Final Pooja

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    Report onMa gemen




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    Submitted to : Prof.SARIKA TANDON

    Date Of Submission :

    December 15, 2009

    Name : POOJACHAUHANEnrollment No:08BS0002216Batch : 2008 2010Contact : +91
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    Project Title:

    Training:The concept,Methodology &


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    The report is submitted as partial fulfilment of

    the requirement of MBA program of ICFAI

    Business School.

    The project report (Management Research

    Project) has been submitted by me in

    accordance with course requirement of

    reward of MBA degree from ICFAI Business

    School during the academic year 2008-2010.

    This is my original work and not submitted

    elsewhere for award to any other degree.

    Pooja Chauhan


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    Early millennium India saw a sector emerge and boom because of the demand surplus

    globally. Since then, till today there has been a positive upward growth in the industryprior to which India was known for the textiles and tool industry.

    Though initially there was an immature growth later due to immense competition the

    industry saw its mature side.

    Many companies have taken birth during this course of time but most have not

    impressed to get noticed, at the same time there have been a few who have got noticed

    and risen to become an empire ( INFOSYS, WIPRO etc). The secret behind the

    success of these companies to have sustained in both the phases (initial stage where

    companies saw an immature growth, later stages where the industry matured) of the

    industry growth is because of innovation and effective people management skills


    Upon interaction and detailed study of corporate world it comes to our understanding

    that training plays a very essential part in bridging the gap between the employee skill

    sets and the skills associated with a particular job.

    As the new industry emerged there were other sectors which boomed along with thegrowth of IT industry namely manufacturing.

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    During the growth of various industries players in each industry, in order to cope with

    the competition concentrated on having skilled manpower in their armory, this proved to

    be a very lethal weapon when they fired (launching new product, implement new

    technology, use new strategies etc).

    Thus updating their employees with the necessary skill sets and knowledge became

    an integral part of an employees tenure in the organization. In this report lets try and

    understand on what training and development is all about and various methods

    adopted by various organizations to achieve the above said

    Definition Of TrainingTraining may be defined as a Planned program designed to improve performance and

    bring about measurable changes in knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) and social

    behaviour of employee. It is as act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an

    employee for doing a particular job.

    Features of TrainingEnable the employees to deal with the changing jobs and roles.Develop knowledge, skill and attitude for handling jobs most efficiently. Bridges the gap between the current level of employee KSA and the

    required level of KSA to handle job efficiently.Training is basically job-related and need-based.Short-term activity designed essentially for operatives.

    Role Of Organization In Training And


    An organization has a very close relationship with the trainee and the trainer because itis the first contact for both.

    The demand for the training in the organization increases when the organization wants:

    To hire new people training as a means of training new recruits

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    To Expand When the company wants to increase its headcount

    To increase certain number of staff (in position) by a certain date

    To enhance the performance of employees

    Organizations name to be a part of training unit

    Demand for training also increases when there is change in the nature of job, change in

    taste of consumer, change in methods of product development, etc. The organization

    goes through the following steps for the transfer of training to the field.

    But the problem arises when the organization outsource the training process. In this

    situation the organization assumes that the trainer must be aware of the type of training

    need s of the participants and their organization and their content will meet those

    needs. This leads to failure of the program, which results in collusion. Therefore, its aforemost duty of the organization to make the trainer and their organization aware of

    their culture, climate, responsibilities of organization, etc.

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    Traditional And Modern Approach Of Training

    And Development

    Traditional Approach Most of the organizations before never used to believe intraining. They were holding the traditional view that managers are born and not made.

    There were also some views that training is a very costly affair and not worth.

    Organizations used to believe more in executive pinching. But now the scenario seems

    to be changing.

    The modern approach of training and development is that Indian Organizations have

    realized the importance of corporate training. Training is now considered as more of

    retention tool than a cost. The training system in Indian Industry has been changed to

    create a smarter workforce and yield the best results

    Training Options

    There 4 training options that an organization can consider before providing training to

    their employees:

    Outsourcing: Outsourcing exempts the organizations to concentrate on its core

    business. Also, with the availability of sufficient amount of know-how, proficiency in the

    market it does not make business sense for organizations to have a separate training

    division. One approach is to tie up with some reputed training or educational institutes

    and send employees for training. This way, company gets to avail the required

    expertise and high-quality training programs and saves money on content

    development, recruiting, and maintaining training team. The only issue in outsourcing

    training is that the quality of training has to be frequently tracked so as to ensure the

    trainer's performance and training effectiveness.

