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Findon News


Editorial team led byNick GoreCommunity newsletter for

Findon, West SussexIncluding the Church Parish ofFindon, Clapham & Patching

Findon News is published monthly and is available free of charge from various outlets throughoutFindon and can be viewed on the Findon Community website - www.findonvillage.orgFindon News does not endorse any advertisements published. No responsibility will be taken forerrors, omissions or any claims made by contributors. Opinions expressed are not those of thepublisher.

Articles for publication (maximum 650 words) can be submitted by email, or via the 'Findon News Box' in the Village Shop.

Closing Date For Next Publication: 20th July 2018

Don’t Forget!The latest village news andevents are on the website

Be Involved with ThisHistoric Community Event

During the second week in Septemberwe need volunteers to help with:

• Setting up on Thursday and Friday• General duties on Saturday• Clearing up on Sunday

If you would like to help email:

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Rev. Helena Buqué, Priest in Charge and Colin Cox, Curate: c/o The Rectory, School Hill, Findon, BN14 0TR. Tel: 873601,, www.findon-clapham-patching-churches.comFB:Findon Clapham Patching Churches,

Nearly a year ago I was ordained adeacon of the Church of England atChichester Cathedral and was licencedas an assistant curate to the Parish ofFindon, Clapham and Patching. Thislast year has flown by and on 19th May Iwas ordained to the office and ministryof a priest at a lovely service held in StMary’s Church, Storrington.I am writing this article first to say thankyou to all who have supported me inwhatever way in my first year. I am sograteful for your kindness andencouragement, and especially to thosewho came to my ordination service andFirst Communion. My especial thanksgo to Mary and Irene who madebeautiful cakes and Dorothy for theprovision of refreshments.When I was initially ordained I was whatis called a transitional deacon in thatone lives and works as a deacon for oneyear before being priested. There arealso what are called distinctive deacons,who always remain a deaconthroughout their ministry. It is a matter ofvocation and I believe I am also calledto be a priest. I will however always be adeacon as well as a priest. One canthink of it as a bit like a layer of anonion. My ministry is always a calling tohumble service in the same way thatChrist came to serve and not to beserved.Ordination to the priesthood entailsmore than just taking on new functionsbecause it involves a whole change inone’s being. As one bishop said to me

later ‘do you feel ontologicallychanged?’. Actually, it does feeldifferent. It also means that I am nowauthorized to undertake new types ofministry. As a deacon one is restrictedin what one can do, although deaconshave specific functions, for example toread the gospel and prepare the table atthe Eucharist. I can now celebrate theEucharist, conduct weddings andbaptisms, give absolution for sins andpronounce God’s blessing on hispeople. The role involves the ratheramazing aspect of standing in the placeof Christ, which is a clear reminder thatit is not a ministry that can be done inour own strength and abilities.At the ordination service those beingpriested receive the authority of thechurch to undertake these ministriesalongside the bishop through the layingon of hands and through having ourhands anointed and then symbolicallyheld together as a sign of reconciliation.At the end of the service we were givena copy of the King James Bible as areminder of our calling to preach theword of God and to minister thesacraments.Although I am now a priest I am stillunder the same licence as a curate inthe parish and curacies usually lastthree to four years. I therefore hope andexpect to be with you for at leastanother two years. Hopefully that’s notbad news!Colin Cox

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For free estimatesRing 872638 / 07879441804

RELIABLE WINDOWSFriendly, Local, Well Established

WINDOW CLEANERContact Chris for a quote


Window cleaning service offeredMonthly, Bi-monthly or Quarterly

Soffits, Fascias, Guttering,Conservatory Roofs

** No Job Too Big or Small **Water Fed Pole System or

Traditional Window Cleaning

>> 5 <<

Groceries; Bread; Cakes; Freshly made Sandwiches;Beers, Wine & Spirits; Tobacco; Cards

Shop Opening Hours:Mon to Sat 07:00 - 19:00Sunday 07:00 - 12:00

Tel:01903 877110

Run by the Community for the Community


Horsham RoadFindon

BN14 0TF

Post Office Opening Hours:Mon to Fri 08:30 - 17:30Sat / Sun 08:30 - 12:30 / 12.00

The warm summer weather has meantour ice cream sales have been brisk.We try to have something to please alltastes from fruity lollies to deliciouschocolate treats and my personalfavourite, hand-made lemon meringueice cream from Chichester basedCaroline’s dairy which has a zestyopening flavour followed by sweetmeringue pieces which melt on thetongue, a must try.

For football fans we have a greatselection of beers and snacks to enjoywhilst watching the World Cup, inparticular a range of local beers fromRiverside brewery in Upper Beeding orfor those who enjoy a glass ofsomething with bubbles we have anew Sparkling English wine “Fitz”made with English grown grapes atDivergent winery in Worthing.

Margaret and Annie have been doinga wonderful job coordinating ourdedicated team of volunteers and Ibelieve there have been some bigstrides made in simplifying the hugetask of managing the rota. I would liketo take this opportunity to thank themboth for their hard work and support.

Annie is coming to the end of hercontract but I am delighted that shewill still be involved in the shop as partof the volunteer team. I would alsolike to thank all the volunteers for theirincredible enthusiasm and willingnessto go the extra mile, often stepping into offer additional help at the lastminute and often stay over theirallotted hours. I am greatly humbled bythe goodwill and very grateful, theshop really couldn’t function withoutyou all.

