Final Advertising Project

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                                                           The New Chocolate Diet

         Let it Happen.

Chocolate Diet Coke Plan Book 12/07/2015

Christina Harris,

Rachel Lieberman, Amy Parker

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Situation Analysis…..……………………………………….3

Creative Brief……………………………………………….4-8

Consumer Profile……………………………………………9

Print Strategy…………………………………………………10

Magazine Ad Example………………………………………11

Digital Strategy: Social Media Campaign………………12-13

Social Media Examples…………..………………………..14-16

Video Script/Storyboard………………………………….17-19

Promotional Event………………………………………….20

1 Table of Contents

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Attributes: Chocolate Diet Coke offers a new way to look at the classic Coke product. Customers will receive their favorite taste with a new twist, all while staying healthy! The price of Chocolate Diet Coke stays similar to the original products and those of the competitors. The logo, and advertisements from Coke present a feeling of warmth, happiness, and unity. The combination of these two flavors will bring together different types of people to enjoy one product: Let it Happen.

Attitudes: Chocolate Diet Coke provides a much-needed change to the same old drink products that consumers purchase. It is easy to drink on the go, or with the friends and family. Drinking Chocolate Diet Coke makes consumers feel unique, upbeat, and still content with their decision to keep drinking the product. Allies: Large and small chain grocery stores, convenience stores, gas stations, social media, musicians/movie stars, athletes, clothing brands, and potential and current consumers who care more about the taste and the low calorie aspect of the drink. Chocolate Diet Coke is a universal drink, able to appeal to many different types of people. Coke is known to bring people together. Adversaries: Other soda production companies (i.e. Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Sprite, etc.), adults concerned about sugar intake or health conscious individuals who are skeptical of a pop drink, other health organizations that do not agree with actively drinking Coke products.

2 Situation Analysis

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Current Situation: Considering the current stance of the marketplace, a new product, such as Chocolate Diet Coca-Cola must first create awareness in an audience, in order to make a mark on the industry. The product brings a chocolatey flavor and a more health conscious base, in order to appeal to a wider range audience, while still staying true to the dedicated Coke drinkers. Particularly, Coke plans to target many different types of teens with this new product and taste.

The Problem: The current product, Diet Coca-Cola is branded towards 30-50 year old men and women who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle without giving up their daily indulgence of Coke products. We are now introducing a new chocolate flavor to Diet Coca-Cola, to appeal to a younger audience, but we have yet to create brand awareness. This is the first problem we must tackle in order to gain a product following and overall appeal to purchase it. Overall, with this new product we hope to gain more young consumers, who will be drawn in by the new features of Chocolate Diet Coca-Cola. The new combination of tastes will bring many different types of young people together to drink it. Target Audience: Teenage girls and boys aged 13-19 who drink classic Coca-Cola and would be interested in transitioning to drink Chocolate Diet Coca-Cola. Since there is no brand awareness for our newest chocolate flavor, the consumer problem we face is that Coca-Cola is currently targeted more towards middle-aged consumers and less towards teens, which creates a gap between the two demographics. The audiences we wish to target for Chocolate Diet Coca-Cola includes teens and to keep our faithful consumers in their early 20’s who wish to stay fit and healthy while continuing to indulge in the sweetness of chocolate and soda.

3 Creative Brief

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This widens our audience from a young to old perspective on this new product. The consumers in this group that we hope to reach are constantly on the go, busy, and hope to stick to a lower calorie option for drinks. Our teenage audience should be self motivated and interested in a fresh look, which our product implies. By merging the two demographics we hope to gain new users of our products, while keeping our existing users, too. These targets are the users, buyers, and influencer segments of our audience. With this new side of our age demographic appealing to our new drink, it opens up new doors (i.e. social media) for use to gain secondary consumers from our already loyal users. Those who drink and buy Coca-Cola products are the ones who influence our audience to grow. Advertising Objective: The advertising objective is to bridge the gap between our older demographic who are consuming Diet Coca-Cola, with our prospective younger demographic we hope will be consuming Chocolate Diet Coca-Cola. We will target teenagers who love the flavors of both Coke and Chocolate. These versatile flavors will keep the audience feeling young, hip, and fresh. With this new combination, Chocolate Diet Coca Cola will persuade the users to just “let it happen”, and transition to this new product. The teenage audience opens up multiple doors for advertising, including: Television, Internet, Social Media, and more! If we are able to accomplish brand awareness through our advertisements, our audience will hopefully respond in the act of purchasing our new product.