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    Internal Training: A lot of questions has been raised whether to go in for training

    outsourcing or setting up an internal division for training. Some companies recruit

    external trainers and call them to the company site make them use their tools to train

    employees. This alternative is generally for the new joinees who are given the

    fundamental or job-related training in-house and then send outside for higher training.

    Product-related Training: The dealer who delivers the apparatus or installs the

    system offers the initial training. The user may negotiate with the dealer for a regularupgradation of product-related know-how or expertise in place of a one-time training.

    The apparatus dealer may choose to send their trainers or recruit outside trainers.

    Independent Professionals: Considering the emerging threats and opportunities, the

    professionals need to keep themselves updated of the developments. In this option, the

    responsibility of training is entirely on the individual and a better-trained professional

    will always have better market worth than others.

    The Five Step Training Process

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    We can think of a typical training program as consisting of five steps.

    The steps are as follows:


    Identify specific job performance skills needed to improve performance and


    Analyze the audience to ensure that the program will be suited to their specific levels

    of education, experience, and skills, as well as their attitudes and personal motivations.

    Use research to develop specific measurable knowledge and performance



    Gather instructional objectives, methods, media, description of and sequence ofcontent, examples, exercises and activities. Organise them into a curriculum that

    supports adult learning theory and provides a blueprint for program.

    Make sure all materials, such as video scripts, leaders guides and participants

    workbooks, complement each other, are written clearly, and blend into unified training

    geared directly to the stated learning objectives.

    Carefully and professionally handle all program elements-whether reproduced on

    paper, film, or tape-to guarantee quality and effectiveness.


    Introduce and validate the training before a representative audience. Base final

    revisions on pilot results to ensure program effectiveness.


    When applicable, boost success with a train-the-trainer workshop that focuses on

    presentation knowledge and skills in addition to training content.


    Assess program success according to :

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    A. REACTION Document the learners immediate reactions to the training.

    B. LEARNING Use feedback devices or pre- and post tests to measure what

    learners have actually learned.

    C. BEHAVIOUR Note supervisors reactions to learners performance following

    completion of the training. This is the one way to measure the degree to which

    learners apply new skills and knowledge to their jobs.

    D. RESULTS Determine the level of improvement in the job performance and

    assess needed maintenance.

    Training In An Organisational Setting

    Any Organisation has to opt for some or other type of training for increasing the

    knowledge and skills of its employee for performing a particular job. Training is mainly

    job-oriented; it aims at maintaining and improving current job performance.

    Training is needed to achieve the following purposes in an organisation:

    1. Newly recruited employees require to undergo structured training inputs so as to

    learn and perform their tasks effectively. The nature of training they receive determines

    their competencies in handling the job(s) assigned to them.

    2. Imparting need-based training to existing employees for grooming them to handle

    their current jobs better and to prepare them to handle higher level jobs.

    3. Existing employees require refresher training so as to keep them abreast of the latest

    developments in the concerned job-related operations. In the face of rapid

    technologicalchanges, this is an absolute necessity.

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    4. Training is also necessary when a person gets transferred from one job to another

    (job rotation) or when there is enhancement in this job domain (job enlargement).

    5. Training makes employees mobile and versatile. They can be placed on various jobs

    depending on organisational needs.

    6. Training improves overall job productivity / employee productivity.

    7. Training, when proactively and selectively imparted to employees(s) to prepare them

    to shoulder higher level jobs, is known as succession planning.

    Deciding Training ObjectivesTraining in the organisation can be planned on the basis of the type of training objective

    it is designed to meet. There are in all 5 types of training objectives.

    A. Training For ongoing organisational requirement.

    Induction and Orientation Program.

    Refresher Training Program for operatives.

    B. Proactive Anticipatory training required to meet futuristic organisational needs.

    Training manager/Supervisors to anticipate problems before they occur.

    Computer Training.

    Team building sessions with the departments.

    Supervisory Development Training.

    C. Problem Solving Training to avert certain problems which may develop over a

    period time.

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    Training Clerks to reduce complaints.

    Total Quality Management (TQM) Training.

    Training Supervisors in communications to reduce grievances.

    Quality circles Training.

    D. Specialized Training To meet critical organisational requirement.

    To import specialized training on critical equipment.

    E. Vendor arranged Training for technological up gradation.

    Training Organised by vendor against the purchase of equipments.

    Training Policy

    Every organisation should have a declared training policy, which is understood andsupported by employees at all levels. Training can be abortive if there is no

    commitment on the part of those being trained. Training should not be seen by

    employees as a penalty but as an opportunity for them to further their knowledge and

    expertise both in their own and the organisations interest. The climate needs to be

    created in which they are eager to seize such opportunities and in their enthusiasm

    may well be able to identify some their own needs.