We are, as always looking to recruitmore members to our team andanyone who thinks they may be ableto offer some time should contacteither myself or Margaret on 873737

I still feel fairly new to the shop andwould like to receive ideas andguidance on the sorts of thingscustomers would like to see on ourshelves, please feel free to drop intothe store for a chat at any time.

Angus Charlton

Shop Manager

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New Councillor.Mark Robinson has been co-opted ontoFindon Parish Council, we welcome himonboard and look forward to hiscontribution to our council.

Stoolball Tournament.The event was held in glorious weatheron Sunday June 3rd. It was wellattended and the worthy winners wereFindon Youth Club. The event helpedThe Friends of St John the BaptistChurch Findon to a very successful firstyear of fund raising. Their aim is to helppreserve our historic church for futuregenerations. Should you wish to join orcontribute please contact GrahamLangford via ( ).

May RevelsAgain blessed with good weather, the

children dancing on Pond Green alongwith the Maypole dancing waswonderful to behold. The activities werethoroughly enjoyed by the children, aswas the spectacular fully clothed swandive into the swimming pool by theschool headmaster Mr Yelland.

Silent SilhouetteMany of you will have already seen theRoyal British Legion ‘Silent Silhouette’installed on Pond Green that has beensponsored by Findon Parish Council aspart of the World War 1 CentenaryCommemorations. It is a very poignantsymbol and a moving tribute highlightingthe sacrifice all men and women gaveduring the First World War.

Sean Smith, Chair FPC

Findon Parish Council Report

PS ‘From the Rectory’!For the ‘eagle-eyed’ among you, whospotted the deliberate mistake in lastmonth’s article? Pentecost was in May, notJune!! However, God can and does pourout his Holy Spirit on us at other times too,and 17th June was one such occasion,when 18 people, including 5 from Findon,were Confirmed by Bishop Mark in anuplifting and joyful Service in St Matthew’sChurch, Worthing. In Confirmation, aperson affirms the Christian vows made ontheir behalf at their baptism (christening);if you’d like to know more, speak to Helenaor Colin.

Pet Services: to be held this month! FindonChurch (see poster) July 8th at 4.30pm andPatching Family Service, 10am on Sunday22nd July.All pets and their owners welcome!

Quiet reflective time in Findon Churchfrom 7pm on Monday 9th July.

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and each 1st Sunday of the month -in Findon Village Hall

9.15 Breakfast & 10.00 ServiceCome and Join Us -Everyone Welcome

Light Lunch @1pmTuesday 31st July

Findon Village Hall.£5.

Everyone welcome.

Ladies Coffee Mornings

Every Tuesday


@ Julia’s Kitchen

Everyone welcome

Curry NightsThe next Curry Nights at

The Tajdar RestaurantLadies - Monday 2 July @ 7pm

Men - Thursday 26 July @ 7.30pmAll welcome

The Passion Play – Oberammergau 2020

In my role as Chichester Cathedral ‘Link’ person for the Parish of Findon, Claphamand Patching, I have received the following notice from the Chichester CathedralFriends who organise events on behalf of Chichester Cathedral and send them tothe Cathedral Link on a quarterly basis which I then pass onto the parishioners ofFindon, Clapham and Patching. The notices are normally displayed in the ParishChurches but I thought this particular notice may be of general interest to villagersin Findon, Clapham and Patching.

Mrs Claire Kersley (Chichester Cathedral Link)

The Chichester Cathedral Friends are looking at the possibility of organising avisit to Oberammergau to see the Passion Play in 2020. The plan would be foran 8 day trip. Flying from Gatwick and spending a few days in the Austrian Tyrolbefore going on to Oberammergau for one or two nights.The authorities in Oberammergau have not yet released the prices for the play butit is expected that the cost of the trip will be in the region of £1,700 - £1,800.The time of the visit would be either the end of June or the beginning of July.If you are interested in joining in the trip (there is no actual commitment at thistime) please contact me by email at or by telephoneon (01903) 873562 by the end of August 2018.

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Such an incredible Summer Revels thisyear! One of Findon Village's oldesttraditions, now dating back over 160years, began at St John the BaptistCofE Primary School on Saturday 9th

June with a children's procession toPond Green led by the traditionalaccordion player Tom Townsend (on his28th year)! The sun shone down as thechildren performed their well-practisedcountry dancing watched on by manyeager parents and locals before makingtheir way back to the village school forthe hugely popular maypole dancing.

The event was then officiallyopened by this year's popularWorthing Town Crier BobSmytherson.Bob Smytherson also crownedthis year's beautiful May queenand attendees – ChloeChambers as the Queen,with Ruby Scott and BethanyPearson as the attendees.Once opened, this year'sSummer Revels saw manyhundreds attending raising

thousands of pounds for the charity StJohn the Baptist CofE PTA dedicated tosupporting the village school. Withcircus performers, children'sentertainers, bouncy castles, assaultcourses, giant slides, soft play zones,garden games, candy floss, beer tents,pimms, bbq's (cooking PeckhamButchers finest handmade burgers andsausages), the amazing birds of preydisplays by Hawking About,BubblePop’s show stopping bubblesand a whole host of village feteactivities, it really was a village traditionnot to be missed!The raffle and draw alone raised many

hundreds and with generousdonations from The Gun,Leeds Castle, Hilton Hotels,Audi, South Downs Gun Club,Worthing Theatres, a ½ tonneof horse manure with freedelivery (!!!) and many manymore, every winner left feelingvery lucky! Unbelievably all ofthis was run solely byvolunteers, organised by thevillage school's PTA with freeadmission to all!

