Final Test 07 (Hk3) New

Post on 17-Oct-2014

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READING TEST 1TERM: 3CLASS: 07AV111,112,113,101ALLOWED TIME: 60 MINUTES( Students aren’t allowed to use any materials in the exam room)

FULL NAME:………………………………………………………………………….


REG. NUMBER:…………………………………………………………………..

Marks SignaturesSupervisor 1 Supervisor 2 Examiner 1 Examiner 2


1. This is not the right……………… to ask for my help; I am far too busy even to listen!A. moment B. situation C. opportunity D. circumstance

2. It is …………. knowledge in the village that Mr and Mrs Brown quarrel violently several times a week.A. common B. complete C. normal D. usual

3. All students leaving college at the end of term must leave their addresses so that letters can be sent…………….A. forward B. through C. on D. to

4. Of course I’m a Christian………….. I expect everyone who works here to be a Christian too.A. since B. then C. and D. but

5. “My daughter, Mary, tries to………………. to see me at least once a week,” Mrs Jones told the social worker.A. call up B. go up C. come on D. drop in

6. Children with ………………. diseases should not be allowed to go to school.

A. contact B. infectious C. constant D. influential7. I …………………. my friend to lend me his caravan for my trip to the country.

A. persuaded B. suggested C. proposed D. convinced8. John swims very well and ………….. does his brother.

A. also B. even C. so D. to9. They would …………….. go by air than spend a week traveling by train.

A. always B. rather C. prefer D. better10. I have often ………………. why they went to live abroad.

A. wondered B. surprised C. thought D. puzzled11. My wife and I have much pleasure in ………………….. the invitation to

your daughter’s wedding.A. taking B. accepting C. thanking D. welcoming

12. Just keep …………………… on the baby while I cook the supper, will you?

A. a look B. a glance C. an eye D. a care13. Do come …………….. instead of standing there on the doorstep in the rain.

A. into B. in C. to D. by14. Don’t invite John to dinner; I can’t stand his bad…………………..

A. mood B. mind C. character D. temper15. A soldier has to learn to carry……………………. orders as soon as they are given.

A. on B. out C. through D. off


1. Taxis are ………………………………. for tourists who need to get to the airport quickly. (CONVENIENCE)

2. The competitors’ …………………………….. attracted a lot of spectators. (PERFORM)

3. They have been playing ……………………….. since the first minutes. (WONDER)

4. The Olympic Games are important ……………………………………. Sports events. (NATION)

5. Look! How ………………………………. They are marching with red flags and banners. (BEAUTY)

III. Match each word with its meaning. (2 marks)1._______ relaxed a necessary courses2._______ facilities b. a teacher3._______ requirements c. to go to (a school)4._______ a quiz d. calm5._______ similar e. to finish or end smth6._______ an instructor f. abilities7._______attend g. the buildings and equipment of a school8._______ complete h. a method or way

9_______ skills i. just about the same10. _______a style j. a test

SECTION B: READING COMPREHENSION 1. Read the text and then mark these sentences True (T),

False (F) or No Information (NI). (2 marks) SECTION B: READING COMPREHENSION

I. Read the text and then mark these sentences True(T), False (F),

or don’t know (?). (2 marks) As nanny, cook, cleaner, laundress, shopper, dishwasher, driver, gardener, and seamstress, she has one of the most demanding jobs in Britain today. And paying someone else to do the chores which take the average housewife 71 hours a week would cost £ 349, it was revealed yesterday. At over £18,000 a year that more than the earnings of 70 per cent of the population, including train drivers, firemen, prison officers, and social workers. Looking after a youngster less than a year old takes a housewife into an even higher pay league. According to a survey, she deserves £ 457 a week-at nearly £ 24,000 a year, the same as teachers, engineers, and chemists. Researchers put a price on each chore, then calculated how long the average person takes doing them. They found housewives spend an average 70.0 hours a week on domestic duties- with looking after the children (17.9 hours) and cooking and cleaning (12.3 hours each) the most time-consuming. A wife with a part-time job still works an average of 59 hours a week at home. Those in full-time employment put in longer hours at home than in the workplace. The good news is that these hours decline sharply as children get older. While the average mother with a child under one puts in 90 hours weekly, the figure drops to 80 hours from one to four and to 66 hours from five to ten. Mother-of- four Karen Tudor-Williams, from Reading, said last night: “Wages aren’t practical, but the government should recognize the value of housework, perhaps through the tax system. Running a house takes a lot of time and most husbands don’t appreciate this. They say they do they DIY jobs, but my husband only puts a shelf up now and again. He never cleans the loo -that’s the real test.”

Single parent Anne Neals from North-west London said: “ The Government should pay women wages. It’s the husband’s employer who benefits from the work that women do at home.”1. _____ The average housewife works nearly71 hours a week.2._____Seventy per cent of the working population earn £18,000 a year.3._____Train drivers earn the same as prison officers.4._____Teachers earn about £24,000 a year.5._____Looking after children takes up most time.6._____Wives with jobs spend more time on housework than on their jobs.7._____The average mother with a child under one works 95 hours a week.8._____Keren Tudor-Williams thinks that the government should pay women wages.9._____Her husband helps with a lot of housework.10._____Anne Neal thinks that husbands’ employers should pay housewives.

II. Fill in the blanks with the missing words (2,5 marks) Why do high school and college _______________ (1) go to colleges and universities far from their homes? Undergraduates are postsecondary students without college degrees. Often, undergraduates want the______________ (2) of life in new _______________(3) maybe they want to learn another language well. Many students want degrees in business, ______________(4) or technology. These subjects are not always available in their home ______________(5). Some ______________(6) and companies send their best graduate students and workers to other countries for new knowledge and ______________(7). And some __________________(8) students from expensive private schools at home save money through study _____________(9) programs, __________________ (10) in developing nations.


READING TEST 2TERM: 3CLASS: 07AV111,112,113, 101ALLOWED TIME: 60 MINUTES( Students aren’t allowed to use any materials in the exam room)

FULL NAME:……………………………………………………………….


REG. NUMBER:………………………………………………………..

Marks SignaturesSupervisor 1 Supervisor 2 Examiner 1 Examiner 2

TEST 2SECTION A: VOCABULARYI. Circle the letter of the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. (1,5 marks)

1. A flight attendant is .......... a label to each piece of language.A. linking B. connecting C. attacking D. attaching

2. ……… at these lectures is very important to us.A. Attendance B. Suspicion C. ConsiderationD. Attention

3. The process was controlled……………….A. truthfully B. automatically C. wastefully D. logically

4. Language is not necessarily the private………… of those who use it.A. job B. work C. career D. property

5. It is unreasonable to regard any language as the……….. of a particular nation.

A. destiny B. possession C. fortune D. luck6. I meant it………… as a joke.

A. gladly B. badly C. merely D. as well

7. A great number of people are…….. in environmental activities.A. involved B. included C. related D. considered

8. In this profession, men……………. women.A. increase B. outnumber C. get along D. keep pace

9. The result of the test was…………A. implying B. glad C. satisfactory D. pleasant

10. They were………… when they read the result.A. disappointed B. discounted C. disabled D. displayed

11. We should have religious…………….A. enduringness B. complaint C. ability D. tolerance

12. Nam is………. with his new job. A. occupied B. willing C. keen D. fond

13. Alan is a young man with great…………….A. suggestion B. identification C. command D. expectation

14. This company offered a lot of…………... jobs.A. majestic B. attractive C. magnificent D. impressive

15. I think that the prices here are……….A. convenient B. reasonable C. comfortable D. available

II. WORD FORMATION (2 marks)1. Is a simple, naturally nutritious diet ____________ to human health?

(BENEFIT)2. Is physical work also __________________. (ADVANTAGE)?3. He apologized for the _____________________ he had caused.

(CONVENIENCE)4. Some patients are ignorant of the facts they need to make the

best medical ________________ (DECIDE)5. These people may benefit from the _______________ of a number of

health experts. (RECOMMEND)III. Match each vocabulary item on the left with an item

on the right that have the same meaning. (2 marks)1. ________ laws a many2. _______ procedure b. walkers3. _______ pedestrians c. cars4. _______ travelers d. rules5. _______ (a) lot e. rarely6. _______ illegal f. gesture7. _______motion g. way8. _______ seldom h. places9. _______ landmarks i. wrong 10. _______vehicles j. tourists


1. Read the text and then circle A, B, C or D After a cold, snowy winter, many people look forward to the long hot days of summer. The normal heat of summer can be pleasant. However, it’s important to be aware that excessive – that is too much – heat can be dangerous. There are other summer weather dangers, for example, tornadoes, lightning, and floods, but excessive heat kill more people each year than any of these. According to meteorologists, a heat wave is a period of excessive heat that lasts two days or more. A heat wave stresses people and can cause illnesses. These illnesses include heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke. The people who are at the greatest risk during heat waves are the elderly, babies, and those with serious diseases. High humidity can make the effects of heat even more harmful. As humidity increases, the air seems warmer than it actually is because it’s more difficult for the body to cool itself through the evaporation of perspiration. During heat waves, meteorologists use the heat index to determine the level of danger. The heat index measures how hot it really feels when high humidity is added to the actual air temperature. As an example, if the air temperature is 95 F and the humidity is 35 %, the heat index is 98 F. But if the air temperature is 95 F and the humidity is 70%, the heat index is 124 F. Doctors say that even young, healthy people can die of heat stroke if they exercise outside when the heat index is high. During a heat wave, it’s best to take it easy, drink plenty of water, and stay out of the heat as much as possible.

1. The main idea of the paragraph A is that__________A. people look forward to the long hot days of summerB. too much heat can have dangerous effects C. tornadoes, lightning, and floods are dangerousD. meteorologists can define heat waves

2. The main idea of the paragraph A is that__________A. humidity is moisture in the airB. meteorologists use the heat index during heat wavesC. high humidity increases the danger of high air temperaturesD. It’s important to stay inside during a heat wave

3. The word excessive means____________A. too muchB. importantC. longD. coming in waves

4. In the passage, lightning is mentioned as an example of ______________

A. excessive heat

B. a stormC. a stress on peopleD. a summer weather danger

5. A meteorologist means_______________A. a doctorB. a weather scientistC. a space scientistD. a dangerous weather condition

6. The heat index measures_______________A. the amount of moisture in the airB. air temperatureC. a person’s body temperatureD. the temperature the body feel when heat and humidity are

combined 7. Based on the information in the passage, which statement is true?

A. Young, healthy people are more likely to die from excessive heat than elderly people are.

B. The elderly, babies and people with serious diseases are mostly to die from excessive heat, but it can kill young, healthy people, too.

C. Perspiration is a dangerous effect of excessive heatD. All heat waves include high humidity

8. Why did the author write this passage?A. To warn people about the dangers of excessive heat and give

suggestions about avoiding them.B. To give people useful information about the weather in the summer.C. To describe the work of meteorologists and their use of the heat index.D. To let people know how the body can cool itself naturally.

II. Fill in the blanks with the missing words (2,5 MARKS) According to some meteorologists, the earth’s climate is changing……………….(1). In most places on the planet, the weather ……………….(2) from season to season or even from day to day. In contrast, the …………………..(3) climate is similar every year. Even so, there may be global climate changes from one time period to another. What are these changes? Some scientists believe the weather is becoming more……………….(4). There are longer periods of very cold and very hot……………………(5). There are more and more powerful hurricanes and tornadoes (…………… (6) with strong, fast winds) and blizzards. ………………..(7) (large amounts of water on dry land) and long droughts (times without enough …………………(8) ) are causing greater and greater physical…………………..(9) to the human communities on

Earth. These extreme forces of nature will get even………………….. (10) in the future, say some people. And every change in climate in one part of the globe will bring more extreme changes in other areas.