Marketing Objective: Our brand plans to advertise our new product of Coca-Cola by following a marketing plan. We will gather all relevant facts about us, our market, products we provide, and information about our consumers and competition. Once we have all necessary information on our target market we will follow an integrated marketing communication plan, which allows us to coordinate all aspects of our advertising.

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Our goals and objectives for Diet Chocolate Coca-Cola are: 1) To produce ads that present upbeat, and exhilarating people using the product. A focus here on high energy, busy day-to-day lives of consumers, and youth oriented. 2) For our brand to reach a mass audience through the use of advertising, promotions, social media, events, and in other diverse activities. 3) Hold a consistent and brilliant place in the market, hopefully captivating our new younger target audience to purchase Chocolate Diet Coca-Cola. In the end, reaching these goals will give our product a successful start to creating its brand awareness.

Brand Strategy Positioning: We will make Chocolate Diet Coca-Cola what the consumers should choose by basing it fully on what they want. This product offers a unique flavor, while simultaneously taking into consideration consumer’s health. This will have our audience thinking that this brand of Coca-Cola is different than all others and pulls them in with the appeal that “everybody is drinking it” and to “let it happen”, for the merge of the same Coca-Cola taste that they love with a new twist will begin a new consumer trend. All of these traits of Chocolate Diet Coca-Cola will be advertised and the brand will appear different from all its competition.

Competition: Coca-Cola is indeed a huge company in the soft-drink industry. Our three largest direct competitors are: PepsiCo Inc., Monster Beverage Corp, and Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. These three competitors all fall under the Soft Drink manufacturing industry. There are many other companies in the same industry as well, but may not be as much of an inconvenience to our products. Other indirect competition includes: Water and Ice manufacturing companies, Coffee and Tea manufacturing companies, Juice companies, as well as other Soda drinking companies, too.

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Creative Strategy: Our unique selling proposition for Chocolate Diet Coca-Cola is to attract a teenage age group and for them to “enjoy chocolate together”. By mixing two very different flavors, we also hope for different types of teenagers to be interested in drinking this product. The campaign will seek to promote togetherness and the idea that unexpected pairings can be successful. Our creative advertising will include a focus on combining all different types of teenagers, who can drink Diet Chocolate Coke together, no matter their psychographics. This strategy will hopefully draw in both Coke and Chocolate lovers from the teenage audience. We will persuade our consumers to just, “Let it Happen”, in regards to this new mix on Coke! Main Idea to Communicate: Once our consumers are on board and have been made aware of our brand they can truly visualize the great traits of this product. Chocolate Diet Coca-Cola will have our consumers excited about a new chocolate taste, low calories, and all the while satisfying their daily thirst quench. Through our marketing plan and advertisements, the main idea will be clearly portrayed to consumers, and will make them realize the benefits this product has. If our main idea is successfully communicated, many consumers will buy Chocolate Diet Coca-Cola for the appealing reasons it was created. A great taste, low in calories, and a chocolatey flavor all in one can. The search for the teenager’s new favorite drink will be over now that this combination has happened! Call to Action: We hope that our consumers will respond by purchasing the product, Chocolate Diet Coca-Cola. The advertisements used for this product will increase our audience in size. The campaign will also have a call to action that is tied to our social media campaign, “Let it Happen”, for this product, having consumers post about them using the product and sharing our hash tags. This will create even more brand awareness. For word to spread about the use of Chocolate Diet Coca-Cola, our

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company plans to advertise so that it continues to be promoted in a positive, new light, which will keep our audience interested in the journey of our new drink product. Since we will be advertising to different types of teenagers, the call to action will mainly be a focus on the use of our social media campaign. Net Impression: Our net impression, or WOW factor in the advertisements will make our audience laugh, understand the meaning of our campaign that we worked so hard to create, and will tug at their emotions. By doing so in our advertising, the brand recognition will have a strong attachment to our audience’s feelings towards it, and in the end help us to solve the consumer problem. Our advertisements on TV and social media will single out many different types of teens that the ads will resonate well with. In our case, it was to create brand awareness for our new product by Coca-Cola. By using these tactics in advertising, the audience will create an emotional connection to the product, and will lead to more purchases.

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Stephanie is 17, a junior at North Central High School. She was born and raised in a small town in Midwest America, and is a caring and helpful sister, daughter and friend. Stephanie started playing soccer at the age of 10, when she joined a junior league that her neighborhood friends were involved in. The sport immediately became the love of her life.