    Key Features of a Good Training Policy.

    1. It should be holistic and should cater to needs of the employees.

    2. It should be in line with and complement business policy of the organisation.

    3. It should emanate from the joint evocation of HR manager and line management with

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    top management support.

    4. It should have commitment of the target group.

    Legal Aspects Of Training

    Under equal employment legislation several aspects of your training program must be

    assessed with an eye toward the programs impact on women and minorities. For

    example, having relatively few women or minorities selected for the training program

    may require showing that the admissions procedures are valid that they predict

    performance on the job for which the person is being trained.

    Similarly, suppose completing the training program is a prerequisite for promotion. You

    should then be able to show that the training program itself has no adverse impact on

    women or minorities. In other words, members of protected group should have as much

    chance of successfully completing the training as do white males. If they do not, the

    validity of the training requirements should be demonstrated.

    For example, it could turn out that the reading level of your training manuals is too high

    for minority trainees, and that they are thus doing poorly in the program quite aside

    from their aptitude for the jobs for which they are being trained. The training program

    might then be found to be unfairly discriminatory.

    Negligent training is another potential problem. Negligent training occurs when an

    employer fails to train adequately, and an employee subsequently harms a third party.

    Courts will find the employer liable in cases of negligent training, particularly the

    employers business or service is oriented toward serving the public. Precautions hereinclude:

    1. Confirm claims of skill and experience for all applicants.

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    2. Reduce the risks of harm by extensively training employees who work with


    equipment, materials or processes.

    3. Ensure that the training includes procedures to protect third parties health and


    4. Evaluate the training activity to determine its effectiveness in reducing negligence


    The Need For Training

    Good communications and consultation are essential for efficient operation in any

    organisation. However, their impact is often diminished by a lack of skill or knowledge

    on the part of the participants. It is important, therefore, to provide both managers and

    employees with training in the skills and techniques required for communication and


    Training can help employees better understand the information they are given and can

    encourage them to play a fuller part in the way the organisation conducts its affairs.

    Training courses in particular can be a useful way of giving employees factual

    information about their employment because they necessarily include a substantial

    element of explanation and provide opportunities for questions to be answered.

    Managers have an important role to play in communicating and consulting and good

    training can enable them to:

    become more aware of the importance of good communication and

    consultation practice

    understand their roles and responsibilities as communicators Support those who are less outspoken and improve their ability to


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    Training is particularly important for supervisors who have important communications

    responsibilities but often limited experience. Communication and consultation skills

    should have a place in any development programme for them as well as for other


    Trade unions should also ensure that they provide adequate training for their

    representatives to enable them to take a full part in employee communications and


    Wherever possible training should be participative and trainees should be encouraged

    to exchange views, take part in discussions and share ideas and experiences. Such

    participation not only makes for more effective training but also helps to foster the ideaof employee involvement which is an underlying principle of consultation and


    It is good practice to evaluate periodically the effectiveness of any training undertaken.

    Employee Training and Development:Reasons and Benefits

    As a brief review of terms, training involves an expert working with learners to transfer

    to them certain areas of knowledge or skills to improve in their current jobs.

    Development is a broad, ongoing multi-faceted set of activities (training activities

    among them) to bring someone or an organization up to another threshold of

    performance, often to perform some job or new role in the future.

    A. Typical Reasons for Employee Training and Development

    Training and development can be initiated for a variety of reasons for an employee or

    group of employees, e.g.

    When a performance appraisal indicates performance improvement is needed

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    To "benchmark" the status of improvement so far in a performance

    improvement effort

    As part of an overall professional development program

    As part of succession planning to help an employee be eligible for a planned

    change in rolein the organization

    To "pilot", or test, the operation of a new performance management system

    To train about a specific topic) (see below)

    B. Typical Topics of Employee Training

    Communications: The increasing diversity of today's workforce brings a

    wide variety Of languages and customs. Computer skills: Computer skills are becoming a necessity for conducting

    administrative and office tasks.

    Customer service: Increased competition in today's global marketplace

    makes it critical that employees understand and meet the needs of customers.

    Diversity: Diversity training usually includes explanation about how people

    have Different perspectives and views, and includes techniques to value


    Ethics: Today's society has increasing expectations about corporate social

    responsibility. Also, today's diverse workforce brings a wide variety of values and

    morals to the workplace.

    Human relations: The increased stresses of today's workplace can include

    misunderstandings and conflict. Training can people to get along in the


    Quality initiatives: Initiatives such as Total Quality Management, Quality

    Circles, benchmarking, etc., require basic training about quality concepts,

    guidelines and standards for quality, etc.