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The St John the Baptist CofE PrimarySchool's PTA is an incrediblyhardworking charity that works tirelesslythroughout the year organising variousvillage events. It encourages closer linksbetween the local community andschool by organising social activitiesthat not only raise funds but alsoprovide an opportunity for residents,parents, staff and pupils to get together.This also includes the Findon VillageFirework Fantasia, the Findon VillageCircus and the Findon Sheep FairRefreshments in previous years.Funds raised by the PTA provideessentials and extras not alreadyprovided by the school’s budget -most recently the school have justrenovated the entire outsidegarden areas inclusive of roly polypig composters. Along with beehives for the children to manage,some wonderful chickens, acomplex nature trail, an all-weather canopy for theplayground, a beautifulgreenhouse overflowing inabundance with vegetables, herbsand stunning flowers, £1500 of

essential maths equipmentand all the coach transportto numerous trips, thesefundraising ventures reallyare a necessity! Our currentprojects are to improve onthe complex nature trailwith other wildlife habitats,discuss plans for a newoutdoor classroom and toreplace the IT Suite at acost of over £30,000!Following this year'sSummer Revels the PTAteam would therefore like togive a huge thank you to allthose who generously

donated their time, gifts or the lending oftheir equipment to make the FindonVillage School's Summer Revels 2018such a successful day and the children,school staff and everyone that attendedfor producing such an incredibleatmosphere!- Sadie Collis, Chairman, St John theBaptist CofE Primary School PTA

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Your Vintage Tea Party Includes: Tasty Sandwiches �

Scones with Jam and Cream � Delicious Homemade Cakes� � A Selection of Teas �

Pretty vintage china, cutlery,cloths and decorations

Free local area delivery & collectionTelephone: 07717 949990


Services: Colouring Services, Cut & Blow dry, Hair Up, Keratin treatments, Sets,Perms, Wig consultation/fitting and stylingAll Colours are Organic, and Vegan friendly - Organic hair products used

Member of The Freelance Hair Association &MyNewHair (charity for medical hair loss sufferers)

Local Freelance HairstylistWig Stylist & Wig Supplier

Hair & Wig services provided in the comfort of your own home

Call Rita on 07881 uk FB: Hairs 2u -Rita




AcTechUK.comMaking Technology Work For You

Help with all aspects of technology foryour home, mobile and business.PC/Laptop fix, Network setup,

telephone, audio visual se9rvices£30 call out with first fix and advice

No fix, no fee. Findon Valley based. 25years experience.

Customer Service Like it Used To Be!Please call Andy:

01903 930850 or 07515 948096Email:

S Baker CarpetsSussex Based Company Specialising in:

Carpets, Vinyl, Karndean, Amtico,Laminate & Wood flooringCheck out our work in theFindon Village Post Office

Call Steve on 07966 573474to book your free home consultation

Ashington Community ChoirSinging for those who can’t sing in tune

and also for those who can!Fun Choir – never sung in a choir before?

Come along and see what it’s like.All ages and genders welcome

We meet on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdayof the month between 7.30 - 9.30pm at

The Village ClubMill Lane, Ashington, RH20 3BX £5

per session paid in advanceor £7 pay as you go

For full details contact Di

or 01903 893156



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Burglary at Findon Valley Service StationAt 4.30am on Wednesday 13 June several men were seen to break into the[BP] Findon Valley Service Station.Cash tills and cigarettes are believed to have been stolen. A car seen to leavethe scene was found abandoned shortly afterwards in Findon Village. A 36-year-old man was arrested at a nearby address.Anyone with information is asked to contact the police by calling 101, quotingserial 138 of 13/06.

You can report crime and incidents such as anti-social behaviour andvandalism by ringing the 101 telephone number or online

If you see any people acting suspiciously and you believe a crime is inprogress or about to occur call 999.

Findon Parish Council Web site posts any recent local crime

>> 14 <<

Peckhams ButchersLocally produced meat,

cut to your requirements.Daily deliveries of

fresh fruit & vegetables.We also provide a Fridaymorning delivery servicefor customers who find itdifficult to get to the shop

The Square, Findon

Tel: 01903 873202

JOSHUA THE GARDENERProfessional Organic GardenerAs seen on TV with Monty Don

Garden design and creative maintenanceRHS trained and qualified

07780332452j o s h u a t h eg a rd en er@ g ma i l . co mw w w. j o s h u a t h eg a rd en er. co . u k

Sports & Therapeutic Massage therapies forgeneral aches and pains, arthritis, sports,

recreational and occupational injuries, stress andstress related conditions and general wellbeing.