As she has grown up and matured, she has challenged herself physically and mentally to reach her athletic goals. Stephanie is now the captain of the varsity team and is a motivating and exciting team member. She has made three very close friends through the soccer team, Ali, Sarah and Julie. During their free time, Stephanie and her friends enjoy going to the movies, having sleepovers, and baking chocolate desserts. Of course, with soccer practice and school, Stephanie doesn’t have much time to herself. She is a dedicated student, earning solid grades and keeping up with most of her homework. Stephanie doesn’t get much time to relax with her family, especially her mom. Her mother is a real estate agent with many clients, so she is out and about for most of the day. Her father is a morning news anchor for their city’s local affiliate, totally their household

income to around $125k. Around 6:00, once her mother arrives home, Stephanie usually catches up with her on the couch for a minute or two. Stephanie loves to indulge in chocolate, and since she is so active, she tends to over-indulge with sweets. Not to mention, she has made a daily routine in stopping by Starbucks on her way to school for her usual Chocolate Mocha. She knows that although her body is in great shape and she exercises regularly, her sugar habits are not healthy for her long-term health.

Stephanie has an internal struggle with the kind of person she wants to be. She knows who she is, ultimately, but wonders if there is more of her creative and artistic side that she has left neglected. She loves watercolors and, although she would never share her artwork with anyone, has developed a pretty impressive talent in painting. She has always loved the uniqueness and vibrancy of art, and privately embraces the quirky and odd things of the world. She even wonders occasionally if she should focus more on her art and less on soccer, but she understands that soccer will benefit her college selection if she continues to work hard. She usually listens to the latest popular music played on the radio, but her friend down the street makes her really amazing mix tapes of indie-pop bands that she enjoys listening to. Her friend just asked her yesterday if she wanted to drive to a concert three hours away to see small known band perform tomorrow. She said yes, because she needs a little spontaneity in her life.

4 Consumer Profile

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The print strategy for this campaign seeks to grab the readers’ attention while at the same time being informative and enticing. This particular print advertisement will be featured in Seventeen Magazine, which is directed towards girls around ages 10-19. This is a huge part of the audience we hope to reach for Chocolate Diet Coke. The print strategy will focus on teens being constantly busy between school, sports, and extracurricular activities. Living lives that have them constantly on the go. Chocolate Diet Coke campaign is aiming towards teens that already enjoy regular Coke and now are transitioning into trying new flavors. Chocolate Diet Coke will be a part of their busy day that allows them to indulge and refresh despite being on the move.

The advertisement will feature actress Hailee Steinfeld, 18, and is popular among the teen demographic. She is known for being a positive role model and has been featured in popular movies such as Grit and Pitch Perfect 2.

5 Print Strategy

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meets chocolate

You’re busy. Between school, sports, and extra curriculars, it’s easy to

forget to give yourself a break. Hailee Steinfeld gives herself a break from

her busy schedule by enjoying Chocolate Diet Coke. #letithappen


BRAND NEW Chocolate Diet Coca-Cola  

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Social Media Strategy The objective of Chocolate Diet Coca-Cola’s social media campaign will be to promote the idea that two distinctive ideas can be brought together to create something special. The campaign will seek to promote togetherness as well as the idea that unexpected pairings can be successful, whether it be a relationship among people, ideas, or a flavor of soda. Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, which are all popular social media sites for teens, will be used to promote these ideas. This campaign will have taglines and hash tags such as “let it happen” and “enjoy chocolate together”. Because of the popularity of these social media sites, we will be reaching the multiple generations that are part of our target audience. Instagram On Instagram, we will create a Chocolate Diet Coca-Cola Instagram account. It will be primarily directed towards the ages of 13 through 19 due to the popularity of the application within that age group. The pictures posted on the Instagram account will feature typical unlikely pairs, such as a cheerleader dating the leader of the math team, and show them happy together. The Instagram captions will incorporate the hash tag #letithappen as well as #chocolatedietcoke to promote the name and increase awareness. The captions will ask the account’s followers interactive questions that will promote comments and likes. We feel the use of Instagram in our social media campaign will resonate well with this age group because of their acute awareness for aesthetics and creative images. Facebook Facebook will be our social media site that has the widest age range of users. On Facebook, we will create a page for Chocolate Diet Coke that has videos and snippets of advertisements, status updates asking those who like the page questions such as, “Who will you share a Chocolate Diet Coke with today?, and statements such as “Do something unexpected today”. The Facebook will post pictures that are posted on the Instagram as well, because the accounts can be linked. The use of