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    Safety: Safety training is critical where working with heavy equipment,

    hazardous chemicals, repetitive activities, etc., but can also be useful with

    practical advice for avoiding assaults, etc.

    Sexual harassment: Sexual harassment training usually includes careful

    description of the organization's policies about sexual harassment, especially

    about what are inappropriate behaviors.

    C. General Benefits from Employee Training and Development

    There are numerous sources of online information about training and development.

    Several of these sites suggest reasons for supervisors to conduct training

    among employees. These reasons include:

    A. Increased job satisfaction and morale among employees

    B. Increased employee motivation

    C. Increased efficiencies in processes, resulting in financial gain

    D. Increased capacity to adopt new technologies and methods

    E. Increased innovation in strategies and products

    F. Reduced employee turnover

    G. Enhanced company image, e.g., conducting ethics training

    H. Risk management, e.g., training about sexual harassment, diversity training.


    The design of the training program can be undertaken only when a clear training

    objective has been produced. The training objective clears what goal has to beachieved by the end of training program i.e. what the trainees are expected to be able

    to do at the end of their training. Training objectives assist trainers to design the

    training program.

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    The trainer Before starting a training program, a trainer analyzes his technical,

    interpersonal, judgmental skills in order to deliver quality content to trainers.

    The trainees A good training design requires close scrutiny of the trainees and their

    profiles. Age, experience, needs and expectations of the trainees are some of the

    important factors that affect training design


    Training climate A good training climate comprises of ambience, tone, feelings,

    positive perception for training program, etc. Therefore, when the climate is favorable

    nothing goes wrong but when the climate is unfavorable, almost everything goes


    Trainees' learning style the learning style, age, experience, educational background

    of trainees must be kept in mind in order to get the right pitch to the design of the


    Training strategies Once the training objective has been identified, the trainer

    translates it into specific training areas and modules. The trainer prepares the priority

    list of about what must be included, what could be included.

    Training topics After formulating a strategy, trainer decides upon the content to be

    delivered. Trainers break the content into headings, topics, ad modules. These topics

    and modules are then classified into information, knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

    Sequence the contents Contents are then sequenced in a following manner:

    From simple to complex .

    Topics are arranged in terms of their relative importance

    From known to unknown

    From specific to general

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    Dependent relationship

    Training tactics Once the objectives and the strategy of the training program

    becomes clear, trainer comes in the position to select most appropriate tactics or

    methods or techniques. The method selection depends on the following factors:

    Trainees' background

    Time allocated

    Style preference of trainer

    Level of competence of trainer

    Availability of facilities and resources, etc

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    Support facilities It can be segregated into printed and audio visual. The various

    requirements in a training program are white boards, flip charts, markers, etc.

    Constraints The various constraints that lay in the trainers mind are:

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    Accommodation, facilities and their


    Furnishings and equipments


    Design of the training, et

    Training Need Analysis (TNA)An analysis of training need is an essential requirement to the design of effective

    training. The purpose of training need analysis is to determine whether there is a gap

    between what is required for effective performance and present level of performance.

    Why training need analysis?

    Training need analysis is conducted to determine whether resources required are

    available or not. It helps to plan the budget of the company, areas where training is

    required, and also highlights the occasions where training might not be appropriate but

    requires alternate action

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    Corporate need and training need are interdependent because the organization

    performance ultimately depends on the performance of its individual employee and its

    sub group. Organizational Level Training need analysis at organizational level

    focuses on strategic planning, business need, and goals. It starts with the assessment

    of internal environment of the organization such as, procedures, structures, policies,

    strengths, and weaknesses and external environment such as opportunities and


    After doing the SWOT analysis, weaknesses can be dealt with the training

    interventions, while strengths can further be strengthened with continued training.

    Threats can be reduced by identifying the areas where training is required. And,

    opportunities can be exploited by balancing it against costs.

    For this approach to be successful, the HR department of the company requires to beinvolved in strategic planning. In this planning, HR develops strategies to be sure that

    the employees in the organization have the required Knowledge, Skills, and Attributes

    (KSAs) based on the future KSAs requirements at each level.

    Individual Level Training need analysis at individual level focuses on each and every

    individual in the organization. At this level, the organization checks whether an

    employee is performing at desired level or the performance is below expectation. If the

    difference between the expected performance and actual performance comes out to be

    positive, then certainly there is a need of training.

    However, individual competence can also be linked to individual need. The methods

    that are used to analyze the individual need are:

    Appraisal and performance review

    Peer appraisal

    Competency assessments

    Subordinate appraisal

    Client feedback

    Customer feedback

    Self-assessment or self-appraisal.

