Fea Brochure Issue 1 18112010

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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FEA Brochure



We are engineering design consultants, providing services to wide range of clients ranging from

civil, automotive to oil & gas industry. We have more than 30 years of combined experience be-

tween us in various engineering sectors. We invest in our people and technology to make sure

our engineering capability is top notch. Our services are affordable with reasonable charges yet

we do not take shortcuts that compromise the integrity of our design, or our attention to detail.

At EDSIL, our clients’ complete satisfaction is of paramount importance to all of us.


"At EDSIL we aim to establish meaningful relationship with our clients which ensures the delivery of high quality, cost effective engineering solutions every time.”

“We are committed to serving our clients and providing the highest quality services

and innovative solutions.”


We provide engineering design and Computer Aided Design services, using the latest tools avail-

able to keep us abreast with the latest technology in the industry. We provide 2D and 3D CAD

draughting services that suit your needs at competitive charge. We invest heavily in our design

software and facilities including several plotters to print your drawing of up to A0 size paper. We

have access to software such as Solidworks, AutoCAD, ANSYS, SCIA and Robot Millennium for

design and validation. Other services that we provide includes site survey, technical documenta-

tion, paper to CAD conversion and reverse engineering.

• Metal forming analysis- large displacement, plastic flow,

transient analysis.

• Highly nonlinear-material and buckling nonlinearity.

• Examples shown in the pictures are the analysis of

metal forming of sheet and tube by laser scanning. The

analysis can be uncoupled into sequential thermal and

stress analyses The thermal problem is solved first to

obtain the temperature field, which is then used as ther-

mal loading for the structural problem. The same mesh

is used for both thermal and mechanical calculations.

The problem can be represented by only half of the

plate modelled with symmetric boundary conditions. The

temperature field caused by a moving laser beam is

transient in nature. Laser heating is modelled as moving

heat flux used to incorporate the laser beam motion.

The temperature-dependant material properties are con-

sidered including thermal conductivity, specific heat,

thermal expansion coefficient, Poisson’s ratio, elastic

modulus, yield stress and density. The temperature dis-

tribution, deformations, plastic strains and residual

stresses were analysed.

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Transient Sequential Thermal-Structural Analysis

Apart from engineering and Computer Aided Design services, we offer in-house state-of-the-art simulation services

for the stress analysis of solids and structures in statics and dynamics. The analysis can be linear (small strain, linear

elastic materials) or highly nonlinear. With advance FEA solver, we could run design optimisation with a large num-

ber of design variables. This will ensure that products have greatest performance while remaining cost effective. We

take your ideas and an understanding of the conditions they will be used in and create a set of virtual experiments to

show how the design responds to real world situations. We can examine deformation, stress and strain response to

loading, in single parts or in assemblies with multi part contact. We can look at mechanical events, motion of parts,

kinematics, and impact. The following shows the examples of analysis that we performed.


EDSIL, Unit 17, Evans Business Centre, Dane Street, Rochdale, Lancashire, OL12 6XB, United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1706 343933 Email: Projects@edsil.co.uk Fax: +44 (0)1706 525080 Website: www.edsil.co.uk

Finite Element Analysis


Contact Analysis

Linear, Non-linear Static & Buckling Analysis

• Linear contact (glued), frictional, fric-

tionless, offset etc.

• Various type of contacts (ie; rigid to

deformable, surface to surface, sur-

face to edge etc)

• Gasket analysis

• Examples shown in the figure are

gears meshing used in rack and pin-

ion system. Frictional contact were

considered between the gears. Cylin-

drical boundary condition was used

to model gear rotation, with fixed

radial and axial direction. Also pivot

joint for a construction tying applica-


• Material non-linearity (bilinear strain-stress behaviour, hard-

ening, etc.), Elastic to plastic material transformation

• Geometric non-linear buckling or material failure

• Large displacements or rotations, Non-linear boundary con-


• Example shown in the picture on the right is a drive car-

riage for a 5 tonne capacity lift. The FEA was vital part of the

design where it enhances the structural integrity of the com-

ponents due to its extreme loading conditions.

• Example below is a nonlinear buckling analysis of a lamp

post under extreme wind condition. With nonlinear analysis

capability, a more

accurate critical

buckling load was



Before After

EDSIL, Unit 17, Evans Business Centre, Dane Street, Rochdale, Lancashire, OL12 6XB, United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1706 343933 Email: Projects@edsil.co.uk Fax: +44 (0)1706 525080 Website: www.edsil.co.uk

Finite Element Analysis

Lamp post failure investi-

gation– nonlinear buck-

ling analysis.

Structural validation of 5 tones lift drive carriage.

Structural Design Optimisation

EDSIL, Unit 17, Evans Business Centre, Dane Street, Rochdale, Lancashire, OL12 6XB, United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1706 343933 Email: Projects@edsil.co.uk Fax: +44 (0)1706 525080 Website: www.edsil.co.uk


Finite Element Analysis

Conventionally, the way of improving design relies on

engineer’s experience. This could be years and years

of trial and error and design iteration process. For

those engineers without much experience, or for a new

process or design, the consequence is that the process

could be costly. FEA can play a vital part in producing

effective products in the most efficient manner. In the

last decade, optimisation technique has been embed-

ded as a design tool in FEA software to enable design-

ers to efficiently arrived at the optimum solution,

whether in sizing, shape or topology.

