Fences troy tragichero2

Post on 12-May-2015

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  • 1.TROY AS TRAGIC HERO Character Analysis in AugustWilsons Fences http://cdn.newsday.com/polopoly_fs/1.1881696.1293235290!/httpImage/2536408603.JPG_gen/derivatives/display_600/2536408603.JPG

2. MYTHOLOGY IN FENCES 3. WILSONS PURPOSE Weve already established that Wilsons plays in his Pittsburgh Cycle were intended to reflect the African-American experience in American during each decade of the 20th century. 4. GROUNDED IN CULTURES MYTHS Wilson also follows in the tradition of classical Greek theatre. Greek playwrights (like Aeschylus and Sophocles) crafted plays to show their fellow citizens human weakness and potential for growth. 5. WHAT ARE THE MYTHS ADDRESSED IN FENCES? myth: a widely held but false belief or idea. 6. WILSON WEAVES MYTHOLOGIES TOGETHER 7. AFRICAN MYTHOLOGY Yoruba trickster hero Eshu a spirit of Chaos and Trickery, and plays frequently by leading mortals to temptation and possible tribulation in the hopes that the experience will lead ultimately to their maturation (Eshu) 8. AFRICAN MYTHOLOGY Troy is a descendent of Eshu; he wants complete satisfaction or nothing at all. Hes a trickster. His trials and tribulations include Alberta, baseball, work, etc. His goals are success and survival, regardless of the cost. 9. GREEK MYTHOLOGY Characters names (i.e.Troy) Troys hubris (exaggerated self- confidence) when it comes to facing death. Allusion to Homers The Odyssey and The Illiad: structure of a journey Allusion to Oedipus in Troys blindness after he fights his father. 10. BIBLICAL MYTHOLOGY Troy wrestles with Death, Jacob wrestles the angel (Genesis). Characters names (i.e. Gabriel) 11. AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY Those associated with baseball. Concept of fair play Fairness ofTroys fate 12. TRANSCENDING TROY Wilsons use of mythology elevates Troy from the garbage collector who lives in Pittsburgh, drinks on Fridays, and cheats on his wife into something more 13. A HERO! 14. WHATS A HERO? IN THE LITERARY SENSE? Defining theTerm 15. A MYTHIC HERO Male or female, born under special circumstances (i.e. noble birth, child of a god), show early signs of being special (i.e. superhuman qualities) Often emerges through a journey, also called a quest. Odysseus, Joan of Arc, Hercules 16. A TRAGIC HERO Has the qualities of a mythic hero, plus fated by the Gods or by some supernatural force to doom and destruction, or at least to great suffering simply cannot accept a diminished view of the self has a clear-cut case of hamartia.This word is commonly translated from the Greek as "tragic flaw"; however, a more direct translation is "missing of the mark. This causes the hero to fail in his journey. 17. A FOLK HERO Ordinary person who is scoffed at by others. While lacking superhuman qualities, this person is special in other ways (exceptionally kind, cleaver, resourceful, etc.) Johnny Appleseed, Babe Ruth, Daniel Boone 18. WHAT ABOUT TODAYS HERO? 19. A MODERN HERO Someone who embodies the characteristics of the mystic/folk hero in recent history Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, Helen Keller 20. HEROS QUEST/JOURNEY A journey taken in search of something of great value, usually something that affects all of society. Traditionally associated with mythic/tragic heroes. 21. YOU DECIDE: IS TROY A HERO OF MYTHIC/TRAGIC PROPORTIONS?