February 2015

Post on 23-Jul-2016

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St. Day Newsletter



Issue no. 49 Feb. 2015 Published by St. Day Parish Council

St. Day Newsletter

In this issue

Parish Council News W.I. Cornwall Councillor School News Local History Clock Tower update Local churches St. Youth Junior AFC

And lots more! Read the Newsletter online at http://issuu.com/St.Day


Janet and David welcome you to their new B&B. Set in its own grounds with off street parking, situated in the middle of Church Street. We have 2 double rooms, 1 twin room and a family room, all with on suites, free WiFi,

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check us out.

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Focus on core strength, spinal stability, posture, strength, toning & flexibility. Every Monday 10.30am – 11.30am.

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cises to improve posture & help you lose weight. Every Thursday 3pm – 4pm.

All drop in by arrangement only. £6.00 per class. Pre Paid 6 Consecutive Classes £18.00

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FLEXIBLE FRIENDS: Adapted & modified Pilates Yoga & Ballet - Movements & stretches are performed while sitting in a chair. Standing postures included for those

who wish to try. Drop in £4.00 per class. 6 Class booking £12.00

REGULAR CLASSES @ The Tate Gallery St Ives, Illogan, Mount Hawke, Blue Lotus Scorrier & St Day.

CONTACT HELEN 01209 200 726 / 07817 044 607


From our Cornwall Councillor Dear Resident, Fly Tipping has been a real issue in this area ever since the new charges at the Household Waste Recycling Centre were introduced, unfortunately despite telling Cornwall Council on numerous occasions that this would happen they went ahead and started charging. I have asked the council to provide me with the figures regarding fly tipping and they are included in the chart below, these figures only show the numbers of fly tipping incidents on public land, the figures do not include private land owners have also seen an increase but unfortunately have to pay to have their land cleared. Cornwall Council does have a number that you can call if you see any fly tipping the number is 0300 1234 202. All cases reported to the council will be logged and the figures used as evidence at the review. Fly tipping is a criminal and environmental offence and if you do notice any person committing this crime please report it just as one sharped eyed resident has done . They witnessed a business person fly tipping on the outskirts of the village and reported it, the van used was clearly marked, and the owner of the van is now being investigated by the authorities. What he had dumped would have all be accepted by United Mines Household Waste Recycling Centre free of charge (what a fool ) Just a reminder of what is accepted free of charge at the

Household Waste Recycling Centre ,the public are still

able to deposit household items for example; black

bag waste, garden waste, bulky household items,

white goods, electric appliances, bric-a-brac etc.

(Continued on page 4)


SITA will charge for certain waste streams that are deposited at the HWRC sites by the public. Soil /

rubble (including bricks, blocks, tiles, rubble, paving slabs, concrete posts, sanitary ware, toilets, etc ) -

(Continued from page 3)

(Continued on page 5)

2013/14 2014/15 Differ-ence

Total No. of Fly tipping incidents - Cornwall 837 1119 282

Total No. of Chargeable waste Fly-tipping incidents - Cornwall

65 151 86

Estimated Cost of collection and disposal of total fly tip-ping incidents

£55,167 £72,825 £17,658

Estimated Cost of collection and disposal of chargeable waste fly tipping incidents

£4,284 £9,827 £5,543

Total No. of Fly tipping incidents – Redruth 23 55 32

Total No. of Chargeable waste Fly-tipping incidents - Redruth

5 9 4

Total No. of Fly tipping incidents – Gwennap 12 20 8

Total No. of Chargeable waste Fly-tipping incidents - Gwennap

3 16 13

Total No. of Fly tipping incidents – St Day 9 25 16

Total No. of Chargeable waste Fly-tipping incidents – St Day

3 12 9

Total No. of Fly tipping incidents – Lanner 5 19 14

Total No. of Chargeable waste Fly-tipping incidents – Lanner

1 7 6

Total No. of Fly tipping incidents – Carharrack 3 2 -1

Total No. of Chargeable waste Fly-tipping incidents – Carharrack

0 0 0

Estimated Cost of collection and disposal of total fly tip-ping incidents in these areas - combined

£3,427 £7,875 £4,448

Estimated Cost of collection and disposal of chargeable waste fly tipping incidents in these areas- combined

£791 £2,864 £2,073


£1.75 per sack

Plasterboard ( including gypsum related products ) - £4.40 per sheet Asbestos – bonded type only - £10.10 per sheet Tyres - commercial and agricultural vehicle types will

not be accepted. There will be no charge for bicycle tyres. - £3.20 per tyre. Kind regards Mark Cornwall Councillor Mark kaczmarek Tinner’s Lodge Pennance Road Lanner Redruth TR16 5TF

(Continued from page 4)

St Day Parish Council Can you spare a couple of hours to help keep

your environment clean and tidy?? There will be a


Saturday 14th

February at

10.00am Meet in the back room of the Community Centre

High visibility jackets, sacks and

grabbers provided


To advertise in or contribute to this Newsletter

Email your items as attachments to


or send details to

Newsletter, Cedric House, St.Day. TR165NQ

Rates Full Page £16/issue or £60 for 4 issues

½ page £10/issue or £32 for 4 issues

¼ page £6/issue or £20 for 4 issues

Local community groups and clubs

FREE Please call or email Nigel for help and advice

on 07967309402 Please note new copy dates. We aim to publish the

Newsletter on or very close to the 1st day of

November, February, May and August. Because of the need to change printing arrangements

and subsequent increased costs we need to reduce the amount of colour in the Newsletter,

Please ask for advice before submitting your items

Please submit your articles and advertisements as soon as possible

before 14th of the month prior to publication


Family Information

Service The Family Information Service (FIS)

offers confidential and impartial advice

to help parents and carers of children

and young people find the right sup-


As Cornwall’s main signposting service

for families with children aged up to 20,

or 25 if they have a special educational

need or disability, FIS will try to point

you in the right direction.

