feasibility study- banana peel cream

Post on 08-Jul-2018

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  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream



     Musa acuminate or most commonly known as banana is one of the oldest, most popular

    cultivated plants and is grown in at least 107 countries throughout the developing world.

    Bananas, including the peel or banana skin, have a great nutritional value. Banana peels are alsoused as feed stocks, fertilizers, and other else. Unfortunately, only a few of us know about the

    other important uses of this wasted skin. hat!s why the proponents wanted to test if banana

     peels of three specific types of bananas can be feasibly made into facial cream, and if so, what

    effects on the human skin can it bring.

    "ho knew the humble banana offers so many beauty benefits for skin. #ich in powerful

    anti$o%idants which offer sublime anti$aging benefits. Banana peel has been found to be rich in

     polyphenols, and carotenoids, which are phytochemicals and moisture with anti$o%idant properties. &t will nourish and revitalized dry skin as well as smoothen rough aging skin. Based

    on study, if one has acne$pron oily skin, bananas topically can be used for oily skin and reduce

    further breakouts.

    Beauty industry helps us look and smell our best. Before we leave the house each day, we

    have likely undergone our personalized beautification ritual. 'eople are concern with their

    appearance, most are conscious for how they look. he beauty industry has been e%panding and

    growing for all of recorded history. (or the interested entrepreneur this continuing growth and

    evolution offers a diverse menu of opportunity. )s we can see, as the beauty products continue to

    grow and evolve, profitable opportunities will abound...the hard part is choosing which one*

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  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    Bluespa will develop our market position by combining a retail strategy that

    includes a day spa with a wholesale distribution strategy. Bluespa will acquire

    the validity aforded the spa brands and access to broad distribution. Bluespa

    skin care and cosmetic products will ofer therapeutic benets to the user based

    upon the principles o Thalasso therapy in our water line and Botanical

    treatments in our earth line. Our color cosmetics will be mineral based and

    provide the user with esthetic benets while nourishing the skin. In addition to

    providing retail appropriate packaging we will develop bulk sies or distribution

    within the spa trade. !ost day spas use generic products and do not have the

    ability to develop a private label line. The apparel and accessory lines will

    combine the newest in technical abrics with t specications that allow the

    wearer ull range o movement. "e have developed a#liations with select yoga

    and tness acilities or our apparel. $ll o our products will be positioned at the

    quality conscious consumer. Our marketing campaign and %& positioning will

    reinorce the Bluespa image. Our message will be to identiy the benets o our

    products and to develop an image that makes Bluespa products highly

    desirable. !eanwhile' our pricing strategy will be to maintain retail price points

    in the lower quadrant o the top quality brands. $ detailed comparison o our

    pricing as it relates to our target market is in the appendi(.

     he raw materials that are commonly used in the proposed products is the Banana and

    the Banana peel, which is, it is the only raw materials that the proponents will produce or source

    for they will have a partner company who will source other main ingredients and

    materialse2uipments needed in the manufacturing process. he 4eiskin osmetics and 4rugs

    laboratory will be the co$partner and manufacturer of the proponent. hey will .

    "e are working with some o the best manuacturers globally to develop' and

    bring to market' high)quality products or skin and body care. In addition we

    have developed a Bluespa line o yoga and tness apparel' a natural e(tension

    o the brand. These products have been developed utiliing the nest abrics

    and proven t specications

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    *kin and body care products will be developed and produced at our contract

    acilities in +rance and ,aliornia. %roduction o apparel products will be

    managed through our contract manuacturer o sport)related apparel.

    %roduction o accessories will be managed through a contract with a

    manuacturer o quality sports)related accessories including- bags' hats' totes

    and socks or the wholesale market.

    &n order to ensure that the products will work safely, effectively, in efficacy and according

    to its planned usage, the proponents will make more research to prove that it really works

    without any harmful or dangerous effects.

    &n order to e%pand or to upgrade the product line, our company will be having a partnership with other company that is science$based company active in health as well as

    materials and who will be the proponents leading manufacturer of the their product. he

     proponents are also planning to e%pand their business by having many branches in many places

    here in Batangas, and all over the 'hilippines.

    Future Products

    $ corner stone o our strategy is the creation o sustainable growth through a

    combination o new product launches and replenish)able basics. In skin care ourrst ve launches will consist o added ranges to the line. Bluespas product line

    is based on ve elements o the universe. Its character' properties and related

    color/s0' will dene these elements. Body care products will be scented with

    essential oils that are known to create or improve the related character. $ll body

    and bath products' e(cept ater sun care' will ultimately be ofered in ve

    ranges. *un care will only be ofered in balancing' calming and soothing.

    Because ace creams and lotions are meant to rebalance and moisturie the

    skin' ace care will be unscented and will only be ofered in the "ater range. Our

    skin care launches will occur at our)month intervals starting in $ugust o 1223

    with "ater. +ollowed by the 4arth range in the spring o 1221' $ir in mid 1221'

    +ire in $ugust 1221 and !etal in spring o 1225.

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    The colors associated with each range will allow us to create a line o cosmetics

    that works or all skin tones and an apparel assortment that covers the basics

    and can respond to color trends. The initial apparel launch will be $ugust 1223.

