gaps With one word only You will nolbe grven any words 10 choose Irom, The word thatyou wnle will do one Of the Iollowlog'

• complele the meaning or the sernence• complete a phrase• go together WIth other words• lonlIthe meaning within a senlence• comple18 a phrasal verb

~ wdl be given the IlfSlanswer as an exampleend will have to an5W1lf 15 questlOf\s ..... 18

PART 3 Key word transformations

... thiS part, you WIll be lesled both on grammatical5ln.lC1ures and 1e1OC81 phrases. There ale 10QUBSIIOf\S. For each queslioo, you will be given aWltonce and asked to complele a seoond.-llence so that ~ has a similar meaning to theIrst one You WIll be given a word thal yoo musttAe when complehng the second sentence. Youcannot change this word.You must use no moreNn rlVll words to complele the sentence,"'Ctudlng lhe word you are given.

'IItlu w,1I be grven an eumple at the beginnlng.-+


PART 4 Error correction

Dart locuses on grammar. You Will read attIotlle~t whICh cont8Jns some errors.Tha lext willDt presenled as t7 numbered lines. Some 01 theIres .... 111 be correct and you must tick these on)CU' answer sheel. The other lines Will be IncorrecttMCiIuse they conlain one eWlfa word Which sr.ould... be thele For these lines, you will have 10 wnle

alCtlll word on yoor answer sheet

You will be given examples 01 both a correct andan incorrec1llnB,Vou WIll h;~ve to answer 15qo&Stions. -+ 21

PART 5 Word form:ation

This pari focuses on vocal)IJlary. You WIll read ashort lexl whlCfl contalflS ~I8PS In mosl 01' all 01 ltslines. Next 10 each gapped Wne there will be a wordIn capltalletlers. You muSl Iorm another word IromthIS word to filllhe gap.

You wIll be given me fifSt answer as an e~ample.

You WIll haVillo answer 10 Questions...... 22

Paper 4 Listening (about40 minutes)The Iislenmg test lasts appro~lmalely 35 minules.You are then given live mlllutes to transfer youran5W1lrs to your answer sheet. Thera are fourparts and 30 questions In all.You 1'1111 heal eachpart twice.

PART 1 Short extracts

You 1'1111 hear 8 short. unrelated pieces 01 about 30seconds each, There may be one or two speakers.For each piece you will be asked one mUltiplechoice question, tor which you will be gIven threechoices, A, B or C. Each qLiBStloo and f1s; choicesare also recorded on the lape,

The questions win test your understanding of aoumber 01 lhlngS.1or exarnple:

• who IS speaking• what the speake(s purpose Is• what the toplcor sltuatil)f11s• whatleehng or OI)lnion is expressed• details 01 what Is saki

You WIll have to answer 8 questlOrlS, -+ 23

PART 2 Note-taking

You Will hear a plBCe lasting approxlmalely threeminutes, There will be one 01' more speakers. Thequeslioos are presented b, the form 01 noles orsentences and leSl your undefStandlng 01 thelfIlormalton you hear.You 'MII have to write a wordor short pflrase !of each question,

You WIll have to answer 10 quesltons. -+ 24

PART 3 Matching

You 1'1111 hear!ive short pieces, each Lasting about30 seconds.There may bEt one or two speakers ineach piece. You will be asked 10 malch a liSl 01CholC8S 10 the live pleces. You Will be grven 6choices in all, bUt one oIltlese choices does notanswer any 01 the questlOlf\s

You WIll have to answef 5 queslions ... 25

PART 4 Selecting "rom two or threepossible answers

In thls part of the lesl you will hear one piece.whICh 1'1111 last lor aooutlhree mlf\ules. There Willbe one, two or thlee speal(ers The ques\lOlls 1'1111


be one 01 the folloWIng types,

• multiple COOice with three chok:es -0 2ti• yes/no 01' ulJellalse questions .... 48• matching questions, asklng,lor example, which

speakerS8ld whal -+ 92

You will have 10 answer 7 ques!lons,

Paper 5 Speaking (about14 minutes for twocandidates)This paper conSIsts 01 lour parts and the tasks10ctJs on giving and exchanging Inlormallon andClplnlOflS. The usual tormal is an interview wilh twocandidates and two examiners presenL In certaincircumstances. II may be possible !of a candidale10 have an individual Interview. When thiS is thecase, the length ollhe Interview is 9·10 minutesand there is only one examlnerpresenl.ln ParIS 2,3 and 4. the euminer lakes the place 01 thesecond candidate In discussions,