Offering information both over the tele-

phone and through its website, FIS can

provide guidance on a wide range of

family related matters.

Examples of queries it can help with in-


Finding childcare

What can we do as a family

Who gives advice on parenting

and where can I find groups and


Do I qualify for tax credits

How do I complete my child’s

school application form

I want to become a childminder,

how do I do this

What support services are availa-

ble to help my child with…

My child has an additional need, I

need help with…

Children’s centre details and activ-


My family needs a support worker

Do I qualify for any funding to-

wards childcare costs

Youth centre details and activities

Local Offer

Aimed at families with children and

young people with special educational

needs and disabilities (SEND), its pur-

pose is to provide information, in one

place, about services families can ex-

pect locally and how to access them.

The Local Offer was launched in Sep-

tember last year, every Local Authority

in England must publish one. Corn-

wall’s Local Offer is hosted by the FIS


Within it details about Education Health

and Care (EHC) assessments and

plans can be found.

The Local Offer is growing everyday as

service providers add their details and

it responds to local needs and de-

mands. As it expands, it will include

lots more information on subjects such


Childcare and the expertise the

childcare providers have with


Teams available to support at key

transition times, e.g. moving from

nursery to primary school

Health services


Leisure activities

For further information look at the FIS

website or contact the team.

Contact FIS

Freephone: 0800 587 8191

Landline: 01872 323 535

Available Monday to Friday between

9am and 5pm. An answer phone is

provided at all other times.

Text: 60030 starting with the word ‘FIS’

Email: fis@cornwall.gov.uk



Facebook: cornwallfis


Presents its

40th Spring Show to be held at

Community Centre,

St. Day on

Saturday 21st March Commencing 1.30pm

awards presented at 4.30pm

by Father Simon Bone

Admission Adults 50p.

children (over 5) 20p. Schedules available in local shops or

ring Bill Williams on 01209 820957



CHACEWATER SURGERY Monday to Friday 8.30 am—6.00 pm

Saturday 8.30 am—11.30 am

DEVORAN SURGERY Monday to Thursday 8.30 am—6.00 pm

(Monday to Thursday closed for lunch 1.00

pm — 1.30 pm )

Friday 8.30 am—1.00 pm ONLY


Pre book appointments up to four weeks in advance

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REPEAT PRESRIPTION DELIVERY SERVICE available for housebound pa-

tients every Thursday—please ask for details


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For more information please visit our website


or contact us on

01872 560346 / 01872 562200

Dr Russell Bolton, Dr Tony Shaw, Dr Margie Shaw & Dr Natalie Dawes


Parish Council News The Parish Council normally meets on the second Monday of each month, (except in August), at 7:00pm in the Community Room in Mills St.. There is car parking available in Barracks Lane.

The meetings are open to the public (unless an item has to be taken in private) and agenda item 3 is always for public participation (limited to 15 minutes). It is sometimes necessary to arrange extra meetings, often concerning planning ap-plications. Notices of all the meetings are displayed on the notice board at least 3 days before a meeting. Minutes of meetings are displayed on the notice board and also on our web site www.stday.org

Parish Councillors

Bobby Dyer 820021 Sandra Hatcher 820986 Donna Jones 820573

Jim Moores 820160 Geoff Nankivell 820201 Steve Penny 820774

John Newcombe 820841 Cornwall Councillor Mark Kaczmarek 211366

Clerk to Parish Council Steve Edwards 821829

Newsletter The newsletter is now being printed by Cornwall Council. As costs are higher we will be re-stricting the number of pages, partic-ularly the number printed in colour. We must apologise to those resi-dents who did not receive the last issue, this was due to the printer breaking down near the end of the run. Town Clock Work is now well under way and the scaffolding is due to be taken down at the end of February which will be a relief to those living nearby who have suffered from the noise of flapping plastic when it is windy. All the grant money is now in place for the repairs, the SITA grant was delayed because their adminis-trator was off work injured and things went astray in the post as their office was unmanned. It has been found necessary to re-place all the windows due to rot and

several stones need replacing. The clock mechanism will not be re-placed until the interior is re-pointed which must wait for the walls to dry out. Clare Summerson has been suc-cessful in obtaining a grant from the Arts Council towards the cost of the next community event, based around the clock theme. Watch out for further news of this in forthcom-ing newsletters. Many thanks, Clare, for all your hard work. Housing We have heard from one of the field owners that Kier is not going ahead with the development in Telegraph Hill at the moment, as Devon and Cornwall Housing cannot afford the cost of stabilising the old mine workings. Kier is now looking for another housing association to take on the project.