READING TEST 3TERM: 3CLASS: 07AV111,112,113,101ALLOWED TIME: 60 MINUTES( Students aren’t allowed to use any materials in the exam room)

FULL NAME:……………………………………


REG. NUMBER:…………………………………

Marks SignaturesSupervisor 1 Supervisor 2 Examiner 1 Examiner 2

TEST 3SECTION A: VOCABULARYI. Circle the letter of the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. (1,5 marks)

1. What did they do to……… their problem?A. win B. control C. pass D. overcome

2. The……….. to the job are the shortage of laborsA. staff B. obstacles C. boss D. management

3. A……… struck Joana when she entered the interviewing room.A. chill B. sickness C. fear D. fever

4. What are the………. to decide the employment in this factory?A. data B. information C. factors D. clues

5. There’s a ……… to choose young people who are qualified for the jobs.A. work B. tendency C. means D. direction

6. We stayed at home because Ann wasn’t very……. on going out in the rain.

A. keen B. interested C. happy D. fond7. Many young families have little or no…….. of buying their own homes.

A. aspect B. prospect C. concept D. view8. Will the country be able to make a peaceful……… to democracy?

A. transaction B. transition C. transmission D. transport

9. Essays should be handed into your……. by the end of next week.A. engineer B. manager C. supervisor D. boss

10. There is some…….. about when the game is due to start.A. job B. uncertainty C. procedure D. protocol

11. Ali has a………. reputation as a fighter.A. shocking B. terrifying C. fearsome D. horrible

12. The……… tsunami in December, 2004 killed more than 280,000 people.

A. horrible B. interesting C. wild D. great13. Many countries were……….. for the tsunami in 2004.

A. expecting B. fighting C. ill-prepared D. overcome14. Sandra remained……… about our chances of success.

A. sanguine B. optimism C. happiness D. hope15. We arrived home safe and…………

A. happy B. sound C. fine D. healthy

II. WORD FORMATION (2 marks)1. “Trash TV” brings real people to talk shows – people with behavior

that maybe _______________. (MORAL)2. Hitchcock usually strengthens the ____________ mood of his movies

with frightening details. (SCARE)3. Many of the films of the director Alfred Hitchcock are ____________

thrillers. (PSYCHO)4. Are the people on the reality TV showing their real _____________.

(PERSONALIZE)5. Are the guests on these shows telling the __________ about their

lives. (TRUE)1.Match each vocabulary item on the left with its

definition on the right. (2 marks)1. _____ architecture a wonderful, incredible2. _____ civilization b. visual, sound, and printed ways to

send ideas3. _____ media c. to say that someone’s ideas are

wrong4. _____ invented d. in a believable way5. _____ amazing e. the form and plan of buildings6. _____ attention f. not polite7. _____ rude g. interest or focus8. _____ convincingly h. culture9. _____ patiently i. calmly, without becoming angry

or anxious

10. _____contradict j. created smth new that didn’t exist before

SECTION B: READING COMPREHENTION 1. Read the passage and then circle A, B, C or D. (2 MARKS) How do you react to the taste of different food, like coffee or lemon? Do they have a flavor that you like? Or do they taste very strong to you? Why do people react differently to different flavors? We all know that different people have different food preferences. Researchers have discovered some reasons for these differences. Your culture and your life experience are partly responsible for your preferences for certain foods. Your food references are also partly genetic. (Your genetic preferences are the one that you were born with.) In order to discover people’s genetic preferences, researchers use a chemical called PROP. People taste it and respond to the taste. To some people, PROP has no flavor. The researchers classify these people as “non-tasters.” To other people, the flavor of PROP is a little bitter, or sharp. These people are “tasters.” Then there are the people who can’t stand the flavor of PROP. They find it to be unbearably bitter. These people are the “super-tasters.” Tasters have more taste buds on their tongues than non-tasters do, and super-tasters have many more taste buds than tasters do. This explains why super-tasters are more sensitive to PROP and to the flavors in certain foods. So if you think the flavor in coffee, grapefruit juice, and broccoli are very strong, you maybe a “super-taster.”

1. The topic of the reading passage is__________A. the flavor of coffeeB. becoming a super-tasterC. Differences in people’s taste sensitivityD. research in the flavor of different foods

2. The main idea of the reading is that___________A. there are people who like different foodsB. there are cultural and genetic reasons for the differences in

people’s food preferencesC. some foods have a very strong flavorD. PROPs can be used to identify different types of tastes

3. The meaning of genetic preferences is ___________A. preferences for certain foodsB. preferences researchers have discoveredC. The preferences of some peopleD. the preferences that people are born with

4. What is PROP?

A. a chemicalB. something that people are born withC. a discoveryD. a researcher

5. Why do researchers use PROP?A. because it has no flavorB. to find out the responses to food people were born withC. to discover the flavors in certain foodsD. because people like its flavor

6. A food that is bitter has___________A. no flavorB. little flavorC. a coffee flavorD. a sharp flavor

7. People who___________ are classified as super-tasters.A. can’t stand the flavor of PROPB. think that PROP has no flavorC. think that PROP tastes a little bitterD. like bitter flavors

8. Taste buds are probably___________A. tiny pieces of foodB. the small bumps on the surface of people’s tonguesC. chemicals in food that give it its flavorD. something in broccoli, grapefruit juice, and coffee

II. Fill in the blanks with the missing words (2,5 Marks)

The sun was rising. A woman got up from a straw mat on the floor of her simple two-room family cottage. Her husband and their four children were still…………………(1) on the mat. The woman………………(2) aside the family………………(3) When she started the fire for……………………(4), the man and the children got up. While the daughter helped with the ………………….(5), the sons went outside to work in the………………….(6) with their father. They could see a castle, not far away. The family lived under the protection of the master of the castle. They weren’t his …………….(7) But they paid him taxes. There was no schooling, so they couldn’t read or write or get jobs in cities. ………………(8) the long workday, they took breaks only for ………………(9). Occasionally, they went to the village center, where they laughed and talked and played games. At night, people of the community got together around big fires; they told stories about the past. Most families used to live this way in England over 800………………..(10) ago.


READING TEST 4TERM: 3CLASS: 07AV111,112,113, 101ALLOWED TIME: 60 MINUTES( Students aren’t allowed to use any materials in the exam room)

FULL NAME:……………………………………


REG. NUMBER:…………………………………

Marks SignaturesSupervisor 1 Supervisor 2 Examiner 1 Examiner 2

TEST 4SECTION A: VOCABULARYI. Circle the letter of the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. (1,5 marks)

1. She………. many problems when she first started this job.A. entered B. ordered C. encountered D. counted

2. Can you…….. out what time the train leaves?A. see B. find C. look D. seek

3. I think the problem can be……. over without too much difficulty.A. solved B. processed C. controlled D. got

4. Can you……. a connection between smoking and heart disease?A. order B. prefer C. infer D. speak

5. The government is trying to……. down its involvement in the project.A. manage B. play C. control D. run

6. In…….. of the weather, the game will now be held indoors.A. sight B. concept C. view D. vision

7. I like your……… machine. Is it expensive?A. computer B. scanner C. printer D. calculating

8. This house hasn’t got all the………. facilities.A. convenient B. approvable C. acceptable D. favorable

9. London is a………. city.A. capital B. metro C. metropolitan D. political

10. I’ve got a…….. of shopping to do.A. bit B. sum C. grasp D. bunk

11. A………is a motor cycle with an engine of low power and pedals.A. car B. plane C. moped D. scooter

12. The new position is a……….. for her.A. job B. career C. work D. promotion

13. The first……… of the project was successful.A. time B. phase C. shift D. period

14. We have…… for secretaries with word – processing experience.A. empty B. vacancies C. job D. work

15. Her……… problem is that she lacks confidence.A. private B. individual C. culpable D. basic


1. People without ______________had to pay for their own repairs. (INSURE)

2. You can’t say that these sounds have no ______________. (MEAN)3. What is your waist ________________ ? (MEASURE)4. You are very _____________ today. (MEDITATE)5. I’m afraid he is guilty of a good deal of ________________. (INVENT)

2.Match each word with its meaning. (2 marks)1._____length a. measured2._____ patient b. verified3._____ solve c. disagree with4._____ oppose d. not allow5._____ accurate e. not truthful6._____ dishonest f. find an answer7._____elderly g. not sweet, tart8._____ proven h. sick people9._____ sour i. correct10._____prevent j. old

SECTION B: READING COMPREHENTION 1. Read the article and then circle A, B, C or D. This week, I will be writing about a topic near and dear to my heart as well as the heart of my children. Don’t underestimate the power or value of children’s literature or “kiddie lit” as it is sometimes referred. Many individuals find it surprising that children’s literature, even books with little text, frequently encompass social themes that span from environmental studies to psychology or sociology. For example, “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein is a very simple but elegant black and white picture book that tells the story of a boy and a tree that are mutually dependent upon one another. As the story unfolds, the man exploits the tree, while the tree remains gracious and benevolent towards the man. This book makes a powerful statement concerning man’s disregard and downright callousness towards the environment.

Judith Viorst, a satirist, has written a charming picture book entitled “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good,Very Bad Day.” Her work, illustrated with black and white drawings, deal with the frustrations confronting a very young boy. Through the voice of a child, she reveals the emotional issues impacting children including sibling rivalry, parental approval, and unrealistic teacher expectations. This book is invaluable for those wishing to study the psychological makeup of young children, mainly boys but also girls. Another book with a minimal amount of print worth checking out is “A chair for My Mother” by Vera Williams. The story of a family who has lost all of their belongings in a fire is told, in part, through brightly colored illustrations accompanied by text. The community pulls together to get the family back on their feet. In addition, the family helps itself reach a goal through hard work and stick–to-itiveness. This book addresses some key sociological support systems, including the extended family and the community. So the next time you are in a bookstore or library, take a deep breath and a moment to stop and browse the children’s book section.

1. What is the main topic of this article?A. Children’s LiteratureB. Remedies for Social ProblemsC. Environmental StudiesD. None of the above

2. How does the writer of the article feel about children’s literature?A. The writer believes that it is a frivolous genre that should be

dismissed.B. The writer believes that it has a great deal of merit.C. It isn’t clear.D. The writer feels that it should be rejected from people’s hearts

3. In the first paragraph the words mutually dependent are used. In this context, what does mutually dependent mean?

A. Both sides do NOT need one another.B. One side needs the other.C. Both sides need one another.D. Every one is dependent upon the environment.

4. which book deals with issues impacting the environment?A. “The Giving Tree”B. “A Chair for My Mother”C. Both A and BD. None of the above

5. Which books are illustrated with black and white drawings?A. “The Giving Tree”B. “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day”

C. “A Chair for My Mother”D. A and B

6. According to the article, what can one assume?A. The writer had some familiarities with children’s literature.B. The writer had no familiarities with children’s literature.C. The writer doesn’t want to read any more children’s booksD. The writer checks out a lot of books from the library.

7. What did Judith Viorst, a mother herself, write?A. a book using a mother’s voiceB. a book only suitable for mothers to readC. a book using the “voice” of a childD. a book that could never have been written by a satirist

8. What was the psychological pressure, or pressures, mentioned in the Judith Viorst’s book?

A. sibling rivalryB. parental approvalC. teacher satisfactionD. A and B but not C

II. Fill in the blanks with the missing words. (2,5 marks) An Irish woman was visiting………………… (1) places in a Latin American city when she got a ……………….(2) headache. She knew what …………….(3) she needed, so she went to a local pharmacy. The pharmacist was waiting on another..……………… (4) when she came in. The Irish woman……………..(5) waited for her turn. While she was standing there, two other customers came in, the another, and then three more. Each time, the pharmacist turned his…………….(6) to the new people. He didn’t……………….(7) the Irish woman; he never said, “I’ll be with you in a minute.” After about 20 minutes, the woman couldn’t stand the ……………….(8) in her head any longer. “Hey, I’ve been here a long time,” she said………………..(9), very…………………..(10) and insulted. “Why is everyone ignoring me? I need service, too!” she shouted rudely.


