Field study 4 and 5

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Field Study ‘exploring the curriculum’Episode 4 “Bridging Educational Processes”

Guiller Javier Reyes ‘kay ganda’Mrs. Gemma Buera

Your Target

At the end of this activity, you should be able to identify educational programs that connect the school with the larger historical, social, cultural, and political processes.

Your Map

For this episode, go through the following ramps:

Ramp 1. Visit a school and examine their calendar of activities. See how the students, community stakeholders are involved.

Ramp 2. Identify the programs where the leaders create rewards for certain practices in delivering services to the stakeholders. Record the observations on the calendar of activities, programs and awards and the participation of the stakeholders.

Ramp 3. Reflect on how the stakeholders participate in school activities.

Your Tools

For this episode, please use the activity form provided for you below.

Observation:When there is an activity all of the students participate to be stakeholder...Note: this information is based on the principal’s office:

“When there is an event the stakeholders always participate in any activity”

Draft: Calendar of ActivitiesAugust – Buwan ng wikaSeptember – STRAAOctober – Acquaintance and extra – curricular activitiesNovember – unfilled (maybe the curricular planners are still working for it maybe festivities is present)December – December 16 – 18 end of classJanuary – Fiesta Gallore February – Junior and Senior Prom and completing the graduation requirements.

Your Analysis

How important is involvement of all stakeholders of the school in the school’s programs and activities?

They are the main component which a school must have, because if we think that there are no stakeholders, who will build up an institution? Stakeholders are the liquid substance that support and broadening the needs of everyone

especially the learners. As we observed in a non – stop curricula. Activities are always planned with the cooperation of stakeholders.

What specific principle of curriculum development justifies the importance of cooperation and collaboration among all stakeholders of the school?Theory of mutual relationship, is the nearest principle of stakeholders in collaborating to the school.

Reflection: ‘this message are for those people that who do not care much for others hindi ko talaga maunawaan yung ibang tao dyan crazy sila..... by the way since I’m a student from the beginning I can say that my gosh stakeholders is very important ingredients to form a community. Me as a stakeholder as a center of the curriculum. Nothing can hinder the learners’ interest unless contrary to the purpose of moral custom. Seriously ‘to ang aking reflection, based also in my experience malapit rin kasi kames a school kaya parang 2nd

degree of stakeholders kame kaya proud to be there.

“For those who can’t read conscience,

Are worst than the illiterate people”

- Guiller Kobak

My thoughts regarding the stakeholders is that without them, there will be no component on how and what to do to achieve a certain goal,..

Peace Concept on Focus:


All life forms on earth are connected to each

other for mutual support.

This is recognition that

each one of us, being members

of the society needs other people for our own needs.

No one can claim that he does not need

other people to survive as a human person.

FS 4 - Episode 5

Guiller Javier Reyes

Your Target

At the end of this episode, you should be able to explain the importance of the curriculum through reflections from the observations made about it as used by the teacher.

Your Map

In your observation, please do the following steps:

1. Revisit the school and request the teacher to show you a syllabus of a particular subject.2. Analyze the syllabus in terms of the following:

a. Topicb. Learning activitiesc. Assessment of learning

3. Interview a teacher on the process of preparing the syllabus, giving attention to the following:a. Challengesb. Resources neededc. Planning strategies

4. Examine the assessment tools used by critiquing whether or not it is a product – based or performance – based.

I will find you traitor!...

Your Tools

For this episode, please use the Activity Form provided for you below.

My Analysis Report(analysis of the Topic, Learning Activities, and Assessment used in relation to

curriculum elements)

Subject observed: 2 - A

The Topic Learning of activities Assessment of learning

The topic was equipped with learners’ desire the quadratic equation so, there is no criticism on this part aside from the content related materials written in the book used by public

The teacher utilized “first five” those first five persons to answer the problem in the board was delirious and not all can acquaint to the condition this only benefits the higher group in class.

My analysis on assessment is that she made standardized test to make sure of the validity and reliability, and.... she also used split half method to identify the test administration and test itself .. worth it for learners.

My Interview Report(analysis of the Topic, Learning Activities, and Assessment used in relation to

curriculum elements)

Name of Teacher Interviewed: Mrs. BueraGrade/Year Level & Section of Class Handled: 2 – A, B, CSchool: Del Remedio National High SchoolInterviewer: Guiller Reyes

Challenges Resources Needed Planning Strategies

Meeting the demands of students and also youth today is kind of a difficult to control, you join them if may do.