    Our cosmetic launch will occur in spring 1221. These dates are or wholesale.

    Our retail stores will have the respective groups available by *pring 1223. +uture

    products will be tested in our retail stores our to si( months prior to their

    wholesale launch. In addition we will develop product that is intended only or

    our retail stores /i.e. brushes and sponges0. $s our capabilities grow we may add

    these products to the wholesale line as well.

    Bluespa is launching a brand. The successul e(ecution o this strategy will

    provide us with the ability to transcend into other categories in the uture' as

    long as we dene our image and stay true to the base precepts. /!uch like

    &alph 6auren has done with his tie business.0 +or e(ample' properly e(ecuted

    these ve precepts can be applied to home products. "e believe our ability to

    create new product opportunities and growth will only be limited by our

    imagination and our ability to attract talented people who understand the

    concept o branding.

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  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    #iboflavin 6?it. B= 0.07< mg 5@ &ron 0.=> mg =@

     iacin 6?it. B>5 mg A@ +agnesium =7 mg 7@

    'antothenic )cid 6B5 0.@ of the dietary fiber, 15@

    of the vitamin , 11@ of the potassium, and =0@ of the vitamin B> recommended each day.

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    Bananas also have soluble fiber, which may help lower blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of

    heart disease and stroke.

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    other fruits was not as beneficial. )lso, eating only one banana a month was not effective. ote

    to momsD &t!s time to teach our kids to eat one banana a day.

    10. &t is affordable. he best news about the lowly banana is that it!s cheap. )nd it comes in a

    great package. ) banana can fit cleanly in your bag. ust cut it high up in the stem. "hen you

    feel hungry and stressed, reach for a banana.





    Fere are the raw materials needed in making Banana 'eel reamD

    Banana 'eel e%tract 'urified water 

    9tearic acid

    'ropylene glycol

    Fomomenthyl salicylate

    &sopropyl myristae


    +ineral oil

    etyl alcohol

    )loe vera

    :anolin oil 9ilicone oil


    ?itamins ), 4 H 8




    pg. 9


  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


     &ngredients in making Banana soap

    #ubbing alcohol

    Banana e%tract

    #ose oil

    Ilyserin soap based

    &ngredients in making Banana toner 

    Banana peel e%tract

    Falf a tablespoon of alum

    50gm of rose water 

    100gm of glycerine.

    he raw material that the proponents will provide is the Banana6 lakatan and the Banana

    'eel, we will source it in Batangas. he other raw materials needed in the making the B' ream,

    including the Banana soap and toner will be provided by the partner$company of ?itabelle

    Beauty orner which is the 4eiskin osmetics and 4rugs :aboratory. hey will be the one who

    will manufacture or produce the products of the ?itabelle. ?itabelle will only bring the Banana

    and the Banana 'eel to the production of the 4eiskin and the 4eiskin will do all the process for

    they have laboratories, and ade2uate machines and e2uipment to be used in making ?itabelle!s

     product. 4eiskin osmetics and 4rugs :aboratory is a specialized private label skin care

    manufacturer producing skin care products for 4ermatologist, +edi$spas and other 9kin are

    'rofessionals. 4eiskin provide fast, fle%ible contract manufacturing, filling, formulation,

     packaging, and technical service. 8very produce products in the production area of 4eiskin, the

    ?itabelle will get the products on Juezon ity where the production of 4eiskin is located and

    will bring to Balayan. he scenario will be ?itabelle will serve as the 4istributor while the

    4eiskin will be their manufacturer.

    )ar*et +nvironent

    pg. 10

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    ?itabelleKs target markets are mainly the people from where it is located and those

    residents of places near to its location. (or the purpose of this analysis they are focusing solelyon the female market as if their potential customers base does not include any provisions for

    male consumers. hey are mainly Barangay!s, employees of different establishments and ollege

    students of different schools in target location. &dentifying the target market can help the business

    know what to offer to market and for them to satisfy and e%ceed customer!s satisfaction.

    4escribing it is essential to effectively market the product.

    Because Bluespa is a combined retail /direct to end user0 and wholesale /to the

    end user through a reseller0 strategy our target customer must be broken into

    two distinct groups' the end user and the reseller.

    Our targeted end user is between the ages o 17 and 89. They are urban

    proessionals with at least some college. This consumer has an active liestyle.

    They are concerned about social and environmental issues. !ind and body

    wellness are important to them. They belong to a health club: take yoga' pilates

    or tai chi lessons. The efects o aging and the maintenance o a youthul

    appearance are a part o their lie. $ recent survey conducted by The $merican

    *pa Industry revealed the ollowing demographic or day spa goers- ;9< are

    emale' 78< have some college and 5=< are college graduates' 85< are

    married' 51< have an annual income between >79'222 and >?7'===' 72< have

    income above >?7'=== and 18< have incomes below 79'222' 7?< are between

    57 and 91 years o age.