By appointment only – please call 07841


Jacques RuijtermanGlass engraving for

presentation and giftsRetail of modern and classicalstyle glass by contemporary

artists and major glass housesThe Old Stable, Tarrant

Square, ArundelTel 01903 883597

or at home Tel 01903

>> 15 <<

Joshua the Gardener

The no dig garden.July is a busy month in the vegetablegarden with lots to sow and harvest.Growing vegetables, herbs and fruit is apassion of mine so last year I reallywanted to have a garden that wouldfeed our family organic home grownproduce for as much of the year aspossible. After a lot of research Idiscovered no dig gardening. Fewerweeds, higher yields, healthier soil andobviously no digging. Sounded perfect.The principle of no dig gardening is thatyou build up layers of organic matterand by doing so you create aundisturbed healthy soil structure thatyou can then begin growing inimmediately. This can be done directlyon top of your existing ground such asyour lawn, and rather than digging andforking over your soil you maintain it byapplying an annual mulch of compost.When making our no dig vegetablegarden we used old railway sleepers forthe sides of our beds which doubled upas narrow paths. Once the sleeperswere in place I laid down a layer ofcardboard straight on top of the lawn,followed by a good bed of straw. On topof the straw we added around 6 to 8inches of horse manure and then finallytopped it with a good quality gardencompost around the same depth. Theselayers block out light killing off theweeds and grass, which then breakdown adding to the soil condition andquality.We started this in January 2017 and assoon as the weather was warm enoughwe began to plant and sow.Thankfully the garden has been acomplete success! We’ve had very highyields of lettuce, beetroot, fennel,

onions, beans and peas as wellperfectly straight carrots and parsnips.By having the organic matter build up inlayers it allows the carrots to growstraight and strong. It enjoys each layerat a time, so to speak rather thanspreading out in search of pockets ofnutrients, as can happen with recentlymanured-dug ground, resulting in forkedroot vegetables.When we harvest a crop such aslettuce, we will cut it off at the base andleave the roots in the ground to breakdown naturally. This allows for bettersoil structure and promotes beneficialfungi such as mycorrhizal fungi, helpingcrops grow strong and healthy.After the last harvest of the year and thebeds are empty, I apply a mulch ofgarden compost across the topapproximately two to four inches deep.This feeds the soil and buries any weedseeds blown in from elsewhere. That isall the soil work I will do until the sametime next year.Using this method we feel we haveachieved our goal of being able to feedour family on fresh home grown producefor most of the year as well as having agood supply stored away for winter. Butis it less work? I can honestly say thatapart from running a hoe over thesurface every now and then, myweeding was reduced tenfold. Thegarden is now in its second year and theodd bit of bindweed still pokes up fromtime to time but then I didn’t expectmiracles. However having fewer weedshas allowed me to spend more timeplanting, sowing, harvesting and mostimportantly eating with my family.

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CLIP CLOPSHoliday Accommodation

In Findon VillageLovely spacious self cateringaccommodation - sleeps two

Twin bedroom,Sitting room, Showerbathroom, lovely spacious sunlounge, Kitchen and garden.

Dogs welcome. Easy walk to localpub & shops or onto the downs.

Minimum stay 3 nights.Contact: Karen 07886650747

JULIE JORDANProfessional Curtain Maker

and Interior DesignPhone for free estimates

01903 263823 /


** Lawn Mowing **

** Hedge Cutting **

** Garden Tidy’s **

CONTACT: Wayne HardieTEL:- 07733105548


F SilverthorneFishmongers

Quality Fish Est. 1907145 Montague St, WorthingDeliveries to Findon

(Thursday & Friday Mornings)Tel. 01903 200854Call by 9:30am on the day,

or the day before your delivery


Your Own CarpetsRe-stretching - Repairs - Cleaning

Supply underlay - Hardboard - ScreedingWe supply all makes of carpets and vinyls

Call Les Sheeran on:Tel: 01903 872 077Mob: 07966 212 358

Over30 yrstrading

Tom Langford ServicesPlumbing, Heating,

Drainage, Gas ServicesFree Estimates24 hour service

No Callout Charge

07836 479493

>> 17 <<

Success at the South of England Show.

The Nepcote Flock entered two Southdown fleeces in the Fleece competition atArdingly and out of 59 fleeces entered, one won Supreme Champion of the show.The judge commented it was the bestSouthdown fleece he had ever seen.It scored 95/100.The fleece has now been taken up to Yorkshireby the British Wool Marketing Board where it willbe entered into the Golden Fleece competitionand it will be up against other SupremeChampion Fleeces from England.

Graham Langford -On behalf of the Nepcote Flock

South of England Show 2018Findon Village WI entered 9 of the 13 categoriesat this year's craft competition. The standard wasextremely high for all categories and we are verypleased with our success. All entries scored well, and the joint entry by GayHibbs, Sue Bell, Trichia Smith and JudyStutchbury – a tableau based on a the book ofMary Poppins - won 3rd place, as did Judy'swatercolour of summer. Both Hilary Langford'swall hanging and the Knit & Natter group's entryof the Toy Shop were Highly Commended.Other entries were a cake by Kathy Loffler, achild's garment by Gill Gostick, a crochet blanketby Tracey Martin, a 'Tools of the Trade' bag byGay Hibbs,and an itemmade fromrecycling 2

shirts by Rita Simmons.Some of these projects are on display in thelocal shop windows.Well done everyone.

