Fine-tune your hotel’s guest marketing communications

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How to fine-tune your hotel’s guest marketing communications

Webinar 24 September 2015

Your hosts

Sean O’Neill Editor-in-chief & Moderator Tnooz

Gene Quinn CEO & Producer Tnooz

Your presenters

Carrie Murphy Marketing Specialist Revinate

Niki Gross Managing Director Whitney Peak Hotel

Poll no. 1 Where are you located?

Poll no. 2 What industry segment do you represent?

Poll no. 3 What is the state of your guest or customer


@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Guest Marketing How to fine-tune your hotel’s guest marketing communications

@Revinate #HotelMarketing


•  The state of hotel communications •  The case for personalization •  Effective email marketing •  Tools for successful personalized marketing

Join the conversation!

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Meet the Presenters

Niki Gross Managing Director Whitney Peak Hotel

Carrie Murphy Marketing Specialist Revinate

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

About Revinate

SaaS tech company based in San Francisco Offices in Singapore, Sydney, Cape Town, Amsterdam and NYC

•  Founded in 2009

•  120 employees

•  Focused exclusively on hospitality

•  25,000+ hotels in 160 countries

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Hotel Communications The state of the hotel-guest relationship today

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

The Average Consumer’s Inbox

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53.5% 28.3%

18.2% Nearly 82% of emails in consumer inboxes are promotional or transactional in nature.

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Most hotel marketing is exactly the same

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

How do you stand out?

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Personalization Lip service, or critical objective?

Poll no. 4 On  a  scale  of  1  to  5,  how  high  a  priority  is  

personaliza7on  for  your  hotel?

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Guests Have High Expectations

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70% of consumers expect more

personalized experiences

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Knowing and understanding your

customer must be the center of your

guest experience strategy

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

OTAs own the guest relationship


@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Email Marketing The most effective way to communicate with your guests.

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Why Email Marketing?

3x Email conversion rates are three

times higher than social media, with a

17% higher value in the conversion

48% of consumers prefer to interact

with brands via email

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@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Customer Feature: Whitney Peak Hotel

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Guest Database Data analysis, targeted marketing, personalized guest experiences

Poll no. 5  

My  hotel  uses  guest  data  to  personalize  guest  communica7ons  

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Revinate Marketing™

Lucy Jones

Check In: 12/16

Nights: 2

Rate: $125

Email: ?

Phone: ?

Stay History: ?

Available data: What a hotelier sees:

There is a lot of guest data out

there, but a

hotelier typically

can’t access it

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Most Hotels Today Can’t Deliver

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79% of companies face challenges when

connecting data from disparate

sources into a single customer view

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Retain Your Existing Customers





$ $

$ $



Existing Customers New Prospects

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Building and Maintaining a Guest Database

•  Build quality lists •  Segment your database •  Practice good list hygiene •  Legal requirements •  Send relevant content

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Build Quality Lists

Capture missing emails at the front desk

Incentivize front desk agents

Encourage visitors to opt-in on your website

Email capture is especially critical if the guest booked through an OTA!

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Segment your database

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Practice Good List Hygiene

Clean your lists regularly to maintain a good sender reputation.

Remove generic addresses

Correct misspelled domains

Remove duplicate addresses

Remove inactive users

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Legal Requirements

US: CAN-SPAM Compliance

•  Identification information •  Unsubscribe mechanism •  Consent is optional

Additionally, in Europe and Canada:

•  Consent is required •  Check each country’s local laws on a

case-by-case basis


@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Send the right message to the right guest

Hi Asha, Registration is open for the 2015 Ottawa Marathon. Come stay with us again at a discounted rate!

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Marketing Automation Create valuable relationships and personalized experiences

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Guests Respond to Personalization

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@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Revinate Marketing™

Revinate Rich Guest Profiles™

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Revinate Marketing™

Segment guests and develop special offers tailored to their preferences

Quickly create effective marketing communications

No additional add-on pricing by campaign

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

$4200 average revenue per promotional campaign

Revinate Marketing™

“With Revinate Marketing™, our communications are

very personalized and relevant to what each guest is

looking for, right now.” - Rebekah Hubbard, Provenance Hotels

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Next Steps

1.  Collect all guest emails 2.  Practice good database

maintenance 3.  Invest in a CRM

4. Looking for consultation?

Talk to one of our email marketing experts.

@Revinate #HotelMarketing

Questions? Email me!

Q & A

Thank you!

Send your questions and comments to

Replay and presentation will be available on