READING TEST 5TERM: 3CLASS: 07AV111,112,113,101ALLOWED TIME: 60 MINUTES( Students aren’t allowed to use any materials in the exam room)

FULL NAME:……………………………………



…………………………………Marks Signatures

Supervisor 1 Supervisor 2 Examiner 1 Examiner 2

TEST 5SECTION A: VOCABULARYI. Circle the letter of the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. (1,5 marks)

1. The bus company provided……… buses because there were so many people.

A. extra B. added C. additive D. supportive2. He was left in…….. of the store while the manager was away.

A. front B. term C. charge D. case3. We…….. him a lift, but he didn’t accept.

A. let B. did C. offered D. permitted4. The pupil’s ages………. from 6 to 11.

A. range B. arrange C. classify D. sort5. If you go now, you’ll………it.

A. require B. regret C. request D. reclaim6. This glue’s useless. It doesn’t………….

A. stick B. link C. connect D. join7. We have to………. the natural resources of our country.

A. keep B. preserve C. maintain D. conserve8. The industrial………. Will lead to the country’s prosperity.

A. processing B. development C. calculation D. power9. They apply……… into the fields after the crops have been planted.

A. production B. chemicals C. fertilizer D. pesticide10. The tender plants need…….. against the cold weather.

A. protection B. planting C. rescue D. fighting11. We come to school to…….. our minds with knowledge.

A. reach B. promote C. enrich D. advance12. The……. of crops on the same land can prevent soil exhaustion.

A. making B. rotation C. planting D. ploughing13. Today’s weather will be a/an……….. of yesterday.

A. forecast B. prediction C. inheritance D. continuation14. We have to……….. wildlife.

A. guard B. encourage C. watch D. safeguard15. There’s no………. for you to start yet.

A. need B. necessity C. wanting D. demand


1. When her husband died, she received $ 50.000 in ____________. (INSURE)

2. My life seems to have lost all __________________. (MEAN)3. The scientific ______________ of the 20th century were very useful

for our life. (INVENT)4.Your help has been ___________________. (VALUABLE)5. He has been an ______________ all his life. (VALID)

3.Match each word with its meaning. (2 marks)1. _____institution of higher education a grants2. ____international b. countries3. ____scholarships c. professors4. ____quizzes d. university5. ____instructors e. in a foreign place6. ____facilities f. points7. ____informal g. foreign8. ____abroad h. tests9. ____nations i. casual10. ____scores j. buildings

SECTION B: READING COMPREHENTION 1. Read the article and then indicate whether each statement True (T) or False (F). (2 marks) Have you ever thought about where you should sit on an plane? It is important to book your seat early so that you can select a seat that best serves your needs. Individuals traveling in 1st class and business class usually need to think about whether they want an aisle seat or to sit next to a window or next to the bulkhead, or wall. If you are stuck in the economic section of the aircraft you must still consider whether you want a window, aisle, or a seat next the bulkhead. You must also take into account many different factors. You should decide whether or not you want to be in the front or rear section of the aircraft. The advantages of being near the front of the plane is that you will be able to board and deplane quickly. However, if you want to get an empty seat next to you, you should get a seat towards the rear, since people are assigned seats from the front to the rear. Please don’t be discouraged if you end up with a center or middle seat since most airlines have middle seats there are a little bit wider than the window or aisle seats.

1.______ This short article was written by someone who is unfamiliar with air travel.

2. ______A bulkhead is not considered to be a wall.3. ______This article is about seat selection in both the economy and

business or 1st class sections of an airplane.4. ______According to the article, if you are sitting in the economy section

of a plane, you always want to sit towards the front of the section.5. ______Seats are assigned from the rear of the aircraft forward.

II. Fill in the blanks with the missing words. (2,5 marks) According to health specialists that ………………(1) longevity, there are some possible ……………..(2) for a long and healthy life. The first requirement might be a …………………… (3) level of hard physical work and activity with freedom from modern worries. Second, the ………………… (4) environment makes a lot of ………………………..(5): people seem to live longer in a high ……………….(6) region with steady climate of …………………….(7) air temperatures. And finally, diet is very ……………………….(8): long-lived people seem to eat mostly foods high in ……………………….(9) and nutrition but low in fat, cholesterol and ……………………….(10).


READING TEST 6TERM: 3CLASS: 07AV111,112,113,101ALLOWED TIME: 60 MINUTES( Students aren’t allowed to use any materials in the exam room)




Marks SignaturesSupervisor 1 Supervisor 2 Examiner 1 Examiner 2


SECTION A: VOCABULARYI. Circle the letter of the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. (1,5 marks)

1. Some large cities have had measured to minimize air……………A. rubbish B. pollution C. garbage D. waste

2. Many factories have to………… old newspapers by new methods.A. process B. make C. recycle D. print

3. Their farms produce rice, crops, and dairy.A. products B. facilities C. comfort D. cargo

4. The………. of these swamps will destroy the mosquitoes’ breeding places.

A. digging B. drainage C. opening D. watering5. We have to …….. our children with food and clothes.

A. help B. give C. provide D. support6. Mr and Mrs Jones have been married for ten years. They have no children. They’re a ……………. couple.

A. desperate B. childish C. hopeless D. childless7. Mary and John spent a night without sleep. They were never still. They spent a……………. night.

A. restless B. dreamy C. sleepy D. waking8. Maggie was so surprised that she was unable to speak. She was……… with surprise.

A. talkative B. speechless C. dumb D. deaf9. No trees can grow on that soil. It is…………

A. rich B. fertile C. treeless D. cultivable10. Frank was………. About leaving the door unlocked when he went to bed.

A. wise B. careless C. intelligent D. careful11. These snakes will not cause you any serious harm even if they bite you. They are………..

A. cruel B. poisonous C. harmful D. harmless12. You can’t smell oxygen. It is a/an …………… gas.

A. smelling B. fragrant C. odorous D. odourless13. Charles is always ready to give assistance to his friends. He is ……… to them.

A. wonderful B. helpful C. tactful D. hopeful14. The SAIGON is published seven days a week. It is a ………. newspaper.

A. daily B. weekly C. monthly D. yearly15. Smokes from factories are………..

A. risky B. dirty C. dusty D. smoky

II. WORD FORMATION (2 marks)1. He’s applying for two other jobs as an _______________ against not

passing the interview for this one. (INSURE)2. He is a _______________ member of the team. (USE)3. The club hires a bouncer to keep out _________________.

(DESIRABLE)4. He has won wide ________________ in the field of tropical medicine.

(RECOGNIZE)5. The shocked _____________ of schools to education cuts. (REACT)

4.Match each word with its meaning. (2 marks)1. _____ an effect a sicknesses2. ____to influence b. damp3. ____to increase c. to have an effect on smth4. ____researcher d. full of power and strength5. ____diseases e. a result6. ____forceful f. a person who

studies a subject7. ____depressing g. the weather8. ____humid h. feeling sad9. ____moody i. to become

greater in number or power10. ____atmospheric condition j. the condition of

feeling sad

SECTION B: READING COMPREHENTION 1. Read the article and then indicate whether each statement True (T) or False (F). (2 marks) Have you ever wanted to do something tremendous and earth shattering? You might think that you need to discover a cure for cancer, construct a huge monument, or be the first to fly around the world in a hot air balloon for your activity to count as being remarkable. Actually there are many very simple acts of kindness that can completely save a person’s heart or life. My sister was recently touring Germany when she received some very devastating news. It was probably the worst news of her life. She was completely alone, in a strange land with no friends or family. A stranger, a big – sister - type figure, took her in and offered her both an ear and a cup of Earl Grey tea. That simple act gave my sister some of the courage that she needed to tackle her troubles. So the next

time you want to do something great, simply take time to be kind to your fellow man or woman.

1. ______We know for the fact that the author had a sister and a brother.

2. ______If something is earth shattering, it is unimportant.3. ______A cure for cancer is noteworthy.4. ______Simple acts are never great acts5. ______The author’s sister was given some very bad news while she

was traveling.

II. Fill in the blanks with the missing words. (2,5 marks)

What are genes and why are medical ………………….(1) always trying to find out more about them? Genes are part of the center of every living cell; in the form of DNA, this biological genetic material determines the characteristics of every living thing- every plant, animal, and human being – on Earth. Medical geneticists are scientists that study AND and genes for many purposes: (1) to learn how living things such as parasites, viruses, and bacteria cause illness; (2) to find the gene or …………………..(2) of genes that cause certain …………………..(3) to pass from ………………(4) to their children; (3) to prevent or ……………….. (5) birth defects; (4) to change gene structure to …………………….(6) health and increase the length of human life; and (5) to change the biological characteristics of animals and humans in ways that are beneficial to society. Another use of genetic technology that some scientists support is changing the genes of the food farmers grow. Genetic engineers claim that the differences in DNA structure will increase food production, prevent …………….(7) from insects, and ………………………..(8) world health; in contrast, others………………….(9) the use of genetic ……………………(10) not only in plants but also in animals and humans.


READING TEST 7TERM: 3CLASS: 07AV111,112,113, 101ALLOWED TIME: 60 MINUTES( Students aren’t allowed to use any materials in the exam room)

FULL NAME:……………………………………


REG. NUMBER:…………………………………

Marks SignaturesSupervisor 1 Supervisor 2 Examiner 1 Examiner 2

TEST 7SECTION A: VOCABULARYI. Circle the letter of the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. (1,5 marks)

1. Lan and her brother passed the examination last year. They were……….. candidates

A. passive B. achievable C. successful D. accomplished2. Clean air provides us with a……… supply of oxygen.

A. wealthy B. trustworthy C. healthy D. sympathy3. Carbon dioxide occurs in the air in……….. form.

A. simple B. original C. plain D. natural4. When did the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam come into……….?

A. naming B. being C. existing D. knowing5. My cousin and I often have………. ideas. That’s why we can’t work together.

A. parallel B. same C. identical D. conflicting6. Who was the……….. of this institution?

A. founder B. distributor C. processor D. maker7. The road was………., so we had to turn back.

A. designed B. planned C. barred D. built8. When playing tennis, do you prefer a grass or a hard…………

A. yard B. court C. ground D. field9. When do the men usually get their drinks in this village? In a/an……….

A. restaurant B. hotel C. dorm D. tavern10. Applicants for government posts are always thoroughly……… before being admitted

A. investigated B. supported C. trained D. helped11. He plays tennis with his left hand. He is a ………….. tennis player.

A. manual B. skillful C. left-handed D. disabled12. Just……… to the right, and you see the Youth Center.

A. manage B. appear C. cling D. bear13. Their roles have been………. The employee has become an employer.

A. turned B. reserved C. changed D. replaced14. They attend a…….. speaking course.

A. public B. crowd C. people D. spectator15. These young people have……. regularly on Sunday afternoons.

A. come-together B. get-togethersC. got-together D. go-together

II. WORD FORMATION (2 marks)1. Like a community, a family is a _______________. institution

(SOCIETY)2. Sometimes three generation lived together in __________ homes.

(CROWD)3. To attract tourists, cities advertise the ______________ of their

architecture. (EXCEL)

4. One definition of the word_____________ is “a high level of culture.” (CIVILIZE)

5. For instance, individual achievement may be ______________ to the interests of families. (CONTRADICT)

III. Match each word with its meaning. (2 marks)1._____ nutrition a. easy to reach or use2.____habits b. to cause to exist3.____ingredients c. usual practices or behavior4.____dairy d. to consist of or include5.____contain e. diet; the study of

food and nourishment6.____produce f. causing growth and

development7.____convenient g. items used in a mixture8.____healthful h. eating places with the same

name and company owner

9.____nourishing i. relating to milk and milk products

10. ____fast- food chains j. contributing to good health

SECTION B: READING COMPREHENTION 1. Read the passage and then circle A, B, C or D. (2 marks) Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing mankind today. Air, water and soil are necessary to the survival of all living things. Man operated machines and motor vehicles that fill the air with disturbing noise. They also dirty the air with gases and smoke. Badly pollution air can cause illness and even death. Man ruins natural beauty by scattering junk and litter on the land and in the water. They poison the water with chemicals and other substances. Polluted water kill fish and other marine life. They damage the soil with too many fertilizers and pesticides. Pollution of soil reduces the amount of land that is available

for growing food. Environmental pollution also brings ugliness to man’s naturally beautiful world. It’s time people and governments all over the world did something about the pollution problem. People should stop using many things that are harmful to the environment. Governments would have to pass and enforce laws that require individuals and businesses to stop or cut down on certain polluting activities.1. How does man dirty the air?

A. with machines and motor vehiclesB. with junk and litterC. with gases and smokeD. with fertilizers and pesticides

2. What does polluted water kill?A. mankind B. fish and other marine lifeC. living things D. the environment

3. What reduces the amount of land available for growing food?A. air pollution B. water pollutionC. soil pollution D. noise pollution

4. What would governments all over the world have to do about the pollution problem?

A. to pass and enforce laws to stop or cut down on polluting activitiesB. to think about the environmental pollutionC. to stop using things harmful to the environmentD. to do smth about environmental problems

5. What is the possible title for the passage?A. Effects of environmental pollutionB. Environmental pollutionC. Solutions for environmental problemsD. Types of pollution

II. Fill in the blanks with the missing words. (2,5 marks)

Universally, more and more meals include basic necessary food elements – protein, carbohydrates, and ……………(1). Almost every where, some kind of meat, fish, dairy product, or another food with protein is part of a good ………………(2), lunch, or dinner. There are also ………………(3), breads, vegetables, fruit, and the like. Many……..........(4) contain the necessary vitamins and ……………….(5). A few families grow their own food, but most people buy food from eating places and markets in their communities. Food maybe fresh, prepared, canned, ………………(6), or packaged. “Fast food” is very popular, and maybe it is becoming healthier. In some ways, diet choices are becoming more and more similar around the world. Even so, the variety of food choices is

large now and is ………………(7) going to increase. Are cooking ………………..(8), eating habits, and food…………………..(9) all over the world becoming more or less healthy? Are they better or ………………..(10) for human beings? These questions are interesting topics of research and discussion.