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2 Courses

Village House HotelThe SquareFindon VillageBN14 0TE Village House

Pizza & Pasta£5 off a bottle of Italian Wine

when two dine

01903 873350facebook @Findonvillagehouse

Chiquitita Abba tribute ~ Special Measures ~ The Alice Band

Our very own wood-fired pizzas +our renowned Thai food

Charity raffle raising lots of money forChestnut Tree House and Findon Village Pre-School

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Updated Findon NeighbourhoodDevelopment Plan (2018 - 2035)Regulation 14 Pre Submission VersionConsultation Period 23Jun-10 Aug 2018The 2016 ‘made’ Findon NeighbourhoodDevelopment Plan did not take up theopportunity to allocate housing sites tomeet the housing requirement forFindon included in the 2018 SDNPALocal Plan currently under review by thePlanning Inspectorate.In response to community aspirationsthat sites allocated for housing shouldbe in less sensitive landscape locations,an Updated NeighbourhoodDevelopment Plan has been prepared,which includes housing site allocationsto meet the housing requirementproposed for Findon in the submittedversion of the 2018 SDNPA Local Plan,in full.The Regulation 14 Pre Submission2018 Updated NeighbourhoodDevelopment Plan has emergedfollowing extensive local consultationand two housing site preference surveysand is now formally published, to invitecomment from statutory consultees,including the SDNPA (the planningauthority), Arun District Council (thehousing authority), Historic England, theEnvironment Agency, Utility Companiesand other bodies, local landowners,businesses, community groups andresidents.The Pre Submission 2018 UpdatedNeighbourhood Development Plan (the2018 Updated Plan) is in the form of the2016 ‘made’ NeighbourhoodDevelopment Plan with deleted policies,texts and maps ‘lined through’ with newor replacement policies and text clearlyidentified in blue and new maps clearly

labelled and numbered. The main partsof the 2016 ‘made’ Neighbourhood Planhowever remain substantially unalteredwith new housing allocation policiesincluded in Section 5.7. There is alsosome clarification to part 8 of the LocalGreen Space designations.The 2018 Updated Plan and thesupporting evidence base can beviewed on two web printed copies can be viewed at theCommunity Store and Post Office, theVillage Hall, the Village House, the GunInn, the Black Horse and WyevaleGarden Centre.Please submit comments on any partof the 2018 Updated NeighbourhoodPlan and the supporting evidence baseby email to:unpwg.findonparishcouncil@gmail.comor by letter to: Updated NeighbourhoodPlan Working Group, Findon ParishCouncil, 34 Normandy Lane, EastPreston, Littlehampton, West SussexBN16 1LY to arrive by:6pm on Friday 10 August 2018Following a full review of commentsreceived, the Reg 14 2018 UpdatedNeighbourhood Plan will be amendedas appropriate and be submitted as theReg 16 version to the SDNPA for furtherreview and appointment of anindependent Examiner, after which aReferendum will be held, as with the2016 ‘made’ NeighbourhoodDevelopment Plan.Updated Neighbourhood Plan WorkingGroup, Findon Parish Council19 June 2018

>> 20 <<

Unit 28Guildbourne Centre

Worthing(opposite Wilkinsons)

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Friendly locally based tradesman.Interior/exterior decorating, tiling,

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Art Classes For AllProviding a bespoke servicefor all abilities.

- Practice drawing skills- Explore different Media

Small social workshops in a home studioAbove all lots of fun, coffee and cakes!

Please contact Anthea:antheablackmore1@gmail.com01903 882226 / 07817 565472

>> 21 <<

Findon Village FunTournament

On Sunday 3rd June, St John the BaptistChurch Findon, organised a stoolballtournament on Nepcote Green in thevillage, maybe the first of many. Eleventeams took part and included organisationsfrom within the village, together with ateam from Clapham and Patching and onefrom All Saints Church in Findon Valley.The weather was glorious and, starting at11.30 in the morning, play went on all dayuntil the end of the afternoon. Matcheswere played consecutively on two pitches and each team played three games untilSt John the Baptist Youth Club emerged as the winner and won the cup and eachplayer received a medal. The Sheep Fair Shearers were runners up, Julia's kitchen

(Kitchenettes) scored the highestinnings of 89 and Matt Barnettfrom the Cross Lane team(Canine 8) scored 42, the highestscore of the day.The spirit of the day wasn’t toplay to win but to play and have agreat time and as many fromeach team to have the chance tobowl and bat. Hopefully the daywas enjoyed throughout as thefun, community day it wasintended to be. There was abarbecue stall, plus cakes andhot and cold refreshments

available to help raise funds forthe Friends of St John theBaptist and our thanks go to allthe many volunteers, teams andsupporters who helped to makethe day such a big success.We are proposing to repeat thetournament next year on Sunday2nd June 2019, date to beconfirmed.

Winners - St John the Baptist Youth Club

>> 22 <<

Astracolour Photographic and Picture Framing(Eric Beadel L.M.P.A & Edward Beadel - Partner) specialise in Wedding photography and picture framing.

A full portfolio is available to view.Tel: for an appointment day or evening.

