Filterbellen en mediawijsheid

Post on 10-Aug-2015

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Filterbellen en mediawijsheid

Rob Heyman@robheyman


“Un tel pouvoir a à qualifier, à mesurer, à apprécier, à hiérarchiser, plutôt qu’à se manifester dans son éclat meurtrier”

(Foucault, 1976)

“Power is defined, from this perspective, as the capacity to structure the field of action of the other, to intervene in the domain of the other’s possible actions.”

(Lazzarato 2002)

The filter bubble – Eli Pariser

Eli Pariser, 2011

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Biopower in Facebook design

“Every day, we run hundreds of tests on Facebook, most of which are rolled out to a random sample of people to test their impact.““when people go to find friends, we used to show as many names and faces as we could fit on the screen to minimize scrolling. We ran a test which instead reduced the number of people we showed per page by 60% but gave each more space and a larger button to engage with, and we saw a 70% increase in friend requests. Given a more consumable interface, people were more able to find people they wanted to connect with. This may sound obvious but, in the words of growth engineering manager Mike Curtis, "It's always obvious why the winning test won... after you've run the test.””

Gevolgen van filterbellen

• Polarisatie• Onvolledige informatie– Minder diversiteit?

• Gevolgen op sociaal gedrag?– Internaliseren van (gecodeerde) normen

• Inspraak 0– Bedrijfsgeheim– Inherente complexiteit

• Hoeveelheid input• Oneindige output