READING TEST 8TERM: 3CLASS: 07AV111,112,113,101ALLOWED TIME: 60 MINUTES( Students aren’t allowed to use any materials in the exam room)

FULL NAME:………………………………………………………………


REG. NUMBER:…………………………………………………….

Marks SignaturesSupervisor 1 Supervisor 2 Examiner 1 Examiner 2

TEST 8SECTION A: VOCABULARYI. Circle the letter of the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. (1,5 marks)

1. They are not my friends. They are only business………….A. mates B. pals C. associates D. company

2. Non-smokers become more……… about smoking in public places.A. militant B. cruel C. fearful D. aggressive

3. This kind of silk is not………….A. implying B. condensable C. watering D. absorbent

4. The head injury……… her for life.A. kills B. brightens C. deafens D. strengthens

5. This new kind of generator can generate a current of high………..A. wiring B. energy C. potential D. potency

6. Chinese hospitals are trying a new……….. for cancer.A. way B. method C. means D. treatment

7. He is undergoing………. For appendicitis.A. surgery B. events C. checks D. explanation

8. A nurse is going to………… a drug into his arm.A. put B. install C. inject D. eject

9. If you cut your finger, it will……….A. break B. lose C. bleed D. hit

10. The wound…………. slowly.A. links B. heals C. connects D. joins

11. Laser can kill cancer…….. while leaving healthy neighbors unharmedA. shelves B. cells C. selves D. smells

12. The nerves of the ear carry sounds to the………..A. head B. ears C. mind D. brain

13. It’s difficult to…….. a fire when we go camping in an open field.A. build B. set C. burn D. get

14. He forced the horse to run faster with a ………….A. pipe B. knife C. whip-lash D. stick

15. The child became angry and……… his feet.A. stood B. put C. stamped D. forced

II. WORD FORMATION (2 marks). All our efforts were ________________. (USE)2. ______________ to his taunts will only encourage him. (REACT)3. It isn’t ________________ to expect a child to understand sarcasm.

(REASON)4. Smoking is _______________ to the health. (INJURE)5. The scenery was beautiful beyond _________________. (DESCRIBE)

5.Match each word with its meaning. (2 marks)1._____ advantages a. not often, rarely2.____tourists b. to give a direction or signal3.____the countryside c. rude; discourteous4.____to motion d. people who travel for pleasure5.____gestures e. without turns or curves6.____impolite f. things that are helpful or useful7.____confused g. a feeling of how to find places8.____seldom h. a rural region without large

cities9.____straight i. movements of the arms, hands,

or head10 ____sense of direction j. mixed –up; disordered

SECTION B: READING COMPREHENSION1. Read the passage and then circle A, B, C and D. (2 marks)

Ordinary houses are full of hazardous waste. The most important hazardous waste in the homes in batteries. When you throw them out with your other garbage, they break open at the landfill. The poison inside them moves through rain water and other liquids to the bottom of the landfill. Then it can pollute the natural water in the ground. We should use rechargeable batteries. Another hazardous waste in homes is motor oil. Don’t throw old motor oil on the ground or throw it on the garbage. It poisons the environment. We should recycle motor oil. Paint is another kind of hazardous waste in homes. Some cities have a “Paint Exchange day”. If you bring in open, unused blue paint and wanted red, they give you red. Sometimes they mix the paints together into strange colors. If you paint walls with them, you save the environment.

1. What is the most important dangerous waste in the homes?A. motor oil B. paint C. batteries D. garbage

2. How can batteries at the landfill pollute the underground water?A. They break open at the landfillB. Their poison moves to the bottom of the landfill

C. They move to the underground waterD. They combine with rain water and other liquids

3. Why should we use rechargeable batteries?A. To protect the environmentB. They are durableC. They pollute the underground waterD. They are convenient

4. Why shouldn’t we throw motor oil on the ground?A. It poisons the environment.B. It is a waste of money.C. It pollutes the ground.D. It is dangerous

5. What should we do with motor oil?A. Sell it B. Recycle itC. Throw it away D. Throw it on the garbage

II. Fill in the blanks with the missing words. (2,5 marks) What about regulations and ………………(1) in other areas of people’s lives? Some communities have a ………………………(2) of rules about legal and illegal individual activities – even drinking and…………………….(3). For instance, in most places in the United States, no one under 21 can …………………(4) or drink alcohol legally – even beer or ………………….(5). In some communities, It’s illegal to drink a can of beer on a public street; it’s also against the………………….(6) to have an open alcohol container in a car. Similarly, smoking is no longer legal in ……………………(7) places – such as workplaces …………………(8), airports, and on airline flights within the United States. In Japan and other countries, there is a legal age for smoking; in some Muslim countries, all smoking is against religious law. On the other hand, many people around the world drink and smoke – including more and more teenagers and young people. Customs and …………………(9) do not always go along with………………….(10) or safety regulations or laws.


READING TEST 9TERM: 3CLASS: 07AV111,112,113,101ALLOWED TIME: 60 MINUTES( Students aren’t allowed to use any materials in the exam room)

FULL NAME:………………………………………………………………..




Marks SignaturesSupervisor 1 Supervisor 2 Examiner 1 Examiner 2

TEST 9SECTION A: VOCABULARYI. Circle the letter of the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. (1.5 marks)

1. Why don’t you cut down all the………. to make a path?A. underdeveloped B. undergrowth C. undergone

D. underground2. This month we can get some…………. pay.

A. overtime B. overdone C. overjoyed D. overpaid3. Don’t be ………..; everything will be ok.

A. over-worry B. over-anxious C. over-sad D. over-sorrowful4. Michael travels a lot. He is fond of………………..

A. journey B. trip C. adventure D. cruise5. The worker put the………….. against the wall.

A. staircase B. ladder C. stair D. lift6. John is a…………… He works in a car factory.

A. mechanic B. tutor C. clown D. acrobat7. The road follows the natural……….. of the coastline.

A. figure B. shape C. form D. contours8. They are trying to reduce the………. of the coastline by the sea.

A. tide B. wave C. erosion D. worn-out9. Someone has put a………. snake in his bed.

A. contaminatedB. poisonous C. hazard D. transmitted10. People in Can Tho are trying to reduce the………. of wastes on the street.

A. quantity B. area C. size D. quality11. We………. the wasteland by draining swamps.

A. reclaim B. plough C. plant D. cultivate12. Only…….. trees should be cut, leaving the young ones to grow bigger.

A. big B. large C. mature D. great13. Some large cities ban cars from the city centre to …….. out smoke.

A. remove B. clear C. blow D. wipe14. Solar energy is considered as one kind of……… fuels.

A. various B. alternative C. replacing D. changing15. The grass was littered with……… cans and boxes.

A. useless B. old C. used D. discardedII. WORD FORMATION (2 marks) 1. Can you give me a ________________ of the thief. (DESCRIBE) 2. Their hobbies are many and _____________. (VARY)

3. He was using his business ______________ as a screen for crime. (ACT)

4. I’m ________________ sorry for the delay. (EXTREME)5. They greeted the president with many ___________________ of

pleasure. (EXPRESS)6.Match each word with its meaning. (2 marks)

1._____ relatives a to decrease in value2.____couples b. customary way of doing things3.____divorces c. to provide money

and other necessary things for care of others

4.____widow d. to take into a family through a legal process

5.____decline e. people related through marriage or family

6.____adopt f. the legal ending of a marriage7.____traditional g. a family group that includes

cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and so on.

8.____nuclear family h. two people who are married or very close

9.____ extended family i. a family group of just parents and children

10. ____support j. a woman whose husband has diedSECTION B: READING COMPREHENSION

1. Read the passage and then circle A, B, C and D (2 marks) The research of alternative resources of energy has resulted in various directions. Many communities are burning garbage and other biological waste products to produce electricity. Changing waste products into gases or oil is also an efficient way to dispose of waste. Experimental work is being done to make synthetic fuels from coal, or coal tars. But today, that process has proved expensive. Other experiments are underway to harness power with giant windmills. Geothernmal power, heat from the earth, is also being tested. Some experts are trying to revive hydroelectric power which is derived from streams and rivers. Fifty years ago, hydroeclectric power provided one-third of the electricity used in the United States, but today it supplies only four per cent. The Oceans are another source of energy.

Scientists are studying ways to change the energy of ocean currents, tides, and waves into electricity. Experiments are also underway to make use of temperature differences in ocean water to produce energy.

1. What are many communities doing to produce electricity?A. Burning garbage and other biological wastesB. Changing waste products into gases or oilC. Doing experimental workD. Making synthetic fuels

2. Has the process of making synthetic fuels from coal, or coal tars proved cheap?

A. It depends B. it has not been provedC. Yes, it has D. No, it hasn’t

3. What percentage of the electricity used in the United States does hydro electric power provide today?

A. 1/3 B. 50% C. 4% D. 40% 4. What are another source of energy?

A. geothermal power B. biological wastesC. coal tars D. the oceans

5. What is possible title for this passage?A. alternative resources of energyB. another source of energyC. the research of new energyD. experiments to produce energy

II. Fill in the blanks with the missing words. (2,5 marks) In the first half of the 20th century, the Japanese ……………….(1) was much more “tradition” than the typical American family. Young ……………….(2) didn’t even use to date; in other ……………..(3), they didn’t go out together as couples. Instead, they had arranged ………………….(4) – their parents chose their husband or ……………(5). Maybe the couple fell in ……………….(5) after they got married, and maybe they didn’t. Either way, the wife had children and ……………….(6) at home with them while the husband …………………..(7) the family financially. Often the husband and wife and their children live ………………(8) an extended family situation – three generations in one ……………….(9) house. Today life in Japan is ………………(10) to that of many other industrialized countries in that many women work outside the home and young people choose their own mates.


READING TEST 10TERM: 3CLASS: 07AV111,112,113,101

FULL NAME:……………………………………

ALLOWED TIME: 60 MINUTES( Students aren’t allowed to use any materials in the exam room)


REG. NUMBER:…………………………………

Marks SignaturesSupervisor 1 Supervisor 2 Examiner 1 Examiner 2

TEST 10SECTION A: VOCABULARYI. Circle the letter of the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. (1,5 marks)

1. He was ……….. to talk to herA. limited B. treated C. forbidden D. behaved

2. They……… the original fireplace when they decorated the room.A. retained B. remained C. regained D. held

3. Conversation is concerned with the reclaiming of land by ……. desert.A. irrigating B. draining C. growing D. watering

4. When wastes are poured into the atmosphere, the air becomes……….A. smoky B. contaminatedC. dusty D. cloudy

5. Smog is commonly found in most major cities where there are large………… of industry and automobiles.

A. collections B. gatherings C. focus D. concentrations6. Dangerous chemical can be……… from burning plastics or hairspray containers.

A. invented B. escaped C. released D. freed7. The safe……….. of nuclear waste is a major international problem.

A. disposal B. abandon C. display D. sale8. Most of the lava was…….. during the first few hours of the eruption.

A. emitted B. emission C. made D. created9. Tsunami is a very large ocean wave caused by underwater earthquake or ……….. eruption.

A. stormy B. dusty C. volcanic D. cloudy10. She takes a/an……….. pleasure in upsetting her parents.

A. perverse B. enthusiastic C. urgent D. encouraging11. The…….. of the Roman Catholic Church has sent his condolences to all the victims of the earthquake.