Copying and restoration of your old photo’sand instant passport photographs (4 for £8.00)

35 The Quadrangle, Findon Village Tel: 01903 877677

Bob HendyElectrician

Installation / Re-WiringAppliance repairs,Security Lighting24 Hour service01903 87720407850771246

Findon AccountancyChartered Certified AccountantsFindon based, reasonable rates

Full range of business & personal accountingand taxation services available

Ken Elliott FCCA, FCISTelephone 01903 872589


* *

R J MaslinOf Worthing

* Traditional French Polishing *

* Antique Preservation *Modern & Antique Furniture

Restoration & RepairsTel: 01903 719879

Mobile: 07743528139

Dog friendly Holiday Home in FindonThe Haven @ Findon is a modern 2 bedroom bungalow in

Findon village that sleeps up to 4 people and is ideally situated forfamily and friends (and their dogs) visiting relatives,

attending weddings, parties or just wanting a weekend break or holiday.It is available on a self-catering basis from a minimum 3 night stay.

We are rated 'Excellent' on Trip Advisor and AirBNB.You can visit our website or for

more details or enquiries phone Steve on 07590533892




07939 210354 or 01903 872147

>> 23 <<

Findon Village WIOur June meeting was a Beetle Driveand, as always, great fun. Maggie wasthe overall winner and was presentedwith a glittering blue dragonflyornament for her garden. Betty wonthe competition with her lovely spider.The ladies also got a chance to seethe lovely exhibits Findon Village WIentered into the South of EnglandShow. Among the entries on displaywas an amazing knitted toy shop anda wonderful exhibit depicting the storybook Mary Poppins – we have a lot oftalented ladies in our WI.Unfortunately, due to the buildingworks at the Village Hall, we have hadto suspend our darts club on Mondayafternoons but the walking group isnow up and running (or should I sayup and walking?) and a group of ladiesspent an enjoyable afternoon on theSouth Downs in search of Bramber

Beeches (we found them next to a pigfarm). Our next walk is along the Arunand Wey canal.

Our next meeting is on Thursday 12th

July – Lady Crabtree will be giving tipson how to grow old disgracefully –should be a fun evening!Our competition for July is ‘ A flowerby any medium’Have a look at our new website – find us on Facebook…Findon Village WI or

All visitors welcome – we look forwardto seeing you.Paddy Winter,Findon Village WI President

200 ClubThe June winnerof the 200 Club

£25 prizenumber 008 –

B Meeney.

Premises Manager requiredfor St John the Baptist Primary School,


12 hours per week starting ASAPFull job description and application pack available

from either: search under ‘Support Staff’ and ‘Primary’

or call the school office on 01903 873072Closing Date for applications 9th July 2018

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Paws for thought - ParasitesParasites can cause significant diseasewith debilitating effects for pets. Somecan also have an impact on humanhealth.Their ability to hide, survive and multiplymake them pretty impressive pests, butnot the kind of things pets and petowners want in their homes!Thankfully most parasites that affectpets can be treated or prevented. That’swhy parasite control should be a priorityfor all pet owners.Whilst most pet owners know they needto treat their pet regularly, it’s amisconception to think that this is onlyas the weather starts to warm up andthat they do not need to keep upprotective treatment during the coolermonths.In recent years, the tick population inthe UK has started to feed earlier in theyear, and continue for longer due, toincreasingly warm, wet winters. Fleasare also becoming a year-roundproblem, as a centrally heated house

with pets provides a warm home with aconstant food source.It’s also important to understand that asyour dog or cat grooms, if they eat a fleawhich is infected with tapeworm, thiscan lead to other problems.Helping owners to understand how toprevent and treat parasites is animportant aspect of a vet’s work. Thevet has the knowledge to be able to givethe best advice to ensure your pet getsthe right treatment at the right time.Without this advice you could be givingyour pet the wrong preventive productand unintentionally causing harm toyour pet.Many veterinary practices have a PetHealth Plan that will cover mostpreventive care for a pet with the costbroken down into monthly payments.For my practice our plan covers ticks aswell.Imogen Wainwright-JonesCrossways Veterinary Group179 Findon Road, Findon Valley01903 877325

Findon Downs WIJune Meeting 2018Speaker – Ben CrossBen Cross gave us an interesting briefhistory of his nursery with a talk andslides. He is the fourth generation to runit as his Great Grandfather started it in1936 through the Land SettlementAssociation. The nursery in Walbertonnear Arundel specialises in growingAlstroemerias which are completely freeof chemicals. The nursery suppliesSpittlefields Market and otherwholesalers in London.Ben gives many talks to Colleges andFlower Clubs and also many W.Is, in allcovering twenty difference areas around

the county promoting English Flowers,as 90% of the flowers in this country areimported from other countries. He alsoorganises guided tours around thenursery which are available for groups.At the end of the meeting we were ableto purchase the Alstroemeria that Benhad brought with him.

Next Meeting 10th July 2018at Findon Village Hall

Speaker Angela Waller –Trolley Dollies

Exhibition A Rose Raffle and Sales Table A warm welcome to everyoneJill Schiller, President - Findon Downs WI

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The Malaysian Tea CompanyFindon based & selling single

estate premium quality teas

grown in the Cameron Highlands since 1933Available now at Findon Post Office

Cameron Valley Malaysian TeasOne Kuala Lumpur or Two?