(Continued on page 11)


Council Tax The Parish Council managed to keep the increase for next year to less than 3% even al-lowing for the extra funding needed for the Town Clock building. Waste Collection It was pleasing to see that residents kept their rubbish off the streets over the festive period when collections were not carried out on Boxing Day. Thanks to everybody for helping to keep St. Day tidy. Litter Pick, Saturday February 14


Volunteers are required for the Litter Pick, meet at the rear of the Com-munity Centre at 10am to tidy up the area around St. Day. Please come along and help and enjoy a cup of tea, a biscuit and a chat afterwards. Notices Can we ask those who put up notices on poles etc., to adver-tise events to please remove them afterwards to keep the area tidier. Burial Ground Our thanks to those who helped with the levelling of sunken graves in the council owned Burial Ground. We would remind families that, after the funeral wreaths are removed, a condition of burial is that flowers are only placed on the headstone so as to allow for grass cutting and keeping a tidy ap-pearance Old Church The Parish Council and the Old Church Committee have both been in contact with the dioce-san authorities about the state of the building and we understand that the

fencing is to be removed and hope-fully it will be open to the public this summer. Bus Services Evening and Sunday services through St.Day have con-tinued on Service 47, after the trial period which ended in November. It is now up to residents to use the services or they will be withdrawn. Service 47 is heavily subsidised by Cornwall Council. Bus Shelter at Scorrier Following representation from a bus user to the Parish Council Cornwall Council is now looking into the possibility of moving one of the shelters from near the filling station to near the Fox & Hounds at Scorrier. This was the location originally requested by the Parish Council. Police Cuts The two Redruth based Community Policing areas have now been combined under P.C. Mark Pearce, with P.C.S.O. Paul Ferris re-sponsible for Lanner, Carharrack and St. Day. The police will no longer contribute articles to this newsletter, attend Parish Council meetings or provide crime statistics for the parish. To report incidents and suspected crimes ring 101 If it is an emergency ring 999 To speak to the local officers ring 01209 202324 Chairman John Newcombe 820841 Clerk Steve Edwards 821829


Parking!! We all know that parking in St Day, if you aren’t fortunate enough to have space within the curtilage of your own property, has become a nightmare in recent years. Car ownership has mush-roomed and it seems that each house now has at least two cars and often more. Do you remember the days when cars were only parked on one side of Vogue Hill? When you could al-ways find a spot to park in Fore St or opposite Buckingham Terrace in Tele-graph St? When no one needed to park on the double yellow lines outside the Post Office? Sadly those days are long gone and we can no longer count on being able to park outside our own homes when we come home. One pos-sible solution would, of course, be to provide a car park such as they have in Chacewater – but where would it go? If a suitable piece of land was found and if the owner was willing to sell would people use it? There are parts of St Day where people have allocated off-street parking but don’t use it as every-one wants to park outside their own house! The answer is that we all have to be more considerate and understanding and it was therefore quite worrying to hear recently that a resident had been threatened by someone whose house she was parking outside. We all know that everyone wants to park outside their own house but getting angry and threatening when someone else does is unreasonable. It stands to reason that that person would not be parking there if she could park outside her own house! No one owns the space on the street outside their house and, if some-one else has to park there, then so be

it. The recent incident could have resulted in a call to the police and serious prob-lems for the person who made the threat but, fortunately for that person, the lady concerned decided not to take it that far. Nevertheless we all have a responsibility to park sensibly, taking up as little room as possible, and to grin and bear it when someone else has to park outside our property. Please be more understanding about this problem and, if anyone does think they have the answer to this problem, please let a Parish Council-lor know!

Carpet Bowls Club

St. Day Carpet Bowls club meets at Trinity Church Hall

every Thursday evening, 7.00pm.

Ladies and Men are welcome, a £1.00

fee includes refreshments.

Phone Cliff on

01209 719034 for more details


Make The Batter Matter “Hold a Fish and Chip Supper to help spinal cord injured people

rebuild lives after injury”

Great British Fish and Chip Supper – Friday 15th May 2015

Want to eat Fish and Chips, while raising money for charity? Hold a fish and chip

supper on Friday 15th May 2015 whilst raising awareness of spinal cord injury and

supporting SIA’s vital services.

You can hold a fish and chip supper in your own home, at work or hold a larger sup-

per at your local community centre.

SIA will provide a fundraising pack containing hints and tips, recipes, invitations and

donation envelopes. By inviting 8 friends and asking them to donate an additional

£5.00 means you will raise at least £40.00 from your supper but we will also give

you additional fundraising ideas to raise even more money for SIA.

In 2015 we want to make the batter matter and raise £40,000 from everyone holding

suppers. Last year we raised £20,000 from the suppers.

The money raised from the suppers will help the Spinal Injuries Association offer

support to individuals who become paralysed and their families, from the moment a

spinal injury occurs, and for the rest of their lives by providing services and publica-

tions which enable and encourage paralysed people to rebuild lives after spinal cord


Every year in the UK over 1,000 people experience a spinal cord injury and there are

an estimated 40,000 spinal cord injured people in the UK alone.