A. manager B. monk C. vicar D. pope12. A(n)…….. is a weapon with a long thin metal blade and a protected handle.

A. whip B. sword C. arrow D. bow

13. It seemed the only………… thing to do.A. reasoning B. persuading C. logical D. quarrelsome

14. It was………. of you to lock the door.A. principle B. sensible C. systematic D. methodical

15. His success was due to ………. hard work.A. sear B. seer C. shear D. sheer

II. WORD FORMATION (2 marks) 1.The old car has outlived its _________________. (USE) 2. I had a bad ___________ after my typhoid injection. (REACT) 3. Is the accused guilty beyond all ______________ doubt? (REASON) 4. She is wearing a dress of no particular ______________. (DESCRIBE) 5. He left for a _______________ of reasons. (VARY)

7.Match each word with its meaning. (2 marks)1._____ achievement a smth used to fight2.____weapon b. to have the same opinion3.____invent c. without good manners4.____agree d. nicely; agreeably5.____polite e. excellent; grand6.____rude f. feeling happy about smth you

own or have done7.____significant g. meaningful; important8.____pleasantly h. with good manners9.____proud i. to create smth new10 ____magnificent j. something that is difficult to do

SECTION B: READING COMPREHENSION1. Read the text and then choose the correct answers A, B, c or D for the following questions. (2 marks) The body of primitive man, a faraway and primitive man called Homo sapiens, so far as we can reconstruct from the fragmentary evidence we have, was exactly like our own, and his brain was as big as that of modern man and quite as complicated in structure. His intelligence and his ability to learn were probably as great as that of the average man today, but he had a very meager inheritance of knowledge. The use of tools and weapons of a primitive short was probably passed on from the subhuman creatures, who had learned how to break stones and use the sharp-edged pieces for cutting and scraping, and how to use a short, heavy stick for a club and a long, pointed one for a spear. The subhuman creatures knew hoe to make use of fire when they found it, but they didn’t know how to make it.

They had also discovered the advantages of social living; that several families living together in a tribe could offer each other help and protection, and that hunters killed more game if they banded together and had a leader to direct the hunt. The discovery that social living increased the odds in favor of survival was, perhaps, primitive man’s greatest discovery – greater and either the discovery of fire or the invention of the wheel.1. What we know of primitive man is based upon

A. pieces of evidence B. a great deal of evidenceC. no evidence D. pictures in caves

2. The first real manA. was unintelligent.B. was incapable of learning.C. received very little knowledge from his ancestors.D. received a great store of knowledge from his ancestors.

3. According to the author, man became a social being becauseA. co-operation was necessary for survivalB. in prehistoric times only the strongest survivedC. by nature he is a social beingD. none of these

4. A direct result of primitive man’s discovery of the advantages of social living was aA. family B. tribe C. city D. nation

5. The author believes that man’s discovery of the advantages of social living is

A. significant B. of great significanceC. insignificant D. well- known

II. Fill in the blanks with the missing words. (2,5 marks) The necessary substances and elements for …………….(1) life and health are water, protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, and minerals. Most kinds of …………….(2) contain some or all of the required nutrients, but these substances have different ……………..(3) on people. Various ingredients and dishes affect the mind in ………………(4) ways, and some kinds of nourishment have better effects on the brain ……………(5) others. For instance, can broccoli ……………..(6) brain power? Maybe so. Low level of some of the B vitamins can ……………….(7) a decrease in memory and thinking ability, nutritionists say, but dark green vegetables, like broccoli, contain a lot of these nutrients. Another example of a “memory helper” is lecithin – a substance…………(8) soybeans, also found in high –fiber food like nuts ………..(9) whole grains. High – protein foods influence the mind in more helpful ways than dishes high …………

(10) sugar and carbohydrates. And the caffeine in coffee or tea may help thinking. Of course, its effects don’t last long.


READING TEST 11TERM: 3CLASS: 07AV111,112,113,101ALLOWED TIME: 60 MINUTES( Students aren’t allowed to use any materials in the exam room)

FUL LNAME:…………………………………………………………………

CLASS:……………………………………………………………………………..REG. NUMBER:…………………………………………………………

Marks SignaturesSupervisor 1 Supervisor 2 Examiner 1 Examiner 2

TEST 11SECTION A: VOCABULARYI. Circle the letter of the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. (1,5 marks)

1. His account of events…………… with ours.A. conflicts B. differs C. opposes D. reverses

2. The young girl slowly………… the steps.A. went B. ran C. mounted D. walked

3. He………. his way through the crowd.A. punched B. thrust C. pulled D. pushed

4. The invitation was meant as friendly……………..A. suggestion B. feeling C. intention D. gesture

5. Kevin is puffing a cigarette again. He’s a heavy………….A. addict B. smoker C. drunkard D. inhaler

6. This………….. of the road is closed.A. section B. size C. area D. zone

7. Laser……….. can be used to measure long distances.A. tools B. machine C. beams D. waves

8. If you’re walking on a badly-lit road at night, you should wear………… clothes.

A. light B. bright C. clear D. conspicuous9. Sally’s very…………. In her views.

A. traditional B. conventional C. agreement D. compromising10. This book will be…………. to all students of history.

A. invaluable B. valid C. variable D. valuation11. …………, the boy survived the accident without injury.

A. Logically B. Miraculously C. Reluctantly D. Reasonably12. Single mothers should receive………. Treatment when it comes to housing.

A. referable B. right C. preferential D. privilege13. David did his best to………. His heavy drinking from his family.

A. close B. cover C. escape D. conceal14. They’re going to……….. a tunnel through Hai Van Pass.

A. build B. construct C. establish D. drill15. The cut finally…………… up.

A. healed B. got C. stood D. warmed

II. WORD FORMATION (2 marks) 1.There’s a _____________ chance that he’ll come. (REASON)

2. We all need _____________ in our diet. (VARY) 3. “I don’t understand” he said, with an ______________ of complete

surprise. (EXPRESS) 4. The technique is still at the ___________________ stage. It hasn’t been

fully developed yet. (EXPERIMENT) 5. The ______________ children forgot to take the presents to the party. (EXCITE)

8.Match each word with its meaning. (2 marks)1._____ stress a. all the surroundings – water, soil, air2.____preservations b. to bring back to health3.____theories c. the people that live in a place4.____consume d. smth added to food to protect it from

spoiling5.____prevent e. average; not extreme6.____cure f. to eat or drink7.____moderate g. a force that trains somebody

or smth8.____environment h. legal; logical9.____inhabitants i. guesses based on some

information10 ____valid j. to keep smth from happening

SECTION B: READING COMPREHENSION1. Read the text and then choose the correct answers A, B, c or D for the following questions. (2 marks) East Somalia’s prolonged shortage of rain, which had already caused food supplies to fail and brought unemployment in farming areas, could also affect the production of electricity, and thus reduce the output from the nation’s mines. The mining industry, and especially copper mining, uses a huge amount of electricity and is almost completely dependent on the government Electricity Supply Commission. But the commission has recently asked the mines what would happen if electricity supplies were reduced by ten, twenty or thirty per cent. The commission’s power stations, which produce the electricity using coal as fuels, are mostly situated near the large coalfields of Eastern Province. But this area has little water so the cooling towers at the power stations has to be supplied with water from elsewhere. The problem now is that water levels in all rivers and lakes have fallen dangerously low and, in some cases, are well below the intake pipes which into the pipelines which supply the cooling towers.

In a desperate attempt to solve the problem, engineers are spending some forty million dollars on building a series of small dams across the Haro river. It is hoped that these dams will make the water level at the Malawa Dam rise so that water can then be pumped through a new pipeline to the power stations. This will take time and it now the dry season. Very little rain falls before October or November, and after a shortage which has lasted for four years and is believed to be the worst in two centuries, nobody can say whether the rains will be sufficient. The amount of electricity and water used by the mines has tended to increase in recent years. The mines, which produce about half the country’s export earnings, need electricity in order to pump fresh air through their workings and to drive machines which crush vast quantities of rock. Each mine also has to provide accommodation for as many as three thousand workers.1. How might East Somalia’s lack of rain affect electricity supplies and mining?

A. Copper mines are having to use less electricity.B. Coal supplies are falling to reach power stationsC. Electricity supplies to mines may be cut by up to thirty per cent.D. Copper mines may be unable to pump water by October.

2. Where does the Electricity Supply Commission produce most of its electricity?

A. Along the Haro River. B. Near the copper mines.C. At the Malawa Dam D. In Eastern Province

3. The action of the engineers are takingA. may not help if there is insufficient rain.B. will become effective towards the end of the year.C. Should get enough water to the mines.D. Will use up a lot of electricity.

4. The engineers aim toA. change the direction of the Haro River.B. keep more water at the Malawa Dam.C. get more water into the Haro River.D. dig out artificial lakes near the dam.

5. Why are the copper mines important to East Somalia?A. They train many skilled mechanics.B. Each mine employs approximately 3.000 people.C. Their costs and production are rising.D. They bring in fifty per cent of what the country earns.

II. Fill in the blanks with the missing words. (2,5 marks)

Not all meteorologists believe there is much natural …………….(1) warming. According to these ……………….(2), the El Nino effect not getting stronger. So why is the …………………(3) of the earth going up? Why are tropical storm like hurricanes causing …………………(4) and greater flood and wind damage? Probably, human beings are the main ………………(5) of the extreme effects of …………………(6) and climate changes. Cars and factories are putting more and more gases like carbon dioxide (CO2) in to the earth’s ………………….(7). Coal and oil add carbon dioxide to the …………….(8), too. Trees and plants take in carbon dioxide, but human are cutting ………………..(9) the rain forests and putting up buildings where …………….(10) plants used to grow up. The world has a lot of people now, and it will have a lot more people in the future.


READING TEST 12TERM: 3CLASS: 07AV111,112,113,101ALLOWED TIME: 60 MINUTES( Students aren’t allowed to use any materials in the exam room)

FULL NAME:………………………………………………………………….


REG. NUMBER:………………………………………………………..

Marks SignaturesSupervisor 1 Supervisor 2 Examiner 1 Examiner 2

TEST 12SECTION A: VOCABULARYI. In this part each sentence has an underlined word or phrase. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases, marked A, B, C and D. You are to choose the one word or phrase that best keeps or explains the meaning of the original sentence. (1,5 marks)

1. When you take ice out of the refrigerator, it melts.A. becomes colder B. goes into the airC. changes to water D. is hot

2. The final test lasts 90 minutes.A. begins B. continues for C. starts D. finishes

3. What is her reason for marrying him?A. cause B. method C. principle D. way

4. We have similar tastes in music.A. difficult B. very different C. easy D. almost the

same5. She has written a major novel.

A. difficult B. easy C. second D. most important6. People in cities all over the world shop in supermarkets.

A. whenever B. whatever C. whoever D. everywhere7. The Himalayas is a huge mountain range of south- central Asia.

A. very dry B. wonderful C. very big D. beautiful8. The Truong Son stretches from north to central Viet Nam.

A. moves B. reaches C. runs D. walks9. Hi! Are you new in town?

A. a small city B. a state C. a country D. a street10. We should unite in fighting poverty and disease.

A. change B. replace C. vary D. act together11. The boy is drinking pure milk.

A. cold B. white C. 100% D. warm12. Viet Nam is rich in natural resources.

A. natural things a country has B. things that people makeC. Plants and animals D. things a country buys from

other countries 13. Kimonos are traditional clothes in Japan.

B. the kind of clothes people wear in Summer.C. the kind of clothes people wear in Winter.D. the kind of clothes people have worn for many years.

14. We are living in the 21th century.A. one million years B. ten yearsC. one thousand years D. one hundred years

15. We are in regular communication with each other by telephones or computers.

A. reading and writing B. giving and getting informationB. listening and speaking D. speaking and writing

II. WORD FORMATION (2 marks)1.He is not very good at ________________ . (DESCRIBE)2. He was ________________ described as a hero, a genius and a fool.

(VARY)3. HE reads his poems very ________________ . (EXPRESS)4. It’s nothing to get ______________ about. (EXCITE)5. He’ s had an ________________ life. (EVENT)II. Match each word with its meaning. (2 marks)1._____ behavior a. a center of attention or interests2.____concentration b. feeling hopeful and happy about smth3.____reactions c. not feeling

content or happy about smth4.____tension d. giving close attention to smth5.____focus e. feeling excited or worried

because of strange situation

6.____beneficial f. a response to smth7.____dissatisfied g. mental or nervous pressure8.____envious h. feeling happy because

another person has smth you want

9.____suspenseful i. the actions or conduct of a person

10 ____optimistic j. helpful

SECTION B: READING COMPREHENSION1. Read the text and then choose the correct answers A, B, c or D for the following questions. (2 marks) Polyester is now being used for bottles. ICI, the chemicals and plastics company, believes that it is now beginning to break the grip of glass on the bottle business and thus take advantage of this huge market. All the plastics manufacturers have been experiencing hard times as their traditional products have been doing badly world – wide for the last few years. Between 1982 and 1984 the Plastics Division of ICI had lost a hundreds and twenty million dollars, and they felt that the most hopeful new market was in packaging, bottles and cans.