So materials can be get if you will manage yourself in analyzing the inventory of yours so that you can manage timely.

Always application if applicable or try some fit technique depends on your choice.

Your Analysis

How important is it for teachers and curriculum planners to anchor their curricular plans to specific theories and principles of curriculum development?

In a straight answer, when the teacher and other curriculum planners made a plan with respect to the connections to the principles and theories then we expect that the outcome will be meet the desirable conditions.

Aside from the teachers, who else should be involved in the curriculum planning? Expound your thoughts.

Certainly, the school staffs; the guidance counsellor, librarian the heads, principals, parents, LEARNERS and all members of the faculties and through this ever – evolving planning that what makes a school to be. Curriculum is not as simple as it gets as a learner we do not consider the norms as curriculum but curriculum as a norm in an institution, other stakeholders are also involved without noticing like the DENR, LGU, PRC, etc. And some NGOs, the Engineer particularly of designing various buildings, nurses and medical employess, business,

because school has many business to do financially even doing the revenues of firm.


From your FS experiences, take a look into your significant learning and personal reflection. Express it in a simple poem. Then share it with your classmates and your FS teacher.

FS 4


Guiller J.Reyes

BSED, Math major

Resource Teacher: Mrs.Buera

Your Target

At the end of this activity, you should be able to give some principles involved in designing a curriculum.

Your Map

1. visit a school and choose a class to be observed. Then arrange with the teacher that you are going to conduct a class observation

2. take note of the different learning environment provided in the lesson plan for specific subject area. Generate information on the following: objectives, strategies, and assessment tools used.

3. find out whether or not strategies are aligned with the objectives and assessment of learning. Make a matrix of information from the observations made.

reflect on your FS experience and share thoughts, insights, and feelings in class

Your Tools

For this episode, please use the activity form provided for you below.


Del Remedio National High SchoolYear level: 4 - ASubject observed: Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry

Teacher’ Objectives:

1Define the quadratic formula;2Compute for different given regarding Quadratic equation; and3Know the importance using quadratic in daily lives.

Describe the Strategies:

My cooperating teacher, used the creation – reactionary methodBecause she use to compute first then call name of student to response in a given problem so that teacher could analyze and follow the scenario of teaching. Describe the assessment tools used:Teacher made test with 10 items and she made it 2 days before the discussion.

Objectives(write down

the teacher’s learning


Strategies(describe the

strategies used by the


Assessment(describe the assessment method/s & tool/s used)

Remarks(write your personal

judgment on the objectives, strategies, and


Your Analysis

Why do teachers need to align the objectives, strategies, and assessment?

How should teachers align their objectives, strategies, and assessment? Suggest some strategies.


What has been your most meaningful experience in this episode? What makes it meaningful to you? How could such an experience help you become a better teacher?

FS5 Learning Assessment Strategies


Episode 4 “WORK ME ON”

Guiller J. Reyes

Del Remedio National High School

Mrs. Gemma Buera

Your Target

At the end of this activity, you will be skilful in designing process – oriented performance assessment.

Your Way

Why should we care about performance?

Students’ learning is increased when they struggle with meaning tasks in contexts.

Student show not only what they know, but also how they use and apply information and skills.

It demonstrated what students know in ways that encompass their personal learning styles and multiple intelligences.

Students support each other and the teacher’s role is to provide guidance and


Now that you have deeply understood the principles and concepts of authentic assessment, and learned lessons from teachers’ experiences in using it in the classroom, you can now go through the process of designing performance assessment by walking through these steps:

1. Visit a class and identify performance – based activities.2. Choose one performance – based activity and study its

processes.3. Design a performance assessment plan for the activity you have

chosen.4. Develop a portfolio of your assessment plan.5. Reflect on your experience.

Your Tools

As you observe a class, note down your significant observation of the performance – based activity in the classroom. Then, make a checklist of the important things you wish to consider in your assessment planning. For your proposed plan for process – oriented assessment, it is recommended that you use the format that you agreed in your assessment 2 class. Please remember that the rubrics are part and parcel of your assessment plan.


Be sure your assessment plan conforms to the guidelines of the assessment method you are using.

Make your assessment plan relevant to the class where you implement it.

Regularly discuss with your FS teacher your proposed assessment.

Confer with the classroom teacher about your plan prior to its actual conduct.

Note your observations and impressions on the conduct of your assessment.

Confer with your FS teacher and the classroom teacher about the results of your assessment.

