Final Review Inkster High School Mr. Lowery Physical Science 2010_2011.

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Final Review

Inkster High School

Mr. Lowery

Physical Science


What is perpetual motion?

Perpetual motion describes hypothetical machines that produce more work or energy than they consume

Is such a machine possible?


Why not?

B/c energy can not be created or destroyed

Which law is that?

The law of conservation of energy.

In three words, define Potential energy?

Energy of position

If an object is sitting still on flat ground, does it have any potential energy?


If an object is suspended above the ground, does it have any potential energy?


In three words, define Kinetic energy?

Energy of motion

If you have to push a heavy box up a ramp, which ramp would you choose??

If you have to push a heavy box up a ramp, which ramp would you choose??

Can light travel through space?


Does light need matter to be able to travel?


Can sound travel through space?


Can sound travel through air?


Can sound travel through water?


Can sound travel through solids?


Does sound need matter to be able to travel?


Which of Newton’s three laws relates force, mass, and acceleration?

Newton’s Second Law

Which of Newton’s three laws says that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction?

Newton’s Third Law

What is refraction?

The bending of light rays as they move through different substances

What happens when you combine all wavelengths (colors) of light?

You get white light

What is the process called when sound waves bounce off of a hard surface?


Light travels through space by what process?


Energy from the sun warms us by what process?


Why does the sky appear blue?

The shortest wavelengths of light (blue ones) scatter the most so they come at us from the most directions

Why does the sun appear more red at sunset than when it is high in the noon sky?

The longest wavelengths of light (red ones) scatter the least so we see more of them. Others scatter below the horizon so we see less of them

What is the speed of light?

300,000 km / sec

What is the speed of sound?

330 meters / sec

What is the top part (highest point of a transverse wave called?


Light is what type of wave?


Is light an electromagnetic wave?


So what type of waves are electromagnetic waves?


The distance between two successive crests of a transverse wave?


What is the Law of Conservation of Energy?

Energy can not be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed.

Why does a red shirt appear red?

Red wavelengths of light are reflected, all other wavelengths of light are absorbed

Why does a whiteboard appear white?

All colors of the spectrum are reflected.

Why does the black benchtop appear black?

All colors of the spectrum are absorbed and none are reflected. Our eye “sees” this lack of light as black

What is the formula for momentum?

Momentum = mass times velocity

A book rests on a table. What force opposes gravity?

The support force

Can a smaller football player knock a bigger player backward? If so, how?

Yes, if he is moving fast enough he can have greater momentum

Momentum = mass x velocity

What is the difference between mass and weight?

Mass is how much matter an object has. Weight is the effect of gravity on that mass.

So do you weigh the same on the moon as on earth?

No. You have the same mass but gravity on the moon is roughly 1/6th that of gravity on earth

If you are on a merry go round and do not hold on you go flying off. Why?

Your inertia wants to send your body on the same path. It can be hard to hold on b/c you are opposing that inertia

A car travels 400 miles to the north in 8 hours. What is average velocity of the car?

d = 400 miles t = 8 hours

V = d/t = 400/8 = 50 mi/hr