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    Operational Level Training Need analysis at operational level focuses on the work

    that is being assigned to the employees. The job analyst gathers the information on

    whether the job is clearly understood by an employee or not. He gathers this

    information through technical interview, observation, psychological test; questionnaires

    asking the closed ended as well as open ended questions, etc. Today, jobs are

    dynamic and keep changing over the time. Employees need to prepare for these

    changes. The job analyst also gathers information on the tasks needs to be done plus

    the tasks that will be required in the future.

    Based on the information collected, training Need analysis (TNA) is done.

    How Training Costs Are Calculated

    The costs of learning may be difficult to decipher without an all-inclusive cost analysis

    system. Many trainers perpetually defend their approach through a comprehensive

    justification of course content, methodology, and cost effectiveness. Once all of the

    relevant factors have been isolated and supported by data, it is much easier to decide

    when and how the training will be conducted, if at all. Similarly, with the right data the

    decision to conduct training in-house or by an outsourcer can be determined. Some of

    the questions that must answered to determine training costs include:

    Facilities: Where will the training be conducted? Are hotel rooms and meeting


    required? If the training is Web or computer based, are specific resources dedicated to

    the equipment, utilities, software and hardware maintenance? Are participants

    reimbursed for lodging when they attend overnight training?

    Instructors: Are facilitators paid a salary, per diem, or billed by an outside firm? Are

    trainer expenses considered? Does the company have to pay to certify the instructors

    or pay any license fees to use the materials?

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    Participants: What are the combined salaries and benefits costs that will be

    dedicated to the time spent on training? What is the price for the time spent out of the

    office, at seminars, traveling, or preparing for training while still at work?

    Material format: What type of materials will be used? Is the media, books, tapes,

    CDRom, Web-based or video? How will the material be obtained? Any shipping,

    packaging, or transmission costs? If the material is developed in-house is the talent

    available or must the company recruit the technical expertise? Will the materials still be

    timely and technologically relevant when the training is actually delivered? If not, what

    are the redesign costs?

    Communication and marketing: Will materials be produced to generate interest inthe training? Brochures, pamphlets, direct mail, postage, and Web sites all have

    developmentcosts in addition to material cost. Will time be spent by senior managers

    selling the training internally? Will employees be actively solicited through kick-off and

    information meetings? How much time will be spent learning about the training?

    Tuition reimbursement: What is the cost of the actual benefit as described in the

    company policy? What is the level of utilization by the employee population? What are

    the costs of communicating the program and processing the benefit? Does the

    company policy exclude reimbursement for unsuccessful completion of course


    Some of the less apparent issues include:

    The learning curve. How long does it take for the employee to get "up to speed?"

    What are the adaptation costs, the costs of potential mistakes while in the learning

    process? If the employee is in a production type situation, what is the cost of lost

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    production on an incremental basis, if the employee had been fully trained from the


    Productivity inhibited. What would the employee be doing if they were not taking

    time from their regular tasks to be trained? Would more income be generated for the

    company? How would that time be used more profitably or effectively? Could the time

    have resulted in the development of new accounts or products, faster production, or

    greater organizational efficiency?

    Company culture and expectation. Some organizations have massive

    expectations from the image and culture they communicate through their training

    experience. Training may dominate company culture and be a catalyst for manyassociated programs that are developed to enhance the training experience. Promotion

    and reward systems may be geared towards the training effort. Incentives may be given

    when training is completed or goals which training addresses are attained. All of these

    expectations result in higher percapita costs -- per employee. Additionally, because

    training intense companies tend to use the most sophisticated methods and expensive

    materials, the per-capita cost may be far greater.

    All of these intangibles must be isolated to truly determine the overall cost and

    associated benefits of the training experience.

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    Secondary data

    Training and Development in IT/Software

    Development Industry

    The Indian IT sector is growing at a very fast pace and is expected to earn a revenue of

    US $87 billion by 2008. In 2006, it has earned revenue of about US $ 40 billion with a

    growth rate of 30%. IT sector is expected to generate 2.3 million jobs by 2010,

    according to NASSCOM (National Association of Software and Service Companies)

    With this rapid expansion of IT sector and coming up of major players and newtechnologies like SAP, the need of human resource development has increased.

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    According to the recent review by Harvard Business Review, there is a direct link

    between training investment of the companies and the market capitalization. Those

    companies with higher training investment had higher market capitalization. It clearly

    indicates that the companies which have successfully implemented training programs

    have been able to deliver customer goals with effective results. It shows that good

    training results in enhancement of individual performance, which in turn, helps the

    organization in achieving its business goals. Training is a tool that can help in gaining

    competitive advantage in terms of human resource.

