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HLTWHS002Follow safe work practices for

direct client careStudent Workbook

Table of ContentsTable of Contents......................................................................................................................................2

Message to Student..................................................................................................................................3

HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care....................................................................3

Student Overall Assessment Record Sheet................................................................................................5

Pre Assessment Checklist..........................................................................................................................7

Student Assessment Cover page...............................................................................................................9

Assessment 1: Underpinning Knowledge Questions................................................................................11

Activity 1A – PC 1.1.................................................................................................................................11

Activity 1B – PC 1.2.................................................................................................................................12

Activity 1C – PC 1.3.................................................................................................................................13

Activity 1D – PC 1.4.................................................................................................................................16

Activity 1E – PC 1.5.................................................................................................................................18

Activity 2A – PC 2.1.................................................................................................................................19

Activity 2B – PC 2.2.................................................................................................................................20

Activity 2C – PC 2.3.................................................................................................................................21

Activity 3A – PC 3.1.................................................................................................................................22

Activity 3B, 3C – PC 3.2, PC 3.3...............................................................................................................23

Activity 3D – PC 3.4.................................................................................................................................24

Activity 4A – PC 4.1.................................................................................................................................26

Activity 4B – PC 4.2.................................................................................................................................28

Activity 4C – PC 4.3.................................................................................................................................29

Activity 5A – PC 5.1.................................................................................................................................30

Activity 5B – PC 5.2.................................................................................................................................31

Activity 5C – PC 5.3.................................................................................................................................32

APPENDIX 1................................................................................................................................................33

Assessment 1: Underpinning Knowledge Questions Assessors Feedback..................................................35

Assessment 2: Research Work/Project (Q & A)........................................................................................37

APPENDIX 2................................................................................................................................................48

APPENDIX 3................................................................................................................................................49

APPENDIX 4 - Audit Tool – Workplace Safety Site Inspections...............................................................50

Audit Tool – Workplace Safety Site Inspections............................................................................51

Assessment 2: Research Work/Project Assessor Feedback........................................................................53

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Assessment 3: Simulation / Workplace Observation..................................................................................55

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Message to StudentPlease ensure you read the Assessment Information booklet and the Student Handbook provided to you in your Learner App. Ensure you understand the assessment process.

These booklets provide important information such as:

Overview Written work Active participation Collusion Who are you being assessed by Competency outcome Additional evidence Confidentiality Assessment appeals process Recognised prior learning Special needs Reasonable adjustment Assessment guide Assessment submission How should I format my assessments? Written work How should I reference the source of information I use in my assessments? Return of assessments Plagiarism

This assessment is a mixture of closed and open book questions, you will be required to research different sources of media i.e. internet, text books and in the Student Guides provided to you.

Please provide your answers using your own words. Do not copy or plagiarise from any of your sources.

HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client careFor all documentation on the performance criteria and assessment requirements of the unit HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care, please refer to the website using this link.

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Student Overall Assessment Record SheetUnit Code and Title HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care

Student Name

Student ID

Unit Start Date

Assessment ItemsAtt


s ResultS = SatisfactoryNS = Not SatisfactoryDNS = Did Not SubmitC = CompetentNC = Not Competent Da

te o

f Co


etion Assessor/

Name and Initials

Assessment 1 Knowledge/skills Assessment e.g. Questions & Scenarios S NS DNS

Assessment 2(if required)

Project based activities S NS DNS

Assessment 3 Simulation / Workplace Observation S NS DNS

Final Assessment Result for this unit C NC

Feedback to Student

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Feedback from Student (If applicable) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Assessor Name & Signature:____________________________________ Date: __/___/____

Student Declaration: I declare that I have been assessed in this unit, and have been advised of my result. I also am aware of my appeal rights.

Signature:_____________________________________ Date: _____/______/______

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Pre Assessment Checklist

Student Name: Assessor Name:Unit Start Date: Location:Unit Code and Name HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care

Checklist for Conducting the Assessment

Student confirms readiness to be assessed Time and date of the assessment was diarised and agreed to by the student

Unit Due Date: Time: Location:

Criteria against which the students performance will be assessed are explained to the student

Student has read the Assessment guidelines document where assessment methods, processes and documentation about assessment have been explained to student.

Has student any special any special requirements? Please list special requirements:

Confidentiality of assessment outcome has been explained.

Right to appeal assessment decision has been explained to the student.