    They are predominantly emale. They are well educated. Between 3==5 and

    3==; 12< more B$s and !B$s were awarded to women than men. "omenreceived 9=< o all associate degrees' 99< o bachelor degrees' 95< o masters

    degrees and 72< o doctoral degrees earned in the @nited *tates. Today college

    campuses are over 82< emale. The buying power o this segment o the

    market continues to grow. There are currently over 32= million emale

    consumers. Their buying power is estimated at >7.7 trillion. /In comparison' the

    pg. 11

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     Aunior market is estimated at >322 billion0. In 3==? 87< o working women

    earned more than one hal o the amily income. Today' businesses owned by

    women generate over >5.8 trillion in annual sales. O the net increase in the

    workorce between 3==1 and 1229' 81< are proAected to be women. In retail the

    emale consumer is the primary decision maker in ;9< o households. "omen

    buy or inuence the purchase o ;2< o consumer goods. Their increasing

    educational attainment makes young women even more sophisticated and

    demanding consumers.

    Todays emale consumer is living a transactional lie with multiple

    constituencies. Cer lie is on ast orward. In the last ew years the sales o

    an(iety drugs to this consumer has surpassed the sales o anti)depressants. Cer

    denitions are shiting' blurring the lines between home and o#ce: private and

    public: proessional and casual: even male and emale. $ge has become

    irrelevant. 6ie stages are no longer dened cleanly by age. /$ 77)year)old rst)

    time mother has much in common with a 11)year)old rst)time mother.0 6inks

    between generations and mindsets are becoming very spread out. Todays

    emale consumer denes hersel more by mindset or approach to lie than by

    age. %arents and teens are oten on parallel treadmills. The older segment is

    interested in staying young and the younger segment is acting older.

    In addition there has been a democratiation o lu(ury. The upper)class amily

    group is massive. !ore than eight million households have incomes above

    >322'222. 6u(ury spending is growing our times aster than overall spending.

    "orking women o all ages have more money and they are spending it on

    personal lu(uries. This is a reaction to the chaos o 17D? consumerism. *hell

    buy' but she wants more than Aust another product. *he is not seeking

    empowerment))she is empowered. *he is choosing to take better care o hersel 

    and others. *he is looking or peace' solutions and ulllment. %urchasing has

    moved beyond price. The %rice-Ealue ratio has become more meaningul. *he is

    seeking a Fvalue addedF e(perience or product. Our strategy o combined

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    channels o distribution allows us to t into her schedule while our product

    philosophy provides her with the benets she is seeking.

    Our target customers /vs. end user0 or wholesale distribution will be resellerswho recognie the needs o this consumer and who she identies with. "e have

    used the term resellers because they will not be limited to retailers. "e will

    reach the consumer through our distinct reseller channels.

    3 Spas and Health Clubs-

    !ost high)quality day spas and health clubs /and many upscale spas at resort

    properties0 use generic products. /!uch like the hair salon industry beore

    $veda.0 Our goal will be to develop a#liations with select spas in urban areas

    and vacation destinations. Our manuacturing partnerships will allow us to

    ofer these customers bulk product at avorable prices to them while

    allowing us e(cellent margins.


    5 Lifestyle Retailers-

    Our target retailer will be liestyle)based rather than the typical soaps and

    potions or natural product retailers. These retailers e(ist in almost every city."hether it is "ilkes Bashord in *an +rancisco' !arios in *eattle' Carolds in

    several south central cities' +red *egal in 6os $ngeles' Bergdor Goodman in

    Hew ork or ,olette in %aris. These retailers have developed a loyal and

    sophisticated customer base. They understand the concept o liestyle.


    9 Cosmetic Specialty Retailers-

    *ephora is the maAor orce in this category.


    ? Boutique Department Stores-

    This category is composed o what was once called F,arriage TradeF retailers.

    "e will limit our distribution within this segment to *aks' Hiemans and


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    4..! "ar#et $rends

    The @.*. cosmetics market /measured in shipments rom manuacturers0 grew

    by over >3 billion last year. /$ rate o 8.8

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    O these categories $lternative accounted or the largest volume

    />?'1;;'222'2220' the largest growth rate /L;.733

    billion on skin care alone in 3===. $ppro(imately >5.8 billion /51.?

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    o vitamins and the benets o eating and living healthy or both mind and body.

    These indicators are not unrelated and we believe they signal a change in values

    and liestyle rather than Aust a ashion trend. "hile it may well have been

    spurred on by the growth in the stock market and the general economy' we do

    not believe that it is dependent upon the continued rapid growth o these

    actors. Once the consumer has recognied the benets o these products they

    will not be willing to simply give them up.

    The two maAor growth categories within these segments are ace creams and

    anti)aging creams. In ace creams the hottest FnewF product is ,rMme de la !er.

    This crMme was ormulated rom' $lala' ,itrus' Kelp and Eitamins by a H$*$

    physicist to heal scared tissues. $ ve)ounce bottle costs >3'222. In interviews

    women have described it as Fmagical.F Nemand or these products is so high

    that retailers have begun to limit the quantity a customer can buy. "hen the

    cream was introduced in Cong Kong last *eptember there was a waiting list o

    more than 922 people. "hen *isley' another high)end acial crMme' hit the

    shelves at *aks in *an +rancisco /at >522 per ounce0 the store had trouble

    keeping it in stock according to the cosmetics manager.