    With the growing investment by IT companies in the development of their employeesmany companies have now started their own learning centers.

    As an example, Sun has its own training department.

    Accenture has Internet based tool by the name of My Learning that offers

    access to its vast learning resources to its employees

    Companies are investing in both the technical training, which has always been an

    essential part in IT industry, as well as in managerial skills development. Companies

    now kept aside 3-5% of revenue for training programs. As an example, some of the

    major players like Tata Elexi and Accenture are allocating 7% and 3% respectively of

    the companys overall revenue.

    Areas Covered in Training Programs in

    IT/Software Development Industry

    The specific areas where training is given in IT/Software Development sector are:

    A. Computer Manufacturing

    B. EDP/ E- Commerce

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    C. Designing

    D. Maintenance Service

    E. Operating jobs, Computer operators, Data Entry

    F. System Developing /Programming /Software Engineering

    G. Networking

    H. Application Programming

    I. Research and Development in Peripheral Integration

    J. Product Quality Control and Reliability Testing

    K. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

    L. Database Warehousing and Management

    Preferred Training Methods

    Some of the training methods of training are:

    A. Computer Based


    B. Internet Based


    C. Lectures

    D. Labs

    E. On-the-job (OTJ)


    F. Distant Learning

    G. E-Books

    H. Mentoring

    I. Coaching

    J. Job Rotation

    IBM Training

    For IBM, learning is a strategic enabler of change an indispensable tool that

    supports new initiatives, re-skills our workforce and prepares us to address key market

    shifts and organizational transformations, such as those associated with the rapidly

    approaching on demand era. IBM spends about US$750 million annually for learning.

    Employees spend an estimated 17 million hours each year (about 55 hours per

    employee) in formal training

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    Either online, through online learning activities or in a traditional classroom.

    Approximately 47 percent of IBM learning days are now conducted online anywhere,

    anytime. When given meaningful learning and developmental opportunities, 79 percent

    of IBM employees are likely to stay with the company for at least three years. IBM

    conducts almost half of all employees training via e-learning, realizing a cost avoidance

    of US$579 million over the past two years The Basic Blue program helps new

    managers build skills that are necessary to Promote change, align behavior with new

    corporate strategies, reduce bureaucracy, emphasize customer focus and inspire the

    highest employee performance. Basic Blue is a three-phase approach to management

    and leadership development. This learning solution for new IBM managers offers the

    optimum blend of learning methods through its five phases:

    Phase I The purpose of Phase I is to immediately bring critical management/

    leadership information to the new IBM manager via a combination of e-learning,

    simulations, in-field experiences and second-line coaching.

    Phase II In this phase, employees increase management and leadership skills and

    build upon the knowledge gained in Phase I through a five-day, face-to face,

    experience-based workshop.

    Phase III - Advisor this is a Web-based, online tool developed to support continuous

    learning for all managers, including those in nontraditional office situations, and remote

    and mobile workers. Advisor has three components: exploring Web-based learning,

    preparing for the role of manager and formulating an individual development plan.

    Phase IV - The in-class learning lab this phase comprises two days that focus on

    experiential, higher-order learning, personal networking and action learning.

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    Phase V - Manager ongoing dialogue an online, shared e-space provides a means

    for the same group of managers to collaborate on their chosen management action


    General Electric trainingGeneral Electric spends roughly $1 billion on training and education every year.

    Hewlett-Packard TrainingHewlett-Packard spent $275 million on training while memory-chip maker Micron

    Technology spent $4.8 million on training for its 21,000 employees worldwide this fiscal

    year. Microsoft spends "millions" on its army of 70,000.

    Infosys Technologies TrainingInfosys Technologies spends Rs.750 crore a year on training fresh recruits. The

    company added 3,192 staff in the first quarter of 2008-09. This comes to Rs. 2.50 lakh

    spent on each potential new employee during a 16-week training period. The 335-acre

    campus, largest of the nine training centers of Infosys across India, can accommodate

    up to 13,500 people at a given time. Apart from containing attrition at around 13.7 per

    cent against the industry average of 17 per cent, the training turned out young men and

    women with additional soft skills, including the ability to communicate clearly, learn

    efficient team work and decision-making. Close to five per cent of trainees did not

    match the job skills required and had to return home.

    Cost of training at Infosys Technologies

    The cost of training might seem high but in the West, it worked out to $50,000 per

    trainee as compared to $6,000 here. In a statement by Ceo, Mr.Gopalkrishnan If our

    universities upgraded and made the teaching methods more industry and employment-

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    oriented, the IT sector need not spend that much for training. On our part, we can claim

    having contributed 50,000 trained persons so far to the workforce, .