With this tools and knowledge, we could set a goal for

a product, for example minimise the weight or cost.

Then a specific range of design variables are estab-

lished, such as specific parametric dimensions. Design

constrains are determine (such as specific maximum

stress, or displacement) for the product based on the

material and function. Design of Experiments (DOE)

method could be use to established an ‘experimental

array’ which is then used to run a set of analyses. The

analyses results could then be plotted on a response

surface map to see the effect of each design variable

to the objective. Few algorithm could then be used to

established the optimum design variables to meet the


Response Surface Methodology (RSM)

Design Variable :

Find {X}=(r, u, v, w, x)

Objective function :

Minimise cost {X}

Subject to constrain:

Stress σmin < σ < σmax

Displacement < y

Failure Investigation

Failure of a design could be in many

forms, including fatigue, in-service loads,

corrosion etc. We work with clients to iden-

tify the background of the failure before

starting the investigation. A preliminary

conclusion is formulated which is then form

the basis of the investigation. If probable

cause of failure could be identify, the in-

vestigation focuses on confirming the fail-

ure cause and eliminate the others. Often

FEA is used to verify the stresses and ca-

pacity of the material. A report detailing the

investigation method and the outcome is

prepared together with suggestions to im-

proves the design.

Marina Bay Sands, Singapore - Mobile Cladding

Access Platforms:

We were asked to provide design for cladding access

platforms for what is now the worlds most expensive

hotel, Marina Bay Sands. One unit was a mobile sus-

pended platform to provide access to the underside of

the Sky Park 200m above ground level. The platforms

had to run on two tracks attached to the structural

steelwork and the platform was fully clad which meant

wind loading would features a major factor in the de-


The platform was modelled using frame analysis.

Loads combinations including high wind loading were

considered according to national standard. The plat-

form was made of aluminium profile, and therefore

BS8118 was used as a verification method.

In addition, a bespoke mobile trolley was design for

the suspended structure and as a critical component

within the system the trolley design was verified using


Civil structure– Frame analysis

Solid FEA-Bespoke mobile trolley

EDSIL, Unit 17, Evans Business Centre, Dane Street, Rochdale, Lancashire, OL12 6XB, United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1706 343933 Email: Projects@edsil.co.uk Fax: +44 (0)1706 525080


"At EDSIL we aim to establish meaningful relationship with our clients which ensures the delivery of high quality, cost

effective engineering solutions every time. We are committed to serving our clients and providing the highest quality

services and innovative solutions. We do not take shortcuts that compromise the integrity of our design or our atten-

tion to detail. At EDSIL our clients' complete satisfaction is of paramount importance to all of us."

Finite Element Analysis

Oil & Gas –Offshore bleed ring


Verification of the structural integrity of a non-standard

bleed ring for oil rig application. The task is to provide

mechanical design calculation to confirm the adequacy

of the thickness of body, bolt load and gasket operat-

ing performance. Analysis should ensure that the bleed

ring can withstand the subjected assembly load and

vibration during normal operating conditions.


Taking asymmetric advantage only half of the adapter

is modelled. Bolts pretension on the adapter body is in

accordance with the API Recommended Torques for

flanges. Bolts pretension on the nipoflanges is derived

from requirement in B16.5. The analysis has consid-

ered two time steps; 1. bolts pretension and 2. applied

internal pressure of up to 5000psi.

The stresses were compared to those allowed for the

material used and assessed against industry standard.


The analysis showed that the the proposed body thick-

ness is sufficient to withstand the combination of bolts

pretension and internal pressure and confirms that the

item is working within its strength capacity.


EDSIL, Unit 17, Evans Business Centre, Dane Street, Rochdale, Lancashire, OL12 6XB, United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1706 343933 Email: Projects@edsil.co.uk Fax: +44 (0)1706 525080 Website: www.edsil.co.uk

“Let us do the THINKING for you”

Finite Element Analysis

EDSIL services:

EDSIL, Unit 17, Evans Business Centre, Dane Street, Rochdale, Lancashire, OL12 6XB, United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1706 343933 Email: Projects@edsil.co.uk Fax: +44 (0)1706 525080 Website: www.edsil.co.uk


To verify the structural integrity of a sheet metal board in accordance

with BS EN12811-2. The actual boards of 1.5, 2, and 2.5m length

were supplied to us for in-house testing and verification.

Testing & Analysis

EDSIL has conducted a series of in-house tests as required by the

code. Comparing with initial hand calculations, the boards failed

against the design concept of a locked seam. Having to reassess the

design as behaving with a far more complex geometry has proved

difficult. We therefore decided to carry out a shell finite element

analysis and ignoring the locked seam effect.


We have finally been able to analyse the section in a manner that

allows the seam to slip. This has drastically reduced the theoretical

board capacity to a point below the tested results. With the test re-

sults now being moderately above the theoretical design capacity the

tests can now be viewed as proving the capacity of the design. This

is a requirement for passing these boards as certifiable to BS EN

12811-3 and giving them a partial designation in accordance with BS

EN 12810-1 clause 5.

Manufacturing-shell analysis


Finite Element Analysis