Community Fundraising Manager, Elizabeth Wright, says, “The Fish and Chip Supper

is a wonderful opportunity for a great evening with friends and family. We are also

encouraging people who work to hold a Fish and Chip Lunch in their work places to

raise even more funds. You may be even a local community group wanting to run a

fun evening with your group.


Nurturing Clinic

Massage, Reflexology, Hypnotherapy, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP)

Life Coaching

Sandy Hatcher & Associates Nurturing Clinic, Pink Moors, St Day TR16 5NL

Appointments contact: 01209 820986

Email: sandyh1324@gmail.com

The Spring Show will be held on the third Saturday in March,

21st March 2015. Schedules will be out in the shops by the

middle of February. Please make an effort to enter the show and come along to take a

look around and support the show.

If anyone is interested in joining our committee and helping to keep the show the success it is please con-

tact Mandy on 01209 820157.


Hello to all our friends, from The Carharrack Players.

Panto season is with us again and this year the Players are

ready to go on stage with their production of Cinderella, a

beautiful fairy tale not to be missed and written by our own

Annette Hillman.

We are thrilled that Rose Dawes has returned to direct us. so

you can be assured that you will have a wonderful evening, full

of laughter, boo's, singing and dancing. You will enjoy

Cinderella, oh yes you will!

This year is a first for the Players, with four generations of one

family coming together to entertain you, three members on

stage and our Musical Director. I'm sure you will agree that is


Tickets are now on sale at The General Stores, St Day,

Monday and Tuesday mornings and The Mills Hall,

Carharrack, Thursday and Friday mornings. Alternatively you

can phone Rose on 01209 2151 09.

As always the venue is Mills Hall Carharrack and the dates are

February 16th -21st nightly at 7.30pm (doors open at 7pm) with

a matinee on Saturday 21st

The Players look forward to seeing you there, and take this

opportunity to wish you all a prosperous New Year.


W J Mills (Cottages) Trust The W J Mills (Cottages) Trust is looking to recruit additional Trustees. The Trust, which owns 42 properties, was set up in 1933 to provide afford-able accommodation for people aged 60+ who live in or have a strong connection with St Day and the surrounding area. We have 7 voluntary Trustees who form the management committee for the Trust, making policy decisions and providing guidance for the devel-opment of the organisation. Meetings are held quarterly on a weekday morning. Ideally, but not essential, candidates should have experience in the hous-ing sector, building or charity management and have local knowledge. For more information on this opportunity please contact: Carol Freeman, Secretary, WJ Mills (Cottages) Trust, The Community Room, Mills St., St Day. Email: millstrust@hotmail.co.uk






For peace of mind ring


(01209) 315060

Bernard Williams & Son







St Day Youth AFC At St Day Youth it has been a busy time again. In November we had our La-dies Evening despite the very windy and wet evening we had a good turnout raising £24 for the youth and £30 for Children in Need. At the beginning of December we had our Children’s Christmas Party at Raze the Roof with Father Christmas in attendance. The children had a great time and burnt off a great deal of energy. The children received a black St Day T shirt and a pair of 'Saints' socks. The club can boost another two new FA Level 2 qualified coaches which is a rare thing for the club but a very proud moment too. Phil Richards and Martyn Daughtery have both put in over 100 hours of their own time, with practical, theory and lesson planning all being part of it and can now take the level of coaching to next stage. In the middle of January, Sunday 18

th we were asked by Redruth Charity

Trust (A big sponsor to the youth section) to host an Application Evening. There were the 22 sports clubs from the project and new for the next 3 years 11 schools invited to this event which is a first for us to host. Chris Hailey, Chairman of RCT gave a speech on the next three years funding and gave the clubs and schools a chance to talk and pick up their application packs. We have again this year made it into the Semi Finals of the Kernow League cup. Our under 12's will be playing at home again with a Super Semi Cup Fi-nal Day on Sunday 8th March against Illogan Hotspurs. Our Under 13's are playing on Sunday 15th March away to Culdrose Cyclones which will be a very exciting game. On 11th April we will be going to Plymouth Argyle Football Club for a match day experience to watch Plymouth take on Mansfield. We hope to be taking about 100 people and it proves to be a great day out what ever age you are. This year is very exciting for us as we are now going to France to take part in football tournament with a selection of our Under 12's and Under 13's. The tournament will take place on May Bank Holiday weekend Friday 22nd to Monday 25th. Also on 29th May we have got our Youth Presentation Even-ing which is a very good evening had by all. We have also got some very exciting news this year that the Youth Chairman Mark Leah and his partner Rianne Haines are expecting their first baby (a new club signing) on 7th July. We as a club send them many congratulations and good luck.

To keep right up to date with all club news, fixtures, results and also the club

monthly newsletter log on to www.stdayafc.co.uk

(Continued on page 19)


St Day Youth AFC

Bethany Prouse from our un-der 13's met Jasmine Mat-thews who plays for England and Bristol. She came to give Bethany some encourage-ment with her football skills, she also signed Bethany’s St. Day football shirt. Bethany will represent west Cornwall in Germany on the bank holiday in May along with 4 others from our U13s. Bethany will be the 1

st female to go in the

history of Cornwall entering the tournament, but as im-portant they all will be the 1st players to attend playing for St Day Youth. The rest of the team is made up from Pen-zance & Culdrose.