    ,ertainly these are not your mothers acial creams. This new generation o

    creams is more scientically advanced than anything previous manuacturers

    brought to market. &esearch has shown that alpha hydro(y acids' retinol and

    anti)o(idants can smooth out wrinkles and even out irregular pigmentation.

    Other natural ingredients can speed up the regeneration process o skin cells'

    tone the skin' clariy the comple(ion' and reduce wrinkles as well. 4ven the

    legendary rm 6a %rairie' who pioneered sheep placenta in its ormula and has

    women ying to 4urope to use it' has begun to shit ormulation to vitamins'

    anti)o(idants and herbal e(tracts.

    !any manuacturers site the high cost o research as a maAor reason or the

    high price o their products. Cowever this FnewF trend is more a returning to

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    age old' time proven' natural remedies than new science. One noted chemist

    and cosmetics researcher recently stated that charging more than >322 or a

    vial /ounce0 o any serum is unwarranted. *he stated that while there are some

    very special ingredients that are costly' when prices go above this level it is Aust

    ma(ing out snob appeal. "hen you combine these acts with the rapidly

    increasing level o consumer education and the demand or a price)value

    equation' you can begin to see the market niche that is developing or high)

    quality skin care at price poiints reective o their ingredients and value

    '#" &or u!ine!!-to-u!ine!! ar*et

    Because Bluespa is a combined retail /direct to end user0 and wholesale /to the

    end user through a reseller0 strategy our target customer must be broken into

    two distinct groups' the end user and the reseller.

    Our targeted end user is between the ages o 17 and 89. They are emale urbanproessionals with at least some college. This consumer has an active liestyle.

    They are concerned about social and environmental issues. !ind and body

    wellness are important to them. They belong to a health club: take yoga' pilates

    or tai chi lessons. The efects o aging and the maintenance o a youthul

    appearance are a part o their lie.

    Our target customers /vs. end user0 or wholesale distribution will be resellers

    who recognie the needs o this consumer and who she identies with. "e have

    used the term resellers because they will not be limited to retailers. "e will

    reach the consumer through our distinct reseller channels. *pas and Cealth

    ,lubs' 6iestyle &etailers' ,osmetic *pecialty &etailers' and Boutique Nepartment


    pg. 17

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    There are a number o new demand trends that have impacted the market and

    created greater opportunities. These trends include a returning to age old' time

    proven' natural remedies: more consumers that are looking or more holistic

    and healing benets rom her skin care products' and todays consumer being

    more inormed and more inquisitive about the benets o her personal care


    #etail BusinessD #etailers are in the business of selling goods, and there are more than 1.5

    million of them across the country. he greater the difference between the selling price and the

     price they pay for the product, the greater their profit. &t follows that retailers have 6or should

    have a keen interest in the way products move from the manufacturer to them because thatLs

    where the markup occurs. &f they can find a wholesale distributor like ?itabelle who can deliver a

     product on their shelves at a lower price and still provide e%emplary service, few will refuse the

    chance. "e have retailers who will be begging for our products and we anticipate having

     backorders, so it is only logical that we will devote most of the time meeting this demand. he

    retailers are target market who have established with consumers themselves via word$of$mouth.

    ?itabelle is essentially the distributing arm for these retailers and can provide development

    services as well as products for them.

    '#' &or u!ine!!-to-con!uer ar*et

    onsumer +arketD his is potentially our biggest market. &t is limited only by the ability

    to produce. ?itabelle look at the potential in this market as the basis for the growth. )nd it will

    market to this group by giving them a clear comparison between the chemical$based products

    they are now using and thier natural products. his marketing strategy will begin by letting the

     public know they now have a choice of getting the same relief and better results without the

    chemical components followed by their conversion over to thier products. ?itabelle &ndustries

    &nc. developed their potential customer base on the following parametersD

    "e plan to launch Bluespa wholesale at the Hew ork $ccent On Nesign show in

    the third quarter o 1223. "e have secured a partnership with a well)respected

    distributor. Through this partnership we will be able to gain key show positions

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    in the 6os $ngeles' Hew ork' $tlanta and *an +rancisco git shows. In addition

    we will have a permanent position in their 6os $ngeles showroom. The

    wholesale strategy will target select spas' department stores and specialty

    stores that are recognied trend leaders /i.e. +red *egal' Bergdor Goodman'

    Barneys and +ellisimo0. This product positioning will urther establish the brand

    image o Bluespa.


    hose who earn their living from a specified activity. &t is a target market since business!

    location has establishment, different ventures and offices. )nd those with some college between

    the ages of twenty$five 6 =5 and si%ty$five 6>5.


    hose female between the ages of 1 and =A who attends an educational institution.

    Business! location has several schools particularly colleges both public and private. 9chools and

     business! location includes 9& ollege Balayan, B9U Balayan Branch, Gim Farold and

    &mmaculate onception ollege. he population of students is usually come from Balayan and

    nearby towns.