Dunng a pelted intervIeW, one 0' the !WOBX8mlnef5 iICt$ only as an assessor and does nolJOIn In the COI1V'llrsalion. The other ewamlner actsas an assessor and 'interloculor'. thal is, he or sheipBaks 10 the candidales and manages theInterview.

PART 1H.. you wig speak mainly 10 lhe Int8f1oco1or, whoWIll ask you some questlont: abou1)'01XS811. Thispart lasts about 3 minutes

PART 2In thi! perl, you wiH be given !WO pictures andasked to lalk aboutlhem tor aP9fOXlmately oneminute.The other candidate will then be given abrier opportunity to add his or her comments aboutyour ptetures, before being given two new ptCtures10 talk aboultor lhe same length 0' lime.YOI.l willthen be given a brief opportunity 10 comment onlhe other candidate's pictures.This pari lastsaDolJl4 mloutes in total.

PART 3In this part. you WIll be given a sel 01 pictures or adrawing 10 look at With the other candidate.You willbe given e relaled task and you will have adiscussion togelher Th!s Part laslS about 3minutes.


In lhis final partol the InlervlBW, you will discussvarious questions relaled to the \Op1C 01 Part 3 withthe Olher candidale and the Interlocutor, sharingyour views anc!lustlfylng your oplnlOfls. This partlaSlS aboul 4 mlflutes.

ASSESSMENTIn the IfIlefVI8W, you Will be assessed on yoor use0' grammar anc! vocabulary, your pIOflunciationanc! your ability to commUl\1C81e ellectMlly IndlscUSSlOfl With other people,



You are going to read a magazine article about changing your life. Choose themost suitable heading from the list A-H for each part (' -6) of the article. Thereis one extra heading which you do not need to use. There is an example at thebeginning (0).Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

A Don't limit your dreams

B Analyse what you've thought of

C Don't delay

D Don't rush into something that doesn't suit you

E Oon'\ WOH,/ about 9as\ m\s\aKes

F Work out what you're actually going to do

G Add some details

H Don't just think about it - do something!


Test 1 Paper 1 Reading

Fresh Start

• Would the pursuit of my fantasy beworth the possible consequences'!What objectives would I like LO setmyself on the basis of thisexercise'!

You then need to identjfy yourstrengths and weaknesses. updateold skills or learn new ones. Look atyour resources and. perhaps mostimportant. what you enjoy and whatyou rcally can'l bear doing. Be~pecific about your goals. and becareful not to try to do too much.

• What are the barriers to myachieving some of my fantasy andhow might these be overcome'!

• What would be the consequenccsof my "orldng 10 achie"e some ofthe features of my fanlasy. formyself and for other people'!

• How much of my fantasy bachievable at preseDl or might bein the future? If Ican't have it all.can I have somc of it?

• What are the differences betwccnmy fantasy and my reality'!

When you ha,e decided what yourgoal is. and all the thinking. planningand preparation has been done. yourfre~h .!ttan can no longer be put off.Ban negathe thoughlS and seize themomenl- fresh starters aredelennined to see the posith'e side ofthings and not 10 lel problems. realor imagined. block their path. Goodluck!

15 I

Think through your chosen topic andwrite down your version of ",h31would be involved. For example. inyour fantasy job identify things suchas statu.!>. salary. job specification.style of work. the lifcstyle whichaccompanies it. with whom youwould work and in whatsurroundings. Your -ramusy day is aninvitation to list the events of whatfor you would be thl~ 'pcrfcct day' .Where would you be. what wouldyou do. and with wbom. if anybody?Your fantasy life offers anopportunity 10 consider your ideallife as a whole. This picture wouldinclude the work pattcrn. combining'Work. homc and social life. status.income.life'ityle. elc. Whichevertopic you choose. put in as many ofthe panicula~ as you can so that thefantasy becomes a full picture.

fancy can provide c lues as to whereyou would like to bc. or what youmight wanl 10 ",ork towards. Try thefollowing excrcise. Imagine for alime that there are no restrictions foryou oftime. money. age. status. ties.etc. Then select one of the follow Ing- MY FANTASY JOB; MYFA TASY DAY; MY FANTASYLIFE.