Observation Notes

Del Remedio National High SchoolDate of Visit: August 8, 2011Year level: 2 - CSubject Matter: Mathematics (extracting the square root)

Describe in bullets the performance – based activity you observe.

Mrs. Buera delivered the lesson from simple to complex by giving simple examples before proceeding to complicated lesson.

She keeps on praising the students whenever they answer the given equation correctly.

Well – modulated voice. The students performed the given operations through analyzing in

their notes. Students execute cooperation among classmates. They also listen attentively to the teacher while discussing and

giving instructions. Students solve the problem mentally.

Based on your observation, make a checklist of the important things you wish to consider in your performance – based assessment plan. Please use “My Checklist” for this purpose.

My Checklist

Observe the different methodologies and strategies used by the teachers in delivering the lesson 2 – C under Mrs. Formento and 3 – A under Mrs. Rea.

Determine the disciplinary actions given by the teachers for every offenses of the students in their rules and regulations

Find the weakness and strength of learners. Prepare the instructional materials. To know the techniques on how to maintain good atmosphere

in the classroom to deliver the lesson more effectively.

After making your process – oriented assessment plan on a separate paper using your

agreed format, write down a few notes about your plan. Please use the sheet below.


Del Remedio National High SchoolDate of Visit: August 8, 2011Year level: 2 - CMrs. Gemma Buera

What are the best features of my process – oriented performance assessment design?

The best feature of my process-oriented assessment method are breaking the ice and suitable to the interest of the learners. The problems are moderately difficult and it measures more traits integrative assessment.

What specific conditions are necessary for a successful use of my process – oriented performance assessment design?

They must solve it mentally without any help from existing technologies and they must cooperate among their classmates not as an individual. They must write their solutions on the manila paper as their visuals in presenting their solutions.

What basic points should the user of this design consider?

The basic points that should be consider in this design are the learners because they must be given focus regarding on their abilities and another is the materials to be used must be well planned for the success of the design.

Organize your process – oriented performance assessment plan in a show portfolio with the following suggested entries:

Learning objectives General performance task Learning episodes

Assessment tasks Rubrics for assessing learning


Learning Objectives:

Determine perfect square numbers; Give examples of perfect square numbers; Give the constant to complete a perfect square trinomial; and Find the roots of the equations.

General Performance Task:

(the students should give their part in the group. And perform their task given by their leader).

Learning Episodes(describe in terms of students’ specific learning tasks/activities)

o I will show examples that will show them concept about the lessono Group the class into seveno Give them respective numbers to solveo Let them talk with their classmateso Ask one of the group to show their solutiono Call one member from the group to explain their work.o Give grades corresponding on the answer and their performance.o Reflect the solutions on how they felt it when in front.

Rubrics for Assessing Learning:

Scoring Rubrics for computing and solving the equation

never rarely sometimes

Usually always

indicators1. Makes eye contact on

explaining the solution.

2. Decide quickly on alternate method and technique.

3. Create conducive ambiance.4. Suggest appropriate ideas to

the group.5. Cooperate and accept the views

of other.TOTAL

Your Analysis

1. Do you think your originally designed process – oriented performance assessment can appropriately assess the teacher’s learning objective? Why?/Why not?Maybe, and I think since this process is not yet executed, however, it is full of desirable competencies to measure the actual performance of a child.

2. Why do teachers need to give attention to the students’ process – oriented tasks? Why do they need to assess them?Process is more important because it tells us the way students perform well on creating output products.

3. In what conditions can the process – oriented performance assessment be used more appropriately?It can assess more appropriately if the conditions are settled enough like the environment and mood of teachers. And if the interest of pupils are ready then a teacher can execute the process assessmet.

Your Reflections

Write your personal reflection of thoughts and feelings about your personal strategies for making your efforts successful in this part of your FS.

Making this process – oriented assessment method is kind of a daring and difficult to plan and as such I did it for the concern of my profession I also reminiscence my sister, Janelle who also taught me to

do this with concern as she had experienced it years ago, now I’m fully realize that it is really difficult to assess when it comes to teaching.


My thoughts regarding the process – oriented is that is not ordinary than that of my classmates, because planning is a good step forward to accomplish such goals, objectives, even aims as well.. I already knew that I would accomplish this task..