All hygiene, Work, Health and Safety requirements have been met as per orientation pack.

Instructions to the Students Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and

your gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency

If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, pleases ask for clarification from your trainer.

Please refer to the Australian Nursing and Training Services Student Handbook for more information.

If you have questions and other concerns that may affect your performance in the assessment please inform the assessor immediately.

In signing this form, the student acknowledges that s/he is ready for assessment and that the assessment process has been fully explained. The assessment information gathered (including student name, but no other personal details) will be used by the training organisation for specific record keeping purposes.

Student’s Signature:

Assessor’s Signature:

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Student Assessment Cover pageStudents to complete when submitting assessments

Unit Code and Title HLTWHS002 Follow safe work practices for direct client care

Student Name

Student ID

Student contact

Unit Start Date

Student Declaration: I declare that the work submitted is my own original work and has not been copied or plagiarised from any person or source (published or otherwise) without acknowledgment in the text.

I am fully aware of the penalty of plagiarism.


Submission Date: _____/______/______

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Assessment 1: Underpinning Knowledge QuestionsComplete the following activities individually or in a group (as applicable to the specific activity and the assessment environment).

Activity 1A – PC 1.1

Student Name Student ID ANT00000_____Activity Identify three separate policies and three separate procedures that must be

followed for the health and safety of your employees.


Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Activity 1B – PC 1.2

Student Name Student ID ANT00000_____Activity Identify a hazard from each of the following categories.

Explain what the hazard, whom you would report it to and How would you record it?





Visitor based

Whom to report to




Visitor based

How to record




Visitor based

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Activity 1C – PC 1.3

Student Name Student ID ANT00000_____Activity 1. Explain behaviour of concern and provide 5 examples?

2. What would you do, whom would you report it to and how would you record it if....

You noticed a puddle of water in the kitchen

I would do :

I would report it to:

I would record it by:

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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You noticed a flap of carpet loose in the building

I would do :

I would report it to:

I would record it by:

You slipped on the floor in the hallwayI would do :

I would report it to:

I would record it by:

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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A client continuously stripping off his/her clothesI would do :

I would report it to:

I would record it by:

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Activity 1D – PC 1.4

Student Name Student ID ANT00000_____

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Activity 1. List ten precautions you can take to reduce the likelihood of slips, trips and falls.

2. What are the six levels of the hierarchy of control?

3. What could be the consequence if you did not correctly follow your workplace’s policies and procedures in the following areas? Provide one consequence for each.

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Hazard management

Care plans

Manual handling

Using mobility equipment

Using personal protecting equipment

Duress alarm system

Emergency procedures

Incident procedures

Infection control

Activity 1E – PC 1.5

Student Name Student ID ANT00000_____Activity 1. Why is it necessary to have effective accident and incident reporting

procedures that are understood by all employees?

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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2. What does RACE stand for and explain your role and limitation about basic fire safety.

3. Fill in the workplace injury and disease recording form (Appendix 1) using the scenario below.SCENARIO: A member of staff, Robert Redford, who was born on the 25th December 1945, suffered a chemical burn on his left arm while packing the chemical on a shelf. The container containing the chemical burst, causing a burn where the spilled chemical came in contact with Robert's arm.The incident occurred at 1:45 PM on 10th November 2012. Robert was just over halfway through his 7K hour shift starting at 8:30 AM. He is a full-time, permanent employee who has been employed as a storeman for 10 years. He received induction training when he commenced employment, and task specific for his role as a storeman. His main employment is unloading trucks, packing shelves, and allocating supplies to other staff members.

Assist Robert by completing the following report, based on AS 1885.1:1990 Workplace injury and disease recording standard.

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Activity 2A – PC 2.1

Student Name Student ID ANT00000_____Activity 1. List ten things you can do to minimize risk from manual handling


2. Explain in point form the correct method for transferring a person from bed to a shower chairYour client requires support to stand i.e stand up lifer and is 2 person assist.

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Activity 2B – PC 2.2

Student Name Student ID ANT00000_____Activity 1. Define manual handling in twenty words.

2. List five common hazards in a community services or health workplace relating to manual handling, who would be the designated person you would report these to?

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Activity 2C – PC 2.3

Student Name Student ID ANT00000_____Activity 1. Complete the following table using the SCENARIO below

SCENARIO: Matilda works in Home and Community Care in a rural location. Her job is to visit clients in their homes. Due to the large area she services, Matilda spends many hours of the day driving to different properties to see her clients.

