Final Exam Maria Lucia Ordoñez Group 1

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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1. Look the photo. What difficult decision do you think the woman has made? What do you think the letter says?Imagine what happened. Write the full story from your point of view.

Before going bed Sarah remembered the letter she received in the morning before going work, she was late for going out and she didnt read. She leaned back on the nightstand and opened the letter, she began to read the handwritten letter that said: "Dear Mrs. Sara Millers. I am so sorry telling you about this bad new, our dear Mr. Millers has died last night for a heart attach. My deeply condolences, remember we are with You in this horrible moment. Youre in our thoughts and prayers. We will never forget him, because he was a great father, husband, brother and person. In this moment I am in charge of the business of him, your mother and siblings need you come here as soon as possible. God bless you. Sincerely, Dante Julius.After reading her heart screamed in agony. Her eyes filled with tears, and it was the longest and most terrible night. She can not stop crying. She needed to talk with her boyfriend Mark, she tried to phone call she told him and he went to the house to be with her. Next day morning she bought tickets and travelled to Los Angeles to be with her family.

2. Now, you must listen the song called Out of Reach in the following link: you think the song is mainly optimistic or mainly pessimistic? Justify your answer.

2. Now, you must listen the song called Out of Reach in the following link:

b. What was the true problem according to the song?

3. Read the following texts:

Why wont he introduce me to his family?My boyfriend and I are twenty-one and had been going out for a year. We live in a big city where there are people from many different races and cultures. He comes from a culture that is much more religious and traditional than mine. This is not a problem for me or my family: They have always welcomed him into our home. However, he refuses to introduce me to his family, and when his brother (who I know) is around, he pretends we are just friends. Apart from this we love each other very much. Should I insist that he introduces me to his family?

Can we leave my mother?I am forty-four years old and have looked after my elderly mother for a number of years. She has a few small health problems and is rather lonely since my father died. Recently, my husband is desperately keen to go, and both our children would enjoy the experience, but I know that my mother would not consider moving to the USA, and I am terribly worried about her coping on her own, as she has no other relatives nearby. Should I persuade my husband to refuse the job offer?

a. What do you think is the best solution for each situation?Love is important for our lives, but for this case If I were in her position I will take into consideration talk with my boyfriend about his thoughts about our relation, if I am an important person in his life, he has to accept and introduce me to his family, I think I will give him a lot of thought. A relation can not succeed if they have to live hiding their love, its important the mutual trust. When a couple is going out they have to share and spend time with their new in-laws family.

Family is the most important part of our lives, in her position I wouldnt try to change the mind of my husband, but I would talk with my mom about the negative consequences of staying in that city, she was alone and it was very sad for me and my family because she is an important part for us; with my mom I would make a tentative decision. Moving to other country is a big opportunity for all my family, children could study English and improve in their education level. The most important experience job for my husband and I will have them united.

b. Are you good at making decisions or not? If you find it hard to make a decision, what do you usually do? Justify your answer

c. Talk about a big decision or event in your life.Being a teacher

Thanks for your attention