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Post on 13-May-2015

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  • 1.RenewablePreserve, Protect,Energyand Sustain By: Yavnika Kumar

2. Content Introduction to Person Project Introduction to Renewable Energy Background Types of Renewable Energy Advantages Disadvantages IEA (International Energy Agency) The Future Help Facts References 3. Introduction to PersonalProject Being a Grade 10 student at the American International School of Mozambique,I am required to do my Personal Project to complete the MYP curriculum before moving onto IB. I have chosen the environment as my topic for my personal project and I haveresearched on renewable energy. I have always tried to preserve nature because Iunderstand the importance of maintaining our environment. There have been numerousoccasions where our society has been very careless about sustaining resources. In thecoming years, the future generation of our world will be facing tremendous amounts ofadversities if we do not start to preserve mother nature immediately. Several countries andorganizations have already started to support this cause and have also started to takeaction. Our society has to start using renewable energy at any cost. My aim for this project to enlighten people on why it is crucial to understand therelevance of this topic. I will be discussing several advantages of renewable energy. I willtry to give advice on the basis of what I have learnt and researched about until now. If Isucceed in educating people on renewable energy, I will have achieved my goal. 4. Introduction toRenewable Energy Energy has two main forms: nonrenewable energy and renewable energy. Nonrenewable energy is a natural resource which cannot be reproduced, grown,generated, or used on a scale which can sustain its consumption rate, once depletedthere is no more available for future needs.( Renewable Energy is any naturally occurring, theoretically inexhaustible source ofenergy, as biomass, solar, wind, tidal, wave, and hydroelectric power, that is not derivedfrom fossil or nuclear fuel. ( In simple words, renewable energy is energy which can be reused whereasnonrenewable energy is energy which cannot be reused. Our resources such as coal and petroleum will soon be depleted and unless we alreadyhave a well developed energy production system, our world might not survive suchcircumstances. ( The rate at which we are consuming sources of energy is growing consistently and theprices of energy resources have also risen due to their decreasing abundance.( A relevant portion of our world is dependent on jobs pertaining to resources and if thesepeople lose their jobs due to the curtailing energy sources, it will only add to the worldseconomic crisis where thousands of people are still unemployed. ( At this point of time, it is important to begin saving energy in any way we can to reducethe impacts of the diminishing resources in the future. ( 5. History andBackgroundRenewable energy hascome a long way eventhough its relevance inour world was discoveredin the last few centuries.( Fire was probably mankinds first discovery ever and also the first usage of renewable energy. As ape-man discovered fire, they used to burn,,15952422_401,00. jpg biomass which is leavesMore than 2000 years ago, and wood to create fire.people living in India, China, ( and Rome built watermills togrind grains. The usage ofhydrokinetics is still upheld inseveral unindustrialized parts of(4to40.comour world. The real difference) today is extracting the samerenewable energy without (top-alternative-energy- aquatic life abound inthe rivers and oceans. 6. BiomaSolar ss PowerTypes ofRenewableEnergy Geothermal EnergyHydropowWind 7. Biomass It is energy obtained through organicmaterial. Power plants burn biomass fuel(wood, landfill trash, and leaves) toheat water. The water transforms into steam whichturns in a steam turbine to produceelectricity. Cow manure is also being convertedinto biomass for production of energy. Solar Wood is the largest source of biomassfuel since everyone uses it, even in Powertheir homes. Photovoltaic cells, also known as solar Organic components from industrial cells, absorb the suns radiation usingwastes are also being tried to besilicon.converted into biomass. This process involves the movement ( and displacement of electrons to produce electricity.( Large scale mirrors are also used to absorb heat. The mirrors aid in heating water or producing steam to generate electricity (hydropower)( 8. Hydropower About 73% of all renewable energysources Generated by flowing water Water pushes through a piping calleda penstock which turns the generatoron. Consists of wave and tidal energy Scientists are trying to control energyproduced by the movement of theocean.Geothermal Dams are constructed to exploit theflowing water.Energy E.g.: The largest dam in the US The In other words, it is the heat from theHoover Damearth. ( Extremely pure and sustainable Geothermal energy is trappedunderground. It rises above the surface andproduces heat or steam which isharnessed to generate electricity. ( 9. Wind Power Oth A simple process which involves the ersmovement of wind turbines to Ocean energy:produce energy. - It produces two types of energy The energy is supplied into athermal and mechanical energy.generator which is converted once- Thermal energy is obtained from theagain into electricity.suns rays on the surface of the water. The electricity is stored in power - Mechanical energy is obtainedgrids supplied to the power station. through the tides and waves of the ocean. Wind power had the most potential- The ocean is the worlds largestsince there is a huge amount ofsunlight collector since it covers 70%land including consistent wind of the earth.movements. - Energy is stored using hot vapors from the warm water of the ocean. ( - In some systems, the water is boiled and the steam is collected through turbines which is converted into energy. - In mechanical energy, the tides are controlled by the gravitational pull of the moon, and the waves are controlled by wave. - Mechanical devices are used for the energy created by the waves and tides. 10. Advantages The renewable resources are nearly infinite. Renewable energy sources have low carbon emissions and thus, a lowerimpact on the environment. Fossil fuel have virulent effects on theenvironment such as smog, acid rain, and global warming.