List two risks(at least one risk must include

damage to musculoskeletal system)List a control measure for each risk

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Activity 3A – PC 3.1

Student Name Student ID ANT00000_____Activity 1. What are five precautions or standards used to prevent the spread of


2. List the benefits of the below standard precautions and how they would contribute to the prevention of infection

Standard Precautions Benefits Contribution to infection controlWashing hands

Safe disposal of sharps

Surface cleaning

Management of bodily fluid spills

Personal Protective Equipment

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Activity 3B, 3C – PC 3.2, PC 3.3

Student Name Student ID ANT00000_____Activity 1. When might you need to take additional precautions in relation to

infection control? (100 to 120 words)

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Activity 3D – PC 3.4

Student Name Student ID ANT00000_____Activity Case study – Trainer is to get students into groups and work on it and record

their answers below.

1. Every time Tom cooks he seems to become ill with a stomach upset. Why could this be? How can he avoid getting ill when he cooks?

2. Sophie seems to catch every sniffle and sneeze that is going in the building. Why could this be? How can she avoid catching everything?

3. Andrew has caught head lice three times this year so far and is sure he is getting them from work, as each time he has caught them he has been doing overtime at another residential home. How could this be? What can he do to tackle this issue?

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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4. How would you report these infection risk issues in your workplace?

5. Explain the methods of how the infection is transmitted?

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Activity 4A – PC 4.1

Student Name Student ID ANT00000_____Activity 1. SCENARIO:

You notice that a box of rubbish has been left in the corridor again.

You nearly tripped over a similar box last week and you moved it outside to the rubbish bin – where it should have been placed.

Now someone has done the same thing again!

Why is it important that you report this particular hazard, rather than just moving it out to the bin like you did last time?

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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The residents at the nursing home have put in a complaint that the dining room is too cold. Management has now forbidden the use of the air conditioners in the dining room.

Jenny is concerned that this makes the environment unsafe for the workers. The staff all get extremely hot while serving the meals. It is always a very busy time and they are running around getting the residents in place, serving meals, assisting with feeding, packing up the dishes and so on.

Jenny notices that some of the staff are getting uncomfortable. Ian had sweat pouring off him yesterday and Rebecca was bright red in the face.

By the end of mealtimes they are all hot and bothered.

a. Should Jenny report this as a WHS issue to management? Explain your answer.

b. What possible solution could Jenny could suggest?

c. Jenny’s solution (see your response above) has been approved. She has been asked to assist with putting her solution into effect. Suggest at least three ways that she can do this

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Activity 4B – PC 4.2

Student Name Student ID ANT00000_____Activity What types of inspection are carried out in your workplace? How are you

expected to follow up on areas of concern?

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Activity 4C – PC 4.3

Student Name Student ID ANT00000_____Activity This activity is about providing feedback to supervisors about hazards.

What would you do if:

You noticed that a hoist was broken?

You noticed that water in the front porch was leaking into the hallway?

You saw someone lifting something incorrectly?

You identified that a resident had the flu?

You thought a colleague might be intoxicated?

You noticed that a door was hanging off its hinges?

Who would you contact? And how?

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Activity 5A – PC 5.1

Student Name Student ID ANT00000_____Activity List three things you can do to remain up to date with safe work practices.

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Activity 5B – PC 5.2

Student Name Student ID ANT00000_____Activity Identify eight symptoms of stress and fatigue. Do they need reporting, if yes,

who can this be reported to?

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Activity 5C – PC 5.3

Student Name Student ID ANT00000_____Activity 1. What is a debrief?

2. When might a debrief be indicated?

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Reference Number

Personal details of the injured worker 14. Description of occurrence of injury or disease:1. Surname In which part of the workplace did the

injury or disease exposure occur? (Given names)(e.g. machine shop, freezer room , No. 2 mine)

2. Sex (M or F)3. Date of birth Day Month Year

/ / What was the worker doing at the time?

Basis of employment (e.g. driving a fork lift truck, lifting bags of cement, typing)

4. Starting time 1 0600 – 1159 hours 2 1200 – 1559 hours

3 1600 – 0559 hours What happened unexpectedly?Include the name of any particular chemical, product, process or equipment involved.(e.g. brakes failed on fork lift truck, slipped on wet floor, scaffolding collapsed, armstarted hurting while typing on a word processor)

5. Shift arrangement1 Fixed, standard or flexible hours 2 Rotating shift

6. Number of hours 1 8 hours or less 2 More than 8 hours

(excluding overtime)Job details7. Description of occupation of job title

8. Main tasks performed

How exactly was the injury or disease sustained?