Since 1982 it has opened three new factories producing “Melinar,” the raw material from which high quality polyester bottles are made. The polyester bottle was born in the 1970s, when soft drinks company like Coca Cola started selling their drinks in giant two – liter container. Because of the build – up of the pressure of gas in these large containers, glass was unsuitable. Nor was PVC, the plastic which had been used for bottles since the 1960s, suitable for drinks with gas in them. A new plastic had to be made. Glass is still cheaper for the smaller bottles, and will continue to be so unless oil and plastic become much cheaper, but plastic does well for the larger sizes. Polyester bottles are virtually unbreakable. The manufacturers claim they are also lighter, less noisy when being handled, and can be reused. Shopkeepers and other business people are unlikely to object to a change from glass to polyester, since these bottles mean few breakages, which are costly and time- consuming. The public, though, have been more difficult to persuade. ICI’s commercial department are developing different bottles with interesting shapes, to try and make them visually more attractive to the public. The next step could be to develop a plastic which could replace tins for food. The problem here is the high temperatures necessary for cooking to food in the container.

1. Plastic of various kinds have been used for making bottlesA. since 1982B. since the 1970s but only for large bottles.C. since the 1960s but not for liquids with gas in them.D. since companies like Coca Cola first tried them.

2. Why is ICI’s Plastic Division interested in polyester for bottles?A. The other things they make are not selling well.B. Glass manufacturers can’t make enough new bottles.C. They have factories which could be adapted to make it.D. The price of oil keeps changing.

3. Why aren’t all bottles now made of polyester?A. The price of oil and plastic had risen.B. It is not suitable for containing gassy drinks.C. The public like traditional glass bottles.D. Shop- keepers dislike reusable bottles.

4. Manufacturers think polyester bottles are better than glass bottles because they

A. are cheaper B. are more suited to small sizesC. are more exciting to look at D. Do not break


5. Plastic containers for holding food in the same way as cansA. have been used for many years.B. are an idea that interests the plastic companies.C. are possible, but only for hot food.D. are the first things being made in the new factories.

II. Fill in the blanks with the missing words. (2,5 marks)

In some places outside big cities, food with ……………..(1) than four legs is part of good, healthy home ……………..(2). Fried and grilled ants are a tasty but expensive snack in Colombia, South America. In ……………….(3) parts of Mexico, over 300 types of …………………(4) serve as food. In southern Africa, many ………………(5) like to eat at least one kind of caterpillar or worm. They ……………..(6) it fried, dried, or cooked in tomato sauce. In Thailand, cooks create a spicy hot – pepper sauce with water bugs. In Vietnam, grasshoppers filled with peanuts are special dish. And in some ……………….(7) of China, bugs are not only a part of meals but an important ingredient in medicine too. Most kind of insects have high nutritional value. They contain a lot of protein, vitamins and ……………….(8). Many people like their taste. They are everywhere ………………(9) the planet. They add to the variety of people’s diets. For several reasons, insects are an important …………….(10) of food in the global diet, and they may become a more common ingredient in the future.


READING TEST 14TERM: 3CLASS: 07AV111,112,113,101ALLOWED TIME: 60 MINUTES( Students aren’t allowed to use any materials in the exam room)

FULL NAME:……………………………………………………………….


REG. NUMBER:……………………………………………………….

Marks SignaturesSupervisor 1 Supervisor 2 Examiner 1 Examiner 2


SECTION A: VOCABULARYI. In this part each sentence has an underlined word or phrase. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases, marked A, B, C and D. You are to choose the one word or phrase that best keeps or explains the meaning of the original sentence. (1,5 marks)

1. There is a special exhibit of robot in MIT.A. sale B. show C. investment D. contest

2. We had to send our messages in code so that no one else could understand them.

A. a kind of informationB. a modern way to communicateC. a means of telecommunicationD. a secret way to communicate

3. The population of Viet Nam is over 80 million now.A. the number of men that live in a placeB. the number of people that live in a placeC. the number of women that live in a placeD. the number of children that live in a place

4. He is doing research on automatic control.A. study B. management C. invention D. information

5. Computer students have to read IT journals every week. A. monthly magazines B. magazines with

diagramsC. magazines with professional information D. interesting

magazines6. Sputnik is an artificial satellite.

A. wonderful B. man-made C. natural D. normal7. India was a colony of England.

A. a place or country that belongs to another countryB. a place that has a lot of colorsC. a place that has a lot of IndiansD. a place that has a lot of cologne

8. Do you want to make a voyage around the world?A. program B. trip C. tour D. flight

9. Columbus discovered America.A. studied B. found C. traveled to D. invented

10. Marco Polo was a great explorer, which meansA. he killed a lot of Indians B. he did a lot of researchesC. he looked for new places D. he sold slaves

11. wastes from households pollute the environment.A. make fresh B. make dirty C. make clear D. make clean

12. Andy was badly injured in the car accident.A. ruined B. damaged C. hurt D. hit

13. They have just finished a construction on soft soil.A. land B. earth C. dirt D. sand

14. When the tsunami hit the coast, it washed away all trees and buildings.

A. God wave B. Angel wave C. great wave D. storm15. The storm caused a lot of damage to the area.

A. made happenB. reasoned C. destroyed D. ruined

II. WORD FORMATION (2 marks)1. He chattered ______________ all the way. (STOP)2. She is a _______________ for the role of Lear. (NATURE)3. He is always _______________ about his achievements. (MODEST)4. Her illness has made her completely _______________. (MOBILE)5. It is virtually ______________ to predict the future. (POSSIBLE)

III. Match each word with its meaning. (2 marks)1._____ mate a. having an unfriendly behavior2.____interview b. features or qualities of a person3.____examine c. note hopeful or

confident4.____reply d. to look at study carefully5.____potential e. to complete or write in

information6.____aggressive f. to talk to face-to-face; to have

a conversation with7.____characteristics g. partner; companion8.____optimistic h. hopeful; expecting the best 9.____fill out i. possible10 ____discouraged j. to say an answer

SECTION B: READING COMPREHENSION1. Read the text and then choose the correct answers A, B, c or D for the following questions. (2 marks) The locust is perhaps nature’s most awesome example of the collective destructive power of a species which, individually, is practically

harmless. An adult locust weighs a maximum of two gram- it takes over 225 to outweigh a can of beans. The destructive power is based on two facts. One, each locust can eat its own weight daily. Two, the moving swarm may carpet the ground with anywhere from 30 to 60 locusts a square yard; therefore, a square mile with typically contain from 100 million to 200 million of the creatures. Seldom, furthermore, will a swarm occupy a mere square mile; swarms more than 400 square miles in area have been recorded. A swarm that size weighs more than 80,000 tons and numbers around 40 billion insects eating the weight of the Queen Mary every day it is on the move – and it never stops. A million locusts take a tremendous toll and each day eat as much as 20 elephants or 500 people. And their voracity is not only in numbers; pound for pound the locust eats 60 to 100 times as much as a human being.1. This article is mainly concerned with

A. the harmlessness of individual locust.B. the Queen Mary locust plague.C. the destructive capacity of locusts.D. the importance of locusts to man.

2. LocustsA. existed only in the Bible.B. are extremely destructive in swarms.C. ate the Queen Mary in one day.D. eat as much as twenty elephants.

3. A locustA. can fly over long distances B. always travel in swarmsC. is no larger than a bean D. can eat its own weight daily

4. The destructiveness of locusts in swarms results from all of the following except

A. the lager area covered by the swarm.B. the large number of locusts in a swarm.C. their collective voracity.D. the extreme weight of a locust swarm.

5. The author usesA. contrast and comparison B. factual descriptionC. simile and metaphor D. biased opinion

II. Fill in the blanks with the missing words. (2,5 marks) Hunza is at a very …………………….(1) altitude in the Himalayan Mountains of Asia. There, many ……………….(2) over 100 years of age are still in good ………………….(3) health. Additionally, men of 90 are new fathers, and ……………….(4) of 50 still have babies. What are the reasons for this good health? Scientists ……………….. (5) that the people of Hunza

have these three main advantages or benefits: (1) a healthful ………………………(6) environment with clean air and clean water; (2) a …………………..(7) diet high in vitamins, fiber, and nutrition but low in ……………(8), cholesterol, sugar, and unnatural chemicals; and (3) physical work and other ……………..(9), usually in the fields or with …………………….(10)


READING TEST 15TERM: 3CLASS: 07AV111,112,113,101ALLOWED TIME: 60 MINUTES( Students aren’t allowed to use any materials in the exam room)

FULL NAME:………………………………………………………………..


REG. NUMBER:………………………………………………………..

Marks SignaturesSupervisor 1 Supervisor 2 Examiner 1 Examiner 2

TEST 15SECTION A: VOCABULARYI. In this part each sentence has an underlined word or phrase. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases, marked A, B, C and D. You are to choose the one word or phrase that best keeps or explains the meaning of the original sentence. (1,5 marks)

1. Who is trying to prevent disease after the disaster.A. health B. sickness C. doctors D. medicine

2. To practise Yoga, you should breathe deeply first.A. work B. study C. do D. make

3. The amount of wastes in Can Tho city is decreasing.A. cheaper B. getting smaller C. more expensive

D. getting bigger4. H5N1 virus harms the body.

A. helps B. kills C. destroys D. hurts5. The hurricanes destroyed a lot of houses in central Florida.

A. whirl wind B. earthquake C. powerful windstorm D. sand storm6. Beautiful wild flowers are growing along the roads in Dalat.

A. in the garden B. people don’t plant themC. in the winter D. people plant them

7. The boy has to feed his little sister. His parents were killed in the accident.

A. eat B. drink C. give food to D. find8. Germany is an industrial county.

A. has a lot of workers B. has a lot of machinesC. has a lot of offices D. has a lot of factories

9. Viet Nam exports rice to many countries in the world.A. sells to other countries B. buys from other countriesC. gives to other countries D. borrows from other countries.

10. On the first day of Tet we visit our relatives.A. parents B. ancestor C. member of a family D.

grandparents11. Navigators in the ancient time could sail across the ocean by looking at the stars

A. sailors B. ship C. crew D. fishermen12. Vietnam has tropical climate.

A. hot and dry B. cold and dry C. hot and wet D. cold and wet 13. Dinosaur are gigantic animals.

A. large B. immense C. vast D. huge14. farmers had harvested all the crops by the end of summer.

A. planted B. gathered C. grew D. produced15. All students understand his lessons. He has a good method of teaching.

A. know - how B. way to do smth C. skill D. experiences

II. WORD FORMATION (2 marks)1.She has the ______________ grace of a born dancer. (NATURE)2. If I may be _______________ for a moment, let me tell you about the

latest book that I’ve written. (MODEST)3. It is __________________ of you not to prepare students for their

exams. (RESPONSIBLE)4. His inability to speak French puts him at a _______________.(ADVANTAGE)

5. Most tourists were ________________ at the poor weather. (CONCERNED)

III. Match each word with its meaning. (2 marks)1._____ invitation a. thoughtfulness2.____hospitality b. to observe an occasion with special

festivities3.____appreciation c. a spoken or

written way of asking a person to do smth4.____etiquette d. to recommend or suggest5.____advise e. complex; having many details6.____grateful f. kind treatment of guests7.____appropriate g. rules of behavior8.____considerate h. thankful 9.____celebrate i. proper; suitable10. elaborate j. thoughtful; thinking of others’ feeling

SECTION B: READING COMPREHENSION1. Read the text and then choose the correct answers A, B, c or D for the following questions. (2 marks)

The legal limit for driving after drinking alcohol is 80 milligrams of alcohol in 100 millilitres of blood, when tested. But there is no sure way of telling how much you can drink before you reach this limit. It varies with each person depending on your weight, your sex, if you just eaten

and what sort of drinks you’ve had. Some people might reach their limit after only about three standard drinks. In fact, your driving ability can be affected by just one or two drinks. Even if you’re below the legal limit, you could still be taken to court if a police officer thinks your driving has been affected by alcohol. It takes about an hour for the body to get rid of the alcohol in one standard drink. So, if you have a heavy drinking session in the evening you might find that your driving ability is still affected the next morning, or you could even find that you’re still over the legal limit. In addition, if you’re had a few drinks at lunchtime, another one or two drinks in the early evening may well put you over the legal limit. In a test with professional drivers, the more alcoholic drinks they had the more certain they were that they could drive a test course through a set of moveable posts… and the less able they were to do it! So the only way to be sure you’re safe is not to drink at all. Alcohol is a major cause of road traffic accidents. One in three of the drivers killed in road accidents have levels of alcohol which are over the legal limit, and road accidents after drinking are the biggest cause of among young men. More than half of the people stopped by the police to take a breathalyzer test have a blood alcohol concentration of more than twice the legal limit. It is important to remember that driving after you’ve been drinking doesn’t just affect you. If you involved in an accident it affects a lot of other people as well, not lease the person you might kill or injure.