Tea Bags: These double-chamber black-tea bagsuse the finest Orange Pekoe tea leavesAlso available as Earl Grey and in other Fruit flavours.

Loose Leaf Black Tea: Available in bothOrange Pekoe & BOPF (Broken O P Fannings)

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Paws Animal Sanctuary

We are so fortunate to have reliablevolunteers (we need more). Withouttheir help Sheila and I couldn't cope withall the work. If volunteers are onholiday or phone in sick we struggle toget everything done with no time to eat.The telephone rings constantly witheverything from baby birds, lost catsand dogs, unwanted pets, and schoolsand colleges asking us to take youngpeople for work experience. Also, everyday people ask if we have any kittens.Sheila tries to keep up with answeringall the post, and I the emails. Somedays there are just two of us cleaningout the stables, grooming the donkeyand pony, cleaning cat litter trays,feeding and grooming all the cats,cleaning and feeding rabbits, guineapigs, turkey, hens and quail, degu,hamsters, gerbils, fish in the pond andthe wild birds. We also have 5 residentelderly dogs.Animals on medication, feedingbaby birds or hedgehogs, and neverending vets visits take up an awful lot oftime. Also running injured ones tothe Brent Lodge Wildlife Hospital inSidlesham.Every week we take in stray cats mostlyfrom local vets who cannot keep themwhen they are not micro-chipped. Weare so happy when the strays areclaimed. We are so busy evenings andweekends when the public bring in babybirds and lost animals. Usually they findthem when they come home from workand we are the only ones open oranswering the phone. One of thisweek's stray cats was claimed but westill have another little cat found inFindon Village 30th May in local stables.

He is neutered, very friendly, healthy,black all over, but not microchipped.We found a lovely home for a dog thisweek in Findon Village. The beautifuldog was so sad because her owner haddied.Sometimes we are asked to do theimpossible! This week we were asked tofind a home for a small pedigreeMaltese dog. The owners are goingabroad to live in mid-July. I was told thedog doesn't like cats or children, anddefinitely doesn't like meeting otherdogs, and is not neutered. So we willprobably have to get him neutered. Heis staying with the owners until theyleave.We were given 3 black kittens about sixweeks old that were found dumped inthe middle of nowhere. Luckily whenthey arrived, one of our volunteers hereoffered to take them home and care forthem. So we let her name them, andthey had their first vaccinations thisweek. But knowing her she will fall inlove with them all and we won't begetting them back!Stacey.

Paws Animal Sanctuary Findon15 The Oval, Findon Village, WestSussex, BN14 0TN01903 872 734 / 0790 447 6819We never use an ansaphone so keeptrying someone is always around.24hrs. 7days a Charity 1096231

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PROFILE OF A VILLAGERDr GEOFFREY ROBERTS as told byhis wife Pauline Roberts.In 1964 when we moved to Findon withour two children (Ann 10 years old andNicholas 7 years old), general practicewas very different from today.Most practices were one or twodoctors, generally male, and therecould be 100 applicants for any postavailable.We counted ourselves fortunate tohave an interview and subsequently apartnership with a Doctor Beatson.They cared for patients in FindonValley and the Village withoutsecretarial help, just the two “wives”who took all the phone calls. Therewas a surgery in the Valley and at ourhouse in the Village which waspurpose built in 1962 to include awaiting room and consulting room. Thetwo doctors shared surgeries and dayand night calls, with some extra help atweekends. We had a half day offduring the week!!Joan Day (who came to the Village in1938) as a district nurse/midwife/healthvisitor was amazing, highly regardedand loved by everyone. She retired in1968 and was replaced by a districtnurse and a health visitor.1974 saw a big change when Dr.Beatson retired, and Geoff combinedwith Doctors’ Martin and Cameron. Thepractice moved to a bungalow in theValley in 1978 with secretaries, nurses,receptionist and an excellent practicemanager.Doctor Isobel Edwards joined thepractice in 1976 with Doctor Manningsjoining in 1984 and Doctor Shipley in1985/6.

Doctor Edwards was part time (doingonly surgeries) leaving the four maleDoctors sharing visits and out of hourcalls including night calls of which thereseemed to be an increasing number.Geoff retired in 1988 when the practicemoved to a purpose built surgery “LimeTree” in Findon Valley. There was alsoa surgery at Nightingales in FindonVillage.On his retirement Geoff’s interestswere many including astronomy,classical music, walking (the downs,Malvern Hills, and the Lake District),and engineering (trains and tractionengines).Sadly Geoff died in 2010.Findon was and still is a lovely place tolive with Cissbury Ring; the sea fourmiles away, and in 1964 a coachservice to London stopping at the GunInn. Fares were 10 shillings for anadult, 5 shillings for children.Our children Ann and Nick attendedthe Village school and have carried alove of the countryside into adulthood.

If you have an interestingbackground or a particular reasonhow you came to live in the area doshare your story?Your articles please, or hardcopycan be placed in the Findon Newsbox in the Findon Village Store.The Editorial team look forward tohearing from you. Ed.

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Godfrey Stanford 16/11/1925 – 30/04/2018.