We would like to say a massive thank you to Jo from Scaffold Solutions for sponsoring our Under 10's (Tinners) with a new kit and items such as training tops, beanie hats and a tactics board to help with game play and positioning. We would also like to thank our other sponsors Jose and Blackler Plumbing - U7's, CAW windows - U8's, Nisa Store - U9's, Martyn Opie - U12's and Trelawny Window - U13's.


St Day Youth AFC (cont)

Under 10’s Players and coaches in waterproof training kit and ‘Saints’ Christmas present socks To keep right up to date with all

club news, fixtures, results and

also the club monthly newslet-

ter log on to


St Day





Harvest Festival in aid of Marie Curie Cancer Care On the 24

th of Sep-

tember I was the Auctioneer at the Cornish Arms Frog-pool Harvest Festi-val, I would like to say a big thank you Landlady Jane Cole and Landlord Tim Stumbles for organ-ising the event and to the many people that had donated the fresh local pro-duce and locally made goods ,those who turned up on the evening had a

great time . This raised £832 on the night plus £90 collection. Thank you to eve-ryone who has contributed so far and please help us to make it to £1000 in total before the end of the year.

Cornwall Councillor Mark kaczmarek

St Day Historical & Conservation Society. Local mining enthusiast Geof Purcell opened St Day Historical & Conserva-tion Society's autumn season in Octo-ber with a fascinating guided walk along the Tregargus Valley near St Stephen-in-Brannel, to discover its wealth of otherwise hidden remains of the once thriving local industries where china stone was extensively quarried and processed during the Industrial Revolution. At the AGM in November, opening their twenty-eighth season of events, Chairperson Bernadette Fallon, Secre-tary Mark Johnson and Treasurer Bry-an Llewellyn, were all unanimously re-

elected, with Geoff Nankivell very kind-ly agreeing to be re-appointed auditor. A fond farewell was bidden to former Committee member and twice-serving Treasurer of very long standing, Jo-anne Laing, who has retired. Her many years of valuable and much appreciat-ed service were highlighted by the Secretary, and grateful thanks on be-half of members expressed in his Re-port. Bernadette remarked in her address how important it continues to be for the Society to fight for its causes, such as its flagship project at St Day Old Church, which has recently been af-flicted with the erection of an unneces-

(Continued on page 24)


The Methodist Church in

St. Day warmly welcomes you to share with them in their events and activities. Methodism has been present in St. Day for many

years. The Methodist Church and family seek to serve and fol-low Christ's teaching as a group of believers and individuals.

We extend the love of God to all.

Friendly fellowship, transport no problem, Comfortable surround-ings, genuine love and support offered to all

Second Monday of every month Pop In 11:00 am to 1:00 pm . A chance for a soup and sweet lunch, chat and fellowship.

Tuesdays 2:30 pm 4:00 pm Bright Hour - a fellow-ship meeting for ladies and men. (Not in August)

Wednesdays 4th Wednesday of the month 12 noon for 12.15 Luncheon Club

1st and 3rd Wednesday - (not in Aug.)

Ray’s Bargain Bin 10.00-3.30pm

Thursdays 10.15 am Coffee, Prayer and Bible Study

Other special events are organized, details can be found on the Church door or notice board.


Church services and activities -

Ralph Gilbert 821100

Junior Church – Bobby Dyer 820021

Hirings – Janet Homer 820881

Notices all around the town with latest

details of services and events


sary, ugly, Heras exclusion fence, in the mistaken belief by the Diocesan in-surance assessor that the building is dangerous; this is about to be removed once certain security issues have been resolved. The meeting was followed by a wonderful Powerpoint presentation entitled In Search of the Smugglers, by local historian and author Carole Vivi-an, who transported members back in time to the romantic period when these swashbuckling characters roamed the coastal highways and byways bringing forbidden fruits to the gentry and com-monfolk of Cornwall alike. Unexpected-ly she revealed that very sizeable sums of money were involved in carry-ing out this illicit trade, evidenced for example by the reputed thousand guin-eas deposited on a bar-room table in Roscoff, Brittany, by Polperro smug-glers, a considerable sum in those days. Even more surprising were some of the uses to which they put their ill-gotten gains, such as the laundering of their income by purchasing the educa-tion of their children in Polperro schools, an invisible way of disposing of their assets. December brought members to The Cornish Arms at Frogpool to enjoy a highly convivial Christmas meal. The New Year opens for members on Wednesday, 21

st January, with another

first for the Society, this time Diocesan Stained Glass Consultant, Michael Swift's illustrated talk on a former Vicar of Crantock, entitled Father GM Par-sons – A Rediscovered Victorian Vi-sionary. Michael's expert recording and interpretation of ecclesiastical stained glass and its subjects and themes is very widely and highly acclaimed. New members are always welcome