Include the name of any chemical, product, process or equipment involved.(e.g. hit head on cabin or fork lift truck, lacerated knee when landing on ground, arm hurt after long period of typing)

9. Training provided 1 Induction training2 Task specific training3 Both of the above4 Neither of the above

Details of the injury or disease10

Date injury occurred or disease reported Day

Month Year

/ /11 Time injury occurred (24 hour clock


12 Nature of injury or disease

13 Bodily location of injury or disease

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Assessment 1: Underpinning Knowledge Questions Assessors Feedback

This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the student’s skills, knowledge and performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the student is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

The assessor must provide evidence with the assessment tool. For written questions the assessor must provide the student’s original written responses. For verbal questioning, the assessor must provide dot points as a minimum on the student responses.For details on how to conduct and contextualise this form of assessment, please refer to the questioning checklist explanation in the assessor guide.

Student’s Name:

Assessor’s Name:

Attempt 1 2 3

Feedback to Student:

Result Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessors Signature: Date:

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Students Signature: Date:

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Assessment 2: Research Work/Project (Q & A)Objective: To show you have the required knowledge for this unit.

The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:

State/territory legislation and how it impacts on workplace regulations, codes of practice and industry standards, including:o state/territory WHS authoritieso rights and responsibilities of employers and workers, including duty of careo hazardous manual taskso infection control

Safety symbols and their meanings, including signs for:o poisonso emergency equipmento personal protective equipment (PPE)o specific hazards such as sharps, radiation

Hazard identification, including:o definition of a hazardo common workplace hazards relevant to the industry setting including hazardous manual tasks,

infection control risks and personal safety riskso workplace procedures for hazard identificationo strategies minimising risk

Safety considerations when working in a home-based environment, including:o rights and responsibilities of workers and clientso basic home fire safety including high-risk groups, behaviour that contributes to fire injury and

fatalities, and smoke alarm placement, installation and maintenance.o risks to personal safetyo common sources of infection and means to minimise transfer of infectious diseaseso fundamentals of the muscoskeletal system and practices to minimise injury to self and clients

Workplace emergency procedures Workplace policies and procedures for WHS.

Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one.

1. Lisa was injured at work when using a portable hoist to transfer a client with a disability.

The injury occurred because Lisa was not given any training in how to use the equipment.

Lisa’s supervisor had told her to follow the instructions in the manual – Lisa couldn’t find the manual so she decided to figure it out herself.

a) Did the employer show a duty of care to Lisa? Explain your answer.





Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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b) Did Lisa fulfil her duty of care? Explain your answer.








c) Lisa works in New South Wales. She would like to find out more about her WHS responsibilities. What is the name of the WHS authority that Lisa should contact?






You are working in a residential aged care facility. One of the residents, Frances, recently had surgery on her leg. Unfortunately she has returned from hospital with a methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection.

d) What is MRSA’s mode of transmission?









e) Where will you find the procedures for working with a client who has an MRSA infection?


Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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f) Should standard or additional precautions be used?






g) When working with Frances, when should you wash your hands?






h) What PPE should you wear when working with Frances?






i) When should you remove your PPE?






j) What should Frances and her visitors do in terms of hand hygiene?




Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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k) Explain how Frances’s room should be cleaned.






l) What needs to be reported in this situation?






m) What personal risks are involved when working with Frances?






n) What further steps can be put in place to protect workers?






o) What is your duty of care when working with Frances?






Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

Filename: document.docx Version: 1.1/December 17 Review Date: December 18 Page: 42 of 57

p) SCENARIO: Refer to the attached risk assessment form. The hazards have already been noted.

Complete the rest of the form (Appendix 2) using the risk rating table provided in Appendix 3.

Hannah is a single mother of an 18-month-old boy, Brett. Hannah is blind.

She lives at home and has done a good job of caring for her son since Brett’s birth. She is, however, concerned that Brett is now mobile and running around. Last week she found him playing in the toilet bowl with his toys. Hannah is also concerned about fire safety now there is a toddler running around.

Hannah needs help to care for her son.

Hannah’s home is on one level.

Furniture has been arranged so it is easy for Hannah to get around.

