Film Magzzz a2

Post on 07-Dec-2015

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Codes and Conventions of Film Magazines


Codes & Conventions of Film Magazines

Masthead- The masthead is usually in the top third of the magazine and is in big bold text and is usually in capital. The Sight & Sound title is in a text box and isn't in such a bold text. ‘Empire’ and ‘Total Film ‘are magazines for a more mainstream audience and this is why they follow such typical conventions

Image- The image is in the middle of the magazine and takes up the most space on the page. The actor/actress will usually be in character. Other more sophisticated magazines have directors on the front of the magazine

Colour Palette- The colour palette used will be in tone with the character/film being featured on the front cover or if the actor isn't in character the palette will suggest the type of character they usually play in films.

Films- ‘Total Film’ and ‘Empire’ feature mainstream films on their covers and big blockbusters. Whereas other magazines may feature more niche and abstract films

Text Sizes – The magazine title is in the biggest font while the subtitles are in a smaller size. However Sight & Sound differ and instead have a subheading that is larger than the title.

Layout- The image on the magazine tends to be in the middle with subtitles going down the sides and and the title of the magazine in the top third of the magazine. Slightly more important headings are often on the lower third