    Infosys has its on-campus job skills programme, Campus Connect, covering 510

    engineering colleges in several regions. So far, 2,300 faculties have been trained on

    industry needs like better understanding of concepts involved in work such as software


    Wipro Technology Training

    Wipro Technology has been awarded by the American Society for Training and

    Development (ASTD) for its employee training and development activities. Wipro was

    ranked sixth among the 39 companies, which won the ASTD's BEST awards. Wipro

    has won the award for the third year in a row. ASTD is an association dedicated to

    workplace learning. Seven other Indian companies, including Reliance Petroleum,

    Infosys Technologies, ICICI Bank and Hindustan Petroleum also won the award.

    Reliance Petroleum made it to the top five. The award is given to companies based on

    the evidence that the employee training programmes have added to the companies'

    overall performance and that the companies have made a significant investment inbuilding talent. BEST is an acronym for 'build talent enterprise wide, supported by the

    leaders, through learning'. The award winners are chosen from amongst 71 entries

    from across the world and the winners set the standards for excellence and foster a

    good learning culture,

    The company spends one per cent of its total revenue on training. The company has

    eight dedicated employee training centers with four in Bangalore. These centers impart

    training in HRleadership skills, behavioural skills and cross-culture training. The

    centers train about 3,500 employees daily. Wipro also has a dedicated learning centre

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    for its Japanese businesses, in Chennai. "The Japanese market is the hardest to

    penetrate and also very complicated.

    Cognizant Technological Solutions Training

    At Cognizant, middle-level managers are provided with continuous learning and

    development opportunities. They are also groomed for senior leadership positions

    through a combination of technical and non-technical training. In addition to technical

    training, soft-skills such as leadership, team building and development, assessment

    centers, presentation skills, and workshops on selfawareness, are the other areas of


    Further, every employee of Cognizant needs to undergo 10 person-days of training to

    ensure that the quality of the workforce, and therefore that of the organizations, is

    continuously updated and enhanced.

    Through this, the organisation combines a proactive readiness to service emerging

    demand patterns and also a reactive fulfillment of current skill requirements in the

    customer market. Interestingly, Cognizant has made both the managementdevelopment program (MDP) at IIM Bangalore and the Project Management

    Professional (PMP) certification mandatory for all midlevel professionals for promotion

    and career growth, he says.

    The training at Cognizant also includes pursuing higher education such as MS in

    Software Engineering and MS in e-Business (the company has a tie-up with BITS,

    Pilani) and MBA (it has a tie-up with The British Open University). This organisation

    also regularly sends its middle and senior management professionals to IIM Bangalore

    for a customized two-week residential management development program (MDP).

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    Cognizant also provides opportunities for its middle and senior level professionals to

    undergo certifications in domains, processes and project management.

    The company allocates approximately four per cent of its revenue for training across all

    levels. The mandatory MDP at IIM Bangalore, PMP certification and Assessment

    Centre alone costs the organisation more than Rs one lakh per employee per year at

    the mid-and-senior levels Training programs focusing on new technology helps in

    deploying the knowledge required to deliver value to a company's customers. "Apart

    from several other critical factors, providing opportunity to associates for upgrading

    their skills also plays a significant role in retention," . continuous learning is built into the

    career-path of all the associates.

    Training and Development in Retail-FMCG


    Retail/FMCG Sector is the most booming sector in the Indian economy and is expected

    to reach US$ 175-200 billion by 2016. With this rapid expansion and coming up of

    major players in the sector, the need of human resource development has increased.Lack of skilled workers is the major factor that is holding back the retail sector for high

    growth. The sector is facing the severe shortage of trainers. Also, the current education

    system is not sufficiently prepared to address the new processes, according the

    industry majors.

    Training Programs in Retail/FMCG Sector

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    Some of the training programs that are given in the retail sector are:

    A. Sales Training

    B. On-the-Job Training

    C. Seminars/Workshops

    D. Customer Relationship Management

    E. Online Course

    F. Group Study

    G. Computer-Based Training

    H. Self-Directed Training

    Colgate TrainingThe Training and Development effort at Colgate-Palmolive is a direct outcome of the

    Individual Development Plan and the Business need. The business critical and

    individual specific needs are identified every year and a training needs inventory is

    drawn up.

    Colgate's leadership position in the global marketplace is directly linked to the skill of

    our employees. Practical learning and professional growth are critical to our continued

    success. We invest generously in the training and education of Colgate people.

    Their commitment to skill development includes:

    Formal classroom study

    Sharing best practices, globally

    Developing practical work applications based on real-world learnings.