Hannah uses a cane.

In the past, Hannah has been able to confine Brett to one area for play activities. Now there are toys all over the place.

Hannah is capable of providing meals for herself and Brett.

All cupboards have child safety locks.

There are safety protectors on all power points.

There is one smoke alarm in the kitchen – the battery was last changed 12 months ago.

Brett has learned that if he is very quiet, Hannah can’t tell what he is doing –this is how he was able to play in the toilet without being detected.

Brett is a big child.

He likes to be picked up a lot.

Today you are visiting Hannah to do a safety assessment of her home.

2. What do the following safety sign mean? What is the significance of the colour of each sign?

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3. Answer the following questions

a. What is the definition of a hazard?







b. Identify ten common work place hazards




















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c. What are five manual handling hazards that might impact on you r work and require the use of safe work procedures











4. Answer the questions below in relation to safety considerations when working in a home-based environment, including:

rights and responsibilities of workers and clients basic home fire safety including high-risk groups, behaviour that contributes to fire injury

and fatalities, and smoke alarm placement, installation and maintenance. risks to personal safety

a. List 5 Rights or clients and 5 rights of workers


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b. What should be your safety considerations when working in a home-based environment?














c. List six things you would check when you are doing a fire safety check on a client’s home.
















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5. Below mentioned are different workplace emergency situations. How would you respond to each of these situations? Write a brief explanation

Emergency Situation Actions taken



Bomb Threat

Building collapse

Earth Quake

Missing resident

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6. Identify three different safety precautions employers must apply under WHS legislation.








7. Your trainer will observe you completing a workplace safety site inspection. Complete the Workplace Safety Site Inspection form (Appendix 4).

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Site supervisor/manager Date

Name of person completing risk assessment

Hazard identification and initial risk rating Control measures and actions

Hazard Potential harm

Likelihood of harm occurring

Consequence level

Risk level rating

Current control measures & effectiveness Further action/controls required

Brett leaving things where Hannah can trip over them

Brett accessing dangerous objects (for example, knives, poisons)

Electrical power points


Brett’s quietness – Hannah cannot tell what she is doing

Picking up Brett (risk to worker)

Brett’s attraction to playing in the toilet with her toys

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Use this table to determine the current risk for each identified hazard.


RareThe event will only

occur in exceptional circumstances

UnlikelyThe event is not likely

to occur in a year

PossibleThe event may occur

within a year

LikelyThe event is likely to occur within a year

Almost certainThe event is almost

certain to occur within a year





Severe/Catastrophic(Accidental death/



Moderate(Lost time due to workplace


Minor(Minor workplace injury –


Minimal(no injury) LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW

RISK LEVELSResolution at each level involves reducing the risk level to a lower level of risk Extreme – requires immediate assessment with management consideration. A detailed plan, regular monitoring and reporting is required with a target

resolution within 1 month timeframe High – requires immediate assessment with senior staff consideration, planning and reporting. Target resolution should ideally be within 3 months Medium – reviewing of existing controls and planning required. Resolution timeframe should be within 1 year Low – the risk may be tolerable and controlled if managed with high quality process and procedures

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APPENDIX 4 - Audit Tool – Workplace Safety Site InspectionsGUIDELINES FOR IDENTIFYING HAZARDS

PHYSICAL HAZARDS Floors - clean and dry. Free of defects and misplaced objects Walkways - unobstructed, even surface, gated closed/locked, no slippery surfaces, ramps at appropriate incline,

handrails in good order Passages - unobstructed, accessible to traffic, doors open easily, exit doors secure, handrails in good order Hygiene - area uncluttered, free of dust and rubbish, e.g. cupboards, lockers, over bed tables, window sills and

blinds Storage - adequate space, accessible, safely stored Lighting - adequate lighting for the purpose, windows clean and free of defects, emergency light, e.g. torches

available and working Noise/Temperature/Humidity - satisfactory in work environment Equipment - adequate for needs, easily accessible, in sound working order, safety mechanisms intact. E.g. brakes,

seatbelts Ergonomics - beds, benches and work areas at working level, chairs adjustable to individual sizes, lifting machine

available and working

ELECTRICAL HAZARDS Switches and sockets – undamaged, turned off when not in use Leads and plugs – not frayed, safely situated away from walk areas, excess length coiled away from liquids Electrical testing – all appliances safety checked and labelled by electrician, eg televisions, patient shavers,

hairdryers, pan flushers, pumps

CHEMICAL HAZARDS Storage – containers/items safely stored and labelled Protective clothing – readily available and worn by staff Oxygen, suction and air – equipment functioning Safety warning signs – prominent if required for special hazards