( Its usage aids in creating job opportunities for the people. Economic growth is assured.The non renewable energy sources will diminish in a couple years,leaving us without any established resources. You do not have to rely on other countries for these resources as they canbe easily found in any country. The price of electricity will rise since the prices of crude oil are likely to riseas well. A better energy resource would be needed immediately when thishappens. People who support environmental friendly ways can receive specialadvantages such as tax waivers and credit deductions. Less maintenance is needed in renewable energy wind farms than inmechanical machines. ( 11. Disadvantages Sunlight is only found during the daytime which makes itinconvenient to use at night. Geothermal energy has damaging side effects since if the toxinsfound in the surface of the earth emerge, they can becomehazardous. The initial costs of setting up a plant are quite expensive. The cost of the construction of dams is not cheap. Wildlife and the natural flow of water is affected by the constructionof dams. Wind energy is not as reliable as it seems since an ideal locationmust be chosen to create the wind farm. The wind farms will most certainly have an impact on the birdpopulation since they can prove to be fatal. It might be a bit difficult to produce a large amount of energy whichwill sustain a large population. Renewable energy depends on the weather greatly which makes itdifficult to obtain during different circumstances. An example wouldbe the necessity of rain to produce energy in hydroelectric dams. Aclear sky would be needed for solar energy. ( 12. IEA (International EnergyAgency)Based in Paris, it is a self-governedorganization which was established in 1974due to the oil crisis which occurred in 1973. Itserves as an informational source about theinternational energy sectors. There are 28member states but it cooperates with non-members as well such as India, China, andRussia. Its main focus has been summarized inthe 3Es or three policies which are energysecurity, economic development, andenvironmental protection.Energy security is the promotion of flexibilityand diversity in all energy sectors.Environmental awareness handles theknowledge of climate changes and problemsacquainted with it. Engagement worldwide isthe collaboration of member states, theproducers and consumers, to resolve energy 13. The Future The future belongs to renewable energy (BradCollins, Executive Director of the American Solar EnergySociety) The advantages of renewable energy sources must overrule thedisadvantages of the non renewable energy sources. Our future generations will suffer a lot if we do not take actionimmediately. We must realize that energy is precious and that an equilibriumis required in all aspects of life. We must use renewable inabundance and non renewable energy sources in limitations. We will save quite a lot of money if we implement environmentalfriendly ideas. We will be able to effectively reduce air pollution which is agrowing concern in todays world.( 14. Help You can help by doing the following: - Replace regular incandescent light bulbs with fluorescent light bulb. - Clean and replace your air conditioners filters. - Purchase energy efficient and environmental friendly appliances and products only. - Do not leave your appliance on stand by. Turn them off when not needed. - Defrost freezers on a regular bases so that they do not consume too much energy. - Use the washing machine and dishwasher when they are full. It saves energy by not turning them on and off several times to wash dished/clothes. - Take a shower instead of a bath. Saves water. - Less hot water should be used. Too much energy is required to heat the water. - Use clothing lines instead of dryers to dry your clothes. - Recycle as much as you can. - Reuse shopping bags. - Plant trees and increase the oxygen intake in your house. - Consume locally planted food. It will save fuel and increase the economic growth of your community. - Buy organic food to remove as much as 580 pounds of carbon dioxide from the 15. References (websites):WEBSITES: A Brief History of Renewable Energy. N.d. Photograph. 2 Green Energy. By Http:// Web. 2 Dec. 2012.. Brown Paper Bag. "The Advantages and Disadvantages of Renewable Energy." Renewable Energy:. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2012.. "Renewable Energy: Knowledge." Renewable Energy. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2012.. Conserve Energy Future. "What Is Energy?" Renewable & Non-Renewable Energy Sources. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2012.. Department of Energy., and National Renewable Energy Laboratory. "Ocean Energy." RE News RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2012.. Energy and Development Group. "The Importance of Saving Energy." The Importance of Saving Energy. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2012.. Groce, Pam. "Renewable Energy Fact Sheets." Renewable Energy Fact Sheets. SECO, n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2012.. Http:// "Light Bulbs." Light Bulbs. WordPress, n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2012. . "Related Content." IEA. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2012. . National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and Department of Energy. "Ocean Energy." RE News RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2012.. Natural Resources Defense Council. "Renewable Energy For America: Harvesting the Benefits of Homegrown, Renewable Energy." What IsRenewable Energy, Types of Renewable Energy Sources. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2012. . Schwartz, Ariel. "CleanTechnica." CleanTechnica. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2012. . Scorecard, Power. "20 THINGS YOU CAN DO TO CONSERVE ENERGY." 20 THINGS YOU CAN DO TO CONSERVE ENERGY. Green LivingMagazine, n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2012. . Walker, Cameron. "The Future of Alternative Energy." National Geographic. National Geographic Society, 24 Oct. 2004. Web. 02 Dec. 2012.. WhiteFence. "Renewable Energy: What Are My Options?" Types of Renewable Energy. N.p., n.d. Web. 02 Dec. 2012.. 16. References (images): Discovery of Fire. Digital image. - Science. Websolvent, n.d. 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