St Day Old Church, an extraordinary and remarkable Gothic building con-structed in 1828, is in great danger; probably its most perilous situation since it was closed in 1956. We are writing to enlist your help in trying to save it for the community. We launched a project in 1988 to stabilise the building and make it accessible to everyone, and obtained grants which enabled considerable structural work to be done, and it has been open to the public almost every year since 2000, from Easter until the end of Sep-tember. It has been much visited by people from all over the world, and has been used for concerts, plays, art exhi-bitions, religious events, university stu-dent projects, and other community events. The church is Grade II listed, and is in a Conservation Area which forms part of a World Heritage Site. The situation at present is this; in brief, the Diocese of Truro finds it necessary to dispose of the church, and has asked St Day Old Church Appeal Com-mittee – a tiny local organisation with no income source – to form a charita-ble trust to take the building on and be responsible for its future maintenance. (If a trust cannot assume responsibility, the church will be put on the open mar-ket where it would probably go to a de-veloper and be lost to the community.) This is a daunting task, as you might

(Continued from page 22)

(Continued on page 25)


imagine, and all we can do is take it one step at a time and do what we can to save it. The first step is to provide as much evidence as we can of communi-ty involvement with the building and support for its continued community use, and this is where you can help. We have written to all the local organi-sations and other bodies we can think of, asking for letters of support affirm-ing the church's importance to local people – and we would also welcome letters from individuals, outlining what it means to you . Would you be prepared to write such a letter? In the longer term, setting up a charita-ble trust (or possibly a Community In-terest Company, if this proves to be ap-propriate) is something with which we are going to need a great deal of help. Is there anyone out there with experi-ence of setting up a trust, or of fund-raising, who would be willing to share their expertise? We will also have to find people prepared to be trustees (or directors,) which will involve a range of different skills, plus the time and the willingness to be a part of this complex process. We are doing all we can to save the Old Church – your involvement would be much appreciated. Please send your letter to us, so we can present them all at once to the Diocese. Time for this is short; we have been given very little time to set this process in motion. We should be so grateful for your help. You can contact us at 17 Chapel Street, or at househistory@btinternet.com, or on 01209 821124. Thank you.

Bernadette Fallon Mark A. Johnson Chairperson Secretary St Day Old Church Appeal Committee.

(Continued from page 24) Holiday Villa in

Cyprus Available to rent all the

year round

Just 3 minutes from the beach


01209 820441

St Day Parish Council Can you spare a couple

of hours to help keep your environment clean and tidy?? There will be a LITTER PICK

on Saturday 14


February at

10.00am Meet in the back room of the Com-

munity Centre High visibility jackets, sacks and

grabbers provided


News From St Day and Carharrack School

New pupils Since the last Parish newsletter, when we welcomed 34 children to the Reception class in September 2014, a further 9 children have joined the school. It’s great to know that so many families are choosing St Day and Carharrack Community School. There are now 166 children enjoying their learning and being taught by an excellent team of teachers and support staff, Events in School In December the school celebrated the festive season with a number of events within the local community. The school choir were in high demand and made many appearances including a visit to Trefula House Nursing Home and the switching on of the Christmas lights in Carharrack. The children in our youngest three classes performed a traditional nativity for their families at All Saints Church, whilst the children in the three older classes entertained their families at a wonderful Carol Concert. The chil-dren and their families took the festive time as a reason to sup-port others and £310 was raised for the Invictus Trust. Since January the school have welcomed Holly and Jasmine from the community to run an animation club for the children after school each week. The children’s animations will be exhibited at a celebration of the restored clock tower later this year. Upcoming events In March children will be marking St Piran’s Day, which coincides with World Book Day this year. Each class will celebrate books with stories based around life in Cornwall, as well as sharing their favourite stories with their friends and teachers. Also in March the children will be participating in the national Comic Relief event, the children will be holding a sponsored skip with many challenges, and some comedy events, lined up for the children.



The ‘Oil Club’ helps more people save on their fuel bills Residents are saving money on heating oil by having deliveries on the same day each month. By using an independent local supplier we not only get a discount but also have experienced good service in extreme weather!

To join in and save on your oil costs you need to order through Nigel Knight on 820441. You can also order online by emailing your

details and order to stdayoilclub@gmail.com.

In order to receive a discount you must place your order with Nigel, please do not phone our supplier direct, this could result in you getting a double delivery!

Deliveries are made on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.




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The family concern that cares


Well here we are again, Christmas but a distant memory, except for the odd bits lurking the depth of the freezer and a stray pine needle and a bit of glitter hiding

in the corner. The November meeting certainly encouraged us to get in the festive mood. We were delighted to welcome Linda Cole of "Flowers from Linda” and village resident. Linda started by showing us how to make a lovely wreath for the door. No more struggling with chicken wire and moss. Just buy a ready made plastic one complete with oasis, you don't eve have to leave home

as they can be bought on line....simples! Greenery and berries from her own garden were Linda’s choice finished off with trails of ivy and a festive bow, as Linda said one could use any flowers or baubles that you might fancy. Everyone had arrived masses of greener, flowers and decorative bits to have a go at making their own wreaths, what lovely and varied ones were produced by the end of the evening, so good that Linda had a job to choose a favourite. Linda also gave us a really good suggestion for an inexpensive flower holder. Take a large empty tin, wash it out, remove the labels and then stick a wide piece of decorative ribbon round it, particularly easy if you have a glue gun, put a piece of oasis in the tin leaving a couple of inches above the top. Fill with flowers, looks lovely, costs next to nothing and you can recycle the tin after use.

