Fear of flying: how it affects people’s holiday habits

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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The psychology behind fear of flying

Top 3 causes of fear of flying

Top 3 aspects of flying people are afraid of

Flyers: of the 57% who still fly

Non-flyers: of the 43% of respondents who do not fly:

Using YouGov’s Field and Tab service, which targets specific groups across the UK, we contacted people who had previously told us they had a severe or moderate fear of flying (which affects nearly 1 in 6 people across the UK) to find out: what caused their fear, how they cope with their fear, and which airlines they consider to be the safest.






of aviophobes surveyed said that despite their anxiety they still

travel by plane

Most respondents say their fear developed as an adult

A general fear of heights (39%)

Turbulence (61%)

Bad weather while flying (56%)

Hearing about bad events (e.g. media coverage, stories etc.) (32%)

Experiencing a bad flight (e.g. emergency landing, turbulence) (29%)

say that they don’t consider any part of the plane ‘safest’

26% believe the safest seat is an aisle seat and...

20% think the back of the plane is safest

Technical failure (68%)





In comparison, only 38% say they fear a terrorist attack. People are also more likely to fear take off (50%) than landing (40%)

have missed out on visiting friends and family

57% are unable to go on exotic holidays

saying they have missed a wedding

say they would be willing to travel as far as Australia by transport methods other than flying and ...

say they would travel to the USA



of flyers are not happy to travel on their own

64% will only travel within the UK or to continental Europe without using a plane



Despite high success rates, 81% said they would not go on a fear of flying course

11% say they would be likely or fairly likely to attend a course

*data is based on research conducted in February 2017

To find out more about the groups YouGov Omnibus can target, contact us or find out more:

https://yougov.co.uk/find-solutions/omnibus/field-and-tab/ // 020 7012 6231// omnibus@yougov.com

5%24%38%While only 5% perceive Ryanair as the safest — despite the airline never having had a fatal accident

Followed by Virgin Atlantic, which was selected by 24%

38% think BA is the safest airline