    (urthermore, ?itabelle!s &ndustries &nc. is open for all person at these ages regardless of their

    range of income for as long as they have the ability to pay and they will be satisfied with the

    service that the business!s offers.

    pg. 19

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     /)PIN2 D+/I2N

    he proponents used the sampling design method. 9ampling is the method of getting a

    representative portion of the population. he proponents adopted stratified design wherein the

    number of employees in different establishments, households, students from different schools,

     bank employees and government employees of Balayan was the basis in determining the

    marketability and demand of the area. his method will help the proponents to identify the

     perspective target market of the business.

    /loven3! &orula

    n4 N

    1 5 N 6e7"


    N 4 sample size

    n 4 otal 'opulation

    e M margin error 

     Applying the formula:

     M =A, 0

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


     M EEE=A, 0

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    /urvey /heet

    :;ITB++ Beauty Corner<





    6(or students


    1. )re you currently using facial creamP

    Q R Ses Q R o

    =. &f yes, what is the main reason why are you using facial creamP

      Q R o look younger 

      Q R o protect skin from damage

      Q R o look healthy

      Q R o look pretty

      Q R o address specific skin concern

      Q R Other, please specifyEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


      Q R Ses Q R o

    5. Fow much would you pay for these facial productsP

      Q R 150

      Q R 175

      Q R =00

      Q R 500

    >. &s it important to you that these facial products are organicP

      Q R Ses Q R o

    7. "hat would make you try a new facial productP

      Q R #ead about it from magazine

      Q R #ecommendation from friendsfamily

      Q R (ree sample

      Q R 4iscount on first purchase

    . "here do you usually buy facial productsP

      Q R 4rug store

      Q R 4epartment 9tore

      Q R Online

    pg. 23

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    ;. Fow often do you buy facial creamP

      Q R Once a week 

      Q R every two weeks

      Q R once a month

      Q R once every few months

    10. &f & were to offer you a free facial product, would you be willing to try our products and

    share your opinionP

      Q R Ses Q R o

    able =

    1. )re you currently using facial creamP

     o. of #espondents 'ercentage

    S89 15 A7.07@

     O =0 5=.;@


  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    Brgy. A 10 =<

    Brgy. 5 10 =1

    Brgy. > 11 7

    Brgy. 7 < <

    Brgy. =0 1

    Brgy. ; 1> 10

    Brgy. 10

    Brgy. 11 < 1;

    Brgy. 1= 0 >

    9& ollege Balayan 1A 7

    B9U$Balayan ; =0

    & 7 A

    Gim Farold 1 1

    Banks = 0

    Iovernment 1 A

    eachers < =

    otal 15 =0

    his table shows that A7@ of the respondents used facial creams while 5< @ of respondents are



    able A

    =. &f yes, what is the main reason why are you using facial creamP

    pg. 25

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


     o. of #espondents 'ercentage

    o look younger A< == @

    o look pretty =0 10.@

    o address specific skin concern A1 ==.=@

    Others < 1.>@

    otal 15 ;;.; or 100@

     able 5

    BRN2= To loo*  


    To protect

    !*in .ro

    daageTo loo* 


    To loo* 


    To addre!!



    concern Other!

    Brgy.1 10 = 0 = 1= 0

    Brgy.= = 1 < = < 0

    Brgy.< 0 10 1 0 = 1

    Brgy. A 0 5 1 < 0 0

    Brgy. 5 0 = = 0 0 0

    Brgy. > 0 0 < 0 0 1

    Brgy. 7 = 0 0 0 5 0

    Brgy. 0 1= 0 5 0 0

    Brgy. ; 5 < 0 0 A 1

    Brgy. 10 0 = 0 1 0

    Brgy. 11 = A 0 1 = 0

    Brgy. 1= 0 0 0 0 0 0

    pg. 26

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    9& ollege


    5 1= 1 1 < 0

    B9U$Balayan 7 5 0 0 = 0

    & 0 < 0 0 > 0

    Gim Farold 1 0 1 0 0 0

    Banks 0 0 1 0 0 0

    Iovernment 1 0 1 0 1 0

    eachers 0 < 0 1 0 0

    otal A< >= 1> =0 A1 <

    able > and table 7shows that the respondents main reason was to protect their skin from

    damage and the least reason was to address the specific skin concern.

    able >

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    Brgy.= == <

    Brgy.< 1 <

    Brgy. A 0

    9& ollege Balayan =A <

    B9U$Balayan => <

    & <

    Gim Farold = 0

    Banks = 0

    Iovernment = <

    eachers A 1


  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    A. "ould you buy facial products designed to address these skin concernsP

     o. of #espondents 'ercentage

    S89 =50 >@

     O 1A< .A@

    O): 1= >

    Brgy. 7 A =

    Brgy. 1> =<

    Brgy. ; 1

    Brgy. 10 1 =<

    Brgy. 11 15 7

    Brgy. 1= 0 >

    9& ollege Balayan == 5

    B9U$Balayan =< A

    & 7 5

    Gim Farold = 0

    Banks 1 1

    Iovernment < =

    pg. 29

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    eachers A 1

    otal =50 1A<



  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    Brgy. > 0 1 < 1A

    Brgy. 7 0 0 1 5

    Brgy. 1 = > =;

