Film poster comparisions

Post on 22-Jan-2017

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Genre: The genre of the poster is best described as science fiction. I know this because the tag line says ‘2000 years later… watch your step’. This highlights that the film includes time travel and dystopian elements. The title also has the word ‘invisible’ which is a supernatural power.Masthead: The title of the film is clearly ‘Invisible time’ as when you first look at the poster that is the first thing that catches your eye. It it is in a bold large font right at the top of the page. The colour of the word invisible contrasts with its meaning. Invisible is red, which is a bold eye catching colour- this contrast highlights that invisibility has a bold impact. Time is in a dark blue shade which denotes the sky. The word time is in bubble like writing. Putting two and two together the colour blue and cloud like font suggests time is drifting away like a cloud.The enigma posted by the title is- Why is time unknown? Does time exist? What does invisibility have to do with time?Layout: The masthead is right at the top of the page to signify its importances. When the audience look at the poster you want them to know the name of the film so they can talk about it and find out more about it. If the audience don't recognise the name then how can they develop an opinion around the film. The key image is full bleed as I wanted the main protagonist- Echo- to be the main focus. I did this so the audience can build a opinion surrounding the main character and therefore have personal identity or empathy. The credits are right below the image in a very small font as they aren't important. The release date is right at the bottom of the poster in a larger font than the credits but a smaller font than the title. I did this because I wanted the target audience to keep an eye out for when the film will be in cinemas however I still wanted to keep the title the main focus.Character/Key Image: The main character is made obvious as she is the centre of the page- close up, full bleed. This is effective as it allows the audience to recognise the familiar face of the main character and feel a connection without given any of the story away. Echo is dressed in a dark pink/light red top which matches the title ‘invisible’. This implies that she has something to do with invisibility. This would intrigue the target audience as Echo seems ordinary, so why would she have a super power. Echo is also crying which suggests she is vulnerable or lost- this would intrigue the target audience as they would want to know why she is under threat. This is quite a stereotypical representation of women. Next to Echo it says ‘Emma Watson’ as she is playing the character of Echo. This is using star power- Emma Watson is a famous actress, popular amongst the age group of my target audience.Tagline: ‘2000 years later… watch your step’. This is effective as it suggests that there is time travel. You cant live for 2000 years so there must be some kind of power/device that allows this. Watch your step suggests that the future is dystopia.The tagline works with the masthead as ‘Invisible time; 2000 years later watch your step’ suggests that by accident the main character has traveled 2000 years into the future and has got herself into a tough situation.Background: The background is very plain, it is just white. I did this on purpose as I wanted the parts of my poster with colour to be the main focus. There is a pathway behind Echo with footsteps and the tagline, this suggests that this line is about Echo and they are her footsteps, which suggests she travels to the future. There is a review in the background with 5 stars and a comment from a teen magazine. This is important as my target audience are teenagers therefore they would identify the name of the magazine and trust its opinions.Foreground: The foreground has the significant object of the clock. This object is effective as it again highlights this idea of time- bringing the audiences attention to the main aspect of the film; time travel.

Genre: The genre of the film is clearly science fiction due to the robotic element of the main protagonist and the background being modernised/high tech. The tones are silver based with connotes the future. Masthead: The masthead of the film is placed in a different place to my poster. It is centred next to the main image which is effective as it suggests that the name of the film has a significant meaning behind the main character. ‘EX_MACHINA’ translates to ‘god from the machine’. This suggests that the main character has been made by a machine and is actually a robot. This links to the mechanical body of the main character. This title implies science fiction as it suggests the power of robots. The masthead is in similar font to everything else on the poster however it is a lot larger therefore it still catches your eye as the title of the film.Enigma: Similar to my poster this poster creates enigma from the main image- Why is this person looking so upset? Where is she? Why does she have part human/part robot elements?Layout: The layout is very different to my layout and many other film posters. To start with it is landscape as opposed to portrait, which is peculiar for a film poster however this could have been done on purpose to intrigue the audience even more as it isn't the typical layout. The image is full bleed and the title, tag line and credits are all in the same are (left hand side) just all in different fonts. This suggests that the main focus for this poster is the image.Key Image: The image is a close up full bleed of the main character (just like mine). The character looks vulnerable also, her eyes look lost and scared which sets enigma codes. She also looks lost as the background is mirrored which suggests she's trying to escape something but everywhere looks the same.

She also has a very robotic look about her. Her actual face is completely human but her neck is all wired and her body looks metallic. This suggests that she is the ‘god from the machine’.Colour: The whole poster has a very silver tone to it which denotes the future and technology. This suggests that the film is set in a very futuristic modernised society. This is effective as people are often interested in future possibilities of technology and how technology may effect us- especially if the impact is negative. The colour of the poster is almost completely monochrome until you see blue gems in the mechanical neck of the female robot. This suggests that there is something really special about this main character and that there is a spark of intelligence/emotion insider of her. All of the writing is white which implies that everything is very clean and simplistic.This could relate to the story line- straight forward/linear.Tagline: The tagline is just below the the masthead. It isn't that obvious as it is smaller than the ‘coming soon’. The tagline reads- ‘there is nothing more human than the will to survive’. This suggests that the main character is passionate for survival and is powerful. This contrasts with the appearance of the main character as she actually looks really vulnerable. The tagline works with the masthead- ‘Ex machina (god from the machine)- there is nothing more human than the will to survive’. This suggests that even though the main character has been created by a machine she still has human like emotions, and is in fact more human than some real humans. She knows that she isn't being treated correctly and feels the need to live a normal life.The credits: The credits are in a extremely small font- just like how I had them- at the bottom of everything as they are not important. The top of the page above the title has a credit to the producer in a small font - ‘ writer of’ and then in a contrastingly large font it says ’28 days later’. This highlights that instead of star power the producer is using previous success to make ex machina successful. It is suggesting that if you like 28 days later than you will love this film because it is by the same person.