Fingerprint training

Post on 21-Dec-2014

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Fingerprint Training

 It's for this reason that we offer a number of different training course's, online and in-house, across subject areas as varied as tenprint and latent verification techniques to capturing quality fingerprints manually or via livescan.  Our training is open to students, attorneys and staff as well as law enforcement

agencies. We feel we have an excellent product at a very

reasonable cost with the flexibility to offer both on-line and in-

house training.

Forensic Biometric Identification Solutions  LLC. value’s career development.

Advantages to On-Line training

Affordability, since there are no training room requirements , per diem or travel expenditures; the cost for training is more reasonable.

Flexibility, the course can be worked on and completed when most convenient for the agency/student. The course can be done in the workplace or students home. The hours and days most suitable for training are determined by the agency/student.

Allows the student to pause, repeat and revisit modules to insure the student understands the module before moving on to the next module.

Student progress’s at their own pace and if job responsibilities or other commitments require a student to pause training, it is not an problem/issue.

The Fingerprint training program can be used as part of a remediation/proficiency training program for existing latent examiners.

Feed back via E-mail allows for confidential contact and more detailed information from the instructor to Student a timely manner.

Fingerprint Courses Offered

Basic Fingerprint Training Tenprint: Student will be introduced and understand pattern determination, classification of fingerprints as well as the steps required to individualize (identify) a searched fingerprint image to a record in the AFIS system. The course is the equivalent of the 40 hr basic fingerprint training programs administered by most state and federal agencies.

Great for tenprint examiners, latent examiner trainee’s, crime scene investigators, individuals/students in the legal profession.

Latent Finger and Palm Print  Verification Techniques: The training course adhering to the Scientific Working Group Fingerprint Ridge Analysis, Study and Technology training guidelines for latent examiners. The Latent image workshops the student does approximately 100 latent comparisons.

A great basic course to be used in a new latent examiner training program, remediation training program for existing latent examiners or crime scene investigators

Capturing Fingerprint Impressions(Manual/Livescan): Brief History of Fingerprints for civil and Law Enforcement application. The capture is arguably the most critical process in the fingerprint identification process. Upon completion the student will have the ability to capture a good set of fingerprints and will understand importance of a good set of fingerprints in both civil and Law enforcement applications.

Booking officers /individuals responsible for the capture fingerprint images.


In today’s climate of shrinking budgets, it is

critical an agency or student receive the most for

each training $. By taking out the ancillary costs

associated with a traditional in-house fingerprint

training course, we can offer a fingerprint training

program at a fraction of the cost of the in-house

fingerprint training programs currently on the



Agencies scheduling training for an individual(s) can run into a myriad of issue’s. The situation can be compounded even more if Agencies have staff across multiple shifts. The individual student may also have issues, caused by work or school, commitments that won’t allow them to participate in a formal in-house training program. Our fingerprint training programs help to alleviate scheduling issues.A recent student indicated that they needed to pause training because of increased work on their full time job. From our perspective this was not an issue and when the work was caught up the student continued the training course.

Pause, Repeat and Revisit Modules

Our objective is to insure the student has a thorough understanding of the fingerprint course training goals. Since we are not limited by time restraints, we can allow a student to pause a module to get clarification from our instructor on a particular area of concern and once resolved continue. The student can repeat the module if they feel uncertain and are not sure they have a good grasp of the module. If the student feels repeating a module already completed would be of value they can revisit that module. Even after the student has completed training, if the student wants to revisit a module they are more than welcome to revisit and retake the module(s).


Students will progress at different rates,

some students may require more time on

modules/ workshops. Our on-line training

allows the student to proceed at their optimum training pace. As noted

earlier if work or other obligations require

they proceed at a slower pace, this can be accommodated as well.

Remediation/Proficiency Training Program

Agencies dealing with fingerprint comparisons

should have a of remediation program to insure

the integrity of the identification unit. Our program could be used as a fingerprint remediation training program or a as part

of a Proficiency program. Again because of the flexibility and cost the training is available

when the agency needs the training program.

Confidential contact and more Detailed informationOften in a classroom situation students are reluctant to ask questions for many reasons. Our ability to answer questions via e-mail allows the student to think about and formulate the question(s) and allows us to give a thoughtful and informed response. Another important advantage is discussing a workshop comparison(s), we can provide the student with graphic images that show the student the points of identification in that particular comparison.

Forensic Biometric Identification Solutions LLC