1. Visit a class and identify product – oriented activities.

2. Choose one product – oriented activity and study its processes.

3. Design a performance assessment plan for the product – oriented activity you have chosen.

FS 5 Learning Assessment Strategies 5

Episode 5 “BUILD ME UP”

Name: Guiller Javier ‘ganda’ Reyes

Course: BSEd, Math Major Year/Section: 4 - T

Resource teacher: Mrs. Gemma Buera

Your Target

At the end of this activity, you will be skilful in designing product – oriented performance assessment.

Your Way

Now that you have developed the skills in designing process – oriented performance assessment, you can now go through the process of designing product – oriented performance assessment by journeying through.

Why should we care about products?

They generally represent deep understanding of the concepts, principles, and theories.

They provide evidence for the knowledge and skills that are learned in the instructional process.

They help students account for their academic engagement.

They motivate students to sustain in learning process.


Name of school: Del Remedio National High School

Date of Visit: July 27, 2011

Grade/year level: Math III

Mrs. Gemma Buera

Describe in bullets the product – oriented activity you observe.

Ma’am gemma announced that the student will make an illustration of different forms of Parallel shapes.

Resource teacher made a 2 day allowance Students should do it individually in any medium watercolour,

crayons, or pastels etc. To be illustrated in a short bond paper It was success and some illustration were the same as of others

concepts. Ma’am gemma strickly assess the product through communicating

to other math teachers so there will be free – biased.

Your Plan


Be sure your assessment plan conforms to the guidelines of the assessment method you are using.

Make your assessment plan relevant to the class where you implement it.

Regularly discuss with your FS teacher your proposed assessment.

Confer with the classroom teacher you plan prior to its actual conduct.

Note your observations and impressions on the conduct of your assessment

My Plan would be for the students to create their own life – routine chart. Example:

From your procedures you have listed in the preceding activity form, make a final plan of your product – oriented assessment design. Please use “my plan” for this purpose.

My Plan

Learning Objectives:1. Maibahagi ang kalaman sa paggawa ng tsart;2. Mailalarawan ang gawaing buhay sa paggamit ng tsart;3. Mapapalagahan ang gawang pangaraw – araw

General Product – oriented performance task: Chart (any forms of chart) that describes their routinary life - styles

Target skills:

Decision making and applicationLearning activities (specific task):

- To construct ideas regarding lifestyle check chart- Then they will propose their own ideas on how they will work on it- Allowance for 2 days- Then they will put 3 sentences of captions that explains their work

Assessment task:

To check by different cooperating teacher so that free from biased.

Rubrics:Criteria for judging

Excellent goodNeeds

improvement1. Has direct connection to real

routines1st Qtr 2nd Qtr3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

life styles.2. Address to the lesson.3. Creativity.4. Breadth.5. Articulation of content.

Notes on my Product – oriented assessment plan

What are the best features of my product – oriented performance assessment design?

Making chart that connects real life situation and integrates to mathematical forms.

What specific conditions are necessary for a successful use of my product – oriented performance assessment design?

When conditions are enough like learner’s needs and capacities

What basic points should the user of this design consider?

The financial status and personal relations.


1. Do you think your originally designed product – oriented performance assessment can appropriately assess the teacher’s learning objective? Why?/why not?Yup, my design formulates originality and concise that measure different higher thinkings.

2. Why do teachers need to give attention to the students’ product – oriented tasks? Why do they need to assess them?Product is a very important matter that reflects a learner.

3. In what conditions can the product – oriented performance assessment be used more appropriately?It can always used every time, but only in far time interval because if students are required to pass products of different concepts and subjects then it is not suitable and more on rely on students’ effort (psychomotor) less metacognition.


When My sister told me to do this intently for my requirements then I realize that creating product is pump – sucking! Like this - F.S. full of products and requirements that measures constructivism procedures who knows if products were made FAKE by others especially when surnames : starting ‘B’.

Peace Concept on Focus:


For the students, learning

becomes more meaningful if

there is equity in our assessment

practices. Since equity respects

individual learning styles

and student direction,

students’ performance increases.

Discuss with your FS classmate your thoughts on equity in assessment. Then write down your thoughts as well as those of your classmates. Please use the space below.

“not all preachers are in mood of helping some are just satisfying themselves for their own sake of interests and no sense that a teacher will equip for the sake of his salary and reputation but he should think that he is a teacher and not just compensated for needs intellectually and IF however he will declare himself to cooperate with EQUAL role in his status definitely he will gain fruit of betterment in respect of different voices whether facing Pros and Cons. Since it make sense of Liberalism, so why do?”

‘I hate fake People’...