1. The amount of alcohol a person can drink before reaching the legal limit is

A. 800 mg of pure alcohol.B. approximately three standard drinks.C. different for different people.D. exactly proportional to body weight.

2. When might you be taken to court by the police for drinking and driving?

A. When you have driven a vehicle after drinking any alcohol at all.

B. When you have drunk at lease three drinks before driving.C. Only when tests show that you have 80 mg of alcohol in 100

ml of blood.D. When the police think that you have been drinking from the

way he is driving.3. When you have been drinking heavily in the evening, the next day

you might be

A. still drunk until lunchtime B. unable to drive until the eveningC. over the legal limit in the morning… D. unable to drive all day

4. Alcohol is a major cause of road accidents in thatA. most drivers who die in these accidents have been drinking.B. more young men die in drink – related accidents than in any

other way.C. drinking affect people eye – sightD. one in three drivers drink heavily.

5. What does this article urge you to remember particularly about driving after drinking?A. You maybe taken to court by the police.B. You are putting yourself in danger.C. You may hurt another road – user.D. You put many other people at risk.

II. Fill in the blanks with the missing words. (2 marks)

Inhabitants in the three regions have more in common ……………….(1) their mountain environment, their distance ………………..(2) modern cities, and their low – calorie natural diets. Because they …………………(3) in the countryside and are mostly farmers, their lives are more physically hard and extremely active. Therefore, they don’t need to try to exercise. In addition, the ………………(4) doesn’t seem to have the stress of …………………(5) city work and ……………………….(6). As a result, people’s lives are relatively free from …………………(7) – and therefore, illness or other health problems. Thus, some experts believe that………………….(8) movement and a stress-free environment might be the two most important secrets of longevity. An additional health advantage ………..(9) life in these long-lived communities may be the extended …………………(10) structure: the group takes care of its members from birth to death.


READING TEST 13TERM: 3CLASS: 07AV111,112,113,101ALLOWED TIME: 60 MINUTES( Students aren’t allowed to use any materials in the exam room)

FULL NAME:…………………………………………………………………


REG. NUMBER:…………………………………………………………

Marks SignaturesSupervisor 1 Supervisor 2 Examiner 1 Examiner 2

TEST 13SECTION A: VOCABULARYI. In this part each sentence has an underlined word or phrase. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases, marked A, B, C and D. You are to choose the one word or phrase that best keeps or explains the meaning of the original sentence. (1,5 marks)

1. Athletes from countries of South East Asia competed in the 22nd SEA Games.

A. People who play sports well B. Women who play sports wellC. Men who play sports well D. Men from South East Asia

2. There were a lot of important events in the world in 2004.A. revolutions B. political parties C. actions D.

smth that happens3. John Williams is a professional composer.

A. as a job for money B. as a hobby C. for fun D. in his free time4. Michael is an amateur photographer.

A. as a job B. as a hobby C. as work D. for money5. It’s very difficult to solve this problem.

A. do B. process C. work D. find the answer to6. The bomb is going to explode! Everyone must leave immediately.

A. later B. right now C. soon D. in a few minutes7. some industrial zones have been established in Thu Duc

A. schools B. supermarketsC. areas D. shops8. Mary has got a job. Now she is independent.

A. She does not depend on her parents B. she is freeC. she gets support from her parents D. she works hard

9. They raise vegetables to get some extra money.A. feed B. grow C. buy D. sell

10. Nam works for a restaurant in HCM city. He earns 20.000 VND per day.

A. borrows B. pays C. gets D. gives11. He put the poster up on the board.

A. a flat piece of wood B. a departmentC. a shelf D. an organization

12. The dog sniffed around to find the escaped prisoner.A. bit B. ate C. barked D. smelled

13. A lot of dogs are trained to help the blind.A. those who are unable to see.B. those who are unable to walk.C. those who are unable to hear.D. those who are unable to speak.

14. Bell invented the telephone.A. found B. thought C. used D. made the first

one15. The manager is not here. Could you leave a message?

A. request B. piece of informationB. communication D. demand

II. WORD FORMATION (2 marks)1.It is _________________ for a bird to fly. (NATURE)2. She is wearing an _______________ dress. (MODEST)3. It seems ______________ to change to timetable so often.

(LOGICAL)4. He apologized for the ________________ he had caused.

(CONVENIENCE)5. These new windows have _____________ the room considerably.


III. Match each word with its meaning. (2 marks)1._____ radiation a. causing argument or debate2.____treatments b. to enter by force or to spread harm

through3.____distribute c. a involving

advanced scientific devices and machines4.____controversial d. the act of getting in the way of smth5.____interactive e. ways of giving medical care

6.____high-tech f. watching over and keeping track of

7.____automatically g. to give out; to supply8.____monitoring h. nuclear energy; waves of light

and energy9.____interference i. relating to a computer program

in which a person and computer act on or affect each other

10 ____invade j. in a manner that is self- operating

SECTION B: READING COMPREHENSION1. Read the text and then choose the correct answers A, B, c or D for the following questions. (2 marks)

Before man had flown into the space it was thought that his physical and mental capabilities might be affected by long periods of weightlessness, and that he might be endangered by high levels of radiation. Yuri Gagarin’s first space flight in April 1961 showed that man could live in space, although this journey only lasted for 108 minutes, it gave encouragement to those interested in the future of manned space flight. In fact most of the early fears about man’s health in space have proved groundless, and although several odd medical effects have been observed, none has seriously affected man’s ability for useful work. All astronauts undergo strenuous training to prepare them for the experience of space flight but, despite this, most astronauts suffer from space sickness early in their flights. This effect is similar to sea sickness, soon wears off, and there appear to be no medical reason why man can not live in space for long periods of time. A constant check is kept on the health of all astronauts during their mission. Small medical detectors which monitor their heartbeats, pulse rates, breathing and temperature are taped to their bodies. All food eating in space so far has been prepared on earth. The alternative possibilities of making food from waste products or growing in space have received little serious consideration. The first space foods were simply baby foods. In the first American space flights astronauts ate natural foods in dried bite – sized squares or in a form that could be mixed with could water and squeezed into the mouth. The squares were coated to prevent them breaking up into small pieces, and their corners were rounded to prevent them cutting the astronauts’ mouths. Later astronauts ate “sticky” foods with a spoon, and hot as well as cold water was available for making up the

dried meals. These two developments have made eating in space much more pleasant.

1. Yuri Gagarin’s first space flight showedA. scientists could develop weapons in space.B. Human being could survive well in space.C. Astronauts would not suffer from space sickness.D. All the scientific equipment worked well.

2. How is the health of human beings affected in space?A. The affects can be unpleasant but harmless.B. There is a slight risk of heart problem.C. Longer space flights are more dangerous to health.D. Space sickness lasts throughout the flight.

3. What do we learn of early space food?A. It was surprisingly tasty B. The edges cut the astronauts’ mouths.C. It was eaten cold D. It was inconvenient because it dissolved.

4. How has space food improved since the first space flights?A. Baby food has been cut from the diet.B. The food is now produced in bite – sized squares.C. Some normal food is now available.D. There is a greater variety of foods available.

5. The alternative possibilities….. have received little serious consideration. CONSIDERATION meansA. cooperation B. operation C. inspection D.

concern II. Fill in the blanks with the missing words. (2,5 marks)

Nevertheless, there are several serious disadvantages to the ……………..(1) media. First of all, some people ………………..(2) the “tube” for more ………………(3) in a day than they do anything else. In a large number of homes, TV sets – as many as five or more in ………….. (4) single household – are always …………(5). Many people watch TV for many hours a day or ………………….(6) hours playing games or surfing on their ……………………..(7), they download music, …………….(8), and other forms of entertainment. Instead of spending time taking ……………..(9) of their kids, parents often use a video screen as a “electronic baby-sitter.” As a result, television and video can easily replace family …………………..(10) as well as physical activity and other interests.


READING TEST 16TERM: 3CLASS: 07AV111,112,113, 101ALLOWED TIME: 75 MINUTES( Students aren’t allowed to use any materials in the exam room)

FULL NAME:………………………………………………………………..


REG. NUMBER:……………………………………………………….

Marks SignaturesSupervisor 1 Supervisor 2 Examiner 1 Examiner 2

TEST 16SECTION A: VOCABULARYI. In this part each sentence has an underlined word or phrase. Below each sentence are four other words or phrases, marked A, B, C and D. You are to choose the one word or phrase that best keeps or explains the meaning of the original sentence. (1,5 marks)

1. We visit our relatives and teachers during Tet. This is a custom.A. demand B. requirement C. holiday D. tradition

2. All passengers have to go though customs and immigration at the airport.

A. government department B. visa officeC. checkout counters D. taxes

3. Don’t forget to leave a tip for the cleaner when you leave the hotel.A. gift B. present C. money for good service D. parcel

4. The room was suddenly still when they heard the news.A. quite B. however C. quiet D. nevertheless

5. From these materials you can create wonderful things. A. make B. operate C. manufacture D. produce

6. Scientists predict that there will be more disasters this year.

A. report B. forecast C. assume D. propose7. People can know about the weather by observing the sky.

A. watching B. studying C. learning D. finding8. When the accident occurs, call the police immediately.

A. describes B. goes on C. continues D. happens9. Children can swim in this pool. The water is shallow.

A. short B. not deep C. warm D. high10. look! There’s something on the surface of the water.

A. appearance B. bottom C. top D. side11. Ann has to search for more information before she writes her graduation thesis.

A. look for B. look up C. look into D. look after12. After the storm, the temperature is normal again.

A. terrible B. usual C. lower D. higher 13. A good swimming skill enabled him to survive a shipwreck.

A. prevented B. made difficultC. protected D. made possible14. Laser beam can measure distances exactly.

A. accurately B. suitably C. properly D. rightly15. Teachers consider it effective to use computers to prepare their lessons.

A. propose B. think C. suggest D. requireII. WORD FORMATION (2 marks)

1. All his hopes ________________ at the terrible news. (SOLVE)2. She wants to be an actress, but her parents ________________.

(APPROVE)3. Her sudden departure has _______________ my plan. (ARRANGE)4. The lack of decent public transport is a great _________________.

(ADVANTEAGE)5. It is very easy to tell the ________________ between butter and

margarine. (DIFFER)III. Match each word with its meaning. (2 marks)

1._____ consumer a. describing a whole class of products2.____brand b. smth that makes a person act in a certain

way3.____misinformation c. a person that buy

or uses smth4.____motive d. a particular kind or make of an item5.____admit e. false or incomplete information6.____unpopular f. not perfect; having a mistake7.____advertise g. to confess that smth is true8.____genetic h. wrong or false information9.____defective i. to call attention to a product

10 ____misleading j. not well liked

SECTION B: READING COMPREHENSIONI. Read the text and then circle the best letter A,B,C or

D (2 marks) Martin Luther King, Jr, is well known for his work in civil rights and for his many famous speeches, among them his moving “I have A Dream” speech. But fewer people know much about King’s childhood. M.L, as he was called, was born in 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia, at their home of his maternal grandfather. M.L’s grandfather, the Reverend A.D Williams, purchased their home on Auburn Avenue in 1909, twenty years before M.L. was born. The Reverend Williams, an eloquent speaker, played an important role in the community since so many people’s lives centered around the church. He allowed his church and his home to be used as a meeting place for a number of organizations delicate to the education and social advancement of blacks .M.L. grew up in this atmosphere, with his home being used as a community gathering place, and was no doubt influenced by it. M.L’s childhood was not especially eventful. His father was a minister and his mother was a musician. He was the second of three children, and he attended all-black schools in a black neighborhood. The neighborhood was not poor, however. Auburn Avenue was the main artery through a prosperous neighborhood that had come to symbolize achievement for Atlanta’s black people. It was an area of banks, insurance companies, builders, jewelers, tailors, doctors, lawyers, and other black-owned or black- operated businesses and services. Even in the face of Atlanta’s segregation, the district thrived. Dr.King never forgot the community spirit he had known as a child, nor did he forget the racial prejudice that was a seemingly insurmountable barrier that kept black Atlantans from mingling with whites.

1.What is this passage mainly about? A. the prejudice that existed in Atlanta B. Martin Luther King’s childhood C. M.L.’ s grandfather D. the neighborhood King grew up in2. The word “eloquent” in line 6 means most nearly A. powerful B. active C. romantic D. fascinating3. As used in line 12, the word “eventful” is closest in meaning to which of the following” A. valued B. memorable C. admirable D. emotional4. In line 16, the word “it” refers to which of the following?