When you ha' c writtcn down yourfantasy. think carefully through thefollowing:

• What are my reactions to dOing theexerci.!>e'! What does the fantasyindicate about wh:ltl want formyself?


Imagining the impossible need notbe a waste of time. Such nighlS of

Knowing thill we want to make achange in our Ihes is the easy bil­deciding whillto do and how 10 do itI" more difficult. First of all. we mustlearn 10 take our dreams seriouslyand to truSI our abilities. Old habilsdie hard. and fcarof failure mayprevent us from even tryingsomething ncw.

Before you begin to think of specilicprojccts.lct your imaginal ion flybeyond the here and now and thinkabout what. in an ideal world. youwould really love to do. This shouldhelp you to gct in !Ouch with the real~ou bcnemh the daily worries thatdrag you down. Don'tletlack ofmoney. timc. qualifications or anyOIher negative reasons Ikhy youcannot do whill you wanl stand in theway of your fantasies. The time fora"''iCssing real possibilities will comelater. when Ihe various option .. canbe considered in a syslcmatic wa).

Making a fresh stan takes etTon­and lime. It is imponanlto thinkcarefully before you set off into~mething new. because it must beright for you and your way of life.You will need detcmlimuion toovercome thc problems that arc sure10 arise and the crises ofconfidencethill you will face. so be sure that ifs.!torncthingyoll want to do- not what)ou think you ca" do. or whatsomeone else thinks you should do.


Test 1 Paper 1 Reading

lB·You are going to read an extract from a book. For questions 7-14, choose theanswer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text.Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

They call Jamaica the 'Island in the Sun'. ;md thlll is my memory of it. Of ~unshine, wannth and abundant fruit growingeverywhere, and of love. I was born on 2 April 1960 in St Andrews in Kingston. Therc were two sisters ahead of me inlhe family, and though ofcourse Ididn't know it, therc was e»ciled Ialk of emigration. possibly to Canada but moreusually to England,lhe land of opportunity. I guess Ihat plans were already being made when I was bom. for a year or solater my Dad left for London. Two years arrer thu!. when he had saved enough money. my Mum went as well and my 5sisters and I were lefl in the care of my grandmolher. I slllyed with her. in her house near the centre of Kingston. until Iwas seven years old. My grandmother. therefore. shaped my life. and I believe Iam al1the better for il.

This was all fairly nonnal. Emigrating to better yourself was:a dream for most Jamaicans. a dream many weredetennincd 10 fulfil. Families were close and grandmolhcrs were an important part of family life so. when the massemigmtions began. it seemed perfectly right and natural for Ihem to lake over the running of the families left behind. 10Afler all.lhey had the experience.

GrandmOlhers are often strict. but they usually also spoil you. At least. that is the way it was with mine. She ran lhefamily like a military operation: each of us. no matter how young. had our tasks. I remember Ihat we didn't have a tap inthe house. but used acommunal lap from which we had 10 rill two barrels in our garden. Every morning. before we wentto school. we all had to take a bucket approprintc to our size and run a rclay from the communal tap IQ the barrels until 15Lhey were full. In thc beginning. whcn I was two or three. Icouldn't reach the barrel- but Istill had to join in. My sistershad 10 sweep the yard before thcy welllto school. My grandmolher would give orders tllthe eldest and these werepassed down -as I got older I found this particularly annoying! BUI Ican tell you. no one avoided lheirduties.