6 Digital Strategy

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Facebook will reach a wide range of viewers. It is interactive and also reaches our younger target audience. Facebook also allows users to share ads, pictures, and information with their Facebook friends. This will help us reach a secondary audience for Chocolate Diet Coke, and create even more of a following. Twitter We will use twitter in order to promote Chocolate Diet Coke by creating an account and sending out tweets that have incentives for following, retweeting, and favoriting certain tweets. For example, a promotional tweet may tell followers that retweeting or favoriting that tweet can enter them in a contest to receive special prizes or promotional items. We will also use the hash tags mentioned above in order to get Chocolate Diet Coke trending. Twitter’s role in the digital strategy will allow our consumers the opportunity to voice their attitudes about Chocolate Diet Coke. They will be able to participate first hand with the growth of the product, and become involved in creating brand awareness.

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7 Social Media Example: Twitter

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Social Media Example: Facebook

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Social Media Example: Instagram 9

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10 TV Commercial Storyboard/Script

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Diet Chocolate Coke, Let It Happen Campaign: TV: 30- “Taste Test”

Coca-Cola Headquarters. Conference Room. Coca-Cola CEO and Concoctionist sit at conference table. The new Diet Chocolate Coke is positioned in front of the men. Close up on CEO. CEO: Enter 17-year-old female “expert”  Expert 1 (hurried):  Enter 17-year-old male “expert” Expert 2 (confused):  Cut to Expert 1 Expert 2:  Cut to concoctionist. Concoctionist: Cut to CEO. CEO slides two glasses of the new Chocolate Diet Coke across table to experts. Cut to Experts. Experts taste the drink, turn to one another, and smile in absolute approval.Experts gaze into each other’s eyes, falling in love. Cut to CEO and Concotionist shaking hands. CEO: CEO (on phone): VO (fade to Logo graphic):

We need a second opinion. Bring in the experts. Let’s make this quick. I have soccer practice at 4:00. What’s all this about? A new flavor? And what is she doing here? I told you, I can’t work with her. We need your cooperation here. We’re on to something, but… it’s pretty different. Well done, sir. We have their approval. It’s ready for packaging. Chocolate Diet Coke. Let it Happen.

The  Coca-­‐Cola  Company  1  Coca  Cola  Plz  NW.  Atlanta,  GA  30313  

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To go along with our social media campaign, the new Chocolate Diet Coca-Cola will host a promotional event at a local high school homecoming dance in Atlanta. Since the Coca-Cola headquarters is located here, we felt there was no better location to kick off the campaign!

The event will target high schoolers, ages 14-18, attending the dance to try our new flavor of Diet Coke! Since the campaign is focusing on bringing together two different flavors, we will target a school dance where you attend with a date. The campaign will emphasize the idea of bringing different types of people together, and how it is able to appeal to everyone, no matter what gender or psychographic attributes one has. By combining the unexpected flavors of Coke and chocolate we hope teenagers all over the world will let it happen and come together to enjoy this new twist. The picture below is an example of what this product will look like in order to draw in this new teenage target audience. Timeline for the Event:

• Students will arrive promptly at the high school for the dance • Our team will be stationed around the entrance with samples of

Chocolate Diet Coca-Cola, and positioned by red backgrounds for promotional pictures and filming, including our slogans and hash tags on the boards.

• As many couples begin to enter, the Coke reps will be asking them if they like Coke or Chocolate? Or, Have they ever had these two flavors together?

• “A brand new taste, with two unexpected flavors. Bringing them together, just like you two have been brought together for this dance.”

• Once many students have tried the new product with their dates, we will persuade them to “Let it Happen” both with the flavors, and their date.

• As more couples begin to try the product we will have someone filming, and taking pictures of them in front of the backgrounds that say #enjoychocolatetogether and #letithappen. These pictures will display two different types of people coming together to enjoy this new two-flavored Coke.

• As the pictures are posted to different social media sites, they will include the hash tag and promote this new product to the teenage generation.

11 Promotional Event

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Christina  Harris,  Rachel  Lieberman,  Amy  Parker  MSCH-­‐A  320  Craig  Wood  

Final  Advertising  Project