BIOLOGICAL HAZARDS/INFECTION CONTROL Protective clothing – readily available and worn by staff e.g. goggles, gloves etc. Sharps – appropriate disposal, accessibility of sharps containers Rubbish – bins of adequate size, labelled and emptied regularly, used as per waste disposal, area free of

rubbish Refrigerator – no out of date foods or fluids Pan flusher - reaches minimum 80C and door cannot be opened during the heat phase

HAZARD RATING SCALE SHADED – NOT APPLICABLE Shade the box if the hazard is not applicable for that area. SCORE = 0 – NO HAZARD IDENTIFIED When inspecting a particular room/area, a zero score is given if no hazard for a particular item has been found. SCORE = 1 – POTENTIAL HAZARD THAT CAN BE RECTIFIED IMMEDIATELY When inspecting a room or area, a score of 1 is given if the problem identified can be immediately rectified. For

example, if boxes obstruct an exit and these can be moved without further discussion then a score of 1 is given. It is not necessary to record this in the HAZARD SUMMARY; a score of 1 indicates the hazard was of a minor nature.

SCORE = 2 – POTENTIAL HAZARD THAT REQUIRES DISCUSSION AND FOLLOW UP A hazard score of 2 indicates that the problem identified cannot be rectified immediately. For example, frayed

electrical leads may need replacing and this is usually done by outside providers. This information is recorded in the HAZARD SUMMARY at the time it is identified and the date is recorded when then problem is resolved.

SCORE = 3 – MAJOR HAZARD THAT REQUIRES IMMEDIATE ATTENTION A hazard score of 3 indicates that the problem identified is of a serious nature and needs immediate attention

otherwise the area may need to be closed. For example, a gas leak or compromised electrical safety.

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Audit Tool – Workplace Safety Site InspectionsUse the attached information sheet complete the following environmental audit with your assessor

Inspect rooms/areas inspected


FloorWalkwaysPassagesHygiene of areaStorageLightingNoise/temp/humidityEquipmentErgonomics


Switches/socketsLeads and plugsElectrical testing


StorageProtective clothingOxygen/suction/airSafety warning/signs


Protective clothingSharpsRubbishRefrigeratorPan flusherComments

Student Name and Signature:Date:

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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Assessment 2: Research Work/Project Assessor Feedback

This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the student’s skills, knowledge and performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the student is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required.

The assessor must provide evidence with the assessment tool. For written questions the assessor must provide the student’s original written responses. For verbal questioning, the assessor must provide dot points as a minimum on the student responses.For details on how to conduct and contextualise this form of assessment, please refer to the questioning checklist explanation in the assessor guide.

Student’s Name:

Assessor’s Name:

Attempt 1 2 3

Feedback to Student:

Result Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Assessors Signature: Date:

Students Signature: Date:

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Assessment 3: Simulation / Workplace Observation

The candidate must show evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance

criteria of this unit, manage tasks and manage contingencies in the context of the job role.

There must be demonstrated evidence that the candidate has completed the following tasks at least once

in line with state/territory WHS regulations, relevant codes of practice and workplace procedures:

contributed to a workplace WHS meeting or inspection

conducted a workplace risk assessment and recorded the results

consistently applied workplace safety procedures in the day-to-day work activities required by the job

role, including:

o infection control

o hazardous manual tasks

o use of personal protective equipment

o reporting incidents

followed workplace procedures for at least one simulated emergency situation.

Practical observations will be conducted during Work placement in an appropriate health care setting.

Students are required to advise ANTS Student coordinator re making arrangements for Work placement.

Once work placement has been arranged, students will be advised of the Assessors schedules.

Students will be visited 3 three times during their placement.

Students will use the HLTWHS002_Observation Checklist as a guide to the activities that need to be performed in the workplace.

Assessors will use the HLTWHS002_Observation Checklist_Trainer Guide as a guide to the activities that need to be performed in the workplace.

Australian Nursing and Training Services Pty Ltd, 3-5/818 Old Princes Hwy, Sutherland NSW 2232. AustraliaPhone: +61 2 9542 3340. Email: Web: RTO No: 41231

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