My Dad came over from England to see how we were getting on. I hadn't known him whcn he had left for Britain. butwhen I saw him I !'omehow knew that he was my falher. He I'llked to u.... aboutlhe nc\\ country. about snow. aboutlhe 20huge city, and we all wanted to know morc, to see what it was. like. He al~o told me thall now had a younger brother.which made me feel excited and wonder what he could be like. Ididn't know it at the time. but he had eome to prepareus for the move to England. Six months later my grandmother told me Ihatl wa.... going 10 join my parenrs and that she.too. was cmigrnling. It was the end of my time in the Caribbean. of the sheltered. wuml. family life that I had knownthere. and the beginning ofa new and exciting em. 25

London was strange and disappointing. There was no gold on the pavement:.. a.... the stories in Jamaica had indicated.Back home it had always been wann. Everyone was friendly and said 'Hello' when you passed by on the street; inKingston you knew everybody and they kncw you. Here. it wasn't Iikc that. The roads were busy. the buildings weregrey and dull with many tall. high-rise blocks. It was totully IJnlike Jamaica. the houses all small and packed closetogether. In my grandmother's house Ihad a big bedroom: here Ihad 10 share. Althm age it was agreat disappointment. 30

Worse was to come. because there followed a very cold wime-r, and I had never felt cold in my life before. Then camethe biggesl shock: snow. White flakes came out of Ihe sky and Dad smiled. pointed and said. 'That's snow!' I rushedoutside. looked up and opened my mouth 10 let the flakes drop in. The snow settled on my tongue and it was so cold thatIcried. My toes lost all feeling, and at the primary school that we anended Iwasn't allowed to wear long lfousers at myage. The teachers made us go out to play in the playground and Ijoined in with all the fun. sliding around in the snow. 35Ihrowingsnowballs, all the usuallhings. Suddenly. as my shoes and socks got soaking wel and frozen. there came anexcruciating pain and Icried with the intensity ofil.1 didn't k.now what was happening to me.


7 The writer says that when he was very young,A he was upset because his parents left.B he was very keen to go to England.C his parents had decided to leave.o his parents changed their plans.

8 According to the writer, many people from Jamaica at that timeA wanted to be free from responsibility.B had ambitions that were unrealistic.C wanted to improve their standard of living.o disliked the country they came from.

9 The writer says that when he lived with his grandmotherA he was treated like the other children.B he wanted to be like the other children.C he tried to avoid doing certain duties.o he found some of her rules strange.

10 What does 'this' in line 18 refer to?

A being told what to do by his sistersB having to sweep the yard before schoolC having to do duties he found difficulto being given orders by his grandmother

11 What happened when the writer's father came?A His father did not tell him why he had cam...B He did not know how to react to his father.C His father told him things that were untrue.o He felt anxious about what his father told him.

12 When the writer first went to London, he was disappointed because

A it was smaller than he had expected.B he had been given a false impression of it.C he had to spend a lot of time on his own.o his new surroundings frightened him.

13 What does the writer say about snow?

A He was not sure how to react when he saw it.B He regretted coming into contact with it.C He was embarrassed that it made him cry.o He was not very keen to touch it.

14 Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

A Too Many Changes.B A Strange Childhood.C Hard Times.o From Sun To Snow.

Test 1 Paper 1 Reading


Test 1 Paper 1 Reading

You are going to read a magazine articli9. Eight sentences have been removedfrom the article. Choose from the sentences A-I the one which fits each gap(15-21). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use. There isan example at the beginning (0).Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

On camera\X!hen I saw the notice '\Vomen film extraswanted' in a local newspaper, I jumped at thechance. As a child I had dreamt of being afilm star. []] { IThe casting interview, held in a church hallwith many budding actors in attendance,went well, and two days later I was told that 1had been chosen. The production in questionwas revealed as ScottishTelevision's Dr Fiu/aydrama, which is set in the 1950s.

[}ID IExtras are often left in the dark forsome time when it comes to being told whichrole they will play. Finally, the narure of myrole was revealed; I was asked to play amental hospital patient.

[!ID IThen, barely a week later, the dayof filming dawned. All 13 of us extras, mainlyhousewives, were told to change into ourcostumes in the wardrobe department. Thenwe were driven to the location, a hospital onthe fringes of Glasgow. It seems that it iscommoo for old hospitals to be used in thisway.

On arriving, we were given coffee and tea,which looked and tasred like cement.Thenwe were rushed off to make-up. My hair waspinned back and make-up was applied thatgave me a pale appearance. Then we weresent to the minibus for a few hours, as thecameras rolled elsewhere.