A. achievement B. neighborhood C. segregationD. services

5. According to the author, blacks in King’s neighborhood were involved in all the following businesses and services EXCEPT A. dentistry B. medicine C. law D. banking6. The word “tailors” in line 17 describes people who are associated with which of the following trades? A. flower arranging B. shoe making C. garment making

D. book binding7. According to the author, King was influenced by A. community spirit B. black lawyers C. his mother

D. his speeches8. The word “thrived” in line 19 refers to which of the following?A. achieved B. surrendered C. flourished D. held

9. The word “mingling” in line 21 could best be replaced by which of the following?A. interfering B. gargling C. consuming D. associating.

10. According to the author, M.L.A. had a difficult childhoodB. was a good musician as a childC. loved to listen to his grandfather speakD. grew up in a relatively rich area of Atlanta

II. Fill in the blanks with the missing words. (2,5 marks) Second, too much TV – especially programming of low educational value – can ………………….(1) people’s ability to ………………………(2) or reason. In fact, studies show that after only a minute or two of visual………………(3), a person’s mind “relaxes” as it does during light sleep. Another possible ……………………(4) of television and videotapes on the ………………(5) brain is poor communication. Children who watch a lot of ……………….(6) may lose their ability to ……………….(7) on a subject or an educational …………………(8) for more than 10 to 15 minutes. Maybe it is because of the visual media that some kids – and …………….(9) too – develop attention deficit disorder (ADD), a modern condition in which people are unable to pay attention, listen well, follow instructions, or ………………………(10) everyday things.


ANSWER KEY 1 (07AV111,112,113,101)SUBJECT: READING

SECTION AI. Choose the best answer (1,5 marks)

1. A 6. B 11. B2. A 7. A 12. C3. C 8. C 13. B4. C 9. B 14. D 5. D 10. A 15. B


III. Match column A and B (2 marks)1. d 6. b2. g 7. c3. a 8. e4. j 9. f5. i 10. h

SECTION BI. Mark these sentences True (T), False (F) or NI (?). (2 marks)

1. T 6. T2. F 7. F3. ? 8. F4. T 9. F5. T 10. F

II. GAP FILLING (2,5 marks)1. graduates 6. governments2. experience 7. skills3. cultures 8. international

4. engineering 9. abroad5. countries 10. especially

ANSWER KEY 2 (07AV111,112,113,101)SUBJECT: READING

SECTION AI. Choose the best answer (1,5 marks)

1. D 6. C 11. D2. A 7. A 12. A3. B 8. B 13. D4. D 9. C 14. B 5. B 10. A 15. B


III. Match column A and B (2 marks)1. d 6. i2. g 7. f3. b 8. e4. j 9. h5. a 10. c

SECTION BI. Choose the best answer a, b, c, and d (2 marks)

1. B 5. B2. C 6. D3. A 7. B4. D 8. B

II. GAP FILLING (2,5 marks)1. slowly 6. storm2. varies 7. Floods3. typical 8. rain4. extreme 9. damage5. temperatures 10. worse

ANSWER KEY 3 (07AV111,112,113,101)SUBJECT: READING

SECTION AI. Choose the best answer (1,5 marks)

1. D 6. A 11. C2. B 7. B 12. A3. A 8. B 13. C4. C 9. C 14. A 5. B 10. B 15. B


III. Match column A and B (2 marks)1. e 6. g2. h 7. f3. b 8. d4. j 9. i5. a 10. c

SECTION BI. Choose the best answer a, b, c, and d (2 marks)

1. C 5. B2. B 6. D3. D 7. A4. A 8. B

II. GAP FILLING (2,5 marks)1. asleep 6. fields2. pushed 7. slaves3. goats 8. During4. cooking 9. meals5. housework 10. years

ANSWER KEY 4 (07AV111,112,113,101)SUBJECT: READING

SECTION AI. Choose the best answer (1,5 marks)

1. C 6. C 11. C2. B 7. D 12. D3. D 8. A 13. B4. C 9. C 14. B 5. B 10. A 15. D


III. Match column A and B (2 marks)1. a 6. e2. h 7. j3. f 8. b4. c 9. g5. i 10. d

SECTION BI. Choose the best answer a, b, c, and d (2 marks)

1. A 5. D2. B 6. A3. C 7. C4. A 8. D

II. GAP FILLING (2,5 marks)1. tourist 6. attention2. terrible 7. greet3. medicine 8. pain4. customer 9. loudly5. patiently 10. annoyed

ANSWER KEY 5 (07AV111,112,113,101)SUBJECT: READING

SECTION AI. Choose the best answer (1,5 marks)

1. A 6. A 11. C2. C 7. D 12. B

3. C 8. B 13. D4. A 9. C 14. D 5. B 10. A 15. A


III. Match column A and B (2 marks)1. d 6. j2. g 7. i3. a 8. e4. h 9. b5. c 10. f

SECTION BI. Mark these sentences True (T), False (F) . (2 marks)

1. F 4. F2. F 5. F3. T

II. GAP FILLING (2,5 marks)1. study 6. mountain2. reasons 7. moderate3. high 8. important4. physical 9. fat5. differences 10. nutrition

ANSWER KEY 6 (07AV111,112,113,101)SUBJECT: READING

SECTION AI. Choose the best answer (1,5 marks)

1. B 6. D 11. D2. C 7. A 12. D3. A 8. B 13. B4. B 9. C 14. A 5. C 10. B 15. B



III. Match column A and B (2 marks)1. e 6. d2. c 7. j3. i 8. b4. f 9. h5. a 10. g

SECTION BI. Mark these sentences True (T), False (F) . (2 marks)

1. F 4. F2. F 5. T3. T

II. GAP FILLING (2,5 marks)1. researchers 6. improve2. combination 7. damage3. diseases 8. improve4. parents 9. oppose5. correct 10. engineering

ANSWER KEY 7 (07AV111,112,113,101)SUBJECT: READING

SECTION AI. Choose the best answer (1,5 marks)

1. C 6. A 11. C2. C 7. C 12. D3. D 8. B 13. B4. B 9. D 14. A 5. D 10. A 15. B


III. Match column A and B (2 marks)1. e 6. b

2. c 7. a3. g 8. j4. i 9. f5. d 10. h

SECTION BI. Choose the best answer a, b, c, and d (2 marks)

1. C 4. A2. B 5. B3. C

II. GAP FILLING (2,5 marks)1. fat 6. frozen2. breakfast 7. probably3. grains 8. customs4. dishes 9. preferences5. minerals 10. worse

ANSWER KEY 8 (07AV111,112,113,101)SUBJECT: READING

SECTION AI. Choose the best answer (1,5 marks)

1. C 6. D 11. B2. A 7. A 12. D3. D 8. C 13. A4. C 9. C 14. C 5. C 10. B 15. C


III. Match column A and B (2 marks)1. f 6. c2. d 7. j3. h 8. a4. b 9. e5. i 10. g


I. Choose the best answer a, b, c, and d (2 marks)1. C 4. A2. B 5. B3. A

II. GAP FILLING (2,5 marks)1. customs 6. law2. lot 7. public3. smoking 8. restaurants4. buy 9. habits5. wine 10. health

ANSWER KEY 9 (07AV111,112,113,101)SUBJECT: READING

SECTION AI. Choose the best answer (1,5 marks)

1. B 6. A 11. A2. A 7. D 12. C3. B 8. C 13. D4. C 9. B 14. B 5. B 10. A 15. D


III. Match column A and B (2 marks)1. e 6. d2. h 7. b3. f 8. i4. j 9. g5. a 10. c

SECTION BI. Choose the best answer a, b, c, and d (2 marks)

1. A 4. D2. D 5. A3. C

II. GAP FILLING (2,5 marks)1. family 6. stayed2. people 7. supported3. words 8. in4. marriages 9. crowded5. love 10. similar

ANSWER KEY 10 (07AV111,112,113,101)SUBJECT: READING

SECTION AI. Choose the best answer (1,5 marks)

1. C 6. C 11. D2. A 7. A 12. B3. A 8. A 13. C4. B 9. C 14. B 5. D 10. A 15. D


III. Match column A and B (2 marks)1. j 6. c2. a 7. g3. i 8. d4. b 9. f5. h 10. e

SECTION BI. Choose the best answer a, b, c, and d (2 marks)

1. A 4. B2. C 5. B3. A

II. GAP FILLING (2,5 marks)1. human 6. increase2. food 7. cause3. effects 8. from

4. different 9. and5. than 10. in

ANSWER KEY 11 (07AV111,112,113,101)SUBJECT: READING

SECTION AI. Choose the best answer (1,5 marks)

1. A 6. A 11. B2. C 7. C 12. C3. B 8. D 13. D4. D 9. B 14. D 5. B 10. A 15. A


III. Match column A and B (2 marks)1. g 6. b2. d 7. e3. i 8. a4. f 9. b5. j 10. h

SECTION BI. Choose the best answer a, b, c, and d (2 marks)

1. C 4. B2. D 5. D3. A

II. GAP FILLING (2,5 marks)1. global 6. weather2. scientists 7. atmosphere3. temperature 8. air4. more 9. down5. cause 10. green

ANSWER KEY 12 (07AV111,112,113,101)SUBJECT: READING

SECTION AI. Choose the best answer (1,5 marks)

1. C 6. D 11. C2. B 7. C 12. A3. A 8. B 13. D4. D 9. A 14. D 5. D 10. D 15. B


III. Match column A and B (2 marks)1. i 6. j2. d 7. c3. f 8. h4. g 9. e5. a 10. b

SECTION BI. Choose the best answer a, b, c, and d (2 marks)

1. C 4. D2. A 5. B3. C

II. GAP FILLING (2,5 marks)1. more 6. enjoy2. cooking 7. regions3. various 8. minerals4. insects 9. on5. people 10. kind

ANSWER KEY 13 (07AV111,112,113,101)SUBJECT: READING

SECTION AI. Choose the best answer (1,5 marks)

1. A 6. B 11. A2. D 7. C 12. D3. A 8. A 13. A4. B 9. B 14. D 5. D 10. C 15. B


III. Match column A and B (2 marks)1. h 6. c2. e 7. j3. g 8. f4. a 9. d5. i 10. b

SECTION BI. Choose the best answer a, b, c, and d (2 marks)

1. B 4. D2. A 5. D3. C

II. GAP FILLING (2,5 marks)1. visual 6. spend2. watch 7. computers3. hours 8. movies4. a 9. care5. on 10. communication

ANSWER KEY 14 (07AV111,112,113,101)SUBJECT: READING

SECTION AI. Choose the best answer (1,5 marks)

1. B 6. B 11. B2. D 7. A 12. C

3. B 8. B 13. A4. A 9. B 14. A 5. C 10. C 15. A


III. Match column A and B (2 marks)1. g 6. a2. f 7. b3. d 8. h4. j 9. e5. i 10. c

SECTION BI. Choose the best answer a, b, c, and d (2 marks)

1. C 4. D2. B 5. B3. D

II. GAP FILLING (2,5 marks)1. high 6. unpolluted2. people 7. simple3. physical 8. fat4. women 9. activities5. believe 10. animals

ANSWER KEY 15 (07AV111,112,113,101)SUBJECT: READING

SECTION AI. Choose the best answer (1,5 marks)

1. B 6. B 11. A2. C 7. C 12. C3. B 8. D 13. D4. D 9. A 14. B 5. C 10. C 15. B


III. Match column A and B (2 marks)1. c 6. h2. f 7. i3. a 8. j4. g 9. b5. d 10. e

SECTION BI. Choose the best answer a, b, c, and d (2 marks)

1. C 4. C2. B 5. C3. D

II. GAP FILLING (2,5 marks)1. than 6. recreation2. from 7. worry3. live 8. physical4. population 9. of5. fast 10. family

ANSWER KEY 16 (07AV111,112,113,101)SUBJECT: READING

SECTION AI. Choose the best answer (1,5 marks)

1. D 6. B 11. A2. A 7. A 12. B3. C 8. D 13. D4. C 9. B 14. A 5. A 10. C 15. B


III. Match column A and B (2 marks)

1. c 6. j2. d 7. i3. h 8. a4. b 9. f5. g 10. e

SECTION BI. Choose the best answer a, b, c, and d (2 marks)

1. B 6. C2. A 7. A3. B 8. A4. B 9. C5. A 10. D

II. GAP FILLING (2,5 marks)1. reduce 6. TV2. concentrate 7. focus3. media 8. activity4. effect 9. adults5. human 10. remember