Femoroacetabular impingement

Post on 02-Nov-2014

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Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI)

• An impingement of the chondro-labral structures between the femur and acetabulum. Whilst the diagnosis of femoroacetabular impingement has only recently gained attention, it is more common in the athletic population. particularly athletes who participate in sports which require them to frequently move into a position of internal rotation and flexion.

• This makes it an important diagnosis for the sports physiotherapist to be aware of FAI management and the best practice.


• Cam impingement occurs when the patient has an aspherical femoral head and there is an abnormal head/neck junction with an increased radius at the waist. At extremes of ROM this will result in femoral abutment causing sheer stress on the articular cartilage and a subsequent labral tear or detachment.

Computed tomography 3-dimensional reconstructed images of right and left hips, demonstrating small protuberances of the femoral head-neck junction (arrows) that can be seen in cam-type femoroacetabular impingement (right greater than left).

• Pincer impingement occurs when the patient has excessive acetabular coverage (or “over coverage”). This over coverage will cause femoral abutment against the chondrolabral tissues at extremes of ROM.

• MIXED: The majority of cases are a mixed presentation of both




The aims of physiotherapy are initially anti-inflammatory in nature.

This includes • rest from aggravating activities • electrophysical modalities. • Pelvic/Gluteal Strengthening• Core Stability(global muscle ) Strengthening• Gentle!!! Stretching• Mulligan (lateral hip distraction) techniques are useful


The real take home messages from this PRESENTATION is that:

• FAI should be considered as a cause of groin pain, particularly in an athletic population

• Early and correct clinical diagnosis is essential (remember to rule out competing hypotheses)

• Radiography should progress from initial X-ray to MR arthrography to fully assess pathology

• The athlete should be educated on the usual clinical pathway of FAI (low response to conservative management)

• The athlete should undertake a short term conservative trial• Surgical interventions should be considered early, given

conservative treatment failure, as development of OA will decrease probability of successful outcome

• Arthroscopic decompression will allow the majority of professional athletes to return to play.

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