After the second hour had passed 1 wasbecoming bored.[jI] II had expectedto be so busy that I hadn't come prepared fora long wait. Many of the others had brought abook or knitting.

Three hours had now passed. [}ID~_A large room in the hospital had beentransformed into a dayroom for that purpose.Although I had expected the room to bewarm because of the lighting equipmentpresent, it was quite chilly.

When the director came in, we wereinstructed what to do and where to stand.Along with a few others, 1was told to sit at atable and weave baskets. IJ!] IThe canewe had to use was very long. On severaloccasions my basket fell apart in front of myvery eyes. On others I only succeeded inhitting a cameraman in the eye.

20 Jean, who was barefoot, had tocircle the floor. Poor AJice was asked topretend to bang her head against the wall.Meanwhile,Veronica swept the floor.

Thankfully, after just a few attempts, thescenes were done. [gIJ IAlthough Ifound the experience very interesting, myfirst screen role will almost certainly be mylast.

Test 1 Paper 1 Reading

A This was not an easy task.

S Life for the other extras was far from easy.

e So some things just aren't meant to happen, I suppose.

D Despite my disappoinnnent, I agreed to participate.

E And so my [lIst taste of this <glamorous' career was over.

F I was to lose some of my enthusiasm for the idea, however.

G I bet stars are never treated like this, I thought.

H Then at last we were called to do our scenes.

Now at last I would get my chance.


Test 1 Paper 1 Reading

You are going to read an article about supermarkets. For questions 22-35,choose from the sections of the article (A-E). Some ot the sections may bechosen more than once. When more than one answer is required, these maybe given in any order. There is an example at the beginning (0).Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

Which section refers to:

an arrangement between producers and supermarkets?

the order in which customers buy goods?

customers consuming goods they have bought?

a method that may have the opposite effect to the one intended?

customers having the wrong idea about somethinfl?

goods getting damaged?

supermarkets being reorganized?

matching something to particular types of custom",?

not putting certain types of goods together?

supermarkets paying attention to customers' comments?

a system that may die out?


[Q] C

~ ~


~ ~

cm ~





@II [El


Test 1 Paper 1 Reading

SUPERMARKETSTheir secrets revealed ...

Last straw

A recem supcnnarket study reported a38% increase in sates whcn thc Sloreplayed slow l)lUsic compared 10 f:l~t.

However. you c:m shop in silence at

"orne supermarket!>. which ncver playmu~ic - thcircustOlllers say it putS themoff.

Perhaps you're tooconsiderJte! Forexample, don'llhink Ihe widercheckouls marked 'disabled' areexclusively forwhce1chairs. If there areno wheclchaircuSlorners waiting,anyone is wckome to use them. And ifyou're in a real hUITY, avoid the eheckoulassiSlant wearing 11 'traince' badge - asign of possible delay.

-Why do I 1I1\\'1I)'S choose Ihe queuclhal man's lhe slowest?'

more- or a way of projecting an image.One supcnnarkel plays 196Cb mu:oic togo wilh its decor. Another l>elS oulsimply 10 please- playing t95()" and1960s music In the moming when older"lblOmers do most of their shopping,pop mUl>k' in the l,lVcnings and 011

Saturday.. for a younger audience. andlllu~ic that <lppeals 10 the .... hole fumilyon a Sunday. Some ~Iore:. U.\>C music toincrease their profits by playing slowwalt/csar light cla"'!tlc!t on quiet dayl>.like Mondays, to keep customerl>browsing llnd buying. Al busier times.like S:lturdays, they'll increase Ihelempo 10 encountgc customer!; to movequickly through the slore.

The eye-calching di"play on the unit atthe cnd of a row does not nece~sarily

mean that lhe gooch are Ihe bargain ofIhe week. a~ you ma) think.Manufacturers -,ometi me" pay Ihe"up'-~mmr"el to put the ir br::ands lllthebest po:.ition:o. Among the besl are theplaces acro:.) Ihe end~ of units wherecustomer traffic is very high.

