Final Project For New Media

Post on 06-Dec-2014

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The Future of MediaBy: Group 2

The Future of Cell Phones

By: Sarah Hricko

Telephone Future

• Common Features in today’s cell phone:

• touch screen• Internet • Pictures• Email• Applications• GPS• Music• News• Television

iPhone and Blackberry

The iPhone and Blackberry along with the “Droid” from Verizon.


Nokia - Morph

Morph Cell phone One cell phone, with several

different looks Can change with your outfit Color changing


The iPhone was the first of many new phones to use applications

Broadens abilities of phone and creates a more computer like phone

Navigation, music, internet, are all very popular

Cell Phones of Japan

“Japan is a leader in mobile phone technology and usage with about 75% of the population owning one. Mobile phones are everywhere, and they are constantly getting new features such as internet browsers, games, cameras, televisions, electronic wallets/train passes, gps/navigation and music players.

The biggest mobile phone companies in Japan are NTT Docomo, au by KDDI, and Softbank (formerly Vodafone, and before that J-phone). Docomo is the most popular company with about 50 million subscribers. Au is next with about 30 million subscribers, while Softbank has about 15 million subscribers.” (

Fashion Statements are made by the cell phones in Japan

Movie and Video Production Industry

By: Jackie Hartz

Definition of Video Industry

Companies that own, operate, engage in, sell, or provide film and video production, distribution, and replication; products, equipment, and services that aid in film and video production, pre-production, post-production, distribution, and replication, such as audio, film, and video imaging and editing equipment and services; as well as CD, DVD, and video duplication services.

Facts about the Industry

The Movie Industry is one of most exciting and informative businesses in the world, a business where the revenue of a single feature film (such as Titanic), can approach or exceed $1 billion.

Industry statistics reveal that the past ten years have marked an overall increase of at least 30%

Facts About the Industry Cont. The worldwide market for the sale and

exploitation of feature motion pictures is divided into "territories" and "media."

"foreign territories" - Europe, "AustralAsia," Latin America, Eastern Europe and Others (that include Israel, the Middle East, South Africa and Turkey).

"domestic territories.“- The United States and Canada

The Industry’s Effect on the Economy

According to a study conducted by Monitor Co., the movie and television industries contributed over $16 billion to the State of California's economy, directly employing 164,000 and indirectly employing another 184,000.

The Industry’s Effect on the Economy The vast majority of feature films and

television programs are produced by independent producers.

Independent production is becoming more prevalent in other areas of the United States, especially Nevada, North Carolina and the Tri-State Area

Production Studios

Of the 450 to 500 features produced each year, less than half receive a theatrical release. A significant number of features do not get a theatrical release but are released directly to home video and other media. There were over 350 features released in 2007by major and mini-major studios as compared to about 290 in 2006.

There are approximately 7 major studios (Excluding DreamWorks SKG), 16 mini-major studios, 50 to 80 major independent production companies and over 1,750 smaller independent production companies, many of which may never produce even one feature or produce only one feature every two or more years.

Key Competitors

Time Warner Inc. (Final Destination) General Electric Company (Fast and

Furious) The Walt Disney Company

(Cinderella) Fox Entertainment Group, Inc (Bride


Key Competitors Cont.

Viacom, Inc (Transformers) Sony Corporation of America

(Michael Jackson: This Is It.) Universal Studios (King Kong)

The Future of the Industry Blockbuster movie releases may decline in

the near future, as industry revenue is going to decline in the near future. Technological changes could help lift revenue with pay-per-view and video-on-demand allowing opportunities for movie producers.

Also, Tax benefits and cheaper production resources are likely to continue to entice US producers overseas, but some States are hoping to improve tax incentives for home-grown movie makers.

The Future of TVBy: Michael James

Future of TV

TV is changing, as media giants like FOX, Warner Bros., and NBC Universal are creating web sites for their video titles

Future of TV HDTV has replaced standard definition in new TV sets, providing much clearer picture and better color than ever before

Future of TV

TiVo and DVR’s allow users to pause, rewind, and fast forward live TV, as well as record desired programs. My DVR, for example, will hold 100 hours worth of programming

The Future of RadioBy: Tyler Frey

HD RadioTyler Frey

What is HD Radio?

HD radio is a technology system that allows AM and FM radio stations to transmit audio through a digital signal in conjunction with their current analog system.

Why would Stations need that? An HD channel can

give stations more opportunity for more programming.

They can play shows and music that would not normally be heard or would get air time on the analog channel.

For Example: In Charlotte, NC, 106.5 WEND has now received an HD channel. They are a “New Rock Station” on analog. Their HD channel is called the “underground” focusing on local, and indie label music that would not be heard on the fm channel.

What good is this to me?

It allows the listener access to content that would not normally be available. Almost 3 times as much as traditional analog, and around 90% of programming available on Satellite.

How can I get one?

HD Receivers are available at many major stores such as Best Buy or Wal-Mart.

They range in price from around $50 to Several hundred dollars.


Any Questions?