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    Training in Banking and Insurance Sector

    Favorable economic climate and number of other factors such as, growing

    urbanization, increasing consumerism, rise in the standard of living, increase in

    financial services for people living in rural areas, etc has increased the demand for wide

    range of financial products that has led to mutually beneficial growth to the banking

    sector and economic growth process. This was coincided by technology development

    in the banking operations. Today most of the Indian cities have networked banking

    facility as well as Internet banking facility. Some of the major players in the banking

    sector are State Bank of India, HDFC Bank, Citibank, ICICI Bank, Punjab National


    In the Insurance sector also, rapid expansion has created about 5 lakh job opportunities

    approximately in the past five years. These openings are mainly in the field of

    insurance advisors or marketing agents. The eligibility criteria for these jobs isgraduation with some experience in marketing or become insurance agents after

    completing school but this needs some relevant training.

    Earlier there were no training programs as such for insurance agents but on-the-job

    training only that was given once the new agent was appointed. But now the scenario

    has been changed, with the coming up of big players like ICICI Life Insurance, ICICI

    Lombard, HDFC Life Insurance, Tata AIG General Insurance, etc in this sector, people

    who've had some formal training are preferred while recruitment because it can be

    helpful in the insurance field. However, only the insurance degree in this field does not

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    guarantee success. To be successful an agent must have strong interpersonal,

    networking, and communication skills.

    Number of opportunities in Banking and Insurance sector has increased than ever

    before. With this rapid expansion and coming up of major players like ICICI, HDFC,

    UTI, Bajaj Allianz, etc in the sector, the need of human resource development has



    Training Needs Analysis Form

    Name of Employee:

    Department :


    1. Are you a new employee or a long-standing

    employee of the company?

    2. How long have you been in yourpresentjob?

    Confirmation of Current Duties

    3. Do you have a Job Description for your job? Yes No (Go to Q


    4. Is your job accurately described in the Job

    Description? Yes (Go to Q 14) No5.A If no, what extra duties do you do that need to be added to your Job Description?

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    5.B What duties are no longer part of your job and can be deleted from your Job


    Job Analysis6. Describe the tasks you regularly perform that are critical to carrying out your job


    7. Describe the type of equipment you are required to use (for example, keyboard,

    machinery, tools of trade, etc).

    8. Do you require a high degree of technical

    knowledge for your job? Yes No

    9. How do you work? Please circle

    Alone Part of a team Other (specify below)

    10. If you work as part of a team, do you perform the same of different work to

    members of your team?

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    11. To what extent does your job require you to work closely with other people, such as

    customers, clients or people in your own organisation? Please circle.

    Very little Moderately A lot

    12. How much autonomy is there in your job, i.e., to what extent do you decide how to

    proceed with your work? Please circle.

    Very little Moderately A lot

    13. How much variety is there in your job, i.e., to what extent do you do different things

    at work, using several skills and talents? Please circle.

    Very little Moderately A lot

    Training Needs

    14. To perform your current job: What training do you still need (either on-the-job or a

    formal course) to perform your current job competently (eg, Excel, bookkeeping,

    English as a second language, etc)?

    15. To perform other jobs in the organisation: What other roles in the organisation

    would you be interested in doing if a vacancy became available (eg, transfer to another

    section, supervisor position, etc)?

    16. To perform other jobs in the organisation: What training or experience would be

    required (eg, machine operation, negotiation skills, Occupational Health and Safety

    Awareness, etc)?

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    Future Development Needs

    17. What are your career aspirations?

    18. What training or development do you need to help make this happen (eg, external

    degree study, formal meeting procedures, leadership training, etc)?

    Recognition of Prior Learning

    19. What training have you attended within the last three years? (This will help identify

    if any training sessions have been missed or if any refresher training is required.)20. What training or skills have you acquired outside your current job that may be

    relevant to the wider organisation?

    Action Plan

    Agreed training and development to be provided over the next 12 months:

    (Record the details of training courses, on-the-job experiences, buddy systems or

    mentor arrangements, and include the recommended dates the staff member can

    expect these to occur.)

    Training Date

    Signature of Staff

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    Member : Date :

    Signature of Supervisor : Date :


    The success of the project depends upon some factors, which may limit its scope.

    The factors which may affect the scope of the study includes:

    Reliability of the data collected

    Time constraints

    Lack of adequate resources Uncertainty about the future which cannot be correctly predicted from the past



    Extensive research work was carried out for relevant literature. After extensive study

    through books, newsletters, magazines and internet relevant information were found.

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    Web Links

    1. www.wikipedia.com2. www.

    3. http://www.fao.org5. www.citehr.com6. www.managementhelp.org7. www.npti.org9.