    Brgy. ; 0 1 = =<

    Brgy. 10 1 A

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


     O 51 1=.;7@

    O): 10

    Brgy. 7 5 1


    Brgy. 10 51 0

    Brgy. 11 =1 1

    Brgy. 1= 5 1

    9& ollege Balayan =A <

    B9U$Balayan =; 0

    & <

    Gim Farold = 0

    Banks = 0

    Iovernment < =

    eachers 5 0


  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    his table shows that the respondents want to buy a product that is organic because they think it

    was safer than the other commercial creams produce in the market.

    able 1A

    7. "hat would make you try a new facial productP

     o. of #espondents 'ercentage

    #ead about it from magazine < =1.1=@

    #ecommendation from


    17 A5.=;@

    (ree sample 0 =0.1@

    4iscount on first purchase 5= 1

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    Brgy.= < ; 1= 1

    Brgy.< = 10 5 A

    Brgy. A A 1 ; =

    Brgy. 5 > 10 ; >

    Brgy. > A A =

    Brgy. 7 = < 0 1

    Brgy. 1< 15 5 5

    Brgy. ; > 1= 5 <

    Brgy. 10 15 17 10 ;

    Brgy. 11 5 1< = =

    Brgy. 1= 1 A 0 1

    9& ollege


    A ; >

    B9U$Balayan ; 10 5 5

    & = > 1 =

    Gim Farold 0 1 0 1

    Banks 1 1 0 0

    Iovernment < = 0 0

    eachers = < 0 0

    otal < 17 0 5=

    )s table shown above , recommendations by friends and family are the most chosen medium by

    the respondents & using and choosing facial cream.

    able 1>

    . "here do you usually buy facial productsP

    pg. 34

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


     o. of #espondents 'ercentage

    4rug 9tore ==< 5>.70@

    4epartment 9tore >7 17.0A@

    Online 10< =>.=1@

    otal 10 < 5

    Brgy. 7 = = =

    Brgy. == ; 7

    Brgy. ; 1> < 7

    Brgy. 10

    & > = <

    Gim Farold 1 1 0

    pg. 35

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    Banks 1 1 0

    Iovernment < = 0

    eachers < = 0

    otal ==< >7 10<


    Based on the table above, ==< respondents out of

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    Brgy.1 5 1 5 7

    Brgy.= A 7 >

    Brgy.< ; = =

    Brgy. A ; 1< <

    Brgy. 5 0 5 1

    Brgy. > 0 0 1< 5

    Brgy. 7 = 0 A =

    Brgy. > ; 1 5

    Brgy. ; < A 15 A

    Brgy. 10 = 15 = >

    Brgy. 11 A < 1< =

    Brgy. 1= 0 0 A =

    9& ollege


    5 > 1< <

    B9U$Balayan 1 ; 1> <

    & 0 0 <

    Gim Farold 0 0 0 =

    Banks 0 0 = 0

    Iovernment 1 = = 0

    eachers 0 = < 0

    otal 50 ;7 15 >1

    Based on the table above , the most no. of respondents usually buy a facial cream once a month.

    pg. 37

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    able =0

    10. &f & were to offer you a free facial product, would you be willing to try our products and

    share your opinionP

     o. of #espondents 'ercentage

    S89 =7 70.7@

     O 115 =;.<

    O): 1= >

    Brgy. 7 0 >

    Brgy. =< 15

    Brgy. ; 1> 10

    Brgy. 10 50 1

    Brgy. 11 ; 1<

    Brgy. 1= A =

    9& ollege Balayan =< A

    pg. 38

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    B9U$Balayan 1A 15

    & 10 1

    Gim Farold = 0

    Banks 1 1

    Iovernment < =

    eachers A 1

    otal =7 115

    Based on the above table, out of

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    within each group. Bluespa will be positioned as a quality brand. "e have

    eliminated the drugstore and discount brands rom this comparison.

    In the skin care and cosmetics category the competition can be divided intothree groups- ,ommercial))i.e. !$,' Origins' %hilosophy' 4rno 6aslo and

    *hesheido: ,linical))i.e. Kiehls' ,linique' ,larins and Nr. Causcha: *pa))private

    label brands associated with spas.

    The commercial brands are primarily sold through department stores. They vary

    widely in quality rom Origins to *hesheido. They also vary widely in price. Their

    maAor advantage is their nancial strength and their department store


    The clinical brands are perceived to be Fauthentic.F Their image is based upon

    the perception o treatment qualities verses purely cosmetic benets. These

    brands are sold through their own retail outlets' specialty stores' department

    stores andDor health ood stores. Kiehls is perceived as one o the most

    authentic o the clinical brand.

    The spa brands are sold almost e(clusively at the spas they are associated with.

    This close a#liation provides a validation or the products but limits their ability

    to achieve wide market distribution. Bliss and $veda are notable e(ceptions.