'Why is it that superlllurkels changetheir layoul so often? Just when I havespeeded up my shopping by knowingwheN.' c\'erything is.llhey mm'e thesection!'

buy. For years. some :.corcs ha\e beenpiping smell~ offre.~hly baked bread andreal coffee through the aiHonditioningto get appetites going. BUlthi.. 111:1)' hecounterproducthe. the retail consull:'l.l1\SRctail Dynamic!> point out: 'Ifyou arcdoing yourshopping at lunch or dinner·lime. when )'ou are already hungry.lhel>lIlell of baking may SI:nd you str::aightlothe bread eoulller and tthcn out of Ihestore so you can eat quickly:

This is another W:lY of trying to makeyou buy things )'ou thought you didn'tneed. SupennarkelS make most of theirmane)' Out of fresh fOClds and 'luxury'snacks and far less on essentials likemilk. sugar and bread. So everydayitems llre scaHcrcd around Ih" storebeeau:.c in ordcr (0 gel lhem. )OU have 10

pass the 'high eamers' and, hopefully.suddenly decide 10 buy some.

On the scent

Fresh start'Why are the fresh fruil and\ egecables usuully al lhe enlr"'dnce toIhe slore? Il's lIlwlI)'S crowded, andthey gel squlJshed if Ilul\'c to Iliadhea\')' cans and packets on top.'

Now:tdays. trolleys should ha\ e a~par,.IIe companment where you canplacc fruit and \cgetublc' so they don'tget :.quashcd.

It'~ ~imply because supermarkcts makc 3

high profit on fresh fruil and vegctable::..and Ihey ha\'c discovcred they ::.ell moreof (hem if they're near the cntrJ.llce.According 10 re,:,carch carried out by\upcnnarkcts. customer!> prefcr freshgoods 10 come first. Maybe it's becausemany of us arrive atlhe storeconccntr-Jting on the k.inds of fruit and\cgetablc wc necd. Once wc'vc gotlhatout of the way, we can relax :llld do there~t of (he shopping otleisurc. Anotherreason is thal if we sec fresh goods first.lhe "ight and smell of all those rol>Yapples and glossy aubergines givc a 'fcelgood' Impression of freshness andquality which wc carry around the l>lOre.

Ha\ e you cver wondered why somc"tares smell of fre...h bread or .... hy l>011lCplay music and Olhcrs don'('! Wc a~ked

(hee.'(pens at SupcrMar"cting magazinc(0 explain some of the hidden tricks ofthc tr::adc.

'1)0 they hll\'e 10 pipe smells of freshlybaked bread around start's? I alwa)'send up buying an extra loafor cakebt'cause the smell is just so lempting:

Th:Il'~ whUllhe store i~ counling on! II'S.... ell·known in the retnil food indu,trythat ,mell i~ the most pov:erful ofhulllan~n~'i when it comes 10 inlluencing ourchoice of where ....·e shop and .... hat we

arch!-Why does Ill)' superDllarkl't ha\'c toplay music all the lime? 11 drives memad and I can't avoid it since it's theonly store I can reach conveniently.'

This mn) be an attempt to pleasecU'lOmcrs -Ml they will enjoy l>hopping

CheckOlllS could become a lhin,g of thepast anyway. Onc ~upemlarkel is testinga hand·held umt .... hich customers u..ethemsel\es as they shop. 11 rcad.. andre"ords the prices of grocerie~and IhentOtals the bill ... but )'ou slill have 10 paybl:fore you Ic:lve.


Test 1 Paper 2 Writing

Ill-You must answer this question.

1 You have seen this advertisement for a holiday job in an English-language magazine and wantto find out more.

Read carefully the advertisement and the notes you have made. Then write a letter to MrsMalone, telling her a little bit about yourself and why you want the job, and including all yourquestions.

Energetic person needed to join in familyholiday.

What kind --""",- WE need help with our two lively children +- ages?of help? during a three-week summer holiday in

Scotland. dates?

Hours ofwork?


YOU need to practise your English.

Can we help each Other? If you think wecan. write for further details to Mrs AnneMalone, 30 Pond Road, London SW9 OTT.


Write a letter of 120-180 words in an appropriate style. Do not write any addresses.