Final project

Post on 22-Nov-2014

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Lesson plan for teaching a Kindergarten class the difference between living and non-living objects, specifically in the Ocean.


Final ProjectErica Rodriguez

My Project

At this point I am not yet a teacher, so I am creating a lesson for my future students. When I graduate from Miami in a few years I want to teach kindergarten. For this lesson chose science as my topic. I am creating a lesson to teach kindergarteners the difference between living and non-lviing. I am looking specifically at the ocean and which things in the ocean are living and which are non-living.

Where will my class be?

I imagine I would introduce this lesson to my class after they have finished learning about animals. They will have a knowledge about different animals and where they live. The class will also have learned about different environments. For example desert, forest, arctic, ect. While we are studying the ocean I will give my lesson on living and non-living. This will help students understand that not everything in the ocean is living, and some things that do not look like they are living, indeed are.

Student Objectives

Students will be able to correctly differentiate whether an object given is living or nonliving by answering the following questions about an object: Does the object need food and water?

Does the object grow?

Does the object move?

Student Objectives

Students will be able to correctly identify whether or not objects in the ocean are living or nonliving.

Students will be able to use the three questions listed previously to name both living and nonliving objects.

The Lesson

For this lesson I have chosen to use prezi as my media. I like the visually appealing aspect of Prezi, and I think visually it can keep the attention of a kindergarten class. When giving this lesson I will project my prezi onto a white board and have students come up to the white board to circle things with dry erase markers. This will keep the lesson interactive so that they are paying attention and learning. My slides won’t be very wordy and have mostly pictures and videos…seeing as how Kindergartners can’t read very well yet.

Here Is the link to my Prezi

The following slides explain how I will use the prezi in my classroom to keep students engaged and having fun.


On my first prezi slide It says “ideas”. To begin this lesson I will simply ask the class if anyone has any ideas of how to differentiate between living and nonliving. I will not yet tell the students if they are correct or incorrect I will simply get there brains going with some brainstorming. While they are giving me ideas I will jot them down on the white board. I will also point to each picture on the slide (the person, desk, apple, and cat) and have one student tell me why they think the object is living or non-living. Again not yet correcting them just starting to get them thinking.


The next slide gives the three rules. I will read these rules to the class. The slide inside this slide is a video of some puppies. After showing this video, I will ask the students the three questions to help us understand that puppies are living.

The next few slides follow a similar outline, with videos of objects and then a discussion of why they are living or nonliving. (I will not use the sound on these videos because the talking isn’t relevant to what we are learning)

Ocean objects slide

During this slide I will have children come up the white board that the prezi is projected onto and have one student’s circle living things in one color, and have another student come up and circle non-living in another color.

After the Prezi

After the Prezi I will give each student a worksheet, that has a picture of an ocean scene. I will have the students color the worksheet, as well as circling as many living things as they can in a red marker, and as many non-living things as they can in a black marker. This will give them a chance to demonstrate their learning to me, without the help of their peers so I can make sure each student understands. The worksheet I will give is on the slide.

I hope this lesson will be successful in my future classroom. Even though I did not necessarily try something new (I have used Prezi before yes) I did something that I can actually imagine myself using in the future. When I created this lesson I was in the mind set of actually using it to teach a class full of Kindergarteners. It was great to pretend I was already a teacher and creating a lesson for my class

Works Cited

"Flower Red Rose Blooming." YouTube. YouTube, 16 Mar. 2008. Web. 03 Nov. 2013.

"Google Images." Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Nov. 2013.

Living Organisms." SchoolTutoringcom RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Nov. 2013.

"Relaxing Music, the Best Underwater Footage, HD." YouTube. YouTube, 26 Sept. 2010. Web. 03 Nov. 2013.

"White Pomeranian Puppies for Sale." YouTube. YouTube, 14 Sept. 2011. Web. 03 Nov. 2013”

"Worm in the Dirt." YouTube. YouTube, 15 Feb. 2007. Web. 03 Nov. 2013.