Scorrier Christian Fellowship

SCORRIER CHAPEL (Opposite the Crossroads Lodge)


MEETINGS EACH SUNDAY Morning Meeting 10.00am

Prayer Meeting 6.30pm

Evening Meeting 7.00pm

For further information please contact

Tim Jenkin 01209 899009 and visit our website www.scorrierchristianfellowship.org.uk


St Day Burial Ground Back in 1985 when St Day Parish Council was formed the first serious task it faced was to decide whether to identify and fund a new burial ground, having been told that the existing churchyard was full. If the decision had been not to bother then all burials of St Day residents would have taken place in the cemetery at Trewirgie in Redruth and residents would have had to travel there to tend their loved ones’ graves. Fortunately the decision was’ yes’ and the owner of the field adjacent to the avenue to the Old Church was happy to sell a portion of the field for use as a burial ground. It was opened in 1987 and for the last 27 years burials have taken place there and residents have been able to tend graves without the need for a journey to Redruth. It is also true to say that a lot of people have been happy to know that, when their time came, they would be buried in St Day. During this time Parish Council-lors have had some difficult decisions to make when people from outside St Day, including Carharrack, have asked to be buried there and, unless the per-son concerned had a very strong con-nection with St Day, the decision has usually been ‘no’. This has sometimes caused offence but Parish Councillors have had to consider that the burial ground was bought with Parish Council funds which come from the people of St Day via your Council Tax. Even with this careful use of the burial ground we are now reaching the point where there may only be around 15 years left before it is full and we will face the same problem as we did in

1985 and, in order to be proactive and try to solve the problem before it be-comes serious, Parish Councillors have started to address the matter now. The Parish Council is fully pre-pared to consider buying a further piece of land for use as a burial ground as it is aware that this is what residents want but there is serious problem in finding a suitable plot. The owner of the field next to the existing burial ground has been approached but does not want to sell any more land so the Par-ish Council’s question to everyone is simple: If you want the Parish Council to con-tinue to provide a burial ground in St Day can you suggest a suitable piece of land and even better, do you know who owns it and are they willing to sell? Best of all, do you have a suitable piece of land that you are willing to sell for this purpose? Anywhere will be considered although there must be either vehicular access or it should be relatively easy to put this in. Obviously a plot not too far away from the church and existing churchyard and burial ground would be preferable but this is not essential. The piece of land doesn’t have to be enor-mous and any plot of reasonable size will be considered – the current burial ground is quite a small parcel of land but will serve for at least 40 years. So, it’s up to you, the people of St Day – if you want to be buried in St Day, if you want to be able to bury your loved ones in St Day, then we need your help in finding a suitable piece of land. If you have any ideas please let a Parish Cllr or the Parish Clerk know. We look forward to hearing from you!



For weddings, funerals and baptisms

Fr. Simon Bone, Vicar : 01872 822862

The Rectory, Church St,

St. Day


Annette Hillman 821030

Sue Manley 820187

Hall Bookings

Sheila Braddon 820285

We have many varied fund raising events during the

year. Please do come along and join us.

Holy Trinity Church


Homecroft & St Day Surgery www.homecroftsurgery.nhs.uk

St Day Tel: 01209 820518

Opening Times Monday 9.30am to 1 pm and 3pm to 6pm Tuesday 8.15am to 1pm Wednesday 9.30am to 1 pm Thursday 8.15am to 1 pm and 3pm to 6pm Friday 8.15am to 1pm

Flu Vaccine : If you have re-ceived a letter, inviting you to have this year’s flu jab, and have not yet had one, please call Homecroft on 01209 843843 to book an appoint-ment. ALL PATIENTS OVER 65 years of age are entitled to a flu jab – please call to make an appointment.

From 22 October 2014, pa-tients that call the surgery after 6.30pm, will no longer

be transferred to SERCO, but greeted with a pre-recorded message asking that the caller hangs up

and redials 111. Please see our website

www.homecroftsurgery.nhs.uk for all the latest news and updates.


Eight Saints Cluster Although as I write there are still a few days to go before Christmas, I am con-scious that when you read this 2015 will be well under way and indeed Lent will be just around the corner! So alt-hough I am currently tempted to focus almost entirely on the minutiae of the next few days it is good to have the op-portunity to look up and realise that there is life beyond my first Christmas in the Eight Saints Cluster! I hope your festivities went well and that amidst the distractions you were able once again to praise and thank God for his gift to us of the Christ, the real wonder of Christmas, God with us. Towards the end of 2014, I was privi-leged to lead a series of study groups following the ‘Windows into the New Testament’ course devised by Stephen Dawes, Canon Theologian at Truro Ca-thedral. There is a range of ‘Windows Into’ courses, all based around power-

point presentations and designed to in-vite intelligent engagement with the Christian faith, though without assum-ing any previous knowledge. Much food for thought and energetic discus-sion was generated, greatly enjoyed by all who came. Looking forward into this year, I hope to have the opportunity to run some more ‘Windows Into ..’ courses during 2015. Detailed information will be sent out in due course but do contact me if you would like to know more. As a course leader I know that I will learn as much as any participant and I look for-ward to the opportunity to do so again with as many as would like to join me in 2015. May I take this opportunity of thanking you all for the welcome you have ex-tended to me since July and to wish you every blessing in the year ahead. Elly Sheard Elly is a Curate in training within the Eight Saints Cluster of churches.