    These two brands have achieved wide market distribution and brand


    raditionally, every economy is based on one ma-or concept, competition. &t can

    sometimes be good or bad depending on the end of the spectrum between two companies that

    can benefit the society, -ust as often it hurts society. he e%istence of a competitor indicates the

    e%istence of paying customers. &f you can!t find anyone who is making money with your idea,

    you really need to wonder if there is any money to be made there at all.

    pg. 40

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    o &n the business industry there are a lot of competition, the direct and indirect competition.

    he direct competition is a situation in which two or more businesses offers products and

    services that are essentially the same/ as such, the businesses are competing for the same

     potential market. he direct competitors of the proponents are the professional 9kin are

    (ormula by 4r. )lvin, 8llie Beauty orner, and ylydal 'roducts. "ith this there are

    variety of products features, price points, and locations that the customers are willing to

    choose or decide on which product to buy.

    he indirect competitors in the business world are those businesses that don!t necessarily

    sell the same products but offer different alternatives to satisfying the same customer

    needs. he indirect competitors of the proponents are the stores in Balayan who sells

    whitening lotions and scrubs, and glutathione capsules.

    Nylydal Products; 35%

    Dr. Alv!; 38%

    "ll# $#auty or!#r; 27%


     his graph shows the market share of the proponents competitorsD the 4r. )lvin!s beauty

     products, ylydal 'roducts and 8llie Beauty corner. his shows that

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    he Balayan branch of 4r. )lvin products is owned by +s. +yra 4e astro. hey

    get the beauty products in +anila, Juezon ity and brought it here in Balayan. Based on the

     proponents! interview, this stores earns an income of 5,000 to 10, 000 a day. )nd based on

    our observation, location is their weakness.

    Fere are some featured products of 4r. )lvinD


    Placenta Crea

    pg. 42

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream




    8llie!s Beauty corner is one of the competitors of the ?itabelle Beauty orner that

    is found in 4amballelos 9t. Balayan, Batangas . hey get the products in 9ta. #osa

    :aguna and bring this beauty products here in Balayan. One of the staff said that they =

     branches here in Batangas, Balayan, and Batangas ity. heir store earns a profit of 500 to

    5, 000 pesos a day.

    pg. 43

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    Fere are some of the products of 8llie!s Beauty ornerD

    Nylydal Product!

     ylydal products are considered to be one of the ma-or competitors of the

     proponents products. &t is owned by +s. uliet Beroya. hey also get their products in

    :aguna, where their laboratory is located. ust like in 4r. )lvin!s store, they also earn up to

    10,000 pesos a day. heir advantage among the other competitors is, they have posters that

    display the result or the effectiveness of the product that!s why many people are enticed toused their products

    pg. 44

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     &dentifying the strengths and weaknesses of the future competitors are important to

    evaluate what strategies to be made to achieve the business competitive advantage among these

    competitors. he strength of our competitors is that they are already known in the market. it will

     be difficult to the new entrants like us to compete for they have their own loyal customers, but

    we, the proponents will make an effective strategy to attract our target market as well as to attract

    the loyal customers of our competitors. 6 Note: These strategies will be discussed in the nextchaptermar!eting and sales strategy"# 'roblem in the location is the weakness of our

    competitors. 9o, the proponents find a place that will surely attract and can be seen easily by our

    future customers. #oadside, ayponce, Balayan, Batangas is the perfect place to establish our

     business. &t is near in +agundayao$-amming volt. "e chose this place because it is near in the

    highway and many people can see or visit our store. 

    pg. 45

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    o Gey barriers to entry in a business are important to know for the e%isting business to

     protect their company!s revenues and profits from being whittled away by new

    competitors. &t is also significant to know and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of

    the business for them to be able on what to focus and overcome the hindrances that the

    company will be encountering and in order for them to compete effectively and make

    good strategic decisions.


    he ?itabelle!s 'roduct B' ream, Banana soap, and Banana toner is an organic

    and has less chemical content that also introduces Banana as the main ingredient makes

    the product uni2ue as a new entrant in the market.

    hese products are proven to be effective and has no harmful effects and also

    suitable for all types of skin as it contains ingredients that makes your skin moisturize,

    whitens, softens as well as gives you a healthy skin.

    ompared to the other products, the B' ream is known to be more refreshing

    and revitalizing skin care that makes it a 2uality product that will surely meet the needs

    and wants of the customers.

    &t will be difficult for the competitors to plagiarize our skin care product because

    the contents of it are purely natural. hey are not familiar with the process of producing it

     because they used to develop products using chemical ingredients. "e are secured that

    what we are selling all original because no one can easily copy our products or make an

    imitation of it. &t has also fragrance that is very uni2ue that cannot be distinguished

    easily. &t has also an e%tract which helps to remove the dirt from the skin.

    4octor )lvin and ylydal 'roducts as the main competitor of the proponents will

    surely react as the product has been launched. hey will be surprised because aside from

    they have new competitor, the product that is being competed to them are organic and

    uni2ue. hey will surely find other means to promote their product against the newly

    launch product. hey will make more strategies for them to compete. "e will ensure that

    we will secure that ingredients and process of making it will be protected and keep as a

    secret to avoid the leakage of information about our product. &t will take several years

     before the competitors can copy the product that we have, they will need a lot of research,

    studies and e%periments in order for them to come up with e%actly the same product.

    pg. 46


  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream



    BU/IN+// )OD+

    Business model describes the proposed enterprise!s business model and it also e%plains

    how the business generate revenue or will there be recurring revenue. he proposed business

    focuses on business$to$consumer market by providing products direct to the customers. But since

    the proponent!s proposed product can be delivered to different places, business$to$business

    market would be possible by supplying other businesses most likely drug stores with the legal

    agreement with them.