Rest in PeacePatching Resident 92 years.Godfrey Stanford was born at the Forge in Patching in 1925 and he lived in thevery same house for 92 years.Godfrey had a happy childhood and attended the village school. At 17 years ofage, Godfrey joined the Navy and became a stoker on King George the Fifthduring World War Two . After the war Godfrey worked with his brother Fredrunning the family haulage business for many years .When his brother retired –Godfrey joined Travis Perkins Clapham as an Heavy Goods vehicle Driver. On hisretirement he continued to work around the village and undertook odd jobs such astree feeling, and gardening.Godfrey loved working but due to ill health had to retire at around the age of 85.Twenty five years ago he planted all the daffodils which line the village of Patching.For Patching Village it is the end of an era .Godfrey was a real character and he loved Patching Village and his home.His funeral took place on the 22nd May, 2018 when St John the Divine was packedwith family and Friends.His family would like to convey their thanks and appreciation to neighbours andfriends who came and for all the card and kind letters of sympathy. Uncle Godfrey would have been overwhelmed to see all those who attended.Best wishes and love to you allRoy Joan & Clare Hogan

Findon Churchare looking for musicians

of all ages to playin an occasional service at the church.

If this is something you might beinterested in taking part in,

or joining in one of our upliftingfamily services,

please contact Graham on 07753 755889

Don’t forgetto test it!

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1st JulyTrinity 5

Clapham 10am SungEucharist

Colin Cox KathHutchinson

Lamentations 3:23 -33Mark 5:21-end Dan Banting/ TBA

8th JulyTrinity 6

Patching 8amEucharist

HelenaBuqué Pauline Prior

2 Corinthians 12:2-10Mark 6: 1-13

Dorothy Barber

15thJulyTrinity 7

Patching 10amSung Eucharist



Amos 7:1-9Mark 6: 14-29

Pauline Prior/JohnHaskey

22ndJulyTrinty 8



Jeremiah 23: 1-6Mark 6: 30-34,53-end Dorothy Barber

22nd JulyPatchingFamily Service10am

HelenaBuque As above Children

29th July

Colin Cox TBA Ephesians 3:14-endJohn 6:1-21 Mary Best/TBA

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Deaths: Pat Andrew, William (Bill) Appleby

Weddings: Daniel Grace and Ruksha Bhadresha,Benjamin Smart and Kylie Retter,

Mark Cullen and Sophie Brooks.

Afternoon Plus – Last Thursday of the month at 2.30pm. Different events everymonth, details on the pew sheet.

Light Lunch @1pm Last Tuesday of the month, at Findon Village Hall. £5.Everyone welcome.

Curry Nights. Findon Tajdar curry nights are 1st Monday of the month (Ladies7.00pm), and last Thursday of the month (Men 7.30pm).

Youth Club Every Thurs, with different themes every week. Term-time only.Ages 12+, 5pm till 7.00pm at The Rectory, Findon.

Messy Church 1st Tuesday of the month (3rd July). Term-time only.3.30pm – 5.45pm at Findon Village Hall.All children and their grown-ups welcome.

Sunday 1st


Eucharist Findon ChurchBreakfast, followed byFindon Village Hall ServiceSung Eucharist Clapham Church

Sunday 8th


Eucharist Patching ChurchSung Eucharist Findon ChurchPet Service Findon Church

Sunday 15th


Eucharist Findon ChurchFamily Communion Findon ChurchSung Eucharist Patching Church

Sunday 22nd


Eucharist Clapham ChurchSung Eucharist Findon ChurchPet Service Patching Church

Sunday 29th

July10.00am 5th Parish Eucharist at Patching Church

Sunday 5th


Eucharist Findon ChurchBreakfast, followed byFindon Village Hall Family ServiceSung Eucharist Clapham Church

Findon, Clapham & Patching ChurchesWalking together in the Way of Christ and sharing His love with others

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Available from:Curtis and Son Findon ValleyPeckhams Butchers Findon

Julia’s Kitchen Findon

Children: £3.50

Saturday 8th September - 'Party on the Green' from7.30pm featuring...


Adults: £8

Adults/children: £10.00

Friday 7th September - Live Band 'Foreman Five'from 7.30pm

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The Village Hall websiteprovides contact and booking details as well as listings of forthcoming events

Village Hall July 2018For all booking enquiries please


Weekly Day TimeCarpet Bowls Monday 14:30Lambstails (Term Time) Thursday 10:00 – 12:00Line Dancing Wednesday 09:45Danceaholics Sunday 19:30Just Yoga Monday 10:30Tai Chi Friday 10:00 – 13:00You Yoga Tuesday 19:00ReduceStress & Stiffness Yoga Wednesday 19:30

Fortnightly Date TimeCircle Dancing 2nd/16th 19:10

Monthly Date TimeAuction 20th 18:00 (goods 2–4pm, viewing 4–6pm, Auction 6 pm)Bead Magicians 17th 09:00Downs WI 10th 14:30Family Church Service 1st 09:15 (09:15 – Café Breakfast, 10:00 – Service)Gardens Association 27th 14:30Messy Church 3th 09:00Village WI 12th 19:30Meditation 23rd 19:30Tastevin 5th 19:00Light Lunch 31st 12:00

Committee Room CLOSED UNTIL 2019

Other Events Date TimeFindon Village Hall 7th 14:00FeteFindon Village HallDog Show 28th 13:00