Action St Day Group

to make St Day a better place to !live

and work

Two and a half years of work have paid off and St Day is to have a

whole new play area at the Wheal Jewel Playing Field. The play equip-

ment that is there was well past its sell by date years ago and the Ac-

tion St Day Group with the help of Scott James, Bryony Nicholls and

Mervyn Smallwood of Kerrier District Council Regeneration team have put

together £65,474 of funding granted by the Liveability Community Pot,

Cornwall County Playing fields Association, Cory Environmental Trust,

St Day Parish Council, the Neighbourhood Renewal Community Chest, Devon

& Cornwall Housing, Living Spaces, the Local Network Fund, the Neigh-

bourhood Community Chest Grant Fund, Lt. Comdr. J Mills, the St Day Ju-

bilee Committee and the Action St Day Group. Quite a list but it’s

quite a sum of money and it shows that the support is wide based.

The project started with the selection of potential contractors and

Rolf Necked of Kerrier DC Engineering Service provided a select list

and has kept in touch with the project right through and, since the

completed play area is to be maintained by KDC, he will always be in-


Five contractors were asked to submit a scheme and their designs were

exhibited at St Day & Carharrack School to be commented on by the pu-

pils and their parents. As well as being shown at the school a public

display was viewed at the Action St Day Group Annual General Meeting

and from the comment forms completed one contractor came out on top.

The prices submitted were keen and "best value", other than just price,

determined the final choice. The chosen suppliers are Company, who also

supplied the play equipment at Tucking Mill. Up until recently Company

were part of the Lego Group so we are dealing with people who under-

stand children very well, and adults who like playing, sorry, designing

with Lego.

The final design is made up of eleven separate pieces that set out to

appeal to young people from two or three up to fifteen or sixteen.

There are two sets of swings, two twizzley sticks, these are real fun,

two very modern roundabouts (one you can sit in and the other you can

use in all sorts of ways), a rocking ‘wasp’, a spinning bowl, a ‘stand-

up’ seesaw, a play house, come slide , come climbing frame and a mon-

ster climbing frame the likes of which you will have never seen before.

It is 18 feet (5.5 metres) across and about 10 feet (3 metres) tall and

is certainly the most exciting piece of kit you will have seen in a

long time. The whole set up is to provide interesting and challenging

and exciting "FUN" and it will belong to the young people of St Day

and, please can I have a go sometimes.

The order for the installation has been placed and completion will be

around the end of September. When it has been completed an official

opening will be held with all the pupils from St Day School doing the

honours. The date for the opening has yet to be fixed but there will be

notices giving the date, time and place.

Emlyn Stone Fabrications

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Some humour? TEACHER: Maria, go to the map and find North America. MARIA: Here it is. TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America ? CLASS: Maria. ____________________________________ TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor? JOHN: You told me to do it without using tables. __________________________________________ TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?' GLENN: K-R-O-K-O-D-I-A-L' TEACHER: No, that's wrong GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it. ____________________________________________ TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water? DONALD: H I J K L M N O. TEACHER: What are you talking about? DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O. __________________________________ TEACHER: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago. WINNIE: Me! __________________________________________ TEACHER: Glen, why do you always get so dirty? GLEN: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are. _______________________________________ TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with ' I. ' MILLIE: I is.. TEACHER: No, Millie..... Always say, 'I am.' MILLIE: All right... 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.' ________________________________ Submitted by Steve Edwards


Tony Moyle Funeral Director

23, Trewirgie Hill,

Redruth TR15 2TB

Tel. 01209 214883

24 Hour Service Private

Chapel of Rest

Pre-payment Plans Available

St.Day Launderette 10 Church Street, Tel. Karen 07547192207

Service Washes

(Tuesdays and Sundays, ready next day)

Double Loaders for Duvets etc. Monday to Saturday 8.30 to 7.00pm

Sunday 9.00am to 2.30pm

Some humour? TEACHER: Maria, go to the map and find North America. MARIA: Here it is. TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America ? CLASS: Maria. ____________________________________ TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor? JOHN: You told me to do it without using tables. __________________________________________ TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?' GLENN: K-R-O-K-O-D-I-A-L' TEACHER: No, that's wrong GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it. ____________________________________________ TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water? DONALD: H I J K L M N O. TEACHER: What are you talking about? DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O. __________________________________ TEACHER: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago. WINNIE: Me! __________________________________________ TEACHER: Glen, why do you always get so dirty? GLEN: Well, I'm a lot closer to the ground than you are. _______________________________________ TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with ' I. ' MILLIE: I is.. TEACHER: No, Millie..... Always say, 'I am.' MILLIE: All right... 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.' ________________________________ Submitted by Steve Edwards