    ?itabelle business corner will be having a manufacturing company which the idea behind

    this type of product which is the banana peel facial cream is from the proponents. )fter its

     production, partners chose to be the one who will get the finished products to that company

    instead of delivering to them for the purpose of minimizing the cost of delivery. &nventory supply

    pg. 47

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    in a store location will be continued as long as products are producing continuously as well to

    meet future demands.

    &n order to generate revenue, direct selling to consumers will be done by either walk$in,

     personal deliveries or by order through phone calls and online with the terms of payment of only

    cash. 'artners will be the distributors of their products in order for them to get in touch and have

    good relationship with the customers, building trust at the same time. 9elling could be retail if it

    is for about direct customers and supplying in drug stores will bring high income as it is

    wholesale but still, regular supply to them will also depend on the demand of the market. Both

    are beneficial so that having this two kinds of selling strategy will give the business an

    opportunity to have a larger revenue.

    )R+TIN2 /+/ ND /TRT+2=

    Of all the categories that comprise the business plan, the marketing strategy serves as the

     backbone on the launching of the product successfully to the market place. Iuided with the9even '!s of +arketing, the proponents used these strategies in creating of the product. he

     business aims to make a product for the target market that will be using the product for their


    "ith the marketing policies and strategies, will ensure the business success and be more

    competitive to the market.


    pg. 48

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    Our pricing strategy is to position our products with a shel price that is in the

    mid to lower quadrant o high)quality products and brands. "e have

    pg. 49

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    accomplished this by making careul market comparisons and adAusting our

    packaging sie. "e believe our ability to create uture product opportunities and

    growth will only be limited by our imagination and our ability to attract talented

    people who understand the concept o branding

    Our pricing strategy or this range is to position our products with a shel price

    that is in the mid to lower quadrant o high)quality products and brands. "e

    have accomplished this by making careul market comparisons and adAusting

    our packaging sie.


    Bluespa will develop our market position by combining a retail strategy that

    includes a day spa with a wholesale distribution strategy. Bluespa will acquire

    the validity aforded the spa brands and access to broad distribution. Bluespa

    skin care and cosmetic products will ofer therapeutic benets to the user based

    upon the principles o Thalasso therapy in our water line and Botanical

    treatments in our earth line. Our color cosmetics will be mineral based and

    provide the user with esthetic benets while nourishing the skin. In addition toproviding retail appropriate packaging we will develop bulk sies or distribution

    within the spa trade. !ost day spas use generic products and do not have the

    ability to develop a private label line. The apparel and accessory lines will

    combine the newest in technical abrics with t specications that allow the

    wearer ull range o movement. "e have developed a#liations with select yoga

    and tness acilities or our apparel. $ll o our products will be positioned at the

    quality conscious consumer. Our marketing campaign and %& positioning will

    reinorce the Bluespa image. Our message will be to identiy the benets o our

    products and to develop an image that makes Bluespa products highly

    desirable. !eanwhile' our pricing strategy will be to maintain retail price points

    in the lower quadrant o the top quality brands. $ detailed comparison o our

    pricing as it relates to our target market is in the appendi(.

    pg. 50

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    pg. 51

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  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    he payment term that should be given to the customers is the right 2uality of products

    that they are looking for. he business should also provide a 2uestionnaire to the customers about

    their products and services in order to know if they are satisfied or not, and if not, they can

    improve for the better so that they can serve the people in much better way.

    • &ssues and &mpact

    Faving a uni2ue and an eye catching product along with all over cohesive brand

    makes it stand out among all other products. his makes a great impact to the target

    market.'eople want to have a 2uality product but it isn!t enough as they wanted to know

    where the ingredients came from, how it is made or how the product will be used.

      ontinuous innovation of these products gives the customers a variety of choices

    as they buy the products. hese makes the future customers be aware of the new entrants

    in the market.• +arketing budget for at least 1 year.

    :arge amount of budget of the whole year will be allocated for improving the ne%t

    year!s business transactions. here will be having more promotions, discounted prices on

    whole sale products, creating new packages and new line of products.



    $ "ith any 'urchased 'roduct of ?itabelle Beauty orner you!ll get (#88 alendar 


    $ Buy a :imited 8dition 'rinted 9hirt on our store for only 'hp 1;; for ?aletine9eason.

    $ 'urchased ?itabelle beauty 'roduct ina amount of 'hp 1,000 and get the limited

    8dition 'rinted 9hirt for only 'hp 1A;.

    +arch$ 'urchase a?itabelle 'ackage which contains of ?itabelle B' cream, Banana soap and

    Banana oner and you!ll get (

    pg. 53

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream


    9ubmitted byD)rmada, udilyn

    unamay, &cy

    8r2ueza, essicaIamboa, :indsay

    'asco, +arimar 

    ?aleros, anine 8rasmos +arie 9ubmitted toD

    +r. )rnel 4imaanohesis adviser 

    pg. 54

  • 8/19/2019 feasibility study- banana peel cream
